#info bola
pakbol88 · 2 years
Pakbol88.com, Jakarta – Barcelona mungkin bakal kehilangan gelandang bertahan yang juga kapten Sergio Busquets. Pemain yang bakal jadi legenda di Barca ini mungkin hengkang musim depan.
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nusantarapostcom · 2 years
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Jangan Lewatkan! Ini Jadwal Persib Bandung Group C di Piala Presiden 2022
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siskanumasta · 9 months
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0812-1238-2900 sekolah sepak bola bandung, sekolah sepak bola terdekat,sekolah sepak bola anak dibandung 🤩
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ErrorTale Sans Utah
Name: Bolas
Size: 1'2 - 2'2 feet tall (fullsize) 4 - 6 inches tall (mini) 4'2 - 5'2 feet tall(bara)
Personality: Tsundere, sassy, moody, stubborn,
Likes: Praise, chocolate treats, plushies, blankets, naps, older corny dramas,
Dislikes: Bitties or people that try to keep him from destroying or knocking things over, to much physical contact,
Compatibility: All Error type bitties can easily be over stimulated by physical contact and often need a lot of time to get used to someone before physical contact doesn’t bother them as much, it is best to let them come to you until you know they are comfortable with it!
Like most Error types they can make strings! They often use their strings to nest/play with but don't mind their strings being use by their owners to make things! It acts just like yarn! Just be sure to not over use their string as it takes energy to make new string!
Bolas like toys they can knock over/make noise, like bells or wooden blocks, having these things can help them satiate their drive to destroy things!
Having an Angon bitty can help satiate their drive to destroy things and help with their stubborn nature, and make it easier to get them to do things/listen to you, though they are not required!
Feeding habits: They can live off of and me perfectly healthy off of a vegan diet but prefer to eat meat, they tend like food that crunches,
Additional info: Utah bitties are very cleaver and adventures, often getting out of the house/yard and running off! It is not recommended to leave Utah bitties unsupervised without a tracker!
It is recommended to keep trash up and away from any Utah bitty, as they will get into it and eat as much as they can before they are found!
When adopting a Utah bitty you need to have a lot of space for them to roam, a privacy fence and maybe even an electric fence as well, as any motivation(like seeing your neighbor is outside)can lead them to escape and run off, terrorizing other smaller bitties and even larger people in groups! these are also the only type of bitty where it isnt only ok to, but recommended to chip/use a shock color(with an invisible fence)!
These bitties are so difficult to managed we have to check your house and interview you(new poetical owner) to make sure your/your house is suitable for a Utah bitty,
Utah bitties require at least one other similarly sized bitty that doesn't mind being tackled and playfighting,
Utah bitties require plenty of enrichment to stay busy, anything from toys to playdates to things they can destroy/knock over/make a mess with,
Zone: Inside, Savanna, Forest, Plains,
In Universe: Bolas are seen as very taboo and difficult to care for,
Difficulty: Intermediate
Main colors: Red, gray, black, white, tan, brown,
Secondary colors: Red, gray, black, white, tan, brown,
Extra: has feathers but featherless feet, tails may have a fan and said tail fan may only be near the tip of the tail or all the way down the tail, arms double as wings with only the thumb sticking out,
Additional info: patterns very but is often has darker spots on the face, similar to cheetahs, allowing them to see very easily in the sun,
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melanisyahpitri · 1 year
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pkvincarqq · 1 year
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pakbol88 · 2 years
Pakbol88.com, Jakarta – Kylian telah dikaitkan dengan kepindahan ke Real Madrid pada jendela transfer musim panas 2022. Tapi, pemain berusia 23 tahun itu akhirnya memutuskan untuk menandatangani kontrak baru dengan Paris Saint-Germain.
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siskanumasta · 8 months
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081312382900 sekola sepak bola dibandung,sekola sepak bola bandung,sekola sepak bola terdekat,sekola sepak bola anak bandung
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nusantarapostcom · 2 years
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Catat Tanggalnya! Ini Jadwal Sepak Bola PSIS Semarang Grup A Piala Presiden 2022
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lennjamin-o7 · 7 months
"Oh, Team Soulfire are the bad guys!"
"No, Team Bolas are actually the villains!"
"It's Green Ninjas that are the bad guys"
My dudes. The only bad guy is the Eye. It's the Mastermind behind Purgatory. Every team is running off of limited information and just trying their best to get the eggs home safe.
I would bet money that at least one team is making a big mistake that will have dire consequences. At least one team is going to look back at purgatory with some regrets. But bro, WE don't have enough info. We don't know enough to understand what is or isn't a mistake.
Everyone's trying their best and there is no need to demonize a team that has come to a different conclusion on what needs to be done to rescue the eggs.
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charkie-ee · 7 months
team bolas rojas gas masks designs??
in THIS day and age?????
it may be more likely than you think..
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this was my first time drawing a series of different gas masks, no idea if they’re accurate at all, but it was really fun!!
**notes & closeups under the cut :-D**
it’s a lot of notes so be prepared for an info dump.
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Philza: honestly, what more is there to say than “CROW MAN!!”? aside from his goggles being glow-in-the-dark, theres not much more to the mask design. however, i decided, “hey! this is purgatory! i can fuck up these characters!” so, he has a ripped ear(?)wing and messily cut back hair. (i didn’t pay too much attention to the hair in this design, i was mainly trying to get the gas masks down, but maybe i’ll go further into later.)
Cellbit: this is definitely one of my favorites, he looks pretty scary, i would NOT stop my car if i saw him on the side of the road. its based off of a cat mask(obviously) and a painted white streak goes through his mask, inspired by his hair. i didn’t include it, but circles in the goggles are supposed to retract with different emotions (kind of how cat’s eyes do, saucer and dagger pupils.) he’s also covered in blood because he’s going through it lore wise.
Slimecicle: ngl, it was my first time drawing code charlie(other than all the wips i have that i’ll never finish),but i think he’s pretty spooky. his mask is the worst quality, like it USED to work well until he wore it out. thus, there are broken air tubes that let the gas in. (he should probably get those replaced.) the holes for his horns are kind of like an airlock, so the gas can’t enter through them (phil helped him make it.) however, it makes it difficult to take off.
Baghera: baghera’s mask is kind of built like charlie’s, except in much better quality. aside from the loose air tubes, the mask almost goes all the way around her head, not letting even the slightest bit of gas in. theres also a plastic duck beak on top of the regular breathy-thing(i have no idea what i’m doing, so, no, i don’t know the technical term for that) to give it the “bird touch.”
Jaiden: jaiden’s mask was FUN. like i kinda went overboard. i did these all on different days, and this was the night after the big egg battle day. i saw she had fnaf bonnie ears along with her bird gas mask, and said “ok cool. i’ll add that.” she has the same feather/beak thing i gave to baghera. also, hair-wise, she gets a hair bun and her brown roots showing through(we love messy haired cubitos ^^)
Foolish: foolish was interesting, not sure i like the final product, but i’m tired, so it’ll do. his mask is based off of a lemon shark. he gas glowing green eyes and golden splotches on the leather. the air tube foolish has is REALLY long. like unnaturally long. so he wraps it around his neck to get it out of the way. the other members are extremely concerned it’ll choke him one day, but foolish thinks it’s cool and will scare other teams away. kind of like a “yea, i’m crazy, i could choke and die at any minute, and i don’t care.” phil, being the protective father figure of the group, does not like this at all.
Carre: and finally, we have carre. ah, sweet, sweet carre.(he is my favorite.) his mask is based off of a snow leopard because i hc he’s half feline. carre has the lightest, and most simple mask, since it’s entirely plastic, and more so based off of skiing or snowboarding goggles.
ANYWAY, i hope these notes make sense, excuse my rambling about silly designs, i tend to doodle messily, and not really have a plan when i draw, lol.
thanks for reading, BYE!
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pkvincarqq · 2 years
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flickersprout · 7 months
Okay you guys know what? I have a theory hope for Bolas Rojas post-purgatory and I am thinking about it too hard to keep it in my head any longer.
I hope team bolas stays inseparable once they're back on Quesadilla Island and I hope it makes them worse. Most of them were pretty much at the end of their ropes before this, and I hope they go right back there. I hope their new bizarre intense packbond doesn't bring them back at all. Imagine, if you will:
Cellbit is just as directionlessly angry and team bolas only supports him in this. He keeps killing Fed workers in a fugue state and now he just has 5 people willing to hide evidence end anyone who accuses him.
Phil is still paranoid and hypervigilant and questioning his perception. All that changes is that he now has 5 people who'll help reinforce his various bunkers and prevent anyone else from attempting some kind of wellness check. (I hope they encourage him to pick targets of his fear and anger and go after them)
Charlie goes right back to Codeflippa, more aware on some level that she's not his daughter but not willing to let go. Team bolas knows she's definitely not his daughter, but after Purgatory who are they to deny him a coping mechanism? Anybody who so much as implies that he should get rid of Codeflippa faces their wrath.
Foolish and Jaiden feel much less alone (their arcs are both kinda intrinsically helped by having even the least helpful of ride-or-die companions lmao) but still try to find purpose in Federation work. Jaiden tries to cling to normalcy by her friendship with Cucurucho. And yeah, this is totally at odds with the others' alignments and politics (especially Cellbit and Codeflippa), but since when did team bolas care about consistency? They're here to help these two complete missions and keep anybody from questioning them ever.
I don't know enough to speculate on Baghera's or Carre's arcs, but you get the drift by now--I hope team bolas enables them to become their worst selves, etc. (Anybody with info/ideas on the potential consequences of Purgatory for them please let me know!)
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pakbol88 · 2 years
Pakbol88.com, Jakarta – Borneo FC serius memburu gelar juara BRI Liga 1 2022/2023. Klub asal Kalimantan Timur itu kebetulan sedang dijalur yang bagus untuk menjadi klub Kalimantan pertama yang menjadi juara Liga Indonesia sejak dilebur tahun 1994.
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acetheabnormal · 1 month
Here we goooo
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Here they are!! Space AU animal-alien versions of these two. Very bizarre creatures I love dearly
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Some info on what the hell is going on here!!:
They both work under the Federation on two separate teams (BOLAS and SoulFire). All three purgatory teams work as their own individual crews + ships vying for the same objective to see who comes out on top and becomes the Federation’s main team!
After a very bad scuffle between BOLAS and SoulFire, Charlie is forced to jump into an escape pod and flee to a nearby planet... with Mariana having the same idea. They eventually come across each other and have a lot of problems, but eventually learn to work together to survive!
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I don't really have a name for this AU yet so I'm just calling it "Space AU". Also shoutout to my wife @salsasolutions for helping me with the ideas for this!!
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siskanumasta · 8 months
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081312382900 sekolah sepak bola gratis pendaftaran dibandung,sekolah sepak bola dibandung,sekola sepak bola bandung,sekola sepak bola terdekat
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