#in todays episode of what the hell happened to my artstyle
lucyhasnoidea · 20 days
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(original: april 21/22 2023.)
honestly, the only reason I redrew fanart instead of something original is because this was the only thing i drew in april last year
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7grandmel · 3 months
Todays rip: 06/02/2024
He is Back.
Season 6 No Album Release (Read More)
Ripped by eg_9371
Requested by Alex Worm and an anonymous reader!
Hey, so, SiIva Team - what the fuck is the deal with the goat?
Like, SiIvaGunner hasn't exactly been a stranger to creepy rips, particularly during its early years. On *** EVERYTHING IS FINE ***, for instance, I talked about the legendary horror that rips of the game "Barbie Horse Adventures: Blue Ribbon Race" have instilled into the audience thanks to just one rip back in Season 1, and we of course have Netyasha Roozi's excellent annual PlayStation Console BIOS rips of every Halloween, such as Play In MissingNo's Station. Yet, for as ominous and spooky as these rips are, I at least feel like I sort of GET them. Even four years on from its debut on the channel, I still don't know what the hell to make of "the standing goat".
Beginning with a rip of Cave Story's Mimiga Town theme back in Season 4 Episode 2, the confusion was immediately apparent - the 10 second video featured in the rip is from a moderately-popular Instagram post describing the goat statue's creepiness factor, and the song used is an arrangement of Pissy Pamper by Young Nudy and Playboi Carti - to my knowledge, with zero actual relation to one another. And sure, Mimigas in Cave Story are fuzzy little guys in an ominous world, that kind of befits the standing goat video - but the thing was, after this video's explosion in confusing reception, the goat just KEPT showing up. He would be recreated in different per-game artstyles like Deltarune and Ace Attorney, yet never properly...explained?
Yet, most bizarre of all, it seems as if for a small while the channel was playing at some sort of culmination to all of its buildup. During DJ Professor K's one-day takeover, an otherwise inconspicuous rip had the message "He is coming." hidden in its description - only for said rip to be followed up by Game Over/Password - Altered Beast, an arrangement of Pissy Pamper that effectively jumpscares you with the goat's presence by the end of it. The message hidden in its description? "He is here. Run.". And this Altered Beast rip was also part of an already-existing pattern with rips featuring the goat: "Memory", "Mysterious Crash", "Good Night", "Game Over" - several rips utilizing the creature seemed to explicitly be hinting at something far more ominous than what the video alone lets on.
Which brings us to the first true descent into this madness, one that stood out like nothing else quite did during Season 6's Halloween event: He is Back. In an event otherwise characterized by its lighthearted use of David S. Pumpkins, in-universe contextualized as little more than a fun halloween party, there's something yet more unsettling about the goat we've all been wondering about, reappearing in a rip that feels flat-out dangerous in atmosphere. The messages from the video description continue, this time saying - "Look behind you. I said, look behind you." - as if there's someone we aren't aware of attempting to save us from whatever this...creature is trying to achieve on the channel. Althewhile, the Pissy Pamper audio instrumental added on top makes what's otherwise primarily garbled noise from P.T.'s radio stations turn into a...surprisingly listenable, sort of glitch-hop-like banger?
The video end by leaving us with more questions than answers, as the video abruptly cuts to an error screen with the words "HE IS HERE" repeating over and over in many languages. And since He is Back's upload, we've...barely seen the goat anywhere. There's been yet one more possible development to his story, during Season 7's "The Cult of Proto" event, yet his fate and relevance to the channel remains as mysterious as it did many years ago.
For all that has and hasn't happened in the later Seasons of SiIvaGunner, I truly do love that mysteries like this still linger within the channel's mythos. And yeah, deep down I do know that these goat videos aren't meant to be amounting to anything bigger - they're just a silly, bizarre in-joke that's gradually taken on more and more creepy undertones. But there is something genuinely fun about that progression even having happened in the first place, isn't there? The goat could've easily just been left as one of many wacky out-of-nowhere jokes that Season 4s episodes debuted, yet he's been quietly sticking around, used by a small handful of rippers who seemingly have more in stock for the little guy than one would first think.
I, for one, welcome our good friend Billy with open arms.
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Mob Psycho 100 III- Episode 3 Review
Hello ladies, gentlemen, and all those in between from all across the multiverse! My name is Rouga and today I bring you the third installment of the Mob Psycho 100 III reviews. Last episode expanded our world with the addition of the Youkai Hunter, a man equal parts bizarre, incompetent, and wealthy which poor Reigen did not get to exploit. Let's see what this episode brings to the table. For those unaware I feel I should point out, I write these as I go through with the episode so as of right now, I do not know what is going to happen today. I typically go by section or scene, write down my thoughts and move on. Now, without further ado, let's get into the episode.
Episode Review:
.We start the episode actually focusing on Tsubomi, which is a weird change of pace because, for as much as Mob likes her, we as viewers have little reason to actually give a flying fart about her. altho for the beauty and if I remember correctly, the second-best student in school, she seems rather insecure by the looks of things. I am starting to wonder why, and if it were a deeper series I'd start theorizing. Seeing the small exchange between Mob and her was really sweet, altho it was strange seeing the typically dense Mob actually know she needed tissues. I wonder if he actually made up the teacher called? Such a short time into the episode and yet ever so many questions, with probably ever so few answers. And the strangeness continues with multiple ladies interested in our plain-looking psychic lad. Altho granted not one of them is really interested in him as a person it feels like The return of Minori is a neat thing to see, especially with the indirect lead into the comedy bit of what I like to call "Kageyama Shiego's delusions of popularity", It's hilarious to me how a boy with little imagination still manages to completely misread the situation that isn't the least bit about him, and somehow start hearing things. 100% High Horse Mob, or as I shall forever call him "100% Jojo Artstyle Mob" is an absolutely unexpected 100% that I am having trouble not laughing about. And as I wanted last episode, Dimple-related things are starting to happen with him absorbing the prayers of the followers of the divine broco-tree, shades of World of Darkness here for those familiar with the system .and of course, he wishes to utilize Mob to be the leader of the Psycho Helmet dudes, probably a leader with some Dimple-colored strings attached. Poor boy cannot catch a break. That said he did rather expertly talk smack at Dimple in the most deadpan of all possible ways, which was very entertaining to witness, I particularly like it when characters don't realize the full extent of fact or irony juice they are spilling at someone. Makes for good comedy in my humble opinion As usual, Reigen is up to his scammy ways trying to use Mob, I'd say it's a regression but honestly it's on brand with him, and he did give the guy a pretty sum for some nice clothes so there's that. And besides, Reigen is rather benign as an individual. so I guess it's kind of okay? It feels wrong saying that about a conman, Am I going nuts? Questions for later. A light-hearted return of Teru for a silly shopping trip aside, we get to the meat and broccoli that I'd been waiting on. Dimple showing himself and leading the Psycho Helmet peeps. That's one hell to close off the episode, I swear we're gonna have 50 thousand people do something chaotic and possibly dumb next episode and I cannot wait to find out what. Overall I very much liked this episode, it was nice to watch Mob be a normal kid some more and his interactions are becoming very interesting as he develops, which I hope continues on till the series' conclusion. With that. This will be all for this review. I hope to see you all in the next one when Episode 4 drops. I have been Rouga, and thank you for reading!
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mxttellion · 3 years
i agree so much, beyond feels so off.
i recently watched the legacy documentary, and seeing how much tom r acted like a fucking human during it really makes me think matt h is just doing this just to keep eddsworld going. not even for edd g, but for his own gain.
like we've seen in literally all of the eddisodes before beyond, they're unique. they have their own charms and styles and things to love about them.
and we've briefly spoken about this before, but beyond is really just trying to get to edd g's style with some kind of weird, edgy humor that would've worked years ago. this never happened in legacy, because tom r said himself he was trying his best to do it for edd g and neither of them would make fucking ableist jokes or outright make fun of the fans.
like either we're overanalyzing or we're hitting the nail on the head, because beyond just feels so weird. it's eddsworld, but not eddsworld.
it's eddsworld without everything that made eddsworld great
Eddsworld's random XD, nonsense and slapstick humor still works today (no wonder people still find the older episodes funny), it didn't have to necessarily change, even Legacy had its own fair share of slapstick humor mixed with a little bit of edge sprinkled in the mix (bc Tomska's humor is that, can't really blame him here)
But it still worked despite being clearly different, legacy is still funny
Literally eddsworld doesn't need ableism to be funny, if it didn't need it in 2011 it doesn't need it now in 2021
Hell casting call's meta jokes were actually good! Not as good as the older episodes but still nice to see. And I still have my own grip with the artstyle, stop trying to imitate edds style, I'd love to see what happened in legacy, that was NEAT
Hot take but beyond, more specifically beaster bunny seems like it's trying to be h*zbin human british family friendly version than ew
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half-blood-goods · 4 years
Beastars, Episode 9 thoughts
- Holy shit guys only 3 episodes left after this - What is happening - I like the artstyle - Louis? - Finally some backstory. Maybe i’ll finally understand why he’s like that. This guy has been a mystery for me this whole show - I do not like this one bit - Were you kidnapped? Or were your parents that horrible that they sold you to the Black Market? - This boy is scarred for life - Who are you? - His screams… man... - “But i fought for dear life-” I would make a bad pun but this situation is so horrible that i rather won’t - DID YOU JUST GAVE A KID A KNIFE AND THREW HIM IN A ROOM FULL OF PREDATORS?!!?!! - ...Louis... - I’m so sorry if i ever said a bad word about you - The place where Tem was killed? - We still don’t know anything about the killer. It’s been so long and so many thing happened that i almost forgot that the first scene was literally someone being killed - Yeah.. that “Louis!” still hurts - Poor dude - How did you get into that classroom this fast? - Who are you? - DID HE JUST TRIED TO ASSASSINATE LOUIS? - Okay how does Louis hear none of this? - Okay...I see what you want to do and why you want to do it. But this is NOT HOW YOU SOLVE THINGS - LEGOSI IS THE BEST! AFTER ALL THIS, HE PUTS HIS FEELINGS BEHIND HIS BACK AND DOES THE RIGHT THING! - *intense clapping* GO LEGOSI! - DON’T HURT HIM - “This is awkward” Yes it is - That is not how you talk to short animals - Okay. Slow and steady. Take your time dude. This is important. - "I sure get bitten by mosquitoes a lot today!” WHAT - THEIR FACES 🤣🤣🤣 - I enjoy this - HE TRIES HIS BEST OKAY? - My ship will sail? Finally? I hope? - HOLY SHIT! - HARU NO! - OH NO - No no no no no no no no no no - THIS IS VERY BAD - Oh it’s you again - What’s that card? - Leo Group? - The LEO Group. And the major is a LION. And he says “Leave it to me”. HMMMMMM. SUSPICIOUS AIN’T IT - WHAT? - YOU ARE JUST GOING TO LET THIS SLIP? - Wow this show really portraits real life doesn’t it? - GO SAVE YOUR GIRL LEGOSI - GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER! PAWS! WHATEVER YOU HAVE! - They look different from the major - RUN HARU - STOP - Oh you are the Godfather? - “Take off your clothes” I DO NOT LIKE THIS - So you are seriously going to let this whole case slip - Oh. That’s why you look different. - This anime is getting more real each episode - Louis don’t do this - Please i started to like you don’t make me regret this decision - LOUIS! - I THOUGHT YOU WERE BETTER THAN THIS! - LOUIS NO! - Legosi, keep it together man - Oh boy he’s mad - LEGOSI! - HOW IN  THE ACTUALLY HELL IS LOUIS NOT DEAD? - LEGOSI GOES TO CHECK IF HE’S HURT. THIS GUY IS THE BEST - “I’ll take Haru for myself” The delivery of that line tho... - WELL THIS WAS ON HELL OF AN EPISODE!
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knightofbalance-13 · 6 years
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
To this day, this 27 episode anime has held a close place in my heart and remains as one of, if not THE best shows I have ever seen.
The animation was far ahead of it’s time to the point it still stands up today. The artstyle was amazingly vibrant and lively, giving the whole show an energetic feel to it. The action was so over the top and amazing that one could only stare in awe that someone actually thought of this. The musical score remains as a hallmark in anime to this day with a song that doesn’t quite have an equal in Libera Me From Hell. And the characters were the result of almost twenty years oftrial and error, refined and perfected to their greatest forms.
However, what has really stuck with me since I first saw the anime nearly four years ago was the message it carried. The main theme of the anime was the power of the human spirit, where simple determination served as the gateway to humanity’s potential and the innate kindness and hope that humanity possessed. While plenty of shows had this message, what really stuck out was how much it was challenged. Numerous times throughout the show, the main character Simon was knocked down, beaten, defeated, berated, scared, abandoned and left alone. While things worked out for him, life would always throw something his way to knock him down. At one point, he was alone, lost, grieving the loss of the one person who believed in him and was faced with death for certain. But even in those darkest of times, he kept fighting. He kept struggling. He kept trying to make things better. This was a point that would make most people give up and accept defeat. But Simon didn’t. He found the strength in himself to rise above the depressed hopeless person he was and grow stronger because of it. And that wasn’t the end. He was knocked down even further with seemingly no way out as everything he worked for was taken from him. But he still found the strength to grow and evolve. Even as everything was on the line and the odds of success were absolute zero, he broke through and made a miracle happen.
That’s why it’s so special. It inspires people to be the best they can be. To keep fighting even when things are looking tough. To keep living even as life seems cruel and painful. To keep growing even as the world beats you down. To keep moving forward, no matter what pain you may suffer. Because in the end, you’ll be better for it.
I didn’t just love it.
It shaped who I am.
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