#incorrect cpc
S1 Frederick: How was I supposed to know Gwen was the third princess, she looks JUST like the ghost that haunts the portraits in our castle!
Blaine/Lance: What are you talking about, of COURSE she doesn’t!
Fandom: What, how rude!
Leelathae: Guys guys hear him out
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alexandersimpleton · 4 months
Lance: haha, wow, poggers
Blaine: you can't just say poggers whenever you feel like it. Words mean things
Lance: words are a malleable tool of language used to convey complex thought, and I will mally them as I see fit
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deldeldel90 · 3 months
Blaine, in an argument with Frederick: ugh!! this is why Lance is my favorite!!
Frederick, staring at him: . . . oh. Well, uh... This is awkward.
Frederick: Lance is my favorite too.
They look at each other.
In the distance,
Isolde, drinking tea slowly: ...
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cornus27florida · 5 months
Incorrect CPC theories for funnies
Thanks to @the-giggling-guava for enabling to be deranged!
in nutshell, what if Plaid Princes truly confirmed as related to Monochrome somehow in the way of making Leland as the illegitimate child born from affair of either of Plaid Royal (either the yellow or purple's crown as "Leland"'s Parents - with someone that likely Monochrome Royalty?
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Frederick: "Hey Blaine and Lance, you know that weird guy I met on the side of the road and camped out with? That burly yoga teacher that taught mediations at Gwen's dinner party? Oh also the same person that weirdly come in at the Pastel Palace to help me fighting Father? Yeah, he's our cousin."
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Blaine: "Wait, I am related to that weird guy with such ugly face tattoo? I CAN'T ACCEPT THAT! Arghhhhhhhhh"
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Lance: .... X_X (mind overload, can't thinking at all ahaha)
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^ same expression but with Lance, this dude only has 3 brain cells and that revealation gonna fried all of his mind
Whitney: "....I always see Frederick as my younger brother - but I didn't know that's gonna be literal as we're somehow cousins... and that's make me get extra 2 cousins..."
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the-backwards-eel · 2 years
Gwendolyn: i think we’re having some marriage problems
Frederick: but…we arent married?
Gwendolyn: yes thats the problem
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comradecowplant · 1 month
oh shut up.
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democrats & republicans don't "fucking hate each other" they are comrades in class war against evvvvvvery body else, i want to read this fanfiction where joe "if there was no israel the u.s. would have to create an israel" biden has made "gritted teeth diplomatic cracks" regarding israel because it simple has never happened, there is no ever-elusive illogical magic mystery why the U.S. always supports Israel-- money (AIPAC donos, arms sales, etc.) & key strategic location for U.S. geopolitical interests, zero rocket science or brain surgery required--, MENA is a place of human beings not your orientalist fatalist "🤷‍♂️ i guess middle easterners are just meant to die, it's how da cookie just crumbles 🤷‍♂️" bullshit, and please, even adrian zenz dropped the Xinjiang concentration camps story years ago.
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yourtongzhihazel · 2 months
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"30 million Chinese [people] did not die needlessly just to be forgotten in the pursuit of ideology. That's what caused their deaths, btw. Ideology."
"narrative is historically incorrect". Rich coming from a zionist. I'm guessing 30,000 Palestinians didn't die from "ideology" either.
Credit where credit is due, these are the lowest black book numbers I've seen on China. It's hard to tell if they're trying to anticommunism or pontificating about the Taiping rebellion without extra context but I digress.
In 1949, China has 0 domestic steel production. 0 (zero). Nothing. In 2023, China produced a little over 1 billion tons of steel.
In 1949, the life expectancy in China was 32. In 2023, it is 77 years.
In 1949, child mortality was more than 20%. In 2023, it is 0.84%.
In 1949, the population was 541 million. In 2023, it is 1.4 billion.
According to John Leighton Stuart, an American ambassador to China from 1946-1949, there were 3-7 million famine deaths each year under his tenure. There have been no famines since the GLF.
70% of Chinese millennials own a home, with 89% of all Chinese citizens owning their home. In the US, only 35% of millennials own their homes.
The CPC brough tangible material good to hundreds of millions of people. The only reason you don't see it as such is because you genuinely don't actually care about us, just like how you don't care about Palestinians.
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I love how Lorena still hasn’t figured out that the CPC aren’t Gwen’s classmates
She would sooner believe the hoity toity princess club includes giant spiders than that Gwen was hiding something
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healthcarewritter · 6 months
Exploring the Fundamentals of Medical Billing and Coding
Medical billing and coding play crucial roles in the healthcare industry, serving as the backbone of the financial and administrative aspects of patient care. These processes ensure that healthcare providers receive proper reimbursement for their services while maintaining accurate and standardized records. In this article, we will delve into the fundamentals of medical billing and coding, understanding their significance in the healthcare landscape.
What is Medical Billing?Medical billing is the process of submitting and following up on claims with health insurance companies to receive payment for services provided by healthcare practitioners. It involves translating medical procedures, diagnoses, and treatments into standardized codes that insurance companies recognize. Accuracy in medical billing is essential to avoid claim rejections and delays in reimbursement.
Understanding Medical Coding:Medical coding is the transformation of medical services and procedures into alphanumeric codes. These codes are part of a standardized system, such as the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). Proper coding ensures that healthcare services are accurately documented for insurance claims, facilitating communication between healthcare providers, insurers, and regulatory bodies.
Role of Medical Coders:Medical coders are professionals trained to assign codes to different healthcare procedures and diagnoses. They play a crucial role in ensuring that the codes accurately reflect the services provided. Coders need to stay updated on coding guidelines and regulations, as they can change periodically. Their work forms the basis for accurate billing and reimbursement.
The Importance of Accuracy:Accuracy in medical billing and coding is paramount. Incorrect codes can lead to claim denials, delayed payments, and even legal issues. Moreover, accurate coding contributes to a comprehensive and standardized health record, promoting better patient care, research, and healthcare system management.
Compliance and Regulations:The healthcare industry is subject to numerous regulations and standards. Medical billing and coding professionals must adhere to these regulations, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), to ensure the confidentiality and security of patient information. Compliance with these standards is essential for ethical and legal healthcare practices.
Emerging Technologies in Medical Billing and Coding:The field of medical billing and coding is not immune to technological advancements. Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and advanced coding software have streamlined processes, reducing errors and improving efficiency. Understanding and adapting to these technologies are crucial for professionals in the field.
Training and Certification:Medical billing and coding professionals typically undergo specialized training and obtain certifications to ensure proficiency in their roles. Certification programs, such as Certified Professional Coder (CPC) or Certified Coding Specialist (CCS), validate the skills and knowledge of individuals in the field.
In conclusion, the fundamentals of healthcare medical billing and coding are integral to the functioning of the healthcare system. These processes ensure accurate documentation, proper reimbursement, and adherence to regulatory standards. As the healthcare landscape evolves, staying informed about emerging technologies and maintaining a commitment to accuracy and compliance is essential for professionals in the field. Medical billing and coding serve as the financial backbone of healthcare, contributing significantly to the delivery of quality patient care.
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alexandersimpleton · 3 months
This is Frederick. Frederick loves his personal space.
This is Lance. Lance also loves Frederick's personal space
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Lance: Lorena,,, I just have one question for you.
Lorena: What is it, Lance?
Lance: What color is an orange??
Lorena: Lance, you bonehead! Its color is the same as its name!!
Lorena: Just like a lemon :)
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the-backwards-eel · 2 years
Maria: Oh! Jamie! Are you going to get your portrait painted next?
Jamie: Hm? No…?
Lorena: Then why is Leopold’s sketchbook filled with drawings of you?
Jamie: Because I’m beautiful!
Gwendolyn: …
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vbv-associates · 2 years
Common Errors Made While Filing Income Tax Returns
The process of preparing and filing returns has been substantially streamlined today and can be finished entirely by hand. You may finish the filing process in under an hour if you are prepared with all of your necessary papers. To prevent errors and the following anguish, it’s essential to be aware of the most frequent tax-filing mistakes.
You should be up to date on the filing process and deductions in income tax return filing. However, if a business owner does not have enough time to keep that. As a result, they require assistance with tax preparation. VBV & Associates provide best Income Tax Filing Assistance in Kerala. We will guide you in filing your income taxes and proposing the most effective tax-saving techniques for your firm.
The most common faults that tax preparers and taxpayers should be aware of when preparing tax returns.
Choosing the incorrect income tax return form
For different categories of tax payers, the Income Tax Department has produced a variety of ITR forms. Please read through the website’s comprehensive documentation to identify which form you need to utilize. You can consult a tax consultant or auditor if you have any questions.
Failing to report all taxable income
You must have your income documentation on hand if you intend to file a tax return. If you understate your income, you could face penalties and interest charges. You should carefully include any income included on an information return, including salaries, dividends, and bank interest.
Unaware of how the filing is progressing
A Tax Assistant can help a taxpayer choose the appropriate filing status if they are unsure about their status, especially if more than one filing status is applicable. Errors in filing status are also prevented by tax software like IRS Free File.
Failure to retain a copy of your return
Taxpayers should keep a copy of their signed returns and all schedules for their records when they are ready to file.
Omitting to send ITR-V
Taxpayers frequently believe that the filing of IT returns is finished after the ITR-V Form has been produced. To finish the file, you must mail the paperwork to the CPC headquarters.
When it comes to filing your company’s income tax return, there will be a lot of uncertainty and blunders. If you avoid making mistakes, you can avoid having to recalculate your tax liability. VBV & Associates, the best Tax consultants in Kochi, Kerala, will assist you in filing your income tax return efficiently.
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neomdincblog · 1 year
CPT Coding Services
Is your practice facing denials because of incorrect deployment of CPT Codes? Or your current staff is unable to precisely interpret CPT Codes for rendered services?  Outsource your practice coding Services to NEO MD CPC Certified Coders and enjoy the on-time reimbursement by reducing the denials ratio
For more details please visit: https://neomdinc.com/
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Common Errors Made While Filing Income Tax Returns
The process of preparing and filing returns has been substantially streamlined today and can be finished entirely by hand. You may finish the filing process in under an hour if you are prepared with all of your necessary papers. To prevent errors and the following anguish, it’s essential to be aware of the most frequent tax-filing mistakes.
You should be up to date on the filing process and deductions in income tax return filing. However, if a business owner does not have enough time to keep that. As a result, they require assistance with tax preparation. VBV & Associates provide best Income Tax Filing Assistance in Kerala. We will guide you in filing your income taxes and proposing the most effective tax-saving techniques for your firm.
The most common faults that tax preparers and taxpayers should be aware of when preparing tax returns.
Choosing the incorrect income tax return form
For different categories of tax payers, the Income Tax Department has produced a variety of ITR forms. Please read through the website’s comprehensive documentation to identify which form you need to utilize. You can consult a tax consultant or auditor if you have any questions.
Failing to report all taxable income
You must have your income documentation on hand if you intend to file a tax return. If you understate your income, you could face penalties and interest charges. You should carefully include any income included on an information return, including salaries, dividends, and bank interest.
Unaware of how the filing is progressing
A Tax Assistant can help a taxpayer choose the appropriate filing status if they are unsure about their status, especially if more than one filing status is applicable. Errors in filing status are also prevented by tax software like IRS Free File.
Failure to retain a copy of your return
Taxpayers should keep a copy of their signed returns and all schedules for their records when they are ready to file.
Omitting to send ITR-V
Taxpayers frequently believe that the filing of IT returns is finished after the ITR-V Form has been produced. To finish the file, you must mail the paperwork to the CPC headquarters.
When it comes to filing your company’s income tax return, there will be a lot of uncertainty and blunders. If you avoid making mistakes, you can avoid having to recalculate your tax liability. VBV & Associates, the best Tax consultants in Kochi, Kerala, will assist you in filing your income tax return efficiently. For more information, please contact us at [email protected] or call +91 980 901 2123.
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