#instead of trying to callously flip that on everyone who DARED enjoy your work
hontou-baka · 1 year
Finally read psycholonials and man do I fucking hate hussie
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bioodorange · 4 years
Hey since you’re taking requests for kinkytober how about tim/masky with overstimulation 💚💚
I hope you enjoy, day one of kinktober!
Add this to the list of reasons why I'm going to hell
TW!! Oversimulation, Jealousy, Dubcon, Daddy Kink, Slight! Vouyerism, Choking, Light Spanking
Yes this one will have a part 2
1.5k words
|| Busy Night Masky x Reader Smut ||
The room smelled of alcohol and sweat. It was amazing how much of a mess a few dozen people could make in a few hours, and how loud they could be. The immunity to it all had escaped you after the punch and cheap beer had warm off.
Left with a head ache and ringing ears, you found solace in the over stuffed pillows of a musty old couch. The only one that didn't smell of cum or vomit.
Somehow a few friends and some some drinks and turned into a batshit crazy, over crowded party. Somehow had started up in the small cabin, usually used for retreats. music with much to loud of a base played and people were screaming for no damn reason. If it wasn't for the tricky inner workings of the Slender forest, you all would have been screwed over.
Missing the liberties of drunken fun, you buried yourself further into the confines of Toby and the sofa. Toby had never had a taste for alcohol so, he'd been deemed with the job of "designated drink holder" and was currently watching your cup of water while chatting with Helen, who sat in the chair adjacent to him.
Everyone seemed to be having a fine time, including you, who had someone how managed to get comfortable curled up on the beat up couch. But Tim, he sure as shit wasn't having a good time. After spending a few hours looking for you unsuccessfully (dumbass this house has like 5 rooms how-), he learned that you were curled up half asleep with Toby.
Now Tim didn't hate the boy- but he didn't like him either. Toby was the golden child and had knocked him down from his place as number one, and he was only a damn kid! So seeing you all cuddled up with him like that struck a nerve with him.
Walking over to you too, you knew you were screwed when the familiar smell of cigarettes, metal and leather filled your nose. Feeling the couch dip, you didn't dare object as your boyfriend pulled you into his lap, tucking some of your matted hair away from your face.
"Hey princess, how's your night going?" He asked, anger lacing his voice as his hand gripped your hip tightly. All you could do was whine lowly at this point and weakly try to get away. You knew him well and you knew where this was going, but the need to sleep overwhelmed you.
Shaking his head, the man pulled you back towards him bucking his hips into yours as he did. Feeling his semi hard cock on your heat made you mewl softly in pleasure. His possessiveness in the situation also fueled the heat growing between your thighs.
Without any more objections you sat in Tim's lap, gently rocking yourself on his lap and relishing in the pleasure it provided. Turning around to check on you, Toby smiled. "Feeling better?" He asked. Nodding reluctantly you felt your partner's large hands rubbing the side of your bare thigh. "Y-yeah I fell asleep for a bit and that h- /elped."
What looked like shifting around was actually Tim grinding himself against you, a bit rougher then before. This caused your voice to break near the end of your statement, and a flush to cover your face.
Knitting his eyebrows together, Toby looked at you worriedly. "A-are you sure you're okay?" He asked. This time you only responded with a nod as you stood up, swaying a bit. "Yeah I just need some water..c'mon" you said, taking Tim's hand and practically pulling him across the room.
"Really smooth of you, Toby was holding your damn water." The male chuckled, causing the tips of your ears to turn off pink. "Shut up!" You huffed a few moments later, which was a mistake.
Suddenly you found yourself against the wall, Tim pinning you there. "Shut up? Was I the one getting handsy with someone else? No." He whispered, his voice husk as his hands traveled down your sides. Biting your lip in anticipation, you felt him flip up your shirt a bit as his calloused fingers graced your bare hips.
"If anyone should be shutting up it's you, we both know how loud you can get." Another slam, his hips pressed to yours and hands under your thighs. Rutting into you, your blessed noises were lost when your lips met
Everything was driving you crazy, the hard on her had rested just below your core, the breathy moans he let out at the soft tugs of his hair. Bodies molded together, desired ratited off of you both.
Pulling back for air, you gave him a pleading look "Please daddy.." hearing that dirty name on your innocent lips pushed Tim over the edge. Fumbling around his hand fell on the brass nob of the bathroom, opening the door he kept you pressed to his hip as he locked it behind him
This time instead off wood, you were rested on the sink. No time was wasted, Tim tossed his own shirt into the corner while you discared your dress aswell.
Seeing you naked, wet spot between your legs and fading love bites on your skin made him groan out loud. Skin met skin as he yet again pulled you close. His strong hands groping your chest, and lips straying down your neck distracted you from the fact that your heat was a few inches shy of the haven that was his hips.
The ignorance didn't last long, soon enough Tim was chasing his own pleasure as well. Attempting to undo his buckle with one hand, he was happy when you reached out to help him. Unsheathing his cock, you'd barley nodded to him when he was balls deep in your folds.
A wanton moan escaped your lips as he began a relentless pace. "Keep quiet.." he panted to focused on his thrusts to really talk. Covering your mouth with one hand, it barely helped to maintain your noise. Slowing his movements, he wrapped his hand around your throat, using your neck as a handle to fuck you.
A few minutes went by and your clit began to ache from lack of attention. Reaching for the senstive bud, your boyfriend swatted your hand away. "Good sluts take what they're given..." He panted, quickening his pace inside you.
Knuckles as white as the porcelain, sink beneath you. Feeling the coil tighten in your abdomen, you knew you were close. And by the way his breaths got heavier, and the twitch of his cock you knew he was too.
Relinquishing his hold on your throat to grip the sink, you covered your own mouth as he hammered into you. Soon enough his thrusts began to get sloppy and he came, bottoming out inside you as he panted, head bowed.
Your orgasm chased right after, spots of white flooded your vision as he pulled out. White, sticky cum coating your thighs.
Going to get off the sink, Tim pressed you to again, this time you were doubled over it, breasts touching the cold material of the basin. Without as much as warning he began thrusting into you.
The aching returned and you whined in protest, earning a slap on the ass. "Take it like a good bitch, you're good aren't you?" He asked, the sound of skin on skin filling up the room. Nodding, you found it hard to talk, but that wasn't enough for him. Grabbing your hair, he jerked hour head up, giving you a perfect view. You could faintly see his v-line as he thrust into you, your bouncing chest obscuring the bottom of the mirror.
"I-I ye~ f-fuck!~!" You couldn't help but stop mid sentence and stop midsentence and hold onto the sink. His cock hit the perfect spot inside of you, one that made you see stars with each piston of his hips. And his balls, hitting your neglected clit whenever the two of you met
"Go on, say it!" He commanded tugging your hair again, laying another hard slap on your bare cheek. "I-i am!" You managed to scream, body slumping forward as you came for the second time. But this didn't stop Tim. Releasing your hair he began to go rougher, evidently seeking his own release.
"D-daddy..!" You whined, pitifully trying to push yourself off him your legs starting to hulk. "quiet princess you did this to yourself.." stated, taking a hold of hips and pulling you close as he came for the second time
"Good girl." He praised, sitting you on the toilet and wiping your legs down with a warm rag, and a tender kiss. He cleaned himself up aswell and tossed the rag on the floor and did a half ass job of whiping up the cum.
"You're so good to me." He muttered, helping you back into your dress and slipping his jacket over your shoulders. Once he was all set him self, he was kind enough to half carry you through out the house.
The walk home was easy, quiet and peaceful. But when you arrived home, he tossed you onto his bed and loomed over you, it looked like tonight wasn't over after all.
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Prince of Hell (HP x HH)
Authors Note: Hello and welcome to my Harry Potter x Hazbin Hotel crossover fanfiction, to start of this will be a somewhat happy story with elements of drama, colorful language, sexual innuendos, abuse, and angst but of course it will have fluff, family, and comfort added to the mix. I wrote this because I read a fanfic by Gamer95 about Charlie and Vaggie being a mother to Harry so this is my own take on that premise. This will be my first chapter story so bear with me if my writing is slow. All right then enjoy the first chapter of this tale.
Chapter 1: An Untimely Demise
We start our tale in a small town in England called Little Whinging in the county of surrey on a street named Privet Drive with houses identical and parallel to each other there lies a dark secret in the Number 4 house.
Harry Potter was no means a happy child, at 7 years old he was miserable, unloved and unwanted. His aunt, uncle and cousin hated him with a passion, and they have no hesitation in showing it, being bullied by Dudley and his peers, his Aunt Petunia yelling, and the worst one of all was Uncle Vernon who had taken it upon himself to “discipline” Harry when he did anything wrong with the god-awful number of chores he did or when he did the “freaky” stuff which earned him the nickname “Freak”.
Where were his parents you ask? “Your mother and father died in car crash!!” Yelled Uncle Vernon and Petunia albeit he asked on two separate occasions and got the same answer for each one.
Despite these circumstances, Harry always had hope that everything will get better, he will get away from his Uncle, Aunt, and Cousin.
“everything will get better” thought Harry he always yearned for a life where he could be happy and loved.
Unfortunately, things would take a dark turn on that faithful day of July 12, XXXX.
Uncle Vernon wasn’t having a good day so much so he kept muttering curse words while walking and his reddish-purple disposition did not help in easing the looks people were giving him as he trudged on the London sidewalk.
“Fucking...sponsor…not up to standards my foot…Ill show him…” muttered Uncle Vernon due to a potential sponsor not liking the company standards and its work ethic.
Soon he reached a pub and while still muttering to himself he took a seat in the pub “Bartender!!!” he bellowed startling everyone and the customers next to him.
“Buddy keep your voice down, now what do you want?” asked the bartender. “whiskey on rocks” Uncle Vernon angrily muttered. “coming right up” as he poured the drink and gave it to him “hopefully he doesn’t cause any more trouble” thought the bartender.
Harry was peacefully laying in his cupboard when his digital watch that he found because it was too small to fit Dudley chimed informing him it was 9:00PM.
“I better go to sleep, I’ll probably do a lot of chores tomorrow too” thought Harry as he suddenly remembered that he needed to weed the garden tomorrow and dreaded the summer heat that the weather forecasted for tomorrow.
“I’ll probably get sunburned again” Harry thought when suddenly he heard a door flew open and startled him.
“What was that?” thought Harry then his cupboard was violently opened Uncle Vernon looking at him angrily.
“Come here boy!!!” as Harry was grabbed by the collar of his large hand me downs from Dudley “Now listen here boy.” Uncle Vernon whispered to him, Harry could smell something like the red liquid from the green bottle that his Uncle and Aunt had visitors and when he was tasked to clean the dishes.
“We are going for a ride and don’t even dare make a sound” Harry could only whimper and nod as he was dragged on to the car, Harry thought he was going in the back seat when Uncle Vernon suddenly opened the trunk and threw Harry in “remember boy not a sound” hissed Uncle Vernon as Harry was enveloped in darkness.
Harry was terrified, he couldn’t see where he was and the ride wasn’t exactly smooth, he would bang his head on the ceiling of the trunk whenever Uncle Vernon drove over a speed bump or a pothole.
“I wanna go back to my cupboard” Harry whimpered borderline ready to cry but he couldn’t, he would always get disciplined whenever he cried.
“Stop that crying boy!! the voice echoed in Harry’s mind when he cried because he got a cut when weeding the garden one time. Harry was brought out of his thoughts by screeching brakes, he just realized they have stopped moving and suddenly the trunk was opened.
“Come here boy” the walrus of a man growled and suddenly Harry was being dragged out to what seems to be a cemetery.
“Where are we?” Harry asked with dread while looking at his surroundings.
“That’s for me to know and for you to find out brat” Uncle Vernon sneered, suddenly he threw Harry on the ground.
“I’m going to enjoy beating the daylights out of you boy” as he threw a punch to Harry’s stomach knocking the wind out of him.  
“It hurts I can’t breathe” thought Harry as he struggled to even get air into his lungs when he was suddenly picked up and slammed to a nearby gravestone.
“Where not even close to finish yet boy, I’ve been in a bad mood since that shitty client stood up to me and frankly I need a way to vent my anger… on you that is” said Uncle Vernon as he threw another punch to Harry’s face, his glasses broken and chipped with his cheek bruised and now sporting a black eye
“Pl-e…ase... n-o…. m-...ore” croaked Harry but Uncle Vernon didn’t listen to instead he picked up a nearby branch Harry couldn’t fight anymore, he was helpless he thought as he looked at the raised branch swinging before his eyes.
Uncle Vernon with blood on the branch and on his calloused hands looked on at Harry’s mangled body with disgust and left the cemetery.
“Stupid old coot won’t know... I drove pretty far away...” as he muttered back to his car and peeled off. Harry couldn’t move.
“It hurts everywhere” Harry tried to move but to no avail “everything will get better” he chanted but despite this mantra he felt his strength slowly leaving his body.
“I’m cold… I want my mommy and daddy” Harry sobbed as he closed his eyes tears welling up at corner of his eyes a flash of his life flashing before his eyes, his time with the Dursley’s, his time on the dark cupboard, running away from Dudley and his friends, the principal and teachers looking sad at him whenever he tried to tell them about Dudley, it was just too much his breath was fading until it was no more.
Harry Potter was dead and it would shake the human realm to the very ground Muggle and Magical.
Hell, Pentagram City – Unknown Location
Hell wasn’t always like what they have written in famous novels and in the Bible, it would have been more compared to the city of New York than a realm with 9 circles or just a fiery inferno with the damned souls climbing a rope of spider thread brought down by God.
“Well some of those things did happen at one point during my reign here” an unknown figure mused in his seat while swirling a golden chalice filled with red wine and a cane shaped like a snake with a ruby shaped like an apple place at the top.
“Give me this week’s new inhabitants” snapped the fingers of the individual.  
“Yes, my lord” a female demon with claws that are as long as tree branches wearing a skin tight body suit with white lines on the calf part vanished and suddenly reappeared in the blink of an eye.
“Here you are my lord” as she handed over a clipboard what appears to be a list of individuals.
“Hmm just serial killers, corrupt politicians and riff raff” he lazily flipped through the pages until he caught on to a certain name:
Harry Potter – Age 7, Death by murder by Vernon Dursley.
“Well well the wizarding world’s savior has died” he grinned this is perfect a diamond in the rough he thought.
“I need to get him down here but how?” As he set down the chalice “Give me everything you know about Harry Potter now!” he yelled.
“Yes, my lord” the demoness disappeared “Here you are my lord” as she handed him a red folder.
“be gone with you, I have important business to attend to” with that order she left the room without a word.
“Now let’s see what I can exploit resulting your death Harry Potter” he grinned maniacally “7 years old, Son of Lily and James, no…. how about injuries… *flip* broken bones... how about magical injuries… hit with the killing curse by Lord Voldemort… perfect… let’s put your pathetic mistake to use Tom” as he grabbed an ornate knife made of silver with rubies dotted at the handle and carved an intricate casting circle on the floor.
“ Let’s send your soul down to Hell Tom only thing is it will have a little passenger in for the ride” as he cut his hand and drops of blood dropped to casting circle and with a few second it crackled with red and green energy.
“The blood has been paid… the ritual is set… bring forth my heir into my Dominion of Death!!!” as he slammed his cane into the ground followed by an intense light of red enveloping the chamber where he stood. “I’ll see you soon Harry Potter” he laughed menacingly in to the crimson brimmed sky of Hell.
Harry was feeling strange, he was floating in what seemed to be like clouds and it was so bright and he saw something falling.
“Feathers?” he thought and he could have sworn he heard singing then a thought came across Harry he had watched a religious documentary during the Holidays and he learned about Heaven where all the good people go when they die. “
I’m in heaven?” questioned harry “I can see my mommy and daddy now…” he bit back a sob when suddenly his scar started hurting.
“Ahhhggg!” Harry groaned in agony his scar feels like it’s being burned and ripped open at the same time. The pain caused harry to faint and suddenly his body was falling nowhere to be found into the dark abyss.
Hell, Pentagram City – Back alley
Harry was feeling nauseous and his head hurts as he opened his eyes, it was all red and blurry.
“Where are my glasses” he squinted trying to find them until he found it next to him on the floor.
“There” as he put on his glasses clutching his head and trying to make sense of what happened.
“Where am I?” as he looked with confusion and fear as his checked his surroundings he was in an alleyway there were no white clouds, it was dark and red as he looked up into the sky it was a dark crimson with a star shaped symbol far as the eye can see.
“Where is this? Harry quivered as he tried to get up and get out of the alleyway.
“This place is scary” as Harry was walking actively avoiding the “monsters” and looking small when he suddenly fell in to ground.
“Move it pipsqueak” a big monster that looks like a cross between a boar and a shark wearing a black t shirt ripped at the sleeves and has a multitude of tattoos with distinctive patterns. Harry slowly picked himself up and continued walking until he saw a group of the creatures drinking from a bottle, slowly Harry walked up to them.
“Excuse me…” as Harry said this the group stopped drinking and eyed Harry with annoyance. “Where am I?” Harry shivered.
“Where the fuck do ya think you are dipshit??” one of the monsters with tentacles for hands snapped at him this cause Harry to shrink back and flinch.
“This is heaven… right? The beasts looked at each other and then laughed.
“Kid does this look like fucking heaven to you? Just because you transformed into a kid doesn’t even you have to be this fucking stupid! One of them said.
“But… I am a kid…. I’m 7 years old…” Harry whimpered.
“What the fuck?! You’re 7 years old? And you got sent to here to Hell?! Asked the demon in disbelief.
“Hell?... this isn’t heaven…” Harry’s blood ran cold.
The creatures laughed “Welcome to Hell kid” A demon with large claws and fangs approached him.
“You know you’ll do nicely as a punching bag or toy” Harry was beyond horrified now as he tried to run but was ultimately grabbed by the squid demon.
“Nuh uh, You are going to fetch us a high price kid! Maybe we’ll even get a shot at screwing Angel Dust” He grinned.
“No please! I’m sorry just let me go! I just want… Mmph! Harry cried as he was gagged by the tentacles of the beast
“Shut the fuck up boy! Or you’ll gonna have to feel these” the demon rubbed his claws to Harry’s cheek who bit back from crying but tears were still streaming from his eyes and was already walking with Harry still gagged.
“Why is this happening to me” Harry thought “I just want to be happy, I just want to be with my mommy and daddy.”
Harry’s emotions were all over the place fear, sadness, guilt but he had this buzzing in the back of his head something that was replacing all his fear, and sadness then everything came back to him, the Dursleys, the discipline, the beatings, not giving him any food it all came crashing down and at that moment Harry felt pure unadulterated anger and rage.
“Oh man were gonna nail Angel Dust after this and were gonna be… AGHHHH!” the demon screamed and looking at his dismembered tentacles he dropped Harry to the ground.
“You are gonna fucking pay for that you shitty brat” He yelled as he brandished a knife suddenly Harry stood up black smoke covering his body then disappeared all at once revealing his body with claws meant for ripping flesh, fangs long and sharp akin to a Viper, and his eyes were sporting a black sclera, iris and cornea an acidic green and his pupil instead of a round shape it was replaced by a slit.
“This kid can do a full demon transformation?!” one of the demons yelled. “He’s just a kid come on we can take him!” the clawed demon said to them and suddenly pounced when Harry suddenly disappeared and reappeared next to the demon biting his neck full force.
“ARRGHH fucking brat bit me! Get him off!!!” he trashed “he fucking poisoned me!!!, Get him the fuck off!!!” The demon suddenly fell into a heap then Harry looked at the other two demons baring his fangs “Fuck man let’s get out of here!!” as both of them ran towards a nearby alley but when suddenly they were pinned down by Harry
“He is so fucking strong what the fuck” the tentacled demon yelled.
“Die” Harry muttered he brought his clawed hands down on them and screams of agony and pain were both heard that night.
“Fucking finally this shit’s over, I’m never gonna do a double shift again” groaned Angel Dust as he left Porn Studios.
“Hmm… should I swing by the hotel or back to my apartment?” He pondered when he suddenly heard pained screaming in the alley.
“Screaming happens often here but that was too painful for it to be considered normal” as he cocked a revolver and pistol with both of his hands and cautiously made his way to the alley.
Harry was in a daze, he didn’t know what happened after he was dragged away by the monsters.
“Where am I” he said groggily putting a hand on his forehead when he felt something sticky and warm on his hands.
“What is this!” yelped Harry. “Is this blood…” he was scared then he suddenly went sick when he saw the murdered bodies of the demons who gagged him, blood everywhere, internal organs peeking out.
“What happened” then terrible thought passes Harry “Did I do this….” He was beyond sick but he was broken in his inner thoughts.
“Freeze! put yer hands up!” Angel yelled. “Woah what the fuck happened here!” Angel was shocked at the carnage before him but was even more shocked at the trembling form of Harry with blood on his hands and face.
“Kid? did you do this?” Asked Angel in disbelief that a kid can do something like this “Are you even a kid or just a really small demon?” Harry was confused and scared when he looked at the things the pink monster was holding then the creature started walking up to him then with a sudden rush of adrenaline Harry bolted out of the alley way.
“Woah wait up!  And he’s gone, fantastic” Angel hid his guns and stared at the sky “How can a kid fucking murder a bunch of demons 5 times bigger than him?” Angel scratched his head then with a groan. “Maybe I should go to the hotel… The princess might know somethin” Angel contemplated as he started walking to the Happy Hotel.
Notes: That’s a wrap guys, so just a bunch of world building here and there and our saviour has met Hell’s most popular porn star. To clarify things I haven’t made this timeline canon to the Wizarding universe since it contradicts some of the characters deaths like Vaggie so I trashed that all together. Expect in the next chapter Harry will meet Charlie. Anyways I’ll try to keep updating ASAP until then see you next time! Peace :3
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salaka-chan · 3 years
Hello and welcome to my 2nd chapter :3
Have you already noticed that Gaius' third eye looks different compared to the other Garleans? I really needed a backstory and here it is! I hope you will like it and I hope you enjoy reading it. <3
Shards of the past
She gazed lovingly at him with her jade-green eyes as she gently stroked his head, trying in vain to tuck the unruly hair behind his ears. Her slightly trembling calloused hands finally came to rest on his cheeks before her soft voice broke the silence. "You will grow up to be a beautiful man Gaius. You have your father's eyes and face and with each passing day you resemble him more."
"It wasn't my fault! Appius started calling Quinta a traitor just because she's missing her third eye. I wanted him to stop but... instead he called me a gutter brat of a... a...", Gaius paused and bit his lower lip angrily. Blood ran down his chin and dripped onto the worn floorboards.
His mother exhaled audibly before carefully running her hand over the extensive blue swelling on his cheekbone. "Sometimes it is better to be silent and retire for the time being. Battles are not won exclusively by brute force Gaius." With a fluid motion she pulled a handkerchief from her pocket and dabbed away the dark red line on his chin.
"But if the other one sees that I am stronger, he will leave me alone! You don't need words or pretended silence! The stronger is automatically right too." Gaius noticed that his mother was now cleaning his chin with a little more pressure.
"You are still so young and inexperienced. Practice restraint and you will see that new paths will open up for you."
Sullenly, he turned his face away from hers and looked towards the window. It was already evening and the last dark red rays of the sun were beginning to fade on the horizon. As his mother put back her handkerchief, she clasped his face again and forced him to look into her eyes. "I know you are strong, but learn to understand. Empathy, restraint and patience also show strength."
"But..." he had to blink a few times before continuing," it's so hard mother." A warm smile was on her lips. "Even as a seasoned man, your father, much like you, had his problems with it."
Silence filled the premises as mother and son gazed steadfastly into each other's eyes. Her lips formed a soundless," My little wolf.". No further words were needed.
The following days passed without any incident. It was already late evening when Gaius looked down spellbound at the book in his lap. Complicated formulas occupied most of the pages, explaining the causal relationship between voltage, energy and resistance on a scientific basis and putting it into context with current Magitek technology. He was aware that he would not be a gifted engineer like some of the other tech-savvy ones at the academy, but he wanted to use this branch as a means to an end. His mother's pleas would not be in vain. He would prove his strength. In the way SHE would want him to be. Even though he resembled his father in outward appearance, he would not make the same mistakes as him. He would not lay down his life as a lowly soldier in battle. Instead, he would rather be passive and strengthened the army from the background. Although it was not possible for the Garlean to cast magic, thanks to their advanced technology, they still had a great advantage in open combat.
His father's gunblade was leaning against his bedpost. Countless scratches adorned the medium-sized blade. The cylinder was defective and could no longer be recharged, yet Gaius cared for the weapon regularly. It was the only thing his father had left him. … … … A paralysing emptiness reigned inside him when he received the news. His mother had been found in a secluded back alley. Dead. A drunken mercenary was about to have his way with a girl and no one around paid any attention to what was happening. No one WANTED to see it, except his mother. She stepped in and wanted to settle the argument through dialogue, but the outcome of this situation turned out differently than she had imagined. None of the people present on the spot could testify in the interrogation how it had come to the murder of his mother.
Motionless, he stood in front of his mirror and gazed at his image with a fixed gaze. The golden eyes studied the petrified features, those that had so often been caressed by the familiar calloused hands of his mother. The same one that had received countless kisses full of affection. Most of the time she had kissed his third eye, laughing in amusement when he complained that she was tickling him.
During each of their hugs, she had held him tightly against her, tousling his unruly hair even more as she whispered lovingly, "My little wolf," in his ear. A term of endearment she had only uttered when they were alone together. He could still feel the warmth of her body, while her scent was still present in the room.
His golden eyes took on a glassy expression. "Do you see it now, mother? The strongest always win, that is the law of this world. The strong get to rule over the weak." He pulled out his pocket knife and flipped it open. Without a moment's hesitation, he placed it on his forehead and with precise accuracy, cut out smaller pieces of flesh around his third eye. Dark red blood poured from the wound and most of it ran into his eyes as he continued his work unflinchingly with meticulous precision. Meanwhile, his lips were pressed tightly together in a thin line and made no sound at all.
Finally, he wiped his face several times with his sleeve before he went to his bed and took his father's gunblade. Back in front of the mirror, he examined the result of his work, the expression in his eyes now having changed. Wild unbridled determination flared in them. He would become a conqueror. On the battlefield he would show no mercy and subdue anyone who dared stand in his way. As a son of Garlemald, it was his duty to protect the Empire and suppress or destroy anything that stood in her way. All will tremble before him.His knuckles stood out white as he tightened his grip on the gunblade while looking at his third eye in the reflection.  
A vertical eye that was capable of analysing the surroundings better than magic gifted beings would ever be able to.  Blood continued to flow from the deep flesh wound, dripping at irregular intervals onto the floor, while a single telltale tear mixed with it and drowned in the mass. He would become a wolf, which will tear everything and everyone in the air. He was ready.
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Gaius groaned in agony as irrepressible pain consumed his consciousness and seemed to steal his mind. Every fibre of his body pulsed in sync with his heartbeat, while even breathing pushed the Garlean to his limit. Dying. He could have simply died like his father on the battlefield, and given his current physical condition, that was still a possible option. Breathing as shallowly as possible, he tried to open his eyes to scan the immediate surroundings and evaluate his situation, which also turned out to be an extremely painful affair. At first, he only saw dark colour gradients before he realised that someone was bent over him, motionless. Bright, large green eyes looked at him with a rather cold expression and he couldn't help but think of jade for a moment.
--- The fresh evening breeze made the individual blades of grass bounce up and down, while one of the young woman's elongated black ears tilted to the side. Her puffy tail twitched jerkily as the man beside her began to stir, while the sound of a smaller waterfall rang out in the distance, occasionally punctuated by the excited chirping of birds.
Amber gold met jade green. Time seemed to stand still as the two eyed each other, never breaking eye contact at any moment. During his campaigns, the Legatus had already encountered countless beings, but the presence and the sight of this woman made his body freeze and he forgot all his pain for a short moment. He felt neither fear nor affection. Rather, it was a feeling he had always assigned to the weak up to that point. Fate.
"I didn't think you would wake up so quickly. Your condition is still critical and I am not sure to what extent my healing powers can contribute to your further recovery."
When the man tried to sit up, the stranger pushed him unyieldingly back onto the bed. "You will remain lying down. For now."
A mirthless laugh escaped the Garlean, which shortly afterwards turned into a rasping cough and the pain finally robbed him of his senses. Blackness enveloped him and let him slip into a dreamless sleep. A Miqo'te had saved his life. The irony of this situation was unparalleled in its absurdity and he would accept his assigned fate with his head bowed. At least for this brief moment.
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saltycrow · 7 years
An Ocean of Powder and Smoke by saltycrow
Fandom: Black Sails Word count: 1881 Rating: M Pairing: Eleanor Guthrie x Charles Vane Chapter One / ? Also on AO3 and fanfiction.net
Summary:  Modern AU. Eleanor Guthrie planned to go to college, to escape her life and family. Instead she finds herself caught up in a life of crime, and in the arms of a man who sucks her in deeper.
Eleanor had always been quick to anger. Sometimes she was able to keep it under control, but often that anger would spill over and manifest itself in unpredictable ways. Today was one of those days when she was coming scarily close to losing it. Sitting in the California traffic with a broken AC could have cracked even a soul much more peaceful than Eleanor. She gritted her teeth and tried to desperately feel a breeze by sticking her head out of the window. Torture, this was absolute torture, she thought. The line seemed to be moving at the speed of a tortoise and she felt like screaming. Nothing in here moved any faster than she did, until from the driver’s side a man on a motorcycle was making its way ahead of her. And suddenly she could no longer hold in her anger, it spilled, and before she knew it, she was honking her car horn at the man on the motorcycle, and then, flying open the door and getting out of the car to stand on the motorway. The man had come to a halt. He was on a shining Harley Davidson, wearing a black leather jacket with an image of a skull facing a sword printed on the back. His head was uncovered, his long hair on his shoulders. Slowly he turned around to look what all the fuss was about.
“Can’t you fucking wait for your turn like everyone else!” Eleanor found herself screaming. There was not an ounce of fear in her, her jaw set and her chin up in a defiant manner. The man slowly removed the Ray Ban sunglasses he had been wearing and unbelievably, cracked a smile.
“You can always hop on, angel,” he said and patted the seat on the back of his bike. Oh hell no, she was having none of that.
“Okay, first of all, I am not your angel, second, just wait in line like everyone else!” The heat outside the car was even more unbearable, as the direct sunlight hit her face, the curls framing her face seemed to now be plastered on to her skin and the redness that came with the anger was not a good look on her, but she did not give a shit.
“Now, why would I wait when I can just do whatever the fuck I want, angel?” his voice was hard and raspy. So deep it sent shivers down her spine even in this heat.
Perhaps it was the heat, or perhaps it was the undeniable attractiveness of the man in front of her, but she, for the first time in her life, was lost for words.
“Oh fuck you!” she shouted and pulled open her car door with considerably too much force.
“You offering? Cause you clearly need one,” he mused. She flipped him the finger and stepped into the car, slamming the door closed. The man put his sunglasses back on and nodded at her, then speeding away. Fucking asshole, she cursed and felt like slamming her head against the steering wheel. What a fucking morning. As the line finally started moving, she glanced at her watch. She might just make it to her high school graduation after all.
 Eleanor did make it, after all. She rushed through the high school hallways and into the bathroom to fix her makeup and do something with her hair, as it still seemed to be stuck to her face. She sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror and finally put on her gown and cap, placing the tassel on its rightful place and made her way outside to the lawn. She was met with a sea of students and parents already seated. Of course she saw no one familiar in the crowd. Six months in this place had not been worth learning anyone’s name or face. So she sat quietly on her allocated seat and paid no mind to the two strangers sitting next to her. The ceremony passes in a blur, names were called, names she had never heard before. She was positively surprised she even realized when her own name was called and the diploma handed to her by a white haired man with clammy hands. Once it was all over, everyone around her seemed to be hugging and congratulating each other. All she wanted was to get out of this place.
As she made her way away from the people she had gone to school with for a few months, she stopped in her tracks as she saw one familiar person, waiting for her on the edge of the lawn. She swallowed and stuck her chin up, making her way to him.
“Father, I did not think I’d see you here,” Eleanor said simply. Her father scoffed and looked at her disapprovingly.
“Of course I wanted to see my only child graduate. I am proud of you, Eleanor,” he said and she hated herself. Hated the fact that those words pulled on her heartstrings, that his approval was still something that she wanted, and needed. The emotions bubbling under the surface would never be revealed to the man in front of her, not if it was up to her. Before she could compose herself, he continued.
“You should run home and make yourself presentable, we have many highly esteemed guests coming to celebrate you. And do something with your hair,” he said while making a face of utter disapproval. And so, once again any hopeful feelings that her father might actually be something more than just the donor of half her DNA were trumped. She looked at him squarely in the eye and nodded. She would be there; she would allow herself to be paraded in front of these important people one last time. She would hate every second of it, but come fall, she was out of his house and all this would just be a distant memory.
 Her graduation party was everything she expected it to be. Her home was filled with solemn men in suits, their significantly younger wives in their arms when they slipped envelopes to her as discreetly as possible, while at the same time making sure everyone that mattered took note. She circled the room as a good upper class girl would, smiling the fakest smile to the people offering their congratulations. The champagne glass in her hand emptied fast, again and then once more. After an hour of polite mingling, she saw her father head to the door, shaking the hands of a man with long hair and facial hair. He did not fit, even if his suit was finely tailored. Her father occupied with the man, she saw her chance for a break and she slipped to the balcony, feeling the cooling night air brush against her skin. The sun had almost set, just an inkling of light still in the horizon coloring the sky to resemble a painting. Here she could almost forget the party in her honor, which in fact was just an opportunity for her father to talk business. There was no one here she knew, or cared about. She never felt so utterly alone than when she was among those people. Here, alone in the balcony, that feeling faded. Here she could breathe again. When she was alone, she did not have to pretend, she could just be.
The sound of the balcony door sliding open pulled her away from her thoughts, her back stiffening at the thought of inevitable small talk. Slowly she turned to face the person who dared to disturb her.
“Didn’t expect to meet me again, angel?” the man rasped, that smirk still plastered on his damn handsome face.
“You!” she snapped. It was indeed the man from this morning, the devilishly handsome asshole on the motorcycle. Only now he was standing on her balcony, wearing a well-tailored suit. All black, down to his shirt and tie. His hair was still open, the stubble still decorating his chin. Looking at him sent shivers down her spine, and oh how she hated her traitorous body for that reaction.
“Me. Truth be told, I did not expect to see you again, either. But I can’t say I’m not enjoying this,” he mused and moved to lean on the railing, staring into the horizon.
“What the hell are you doing here? And better yet, who the hell are you?” The man turned to face her, and it did not escape her notice how his gaze travelled from her eyes to her toes and back up again.
“Charles Vane,” he rasped and extended his hand. For a while she stared at the hand reaching for her, waiting, until she finally took it and shook his hand. His hand was large and calloused, strong and firm, making her feel like a dainty little girl compared to him. She pushed that thought out of her head.
“Eleanor Guthrie,” she stated, looking him in the eye. His eye brows raised at her remark and something resembling recognition set into his eyes.
“Then you are just the person I was meant to find,” he said and stuck a hand in his breast pocket and handed her an envelope, identical to the ones she had a two dozen in her purse already. In a neat handwriting it said Ms. Eleanor Guthrie on it.
“You work with my father then,” she mumbled, still staring at the envelope, trying to piece everything together. Her mind shifted to earlier today, to him on his motorcycle, wearing his leather jacket. It had had a club logo on it, she was sure.
“Something like that,” he admitted and she finally managed to look up to him once more. A silence fell between them, but soon enough he broke it. She was expecting him to congratulate her, just like everyone else, that’s how it went, a handshake, the envelope and their congratulations on completing this chapter of her life successfully. But he surprised her instead.
“Do you often throw tantrums on the freeway, angel?” he asked, a smirk playing on this lips. She narrowed her eyes at him, trying to find her anger again, but failing.
“I am not going to apologize to you, if that’s what you’re aiming at. And stop calling me angel, asshole.” He threw his head back and laughed sweetly.
“I was not aiming for one. It’s just not every day a woman screams at me in the middle of traffic out of all places.”
“And where do they usually scream at you?” she asked, a smile playing on her lips.
“First they scream in my bed and then they scream because they were asked to leave,” he said with a straight face.
“I think people should scream at you more often in traffic, then. Perhaps help to shrink that ego of yours just a bit,” she said and crossed her arms on her chest.
“You can yell at me anywhere, angel,” he rasped, and with that left her standing alone in the balcony. Eleanor looked at his back disappearing into the crowd inside, feeling like this was not the last time she would come face to face with Charles Vane. And truth be told, she was looking forward to the next time.  
AN:  So, inspired by the start of s4 (and my disappointment in it) I finally started writing this. To be completely honest, I do not know where I am going with this really, or how long it will be, or how often I will be updating. Reviews however always increase my motivation to write, so leave a comment if you like :)
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