#is anyone even online..... probably not slfjslkfj
butyoumakemesohot · 1 year
hmm maybe 💣🌻 for steddie?
thank you for your request! i also included the 🤧 prompt because i had a few requests to write that one as well - i hope that's okay :) also, this was inspired by my own post hehe
As promised, Steve calls as soon as he and Robin arrive in Nashville during the first day of their summer road trip. It’s a yearly tradition, or so they explained a couple months ago - right around the time Eddie and Steve finally crossed the line between friends and something more. Eddie was quick to assure them he wasn’t the jealous type, and Robin was quick to assure him that she was, in fact, 100% gay. 
It was a revelatory week, to say the least.
“Munson residence,” he now quips as he picks up the phone, twisting the cord around his finger. His ears pick up on the muffled sounds of city traffic and what must be the static of the TV in Steve and Robin’s hotel room.
“Eds, hey,” a garbled voice greets, followed by a small string of congested coughs.
Eddie freezes. “... Steve?”
“Yeah?” he asks, confused. A couple more coughs, then the younger man clears his throat, his voice emerging a tiny bit smoother than it was before. He still sounds awfully stuffed up, though. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, sorry, just… didn’t recognize your voice at first,” Eddie admits, listening to Steve breathe through his mouth into the receiver. After a few seconds, he cuts himself off with a sniffle so congested that Eddie’s chest tightens in realization. “Still feeling a bit hayfeverish, are we?”
“It’s dot so bad,” Steve insists. He sniffles again, and Eddie swears he can hear the other man’s sinuses squeaking in protest, as if no matter how hard he tries, no amount of air is able to pass through them. “Just deed to get - hH-! … ohhh… snnff! Sorry, mby dose is… hheh, snrf! really itchy.”
“That’s okay, sweetheart,” Eddie says gently.
“Adyways, I just deed sobe mbedicide, thed I’ll be good. Robid a’d I are about to head to the store, but I just wadted to – hHH’SSCHHHIEW!”
He’s interrupted once more, this time by an abrupt sneeze that rattles loudly in Eddie’s ear. He tries not to wince, not wanting Steve to hear it in his voice. 
“Gesundheit,” he says lightly, keeping the phone a couple inches away from his ear in case Steve surprises him again.
“Thhhhank you,” Steve replies, his breathing soft and shallow. Eddie waits, knowing that his boyfriend is gearing up for another sneeze or two. “Fuck, sorry, h-hang od - ahh-! AAESSCHHOO! ESSCHHHH’uhh… hh’snnnnf! SNF!”
Steve manages to move away from the phone this time, but Eddie can still hear how monstrous the sneezes are despite his boyfriend's best attempts to muffle them into what Eddie assumes is the collar of his shirt.
“Goodness,” he says once it seems like Steve has caught his breath. “Bless you, Stevie.”
“God,” Steve mumbles in complaint, sucking in another hard, squeaking sniffle. “Sorry. Doe mbatter what I do, I cad’t - snrf! - cad’t stop sdeezi’g.”
He pinches and rubs at the ever-present itch that’s buzzing around in his nostrils, emitting a wet, squishing sound into the receiver. Eddie’s chest aches again.
“The medicine will help,” he promises, feeling utterly helpless against Steve’s allergies and the miles of distance between them. “I thought you packed some, though? I could’ve sworn I saw it sitting on the counter this morning...”
“... I forgot,” Steve admits, letting out a sharp, sudden gasp as he moves away from the phone again. “ahH’ASCHHHHhiew! ‘TSSCHHHH! … Guhhh... snnrf, snngk!” He sniffles thickly, rubbing his nose a bit more desperately this time. His voice sounds far away when he speaks again, and Eddie realizes he must’ve set the phone down in his lap. “Robs, could you pass mbe the - snF! - the tissue box?”
Eddie hears a hard click as Steve moves the phone to the table, accompanied by the sound of Robin’s voice. She’s too far for him to make out what she’s saying, but whatever it is must be funny, because Steve’s response is another enormous sneeze immediately followed by a laugh. He blows his nose before picking up the phone, still sounding miserably congested.
“Hey,” he says, panting slightly. “Sorry about that.”
“You know that’s the third time you’ve apologized since we started talking?”
Steve pauses. “I… kind of wadt to say it agaid.”
“Don’t you dare,” Eddie says with a chuckle, shifting the phone to his other ear. “Buckley cracking jokes over there?”
“Huh? snnnfg! … Oh, yeah, she, ub - sNf! - she said mby sdeezi’g is goi’g to rupture both of your eardrumbs by the tibe allergy seasod is over.”
Eddie laughs again. “That is if it doesn’t rupture yours first.”
“Ha,” Steve deadpans. “Shit, h-hhhhang od - AHH’SSCHHIEEW! … hh! hihHH! GGKTSSCHHhh! Oh, mbad… sngk! That ode kinda hurt...”
“Sounded like it,” Eddie says, pouting sympathetically. Steve sighs, sounding so run down that Eddie wishes he could eradicate all the pollen in the universe.
He opens his mouth to say something else, but he’s cut off by a stuttering gasp as Steve succumbs to another dreadful itch in his sinuses. The sneezes are even louder this time, scraping painfully against his throat. Eddie moves the phone even further away from his ear.
“HH’EESSCHHHH! snrrf! ehhhh… EHH'SSCHHHOO! sNNf, snrrk! Jesus…”
“I know,” Eddie murmurs, pressing the phone all the way against his ear so that his soothing voice carries properly through the receiver. “Allergies are a bitch. I’m sorry, honey.”
“The bitchiest,” comes Steve’s gruff response.
The longer haired man scoffs, hearing a faint scraping of cardboard as Steve pulls out a few more tissues. He waits patiently as the younger man blows his nose, seemingly too tired to move the phone to the table this time. Eventually, the drenched, gurgling blows start to taper off, and Steve lifts the phone back up to his ear, sounding absolutely exhausted.
“Better?” Eddie asks softly.
“Mm… kind of. snngk!”
Eddie smiles, shifting the phone to his other ear. “Hey. What did you want to do?”
“You were saying how you and Robin were about to go to the store, but you wanted to do something first.”
“Oh,” Steve says, clearing some more congestion from his throat. He audibly rubs at his nose again, sniffling. “I, uh… wadted to hear your voice, ‘s all.”
Does he sound… embarrassed? No way. Eddie bites his lip to keep from grinning too hard, making a mental note to check in with Robin later and ask if she saw Steve blushing at any point during their conversation.
“You did?” Eddie finds himself asking.
“Of course,” Steve says genuinely. Like he can’t believe anyone would think otherwise. 
Shit. Now Eddie’s blushing, too.
“I… I missed hearin’ yours, too,” the longer haired man says eventually, nearly cringing over the cheesiness of it all. 
He half expects Steve to tease him over it, which is why he lets out a breath of relief when Steve’s response is accompanied by a wide smile in his voice. “You wod’t mind if I - snrrk! - call you agaid later todight, thed?”
Eddie laughs softly, hoping he doesn’t sound too giddy. “I think I can probably pencil you in, babe. Now, why don’t you go take a shower, see if you can wash some of that crummy Indiana pollen off? I bet Robin won’t mind going to the store by herself. They probably even have some medicine down in the hotel lobby.”
“Yeah, okay… L-Let me just, ohh, snNF! AH-! AAEEESSCHHHOO!”
Eddie does wince this time, the deafening sneeze still ringing in his ear even as he lowers the phone. He shifts the speaker to his other ear again, just in time to hear a rough scratch and a brief, muffled exchange between Steve and Robin.
“Sorry about that,” comes Robin’s voice, a shining display of health in comparison to Steve’s. “Dingus will be right back. I’m afraid he’s currently incapacitated.”
“What, did that last sneeze rupture his spleen or something?” Eddie jokes, although they both know it’s not completely out of the question.
Before Robin can reply, Steve bursts into another fit of sneezes. Although it sounds like he’s now on the other side of the room, they’re loud enough that Eddie can hear every syllable, every frenzied, hitching breath that comes in between them.
“hHH’TSSCHHHHIEW! Oh mby fucki’g Gohhh- AHH’SSCHHHH’uhh! -ESSCHHh!” The sound of another extremely wet nose blow filters through the phone, followed by even more robust sneezing that makes Eddie start to feel bad for the people in the room next door.
Robin’s amusement is evident in her voice. “No, but those surely did.”
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