#indigo rambles
Context: now I've seen "metamorphosis" ^^
Oh. Oh no. Icarus. You idiot. You tried to get rid of a demigod and instead (potentially) created a new god. Good job? You dad will be so upset once he figures that out lol
Also. Whither skeletons infront of the portals are a bad sign if Achrien and Aphrien are still throwing books through it. Worst case scenario is Fable intercepting those books and figuring out what's going on which would be bad for everyone else.
And I love Jamie and Athena so much ^^ they care about each other so much and they get to be happy right now which is good.
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indigoipsum · 11 months
Oh my god animated Maurice
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indigosunsetao3 · 29 days
I remember being a kid/teenager and being like "I can't wait to have my own car and place. Then I can just go out whenever I want. And do whatever I want." I lived a very sheltered life, couldn’t go out much, didn’t have a curfew because I literally was not allowed out, not allowed to get my license etc. So having that ounce of freedom was literally the dream.
And now I'm an adult, a certified one at that, who pays taxes and has a big girl job. I have a car and my own house and I can do these things on a whim. I could go out to dinner! Go shopping! Go to the movies! Go downtown to the bar scene!
But instead it's a Friday evening and I'm sitting on my couch, tipsy, eating Cheez-Its and blasting music while doom scrolling social media because going out sounds fucking awful. I understand now why the adults, when I was a teenager, acted like any stops between work and home were the end of the world. And having plans over the weekend were heavy sigh worthy and they looked for any reason to get out of it. I totally get it.
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indigolily117 · 4 months
every time i draw one of the iniD girls i always think back to that one tumblr post that's like "hair vents are essential, they keep the anime girl alive" or something along those lines, and so i try really hard to keep them in my drawings
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cosmic-sail0r · 13 days
Me 0.5 seconds into chapter 1 of Indigo Park
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rabiesram · 9 days
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fruity little animals
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ziggizapz · 13 days
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if he ends up evil this will be the worst betrayal since wheatley portal 2
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littlemorsel56 · 13 days
Indigo Park theory
Okay, here we go.
Salem the Skunk, (if you played the arcade game), we found out they're like a villain or like a troublemaker to Rambley and his friends. They said Salem is a cunning, brilliant mind, and uses countless inventions it says on one of its posts. When you play the arcade game, Salem mentions their smokescreen works to crash Mollie's plane. They've been working on some 'potions' they have been experimenting on squirrels.
When they used it on Mollie, it made her probably into a bloodthirsty monster. "Now with none o' that "friendship" garbage stopping her from tearing you to pieces!" And what did Mollie do when our MC met her, she tears the MC into pieces. On Rambley's Railroad, we meet his friends (And Lloyd. I'm putting on a bet he's like a cowardly lion. He acted too innocent during the game.) on the railroad tracks, but Rambley starts to glitch on Salem's track and the place is damaged into pieces and a bit of a pile of blood there too.
It shows enough proof that Rambley, Mollie, Lloyd, and all of the cast are AI-sentient. And that also includes Salem too. Every popular mascot must have a villain who wants to destroy the main character. Salem became too intelligent and aware of their surroundings. In their program and data base, their only goal is to destroy friendship. And since they can only do that behind the screen, they perhaps can make a virus.
The same virus that was created in the 'potion'. Causing the mascots, Mollie, and everything to go out of control and cause chaos. Rambley seems to be the only survivor from the virus, but when he's close to Salem's track, he can't mention them, causing him to malfunction. Salem must have done something for Rambley to be confused about why the park shut down and why all of his friends were acting strange.
Another thing I couldn't figure or it might be shown during future chapters. Rambley is the only character who doesn't have the mascot animatronic or a live mascot. We've seen Mollie and Lloyd, they're blood and flesh. Finley is probably like them too.
We know the park is definitely hiding something in there. And somehow creating all the characters into a living being. So this is probably set in the future. Mollie and Lloyd could have been friendly and fun for all children and adults for who knows how long, yet all of a sudden, something causes them to act different and vicious. All except Rambley, who also wants to figure out what happened to the park and his friends.
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gingerbravecookie · 13 days
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the horrors persist but we stay silly
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upperstories · 5 days
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Rambly the Raccoon’s evolution in animation!
A parody of this image of Mickey Mouse through the ages!
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Ehehe, Deadlock sure was something (:
Icarus POV:
I love how they keep thinking it's a good idea to just go ahead and fight people that they aren't prepared to fight? Like I don't think they'd stand a chance against Ocie. No way.
Also, they really just remembered all the good times they used to have and then doubled down on their choices once again. Like I kind of understand why, but still.
Ocies POV
Holy shit, her acting is so good? Like genuinely! I'm glad that Oscar is safe and her choice to tell Icarus that he's dead is really goddamn smart.
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indigoipsum · 2 months
Every day I debate deleting my tumblr but then I remember that I’m being a whiny little baby and it literally doesn’t matter
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riomsworld · 8 days
Okay , so I have seen that many people are talking about this picture:
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Many people say that it is showing that the paper in Lloyd's hand is the reason that the two of them do not like each other anymore. And that is a fine theory don't get me wrong! But I have my own:
It is a known fact 'Indogo Park' is inspired by Disney and their parks, and I think so is this picture.
The Disneyland ride "Mr Toads Wild Ride " was replaced in 1998 by "The Many Adventures of Winnie Pooh". But as an Easter egg , Imaginers put in a little nod to the old ride that was replaced: a picture of Mr Toad giving Owl the deed of the ride
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It is locatet at the entrance of Owls hous , and it can be easily missed.
Now let's look at both pictures,aren't they similar?
But there is also another clue that the picture of Rambley and Lloyd is a refrence to this!
When the train crashes, and we have to go backstage to fix it we find this :
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A sign to a ride called "Lloyd's Limos." But the park does not seem to have a ride with such a name , or at least the current version we visit. The ride probably existed once in the park , but it got remodelled and replaced by the train ride with Rambly.
((The name of the Lloyd ride probably had even the same nature as the ride with Rambly, the only difference beeing that the visitor rode a limo insted of a train , but tgat is just my theory))
And if you think I am lying and that this picture does not exist: here
So TLDR: The picture is a refrence to Disneyland, and not only a lore clue
(I am sorry for the spelling mistakes,I typed this quickly while I was in a train )
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indigolily117 · 1 month
man, i need to draw more. i have so many ideas bouncing around in my head, i just gotta get them out. but also video games are just so fun and occupying my time, oopsies.
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scittyscribbles · 5 days
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I doodled some Indigo Park fanart on my last day of vacation. Dandy speedran the first chapter for our friends to watch.
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sweethoneyrose83 · 13 days
 Rambleberry Juice Punch
- 1 cup raspberry juice - 1 cup blueberry juice - 1 cup blackberry juice - 1 cup cranberry juice - 1 cup orange juice - 1/2 cup lemon juice - 2 cups pineapple juice - 1 liter of sparkling water or club soda - 1/4 cup honey or simple syrup (optional, adjust to taste) - Fresh berries (raspberries, blueberries, blackberries) for garnish - Sliced citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, limes) for garnish - Ice cubes
1. Mix the Juices: In a large punch bowl, combine the raspberry juice, blueberry juice, blackberry juice, cranberry juice, orange juice, lemon juice, and pineapple juice. Stir well to ensure all the juices are thoroughly mixed.
2. Sweeten (Optional): If you prefer a sweeter punch, add honey or simple syrup to the juice mixture. Start with a small amount and adjust to taste, stirring until the sweetener is completely dissolved.
3. Chill: Cover the punch bowl and refrigerate for at least an hour, or until thoroughly chilled. This allows the flavors to meld together.
4. Add Sparkling Water: Just before serving, add the sparkling water or club soda to the punch bowl. Stir gently to combine.
5. Prepare Garnishes: Add fresh berries and sliced citrus fruits to the punch for a beautiful and flavorful garnish.
6. Serve: Fill glasses with ice cubes and pour the Rambleberry Juice Punch over the ice. Add additional fruit garnishes to each glass if desired.
Tips: - Customization: Feel free to adjust the types of juices based on availability or preference. You can also experiment with other fruit juices like pomegranate or cherry. - Alcoholic Version: For an adult twist, add a splash of vodka, rum, or sparkling wine. - Herbal Infusion: Add a few sprigs of fresh mint or basil for an herbal note.
Enjoy your refreshing Rambleberry Juice Punch!
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