#iruka in a towel how can it go wrong
dilly-oh · 3 years
Red Hoodie of Fate
The blaring of the fire alarm woke Kakashi from a particularly good dream about tacos. He bolted upright, cracked his forehead on the coffee table, swore horrifically, and stumbled to his feet, blearily remembering falling asleep on the couch several hours ago. He must have rolled off at some point, maybe when he’d been sprinkling some cheese on those delicious tacos- no, stop. Food later. Fire now.
Thank God the dogs were at Yamato’s for the night, otherwise he might never have gotten out of the apartment. Bisuke was scared of loud noises and liable to hide in the deepest, darkest corner of the flat, while Bull would refuse to budge after laying down for anything less than the apocalypse. Pakkun probably would have just puked in anxiety and made matters worse, while Uhei, Akino, and Guruko would have simply started howling along with the siren. Urushi and Shiba were the only ones who’d have listened, and that was only if he had treats, which he no longer kept in his pockets after an unfortunate incident he didn’t care to repeat. He made a face as he recalled the taste.
Pulling on a pair of sneakers and a frayed red hoodie from the floor, Kakashi stuffed his keys and phone into his pockets before throwing open the door and lurching out into the hallway. He couldn’t see any flames or smoke, but he wasn’t going to sit around and wait to see if this was legit.
Maybe it was the brat from downstairs, playing pranks again. Kakashi had caught him stuffing a cat into someone’s mailbox the other day, so he definitely wouldn’t put it past the little punk. It had better not be those two idiots down the hall smoking weed again. Doors opened all along the hallway as tenants began pouring from their own apartments, hurrying down the hall and clogging the stairs like sleepy zombies. Kakashi shuffled along with them, letting the river of half-awake people drag him down several flights and out the front doors.
Kakashi milled around the parking lot with the chattering crowd, shivering at the cool night breeze and stuffing his hands into the hoodie’s front pockets. With nothing better to do than stand around awkwardly waiting for the fire-trucks, he glanced about, studying his neighbors one by one.
There was the brat, tousle-haired and sleepy-eyed, clinging to his mother’s long red braid, still half asleep. Near him was the emo kid who never brushed his hair and wore nothing but black – Kakashi was tempted to ask which make-up tutorial he used for his smoky eye. The two pot-heads were in the back, leaning against each other, dozing in place. There were more - the old man who wrote dirty novels and sometimes asked Kakashi for his expert opinion, the married couple from the floor above, and-
There was a man standing in the middle of the parking lot in nothing but a towel. Kakashi did a double-take before it processed.  
He was dripping wet, water dribbling down his shoulders and pooling around his bare feet onto the pavement. Beads of moisture slowly made their way down the curve of his pectorals, glistening in the divots of his collarbone. Goosebumps had broken out over his tanned skin, pebbling his nipples, his long dark hair plastered to his neck and shoulders. He looked like some ancient Selkie come to seduce men to their watery graves, or a primordial God of the sea preparing to smite some mortals. And hopefully date him, dear God please.
Who the hell was that? Kakashi stared in shock, struggling to place him. He’d memorized every face in the building, and he certainly didn’t remember this Adonis, which was quite impossible. He had a whole grading system for every male in the building, and this knock-out would be graduating top of the class, Magna Cum Laud. Then the man turned his head and the light from the streetlamps hit just right, highlighting the faint slashing scar over the bridge of his nose-
Wait. Holy shit. Kakashi recognized him now, but could barely believe it. That was UMINO? Umino Iruka, the stuffy teacher’s aide who had just moved in next door like a month ago? The nerd whose idea of a good time was binge-watching a season of the Great British Bakeoff? Kakashi had given him a barely passing C+, having to dock points for the arsenal of pens in his shirt pocket and that one time he saw him wearing socks with sandals.
Damn. He’d totally misjudged him. This man was a BABE. The white towel only heightened his natural tan, accentuating the deep V of his hip-bones while the shadows played across his toned stomach. He looked…
He looked cold.
Umino stood stiffly upright, head high and without shame. In fact, he glared about, arms crossed, seemingly challenging anyone to make a comment or dare laugh. But Kakashi saw the goose-bumps on his skin, the subtle shiver of his shoulders. Summer had passed and, while winter was still a ways off, fall had begun muscling its way in. Kakashi wasn’t sure the clenched jaw was from irritation or to keep his teeth from chattering.
Kakashi gathered his courage and walked over.
“Hi,” he began, and almost stopped when Umino glared at him, eyes dark and daring. “Umino, right? Hatake Kakashi, from next door.” Umino studied him for a moment, then gave a sharp nod of acknowledgement. “Uh…want my jacket?”
“No, thank you, I’m fine,” Umino bit out with a tight smile, pushing some wet strands of hair out of his face.
Someone wolf-whistled. Probably the old man.
Umino slowly went red, the flush starting in his cheeks, then traveling down his neck to bloom halfway down his chest.
“…Yes, please,” he said quietly, gripping his towel in a white-knuckled hand. Kakashi fought back a chuckle and yanked the hoodie off over his head, inadvertently pulling up his shirt as he did so. Blinded as he was, he missed the flicker of Umino’s eyes over his exposed abdomen and prominent hipbones, the flush darkening a degree. Finally free, Kakashi gave the hoodie a shake and held it out, grinning sheepishly.
“Smells a bit like dog. Sorry.”
“S’fine,” Umino muttered, quickly taking it and pulling it on. It was a little too big for him but did the job, covering that delicious expanse of tanned skin and muscle. Kakashi stepped back and studied him for a moment, his mouth going dry.
Shit. It didn’t help at all. If anything, it made it worse.
Umino was now wearing his hoodie, which draped over his body but only made it to mid-thigh. The result was even more alluring and provocative than him standing there in a towel. Kakashi cleared his throat and snapped his eyes away, praying for a fire-truck to come peeling around the corner and hose him down so he could cool the fuck off.
“…You have a dog?”
“Huh?” Kakashi’s eyes snapped away from Iruka’s meaty thighs as he realized the owner of said thighs had just asked a question. “Oh! Yes. Dog. Or, rather, dog-zuh. Plural.”
“Plural?” Iruka frowned in confusion. “How many are we talking-”
“You have eight dogs.”
“How did you even sneak that by the super?”
“Oh, she thinks I only have four. I have a friend who keeps a couple at his place. I just rotate them out.”
Umino laughed. It was a nice sound, even when he snorted a little at the end.
“So, what do you do?” Umino asked. “Other than harbor illegal animals, that is.”
“I work at the gym down the street,” Kakashi said, jerking his head. “I’m a fitness trainer.”
“Well, that would explain your abs...sssolutely horrible fashion sense. What are those track pants from, the 80’s?” Umino cleared his throat suddenly and jammed his hands into the hoodie’s pockets, frowned, then pulled out a crumpled wad of receipts for fast-food takeout. He stared accusingly at Kakashi for a long, quiet moment.
“…I’m allowed a cheat day,” Kakashi said.
“These are all from the same HOUR-”
“Gai bet me I couldn’t eat it all. I had to defend my honor.”
“Did you throw it all up afterward?”
“…I can neither confirm nor deny that. I can, however, confirm that I won the bet.” Kakashi winked cheekily, and Umino rolled his eyes.
“Do you…enjoy your job?” he asked, stuffing the receipts back into the pockets.
“It’s not bad. I mean, it could be worse, I could teach brats all day.” Kakashi shrugged. “What do you do?”
“I teach brats all day.”
Umino’s grin was mischievous, though, and there was no hostility in his tone, so there must have been no offense taken.
“How’s that go?” Kakashi asked, genuinely curious.
“About as horrible as you’d think. I have them just when puberty rears its ugly head and turns them into angst-ridden monsters. My classroom in a cesspool of hormones and crying.”
Kakashi laughed aloud. Umino wasn’t anything like he’d thought. Both inside and out. It was incredibly refreshing, not to mention incredibly attractive.
Which is why he was quite disappointed when the first fire-trucks started to pull into the parking lot. He’d rather the whole apartment complex burn down if it meant he could stand out here, chatting with the hot teacher all night.
The fire, just a microwavable popcorn-bag gone wrong, was put out in minutes, the complex deemed safe by the groggy super, a busty older woman who was either hung over or still drunk at this unholy hour. Tenants began milling back inside, clogging the entrance in their desire to return to bed. Kakashi lingered in the back of the crowd with Umino, reluctant to part ways.
“Well, I suppose I should thank you for your hospitality,” Umino said lightly, reaching up to grasp the hoodie’s zipper. “You can have this back n-”
“Keep it,” Kakashi said quickly. Perhaps too quickly, going by the surprise on Umino’s face. “I mean…just for now. Till you. You know. Get inside and get dressed. You don’t wanna catch a cold.” He cleared his throat awkwardly, feeling his ears get hot.
“Oh…alright.” Umino's hand lowered and he gave him a shy smile, plucking at the loose red threads hanging from the sleeves, winding one around his pinky absently. “Thank you.” The quiet words warmed Kakashi, a delicate shiver traveling up his spine. Kakashi mumbled a response, then doubled over as the hyperactive blonde kid suddenly bowled right into him.
“Watch it, old man!” the brat shouted, dodging away.
“I’m not even thirty!” Kakashi barked after him, offended. “Friggin’ kid. Can you believe-” He turned to Umino and blinked.
He was gone.
A knock on the door woke Kakashi right as he was taking another big, crunchy bite of taco. He bolted upright, cracked the back of his head on the coffee table, swore horrifically at himself for not getting in the damn bed this time, and stumbled to his feet. Making a mental reminder to just go and eat some fucking tacos already, he lurched towards the door, tripping over the rug and falling against it with a loud thud. He fought with the handle for a moment before finally yanking it open, squinting at the light stabbing into his eyes from the hallway.
Umino stood there, not hot as hell towel-Umino, but pressed khakis and crisp button-up, array of pens and hair in a severe ponytail Umino, fully dressed and ready for the day. Kakashi, rather than feeling a twinge of disappointment, was surprised to find the man just as alluring covered from head-to-toe as he was three-fourths-naked.
“Good morning,” Umino said, horribly chipper considering the abominable hour.
“Mornin’. What’re you doing here so early?” Kakashi mumbled, rubbing his face. Umino stared at him.
“It’s 9 a.m.”
“Holy shit. Really?” Kakashi squinted down at his watch. “I thought 9 a.m. was a myth.” Umino’s mouth fell open. “You still haven’t answered my question, though.”
“Oh. Right. Um. Your hoodie. I have it,” Umino said quickly, tripping over the words. He was flustered and twitchy with nerves. If Kakashi were a predator, this was when he’d pounce. “I, um, washed it. For you. Here.” He thrust the jacket out, perfectly folded and smelling of lavender. Kakashi was impressed.
“What, did you wash it twice?” he asked, taking it in his hands and marveling at how soft it felt. The rich red color was much more vibrant, almost seeming to glow.
“Three times,” Umino replied flatly. “Then Febreeze.”
Kakashi blinked, looking up to meet the other man’s gaze.
“You can call me Iruka,” he said, sincere.
“…Alright. I’m Kakashi.” Kakashi stuck out his hand, tucking the hoodie under his other arm. Iruka’s shake was firm, his hands surprisingly soft. He must moisturize or something classy like that.
“I want to thank you for helping me out last night,” Iruka went on, two spots of color appearing high on his cheeks. “I was in a rather…awkward predicament and even after I snapped at you, you still helped me despite my rudeness. I…really appreciate it.”
“No problem,” Kakashi replied easily, scratching the back of his head. Oh God, his hair must be a nightmare- no, wait. It always was. Nevermind then. “Any time.”
“So, um.” Iruka shuffled his feet a little, clearing his throat. There was that predatory instinct, niggling Kakashi to jump on him and go for the jugular. “I was wondering how to thank you, and I thought I could, maybe…make you dinner?” he finished weakly, glancing up at Kakashi from beneath thick lashes, then looking away again, suddenly shy. “I’m pretty good in the kitchen, so, if there’s anything you’d like…”
“Tacos,” Kakashi said instantly.
“…Oh.” Iruka deflated, a flicker of disappointment crossing his face. “Tacos. Really? I was hoping for something a bit more…challenging. Something that would allow me to show off my culinary skills a bit. But, I mean, if that’s what you want-”
“I like miso soup,” Kakashi said after a moment. “With eggplant.” Screw tacos. He could have tacos any day of the week. He’d take a bowl of cold cereal if it meant getting to spend the evening with this full-course meal.
Iruka lit up, his smile warm and inviting.
“Miso soup it is, then. I’ll have it done by tonight and bring it over. Does that sound alright?”
“Sure.” Kakashi waved as Iruka walked off down the hall, then slipped back inside and closed the door. He brought the hoodie up to his nose and inhaled the comforting scent of lavender, thinking how differently last night would have gone had he not grabbed the hoodie. What he would have missed out on. Fate, it seemed, really did exist.
Hopefully he’d be seeing more of Iruka…in more ways than one.
Months ago, I was chosen as a pinch-hitter for the Kakairuzine (I would step in if someone had to leave), so I completed two fics just in case they were needed. Since it wasn’t, I’m posting it here. Enjoy!
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animeomegas · 3 years
Hello! How have you been? Which of the Naruto boys are most likely to teach there pup to swim? I just feel like it would be wholesome and chaotic with some boys that have so many pups! Thank you
(Hello! I've been much better today actually, and I had an amazing day messing around around Camden with my brother! I hope you've also had a good day. I decided to do a tiny little overview of what happens when each of the boys try to teach their pup(s) to swim. Enjoy~)
Things get a little chaotic, ngl
His eldest son straight up refuses to get in the water unless Naruto is holding him, and therefore won't learn to swim at all.
His daughter is actually a normal child in this sense and spends a few minutes getting it down before practicing mostly on her own. She does constantly call for Naruto to look at what she's doing though because she wants him to be proud of her.
Naruto's twins take the whole experience as an opportunity to jump off high things into the water (even though they can't swim) and try to... play? drown each other? Unclear.
So, Naruto spends the whole time having to wrangle the twins while his eldest clings to him and his daughter shouts for him to watch her every five seconds.
No one ends up being great at swimming, but everyone ends up very wet and very exhausted...
Sasuke is actually so good at teaching his daughter to swim.
Like, he's amazing at it.
He knows exactly when to push her boundaries slightly to encourage her to learn, but he also knows where the limit is and when to stop.
Him and his daughter speak in quiet tones as he instructs her to swim in the river, and there is no splashing.
Just calm, quiet, learning.
After his daughter is a little more confident, he uses her competitive nature to encourage her to improve.
He creates competitions and races for them both to do together.
Sasuke's daughter ends up as an amazing swimmer.
Shino attempts about five times to get his daughter to come to the river to learn to swim, but she says no everytime because she's too scared.
And Shino doesn't want to push her or make her cry 🥺
But eventually, he realises that it's dangerous that she doesn't know how to swim, and tries to brainstorm a way to convince her without too many tears because they just break Shino's poor heart.
In the end, he just says that he's going to the river to swim by himself, and she begs to tag along because she doesn't like to be apart from him.
He tricks her into it lmaooo
Shino is a very good teacher, but his weak point is that he doesn't know when to push his daughter out of her comfort zone, so the second she's even slightly nervous, he aborts the whole thing lmao.
Shino's daughter only learns if Shino holds her up the whole time.
She ends up being able to float in a survival situation, but nothing much more than that.
He's a terrible teacher.
Shikamaru hates swimming in the river. He's like a grumpy cat when he gets wet, so he really tries to teach his daughter from the safety of the riverbank lmao
His alpha pushes him in. And then he drags them in with him.
The whole session devolves into a low effort water fight in which exactly zero teaching is involved.
Luckily, Shikamaru's daughter is very smart and a little bit more driven than him, so she figures it out.
She can swim decently by the end, but I doubt she would do it for fun.
Neji gets a little stressed teaching his children how to swim. Not because they do anything especially wrong, but simply because it gets a little chaotic and Neji doesn't like chaos.
Neji's daughter absolutely spends about 95% of her time choosing out the swimming costumes she likes and 5% of her time learning to swim.
She sighs very dramatically when Neji makes her get into the river the first time and also complains about it being too cold which only frustrates Neji.
She ends up a decent swimmer but much prefers lounging on the river bed or just floating on her back.
Neji's son... he tries his best...
Neji himself has the most majestic breaststroke you're ever going to see in your life, and Neji's son... kind of looks like he's drowning the entire time he tries it.
He isn't drowning, mind you! He just flails a lot and splashes Neji a lot by accident, making Neji even more frustrated with the whole endeavour.
Neji's children are very polite and respectful, but all children cause chaos when they first learn to swim and Neji isn't great at handling things like that.
Okay, so anytime I've mentioned chaos before this... delete those from your mind... This is pure chaos.
Kiba fully just throws all six pups into the river and hopes for the best.
Of course, he throws himself in too to make sure that no one drowns, but that's really as much help as he gives.
He figures they'll learn eventually. Also, some of the older ones probably already know how to swim, so they can teach the younger ones!
It'll be fine...
He does bring a huge picnic with him as a reward for his pups for working hard.
Everyone is so tired out that it's the most peaceful meal he's had with all his pups in a long time.
Most of his pups end up very decent swimmers, mainly due to their complete lack of self-preservation and a penchant for making a mess. They all throw themselves into the river with no thought for their own safety.
It's almost impressive.
He's a phenomenal teacher, of course!
He's so encouraging and patient, and he finds the humour in the few accidental (and purposeful) splashes his son sends his way.
Both of his children are very close to each other, so they have zero issues sharing his attention and working together to learn to swim.
His son is a natural swimmer and while he loses focus and tries to prank Iruka in the middle, he picks it up easily.
His daughter struggles a little bit more, but she is a bit younger than her brother.
At one point she chokes on some water and gets upset, so Iruka takes her out of the river and wraps her in a towel and cuddles with her until she's calmed down.
Then he gently leads her back into the river with the promise to make sure he keeps a hand on her at all times.
She doesn't end up as good a swimmer as her brother, but she can handle herself.
Iruka also takes both his children back to the river one at a time about a week later so that he can work with them both separately and give them his full attention.
He's such an amazing parent and teacher, I can't-
Everyone has an amazing day and also learns to swim!
Itachi is a very patient teacher, but he gets a bit nervous about teaching both his children at the same time, so he teaches them separately so that they can learn faster, and also he won't accidently lose track of one of them and can make sure no one gets hurt.
His son takes the lessons very seriously!
He also refuses to go anywhere near the water without goggles on, he's one of those kids.
He kicks a little too hard trying to impress Itachi... ends up kicking him in the face instead.
Cries about that for about ten minutes.
His daughter is a natural and is all smiles for the whole thing.
It's unbelievably wholesome to watch Itachi spin her around in the water while they both laugh together 🥺
All in all, Itachi does a very good job and both his children successfully learn to swim!
Hope you enjoyed!
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cywscross · 5 years
got any f/f fic recs?
Okay so apparently not Final Fantasy but femslash. I’m stupid, sorry. Uhh I don’t read that many femslash compared to slash but I can name some:
Sing as their bones go marching in again by felinedetached  (Sakura/Ino)
Instead, it goes like this: Haruno Sakura is the daughter of two civilians, from civilian families. She is nothing and no one—smart, yes, top kunoichi, yes, but she will never be on par with clan kids. She is teammates to an orphan powerhouse from a dead clan and the last remaining Uchiha.
Haruno Sakura is nothing and nobody, but she breathes and grows and thrives and the forest thrives with her.
(She opens her eyes to wood, grown from nothing, and Hatake Kakashi stares in disbelief at the tree where his student used to be.)
Or, Haruno Sakura should have had the goddamn Mokuton and this author is mad.
No one there to shame me for my youth by felinedetached  (Sakura/Ino)
What she hadn’t expected was to be what is apparently next in line for Kakashi’s position—although, she supposes it was inevitable—or for the nurses at the hospital to look at her with such adoration.
Sakura’s not complaining, she just hadn’t expected it.
(She’s the medic on a team of powerhouses, the backline fighter to Naruto and Sasuke’s brilliance, and she never thought it would be her people looked at like this.)
But it is her; and as she gets glances and propositions from both civilian and ninja, from male and female alike, she wonders.
The Fair Maiden by Tozette  (Sakura/Ino)
Basically: Princess Ino has been kidnapped by the terrible dragon Sakura! Brave knights Chouji and Shikamaru must rescue her from the fearsome beast. It... does not go entirely as expected.
The Shinobi version of Pride by grit (Sakura/Hinata/Karin)
The coffee sways dangerously.
“Why,” Sakura interrupts, before the chaos can get any worse, “are you in my kitchen?”
every fire is a lesson learned by blackkat (Konan/Sakura)
Just when Konan has lost hope, she meets a hero.
three birds watch and the fourth flies by grit  (Minato!Sakura/Kushina)
There's a legend in her hands like clay, so she must work hard to be formidable, to be everything he was and she isn't, because what if she screws up the future, selfish enough to make space for her own?
She pours over heaps of sealing scrolls and tries not to think too hard on what happens if she fails.
Or: Timid Minato but this time around, she's Sakura.
throw it my way (all the love you keep) by amako  (Sakura/Ino)
The crux of the matter is: they don't have a Hokage, the one that could be Hokage is sharing a Moment with his soulmate or whatever, and when asked to take the mantle again, Tsunade had broken a few bones. Not hers, obviously.
will to live by justdoityoufucker  (Sakura/Ino)
Sakura joins the ANBU. The entire world seems a little tilted after that, but they all adapt.
Bumpy Future by Dovey (Sakura/Hinata)
It's her last year at the academy when Sakura hits her head. When she wakes up, she has a little trouble matching memories to the people in them- but she'll have to get it right eventually, yeah?
in which sakura pairs vague associations with the wrong people, and everyone is much happier because of it (Except Iruka-sensei).
the Rebel ‘verse by felinedetached (Sakura/Ino)
(Three things come after that:
The moment of realisation. The moment she realises Sasuke’s left the village, gone off to do who knows what with Orochimaru-
Her memory returns to her - she was useless against her teammate; taken down by a pressure point and unable to do anything to prevent him from getting at it.
Inner rages, throws herself around, cursing and screaming until finally, finally she calms and she says Uchiha Sasuke is a traitor.)
In which Sakura gets the character development she deserved.
shattered dreams into rhapsodies by blackkat (Kushina/Mikoto)
For the prompt "I’m a monster/guardian that the local village give sacrifices too and you’re the new sacrifice but don’t worry I won’t eat you, I’m kinda lonely"
Four Walls (And the Right People) by blackkat (Lily/Narcissa)
“Is coming in there going to make me lose my will to live?” Lily calls, amused.
“No!” Harry protests, wounded, like she and Narcissa haven’t previously walked in on structural damage, fires, flooding, and mysteriously conjured cat-sized dragons. Sirius has been a terrible influence on them.
the girl who lived (again) by dirgewithoutmusic (trans!Harry/Ginny)
Molly tried her best. When Harry had told them, Arthur had asked excitedly, "is this a Muggle thing?" Hermione had hurried out a "no!" and a frantic history of gender diversity in the wizarding world.
"It's just that I'm a girl," Harry had said, and Arthur had nodded and asked her about how telephone booths worked. He would call her by the right pronouns until the day he died at the respectable old age of one hundred and thirty three, and he would make it seem easy.
But Molly had to try. Hermione explained things faster and higher-pitched every time Molly messed up a pronoun. Molly frowned and muttered and put extra potatoes on Harry's plate at breakfast. Harry slept in Ron's room, which didn't bother either of them but which made Hermione scowl.
Harry got boxes of sweets and warm hugs, as Molly chewed things over. For her fifteenth Christmas, the Weasley sweater she would receive would be a bright, friendly, terrible pink.
The next time Harry visited, Molly put her on Ginny's floor to sleep-- for some definition of sleep that involved Hermione hissing threats at three in the morning if Harry and Ginny didn't "shut up about Wronski feints, do you know what time it is."
When Warp Is Fire And Weft Is Ice by afterandalasia  (Dany/Sansa)
People tell many stories about them, the Mother of Dragons and the Queen in the North.
Some of them even have a grain of truth in them.
a strangeness of sunlight by musicforswimming  (Dany/Sansa)
Someone calls Sansa home, and sets her free in doing so.
Ivory and Dragonglass by madeinessos  (Rhaenys/Sansa)
For the valar-morekinks prompt on livejournal: "Rhaeneys follows in her father's footsteps when she and Sansa run away together to the free cities so they can be with each other . Both ladies left a letter to their families so that their absence wouldn't spark the embers of another rebellion."
Sansa in Dorne by sear  (Arianne/Sansa)
Alayne Stone wakes confused, in the body of the young maid she once was. She has returned to Winterfell, before everything went wrong. All she wants now is to be free, to never be hurt again. Dorne will give her that.
Mirror of the sun by myrish_lace (Dany/Sansa)
Daenerys arrives at Winterfell to attempt to treat with Jon Snow. She's immediately side-tracked by her fascination with Sansa Stark, and the two grow closer. Told from Daenerys's point of view.
And these are genderswap femslash, in case you’re not a fan:
Utterly Appropriate by wynnebat  (Peter/Stiles)
There's only one person whom Stiles would marry, and whoever has asked for her hand isn't on that list.
Spin a Web of Silk by twothumbsandnostakeincanon (somanyofthekids)  (Peter/Stiles)
“Darling, will you marry me?”
Stiles stared into the eyes of the light of her life, the one who held her heart- her love.
And then she looked back at the man who had asked the question.
Sugar Babies Not Sugar Vaginas by twothumbsandnostakeincanon (somanyofthekids)  (Peter/Stiles)
Stiles is a copywriter working for a service that's been contacted by a company that sells something called Passion Dust. It's so much worse than it sounds.
Free Birth Control by twothumbsandnostakeincanon (somanyofthekids)  (Peter/Stiles)
“I can’t believe they haven’t fixed the footbridge yet,” Peter said, disgruntled as she toweled off her feet, getting all the muck from the creek off of them.
“I can,” Talia said absently as she shelled peas on the front porch. “The only people who use that bridge are you, Stilinski, and Stilinski’s clients. And Stilinski does her best to avoid clients. Did you hear what she did to the woman who took out the bridge?” Talia settled further back into her chair. Peter immediately recognized it as Gossip Position, and leaned in eagerly.
“No, tell me everything.”
Ain't No Stranger (Been This Way Before) by pibroch (littleblackdog)  (Peter/Stiles)
Stiles loved orgasms, and she really loved the shuddery, mind-numbing orgasms Peter had spent months meticulously and enthusiastically learning to coax out of her. She also loved the relief from cramps she’d get from a good climax or four, and Peter had no complaints about blood. Definitely a win-win, all around. - Stiles has a period from hell, and Peter has a surprise.
On The Loose by SmartKIN (Peter/Stiles)
Stiles has a job to do; Hot Lady Sniper almost ruins it for her.
The Same Damn Hunger by Twisted_Mind (Allison/Stiles)
There’s no soft jazz, no flower petals or candles, because that’s not what this is.
Mightier Than The Sword by aloneintherain (Johnny/Peter)
Janey Storm freezes in the doorway.
Pen is half naked. Her boney, freckled shoulders and the faded sports bra she’s had since high school are on display. Bruises from this morning’s encounter with the Scorpion haven’t had time to heal yet—purples and sickly greens tesselate over her ribs and toned stomach.
Janey can see every unedited part of Pen: her open knuckles, blood a sharp red against her pale skin; her unbrushed hair, grown out past Pen’s jaw like a tangle of weeds; her loose jeans, slung low on her hips, with fraying ends and ripped knees. Janey stands there and sees Pen Parker, a half naked, wide-eyed girl choking on her heart.
“It’s occupied,” Pen manages.
Or: a universe where Johnny and Peter were born girls.
One For The Road by Atropa Belladonna (WorldsJunk) (Onoda/Arakita)
Fuck her entire life on a cactus she’s a fucking loser. Not because Onoda’s boobs are bigger than her’s - ok, they’ve always been. Actually, everyone has bigger tits than she does, she is flat as hell and she likes it. Why the hell would she want a couple of Shinkai-style jugs waving around in the wind when she’s riding for fucks’s sakes, that’s impractical as all fuck. No, Arakita is a loser because now she can’t stop thinking about Onoda-chan’s tits and no way she is perving like this on an innocent girl that is all around too good for the likes of her.
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arrowsbane · 7 years
Chase the Sky (Into the Ocean)
Rating: T
Wordcount: 2409
Prompt: Prompt 3: Witches and Wizards (non-Harry Potter) for @sumigakure
Notes: AU. Took the concept of non-HP Witch/Wizards and ran with the idea of magic being innate and fueled by nature/mixing humans with myths. 
Also for @satire-please​, because they love Iruka as much as I do, and Otters are cute. <3
Summary: Umino Iruka is born with salt in his veins and the sound of the ocean in his heart. The current drags him down, it does not let him go. Because what belongs to the sea, must return to the sea. The breathing underwater is new though. [FFN | AO3]
Umino Iruka is born with salt in his veins and the sound of the ocean in his heart. 
He grows up in a landlocked country, in a dry forested village where the only water to be found is in rivers and lakes. There is no salty tang on the evening air, there is no push and pull of the tide. The water is still and lifeless.
He fights for a village that was cousin to his homeland and wields flame and earth as his teachers insist; but still his heritage pulls through, and he holds his head high when the chakra paper his Jonin-sensei hands him turns into a sodden pulp. He may live amongst fire and leaves, but he is of sea and sky and the endless reach of the horizon. There is no shame in this.
He makes genin, and he thinks his parents would have been proud. So he pushes harder. The memory of his mother’s smile and his father's’ laughter at his back. He makes chunin, and winds up teaching academy students. He doesn’t care what Mizuki says (and there’s jealousy in his old friend’s voice), or the teasing he gets from Izumo and Kotetsu – as far as he cares, corralling a herd of baby ninja is a serious job, and it’s one he’s proud to do.
Hell, he can catch Naruto. Considering how the boy can outwit ANBU on his good days, that’s certainly something to brag about over drinks down at the bar on a Friday night. Okay, so it might have something to do with how he stole one of the boys’ shirts once and regularly bribes his summons with anchovies, but nobody needs to know that.
Water twists and bends to his will, always the push and pull. The muscles in his legs snap taut, his arms raising up so he’s stood in a basic stance. It’s his last resort, it’s what most people think happens when you combine the Nara bloodline with the insanely strong water-nature.
They’re wrong. It’s got nothing to do with the Nara, and everything to do with why the Umino clan was to Uzushio, as the Uchiha are to Konoha.
The current drags him down, down, down. Away from the enemy, away from death. Away from fire and lightning, away from the cold steel and the bite of a katana. He tastes salt in his mouth and kicks furiously at the riptide. It does not let him go.
Because what belongs to the sea, must return to the sea.
The breathing underwater is new though.
One week previously…
Iruka rolls out of bed just as the sun peeks over the horizon. He’s always been a ridiculously early riser, something that his summons are most certainly not. There’s a stubborn whine coming from inside the cover of a stolen pillow, and Iruka smirks.
“Sango.” He says, eyeing the oddly-shaped piece of bedding, “Up.”
“Go ‘way,” comes a petulant female voice. Iruka rolls his eyes, picking up a fresh change of clothes and heading into the bathroom to clean his teeth, ignoring the chirping whines that echo from the bedroom.
The old showerhead shudders as he turns the water on, and then hot water sprays from the nozzle, drenching him. After a few minutes, his trained hearing detects a scuffle coming from outside of the room, and then a thud of something distinctly not wood hitting the floor. There’s the familiar clicking of claws on tile, and a streak of brown as Sango happily dives into the shower, twisting herself around his ankles. It’s only habit that keeps him from tripping over her.
“I thought you were still sleeping?” He teases the she-otter, and receives a grumble in reply as she pushes against his ankle.
“Can we have tuna for breakfast?” Sango asks, ignoring his jab over her laziness.
“You had tuna for dinner,” He grumbles, rinsing the last of the scent-less conditioner from his hair, and reaching blindly for the towel before turning off the shower. Sango grumbles again over the loss of the water.
“So not everybody lives on fish.” Iruka reminds her, thinking about his lesson plans for the day.
“Heathens,” is her simplistic reply. In Sango’s mind, anybody who dislikes seafood is an enemy and not to be trusted. It’s rather common for her clan. Iruka ignores her, squeezing the water from his hair with the towel.
“So can we?” The only response she gets is a towel dropped on her head.
He winds up cooking omelet and grilled salmon. The kettle whistles sharply, and he pours a cupful of hot water, mixing in the matcha powder to make green tea. Paper rustles as Sango emerges from where she was rooting around in the empty salmon container – because even though he’s given her an otter-sized portion, she still wants to be thorough. She’s got a silver scale stuck to her nose and he’s not going to be the one to tell her.
Grade books, check. Lesson plans, check. Bento? Headband in place? Check and check. Insane otter companion? Wait…
“Sango, what are you doing in my bag?” The sow smiles cheerfully up at him.
“What does it look like?” She says, “I’m coming with you.”
Iruka sighs heavily, and gives her a look. No, just no.
“This isn’t a negotiation,” She declares imperiously, and for a second Iruka can see her mother’s temperament shining through. It really isn’t worth it. There’s a reason otter’s have a similar reputation to the kitsune.
He sighs, and hauls the bag onto his shoulder – otter and all – before locking the window behind him, and leaping onto the roof of the neighboring building. Tiny otter squeals of delight come from the satchel, and he can’t help but smile at Sango’s childishness.
He lands on the roof of the academy, sliding down the side of the building using very precise chakra control and unlocks the classroom window from the outside.
Doors are for civilians.
And boring people.
“Do not,” Iruka tells her firmly, as he sets the bag down on the floor, “terrorize my students.”
“Not even a little bit?” And goddamn, she’s not a dog, how is she pulling off the puppy-dog face. He sighs (a common occurrence for him), and rubs at his face.
“Nothing I can be blamed for,” he concedes, checking the desk and surrounding area for traps, just in case a certain orange-loving pre-teen had visited in the night. Satisfied that everything is safe, or at the very least not going to leave him covered in itching powder, Iruka opens the classroom door for the day and settles into his morning routine.
While Sango entertains herself by inspecting his students as they walk through the door – The responses varying between: “I didn’t know you had summons Iruka-sensei?” and “Holy crap. A talking otter!” That kid was practically asking to be bitten, -  he unpacks his bag for the day, shuffling through the papers to find the homework he’ll be handing back. Absently, he opens a drawer to put his bento away, and then reconsiders. Iruka unscrews the cap of his ink, and dips the tip of his brush in it, painting a careful preservation seal across the top of the bento. Naruto can be vicious when he’s bored, and Iruka never wants to end up with a mouthful of mealworms ever again.
It’d taken him a while, but eventually he’d managed to recreate the seal his mother used to ink onto the family bentos to keep the food fresh and pristine.
(Even now, painting the circle of kanji reminds him of his mother’s smile, and the way his father used to ruffle his hair on the way out the door in the morning.
And okay, so the first dozen tries at recreating the seal on his lunchbox had failed; including one spectacular explosion that had led to there being fragments of sushi all over the kitchen. He’d had to summon an entire romp of Otters to sniff out the tiny pieces, so his apartment wouldn’t end up stinking of rotten fish.  The downside was that the little pests had declared rice and nori to be acceptable, and frequently demand sushi whenever he called on them.
If they weren’t family…
Well, that’s the whole reason he wound up contracting them anyway, isn’t it?)
After his parents died, Iruka had almost drowned in the loneliness that came from living in a house empty of everything but memories. The room his parents had slept in was untouched, the door still flung open from where his mother had quickly rushed out to grab her battlegear.
A year later, and the only reason he’d even gone in there was because he’d torn a shirt, and needed the repair kit that lived in the nightstand on the right side of the bed. He hadn’t meant to, but his fingers had brushed over the slim scroll that sat next to the kit – trimmed with a delicate blue border of waves, in which otters happily frolicked. The same scroll that Ikkaku had fashioned to teach him how to summon only days before the Kyuubi had ruined everything. Tears well up, and he pulls the scroll from the drawer and cradles it to his chest.
Iruka’s tiny trembling hands break the wax seal and unwind the vellum, to reveal the summoning kanji. Even though it’s marked for Tadahiro, his father’s companion, Iruka knows that with his small reserves he’ll probably end up with one of the male otter’s pups.
It’d be worth it though. For even a tiny piece of what used to be.
He lays the scroll flat on the floor, bites his thumb and channels a spike of chakra into the seal. Smoke poofs into being, clearing to reveal a familiar face. Dark eyes blink up at him from a furry face, and paper rustles as a tail thumps in greeting.
“Hey Sango,” Iruka says, smiling sadly, recognizing the otter as his childhood playmate. The adolescent sow shuffles forwards, and clambers into his lap, pressing her snout into the crook of his neck.
“Iru-chan.” Iruka tastes salt on his lips, and he realizes he’s crying.
But for the first time in a year, they’re happy tears.
The call for the mission comes as he’s finishing up for the week at the Academy, and so Iruka heads on home to swap out his teaching bag with his go-bag. Sango isn’t too happy about being dismissed to the summoning realm, but she knows the drill as well as him.
Within an hour, he’s got his assignment and is sprinting out of the village gates.
He doesn’t know it yet, but he’s heading straight into a trap.
C-ranks. Why is it always C-ranks? Iruka wonders, dodging the blow of a katana. 
Turns out, there’s more than a few ex-kiri nin with a grudge to bear, and Iruka’s the poor sap who got the wrong end of the stick.
He dodges the explosive tags, and the shuriken, but he doesn’t dodge the blow to the gut and skids back ever-closer to the cliff-edge. There’s a shout from his right, and then all Iruka knows is bright light and too-much-sound, and he’s falling, falling, falling.
Iruka hits the water in a painful crash, and it knocks the breath from his lungs. Somewhere above, he imagines he hears a crow of victory before the laws of physics take over and he sinks beneath the waves.
The current drags him down, down, down. Away from the enemy, away from death. Away from fire and lightning, away from the cold steel and the bite of a katana. He tastes salt in his mouth and kicks furiously at the riptide. It does not let him go.
Because what belongs to the sea, must return to the sea.
The breathing underwater is new though.
Iruka wakes up to the strange sensation of being weightless, his eyes open to see the dazzling effect that sunlight creates when it passes through water. The reef could never have been so beautiful until now.
The reef.
He flails and panics, desperately holding his breath and why is he not drowning before reality sinks in and Iruka accepts that strange is relative in the world of very obvious ninja. The Uchiha breathe fire with an ease that makes the stories of them being descended from a dragon seem possible, the Shodaime talked to trees, the Niidaime and Yondaime could both teleport. 
There’s whispers that magic was known, not just known, but used and channeled into great feats of ingenuity in Uzushiogakure before it was destroyed - that magic augmented the Uzumaki seals beyond anything an ordinary human could do. In retrospect, breathing underwater, while extremely handy, is not such a big thing.
A shoal of tiny orange and white fish swim across his field of vision, and Iruka blinks, watching the reef come to life around him. It’s like a kaleidoscope of color as fish of all kinds surf the currents.
A nudge at his forearm has him looking down to see a pufferfish cozying up to his side. Tentatively, Iruka opens his fist and lifts his palm to the fish, rubbing his fingers across the soft spines. The small spiny fish releases a string of bubbles, and he gets the distinct feeling that it is happy.
Iruka returns home to Konoha, with a new skillset under his belt, and spends his evenings with a raft of Otters in the hotsprings. Chitters and squeals of delight about, as his non-human family realize that now he can play even more game with them.
Iruka finds himself taking more missions to water country than anywhere else, the knowledge that he is safe below the Ocean’s surface kept a sure secret. It’s his secret. His, and only his.
It’s another three months or so before the reason clicks into place inside his head. Iruka wants nothing more than to smack his head repeatedly against the old wooden desk. Because of course, that’s it. What’s in a name? Apparently everything, goddammit.
Of the Sea.
The first Umino was bound to the Ocean by blood and by magic.
That’s why the water-affinity is so strong, that’s why the sea has been calling to him since before he could remember. It’s why he can breathe under water, why he learnt to swim before he could walk – and Iruka vaguely remembers his father sitting in an overlarge bathtub with him, a hand under his infant belly while his mother watched curiously.
It makes sense.
It feels right.
Konoha is his home, is the fire in his soul and the strength in his bones; but the Ocean is the salt in his veins and its current is the beat of his heart.
Two worlds. Both are his.
There’s old magic in nature, and there’s magic in the clans. Name aside, who would ever expect a ninja from fire country to be so strongly tied to the sea?
‘Yeah’, Iruka thinks, stroking a hand over Sango’s fur that night, ‘I can work with that.’
Possibly TBC… who knows.
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mightyb013 · 7 years
Imagine iruka being a little upset bc yamato is too gentle during sex. Even if iruka asks for more he cant really. I wonder how iruka would fix that 😭
Iruka sighed into his morning tea. He had no reason to complain really. Yamato was sweet, kind, and generous, very generous, just also a little… vanilla.
It wasn’t like he had a particularly wild side either, but when he asked for “harder” that’s what he wanted.
It was almost like Yamato was too shy or worried maybe.
But again, he didn’t have much else to complain about.
“Morning,” Yamato smiled happily walking out of the hall, fresh from the shower, in just a towel.
Iruka grinned. Yeah, he had very little to complain about. “Morning. I made breakfast.”
Yamato smiled and stopped for kiss. “Let me go get dressed.”
Iruka watched him walk away and sipped his tea. Who would complain about having that man in their bed?
He abandoned his breakfast to go watch him get dressed, leaning on the bedroom door frame.
Yamato paused, smiling at him before pulling his shirt over his head. Iruka was openly staring but it wasn’t like he hadn’t before.
“Hey,” Iruka started, walking in to sit on the edge of the bed. “Can we talk about something?”
“Is something wrong?” Yamato’s concern made Iruka feel guilty for making him worry.
“No! Not really…” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I just need to talk about something.“
“Oh. Okay.” He was only wearing a shirt and boxer briefs when he sat down next to Iruka on the bed. “What is it?”
Iruka knew he was blushing and fighting the words in his head. He sighed. “I like you. A lot. Like a lot, a lot.”
Yamato smiled and leaned in to kiss his temple. “I like you a lot, a lot too.”
They both laughed a little. Iruka shook his head. “Okay, I’m just gonna say it then. It’s about sex.”
“Oh.” He looked concerned again.
Iruka shook his head and moved his leg to sit on the bed facing him. “It’s not that you’re doing anything wrong. I really like the way we have sex and that you’re really so sweet and well, it’s just, that’s part of the problem…”
“I’m sorry.”
That look. He couldn’t take it. “No. Please. It’s not- I- ugh! Okay, so you know how I like ramen? Well, if I had it all the time I wouldn’t like it anymore. If you spend every night we’re together being so generous it gets boring… Not that it’s boring now. I just- Okay, forget it.”
Yamato was smiling again. He held Iruka’s hand to keep him from leaving like he was trying to. “How do you want me to fix it?”
Iruka groaned again. “That just makes it sound like I’m blaming you and I’m not.”
“I know. Just tell me how to make it better.” Yamato asked softly, still holding Iruka’s hand. “I really, really like you, remember?”
“Just… be selfish every once in awhile. Or let me do things for you… and if I ask for something, try it… if you want.”
Yamato was blushing but smiling wide. “Those all sound like very good suggestions.”
Iruka matched his grin, leaning in for another kiss.
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aym-blast-blue · 5 years
Naruto: The Next Path, Ch. 2
Disclaimer: Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto and Dragon Ball Super/Z belongs to Akira Toriyama. Note that some of the techniques and attack belongs to rightful owner. Most info will be described in the last chapter. Words in italic appeared when characters are thinking or flashbacks shown.
#2: Prepare For The Worse
Naruto's House
Oturan arrived on the outer balcony with Kakashi. “This is Naruto's place, he lives inside alone,” Kakashi spoked. “Wait, does Naruto have parents?” Oturan asked. “I’m afraid it's quite a long story, Taroko, but that's not necessary for you to ask that,” Kakashi replied. “I see, perhaps he live his life the harshful way, like I am,” Oturan sighed. Kakashi ring the doorbell as the yellow haired boy opened the door. He appeared wearing his usual orange jacket with white collar that also shows navy blue from the shoulder of his jacket, and matching pants. He was currently not wearing his leaf band that resembles the village symbol.
“Kakashi sensei, what brings you here?” Naruto exclaimed. “Well, Naruto, while I was running an errand, I found a kid wandering around the forest this afternoon,” Kakashi replied. Oturan stares at the young boy’s face. “That boy must be Naruto Uzumaki... Whis was right from the beginning,” Oturan thoughts. Naruto stares at the young Saiyan in confusion. “Who is he?” Naruto asked.
“That he is actually a she, Naruto, and her name is Taroko Ryukana, she will stay at your place until her family found her,” Kakashi replied. Naruto stare closely at Oturan as he exclaimed and his eyes became pupiless in a comical way while pointing at Oturan. “What the heck? She looks like a punk with that hairdo styled like that!” Naruto exclaimed, in shock. “Did he called me a punk? I wish I could choke him so bad,” Oturan thoughts. Kakashi protects Naruto from Oturan as he grabs Naruto’s hand to put his hand down. “Calm down, Naruto, she’s not a punk, you can’t just judge anyone by its book cover,” Kakashi protected.
“Easy for you to say, as far I’m concerned, you may be wrong! That kid is a boy behind all the clothes he’s wearing!” Naruto growled. Kakashi sighed, “He’s so stubborn when he meets someone new as always.” The silver haired man turns at Oturan. “Taroko, please take care and stay safe with Naruto, alright?” “Okay, and thanks for touring the village, Mr. Kakashi, maybe you can show me more of this village another time!” Oturan beamed. “See you later,” Kakashi grinned, waved at Naruto and Oturan and then vanished.
“Man, I guess I don’t have a choice, I can’t believe I’ll had to take care of that girl. She maybe have the appearance of a punk, but she sounds like an innocence girl…” Naruto thoughts, groaning in grief. “Calm down, Naruto, you’re a cool person to Taroko, all you had to do is treat her like a nice girl even though she’s really acting like one.”  Naruto closed his door and took a deep breath. “Um, Taroko, did I get that name right?” he asked. “Yes,” Oturan replied.
“So, where did you come from?” Naruto questioned. “I live in East District 439,” Oturan replied. “East District 439? I never heard of that place,” Naruto puzzled. “So how do you live in this village without your parents of your own, Naruto?” Oturan asked. “I have my guardian take care of me until I become a ninja, his name is Iruka Umino,” Naruto replied. “He’s a nice guy, but sometimes he scares the heck out of me. But now that I’m a genin (junior ninja)…” Naruto pointing at himself with his thumb. “...I can take of myself!”
“Oh, I see, you live as a genin right now,” Oturan exclaimed. “Yep, my wish is to be hokage, so that everyone will respect me, believe it!” Naruto smiled. “You want to be the leader of this village?” Oturan asked. “Yup!” Naruto replied. “And what about you? Don’t you have a family that was waiting on you?” “Um,” Oturan paused. “Yes, that’s why I’m going to stay here at your house for several nights.”
“You went through a lot today, are you starving?” Naruto asked. “I can make you some instant ramen!” Oturan’s stomach growled as she stares down and stares at Naruto. “Yes, please! I’m really starving I had to eat twice amount of what you eat! Maybe I can help you make ramen!” Oturan chirped. Naruto thoughts, “Man, rarely there were girls that eats more than Choji!” the blond boy starts giggling, “Ehehehehe! Allow me, you’re my guest!”
There were huge amount of ramen on the table. “Let’s eat!” The two kids cheered in unison. They starts eating like pack of wolves. Oturan eats her ramen like it was a giant drink. Naruto stopped eating and stares at the young Saiyan gobbling every food on the table, unlady like manner. “Damn, she eats really fast! What the heck is up with this girl?” Naruto thoughts. As Naruto and Oturan finished eating, he told the young Saiyan about his life as a ninja. “I went to the Land of Water to protect the old man named Tazuna the bridge builder…” And tell few of his favorite folk tale. “The fish turns out to be a human…” Naruto explained. He even perform one technique such as the Shadow Clone Technique. “Shadow Clone Jutsu!” the blond boy chanted. He duplicate himself into four as Oturan was yawning. “What? Cloning is allowed in this world too? This world is too much for me!” Oturan thoughts. “Hehehe, is it really surprising for you?” four doppelgangers of Naruto laughed in unison.
Naruto stares at Oturan, who was falling asleep. His three doppelgangers vanished into smoke. “Ah! You’re sleeping!” he exclaimed. Naruto grabs the young Saiyan and gives her a piggyback ride to his bed, and took off her shoes that was very different to Naruto’s zori shoes. He covers Oturan with his blanket. “Man, I may had to sleep on the couch for awhile…” he thoughts.
Hours later, it was morning but still dark. “Goku… Gohan… Goten… Chi-Chi...” she muttered. Oturan slowly woke up from her dreams. She looks around, but the young Saiyan was still inside Naruto’s house on top of his bed. Naruto was sleeping on the couch in his pajamas, snoring peacefully. “What in the world? I’m still in Naruto’s house? I thought all of this was just a dream...” the young Saiyan thoughts. Oturan realized what Whis said to her.
Whis finally transported Oturan to another world from another universe, safely landed on nearby branches. “Here we are,” the blue angel said. “This place looks different from back home,” Oturan exclaimed. “If you learn so much in this world, I'll come back and take you home,” Whis said. “This will be your stop for now, and we'll meet again in the future.”
Flashbacks ends
“Oh, right, that blue man with the halo flying around his head told me that I can come back home if I learned about the life of the ninja world. I thought Naruto told everything, and then that blue man would come back and pick me up. That’s too bad, I still have a long way to go…” Oturan falls back into slumber.
The next morning...
Birds are chirping outside. Oturan woke up from Naruto’s bed. She starts yawning, and then look around. Naruto was not there. “Naruto?” the young Saiyan exclaims. Oturan closes her eyes, and then tries to sense Naruto’s energy. “He must be somewhere in the field, but where exactly?” Oturan went out of bed, and founded a note on top of his drawer with a spare of clothes with shampoo, conditioner and an extra towel. Oturan reads the note as Naruto’s voice was spoken in Oturan’s mind, “Hey, Taroko, I left spares of my old clothes for you to wear today, I would not go anywhere with the clothes you’re wearing right now if I were you! And I got you some shower stuff for you!” “Naruto sure cares about me since last night,” Oturan thoughts. “He must be working his butt off in his genin or ninja duty!”
Oturan was showering inside the bathtub in cold water. After she took a shower, Oturan wore Naruto’s old clothes that was a plain black T-shirt and tan pants with brand new pair of opened toe shoes that fits her shoe size. She was staring at the window. She sees Kakashi outside and open the front door. “Mr. Kakashi! What brings you here?” she exclaims. “I’m here to check on you, Taroko,” Kakashi replied. “If you’re looking for Naruto, he went training on his own at the training field.” “Can you please take me there? I’m going to thank Naruto for caring me,” Oturan asked. “Certainly, I might as well checked on him,” Kakashi replied. Oturan and Kakashi went out of the house as the silver haired man locked the door with the his own key to Naruto’s place.
Third Training Ground (also known as Training Field)
The glade field was a spotted plain with trees and mountains from the distance. There are no roads, but there are three naked stumps in the center along with a memorial stone that shows the history of the fallen ninjas died from the Nine Tailed Fox years Naruto was born. Coincidentally, Naruto was training on his own. He attempted to knock one of the trees with a strong chakra technique known as Rasengan, or Spiral Chakra Sphere, with the help of his doppelganger. “Rasengan!” Naruto yells. The tree that Naruto knocked with his Rasengan is slightly damaged.
Meanwhile, Oturan and Kakashi feels the breeze that was nearly close. “What the heck was that breeze?” Oturan exclaimed. “That breeze you’re feeling comes from none other than Naruto,” Kakashi replied. “He must have use Rasengan in his training.” “Rasengan? Is it like an energy attack?” Oturan puzzled. “Yes, since you’re a kid, it will be hard to explain for you as I know,” Kakashi said. Oturan saw Naruto and ran to him. “Naruto!” Oturan gasped. Naruto turns at Oturan and Kakashi. “Taroko! Kakashi sensei!” Naruto exclaimed. “That was really impressive how you created the Rasengan!” Oturan complimented. “But still, that may cost you chalka!” “Ehehehe, it’s chakra, by the way, Taroko,” Naruto giggled. “Come to think of it, you should learn more at the academy,” Kakashi said. “If not, perhaps there’s certain someone who will give you a private lesson since you proved yourself that you’re stronger than Naruto.”
“I guess so,” Oturan mumbled, in embarrassment. “Whis didn’t tell me about chakra back home…” Naruto’s eyes became pupil less in a comical way, and pointed at Kakashi as Oturan flinched and covered her ears. “What’s wrong with you, Kakashi sensei? I thought my training paid off all the debt!” Naruto fumed. “Give it a rest, Naruto, we’ll be having another mission with the entire squad today,” Kakashi sighed. “Another errand?!” Naruto yells.
“And Taroko, since you’ll be meeting my other two students, I should probably groom your hair,” Kakashi added. “Are you kidding? You’re not going to cut off few of my hair, are you?!” Oturan blurted. “Don’t worry, it’ll be temporary,” Kakashi chuckled. Oturan was running away from Kakashi as her pupil less eyes appeared in a comical style as Kakashi grabs her. “Like hell you’re styling my hair! I rather die in this world!” Oturan yells. “Hold still, Taroko! Save all your energy for later!” Kakashi barked.
Mission Assignment Hall
Squad 7 was assemble. Naruto’s other teammates was Sasuke Uchiha, with jet black duck hairdo that looks similar to Oturan but has less bang and more layer from the front; along with Sakura Haruno, a female ninja with pink short hair and high forehead. Oturan was standing outside the office. “Squad 7, you will be assign on a D rank mission today,” the fifth hokage spoked. “Your assignment for today is to help Taroko Ryukana shop some clothing for herself. Because of that, you will had to carry her bags as soon as she is done shopping.”
Oturan appeared opening the door. Her spiky hair was down from the back of her upper neck that included a cross hair clip, making her hair more feminine than her normal hairdo. “Lady Tsunade, you called?” Oturan perplexed. She thinks to herself, “I hate my new hairdo…” Sasuke stares at Oturan in an unimpressive way, as Sakura’s reaction was the opposite. “Um, Kakashi sensei, is that kid supposed to be Taroko Ryukana?” Sakura puzzled. “Yes, she may not look like what you’ve seen with your eyes, that’s why you’re required to assign the mission,” Kakashi replied. Sasuke’s eyes are narrow in a comical style. “I had a bad feeling about that girl,”  Sasuke thoughts.
“Mr. Kakashi, who are the other two kids in your squad?” Oturan asked. “My other students are Sakura and Sasuke,” Kakashi responses. “Hi, Taroko, I’m Sakura Haruno,” Sakura greeted. “We should get to know each other!” “And I’m Sasuke Uchiha,” Sasuke replied, calmly. “If only you’re a ninja, you seem to look like you can challenge me even if you’re a girl.” Oturan stares at Sakura and then Sasuke. “Sakura seems to be friendly, and Sasuke, he looks like a cool guy other than Naruto,” the young Saiyan thoughts.
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animeomegas · 3 years
Ooh who of the Naruto boys do you think would be the most forward in their relationship when they want certain things? Sfw things or nsfw👀
~Feeling some SFW this evening~
Shikamaru - This boy is so forward it’s insane. He always tells you if something is bothering him, or if he wants anything, there’s no beating around the bush with him. He likes having his hair petted while he naps on your lap, and he will just flop down on your lap and demand that you pet him. He doesn’t care if he has to interupt you in the middle of something, he’s such a brat.
Iruka - We  stan one of the only (mostly) mentally stable people in this universe. He is the king of healthy communication and boundaries. He really wants you to have dinner with him that night? He explains how much it would mean to him and invites you directly (and how could you say no to him? you can’t). He wants you to join him in the shower? He walks around in a towel and flutters his eyelashes at you until you can’t help but agree. It much less aggressive than Shikamaru though, which is why he’s just below~
Naruto - Any insecurities he might have about voicing his thoughts or opinions are completely overshadowed by this boy’s inability to shut up for like five seconds. He blurts out every thought he has, so you never have to wonder what he’s thinking. Every idea and fleeting want is broadcasted to you. He wants ramen? He wants to get a new houseplant? He wants cuddles? You’ll know straight away. The only reason he’s a little lower down than Shikamaru and Iruka is because he does it by accident, the cutie.
Neji - He’s pretty upfront but he has a bad case of the ‘if I put out these very small or confusing signals, of course my alpha will know exactly what I mean’. He always speaks up if there’s anything he really wants or doesn’t like. (my headcanon is that Neji adopts two orphans from his clan when he realises that he can’t have children biologically and he came straight up to you after he found them like, this is what I want now.) But with small things he fully believes that you can pick up on every small hint he gives, and while you get better at that, the longer your relationship lasts, you have to get him to just tell you, because ‘how was I supposed to know you didn’t want to go to the party, Neji?’ ‘I wore my least favourite shirt and took an extra forty seconds to put my shoes on, of course I didn’t want to go, it was obvious!’
Sasuke - Not the worst, but certainly not the best. He’s way better at telling the things he doesn’t like/want to do than the things he does like/want to do. He complains freely, (and also constantly), so you don’t have to worry about accidentally overstepping any boundaries with him. But, he gets so embarrassed asking for things he likes, anything more than a suggestion for dinner is too much for him. You try to explain that he’s allowed to like things, but he doesn’t buy it, at least not at first. Sasuke is a sucker for taking a bath with his alpha, but my goodness he will never, ever ask for it. Guesswork is sometimes required, especially early into the relationship.
Kakashi - He wishes he was more assertive in this situation, but he’s so scared of messing everything up. He really thinks that he ruins everything he loves, so he walks of eggshells. He’s desperate to show you how good a partner he can be, and he thinks that means letting you do what you want to do 100% of the time. Kakashi refuses to pick a date location for months, he wants you to pick so he knows you’ll enjoy it. What he really wants is a lot of physical attention and deep talks, but he doesn’t want to scare you by revealing what it’s like inside his mind too early, or come across as too clingy by accident. He can draw good physical boundaries though, he would never push himself before he was comfortable physically.
Shino - He’s very insecure during the early relationship stages. He’s just so in love and he’s never felt like this before and is so scared that you’ll eventually realise that he’s weird like everyone says and leave him. For this reason, he’s fine asking for anything that he deems ‘normal’, but anything that strays too far from that and he clams up. He wants nothing more than to go bug hunting with you, to show you where the best places are to find rare insects, but he knows most people hate bugs and he doesn’t want to scare you away. He acts like he’s walking on thin ice sometimes, thinking that if he makes one wrong move, you’ll leave him for good.
Itachi - Self-sacrificing to a fault, Itachi will always go out of his way to make his alpha happy, but he resists the opposite. His wants don’t matter. In his mind, he’s just lucky that he has any love at all, he certainly doesn’t think he deserves it, so why should he ask for anything else? This is a problem, because Itachi is a very particular person, fussy even. He likes things done a certain way. He likes fancy teas, and brushing his hair every night before bed, and a cool room to sleep in etc. But he never brings any of those things up. When you do figure these things out, Itachi is just floating on cloud nine. He thrives on small routines, so if you brush his hair for him, brew his tea perfectly in the morning etc, he is so happy. But the guilt that he’s ‘forcing’ you to do these things never truly leaves.
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