#inspired by @raposabranca
raposabranca · 4 months
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I already love my new children.
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kayime · 2 years
Elope with me, Miss (Mr) Private,
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and we'll sail around the world
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I will be your Ferdinand
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and you my wayward girl (boy)
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How many nights
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of talking in hotel rooms can you take?
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How many nights of limping round on pagan holidays?
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Oh elope with me in private
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and we'll set something ablaze
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A trail for the devil to erase
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5hio · 2 years
So I've been doing these 60 minutes FMA weekly prompts the last two months and last weekend i wanted some inspiration while I wrote so I decided to type royai in my spotify search and started listening to the first playlist that popped up. So after awhile this song came on and I was like... wait I remember this song from fanart of Royai i saw on tumblr. So then of course I had to pause my timer and go and find the post. It was your art with the lyrics to the Belle and Sebatian song :D I remembered the song because i looked it up after seeing your art. Anyway thanks for the inspiration! (your amazing art and your musical taste) I have been listening to the playlist ever since.
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Yes! The artist in question is @raposabranca! Their royai art is absolutely beautiful, as well as their musical taste and how they merges lyrics with images is just *mmuah* perfect.
I 100% added that song to my playlist because of their art, I am no longer able to listen to that song without thinking about royai and crying.
Also thank you so much! 🥰 Royai will always be my favorite ship, I'm really glad there's people still enjoying the art I made at the time! I will make more in the future, I'm sure
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get to know me tag
I was tagged by @ammocharis! thank you! :)
answer questions / tag blogs, u know the drill :)
nickname: Jade
gender: [dial-up internet noise] but she/her pronouns are fine
height: p much everyone I meet (online OR in person) assumes I am taller than I actually am, which is intentional. 
time(zone): its mountain time baby
song stuck in my head: the Orpheus & Eurydice song from the Hades soundtrack because my friend sent me a post about Orpheus 
last movie: Wolfwalkers!!!!!! It was so beautiful and charming. I recommend every movie Cartoon Saloon puts out this one included!
last show: some netflix competition show about glassblowing, as background noise while working. I’ve watched a lot of that sort of thing lately because I’ve been too busy to really devote my attention to anything :(
when did you create this blog: hm, I don’t actually know how to look that up. Sometime in 2016 after I’d been obsessed with DA:I for a while and decided it was enough content to merit its own sideblog off my main account. I would guess maybe March? 
what do I post: most of my Bioware reblogs go over here now, both Dragon Age and Mass Effect :) plus my original fanric, fanart, and bioware-themed crafting! Also some general writing advice/memes/etc since this is the account I interact with more fanwriters through. My non-fandom art, writing, and crafts go onto my main blog, @songofsaraneth!
last thing googled: “kinds of fruit spiky” becuase I was trying to remember the name of a new weird fruit I have eaten. My 2021 resolution is a continuation of my 2020 resolution, which is to eat more strange fruits! As in if I go to the grocery store, and there is a fruit for sale I have never tried before or not eaten in a long time, I buy one and sample it :) The fruit in question for this googling btw was “rambutan”! It was good, pretty sweet and sort of like a juicy gummy in texture. 
do I get asks: every now and then I get a fit of inspiration and reblog a bunch of prompt lists in a row, and then when people actually send them and I look in my inbox, I go “Hmmmm” and vanish for a week becuase writing is hard. so sorry if you have ever sent me a prompt, i promise you i made a word document with the prompt copied and pasted into it before i got moody and went out for a hike instead. No one wants to know what the inside of my WIP folder looks like...
why I chose my url: I was just desperately searching for any DA/Solas related url that wasn’t already claimed, at the height of the DAI fandom heyday. I’m sure many are free now.
following: 503... and so many dead
followers: 648 it looks like
average hours of sleep: depends on how early I have to be awake the following day. If I have no obligations I’ll sleep for ~7 hours or so. But if I do then usually less since I’m fairly nocturnal and it’s really hard for me to fall asleep. I’d guess 5-7 on average, but sometimes with bad nights of only 3-4.
instruments: I spent the last several years learning Taiko Drumming from an amazing group of older women in the town I lived in. I was heartbroken to move and no longer be able to drum last summer. I could still practice on my own just with the motions/no drum, but losing the group energy element of it really makes me too sad to do so. I also grew up playing classical flute from grade school through the start of college, and once in college transitioned a bit to tin whistle instead. I’ve collected a variety of flutes/whistles/piccolos over the years in different styles but am not good about playing them on my own.
dream job: literal dragon, but i’d settle for mermaid astronaut
dream trip: I’ve been recently obsessed with Greenland. Also, anywhere tropical. 
last book I read: I’m currently almost done with of A Conspiracy of Kings by Megan Whalen Turner
favorite food: cheese... like a really nice charcuterie board with a nice variety of cheeses + cured meats + jams + fruit + crackers. though Charis’ answer for this was homemade pizza and oh boy am I craving that now
nationality: All 4 of my grandparents were 1st generation americans! So I’m a mix of Lithuanian, Irish, Italian, and the other 1/4 is a German/Belgian/European mystery 
favorite song: gosh so many. I’ve recently been in a country/country-gothic/folk/folk-rock mood because of a D&D game I’m a part of, so here’s a link to the playlist for my character that fits that vibe
top three fictional universes: hmmm i’m going to go with besides the obvious DA/ME universes (which I love to play in even if i wouldn’t want to live in them)... so I’ll pick Middle Earth, Star Trek, and Animorphs :)
i will tag: @nug-juggler  @raposabranca  @thebookworm0001  @m-m-m-myysurana ohhhhhh thats all my brain will give me off the top of my head right now but everyone feel free to play along & tag me :)
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femwatchthezine · 6 years
Creator Spotlight #25
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Name: Raposa Branca (Mariá) Age: 28 City of Origin: Salvador, Brazil (more or less) Are you producing art or fic for the FemWatch Zine?  Art.  If you’re an artist, what program(s) do you use? Paint Tool SAI, Photoshop, Krita, SketchBook Pro.
Who are your favourite artists/authors? Who is your inspiration? I... have so many... Laurel Austin, Nesskain, and Leyendecker are my favorite right now.
How do you deal with art/writing block? I art more. Play videogames. Doodle. Scribble. Go to sleep. Then back to drawing. You can't let go, otherwise you might get lazy. You can take breaks, but always return to the drawing board.
If you could make one ship canon, what would it be? I know you all want me to say Symbra but Pharmercy or Reaper76 would be my first choice. R76 more, actually - I want all toxic homophobic cishets dropping the game and Blizzard making a statement. HIRE ME, BLIZZARDDDD.
Who do you main in Overwatch? Sombra. Symmetra, Lúcio and Orisa come second.
Do you do commissions?  Yes. http://raposabranca.tumblr.com/post/172843758880/ive-been-very-busy-lately-to-pick-up-bigger Patreon/Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/raposabranca  and https://www.patreon.com/raposabranca
Social Media:  http://brancadoodles.tumblr.com http://raposabranca.tumblr.com https://twitter.com/RaposaBranca13 https://tapas.io/series/dogdaysareover (my comic)
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raposabranca · 9 months
Here I am actually using the gallery function at my open ko-fi! Horray!
Right now featuring some of my still favorite pieces, the tarot-inspired Fullmetal Alchemist illustrations :)
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