#inspired by the sailor starlights teehee
bubupop · 2 years
Looking for you (idol!MC)
Warning: Might be OOC at times. English is not my first language. A little angst(?) No beta reader.
Hi! I’m so excited to share this one with you ! I’ve been wanting to publish this one for a while and I’m glad I finally get to !!! Hope you enjoy it^^ ------------
It was an accident. And, most of the time, accidents couldn’t be expected. But they should have known better, they should have protected you at all cost. Yes, the Devildom wasn’t the nicest or safest place for a human but that week of occurrences was ridiculous. Let 's summarize it. You made a friend, Mandy. And she was a control freak, a mean girl wanna be. Anyways, to the point. She tried to be friends with you, went crazy when she couldn’t manipulate you and neither weasel her way into your powerful circle of friends life. Tried multiple ways of harming you pretending they were all accidents and when the brothers began to question her and separate you two she went ballistic. It was terrifying, really. She began to copy your looks, mannerisms, and just tried to monopolize the House of Lamentation and those attempts were not well received and soon shot down by all the brothers. It was very ‘sad cringe’ by Levi’s words. Anyhow, she tried to poison you and almost succeeded. And so she was expelled from RAD and banned from the HoL. But turns out Mandy was also very stupid, and dumb shit happens when stupid people think they’re smart.
So, she asked Solomon, of all damned people, about these flowers she wanted to gift you as a last apology and he said the only thing those flowers did, actually, was bloom and release a gas that would make a human laugh and laugh but you could just easily wash and change to some clean clothes and badabing badaboom, good as new. She beamed. He did alert Simeon and the royals of his concerns and they agreed to let it happen and witness it so they can have a reason to further punish her –I mean, how dare she try to harm beloved MC– they were all pretty done with her at that point. But, then again, Mandy was stupid. The flowers she ended up giving you were very similar ones but the effects were a coma. In a sad attempt to have a petty revenge she ended up almost killing you. When you received the flower and it released its gas you soon passed out,breaking your arm. That accident left a rip in the relationship of all your friends as the brothers weren’t aware of what was gonna happen and it obviously almost gave them a heart attack and Luke was pretty pissed off too.
That flower was rare and they weren’t expecting it and so they had to find a way to cure you. It was stressful to say the least, it looked as if you were dead and if not for your rising chest every time you took a breath they didn’t know what they would have done. The hours went into days and days into weeks and you were still sleeping. Their only comfort was that you weren’t in pain due to your broken arm. It soon took a toll on them all. Helpless was a perfect word to describe it, guilt, too. But what was done was done and there was nothing they could do to change it. They began arguing. They were arguing and you weren’t awake to scold them, you weren’t there to pull their ears and yell at them for being idiotic. To tell them this wasn’t the time to fight. MC, their beloved MC. It goes without saying that it brought back memories. Regrets and more feelings long forgotten. All the stress, anxiety and grief soon tensed up the environment.They took turns to care for you and look for a way to bring you back but things weren’t looking up and then they made the decision. MC was to no longer reside in the Devildom as it was deemed too unsafe. This rash decision made under stress seemed like a solution to the heartbreak. Maybe you weren’t meant to be with them, maybe it was true. All the pessimistic emotions weighed heavy in their head. You were too fragile and they weren’t fit to take care of you. Could humans, demons and angels really be able to coexist in peace?
So they let you go. They all came to terms with what was going to happen as soon as you were starting to come back. They hid your pacts as they were afraid you were too weak to get them removed from you, it was easy enough with a spell. You were groggy and barely a shell of who you used to be, still too out of it to comprehend what was happening.
Next thing you knew you woke up in a hospital bed. You had had an accident in a private academy you were in and were sent home, apparently the academy was no more and you had no recollection of the time you spent there. It was due to your accident, the medical staff all said. But you were so confused and felt you were missing something. What was it? You couldn’t really say. But what can you do about it? Nothing. And life went on.
Three years later.
Since you’ve been gone hell had become somehow colder. The exchange program continued without you, only Simeon, Solomon and Luke being a part of it now. They all pretended it was all alright but the other demons knew something was wrong. Where was the cutesy tiny human? The one that was always around? Any attempt at questioning was discouraged with a glance. It seemed as if the brothers became more cynical, quicker to be enraged and bothered to lower demons. They almost seemed as if they were grieving. A decision taken too quick and too rash was bound to have its consequences were they aware of it or not. They soon reverted to the worst versions of themselves and there was nothing and no one to stop that.
They tried distinct things to cope with the loss of you.  Not that one was better than the other. Your room was kept tidy and all the same. Your secret not-so-secret stash of candy was kept untouched, your blankets a mess only when Belphegor went in to nap. He was allowed to only on special occasions so as not to disturb the scent you left behind. If he was there when he wasn’t allowed to he would be kicked out mostly by Satan or Lucifer. Mammon would walk in, admire your room in silence and walk out all the same. Beelzebub would come in from time to time, too. Look at your knick knacks and play his beloved memories of you in his head. Asmodeus wasn’t brave enough to enter, neither was Leviathan. But time doesn’t wait for anybody. It kept going and going without any mercy. Simeon and Solomon wouldn’t talk much to the brothers either now, half of it from guilt. But things changed since you were gone and they missed you so, so much.
Both Barbatos and Diavolo wished they had spent more time with you. Many times they considered just switching timelines but time itself wasn’t something they felt like playing with. Luke wished he would have baked more with you. Life without you was depressing and dull. How have they managed before you was a question left unanswered. 
But you were a stubborn little thing, it seemed. He thought he was dreaming, Lucifer that is. In one of his trips to the human world he dreaded so much –as it made him think of you and how he couldn’t, wouldn’t, dare approach you. So close yet so far away from his reach– he saw it. In a pamphlet, in a TV commercial. It was you. Older, prettier, healthier. Your cheeks red and eyes glowing with excitement. A concert is going to be held soon for your band. Apparently you weren’t just moping around these past years. He smiled slightly at the thought, proud of you. You little devil. During his stay in the human world he kept seeing your face around, in big TV screens and some merchandise, too. What had happened, it seemed, it’s that you were a rising star! Your first single was a hit and soon you scored a deal with a record company. Everyone kept talking about you in both good and bad lights. How did you make it happen so fast? Just who were you? It was because you were a little cute, wasn’t it. How unfair there were so many others that deserved that chance! From a hit song to a band you became the second most popular member. His chest was puffed and heart was swollen with pride. Of course his dear MC would make it! Anything you put your mind to you always managed to do, that’s the MC he knew and adored.
Soon his trip was over and he went back home, grinning. It did scare the living shit out of his brothers and even the other members of the council as he called a meeting almost immediately. It’s essential he informed the others of this discovery. And boy did they beamed. They were cute compilation videos of you all around the human internet. You, sleeping with your mouth wide open and your teammates making fun of you in live. You, eating like a hamster. You giggling while running away from a prank you pulled. You, you all around. After the meeting they all privately took time to look around for more info about you. The twins and Mammon in Levi’s room laughing at your interviews. Asmo and Satan listening to a podcast were you talked about dumb conspiracy theories. Lucifer and Barbatos enjoying the song Diavolo picked from your album. The Purgatory Hall boys enjoying the voice over you did of a book while enjoying their own separate activities. It was like having a part of you.
At the end of the day, however, there was a question lingering in their mind. Are you happier now? Without them? Were you actually miserable with them and you had silenced your heart from speaking up? They couldn’t blame you, they wouldn’t as they knew better that it wasn’t always sunshine and rainbow with them. But you can’t expect feelings to be rational at all.
Then the day of your concert arrived and they all got together to watch it live from the House of Lamentation lounge. Diavolo went as far as to buy a bigger sofa for them all to enjoy. The mood hadn’t been so joyful for so long they all felt like themselves again.
In the middle of the singing and dancing your band suddenly stopped and let you take the center position. You were sweating and breathing heavily, your chest rising and falling, eyes glossy. And then you spoke.
“Hi.” You started awkwardly. The lounge full of men giggled and chuckled like the people in the concert did. You were so cute. “As many of you know I was in an accident some years ago, where I lost all my memories.” The laughing stopped. “While I’m fully healed physically I can’t keep this feeling out of my heart that I’m forgetting something, maybe someone.” The whole room contained their breath now. “I’m sorry I couldn’t find you, I tried by any means possible. You may not know this,” You looked at the people. “but my main reason to become an idol was with the hopes of reaching you.” You held the microphone close to your chest. “I couldn’t find you, so I’m singing with the hopes that you’ll find me!” You did a ridiculously low bow that was almost laughable as the whole stadium was in silence now. You looked up, tears falling from your eyes and sliding off your cheeks and chin. “Tonight I’m singing with the hopes that you’ll listen to it and will find me! Please enjoy my new song “Looking for you.”
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