#inge bjørn
i12bent · 1 year
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Inge Bjørn, who turns 98 today, is a Danish textile artist. She worked for 40 years at Askov Højskole, and has woven tapestries based on works by Asger Jorn and others.
Above: Tæt på Havet, 2007 - silk, linen, and wool (Galleri Tom Christoffersen, København)
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bigslopesofearth · 25 days
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Inge Bjørn
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bodoposten · 1 year
Snøkaos i Bodø: – Arbeidet vil pågå denne og neste uke
Etter det store snøfallet i helga fortsetter Bodø kommune med ryddeaksjon av gater og fortau, opplyser kommunen. – Vi rydder i boligfelt på dagtid og i sentrumsgatene om natten. Det vil i sentrum bli satt opp midlertidige parkering-forbudt-skilt slik at resultatet blir bra og at brøytemannskaper kommer til på alle plasser, sier Bjørn-Inge Ingvaldsen, leder byteknikk i Bodø kommune. I tillegg…
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baconproduction · 2 years
⮑ ‘Paved Paradise’ by Tess Quatri & Röyksopp
Director: Tess Quatri DoP: Łukasz Zamaro Editor: Emil Viker Gaffer/Camera ass.: Kjell Inge Eidsaunet Sound designer: Benjamin Nerheim DIT: Vegard Rondestveit Color: Didrik Bråten Cast: Lea Mehmeti, Leon Mehmeti and Ferdane Mehmeti Animal wrangler: Bjørn Atle Ludvigsen EP: Magne Lyngner Producer: Rebekka Rognøy Thanks to: Markus Tangre, Krypton og Autobil Production Company: Bacon Music: ’So Ambiguous’ by Röyksopp ft. Jamie Irrepressible
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aurora-daily · 3 years
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AURORA @ Havfest by Bjørn Inge Drønen via festival’s fb page // 07.06.2014 //  Storebø, Norway
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heidiberntine · 5 years
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Ane og Bjørn Inge. Kvaløya juli 2019.
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newjersey1983 · 5 years
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THINFStour em Stavanger, Noruega - 08/06/2019 Créditos á Anita Kristoffersen, Bjørn-Inge Edvard Leding, Burak Teke, Knut Pedersen, dmoshid, lakeside_media, jacko001, akoglend . . . . . #bonjovialways #jonbonjoviforever #jonbonjovifans #bonjovilive #jonbonjovi #bonjovi #bonjovibrasil https://www.instagram.com/p/Bydh3VzBee5/?igshid=1wxrilod7i3f5
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wiadomosciprasowe · 7 years
​Intervensjonssenteret ved Oslo universitetssykehus vinner høythengende global innovasjonspris
​Intervensjonssenteret ved Oslo universitetssykehus vinner høythengende global innovasjonspris
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PRISVINNERE. Her ved Bjørn Edwin, Andre Amundsen, Henrik Brun, Ole Jakob Elle, Rahul Kumar, Kingsley Dankwah, Rafael Palomar, Christopher Tannum, Inge Henriksen, Gunnar Mørne og John Berland. Jørn Skaaraas kunne ikke være med på bildet. Dato: 21-02-2017 18:39 CET Opprinnelig tittel på pressemeldingen: ​Intervensjonssenteret ved Oslo universitetssykehus vinner høythengende global innovasjonspris Kategori: , innovasjon it Konsulent helse samfunnsansvar teknologi hololens microsoft Intervensjonssenteret ved Oslo universitetssykehus og Sopra Steria mottok i dag den globale prisen Microsoft Health Innovation Awards for sitt arbeid med å bringe Microsoft HoloLens-teknologi inn i operasjonssalen.
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Intervensjonssenteret ved Oslo universitetssykehus og Sopra Steria mottok i dag den globale prisen Microsoft Health Innovation Awards for sitt arbeid med å bringe Microsoft HoloLens-teknologi inn i operasjonssalen.
Prisen ble delt ut i Orlando, USA i dag under årets HIMSS (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society), en av verdens største konferanser innen helse og teknologi. Microsoft Health Innovation Awards går til helseaktører som bruker Microsoft-teknologi for å bedre hverdagen til pasienter og helsearbeidere, og som fremmer effektivisering og innovasjon.
Ved hjelp av Microsoft HoloLens har Oslo universitetssykehus og Sopra Steria skapt et “mixed reality”-miljø knyttet til operasjon av leverkreftpasienter og barn med hjertefeil. Ved hjelp av en applikasjon blir eksisterende 3D-modeller av kroppsorganer visualisert, noe gjør det enklere for kirurgene å planlegge operasjonen.
GJEV PRIS: Forskningen til Intervensjonssenteret og Sopra Steria med HoloLens har skapt bølger internasjonalt.
Bjørn Edwin ved Oslo universitetssykehus har kanskje utført flere kikkhullsoperasjoner i leveren enn noen annen kirurg i verden. Han er begeistret over det han har sett av HoloLens-forskningsprosjektet med Sopra Steria.
– Dette er en drøm jeg har hatt lenge. Det kan være vanskelig å studere 2D-bilder på en skjerm før operasjonen, så over flere år har vi utviklet en virtuell 3D-modell av lever, blodårer og kreftsvulster for planlegging av kirurgiske inngrep. Nå som vi har fått hologramteknologi å legge 3D-modellen i, kan vi lettere orientere oss i forkant av en planlagt operasjon. En effekt kan være at vi klarer å spare mer av leveren, noe som øker pasientens evne til å bli operert flere ganger, sier Edwin.
Leder for teknologisk forskning ved Intervensjonssenteret på Oslo universitetssykehus, Ole Jakob Elle, forteller at de har jobbet med virtualisering som en del av kirurgisk planlegging og navigasjon siden 2004.
– Applikasjonen har blitt bra allerede. 3D-hologrammet av leveren kan man enkelt navigere rundt i. Flere klinikere har sett på løsningen og latt seg imponere. Appen gir en opplevelse av hvor svulsten sitter og hvor blodårene går. Det gir kirurgene større trygghet når de bestemmer hvordan de skal gå fram, sier Elle.
3D-INNOVASJON: Ved hjelp av en applikasjon blir eksisterende 3D-modeller av kroppsorganer visualisert, noe gjør det enklere for kirurgene å planlegge operasjonen.
Kjell Rusti, administrerende direktør for Sopra Steria i Skandinavia, ser store muligheter i HoloLens-teknologien.
– Dette er en utrolig spennende teknologi som sannsynligvis kommer til å bli en viktig del av manges liv i årene fremover, både profesjonelt og privat. Ny teknologi og digitalisering er i dag den største driveren for modernisering av helsesektoren. Vi er svært stolte over arbeidet vi har gjort sammen med intervensjonssenteret sier han.
Laura Wallace, visepresident ved Health & Life Sciences i Microsoft, mener intelligent teknologi kan hjelpe helsesektoren gjennom en tid med store omveltninger og utfordringer.
– Det handler om å dele og tolke informasjon på en måte som forbedrer både organisasjoner, samfunn og enkeltindivider. Årets mottakere av Microsoft Health Innovation Awards bruker utstyr, platformer og skytjenester fra Microsoft til å nå sine mål om økt pasientinvolvering og bedre koordinasjon av helsetjenester, sier Wallace.
I forkant av årets prisutdeling mottok Microsoft nominasjoner fra mange forskjellige helseaktører over hele verden. En fagtung jury valgte ut årets vinnere basert på i hvor stor grad deres innovasjonsprosjekter leverer banebrytende resultater som kan være med på å drive digitaliseringen av helsesektoren fremover på en måte som kommer flere mennesker til gode. Vinnerne fremheves på��denne nettsiden samt på Microsofts helseblogg.
Om Oslo universitetssykehus
Oslo universitetssykehus er lokalsykehus for deler av Oslos befolkning, akuttsykehus for store deler av Oslo-området, regionsykehus for innbyggere i Helse Sør-Øst og har en rekke nasjonale oppgaver. Sykehuset er landets største med over 20 000 ansatte og har et budsjett på 22 milliarder kroner. Oslo universitetssykehus står for en stor del av medisinsk forskning og utdanning av helsepersonell i Norge. 
Kilde: Pressekontor Sopra Steria – PRESSEMELDING –
Sopra Steria er et ledende internasjonalt konsulentselskap som tilbyr en av markedets mest omfattende tjenesteporteføljer innen digitalisering. Selskapet tilbyr strategiutvikling, IT-rådgivning, infrastruktur- og systemutvikling, digitale løsninger og drift. Sopra Steria bistår store private og offentlige organisasjoner i Skandinavia med å ta et digitalt lederskap innen sin bransje. Selskapet har 38 000 medarbeidere i 20 land, og hadde omsetning på 34 milliarder kroner i 2015.
I Skandinavia sørger 1300 medarbeidere for en årlig omsetning på 1,8 milliarder kroner.
Hashtags: # #innovasjon it Konsulent helse samfunnsansvar teknologi hololens microsoft innovasjon it Konsulent helse samfunnsansvar teknologi hololens microsoft
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cnbnews · 3 years
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WHA10日进入第2天会议,2020年委员会主席竟以与议程无关为由,在友邦发言时2度直接「卡画面」。 (图:WHO)
不过,在贝里斯发言后,史瓦帝尼发言时直接被主持会议的挪威籍主席拉森(Bjørn-Inge Larsen)卡掉画面,中断发言。拉森并点名提醒史国及贝里斯以及接下来的发言者,请仅谈会议议题,「不要谈观察员的问题」。
但相较3友邦被阻挠,美国和日本则获完整发言。其中美国卫生部全球事务办公室主任格里斯比(Garrett Grigsby)表示,台湾在对抗疫情上取得亮眼的成绩,面临新一波疫情,了解台湾抗疫经验对会员国很有帮助,不让台湾以观察员的身分参与世界卫生大会则只会造成反效果。
世卫赞扬台湾为抗疫楷模 中国却阻台湾参与世卫大会
台湾未获邀参与世卫大会 官方批对世卫“全民健康”主张嘲弄
世卫大会未邀台湾 台谴责中共阻挠
世卫大会散场 德媒警告:西方为利益而与狼共舞非常危险
V2ray翻墙服务-安全可靠经济高速无限流量 免费PC翻墙、安卓VPN翻墙APP
原文链接:美日11国挺台参与世卫大会 惧怕支持声浪? 大会主席2度卡掉画面
原文链接:美日11国挺台参与世卫大会 惧怕支持声浪? 大会主席2度卡掉画面 - 新闻评论
本文标签:世卫, 世卫大会, 主席, 参与世卫, 台湾, 挺台, 挺台参与, 画面, 美日
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pakcricwiz · 4 years
Football quiz: Norwegian footballers in England and Scotland in 1998
In 1998, Norway could have picked a whole World Cup squad from players based in the UK. What do you remember about them?
Which Tottenham goalkeeper captained Norway's 1998 World Cup side?
Espen Baardsen
Erik Thorstvedt
Thomas Myhre
Frode Grodås
Which former player, signed by Liverpool in 1998, took a break from his salmon fishing business and travelled to Istanbul to watch the 2005 Champions League final while wearing a Liverpool tracksuit?
Vegard Heggem
Øyvind Leonhardsen
Frode Kippe
Bjørn Tore Kvarme
Which member of the boys of 1998 retired from football in 2003 at the age of 25, saying: “Once you've played in the Premier League and been to the World Cup, you've seen it and done it … I felt unsatisfied intellectually, I wanted to travel the world”?
Eirik Bakke
Erik Nevland
Espen Baardsen
Steffen Iversen
Who was the only Norwegian on the pitch when Paolo Di Canio shoved over referee Paul Alcock in September 1998?
Petter Rudi
Tore Pedersen
Egil Ostenstad
Jon Olav Hjelde
Why did Lars Bohinen, who turned out for Blackburn and Derby in 1998, refuse to play for Norway against France in July 1995?
He had fallen out with Erland Johnsen
He was protesting against French nuclear tests in the South Pacific
He was told he had to have his mane of luscious hair cut
He was dating the daughter of France manager Aime Jacquet and felt it was a “conflict of interest”
How many members of the Flo family were part of the 1998 World Cup squad?
Who finished their career with the most caps?
Henning Berg
Tore Andre Flo
Alf Inge Haaland
Roger Nilsen
Liverpool legend Stig Inge Bjørnebye’s wife has an Olympic silver medal in which event?
While at Chelsea in 1997 Frode Grodas was refused permission to add what to his house, one local resident saying: “This is a highly sought-after location. We don't want someone rolling up and making it look like some kind of gypsy encampment”?
A swimming pool
An extension in the shape of a goalkeeping glove
A satellite dish
A shed
Which of these players never scored an international hat-trick?
Gunnar Halle
Jan Åge Fjørtoft
Øyvind Leonhardsen
Ole Gunnar Solskjær
Vidar Riseth is best known for his post World Cup 1998-2000 spell with Celtic – but which other British club had he earlier featured for?
Which 1998 Wimbledon player’s appointment as Wolves manager in 2012 was greeted by defender Roger Johnson saying “I don't know who the guy is to be honest”?
Andreas Lund
Ståle Solbakken
Øyvind Leonhardsen
Petter Rudi
Which Premier League club had three players in Norway's 1998 World Cup squad?
Manchester United
In which sport did future Sheffield United striker Jostein Flo come within 16cm of the Norwegian record of in 1983?
High jump
Long jump
Ski jump
For what is former Celtic striker Harald Brattbakk is best remembered at Parkhead?
Missing from a yard our in the final minute of a 0-0 Old Firm derby draw at Ibrox
Scoring all four goals in a Champions League win over Benfica
Scoring in the final-day win over St Johnstone in 1998 that prevented Rangers from winning a 10th successive title
Breaking up an on-pitch brawl between Morten Wieghorst and Regi Blinker
15 and above.
Incredible. You're not Trond Egil Soltvedt are you?
14 and above.
So close to full marks. Well done
13 and above.
Wow. A fine effort!
12 and above.
Wow. A fine effort!
11 and above.
A very decent effort
10 and above.
A very decent effort
9 and above.
A very decent effort
8 and above.
Mid-table obscurity
7 and above.
Mid-table obscurity
6 and above.
Not a bad effort
5 and above.
Not a bad effort
4 and above.
3 and above.
2 and above.
0 and above.
1 and above.
Continue reading... from Blogger https://ift.tt/2T9rNBg
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runiround · 5 years
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1. 找出你想鍛鍊的肌肉或能力。
2. 對它施壓。
3. 休息和恢復元氣,讓身體適應。
4. 重複流程——這次的施壓比上次的再強一點或再久一些。
1996 年,狄娜.卡斯特(Deena Kastor)從阿肯色大學畢業時,是個不錯的大學跑者,但從未在重大賽事中拿過冠軍。她得過多次全美大獎,多次上台領獎,但距離全美大學比賽的冠軍總是差那麼一點點——更確切地說,是只差幾秒。
但是,這並未阻止她全力投入跑步。大學畢業後,她找上傳奇教練喬.維吉爾(Joe Vigil),跟著教練到氧氣稀薄的科羅拉多州阿拉莫薩(Alamosa)受訓,最後到加州的曼摩絲湖(Mammoth Lakes)。在那裡,卡斯特接受海拔9 千英尺的訓練,以期大幅超越以前的水準。
稍微看一下卡斯特在那段顛峰時期的訓練日誌,腦中會馬上浮現兩個字:驚人。在海拔7 千英尺(2134 公尺)的地方跑24 英里(39 公里),而且每英里(1.6公里)的跑速相當於一般人衝刺100 公尺的速度。她最愛的訓練是以每英里5 分鐘的速度(時速19 公里)來回跑4 英里,而且這一切都是在曼摩絲湖區海拔最高的地方完成。這些驚人的訓練只占卡斯特總跑量的一小部分。每週結束時,她會在訓練日誌的右下角圈出「總里程」。那個數字幾乎一定是在110 ∼ 140 英里之間(177 ∼ 225 公里)。這看起來很不尋常,但是在卡斯特的眼中,這其實再平常不過了。因此,她達到了運動成就的顛峰。
卡斯特無疑是美國女子跑步界最響亮的名字,而且紅得有理。她得過奧運馬拉松的銅牌,在許多重大的全國賽事中獲得佳績,也是美國馬拉松紀錄的保持人,僅以2 小時19 分鐘就跑完26.2 英里(每英里的速度是5 分20 秒)。
你先想以那麼快的速度跑1 英里,接著再想以那樣的速度連續跑二十六次。或許更難以理解的是,她在四十二歲時,以2 小時27 分鐘跑完馬拉松(每英里的速度是5 分鐘40 秒)。沒錯,即使理論上她已經進入耐力運動生涯的尾聲,她依然跑得飛快。雖然她偶爾會輸給年紀小她十到二十歲的年輕人,但跟那些年紀足以當她女兒的跑者較勁,她始終屬於領先的一群,而且經常擊敗她們。
如果你問卡斯特如何長久維持這種績效水準,你會因此學到週期化的重要。雖然卡斯特會很快強調苦練很重要,但她也會迅速提到苦練之後的休息一樣重要。「過去幾年成績之所以突飛猛進,主要是因為訓練環境以外的東西,以及我選擇恢復元氣的方式。」2009 年她接受《競爭者》雜誌(Competitor)的訪問時這麼說:「運動時,你是在破壞軟組織,對身體施壓。運動後的休息是讓你恢復元氣,獲得力量,以便再攻下一城。」
卡斯特說,她很早就意識到光是拚命操練是不行的。她甚至說,她的例常鍛鍊算是輕鬆的部分。她之所以與眾不同,能在過去二十五年間跑得又快又遠,那神奇的關鍵在於她恢復元氣的方式:每晚睡10 ∼ 12 小時;對膳食的嚴謹講究;每週按摩及做伸展運動。換句話說,她在不鍛鍊時所做的一切,都是為了讓她在鍛鍊時持續展現驚人的表現。壓力需要搭配休息,休息讓人更加耐壓。卡斯特已經掌握了這個公式的訣竅,了解她能承受多少壓力及需要多少休息。所以,她的成就——整個持續成長的生涯與卓越——就不是那麼令人意外。
卡斯特當然是獨一無二的,但史蒂芬.賽勒(Stephen Seiler)的研究佐證了她的實例。1996 年,賽勒在美國拿到生理學博士後不久便移居挪威。他剛到挪威時,注意到一件事,令他困惑不解:在交叉訓練中,世界級的越野滑雪高手在山腳停下來,接著慢慢走上山。賽勒對此做法感到不解,為什麼全球最頂尖的耐力運動員會採用如此簡單的訓練方式?
賽勒找上挪威越野滑雪國手的教練英格.布拉頓(Inge Bråten)探究原因,他是八次金牌得主比約恩.戴利(Bjørn Dæhlie)等多位傳奇選手背後的重要推手。賽勒問布拉頓,他把運動員緩步上山視為一種訓練,是不是有什麼誤解?如果不是誤解,而是真的訓練,為什麼挪威選手要那樣做,能不能請布拉頓說明一下原因。布拉頓告訴賽勒,賽勒看到的那些滑雪運動員,最近才剛完成高強度的訓練,所以現在必須換輕鬆的訓練。
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◎ 書籍連結:https://lihi.vip/x9JKo
◎ 延伸閱讀:使命感:為什麼有些人在工作中自帶光環
◎ 更多運動資訊請見:Runiround慢跑俱樂部
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archeyesmagazine · 4 years
© Teigens Fotoatelier
The Skådalen School for children with hearing impairment designed by Sverre Fehn was completed in 1975. It comprised of dormitories, preschool, elementary and secondary school, administration buildings and a sports hall. The architecture replaces the reverberation of sound with visual orientation.
Skådalen School Technical Information
Architects: Sverre Fehn
Team: Eilif Andersen, Truls Ovrum, Jon Kåre Schultz, Tom Wike, Bjørn Larsen, all architects. MNAL
Location: Skådalsveien 33, Oslo, Norway
Material: Brick and Concrete
Type: Educational / School
Client: SBED (currently Statsbygg, Public Construction and Property Management)
Consultants: Terje Orlien from Ing. Arne Neegaard AS (structural engineer)
Project Year: 1971 – 1977
Drawings: © Sverre Fehn
Photographs: © Teigens Fotoatelier
I have never thought of myself as modern, but I did absorb the anti-monumental and the pictorial world of Le Corbusier, as well as the functionalism of the small villages of North Africa. You might say I came of age in the shadow of modernism.
Sverre Fehn
Skådalen School Photographs
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
The design of Skådalen School is very different from other works of Sverre Fehn. It is probably one of the most intricate structures he has ever done; due to a complex architectural program: the school was the first institution for deaf children in Scandinavia.
The architecture presents a hearty, non-formalist structural language, careful and clear. The rudimentary feel of its tectonics and the relation between the buildings and the landscape was very uncommon. The project consists of eight independent and mutually different buildings, distributed on the plot following its sloping topography. The two-story oblong building was designed for group activities, its main hall was lit by windows in the ceiling and from the bay windows on the side. These allowed some activities to be carried out in private while preserving the connection between interior and exterior.
To design the building Sverre Fehn used an open class system model that transformed the pupil/teacher relationship. Large sliding doors gave the room some flexibility. The structures are mainly built of bricks in the exterior and the interiors use the same bricks. Other materials such as concrete and laminated wood were also used.
The classroom building and kindergarten both have a similar semicircular shape, inspired by the way the children gather around the teacher. The school counts with the houses for the board where there are six dormitories with rooms, associated around a common area. Other buildings include a dining room, a kitchen, administration offices and sports facilities including a swimming pool.
The school as a whole has been articulated as a small town in which its inhabitants can learn to orient themselves easily due to their different shapes and materials. The transparency of the whole area enables young children to create simple and direct spatial relationships. Sverre Fehn devoted many considerations to these relationships.
The scattered plan is a strategy that allows the residents to walk from their “homes” to school. The architect has to recognize the physical size of the children. You cannot accept a point of view that says the structure has to stand and wait, expecting you to grow and reach twenty-one years of age before you fit into the world. … No pedagogy can reach the child if the architecture does not recognize the child’s dimensions.2
– Sverre Fehn
Skådalen School Floor Plan
© Sverre Fehn
© Sverre Fehn
© Sverre Fehn
© Sverre Fehn
Skådalen School Image Gallery
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
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© Teigens Fotoatelier
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© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Teigens Fotoatelier
© Sverre Fehn
© Sverre Fehn
© Sverre Fehn
© Sverre Fehn
© Sverre Fehn
© Sverre Fehn
© Sverre Fehn
© Sverre Fehn
© Sverre Fehn
© Sverre Fehn
© Sverre Fehn
© Sverre Fehn
© Sverre Fehn
© Sverre Fehn
© Sverre Fehn
© Sverre Fehn
About Sverre Fehn
Sverre Fehn (August 14th, 1924 – February 23rd, 2009) was a Norwegian architect born in Kongsberg. Sverre Fehn taught at the Oslo School of Architecture from 1971 to 1991 as well as at the Cranbrook Academy of Art in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. The architect’s highest international honor came in 1997 when he was awarded both the Pritzker Architecture Prize and the Heinrich Tessenow Gold Medal. Other works from Sverre Fehn 
 Nasjonalmuseet/Veiby, Jeanette
Fehn in his text in Byggekunst no. 6-1978.
The Skådalen School for children with hearing impairment designed by Sverre Fehn was completed in 1975. The architecture replaces the reverberation of sound with visual orientation. #norwegianarchitecture #SverreFehn #School The Skådalen School for children with hearing impairment designed by Sverre Fehn was completed in 1975. It comprised of dormitories, preschool, elementary and secondary school, administration buildings and a sports hall.
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Molde sier Solskjær «lånes ut» til Manchester United
Molde sier Solskjær «lånes ut» til Manchester United
Ole Gunnar Solskjær takker klubben, Kjell Inge Røkke og Bjørn Rune Gjelsten.
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mariebenz · 5 years
Can a Low-Gluten Diet Improve Your Health (even if you don't have celiac disease)?
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MedicalResearch.com Interview with:
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Professor Oluf Pedersen Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research University of Copenhagen MedicalResearch.com: What is the background for this study? Response: We focused our study on healthy people due to the world-wide bottom-up movement among healthy adults to live gluten-free or on a low-gluten diet. Therefore, we undertook a randomised, controlled, cross-over trial involving 60 middle-aged healthy Danish adults with two eight week interventions comparing a low-gluten diet (2 g gluten per day) and a high-gluten diet (18 g gluten per day), separated by a washout period of at least six weeks with habitual diet (12 g gluten per day). The two diets were balanced in number of calories and nutrients including the same total amount of dietary fibres. However, the composition of fibres differed markedly between the two diets. When the low-gluten trend started years back the trend was without any scientific evidence for health benefits. Now we bring pieces of evidence that a low-gluten diet in healthy people may be related to improved intestinal wellbeing due to changes in the intestinal microbiota which to our surprise is NOT induced by gluten itself but by the concomitant change in the type of dietary fibres linked to a low-gluten intake. MedicalResearch.com: What are the main findings? Response: Based on our observations of altered food fermentation patterns of the gut microbiome, we conclude that the effects of low-gluten dieting in healthy people is NOT due to reduced intake of gluten itself but rather to a change in dietary fibre composition by reducing fibres from wheat and rye and replacing them with fibres from vegetables, brown rice, corn, oat, quinoa and other non-gluten containg whole grain cereals. In comparison with a high-gluten diet, a low-gluten, fibre-rich diet (other types but the same total amount) induces changes in the structure and function of the complex intestinal ecosystem of bacteria, reduces hydrogen exhalation, and leads to improvements in self-reported bloating and other intestinal comfort indicators. Moreover, during the 2 month of low-gluten dieting, the healthy individuals lost on overage 0.8 kg, likely due to increased body combustion (increased whole body thermogenesis) triggered by the altered gut bacterial functions eliciting increases in the plasma concentration of the gut hormone PYY, the fecal concentration of the microbial compound kynurenine and the concentration of the urine compound beta-amino-iso-butyric acid ( all three compounds are known to enhance thermogenesis.  MedicalResearch.com: What should readers take away from your report? Response: If they for some personal reasons prefer to stick to a low-gluten diet they can do it without expected adverse effects provided they eat high-fibre containing low-gluten products that are balanced in macro- and micronutrients. However, most gluten-free food items available on the market today are massively deprived of dietary fibers and natural nutritional ingredients. Filled with additive and preservatives, sugars and unhealthy fats. Therefore, there is an obvious need for availability of fibre-enriched, nutritionally high-quality gluten-free food items which are freshly produced or minimally processed to consumers who prefer a low-gluten diet. Such initiatives may turn out to be key for alleviating gastro-intestinal discomfort and in addition to help facilitating weight control in the general population via modification of the gut microbiota. Therefore, by now we think that our study is a  kind of wake-up call to the food industry and gourmet bakeries to produce a wide assortment of delicious non-wheat, non-rye wholegrain cereals (corn, brown rice, millet, buckwheat, quinoa, chia and gluten free oat) enriched with dietary fibres from vegetables (eg. carrots, squash), apple, psyllium seed husks, beans, chicory etc. You can bake the most healthy and most tasty bread, buns and pastries in this way. Innovations like this are highly needed for healthy people choosing a lifestyle with no gluten but associated with other types of dietary fibres, the microbial digestion of which cause less intestinal gas production and facilitate weight control .  MedicalResearch.com: What recommendations do you have for future research as a result of this work? Response: More long-term clinically studies are needed both in healthy individuals and in well-defined groups of  people suffering from gluten sensitivity, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis.  Citation: Lea B. S. Hansen, Henrik M. Roager, Nadja B. Søndertoft, Rikke J. Gøbel, Mette Kristensen, Mireia Vallès-Colomer, Sara Vieira-Silva, Sabine Ibrügger, Mads V. Lind, Rasmus B. Mærkedahl, Martin I. Bahl, Mia L. Madsen, Jesper Havelund, Gwen Falony, Inge Tetens, Trine Nielsen, Kristine H. Allin, Henrik L. Frandsen, Bolette Hartmann, Jens Juul Holst, Morten H. Sparholt, Jesper Holck, Andreas Blennow, Janne Marie Moll, Anne S. Meyer, Camilla Hoppe, Jørgen H. Poulsen, Vera Carvalho, Domenico Sagnelli, Marlene D. Dalgaard, Anders F. Christensen, Magnus Christian Lydolph, Alastair B. Ross, Silas Villas-Bôas, Susanne Brix, Thomas Sicheritz-Pontén, Karsten Buschard, Allan Linneberg, Jüri J. Rumessen, Claus T. Ekstrøm, Christian Ritz, Karsten Kristiansen, H. Bjørn Nielsen, Henrik Vestergaard, Nils J. Færgeman, Jeroen Raes, Hanne Frøkiær, Torben Hansen, Lotte Lauritzen, Ramneek Gupta, Tine Rask Licht, Oluf Pedersen. A low-gluten diet induces changes in the intestinal microbiome of healthy Danish adults. Nature Communications, 2018; 9 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-07019-x The information on MedicalResearch.com is provided for educational purposes only, and is in no way intended to diagnose, cure, or treat any medical or other condition. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health and ask your doctor any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. In addition to all other limitations and disclaimers in this agreement, service provider and its third party providers disclaim any liability or loss in connection with the content provided on this website.   Read the full article
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