#insaniquarium aliens
onefey · 1 year
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am i using insaniquarium to promote team aliens or am i using the splatfest as an excuse to tell you to play insaniquarium? it is truly a mystery...
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weirdmarioenemies · 6 months
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Name: Rhubarb the Hermit Crab
Debut: Insaniquarium Deluxe
I have previously posted about my favorite "fish" in Insaniquarium, but there are many more creatures than just the ones you buy and maintain! Alongside them are Pets of all sorts of species, here to help in their own unique ways. And Rhubarb is my favorite, because of course he is!
I love when a hermit crab is stylized with an eyes-in-a-void face. I also love when they aren't, because a hermit crab is lovely in any form! But they feel like the only animal that can be portrayed with a voidy face as the DEFAULT, you know? Turtles can when they're retracted into their shell, but at some point we decided that hermit crabs can keep their eyes in all the time and It's Fine. I agree! It's Fine. Also fine, though, if they want to peek their darling little eyestalks out!
Some pets are powerful, attacking the aliens that want to kill your fish. Some are generous, helping you earn money faster. Rhubarb? He keeps fish away from the ground. When a fish gets too close, he'll snap his claws at it, scaring it away. You should know that there is no real reason to keep them from the ground.
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Rhubarb is ESPECIALLY bad if used in tanks with Guppycrunchers, who wait ON the ground for fish to come down to THEM. Not if Rhubarb has anything to say about it! He'll scare the guppies away from those hungry jaws (which I guess the guppies are not scared of) and cause the poor crunchers to starve...
Rhubarb is, generally, seen as Not Very Good. Let's just refer to his official biography:
RHUBARB has often been accused of being the "worst pet ever". RHUBARB doesn't really care what his detractors think, though. He's not aiming to be a crowd pleaser. He's not trying to prove anything to anyone. He just wishes those darn fish would stay off the ground!
This characterization makes me love Rhubarb even more than I already did, which was a lot! Rhubarb is not very good, and he does not care! He has his own goal, unrelated to YOURS, thank you very much.
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As much as I love Rhubarb for his apparent uselessness and his pride in being himself, he DOES have some actual gameplay benefits, in some situations! Mainly, the further your fish are kept from the ground, the longer it will take for the money they drop to fall and despawn. This also helps Starcatchers in particular, giving them more time to catch the stars they love to catch! If you don't have any ground-dwelling vulnerable creatures, then when an alien appears, you can corral it toward the bottom, and Rhubarb will shoo guppies away from the danger zone.
Rhubarb can be helpful, but more important is that he is just being himself, and he is happy to do so! I know people want me to write about the pregnant fish. I don't know if I want to do that. Goodbye.
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hyper-newt · 4 months
Comet Hook devlog #1
Making a prototype
Other devlogs : 1 - 2 - 3
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Do you think fishing games are too calm ? well I DO So here's a game about you throwing boulder at fishes posessed by alien
Throw comets at possessed fishes to help them go back to normal (no softness against mean aliens >:()
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-- everything is placeholder please don't juge the art too much --
the post is pretty long so click below to read it all ! (i don't want to flood your dashboard so i put a read more here)
Ok I might have some explaining to do
What does that mean??
I wanted to make a fishing game inspired by fantasy zone and insaniquarium (a bit weird i know but it can work please)
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But it needs to be a fishing game where you are a little more proactive in the act of fishing
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But what if you attacked fishes before being able to catch them ? That could be fun :)
But fishes are cute and I don't wanna hurt them :(
So I said alien are possessing them, and you need to clean your lake to help your fishes go back to their normal life
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And you can only save them by throwing comets (aka boulders) at them. When they are stunned you can catch them and remove the alien menace (which become a comet itself ! space theme wooo)
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Some fishes might also have special comet with unique effects :o
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And with all this power you need to destroy all fish spawner or bosses idk yet in the level to then fight a big fish boss and save the lake !
And then you move to the next lake with other fishes and repeat saving them :p
How the gameplay work (get fished)
You have a little hook wich follow your mouse
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And you have a little comet that you can throw. But to throw it you need to gain momentum, so move your hook frenecticly and get some !
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And then either bash it on a fish
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Or throw it ! (a bit harder to aim but it goes far and it's safer)
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The more momentum the comet has, the more damage it does !
Then after enough damage the fish is stunned, it's your time to try to catch it. Send your hook on them and a minigame start :
Here you need to put your mouse at the arrow's opposite direction (basicly where the fish is pulling)
And either you don't manage to do it in time and you need to restart damaging it
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Or you win and free the fish of its alien presence
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But you get a small reward, a new comet (which is the alien in its original form)
It's a stronger version of your own comet but it breaks after some hits (resource management time !!)
(also don't worry it won't attack any other fishes it is too exausted)
And now repeat to free all the fishes !
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(also all this gameplay needed way more math than I imagined, and u know math is really anoying like eww numbers)
What's next !
For now that's all that is done, just a prototype :p
But I have plan for what to add next :
Some new fishes with special comets !
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Some environnement
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And having multiples comet at the same time
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Of course that's not everything I planned but that's what I want to add for the next devlog :p
that's all for today, thanks for reading through it !
I hope you find this game a little bit interesting and want to see more of it soon :)
I will probably make 4 or 5 devlogs (including this one) on this game before releasing a demo, and move on an other project (making a bunch of demos to gain some gamemaking experience)
Later, i'll remake this post as a youtube video because it'll surely be better than reading a long post. But I'll need some original music for it and that'll take some time to make (i don't know how to write music lol)
Bye byeeee !!!
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mikumadds · 2 years
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I haven't seen anyone posting about Insane Aquarium, so I'm taking it into my own hands.
It was basically an early 2000's PC game where you feed fish and then randomly aliens would pop up and you would have to shoot them with lasers to kill them to stop them from eating your fishies.
There was also a variety of upgrades you could get and certain fish dropped money & such so you can purchase more upgrades. Upgrades include bigger fish, fish with certain abilities, alien fighting weapons, etc. I showed a picture of some of the weird aliens/monsters that come and attack your tank. It was really funny to be feeding your fish and then BAM alien. Get out the fuckin laser gun babes
Edit: holy shit i just realized the reason i didnt find anything in the tag is because i spelt the name wrong. its called Insaniquarium not Insane Aquarium LOL!!! but if you havent heard of the game maybe check it out cos its silly
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spencerkeg · 2 years
Insaniquarium AU in which all of the pets are aliens and all of the aliens are pets!
What kind of genius shit are you on… my god…
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Sylvester’s the first pet you’d encounter in the game! He’s probably not the most helpful but he’s old reliable. To make up for the number gap between aliens and pets I think it’s ok to give each new pet multiple abilities. He floats around the tank and can move either money, food or fish to the top half of the tank. But he can only do one at a time!
Balrog takes naps on the bottom of the tank, mostly submerged in the sand… until an alien appears! Then his anemone mane puffs up, allowing guppies to hid in it. He’ll also bat away any aliens that get too close to him.
Stinky as an alien targets your most expensive fish first, he can’t leave the bottom of the tank but his neck can extend to halfway up, snatching any pricy prized fish in his path. He also routinely will duck into his shell if there are no worthy fish near him. Be careful! His emerald shell can deflect your attacks and possibly hurt your fish.
Itchy is extremely fast and fidgety. He’s a chaotic attacker and will dart around your tank in wild attempts to spear as many fish as possible. But this makes him prone for getting his spear stuck in the walls of your tank, rendering him immobile.
This was fun! Thanks for letting me flex some design muscles I haven’t used in a while :D maybe I’ll do more another time.
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seawispdenizen · 2 months
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I think this is my favorite pet in Insaniquarium, both the design and ability. Like his only downside is that he's a little slow getting to the aliens but when he's there he gets them.
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wjbs-aus · 5 months
Someone should draw photorealistic versions of the Insaniquarium fish and aliens, kinda like how people make photorealistic Pokémon.
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I bought insaniquarium deluxe on steam 'cause it was under a dollar, played for two hours, got to tank 3-5, and had to stop playing because I was clenching my jaw every time an alien showed up.
My teeth feel like they don't quite fit together right now.
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maverickflare · 1 year
My job is handing out free product on Monday. If you have any spare willpower and support, please feel free to share. If you work on Monday, i wish you a very peaceful day.
But for an actual ask, how do you think xion plays insaniquarium. Personally i love to try and have as many fish as possible at once but then feel horrible when i inevitably can't take care of them all
HMM well i have never got very far in insaniquarium personally so im not rlly sure what her strategy would be for it but xion would be absolutely addicted to any sort of fishkeeping pet simulator so ik for a fact shed sit at the computer for hoouuuurs taking care of fish and killing aliens. lost to the insaniquarium dimension.........
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onefey · 1 year
i do think cyrax insaniquarium (guy in my pfp) would fit right in in splatoon. like when the devs run out of ideas and start doing aliens they're going to invent a guy who looks just like this ↙️
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nitromoon · 2 years
Bookworm adventures deluxe cheat engine
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Why was Bookworm removed from the App Store? Unfortunately, Popcap and EA cancelled the series back in 2016 and claimed it was not profitable. It was fun, educational, had a fantastic storyboard, and graphics that rival Crysis 4. Why was Bookworm discontinued?īookworm Adventures was by far the greatest game series ever created. They dwell at the bottom of the tank to move around.
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Starcatchers rely on Golden Guppies to drop stars so they can eat. They resemble four-legged octopuses with a hole at the top to catch stars to eat. Anything edible can damage him, including your fishes, fish food and even star potions. Instead, you defeat him by feeding him fish food until he bursts. How do you beat the alien in Insaniquarium? After a starcatcher is fed three times, only then will it toss up a blue shell. Brinkley and Cookie can be used to feed starcatchers in screensaver mode. However, starcatchers need manual feeding through the use of the “Feed” button because star guppies are not available in Virtual Tank. How do you feed a starcatcher in Insaniquarium? What will Help is if you Upgrade your Fish Food all the Way to the Pill. To do this, just Feed your Fish Regularly. To get a King Guppy, you must over-Feed a Full-grown Guppy.
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They are Blue with Crowns and Drop Diamonds worth $200. How do you get blue fish in Insaniquarium?
Repeat step 4 until one address is left.
When the price will increase, enter new price and click next scan.
Enter the price of any item (example: $103 for Guppy) and click first scan.
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lasclprofits · 2 years
Insaniquarium deluxe free pc download
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Insaniquarium Deluxe Mod Game yang satu ini terbilang unik karena game ini berbeda dengan game android pada umumnya.
Download Insaniquarium Deluxe Mod Apk For Android Unlimited Money. Get Insaniquarium Deluxe alternative downloads. In addition to feeding fish, the player must protect the fish from aliens that periodically enter the tank and attempt to eat the fish. Trusted Windows (PC) download Insaniquarium Deluxe 1.0. Each creature must be kept alive by feeding, whether through fish food bought by the player or other species of fish in the tank. Guppies and other fish drop money, which can be collected by the player and used to purchase fish food and upgrades, such as more aquatic creatures, more filling food, and powerful lasers to repel attackers. Insaniquarium Deluxe Crack In the arcade game you own a brand new aquarium with the task of raising and taking care of your own fish Start your game by buying some small guppies. New Games listed in the last 30 days Mobile Games.
Insaniquarium Deluxe freeload Full Version Pc. Shells are collected as the game progresses, and they can be used to create a custom Insaniquarium screen saver, to buy bonus pets or to increase the number of pets allowed in each tank, Players must manage a tank of guppies and other aquatic creatures, each stage begins with two guppies in the tank or one breeder which creates guppies. Insaniquarium Deluxe Crack CODEX Torrent freeload PC +CPY. Insaniquarium Deluxe freeload Full Version Pc Updated Written By Dietz Madireet Tuesday, 1 March 2022 Add Comment Edit. I dont want to download the insaniquarium deluxe i just wanna play it online bout i cant download it cuz it will take ages since i dont have broadband 01.12. Insaniquarium Deluxe features pets, various modes of gameplay, and a type of currency called 'shells'. Play Insaniquarium Deluxe, full review, freeload demo, screenshots. The title is a portmanteau of the words insanity and aquarium. This action puzzle adventure will have you buy fish, upgrade your weapons, and unlock secret pets as you explore this captivating underwater world. Feed them to help them grow, and when they reach a certain size, they will drop coins to grab. freeload Download Insaniquarium Deluxe Full Game Play For Free. Control and protect an aquarium filled with fantastic fish and sea creatures by keeping your friendly fish fed and happy and safe from alien intruders. Insaniquarium Deluxe Crack CODEX Torrent PC freeload +CPY. Cng vic ca ngi chi l phi chm sc nhng ch c cnh bin ng yu bng cch cho chng n (phi mua thc n), gip. Insaniquarium Games Insaniquarium created by Flying Bear Entertainment and PopCap Games. Insaquarium Deluxe Edition for Windows Pc & Mac: freeload (2021) Insaquarium Deluxe Edition for PC and Mac Whats Great 1. Insaniquarium Deluxe l mt game hay ca hng PopCap, nh nhng v rt ph hp vi cc chu nh.
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lascldynamic · 2 years
Insaniquarium deluxe free trial
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Wadsworth the Whale - protects smaller fish from Alien Attack.Meryl the Mermaid - causes guppies to drop 3 coins when she sings.Clyde the Jellyfish - helps collect coins.Zorf the Seahorse - helps feed the fish.Prego the Fish - gives birth to new guppies.Itchy the Swordish - helps fight aliens.Niko the Clam - produces valuable pearls.Stinky the Snail - collects money on the tank floor.there are 24 total, so see if you can unlock them all! Some of the Sea Creature Helpers and What They Do Prego the Fish, Zorf the Seahorse, Clyde the Jellyfish. Stinky the Snail helps collect coins and jewels, Niko the Clam produces valuable pearls, and Itchy the Swordfish helps fend off alien attackers. Insaniquarium Deluxe is a fish tank management game.
Insaniquarium Deluxe freeload PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent. Unlike other free online games sites, we offer a variety of classic Hasbro board games like RISK, Yahtzee, Scrabble. Play FREE online games Welcome to Pogo.By using the ready money, you are able to buy some fishes from the shop. play free online Insaniquarium Pogo game and take care of your pets to become the winner! You will start the new challenge in a beautiful playing field set under the water.Play insaniquarium deluxe free online no download: Skill Action Arcade Adventure Card Classic Fighting Racing Kids Enigma Girl Management Words Musical Platform Puzzle Thinking Role-Playing Sport Strategy Shooting.
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reouine · 2 years
insaniquarium scared tf out of me when i was a little kid :(( those alien thingys were soooo horrible to me
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sugarskies · 3 years
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food 4 thought with cyrax (2001)
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ecto-archivist · 3 years
not to be a kid who remembers life before the constant bombardment of ads on main but I just downloaded bejeweled classic and almost cried when I got an ad bc that's not how it used to be!!!!
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