#is james mcavoy above an audio editor????
the-everqueen · 10 months
that one scene in the audio drama version of "Men of Good Fortune"
h*b: friendship. [smyECK] OI fink yoa lonely.
dream of the mcavoy: [heaugheughgughghgh] [hhhhhhhhh] [appallingly loud close-mic chair creak] y-you. da-are. you. daAare. imply that *i* might befriend a morTAL?? that one of MY kind might need comPAN-IONship?? YOUDAAAAARE to CALL ME LONELY???!??!?!!?!?!??! [frantic chair hits, furniture scrapes, door slams, screaming, crying, pissing, shitting, falling over and exploding,]
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