#invasion of the bane is a comfort special for me
thetimelordbatgirl · 1 month
Ngl, while I do get where RTD is coming from that the Disney deal could save Doctor Who from dying if the BBC does essentially die since the tory government are basically killing anything they can, BBC included- I really don't like the idea that the solution is just to give Doctor Who to Disney, given we all know what Disney is like with everything they own and would not hesitate to milk Doctor Who like they do with Marvel, let alone just adding to Disney's monopoly on everything we watch.
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egoismt · 3 years
【SPN 筆記】 Castiel’s related episodes 出場一覽
分享個人為了重看及找片方便而做的筆記,供有需要的朋友們參考 ^^ Ps. 配合原劇官方設定,Castiel 的暱稱記為 Cass,請見諒 Orz
Castiel's Appearances
Season 3
306:Red Sky at Morning (mentioned by Sam in a spell)
Season 4
401:Lazarus Rising (Cass 首次出場)
402:Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester (Cass 要 Dean 更尊重他)
403:In The Beginning (Cass 送 Dean 回1973)
404:Metamorphosis (mentioned only)
407:It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester (Cass 帶 Uriel 準備淨化小鎮,與 Dean 公園談話)
409:I Know What You Did Last Summer (Cass 和 Uriel 追捕 Anna)
410:Heaven and Hell (Cass 和 Uriel Anna 對抗 Alastair)
415:Death Takes A Holiday (Cass 說 Dean 是特別的而破例)
416:On The Head Of A Pin (Cass 和 Uriel 要 Dean 拷問 Alastair,和 Anna 交談求指引)
417:It's A Terrible Life (mentioned only)
418:The Monster at the End of This Book (Cass 告知 Dean 說 Chuck 是先知受保護)
419:Jump the Shark (mentioned only)
420:The Rapture (Cass 容器 Jimmy 的故事)
421:When the Levee Breaks (Cass 讓 Dean 宣示效忠天堂以救 Sam,讓 Anna 被捉)
422:Lucifer Rising (Cass 為放走 Dean 而抗命墮天)
Season 5
501:Sympathy for the Devil (Cass 復活救 Dean 反抗 Zachariah,打鬥戲)
502:Good God, Y'all (Cass 告知兄弟要去找 God)
503:Free To Be You and Me (Cass 和 Dean 扮 FBI 找拉斐爾/上妓院)
504:The End (Cass 2014版)
506:I Believe the Children Are Our Future (Cass 被變成公仔)
508:Changing Channels (兄弟穿越節目,Cass 首抗 Gabriel)
510:Abandon All Hope... (Cass 首見 Crowley Meg 及 Lucifer)
513:The Song Remains the Same (Cass 送兄弟回1978而重傷)
514:My Bloody Valentine (Cass 與兄弟對抗饑荒騎士)
516:Dark Side of the Moon (Cass 要兄弟在天堂找 Joshua 問上帝下落)
517:99 Problems (Cass 喝醉,對抗巴比倫淫婦而受傷)
518:Point of No Return (Cass 在林中打敗天使救 Adam,痛扁要說 yes 的 Dean 並捨身驅逐天使們)
521:Two Minutes to Midnight (Cass 因傷進醫院,對抗瘟疫騎士,首次用槍)
522:Swan Song (Cass 睡在 baby 後座,首發 assbutt,二度復活)
Season 6
601:Exile on Main Street (mentioned only)
603:The Third Man (Cass 說與 Dean 羈絆更深,首見 Balthazar)
606:You Can't Handle The Truth (Cass 兩秒內搜完全城找真理號角)
607:Family Matters (Cass 測出 Sam 沒了靈魂,說真身跟大樓一樣大)
610:Caged Heat (Cass 看A片,吻 Meg,燒 Crowley 骨頭)
612:Like A Virgin (Cass 說碰 Sam 靈魂的感覺像被活剝,想抱 Sam 被拒)
615:The French Mistake (兄弟穿越片場遇見 Misha 扮的Cass)
617:My Heart Will Go On (Cass 對抗命運女神,鐵達尼號)
618:Frontierland (Cass 送兄弟回1861西部取灰,被部下刺傷)
619:Mommy Dearest (Cass 與Bobby 兄弟對抗 Eve,兄弟起疑)
620:The Man Who Would Be King (Cass 自敘與 Crowley 合作經過)
621:Let It Bleed (Cass 救 Lisa,兄弟策反 Balthazar)
622:The Man Who Knew Too Much (Cass 殺了 Balthazar,變成新上帝)
Season 7
701:Meet the New Boss (Cass 當新上帝,肉體逐漸崩壞,返魂給煉獄)
702:Hello, Cruel World (Cass 被利維坦佔據而投湖)
705:Shut Up, Dr. Phil (seen in Dean's nightmare)
717:The Born-Again Identity (Cass 失憶,後救 Sam 而瘋)
718:Party On, Garth (mentioned only)
721:Reading Is Fundamental (Cass 因惡魔石碑而醒,Meg 殺天使救 Cass)
722:There Will Be Blood (mentioned only)
723:Survival of the Fittest (Cass 想給 Crowley 蜂蜜,與 Dean 合作殺利維坦 Dick 後一起落入煉獄)
Season 8
801:We Need to Talk About Kevin (mentioned only)
802:What's Up, Tiger Mommy? (seen in Dean's flashbacks of Purgatory,Cass 與 Dean 煉獄重逢)
805:Blood Brother (seen in Dean's flashbacks of Purgatory,煉獄逃亡)
806:Southern Comfort (mentioned only)
807:A Little Slice of Kevin (Cass 被救離煉獄,與 Dean 救 Kevin,首見 Naomi)
808:Hunteri Heroici (Cass 想當獵人,與 Sam 救讓動畫效果成真的老人)
810:Torn and Frayed (Cass 與兄弟救小天使後殺之,隱約記起被洗腦片段,流血淚)
813:Everybody Hates Hitler (mentioned only)
816:Remember the Titans (mentioned only,Dean 祈禱求 Cass 關照 Sam)
817:Goodbye Stranger (Cass 因洗腦暴打 Dean,後清醒帶走天使石碑)
818:Freaks and Geeks (mentioned only)
820:Pac-Man Fever (mentioned only)
821:The Great Escapist (Crowley 挖 Cass 腹部奪走天使石碑)
822:Clip Show (Cass 商店購物遇 Metatron)
823:Sacrifice ( "ET回家了",Cass 被 Metatron 奪走 grace,天使們集體墜落)
Season 9
901:I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here (Cass 人類生活第一天,殺女天使,進洗衣店換衣服)
902:Devil May Care (mentioned only)
903:I'm No Angel (流浪的 Cass 被女死神 April 折磨,被逐出地堡)
904:Slumber Party (mentioned only)
906:Heaven Can't Wait (Cass 當便利店員,幫顧小孩,與 Dean 對抗仁慈天使)
909:Holy Terror (Cass 查案重遇兄弟一起去喝酒,第一次學人類祈禱,被抓被折磨後殺天使奪取 grace)
910:Road Trip (Cass Dean Crowley 聯手驅逐佔據 Sam 的 Gadreel)
911:First Born (Cass 抽 grace 救 Sam,兩人擁抱)
914:Captives (Cass 殺天使戰友 Bartholomew)
918:Meta Fiction (Cass 被 Metatron 綁架,開始有追隨者)
920:Bloodlines (mentioned only)
921:King of the Damned (Cass 成為天使群指揮官,策反 Gadreel 對抗 Metatron )
922:Stairway to Heaven (Cass 為 Dean 放棄天使軍隊)
923:Do You Believe In Miracles? (Cass 救 Gadreel 變弱,設計捕獲 Metatron)
Ps. Misha direct 917:Mother's Little Helper
Season 10
1001:Black (變弱的 Cass 與 Hannah 追逃亡天使)
1002:Reichenbach (Cass 與 Hannah 車禍,天使睡顏)
1003:Soul Survivor (Crowley 殺天使奪 grace 救 Cass,Cass 讓惡魔 Dean 變回人類,Jensen direct)
1007:Girls, Girls, Girls (Hannah 裸戲/吻 Cass )
1009:The Things We Left Behind (Cass 首見長大的 Jimmy 女兒 Claire,Dean 與溫柔眼神的 Cass 在漢堡店交談)
1010:The Hunter Games (Cass 彌補與 Claire 的關係,從天堂借 Metatron 想救 Dean 但無效)
1011:There's No Place Like Home (mentioned only)
1013:Halt & Catch Fire (mentioned only)
1014:The Executioner's Song (Cass Crowley 與兄弟合作殺該隱)
1017:Inside Man (Cass 與 Sam 透過通靈 Bobby 從天堂劫走 Metatron)
1018:Book of the Damned (Cass 與 Metatron 同行,找回 grace)
1019:The Werther Project (mentioned only)
1020:Angel Heart (Cass 與兄弟帶 Claire 找媽媽)
1021:Dark Dynasty (Cass 顧 Charlie 與 Rowena)
1022:The Prisoner (Cass 被該隱之印影響的 Dean 痛打)
1023:Brother's Keeper (Cass 召喚 Crowley 幫忙 Rowena 破詛咒救 Dean,中瘋狗咒)
Season 11
1101:Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire (中瘋狗咒的 Cass 逃離農莊,被天使們囚禁)
1102:Form and Void (中瘋狗咒的 Cass 被天使們拷問)
1103:The Bad Seed (中瘋狗咒的 Cass 癲癇發作及解咒,Jensen direct)
1104:Baby (Cass 電話匯報查案資料,voice only)
1105:Thin Lizzie (mentioned only)
1106:Our Little World (Cass 宅在家及痛扁 Metatron 問 Darkness 的事)
1107:Plush (mentioned only)
1110:The Devil in the Details (Cass 首見 Darkness/被 Lucifer 附身)
1111:Into the Mystic (路西卡公園散步及與 Dean 談 Darkness)
1112:Don't You Forget About Me (mentioned only)
1114:The Vessel (路西卡送 Dean 回潛艇/攻擊 Sam 及 Dean)
1115:Beyond the Mat (路西卡在地獄虐 Crowley)
1116:Safe House (mentioned only)
1118:Hell's Angel (路西卡進天堂,Crowley Rowena 與兄弟聯手施咒想驅逐 Cass 體內的 Lucifer)
1119:The Chitters (mentioned only)
1120:Don't Call Me Shurley (mentioned only)
1121:All in the Family (Darkness 虐路西卡,後被兄弟及上帝救走)
1122:We Happy Few (路西卡與上帝談話,組成聯軍攻擊 Darkness 但失敗)
1123:Alpha and Omega (Dean 說 Cass 是最好的朋友,Cass 告別身負靈魂炸彈的 Dean)
Season 12
1201:Keep Calm and Carry On (Cass 與 Dean Mary 重逢,去找被英國記錄者綁架的 Sam,但在路上被暴打)
1202:Mamma Mia (Cass 一行救回 Sam)
1203:The Foundry (Cass 與 Crowley 追查 Lucifer 下落)
1204:American Nightmare (mentioned only)
1207:Rock Never Dies (Cass Crowley 與兄弟阻止搖滾明星 Lucifer)
1208:LOTUS (Cass 一行追查懷孕的 Kelly 及附身總統的 Lucifer)
1209:First Blood (Cass 與 Mary 救回入獄的兄弟,殺死死神)
1210:Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets (Cass 與天使戰友們對抗從過去來為女兒復仇的 Lily)
1211:Regarding Dean (mentioned only)
1212:Stuck in the Middle (With You) (Cass 被米迦勒之矛重傷)
1213:Family Feud (mentioned only)
1214:The Raid (mentioned only)
1215:Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell (Cass 秀顛倒的 FBI 章追查 Kelly)
1217:The British Invasion (voice and mentioned only)
1218:The Memory Remains (voice and mentioned only)
1219:The Future (Cass 接受 Dean 的錄音帶,與 Kelly 聯手殺了 Dagon 後離開)
1220:Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes (mentioned only)
1221:There's Something About Mary (mentioned only)
1222:Who We Are (mentioned only)
1223:All Along the Watchtower (Cass 吻 Kelly 頭,與兄弟穿越天啟世界,被 Lucifer 所殺)
Season 13
1301:Lost & Found (Dean 火化 Cass 的遺體)
1302:The Rising Son (mentioned only)
1303:Patience (虛無中的 Cass 被 Jack 喚醒)
1304:The Big Empty (Cass 在虛無中對抗宇宙版 Cass,後復活)
1305:Advanced Thanatology (Cass 片尾與兄弟重逢)
1306:Tombstone (Cass 首見 Jack,與 Dean 扮德州騎警查案)
1307:War of the Worlds (Lucifer 在天堂入口救 Cass,後一起被惡魔抓走)
1308:The Scorpion and The Frog (mentioned only)
1309:The Bad Place (mentioned only)
1311:Breakdown (mentioned only)
1312:Various & Sundry Villains (Cass 與 Lucifer 逃獄相殺)
1313:Devil's Bargain (Cass 與兄弟追查在天使幫助下前往天堂稱王的 Lucifer)
1314:Good Intentions (Cass 與 Dean 對抗古戰士,拷問先知多納太羅)
1315:A Most Holy Man (mentioned only)
1316:Scoobynatural (Cass 與兄弟化成史酷比人物)
1318:Bring 'em Back Alive (Cass 與 Sam 救回精神受創的 Gabriel)
1319:Funeralia (Cass 發現天使人手不足,天堂戒嚴)
1320:Unfinished Business (mentioned only)
1321:Beat the Devil (Sam 夢到溫家聚餐,Cass 一行抓到 Lucifer 並前往天啟世界救人)
1322:Exodus (Cass 一行逃離天啟世界)
1323:Let the Good Times Roll (Cass 一行與米迦丁殺死 Lucifer)
Season 14
1401:Stranger in a Strange Land (Cass 為找 Dean 被酒吧惡魔們俘虜)
1402:Gods and Monsters (Cass 與失去能力的 Jack 和 Lucifer 肉身 Nick 對談)
1403:The Scar (Cass 與 Dean 重逢,與 Jack 救中了衰老咒的女孩)
1404:Mint Condition (mentioned only)
1405:Nightmare Logic (mentioned only)
1407:Unhuman Nature (Cass 與兄弟照顧衰弱的 Jack)
1408:Byzantium (Cass 與兄弟在 Jack 死後共飲,去天堂找 Jack,與 Empty 協議)
1409:The Spear (Cass 一行追查 AU 凱雅的長矛以對抗米迦勒)
1410:Nihilism (Cass 與 Sam 進 Dean 的意識以囚禁米迦勒)
1411:Damaged Goods (mentioned only)
1412:Prophet and Loss (Cass 扮醫生救多納太羅)
1413:Lebanon (Zachariah 與 Cass 對抗擾亂時間的兄弟)
1414:Ouroboros (Jack 救中了蛇精毒的 Cass,燒光附身 Rowena 的米迦勒)
1415:Peace of Mind (Cass 與 Sam 到復古奶昔店查案)
1416:Don't Go In The Woods (mentioned only)
1417:Game Night (Cass 與女天使 Anael 找 God 以幫 Jack 重置靈魂)
1418:Absence (Cass 去天堂找被 Jack 誤殺的 Mary)
1419:Jack in the Box (Cass 殺了控制 Jack 的天使 Duma,怪兄弟將 Jack 關入馬拉克之棺)
1420:Moriah (Cass 找回上帝,Jack 被上帝所殺)
Season 15
1501:Back and to the Future (Cass 用獵槍與兄弟對抗小鎮僵屍/鬼魂們)
1502:Raising Hell (Cass Rowena Ketch 與兄弟對抗小鎮鬼魂們)
1503:The Rupture (Cass 燒了附身 Jack 的惡魔,與 Dean 決裂)
1504:Atomic Monsters (mentioned only)
1505:Proverbs 17:3 (Sam 簡訊關心 Cass 近況,mentioned only)
1506:Golden Time (Cass 準備釣魚散心,獨立查獲失蹤少年,殺灯靈)
1507:Last Call (Cass 用人質威脅英國巫醫救 Sam)
1508:Our Father, Who Aren't in Heaven (Rowena 勸和 Destiel,Cass 說服米迦勒提供能囚禁上帝的咒語)
1509:The Trap (Cass 和 Dean 二度去煉獄,Dean 流淚向 Cass 祈禱說內心話,兩人和好)
1510:The Heroes' Journey (mentioned only,Garth 的 baby Cass 看 Dean 眼神不一般)
1511:The Gamblers (Cass 殺壞天使救回 Jack,Team Free Will 團圓)
1512:Galaxy Brain (Cass 和 Dean 對飲,和 Jack 玩桌遊,和 Jody 互動)
1513:Destiny's Child (Cass 假死去 Empty 找 Ruby 問線索,跟 Dean 有老夫妻式互動)
1514:Last Holiday (mentioned only)
1515:Gimme Shelter (Cass 跟 Jack 合作查案,得知 Jack 打算自爆殺上帝)
1516:Drag Me Away (From You) (mentioned only,Cass 發簡訊問 Dean 是否已將 Jack 的事告知 Sam)
1517:Unity (為救 Jack,Cass 跟 Sam 合作找到 Death 的圖書館,了解 Death 的企圖)
1518:Despair (Cass 為救 Dean,含淚告白後被 Empty 帶走)
1519:Inherit the Earth (Cass 僅出現在假電話及回憶片段剪輯中)
1520:Carry On (mentioned only,Cass 被 Jack 復活,幫 Jack 改造天堂)
Ghostfacers (Cass 按小說找 Ghostfacers,special webisode)
A Very Special Supernatural Special (archive footage)
Supernatural: Heart of the Dragon (non-canon)
Supernatural: The Unholy Cause (non-canon)
Supernatural: War of the Sons (non-canon)
Supernatural: Cold Fire (non-canon)
Supernatural: The Men of Letters Bestiary: Winchester Family Edition (non-canon, mentioned only)
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Modern-day witch.
In Salem there were witches. Or there were women who old, bitter men said were witches. We all know they weren’t witches. Not really. Witches aren’t real. Well, at least not the kind the fairy tales tell you about. But there was something. Something about those women. Something that said “I don’t fit”, “I’m different”, something that said: “my deviancy is worth killing me over.”
Gretel didn’t believe in witches. ‘Patriarchal bullshit designed to police womens’ behaviour’, is what she told her father as they watched a Netflix special on the trials, ‘just another way the male agenda enacts violence on womens’ bodies and identities.’ Her father remains silent, probably wanting to avoid an accusation of complacency or even compliance with the patriarchal machine. Her brother isn’t in the room. Her “mother” is away on a business trip. She misses these times when it’s just them, her and her father. No annoying younger brother with his neanderthal behaviours. No bitch in heels and lipstick pretending to be her mother. Just them. Sometimes, she thinks, this is the only part of my life that isn’t just bullshit. ‘I think I would have been killed for being a witch,’ she says, long after the television has gone silent. Her father simply hums. ‘The men back then would have been way too intimidated by a woman like me.’ Her father stares, taking in his daughter. She narrows her eyes, turns down her lips, rolls back her shoulders and puffs out her chest. A less than convincing picture of the “deviant woman” when the canvas is a nineteen-year-old girl who’s never left her hometown. Her father nods, ‘I suppose you would.’
Six months later Gretel sits alone in the dark on a street corner in a city all too large and all too loud, and a perfect fucking example of why the capitalist regime should be torn down by a new and glorious revolution. The marxist group at the local community college ran a seminar on the dangers of capitalism last week. It’s the first time since she arrived here that something in this city hasn’t felt like complete bullshit. ‘We at the Marxist Alternative don’t cater to the capitalist pigs draining you of all individuality or expression,’ she was too caught up in the moment to notice the inherent irony in the statement, ‘the wealthy conservative scum are the true bane of our society. Eat the rich and destroy their legacies.’ She nodded along, caught in the fervour, already seeing a face in her mind.
She had left home. That bitch in heels and lipstick ran her out. She doesn’t need a trail of breadcrumbs to return; she knows the way. That doesn’t mean she will. Not when it’s all bullshit. Not when no-one understands her. Not when the father that should have loved her more than anything chose the bitch in heels and lipstick over her. Over her plain face, her bad hair, her short, uneven nails. Why couldn’t he see that she was the only authentic thing in the white-picket life he had built for himself? It’s cold on the street corner. The owners returned to the place she was squatting in. Policemen, cold blue light, and a station that smelled of piss, all because she had decided to take something back from the Wall Street bastards who took something from her first. A court date on Monday feels like a fucking hatecrime, she thinks. All cops are bastards, or whatever the saying is.
‘Can I help you, baby?’
The woman stands there, under the streetlamp, looking down at Gretel. The wild afro around her head glows like a halo, and frames a dark-skinned face with eyes the colour of coal. Tension runs down Gretel’s spine. Immediately replaced by shame crawling in her gut at her initial reaction. Immediately replaced by the projection of a false sense of comfort so as to appear that she is not one of the racist dicks Twitter seems so keen on calling out lately. ‘I need somewhere to sleep, do you know if there are any shelters nearby?’ She keeps her voice light and her expression blank. It’s only polite, she figures. ‘No baby, no shelters around here.’ The woman looks sorry, looks sympathetic, looks almost pitiful. ‘You got any friends or family? I can call you a cab.’ Gretel shakes her head. There is something authentic about the street corner she has found herself on. Something the bitch in heels and lipstick could never understand. She wasn’t going to compromise that by going home now. ‘I don’t normally do this, but I’ve got a spare mattress. You can come home with me, if you need to.’ The woman looks kind and the night looks dark. It’s still cold. Gretel follows her. I would have followed home a white woman, she thinks.
‘Come in, make yourself at home.’
Dirty floors, mould on the walls, and a dampness in the air that seems to draw the light and warmth right out of the room.
‘I know it’s not much, but I hope it’s alright for tonight.’
Low ceiling, concrete walls, bars on the only window and a stain on the floor that could easily be blood.
‘I’ll heat some food up for you. Skinny white girl like you, you could use a proper meal.’
No light comes on in the fridge. The food looks more than a few days old. The woman’s hands move over the container and suddenly it’s not so certain what Gretel is being served.
‘Put your stuff anywhere, baby. It doesn’t bother me.’
Piles of clutter and mess. Bags of clothes that are far too small for the woman at the kitchen bench. Backpacks and shoes that look as though they once belonged to young children. Another stain on the floor. The smell of rot.
‘Mattress is behind that curtain. Not much privacy in a one room.’
The room is too small. A bed in one corner, a kitchen in another. No bathroom she can see, and a table worn with use. A shower curtain draws over one corner. A mattress that would look at home in a dumpster lies behind it. More stains, more stink. The curtain rustles.
‘Don’t mind the smell. Landlord found rats in the building. Exterminator came, but I think some got stuck in the walls. Hard to have an appetite when the place smells like death.’
The smell hits her harder now. Not just rot, but rotting flesh. An almost sickly sweetness to it, like pus or dead flowers. It fills her nostrils and makes her head spin. The floor is still stained brown.
‘You don’t mind if I lock the door do you? We get some interesting folks in this neighbourhood. I’d rather be safe.’
The lock clicks behind her. The room is suddenly stifling. The food sits on the table, but it smells like everything else in this place. Death in every bite. Her stomach turns.
‘So you haven’t got anyone then, baby? No-one waiting for you to come home? Young girl like you, you shouldn’t be all by yourself. Not in these parts.’
The words send shivers down her spine. The questions a red flag warning her to hold her secrets close. The door is still locked. The food is still warm. The air is still acrid. The woman is still staring. ‘I shouldn’t be here,’ she stutters. ‘I’ll just find a shelter,’ the words hang empty in the stale air. ‘It’s really not worth causing you all this trouble...’ The excuses fly past her lips as she edges towards the door. Her phone is in one hand and her bag in the other. There’s a baseball bat by the door, she realises. ‘Are you sure, baby? I really don’t mind.’ The woman takes a step forward and Gretel runs.
‘Hello. Yes, police. I’d like to report an attempted abduction. I got away but it looks like the woman has done this before. Yeah. Blood on the floor. Clothes in bags. Shoes for like 10 different kids. The whole place smelt like there was something dead there. Yeah, I have the address. Please, she just grabbed me off the street. Wanted to know if anyone would come looking for me. I think she tried to drug me. Everything happened so fast...’
It is on the news two weeks later. A black woman in her early forties, shot by police officers when they entered her home on belief of suspicious activity. No one is sure if they had a warrant. No one was wearing body cameras. Apparently she was aggressive. Pulled a weapon. The officer in question had no choice. Six shots for one woman. At five foot two and 160 pounds it must have been some weapon she was carrying. Gretel watches it all play out from the couch of the friend she’s crashing with, counting down the minutes before she has to go start her court mandated community service. 30 hours. It speaks to how broken the fucking justice system is, she thinks.
Twitter and a multitude of news channels host a trial for the woman, post-mortem. Alternating constantly between prosecution and defense; the masses providing a widespread jury incapable of forming consensus. The prosecution opens: ‘The woman was a suspected kidnapper, possibly a child molester. There had been evidence to suggest she was at least a drug user. Weed under a mattress. You know the type.’ The defense rebuts: ‘The woman volunteered for her church’s thrift store, the clothes and shoes were donations that needed to be sorted. She suffered from a chronic condition, the drugs were prescribed to help her manage the pain. The supposed weapon the police keep talking about was a baseball bat she reached for when the door was broken down. She thought it was a home invasion.’ The masses lay their verdict; a hung jury. ‘Blue lives matter.’ ‘Justice for Lucretia Jones.’ ‘He was just doing his job.’ ‘Defund the police.’ The trial is complete and the sentence is hollow. No matter which way the decision falls the witch already lays dead. Burned before trial. Killed without mercy. The cycle continues, it is just the victims that change. Gretel turns off the news and keeps on living. ‘I’m a modern day witch,’ she says, as she drops more tinder onto the pyre.
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trenchcas · 4 years
episode review masterpost
Here you can find links to all the episodes that I’ve reviewed. Alternatively, you can scroll down through the hashtag ada’s episode guides to find them, but randomly.
Pilot Wendigo Dead in the Water Phantom Traveller Bloody Mary Skin Hook Man Bugs Home Asylum Scarecrow Faith Route 666 Nightmare The Benders Shadow Hell House Something Wicked Provenance Dead Man’s Blood Salvation Devil’s Trap
In My Time of Dying Everybody Loves a Clown Bloodlust Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things Simon Said No Exit The Usual Suspects Crossroad Blues Croatoan  Hunted Playthings Nightshifter Houses of the Holy Born Under a Bad Sign Tall Tales Roadkill Heart Hollywood Babylon Folsom Prison Blues What Is and What Should Never Be All Hell Breaks Loose 1 All Hell Breaks Loose 2
The Magnificent Seven The Kids Are Alright Bad Day at Black Rock Sin City Bedtime Stories Red Sky at Morning Fresh Blood A Very Supernatural Christmas Malleus Maleficarum Dream a Little Dream of Me Mystery Spot Jus in Bello Ghostfacers Long-Distance Call Time is On My Side No Rest for the Wicked
Lazarus Rising Are You There, God? It’s Me, Dean Winchester In the Beginning Metamorphosis Monster Movie Yellow Fever It’s the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester Wishful Thinking I Know What You Did Last Summer Heaven and Hell Family Remains Criss Angel is a Douche Bag After School Special Sex and Violence Death Takes a Holiday On the Head of a Pin It’s A Terrible Life The Monster at the End of This Book Jump the Shark The Rapture When the Levee Breaks Lucifer Rising
Sympathy for the Devil Good God, Y’all! Free to Be You and Me The End Fallen Idols I Believe the Children Are Our Future The Curious Case of Dean Winchester Changing Channels The Real Ghostbusters Abandon All Hope Sam, Interrupted Swap Meat The Song Remains the Same My Bloody Valentine Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid Dark Side of the Moon 99 Problems Point of No Return Hammer of the Gods The Devil You Know Two Minutes to Midnight Swan Song
Exile On Main St. Two and a Half Men The Third Man Weekend at Bobby’s Live Free or Twi-Hard You Can’t Handle the Truth Family Matters All Dogs Go To Heaven Clap Your Hands if You Believe Caged Heat Appointment in Samarra Like a Virgin Unforgiven Mannequin 3: The Reckoning The French Mistake ...And Then There Were None My Heart Will Go On Frontierland Mommy Dearest The Man Who Would Be King Let it Bleed The Man Who Knew Too Much
Meet the New Boss Hello, Cruel World The Girl Next Door Defending Your Life Shut Up, Dr. Phil Slash Fiction The Mentalists Season 7, Time For a Wedding! How To Win Friends and Influence Monsters Death’s Door Adventures in Babysitting Time After Time After Time The Slice Girls Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie Repo Man Out With the Old The Born-Again Identity Party On, Garth Of Grave Importance The Girl With the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo Reading is Fundamental There Will Be Blood Survival of the Fittest
We Need To Talk About Kevin What’s Up, Tiger Mommy? Heartache Bitten Blood Brother Southern Comfort A Little Slice of Kevin Hunteri Heroici Citizen Fang Torn and Frayed LARP and the Real Girl As Time Goes By Everybody Hates Hitler Trial and Error Man’s Best Friend With Benefits Remember the Titans Goodbye, Stranger Freaks and Geeks Taxi Driver Pac-Man Fever The Great Escapist Clip Show Sacrifice
I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here Devil May Care I’m No Angel Slumber Party Dog Dean Afternoon Heaven Can’t Wait Bad Boys Rock and a Hard Place Holy Terror Road Trip First Born Sharp Teeth The Purge Captives #thinman Blade Runners Mother’s Little Helper Meta Fiction Alex Annie Alexis Ann Bloodlines King of the Damned Stairway to Heaven Do You Believe in Miracles?
Black Reichenbach Soul Survivor Paper Moon Fan Fiction Ask Jeeves Girls, Girls, Girls Hibbing 911 The Things We Left Behind The Hunter Games There’s No Place Like Home About a Boy Halt and Catch Fire The Executioner’s Song The Things They Carried Paint it Black Inside Man Book of the Damned The Werther Project Angel Heart Dark Dynasty The Prisoner Brother’s Keeper
Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire Form and Void The Bad Seed Baby Thin Lizzy Our Little World Plush Just My Imagination O Brother, Where Art Thou? The Devil in the Details Into the Mystic Don’t You Forget About Me Love Hurts The Vessel Beyond the Mat Safe House Red Meat Hell’s Angel The Chitters Don’t Call Me Shurley All in the Family We Happy Few Alpha and Omega
Keep Calm and Carry On Mamma Mia The Foundry American Nightmare The One You’ve Been Waiting For Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox Rock Never Dies LOTUS First Blood Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets Regarding Dean Stuck in the Middle (With You) Family Feud The Raid Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell Ladies Drink Free The British Invasion The Memory Remains The Future Twigs and Twines and Tasha Banes There’s Something About Mary Who We Are All Along the Watchtower
Lost and Found The Rising Son Patience The Big Empty Advanced Thanatology Tombstone War of the Worlds The Scorpion and the Fang The Bad Place Wayward Sisters Breakdown Various and Sundry Villains Devil’s Bargain Good Intentions A Most Holy Man Scoobynatural The Thing Bring ‘Em Back Alive Funeralia Unfinished Business Beat the Devil Exodus Let the Good Times Roll
Stranger in a Strange Land Gods and Monsters The Scar Mint Condition Nightmare Logic Optimism Unhuman Nature Byzantium The Spear Nihilism Damaged Goods Prophet and Loss Lebanon Ouroboros Peace of Mind Don’t Go In the Woods Game Night Absence Jack in the Box Moriah
Back and to the Future Raising Hell The Rupture Atomic Monsters Proverbs 17:3 Golden Time Last Call Our Father, Who Aren’t In Heaven The Trap The Heroes Journey The Gamblers Galaxy Brain Destiny’s Child Last Holiday Gimme Shelter Drag Me Away (From You) Unity Despair Inherit the Earth Carry On
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threshasketch · 6 years
Painting Per Episode Master List
I’m painting a picture per episode of Supernatural to improve my digital painting skills! Each painting uses a screencap as a reference. I’ll add links to paintings for each episode as I complete them. 
The reference screencap gets posted with each painting over on my Twitter account, and I make step by step gifs of my painting process for each episode as well. 
Enjoying my work? Please consider supporting me on Patreon. It’s a “pledge any amount you want” type of situation, and I’m jobless at the moment, so I appreciate it very, very much. ♥ For one-time tips, see also: buy me a Ko-Fi? 
Okay, here's the episode list proper. As you can see, this project’s gonna take me awhile:
Season 1:
1 - Pilot  | 2 - Wendigo | 3 - Dead in the Water | 4 - Phantom Traveler | 5 - Bloody Mary | 6 - Skin | 7 - Hook Man | 8 - Bugs | 9 - Home | 10 - Asylum | 11 - Scarecrow | 12 - Faith | 13 - Route 666 | 14 - Nightmare | 15 - The Benders | 16 - Shadow | 17 - Hell House | 18 - Something Wicked | 19 - Provenance | 20 - Dead Man’s Blood | 21 - Salvation | 22 - Devil’s Trap
Season 2: 
1 - In My Time of Dying  | 2 - Everybody Loves a Clown | 3 - Bloodlust | 4 - Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things | 5 - Simon Said | 6 - No Exit | 7 - The Usual Suspects | 8 - Crossroad Blues | 9 - Croatoan | 10 - Hunted | 11 - Playthings | 12 - Nightshifter | 13 - Houses of the Holy | 14 - Born Under a Bad Sign | 15 - Tall Tales | 16 - Roadkill | 17 - Heart | 18 - Hollywood Babylon | 19 - Folsom Prison Blues | 20 - What Is and What Should Never Be | 21 - All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 1 | 22 - All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2
Season 3: 
1 - The Magnificent Seven  | 2 - The Kids Are Alright | 3 - Bad Day at Black Rock | 4 - Sin City | 5 - Bedtime Stories | 6 - Red Sky at Morning | 7 - Fresh Blood | 8 - A Very Supernatural Christmas | 9 - Malleus Maleficarum | 10 - Dream a Little Dream of Me | 11 - Mystery Spot | 12 - Jus in Bello | 13 - Ghostfacers | 14 - Long Distance Call | 15 - Time is on My Side | 16 - No Rest for the Wicked
Season 4: 
1 - Lazarus Rising  | 2 - Are You There, God? It’s Me, Dean Winchester | 3 - In the Beginning | 4 - Metamorphosis | 5 - Monster Movie | 6 - Yellow Fever | 7 - It’s the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester | 8 - Wishful Thinking | 9 - I Know What You Did Last Summer | 10 - Heaven and Hell | 11 - Family Remains | 12 - Criss Angel is a Douche Bag | 13 - After School Special | 14 - Sex and Violence | 15 - Death Takes a Holiday | 16 - On the Head of a Pin | 17 - It’s a Terrible Life | 18 - The Monster at the End of This Book | 19 - Jump the Shark | 20 - The Rapture | 21 - When the Levee Breaks | 22 - Lucifer Rising
Season 5: 
1 - Sympathy for the Devil  | 2 - Good God, Y’All | 3 - Free to Be You and Me | 4 - The End | 5 - Fallen Idols | 6 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future | 7 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester | 8 - Changing Channels | 9 - The Real Ghostbusters | 10 - Abandon All Hope | 11 - Sam, Interrupted | 12 - Swap Meat | 13 - The Song Remains the Same | 14 - My Bloody Valentine | 15 - Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid | 16 - Dark Side of the Moon | 17 - 99 Problems | 18 - Point of No Return | 19 - Hammer of the Gods | 20 - The Devil You Know | 21 - Two Minutes to Midnight | 22 - Swan Song
Season 6: 
1 - Exile on Main St.  | 2 - Two and a Half Men | 3 - The Third Man | 4 - Weekend at Bobby’s | 5 - Live Free or Twihard | 6 - You Can’t Handle the Truth | 7 - Family Matters | 8 - All Dogs Go to Heaven | 9 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe | 10 - Caged Heat | 11 - Appointment in Samarra | 12 - Like a Virgin | 13 - Unforgiven | 14 - Mannequin 3: The Reckoning | 15 - The French Mistake | 16 - And Then There Were None | 17 - My Heart Will Go On | 18 - Frontierland | 19 - Mommy Dearest | 20 - The Man Who Would Be Kind | 21 - Let it Bleed | 22 - The Man Who Knew Too Much
Season 7: 
1 - Meet the New Boss  | 2 - Hello, Cruel World | 3 - The Girl Next Door | 4 - Defending Your Life | 5 - Shut Up, Dr. Phil | 6 - Slash Fiction | 7 - The Mentalists | 8 - Season Seven, Time for a Wedding! | 9 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters | 10 - Death’s Door | 11 - Adventures in Babysitting | 12 - Time After Time | The Slice Girls | 14 - Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie | 15 - Repo Man | 16 - Out with the Old | 17 - The Born-Again Identity | 18 - Party On, Garth | 19 - Of Grave Importance | 20 - The Girl With the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo | 21 - Reading is Fundamental | 22 - There Will Be Blood | 23 - Survival of the Fittest
Season 8: 
1 - We Need to Talk About Kevin  | 2 - What’s Up, Tiger Mommy? | 3 - Heartache | 4 - Bitten | 5 - Blood Brother | 6 - Southern Comfort | 7 - A Little Slice of Kevin | 8 - Hunteri Heroici | 9 - Citizen Fang | 10 - Torn and Frayed | 11 - LARP and the Real Girl | 12 - As Time Goes By | 13 - Everybody Hates Hitler | 14 - Trial and Error | 15 - Man’s Best Friend with Benefits | 16 - Remember the Titans | 17 - Goodbye, Stranger | 18 - Freaks and Geeks | 19 - Taxi Driver | 20 - Pac-Man Fever | 21 - The Great Escapist | 22 - Clip Show | 23 - Sacrifice
Season 9: 
1 - I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here  | 2 - Devil May Care | 3 - I’m No Angel | 4 - Slumber Party | 5 - Dog Dean Afternoon | 6 - Heaven Can’t Wait | 7 - Bad Boys | 8 - Rock and a Hard Place | 9 - Holy Terror | 10 - Road Trip | 11 - First Born | 12 - Sharp Teeth | 13 - The Purge | 14 - Captives | 15 - #thinman | 16 - Blade Runners | 17 - Mother’s Little Helper | 18 - Meta Fiction | 19 - Alex Annie Alexis Ann | 20 - Bloodlines | 21 - King of the Damned | 22 - Stairway to Heaven | 23 - Do You Believe in Miracles?
Season 10: 
1 - Black | 2 - Reichenbach | 3 - Soul Survivor | 4 - Paper Moon | 5 - Fan Fiction | 6 - Ask Jeeves | 7 - Girls, Girls, Girls | 8 - Hibbing 911 | 9 - The Things We Left Behind | 10 - The Hunter Games | 11 - There’s No Place Like Home | 12 - About a Boy | 13 - Halt & Catch Fire | 14 - The Executioner’s Song | 15 - The Things They Carried | 16 - Paint It Black | 17 - Inside Man | 18 - Book of the Damned | 19 - The Werther Project | 20 - Angel Heart | 21 - Dark Dynasty | 22 - The Prisoner | 23 - Brother’s Keeper
Season 11: 
1 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire  | 2 - Form and Void | 3 - The Bad Seed | 4 - Baby | 5 - Thin Lizzie | 6 - Our Little World | 7 - Plush | 8 - Just My Imagination | 9 - O Brother, Where Art Thou? | 10 - The Devil in the Details | 11 - Into the Mystic | 12 - Don’t You Forget About Me | 13 - Love Hurts | 14 - The Vessel | 15 - Beyond the Mat | 16 - Safe House | 17 - Red Meat | 18 - Hell’s Angel | 19 - The Chitters | 20 - Don’t Call Me Shurley | 21 - All in the Family | 22 - We Happy Few | 23 - Alpha and Omega
Season 12: 
1 - Keep Calm and Carry On  | 2 - Mamma Mia | 3 - The Foundry | 4 - American Nightmare | 5 - The One You’ve Been Waiting For | 6 - Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox | 7 - Rock Never Dies | 8 - LOTUS | 9 - First Blood | 10 - Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets | 11 - Regarding Dean | 12 - Stuck in the Middle (With You) | 13 - Family Feud | 14 - The Raid | 15 - Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell | 16 - Ladies Drink Free | 17 - The British Invasion | 18 - The Memory Remains | 19 - The Future | 20 - Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes | 21 - There’s Something About Mary | 22 - Who We Are | 23 - All Along the Watchtower
Season 13: 
1 - Lost and Found  | 2 - The Rising Son | 3 - Patience | 4 - The Big Empty | 5 - Advanced Thanatology | 6 - Tombstone | 7 - War of the Worlds | 8 - The Scorpion and the Frog | 9 - The Bad Place | 10 - Wayward Sisters | 11 - Breakdown | 12 - Various & Sundry Villains | 13 - Devil’s Bargain | 14 - Good Intentions | 15 - A Most Holy Man | 16 - ScoobyNatural | 17 - The Thing | 18 - Bring ‘Em Back Alive | 19 - Funeralia | 20 - Unfinished Business | 21 - Beat the Devil | 22 - Exodus | 23 - Let the Good Times Roll
Season 14:
1 - Stranger in a Strange Land | 2 - Gods and Monsters | 3 - The Scar | 4 - Mint Condition | 5 - Nightmare Logic | 6 - Optimism | 7 - Unhuman Nature | 8 - Byzantium | 9 - The Spear | 10 - Nihilism | 11 - Damaged Goods | 12 - Prophet and Loss | 13 - Lebanon | 14 - Ouroboros | 15 - Peace of Mind | 16 - Don’t Go in the Woods | 17 - Game Night | 18 - Absence | 19 - Jack in the Box | 20 - Moriah
Season 15:
1 - Back and to the Future   | 2 - Raising Hell | 3 - The Rupture   | 4 - Atomic Monsters   | 5 - Proverbs 17:3   | 6 - Golden Time   | 7 - Last Call   | 8 - ??? | 9 - ??? | 10 - ??? | 11 - ??? | 12 - ??? | 13 - ??? | 14 - ??? | 15 - ??? | 16 - ??? | 17 - ??? | 18 - ??? | 19 - ??? | 20 - ???
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peachdaydream · 7 years
Lovesick Students
Group: DAY6
Focus: No one in particular
Genre: Comedy, fluff, Highschool!AU
Word Count: 5139
Requested by Anonymous: OKAY BUT HEADCANON IDEA ABT DAY6 IN SCHOOL So Dowoon is being followed around by his fanclub but he's actually super in love with Jae, who's actually in love with that girl™ but that girl™ loves Brian but Brian loves Wonpil and Wonpil is madly in love with Sungjin and it's one big shit show omg this would be such a funny comedy
Note: Based on the “What Can I Do?” MV! I had a ton of fun writing this one up!! Special shouts to @yeojinsun for making sure this didn’t get confusing, aha ^^;;
Tumblr media
“Morning, guys!” you greeted warmly, a smile on your face as you got a jumbled chorus of ‘good morning!’ from your students. “No new announcements this week. But it’s that time of year again, it’s time for your guidance talks! You should all know the drill by now, I need to see all of you once at some point in these next few weeks. I’ll be right here at both break and lunch, so just drop by alone,” you emphasised the word, giving a pointed look to the group of girls who you knew had a tendency to glue themselves to a certain silent student.
After you took the register you allowed them to do their own thing whilst you waited for the late students and did some of your own lesson planning and book marking, helping your students who were confused by their homework whenever they asked. Other than the occasional commotion that was caused by Young K telling Dowoon’s unwanted entourage to shut up, your homeroom class was usually pretty easy going - not too chaotic but not silently obedient either, it was a happy medium.
“Remember to come see me for your talks, it’s no fun for me or you if I have to chase after you,” you reminded your bunch after the bell rung, standing from your seat to ready yourself for your next class as the students filed out.
i. the heartthrob
Yoon Dowoon was always one of the first who turned up for the guidance talks, he also tended to take up all lunch to talk to you — you didn’t mind, of course. You figured it was the only time he was able to talk to someone who didn’t see him for just his looks and actually wanted to talk to him as a person. You could tell that he liked talking to you about his aspirations and dreams for the future because he knew that you would never belittle him or tell him to give up because it was too out of reach, instead you would give him your support and tell him of the ways in which he could go out and chase his dreams, you gave him hope for the future instead of bringing him down.
Honestly, it was a shame that he was always being bothered as he was the sweetest and kindest boy you had the pleasure of teaching, but instead of having friends that could see that side of him, he was surrounded by girls who only liked him for what they saw on the surface and had no real interest in getting to know him on a deeper level. 
On some level, you admired the strength he had to endure each day of school knowing what awaited him as soon as he walked through the gates. However, you also felt slight sorrow for him as it meant that each day he wasn’t able to talk to anyone or make any friends and you knew better than anyone in the school that Yoon Dowoon was a sensitive boy and craved friendship just as much as the next person, you knew he often felt lonely and you only hoped that you could lessen that feeling with the talks you often had.
Needless to say, you noticed his brightened demeanour when he came to your classroom during lunch for his guidance talk with a little extra spring in his step and you couldn’t help but smile — you had always found his happiness infectious. With Dowoon you knew that he found it easy to talk with you about anything and everything; from his progress in his classes to how he saw a cute dog that morning and was almost late to school because he stopped to pet it.
“Alright, what’s got you in a good mood?” you chuckled as he pulled up a chair to sit on the other side of your desk. “Other than the fact you get to eat in peace.”
���I think I’ve finally made a friend who doesn’t care about my looks and isn’t easily chased away,” the drummer responded with a cute little grin, the sound of pure elation and happiness in his tone from the aspect of making a friend made your heart swell with joy for him.
“Good! It’s about time someone saw past that pretty face of yours and actually saw you for who you are,” you spoke, looking at the boy in front of you fondly with a warm smile on your face.
Without needing prompting, Dowoon proceeded to freely tell you about how he made his friend and how much he knew and liked about his friend, a bright smile on his face that matched the tone of his voice as he talked about his new friendship. You listened intently, giving him responses and letting him to talk for as long as he wanted to.
“Wait, Dowoon,” you spoke up, quirking an eyebrow at the student across from you. “Are you sure this person’s just a friend?” He stared at you in question, not really understanding your inquiry, causing you to chuckle softly at his innocence before speaking again, “It sounds like you’re very fond of them, maybe you have a crush?”
At that you could see his ears begin to go red as he tried to stutter out an answer, his cool image cracking, “Uh, I don’t know, well, I guess...maybe?” he paused for a moment in thought and you waited patiently for him to collect his thoughts. “...Now that you mention it...I think...I might have a crush?”
“It’s okay if you’re not sure,” you chuckled, seeing a tinge of pink dust across his cheeks. “Just carry on being friends and if you need someone to talk to about anything, you know where I am. But, for right now, get your butt outta here or else you’ll be late for class.”
“Oh! Right!” he blinked, looking over to the clock and picking his bag up, putting the chair back behind it’s desk as he stood up. “Thanks for listening to me, Miss (L/N).”
“Anytime, Dowoon,” you hummed, getting up to open the door for him with a warm smile. “Who’s your friend, anyways? You never told me a name.”
He rushed to the door but he paused long enough to give you a mumbled answer before he quickly scurried away to his next class. 
“...He plays the guitar.”
ii. the best friend
You gave up on trying to figure out Dowoon’s crush after that day, your mind had gone completely blank when you tried to think of any student who mentioned playing the guitar and you didn’t want to be too nosy — it would be invasive and borderline inappropriate for you to do so as his teacher. So you allowed it to slip from your mind, focusing your energy on your other students who came to see you for their talks.
Speaking of which, you had thought no one would come see you today so you were happily having your lunch and drinking your coffee. Your mind wandered serenely as you looked out of the window, somewhat wistfully wishing that you were outside and enjoying the sun and fresh-
“Yo, Miss (L/N)!” a loud voice greeted abruptly, causing you to jump and almost spit out your coffee as you spun around in your chair, wide eyed and hand laying over your racing heart.
Park Jaehyung, the bane of your teaching career. You mean it playfully, of course — you actually enjoyed the light and playful atmosphere he seemed to carry everywhere he went, but with that playfulness came a dash of mischief that Jae never had a shortage of. His brand of mischief was harmless so, much like Dowoon, he wasn’t disliked by anybody in any of his classes — he was very much one who brought life to places no matter where he was. He was a source of happiness and support, you found that he was a student that those younger than him thought of as an older sibling and you had seen him on multiple occasions doting and supporting those younger than him, showing a softer side to him that was under his harmless teasing.
Of course, with so many leaning on his support and happiness, it was only natural that he needed someone to vent to and have a moment of rest, to recharge his energy and allow himself to lean onto someone else for support. 
For the majority of the time his support came from his close friend Jiwoo, but for the times he needed advice and support on things concerning his future and whatnot, he usually spoke to you because he trusted you to tell him nothing but the raw truth and give him the information he needed to make his own decisions.
“Oh my goodness, Jae! You almost gave me a heart attack!” you scolded playfully, setting your coffee down while Jae just grinned at at your shocked form, pulling up a chair in front of your desk and sitting on it backwards, making himself comfortable.
“I need your advice.”
“That’s kind of what I’m here for,” you hummed with a chuckle as you set your coffee down and looked at him. “Alright, shoot.”
“Okay so, let’s say, hypothetically that I have a crush on someone,” he began, waiting for you to nod before he carried on, “that I have known since I was a kid, how would I go about seeing if my hypothetical feelings are returned?”
"...Right." You paused for a moment to think and Jae watched you intently — you could tell as he had a habit of blinking a lot when he was really looking at something. "Well, my hypothetical advice would be to test the waters a bit to see how she'd react — nothing too obvious but also not so subtle that she just thinks that you're being nice. If she notices and blushes but doesn't try to stop you, that probably means that she feels the same but if she keeps on brushing you off then it'll be safe to assume she doesn't feel the same."
"So, in this hypothetical situation, which is totally made up since it is hypoth-"
"Jae, stop saying 'hypothetical', you've said it so much that it doesn't even sound like a word anymore."
"Sure, so you wouldn't suggest outright telling her?"
"No, but don't try to hide it either. She'll probably know that you're trying to hide something or catch onto you if you start acting strange since you've known each other for so long."
"So...just be chill about it?"
"Yes, be a little more doting and caring toward her and try not to tease Jiw— I mean, her as much as you do," you suggested, quickly catching your slip up of almost saying his best friend's name in order to keep the facade that Jae had put up.
You took another sip of your coffee as the student across from you delved into his own thoughts, probably deliberating on what to do with his crush. 
If you looked close enough, you could see the cogs turning in his head as his thoughts ran through his head.
He's pouring way too much thought into this 'hypothetical' situation.
"Jae?" you spoke up after a while, setting your coffee down once more as he hummed to indicate that he was paying attention. "This situation isn't really hypothetical, right? You're talking about your crush on Jiwoo—"
"No! Of course not! It was purely hypothetical!" he denied quickly, his eyes widening as he looked at you before he panicked further upon being figured out and blurted, "Gotta go! I'll be late to class!"
You looked at the flustered boy in front of you with amusement as he got his things together. You glanced over to the clock hanging on the wall and chuckled, "Jae, you've got plenty of time before class st—"
"Thanks for the advice! Bye!"
And with that he was gone, leaving you amused at your desk, only a little guilty that you flustered him so much and wishing him luck on whatever he planned to do next.
iii. that girl™
It wasn’t long until the subject of Jae’s affection came for her ‘guidance’ talk — which was steadily turning into a talk with the apparent love adviser (Y/N) as the days passed and students came in with their love problems.
Honestly, you didn’t get paid enough to do this.
If it wasn’t for your fondness of your students you would’ve shut down the love talks long ago, so when Kim Jiwoo shyly entered your classroom asking for some advice, you only gave her a smile, paused in your book marking and gestured for her to sit down.
“What’s on your mind?” you asked, watching as she fidgeted in her seat which was odd for her since her behaviour was usually similar to Jae’s loud and playful attitude.
“Um...is it weird if I have a crush on someone I’ve never really spoken to before?” she asked, a red tinge on her cheeks as she voiced her question, tucking her hair behind her ear as she looked up to you.
You blinked at her question, sure you expected her answer to have something to do with having a crush, but a crush on someone she’d never spoken to before was a new one. Then again, a lot of people had crushes on people they’ve never spoken to — you could barely judge since you had way too many crushes on idols and celebrities when you were younger.
With that in mind you reassured her as you said with a shrug, “No, not at all. A lot of people have crushes like that so it’s not weird. But if you can talk to them, then go for it because what’s the worst that could happen? You might even become friends and have a chance to act on your feelings.”
“But what if he’s not what I expected? Or if he’s hard to approach?” Jiwoo asked, going on to list all the bad things that could happen — some of them extremely outlandish — and completely overthinking the idea of talking to her crush.
“Jiwoo—” you attempted to interrupt, amused at some of the situations her mind came up with, “Jiwoo. Jiwoo, calm down! You’re thinking way too much into this, nothing bad’ll happen from saying hello. If you find out he’s a bad person or something then you’ll be glad that you found out sooner than developing a bigger crush on him later without knowing what kind of person he is. Just say hi and see where it goes from there.”
Jiwoo quietened down, going into her own thoughts and you went back to your marking whilst she did so, humming quietly to yourself.
A minute into your marking a thought barrelled into your thoughts and slapped you across the face, you movements stilling and your humming stopped completely as the thought of a certain pink haired student popped into your head.
Those exact words passed through your head once you realised the conundrum that you found yourself in. As casually as you could, you closed the book you were marking and said, “I mean, if it doesn’t work out...you’ll always have Jae, right?”
“Jae? Sure, I guess, but I can’t really talk to him about this one, I don’t think he’d particularly like who I have a crush on...” she trailed off, biting her lip as she thought about her best friend.
“Oh?” That piqued your interest and it showed in your voice as you inquired, “Why? Who is it?”
The girl before you immediately went red and looked down to look at her fidgeting hands on her lap, mumbling her answer so quietly that you strained your ears to hear her and had to ask her to repeat what she had said. You feared that she might actually faint with how impossibly red she got when she repeated her answer, this time clear enough that you could understand her but still had to strain your ears.
“...Young K?” surprise was clear in your tone as you spoke, sitting up straight as you looked at Jiwoo. “Young K as in Younghyun, who practically owns the corner window seat in homeroom?” She only nodded in response and you hummed, “Well, if it’s Younghyun or not, just go say hi.”
“It’s that easy?”
“Mhm!” you nodded before glancing over to the clock that hung on the wall, “Have you eaten yet, Jiwoo? It’s already halfway through lunch so you should get something to eat if you haven’t yet.”
“Oh! I have eaten but I need to go meet up with Jae by the music practice rooms,” she quickly picked her bag up and put the chair back where it was behind one of the desks. “Thanks for talking to me, Miss (Y/N), it helped a lot!”
“Do you play something?” you asked curiously before she left your classroom, twirling your pen around in your hand, you mind going back to your talk with Dowoon before dismissing the possibility of Jiwoo being the drummer’s crush; you were certain Dowoon’s crush was a he.
“No, but Jae plays the guitar. See you tomorrow!” were her parting words before she shut the door behind her.
“...Jae...plays the guitar?” you said to yourself, your voice strained as you stopped twirling your pen. “That means...Dowoon...has a crush...on Jae...who has a crush on Jiwoo...who has a crush on Young K...”
The more you thought about the ridiculous situation that’s been set in motion, the more you thought that you really needed a raise from this k-drama-esque love circle, your grip tightening on your pen as moments passed.
“And I...I just gave them all advice about their crushes...”
The pen you were holding snapped in your hand at your realisation.
iv. the bad boy
The morning after Jiwoo’s confession and your mind melting epiphany consisted of witnessing Dowoon glance over to Jae who was trying to flirt with Jiwoo who was talking to him and trying to keep her staring at Young K to a minimum whilst Young K was oblivious to the whole thing and had his headphones in, seemingly unsuspecting and untroubled.
To say you experienced a enormous internal crisis was putting it lightly when Kang Younghyun came to you for his guidance talk to tell you he had a crush on a certain sunshine boy.
Younghyun, who was the resident and mildly infamous bad boy of the school, better known as Young K, and Wonpil, the brightest and happy-go-lucky student you had ever met, who practically brought sunshine and sparkles everywhere he met.
It was an odd combination if one looked at it from the surface, you had to admit.
But you knew Young K and you knew that underneath that untouchable demeanour and somewhat intimidating aura, he was a boy with a heart as pure as gold. Sure, he was a little rough around the edges but you knew that under all of his reckless behaviour was a boy who played the bass as a hobby, got straight A’s in all of his classes and volunteered at pet shelters almost every weekend when he could.
Through the talk you found that you were no longer the only one who knew of the softer side of him, there was another who he let chip down his guarded walls and allowed to get to know him and see him as himself instead of a troublemaker who’s constantly followed around with a ton of unsavoury rumours.
You were conflicted when he asked you for advice on what to do because on one hand, it was rare for the purple haired student to feel anything about anyone and you wanted to help him develop relationships of his own so he didn’t have to be so alone all the time, but, on the other hand, you had to take Jiwoo’s feelings toward the boy she had never spoken and confession to you the literal day before to into account.
Of course, that automatically meant you also had to think about how your advice to Young K could not only affect Jiwoo’s feeling but Jae and Dowoon’s as well.
You really weren’t paid enough to give this kind of advice, nor did you have the qualifications to be a love doctor.
Maybe you should just start telling them you don’t know what they should do and let them decide what to do with their feelings.
You allowed yourself to entertain the thought for a brief second before you looked back to Young K, who looked totally lost and unsure as to what to do with his feelings which made sense; he never really talked to his other classmates and had friendships let alone crushes, so it was understandable that he was overwhelmed because who wouldn’t be in his situation? And of course he came to you for advice because you were pretty much the only person he felt comfortable to open up to and talk to about his feelings because he knew you saw him for who he really was and-
There was no way you could give the answer of ‘I don’t know’. 
You wouldn’t be able to sleep at night for weeks knowing that you had left Young K alone and with no one else to turn to that could give him serious advice.
“Well...” you noticed your voice kind of sounded strained so you quickly cleared your throat and forced your voice back to normal before you carried on, “Why don’t you ask him if he wants to tag along with you the next time you volunteer at the pet shelter?”
“Do...you think he’d like it?” he asked sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck bashfully.
“I think so,” you hummed, finding his sudden shift of demeanour endearing as you reassured him, “He always tells me about how much he loves animals and how much he wants to adopt a pet. Maybe you could help him pick out a dog or something?”
“I could do that,” he nodded, looking happy with the idea since he would be comfortable, in his element and more importantly — surrounded by dogs. “Ah, I better get going before the hallways get too crowded for me to get through...”
“Let me know how it goes, okay? I’ll be happy to help,” you hummed happily as he got up and put the chair back behind a desk before grabbing his bag and walking over to the door.
“Oh, and by the way...” he paused in the doorway and looked back at you, “Thank you, Miss (L/N).”
Almost immediately a soft smile appeared on your lips as you looked at the plum haired student, “Anytime, Young K.”
Was it wrong that you were kind of rooting for this to work out for him?
Ah, oh well. 
You couldn’t deny that you had a soft spot for the boy with a heart of gold.
v. the ball of sunshine
You could have sworn to every holy deity that the past week had taken about ten years off your lifespan and probably caused some premature hair greying.
Why were all of your students falling for each other all at once? And why were they all coming to you about it? You don’t know but you’d sure as Hell like some answers.
As much as you adored your students, you couldn’t help but feel like they saw you more like an older sibling rather than their homeroom teacher and sometimes treated you as such when they sought you out for advice. 
You weren’t quite sure if it was a blessing or a curse.
Sure, you loved to help them out but you could only hold so many of their secrets and at that moment, you felt like you were going to explode with how much they trusted you with whilst you had no one to talk to about it and allow you to feel some relief.
Apparently you were good at hiding the fact since your students still came to you for advice and gave you more of their secrets to keep. 
You could almost feel strands of your hair turn grey when Kim Wonpil bounced into your classroom and told you about his crush on his long-term friend, Sungjin — which you found was extremely similar to Jae’s circumstance, except this time, you had to be extremely careful with your words so you didn’t accidentally set off an explosion within the intricate love...hexagon?
At least, you think it’s a hexagon.
The only thing that differed his situation from Jae’s(and made it more heart wrenching, in your opinion) was that Wonpil knew full well that Sungjin did not feel the same way — at least not right now he didn’t.
For the first time in a while you saw his usually bright demeanour dim as he spoke about having had his hopes up for such a long time before he realised that he had no chance with his best friend and he knew it but he couldn’t just turn off his feelings for Sungjin, no matter how much he wanted to.
“It’s okay, Wonpil...” you soothed, your voice soft as you spoke, “Sometimes it’s just not meant to be but that’s okay — you’re still young, you have plenty of time to heal and to fall in love, don’t be so down...”
“Yeah...it just...sucks, you know?”
“I know, I’ve had my fair share of unrequited crushes but I promise to you that you’ll heal and in time, you’ll find someone.”
The only thing that alleviated your mood from the conversation was the fact that Wonpil mentioned that Young K had actually asked him to help out at the shelter together.
The bassist was quick, you’d give him that.
“Really? That’s good, you’re always mentioning how you want to adopt a pet,” you hummed, offering him a smile. “You should go, it’ll be good for you to clear your head a bit, you know? Just take it easy for a while and who knows? Maybe he could help you find an animal to adopt.”
At the mention of the possibility of getting a pet, he instantaneously brightened up and grinned over to you before he spoke, “I think I’ll take him up on it! It’ll be fun being surrounded by animals all day and I...actually like spending time with him.”
“I think he’s quite fond of you, Younghyun doesn’t invite many people to help him out at the shelter because everyone’s too afraid to try and befriend him...he’s a nice kid, people just don’t give him a chance,” you smiled a little sadly as you thought about how lonely Young K was.
Wonpil blushed at your words but didn’t seem put off in the slightest because he seemed to smile shyly as he said, “Well, I’m glad I gave him a chance.”
Before either of you said another word, the bell rang and signalled that lunch was over and students should make their way to their classes.
“Here, I’ll write you a note that excuses you if you end up late,” you hummed, whipping out a piece of paper and a pen to write up a note. “Have fun this weekend, tell me if you end up adopting something!”
“Thank you, and I will!” he grinned, taking the note you handed over with two hands before he rushed out into the quickly filling hallway in order to get to his next class.
vi. the unrequited crush nope. nopenopenope. nOPE. 
vi. the love doctor goes on an indefinite hiatus
You were steadily getting to your wit’s end.
Honestly, you weren’t sure how much advice you could give to your students suffering from crushes.
You treasured your lovesick students, you really, really did.
However, you were officially at your limit with how many secrets they had unknowingly piled onto you, you were basically up to your eyeballs in crush confessions and it was beginning to engulf you like quicksand.
Thank God it was Friday.
But, of course, the love hexagon couldn’t be complete without it’s sixth member.
You were a fool to think that said member wouldn’t stop by because half of lunch had already passed without head nor tail of him. You had actually thought that your role as love doctor had officially ended.
Oh, but you were wrong, so very, very wrong.
It was proved so when your atmosphere of peace was shattered when you heard a knock on your door and saw a head of dark hair peek inside.
Park Sungjin.
The door opened up and none other than Sungjin stood walked into the classroom, greeted you and said, “I, um, kind of need your advice.”
You were kind of getting tired of that line because you knew exactly what would come next.
“I think I know where this is going...” the words quietly slipped out of your mouth before you could control yourself.
Shit, did you say that out loud?
“Oh, nothing,” you dismissed casually, feeling something in your mind snap and before you knew it words began to roll off your tongue, “Actually, I don’t think I can do a guidance talk today, Sungjin...there’s a...teacher’s meeting that I really can’t miss.” It seemed as if you were on autopilot as you moved to gather your things. “Is it okay if we do this on another day?”
“Oh, yeah, of course! I’m sorry, I shouldn’t of come so late during lunch,” he spoke, moving to help you get your things.
“No, no, it’s not your fault, you couldn’t have known!” Because there’s no actual meeting, you don’t even know what you’re doing right now. “Thank you for understanding, Sungjin!”
The fact you were getting away with this astounded you, you had to admit but you were too busy in revelling in the fact you could rest your mind for a whole weekend instead of giving yourself a migraine from giving relationship advice.
You almost cried in relief when you found sanctuary in the staff room, sitting yourself down in one of the comfy chairs whilst other teachers looked over to you curiously.
“Guidance talks, huh?” you heard the drama teacher question with a chuckle.
“Yup.” Your short response prompted a understanding ‘ahh’ among the teachers and a few amused chuckles. “I officially quit my position as love doctor to those kids. I love ‘em, but oh my God. Why can't they just send notes in class that are like 'Do you like me tick yes or no'? It'd be a lot easier, honestly.”
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thetimelordbatgirl · 25 days
Tfw your actually debating on buying a copy of SJA S4 just because its the only SJA thing in CEX, even though you literally already have the box set of the show.
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