#istg I need to stop writing his full name as tag
grimae · 6 months
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this is your night sky
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the-voltage-diaries · 4 years
I’m only one call away, I’ll be there to save the day - Daisuke Kambe x Haru Katou
AO3 link
This is the literal definition of self indulgence I’m not even kidding you.
And I totally did not write the last 1/3rd of it in a car because I didn’t have the patience to get home.
And this is unedited. So if you find errors please spare my humble life. I LITERALLY WROTE THIS ENTIRE THING TODAY. The inspiration istg.
Daisuke Kambe doesn't get nervous. He doesn't overthink. He doesn't doubt anything he does, or any decision he makes. Except when he's in the dressing room, waiting for Hoshino to come and escort him to his soon-to-be husband. 'Cold feet' is the farthest term one would use to describe Daisuke, yet here he stands in front of the large mirror, wondering if he's good enough for the man whose eyes shine brighter than any star he's seen.
All it takes is one call.
And before he knows it, Haru right there in front of him.
He needs his hero, and Haru is there.
TW: Panic Word count: 3136 (woohoo)
Special tag: @akaiiro-yume​ for being my ultimate simp buddy. I told her this whole thing as just an idea and she said she felt like crying and I was like FUCK IT IM GONNA WRITE IT. So here we are. Thank you. 
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“Daisuke Kambe,” Haru called his name, his voice so gentle it almost got drowned by the waves as he looked straight ahead at them with Kambe by his side. The serene way his lips curved into a peace smile hid with such grace the nervousness shooting up his spine. 
“Mm?” Daisuke glanced at his boyfriend, wondering why the inspector suddenly chose to call him by his full name instead of the usual ‘bastard’, ‘pain in the ass’, ‘idiot’, or just ‘Kambe’.
‘Am I doing the right thing? Are we ready for this?’
“What is it, Haru?”
“Marry me.”
Daisuke’s eyes widened, and he stared at Haru without blinking even once. “... What?”
“I said,” Haru turned to look at him, giving him an awkward little grin before grabbing Daisuke’s hands in his own and slowly going on one knee, “Marry me, ‘Suke.”
That was all it took. That nickname.
Daisuke felt every tense nerve in his body relax almost immediately as the answer came as naturally to him as breathing.
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Daisuke’s gloved hand wraps around the glass, his soft lips placing themselves on its rim to take another sip of water. It’s probably his tenth sip in the last two minutes (and counting).
“Lord Daisuke, you look incredible!” Suzue remarks, and he sees her smile at him through the mirror.
“I can’t believe you and Katou-sama are finally getting married.” Suzue steps up behind Daisuke to smoothen the non-existent wrinkles on the thick piece of blue fabric covering his shoulders.
‘I can’t either.’
“It feels like just yesterday when you came back to Japan,” she continues, not noticing the way Daisuke’s nervous fingers fiddle with his cufflinks, “And now it’s already been six years… time passed by too quickly, didn’t it?”
“It has.”
Silence descends over them like a calm cloud while Suzue busies herself by fussing around with his three-piece suit, straightening it more than it already is, rubbing off any invisible lints, fixing his already perfect tie - a crisp, sophisticated taupe - and Daisuke lets his mind wander off once again.
He thinks about the six years he’s spent in Japan. But more specifically, he thinks about the time he spent by his side.
He thinks of all their firsts; their first meeting, their first argument, the first time he let Haru fall (not for him, but off the bridge), their first show of trust, first confessions, first kisses, first everything.
He thinks of their life after they decided to become more than just friends or colleagues. All of the small ways in which Haru reminded him, every day, just how much he adored him. Daisuke thinks of all those cuddles, all the nuzzles, all the intertwining of fingers.
And before he can stop it, a smile - albeit small but so full of love you could feel it radiating off of him - is gracing his lips.
‘Thank you.’ He finds himself thanking Haru in both his mind and heart… for just about everything. 
“Lord Daisuke, are you okay?” Suzue asks, snapping him out of his heartwarming walk down the memory lane.
“Yes, why?”
“Your eyes…” she trails off, and Daisuke’s gaze shifts from looking at her through the mirror to himself. A small gasp leaves his lips when he sees what’s got Suzue so worried about his eyes.
A thin layer of unshed tears coats those calm eyes, and Daisuke feels his heart clench with absolute adoration when he realises the meaning behind such a blatant show of emotions.
These tears aren’t of pain. Or of agony. Or of suffering.
There are tears of gratitude. Of love. Of unrestrained joy at the mere thought of the wonderful man waiting for him at the same beach where he proposed.
“I’m fine, Suzue.” Daisuke says, his eyes never leaving the ones in the mirror. “I’m just… overwhelmed,” he admits, taking a deep breath in.
Suzue smiles. “I can understand. It IS a big day, after all.” She turns around, walking towards the door. “I’ll be outside.”
“Thank you,” he says, and he means it. He couldn’t be more grateful to have a sister who understood him so well that they didn’t need words to get their message across.
And with that, Suzue steps out of the room, closing the door behind her, leaving Daisuke alone with his thoughts.
His eyes travel to the clock on one of the walls of the gigantic room, and he sees that he’s still got some time before Hoshino would come by to escort him to his lover. And his fiance.
Daisuke feels another smile tugging at his lips at the word, and he briefly thinks about how he’s been smiling too much today before his mind again wanders off to the man responsible for making him smile so much.
‘He’s too good to me,’ Daisuke thinks, sighing fondly. ‘He makes me believe that it’s okay to feel this… that it’s okay to feel happy. Sometimes it feels like it’s too good to be true.’
And that’s when it strikes him. The one thought which makes his shoulders go stiff, and his lips press themselves together in a stiff line.
‘But… What if it IS too good to be true?’
Daisuke’s mind decides to take another walk down the memory lane, but this time the road isn’t filled with Haru’s smile, or his warmth. This time, the road is dark, cold, unwelcoming. It’s filled with every memory of each time things felt too good to be true… and they were.
‘What if… what if this doesn’t last?’ He thinks, the pictures of his own parents clouding every space they could find in his head.
Haru and him wouldn’t end the same way… right?
‘Would I be able to make Haru happy?’
… As happy as Haru made him?
‘Everything I ever cared for in my life was ripped away from me… Will Haru and I be the same way?’
He notices as his chest starts rising and falling at a faster pace, but he doesn’t pay it any mind.
‘Is it because I’ve been weak? I haven’t been able to protect the people important to me. I-I’ve never been good enough. What if… I still am not good enough?’ 
Daisuke’s eyes widen, terror seeping into them as his mind chooses to project a mental image of Haru walking, but not towards him. It’s an image of Haru having his back turned towards Daisuke, and he is walking away.
‘Am I even worthy of being loved?’
Daisuke thinks back on all the warm, loving moments that he thought of not even five minutes ago, but this time his mind focuses on his own actions instead of Haru’s
‘Haru has done so much to show me he loves me. How many times have I done the same?’
The back of his eyes burn so hard it feels like they’re on fire, and he finds it harder to breathe; he feels as if someone’s just wrapped their fingers around the base of his throat and is squeezing, hard. 
‘Is Haru happy with me? WILL he be happy with me?’
His own fingers come up to his throat, as if trying to replace the invisible ones.
‘Should we even be getting married? What if he realises I’m not worth it?’
‘Where are you, Haru?’ is what his heart screams instead, but he doesn’t hear it.
‘O-oh god, I cannot be forcing him to marry me.’
‘I need you, Haru. Find me. Please, find me.’
‘He doesn’t love me. He shouldn’t be marrying me.’
‘Haru, please. Save me.’
I’m only one call away.
He doesn’t even notice his fingers finding the surface of his phone and he is too busy letting himself fall down the dark spiral his mind lay out for him to bother seeing what his fingers are doing with the phone.
Daisuke feels his feet give away, and he slowly slides down to the floor. His body trembles, his breathing continues to quicken, and he feels something dark crawl up his spine.
It’s something he can’t describe, but it’s so dark and so… consuming. He feels like his mind is being ripped into shreds, as if someone is slowly claiming their control over it.
“H-Haru…” He whimpers and looks up, closing his eyes. He feels the thick layer of tears forming beyond his lids collapse as silent tears stream down his face. He opens his mouth to breathe, but the inhale turns into a choked sob.
He wasn’t good enough. He isn’t good enough. And he never will be good enough.
Daisuke bites his trembling lips and brings his knees closer to his body in an attempt to hide away from himself. 
Hah. What a pitiful sight. And Haru thought THIS weak little boy would be good enough for him? He should leave him while he still has time.
“Haru… please. I need you. Pl-Please don’t leave m-”
“I wasn’t planning to.”
I’ll be there to save the day.
Daisuke’s head snaps in the direction of the voice; a voice powerful enough to break the hold of what was slowly crawling through his mind, consuming him whole.
“Haru…” he whispers, blinking the tears away in an attempt to clear his vision.
The attempt is futile anyway, because the moment his sight comes into focus, he feels a pair of all too familiar arms pull him into a strong chest. “I’m right here,” Haru murmurs, pressing a kiss to his forehead before sitting down in front of him and pulling Daisuke between his legs.
“I-” Daisuke’s eyes widen, confusion slowly colouring over every other thought for the moment. “Wasn’t it Hoshino who was supposed to come?”
“You really expect me to ask Hoshino to check in on you when you call my number and then say my name the way you said it?”
‘I called him?’
“You sounded like someone was forcefully pulling every ounce of life out of you.”
“... I did?”
‘Yes, you bastard. You scared the living fucks out of me, y’know?’ Haru thinks, but instead of saying anything, he only pulls Daisuke closer to him.
He smiles when he feels Daisuke return the gesture.
Daisuke’s arms wrap around Haru’s neck and he places his face in the crook of his neck, taking a deep sniff of the latter’s scent. He feels his panic flow out of his body as the warmth of the man himself washes over his entire being.
“H-Haru-” the millionaire stutters, tears again filling his eyes, now that he’s had a moment for everything to catch up to him. Haru’s arms only pull him closer, as close as physically possible, and that’s when Daisuke notices some things he didn’t see earlier.
“You’re safe. I’m here. I’m with you. And I’m not going anywhere.” Haru speaks in between pants, his forehead covered with a thin, barely there layer of sweat.
‘He RAN all the way here?’ Daisuke thinks, taking in every bit of whatever Haru offered him; his love, his warmth, his confidence, his belief in them.
Superman got nothin’ on me.
“Haru.” Daisuke pulls his head back to look at the taupe-haired man.
“What?” Haru replies, his head still facing down. He doesn’t look up, and Daisuke can only wonder why.
“Look at me.”
“No.” “I love you.”
Haru’s head snaps up at the speed of light, his eyes so wide Daisuke fears his eyeballs might pop out of their sockets.
But now that Haru’s finally looking at him, Daisuke takes the opportunity to find out for himself why the man absolutely refused to look up at him just moments ago.
He feels all the air drain out from his lungs at the findings of his inspection.
‘He’s trembling.’
“I was so scared, Kambe,” Haru whispers, his head dropping on Daisuke’s shoulder. “I was so scared when I heard you sound so… weak.” 
“I love you.” Daisuke repeats, and this time it’s him who places a kiss on the other man’s forehead.
“I love you too.”
Haru looks up, and their lips come together so naturally and so perfectly, one would think it was meant to be. And maybe it was. 
And just like that, they sit there for a few minutes, wrapped up in their own warm little bubble, the world forgotten.
“Oi, Kambe,” Haru murmurs into Daisuke’s shoulder, successfully catching the attention of the shorter man. “What really happened?”
Daisuke sucks in a sharp breath, knowing exactly what Haru was talking about. The fingers holding on to Haru tighten a little more as he opens his mouth, and begins explaining what actually went down.
Daisuke speaks, and speaks. He expresses every minute detail, because he knows Haru is listening. Haru always listens. And he doesn’t just listen, he makes sure the other knows that he is there for him no matter what.
I’m only one call away.
Once he is done telling Haru everything, he looks at him with baited breath, trying to gauge Haru’s reaction. The only answer he gets is utter confusion as Haru pulls back from their embrace and stands up, brushing the barely-there dust off his suit. He looks down at his lover and extends a hand out to him.
But instead of grabbing that hand, Daisuke’s eyes get lost in the very gorgeousness of sight Haru Katou presents. Haru’s dressed in a three-piece suit, just like Daisuke himself, but it’s taupe in colour. His tie is the same blue as Daisuke’s suit, and he looks downright ravishing.
“We haven’t got all day, idiot.”
Haru sighs, grabbing Daisuke by the hand and pulling him up. He quickly wipes Daisuke’s tears and makes him look presentable (as if he wasn’t already) before dragging him to the door.
Haru opens the door to the dressing room, but before they can step out, Daisuke stops him.
“What are you doing?” Daisuke asks, his brows furrowed and the usual disinterest back on his face.
“Walking down the aisle with my bride.”
“You do know that you’re not supposed to be the one escorting me.”
“Yeah, and what about it?”
“Katou Haru. Are you joking with me?”
Haru turns around to meet Daisuke’s eyes and pulls the shorter man to him with one tug on his arm. He bends his head, giving Daisuke a quick kiss before pulling back and whispering, “Why? Is there a problem?”
Daisuke isn’t even given the time to blush, because Haru is already turning on his feet and walking down the hallway, pulling the millionaire behind him. They keep walking for a short while, even after they leave the building and step onto the beach, before Haru finally comes to a stop.
“We’re here.” 
Daisuke pokes his head from behind Haru’s back to see where exactly they are. “Oh my sweet bleeding heart.”
“Of all things in the world, that’s the first thing you say, rascal?”
“Haru, I-” Daisuke is quite literally at a loss for words, because right now, in this very moment, in front of him is a low stage setup with curtains falling around it in a circular fashion, and tiny fairy lights giving it it’s very own magical glow. It’s like a world within a world. A world away from everyone, from everything - a world for just the two of them.
“Come on, you and make it anywhere. But for now… we can stay here for a while.” Haru mutters, glancing at Daisuke, “'Cause you know, I just wanna see you smile.”
“Very cheesy, I’ll give you that,” Daisuke chuckles, stepping on to the stage. “So…” he turns to look at Haru, “What now?”
“Dance with me.” Haru says, and then there is no going back.
All it takes is a nod from Daisuke and Haru steps closer to him, wrapping an arm around his waist.
“What is it?” Haru asks, noticing the furrow of Daisuke’s brows.
“We have no music.”
“I got it covered,” is all Haru says before snapping his fingers, and almost immediately, music fills the space around them. 
“What song is this?” Daisuke asks, letting Haru pull him in by the waist and following his lead.
“Doesn’t matter. Focus on the lyrics. Oh, and me, of course.”
And so Daisuke does.
I'm only one call away I'll be there to save the day
Daisuke’s eyes stare into Haru’s as their feet move together, and he smiles at the lyrics, letting the other man know just how much he loves him. And this. Just how grateful he is for it all.
Superman got nothin' on me
And Daisuke can’t help but agree with that. His fingers gip Haru’s a little tighter as he sighs, his head coming to rest on the other’s shoulder.
I'm only one call away
Call me, baby, if you need a friend I just wanna give you love
“I love you,” Daisuke whispers at that, pressing a kiss to where his forehead rested just a moment ago. 
Come on, come on, come on Reachin' out to you, so take a chance
Daisuke pulls back a couple of steps, only to have Haru reach his arm out. He grabs it, doing a slow spin and falling into the arms of the man he loves more than his life could possibly define.
No matter where you go You know you're not alone
“I love you too.”
Silence soon falls between them and they both close their eyes, letting the music be their voice.
Come along with me and don't be scared I just wanna set you free
Come on, come on, come on You and me can make it anywhere
Realisation finally dawns on Daisuke as he realises where Haru’s words from earlier really came from. He smirks.
But for now, we can stay here for a while, ayy 'Cause you know, I just wanna see you smile
“You’re just a giant ball of sap, aren’t you?” He retorts, looking up at Haru. He might be smirking, but even he can’t hide the affection that swells up in his eyes as his hands reach up to wrap around Haru’s neck, allowing the latter to snake both his arms around Daisuke’s waist.
“Shut up.”
And when you're weak, I'll be strong I'm gonna keep holdin' on
“I’ll never let you go, Katou.”
Now don't you worry, it won't be long, darlin' And when you feel like hope is gone
Haru smiles, pulling Daisuke closer to him.
Just run into my arms
“Funny, because I don’t plan to let you go either, bastard.”
I'm only one call away I'll be there to save the day
“You really are a hero, you know, Haru?”
Superman got nothin' on me
“Just yours, ‘Suke. Just yours.” Haru murmurs, closing his eyes and pressing his forehead against Daisuke’s.
I'm only one, I'm only one call away
“Forever.” Daisuke replies, his own eyes slowly shutting.
“And ever.”
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