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Fabio Imperiale, "Marginalia".
Le opere sono ritratti di donne dipinti con caffè, inchiostro e bitume su collage di cartoline antiche montate su tavola. Ogni opera racchiude un intreccio di vite: il mondo della protagonista, il sentire dell’artista, i frammenti di memoria che affiorano dalle cartoline, favorendo una riflessione più ampia sulla società, sull’arte e sulla connessione umana.
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yuliakornevapainter · 7 months
Inktober 2023. Days 7-9/31.
Drip, Toad, Bounce
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Inktober'23. Giorni 7-9/31.
Gocciolare, Rospo, Rimbalzo
Инктябрь 2023 г. Дни 7-9.
Капать, Жаба, Отскакивать.
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annag-loves-drawing · 7 months
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Day 7: Drip
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parolesaggemai · 8 months
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petterbrorson · 2 years
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Kråkor, akvarellbläck, 12x9 cm
Här är några kråkor för dagarna 6-10 av Inktober. Vi får se vad jag beslutar mig för att måla till nästa fem...
Hooded crows, watercolour ink, 12x9 cm
Here are some crows for days 6-10 of Inktober. We'll see what I decide to paint for the next five...
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cristianoteofili · 5 months
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Blue Space, mixed media on paper, 19x21 cm (2023)
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haikyou · 19 days
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È il migliore
L’unico a durare;
L’inchiostro è simpatico
L’amore un solletico.
BaoUtnaFèretWaka, 9 aprile 2024 - 14.00, Kontowood.
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pascalkirchmair · 27 days
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"Statue of liberty", ink on paper, 29,7 x 42 cm
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foreverblondie23 · 7 months
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valentina-lauricella · 3 months
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Vedo il momento rimasto
In una regione del tempo:
La curva, lo svolazzo della penna
Che non poteva pentirsi o tentennare
Pena una labe
Eterna, ma è rimasta
Eterna leggerezza
Di piume d'inchiostro,
Eterno galleggiare tra spazi,
Posare sull'acqua, sul ramo
Del bianco
Ingiallito di un foglio.
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yuliakornevapainter · 1 month
#oneweek100people 2024.
Day 5.
100+1 people done!
Benvenuto #oneweek100people2024
Giorno 5.
100 persone + 1.
Missione compiuta!
Арт челлендж 100 людей за неделю.
День 5.
100 человек+ 1.
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annag-loves-drawing · 7 months
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Day 10: Fortune
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johnnyquanart · 2 years
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Berlin Hauptbahnhof Berlin, Germany
If you were to ask me how to buy a ticket to get around Germany via public transportation -- I honestly couldn't tell you, lol. I flew in at a great time, when the country was experimenting with a single price 9€ ticket that let you travel anywhere in the country for an entire month (for the summer's three months). I got one in Leipzig and used it throughout. It was awesome! My hotel was close to the station, so I came here often not just to travel, but to eat. Thank you, Germany, and see you again soon! (btw, drawing the elevator was the absolute worst!)
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pandorawild · 6 months
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Mi amo e mi odio
Mi sgretolo, cado
M' innamoro, soffro
Mi rialzo, mi consolo
Appassisco, ma fiorisco sempre..
A volte mi piaccio, a volte non mi piaccio e
quando sono stanca e non vedo niente di bello intorno a me, dentro di me
ricordo sempre che ho della vita, un anima sempre in fiore.
Quel ricordo di un battito di ali di farfalla riaffiora e mi fermo a pensare che non c'è cosa più bella che nel dolore mi faccia sentire così viva.
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petterbrorson · 2 years
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Gräsänder, akvarellbläck, 12x9 cm
Det fanns ingen tid att fotografera de här igår, så här är de idag. En dag sent är ingenting i universums historia... Precis som med allt annat som jag målar så är det här små glimtar av det som jag ser runt omkring mig i mitt lilla hörn av världen. På ett sätt kan de verka små och betydelselösa, men de är en viktig del av det stora pusslet, precis som alla de små saker som ni kan se runt omkring er varje dag. De är inget mindre än små mirakel, som vi tar för givet. Ytterligare en av de saker som existerar utan att vi kan ta åt oss äran, men som vi måste värna om. Jag hoppas att ni tycker om dem.
Mallards, watercolour ink, 12x9 cm
There was no time to photograph these paintings yesterday, so here they are today. One day late is nothing in the history of the universe... As with all other things that I paint, these are small glimpses of what I see around me in my little corner of the world. In some way they might seem small and insignificant, but they're an important part of the bigger puzzle, just like all those small things that you can see around yourselves every day. They're nothing less than little miracles that we take for granted. Another one of those things that exists that we can't take credit for, but need to care for. I hope that you like them.
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cristianoteofili · 6 months
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1992, mixed media on paper, 21x30 cm (2023)
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