boringbones · 1 month
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I created a mod that replicates inZOI's gameplay, allowing all core sims to live INDEPENDENT from the player, while the player plays a Sim in The Sims 3. In other words: Create a family of 5 Sims, control only 1, and everyone else will live independently!
Fun fact: the mod was not created with this purpose, but today I realized this possibility and IT WORKS! This is the third time I've created a mod to solve a problem and I accidentally ended up developing a solution that fans had been asking for for a long time in the game.
Which is particularly insane, since I'm a fan playing, testing and changing files and not a modder with years and years of experience. I'm happy about that, I'll be back later to show you!
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simlicious · 7 months
Gameplay demo of inZOI, an amazing-looking Korean life-sim by Krafton (still in development). This will make a stir in the life-sim genre for sure!
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sillyprettyfairy · 7 months
i find it so funny that everyone is praising inzoi and it's very obvious that black people are such a drastic afterthought in terms of the character creation process. but we always are, aren't we. we even were in the sims 4. I'm so exhausted lmao
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tau1tvec · 7 months
The PUBG dev is making a Life Simulator.
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lugosimmer · 7 months
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Build mode from the new life simulator, inZOI.
The lighting and textures are amazing :D
Credits: Krafton's Official Youtube Channel.
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futuristicrainbowtree · 7 months
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INZOI the NEW simulation game! END OF the sims!
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Thanks for the encouragement! I’m slowly coming back from a hiatus after the crystal pack released. It just wrecked my motivation when basically the whole game was bugged and every mod broke and I just felt so defeated and depressed.
To be honest I’m still feeling this way. I’ve made a deal with myself to finish posting the current narratives in my save file since I played quite a bit ahead of where the current stories are. I love writing stories and I’ve really missed sharing and writing. Once I post all the narratives of my current save hopefully Life By You will be out for early access.
As more life simulators come out (Paralives and inZoi) I plan on finding which one jives with my play style and art style (*cough cough* Paralives *cough cough*) the best and fully ditching EA and the sims all together.
What I’ll likely do is recreate the households and storylines from this save file and continue their stories in one of the other life simulators. 🥰
I’m really really grateful that we have some new life simulators coming to the market. And I’m so excited. It’s long over due that sims is finally unseated.
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nikkeisimmer · 2 days
The Ideal Sims Game (at least to me)
What would be the ideal Sims game? For me it would be a blend of the following:
Sims 2 raunchiness; wants, fears and aspirations, bring back the adult humour, chaos, and violence, bring back the death by flies, the meaningful back-stories of the Sims 2 franchise, vehicles that you have to get into (open door, get in the vehicle, and turn the ignition- animation) (those of you who have played the game would know better what should be brought back).
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Sims 3 open world (that's a must for all of us Sims 3 players - no open world, no sale), CASt, vehicles on the road that your sims can drive. Create-A-World, Combine the Wishes with the Wants, Fears and Aspirations (there's gotta be a way of doing it, where you could tier the wishes as minor wants where as major wants give a bigger boost to your motives or mood) Keep the five personality traits and the expansive traits list; skills, careers.
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Sims 4 (Yeah, I know…ugh…) I do like the push-pull feature in CAS and in build-mode, but I also want it to be able to fine tune things with sliders (as in Sims 3) I dislike the shallow gameplay, in Sims 4, so I'd prefer to keep the gameplay of the previous two Sims games. But I like the development with the Supernaturals in their 1-a-game-pack, but I want to see those supernaturals fleshed out more. If they could fine-tune the multitasking a bit more so that it doesn't feel like they get overwhelmed and take more time doing a task than they actually should. I'm not a fan of the "alternate universe" theory and that should have been completely junked. "Alternate universe" is not a catch-all for lazy writing.
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Overall esthetics: I want the game to look realistic - I'm not a fan of the Sims 4 cartoony style and I seriously want to see Sims go the opposite way from cartoony. I want the next game to be an actual expansion of Sims 2 and Sims 3 instead of a contraction like the Sims 4 was in terms of actual gameplay. I want the game to be a challenging sandbox where we can play out our own stories instead of being directed to play the way EA wants us to play - like in the Strangertown story expansion pack. As a player with bounds of story-ideas that I don't think I'll ever have the chance to get down in what's left of my lifetime, I'm going to take a hard-pass on wasting time with developer directed story packs.
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(Krea AI) - River McIrish. So...what I want to see is an actual Unreal Engine workup of a Sims 5 that has some realistic-looking people.
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Metahuman on the other hand is insanely realistic in terms of detail. I tried a trial account to make this particular Metahuman...(I guess she would be a middle-aged Fiona?) Unless I load my own presets (which I have no clue about, I probably wouldn't be able to make her look any better, but I gave it a shot and came up with this. I'm not sure about the arguments against realism in videogames saying how they "date" the game as well as the "uncanny valley" argument. Uncanny valley never bothered me in any case and I have no problems in differentiating a game from real life. These are not "real humans" and seeing character drown in a video game doesn't hit quite as much as an actual human. I've wondered what it would take for EA/Maxis to figure out exactly why Sims 4 hasn't vibed with the players who have played Sims 3 and Sims 2 and frankly, it's because the Sims are lifeless caricatures of what the previous games are, only glossed over with glittery paint to distract one from the boringly mindless rote-task gameplay that the Sims 4 has descended to. And the current development of Sims 5/Project Rene appears to be more of the same shit, different year.
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All the glorious lighting in the world isn't going to cover up the fact that the Sims in Project Rene look like they came out of Claymation Studios' Toy Story.
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I'm half-expecting Buzz Lightyear to come bouncing out of the closet going "PSYCHE!!!!"
Or even Ken...
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That's what the hair and facial looks look like in Project Rene. When you have competition like Krafton's InZOI coming down the turnpike, Claymation isn't the road to go down.
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In fact, I'm seriously thinking about taking a good hard look at InZOI - at least they'll allow me to create my character to actually LOOK like an Asian. He'll actually be able to look like me.
As far as Life By You's retraction (I don't think it's an outright cancellation) of their Early Access date, I think they're throwing it in the oven to cook some more. And judging from what has been stated by viewers, is that it needs more time in development. The aspirations of what they want to do with that game is impressive, but the "humans" themselves aren't too impressive as of yet.
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They look interesting and a lot better than they looked at first, but they could still use a little more fine-tuning.
For me, Paralives is pretty much out. I've never liked the cartoonish style.
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...and I'm sorry, but if I wanted this kind of aesthetic, I would have started playing Sims 4.
Vivaland just reminds me of a "discount" Sims 4.
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AlterLife if it isn't a "too good to be true" game, (great looks vs sucky gameplay) is the only other one that interests me. As I stated, I lean towards realistic graphics vs cartoonish.
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If the Character Creation tool is like this for real, it's insanely good.
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But it'll be interesting to say the least, how much the life-sim landscape will change with all these new entries to challenge the solely held top spot in the genre. Maybe this will coax EA/Maxis to make a better Sims game, but I doubt it. They've come along this far floating - I doubt they'll change. All we can hope for is for one of the newer games to take the mantle.
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Well, EA saw what happened the last time they got complacent.
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Paradox anyone?
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simnostalgia · 7 months
Remember in like 2018 when we were all like "oh I wish there was a real rival to the sims?" and now there are like a billion? Well, here's another one.
And OH shit, it looks REALLY good. This is like better looking than LBY. But I don't know if I like that? It's kinda like... too much? What do you think?
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jellypawss · 7 months
ur zois can get hit by cars in inzoi oh my god
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flolife · 6 months
InZOI and The LGBTQIA+ Community
Disclaimer: This is not an attack on anyone involved here, and I really hope nobody else attacks them. Madi was nothing but helpful, and I’m sure the creators of inZOI aren’t being deliberate here. A summary of this article is at the bottom of it.
Sims 4 and Expression
The Sims 4 may not be the favourite game in a long-running franchise, but it’s clearly got one thing right; Gender Expression and Sexuality. Although the game was originally built on a binary system, you could marry same-sex couples, and now with a recent patch, you can express a diverse gender range. They are actively working on being inclusive, and that’s great!
The Competition
A long list of coming-up competitors to the Sims features Paralives, Life by You, and now inZOI. It jumped up very recently, yet it is planned to release in late 2024, although it seems near finished now. It looks, and I don’t say this lightly, amazing. The graphics are stunning. The gameplay seems fun. It is one of the best competitors in a long time. But, in their own trailers, one thing seemed missing.
LGBTQIA+ People and inZOI
The inZOI marketing campaign is HEAVY. It’s almost unavoidable. One user now has access to an early copy, acottonsock is their username on YouTube. Madi’s been making videos for 3 years, something surprisingly impressive. They are a unique breed of Sims YouTuber now, as they do not appear to make ANY Sims 4 content, instead focusing on 2 and 3. Sims 2 and 3 do allow same sex relationships, however they do not allow any diverse gender options. 
This is a bit of an odd choice in terms of inZOI’s marketing team as, although Madi is honestly a great creator, and I do actually plan on watching some of her non-inZOI content, they’re not the most popular Sims YouTuber. There are an expansive number, but I am being honest when I say that inZOI could’ve reached a much greater audience by catering to someone like Plumbella, Vixella, or lilsimsie, who definitely would’ve been down to do it. 
I must admit, I’m glad they didn’t choose one of them. InZOI has made a deliberate move here, and it has calculated risks and benefits. One of the benefits of choosing Madi is the mutual benefit. Madi gains more followers, and inZOI gets to showcase their game. 
I posed 2 questions in my email to Madi, “Can ZOIs engage in same-sex relationships, or any LGBTQIA+ relationships?” and “Can ZOIs be anything other than Cisgender Male and Females?”
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Madi responded openly and willingly, and I must admit that not watching the four hour livestream was partial bad journalism, but I didn’t have the time to do anything but a skim. This is wonderful, as Same-Sex Relationships appear to be receiving love in inZOI, but I fear that the gender expression beyond a binary system is sorely lacking, and unless they add it soon I don’t think they will ever be featured in inZOI.
InZOI is a notable competitor the Sims franchise, and it does feature same-sex relationships, but unfortunately the ability to have beyond the binary system of Gender is sorely lacking. I really hope that something can be done to combat this, before the games release in late 2024. I fear that if it's not, it will be too late.
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brandinotbroke · 1 month
the concept of inzoi intrigues me but that game is laggy af and i don't think they'll be able to fix it in time if they really want to publish it this year
like i'm totally okay with the game requiring higher end hardware, but the videos i've seen so far look upscaled, meaning even THEY are playing it on low settings to increase performance and then upscale it to make it look better, and i sure as hell do not think that they use your regular mid-range hardware
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simlicious · 7 months
inZOI looks promising
I have watched a review video by RachelPedd, talking about Zoi character creation. Here are my personal highlights: pros
Sims 4-like sliders, just pull the region you want to change
color wheels for clothes and makeup!
different recolorable areas, glossiness slider on certain types of makeup
opacity slider for makeup
sliders for iris and pupil size, color and brightness for eye, separately recolorable outer rim of iris
clothes can be layered (jacket over a dress, or a shirt...)
clothes can be individually changed (change collars, style of sleeves, hem length on a shirt, etc)
character are trait-based, but with general traits likeopenness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism, which I think is excellent! You can pick one trait from each of these categories. These traits unlock at different life stages, some earlier, some only when becoming a young adult, which is interesting.
male/female ZOI's seem to have a height difference
a lot of clothes are for both for male and female bodies
in addition to regular animation, you can enable different fixed poses in character creation
you can only create adult ZOIs in character creation, life stages younger than young adult are only accessible through gameplay
there is a pattern system, but only AI-based (AI images are very hit-and-miss)
limited hairstyles, especially textured/curly hair is lacking at this point
No color wheel for skintones
limited body weight sliders, face and neck stay too slim
But this game is still in development and will change a lot, and Krafton has said they are very much looking for feedback to improve what they have! So I just went and added something to their wishlist.
If you want to be able to have human-made recolorable patterns and load in your own patterns too, please visit the😸 inZOI discord 😸 and upvote my suggestion with the title "Non-AI patterns/textures and user-imported images". Thank you!
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oatmilk-vampire · 5 months
Have you guys heard of the new game called InZOI from developer Krafton? It reminds me of Free City from Free Guy, or more accurately what Life Itself was supposed to be.
The developers are even working on online and multiplayer features which is super exciting to me.
It's mostly compared to a combination of Sims 5 and GTA 6
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sims5leaks · 3 months
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Blissbay first pictures, source - madi acottonsock
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gurlplus · 7 months
move over paralives....
inZoi is the one to look out for. this one is for all my alpha girlies and boys. Only thing I can say, if you don't have a beast of a computer beware cause you don't get graphics that good on a normal laptop.
I really can't wait to see the creativity of that community. I'll be there for sure.
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