#in this au lyanna is both jon’s mom and the mom who stepped up for theon so he is less…..like that
City of Bones (Shadowhunters)
Written for Day 5 of @incorrectjonsansa based on the prompt "imagine me and you" with Jon and Sansa as Clary and Jace from Shadowhunters/The Mortal Instruments
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Jon does the one thing his mother Lyanna told him not to do: He goes back home to find her. But all he finds is a huge chaos and loads of questions. Questions Sansa Stark is more than willing to answer, but only after she makes sure there are no monsters from hell anymore to attack them.
Shadowhunters AU // Reversed Gender Roles
“Mom?” Jon rushed into the apartment and he held his breath when he saw the ravage. For the first time in his entire life the description or a room looking like a bomb had exploded made sense to him.
The chairs and couch were shredded to pieces. The large windows were splintered and glass covered the wooden floor. The curtains were ripped and the framed pictures that should have been on the wall laid broken in the midst of the chaos.
“Mom?” His voice trembled and he anxiously looked around.
The glass cracked beneath his shoes while he made his way to the two bedrooms. Lyanna’s bedroom was almost as chaotic as the living room. The plaids on her bed were torn and ripped. All drawers were open and whatever used to be in there covered the carpet on the floor. All her clothes laid spread out across the room and the closet was completely empty.
“Mom?” Jon tried again, but when he opened the door to his own bedroom he froze.
His computer, his books, the dirty clothes he had forgotten to throw into the laundry basked. It was all gone. What remained was ash and a burning smell that made him sick.
“Mom!” He screamed now and ran to the kitchen. This time the chaos didn’t surprise him anymore. He took his cellphone from the pocket of his jacket and once more he listened to the voicemail his mom had left him.
“Jon?” Normally Lyanna was the calm one. She never worried before she had to and whenever Jon was nervous she always knew the right things to say to soothe him. But her voice sounded higher than usual and she talked much quicker. “They found us. Go find Ned Stark and whatever you do…” There was a small pause. “Don't come home.”
“Who’s Ned Stark?” He shook his head, just like he had done when he had heard the message the first time and had done exactly the one thing his mother hand’t wanted him to do. “And what the hell happened here?” Jon murmured.
Jon reached for the nearest knife and turned around.
“Hell is probably the best possible description of what happened here.” The strange girl let her glance wander over the chaos. “Don’t worry. I had nothing to do with this.” She was probably the prettiest girl Jon had ever seen in his life and on her high heels she was a few inches taller than he was. From head to toe she was dressed in tight black clothes accentuating each and every perfectly shaped curve of her body.
Jon swallowed. “Then what are you doing here in my house?” His voice didn’t sound as steady as he would want to and his heart was hammering in his chest.
“Rescuing you, of course.” She shrugged. Her red hair gleamed in the moonlight and she curled her red lips up into a smile. “I’m Sansa Stark, by the way.” She cocked her head slightly. “And we really have to get out of here before whoever, or whatever, has done this comes back.”
Jon furrowed his eyebrows. “Stark? Did you just say your last name was Stark?”
“I did.” Sansa’s smile brightened. “And I can assure you that if you stay here much longer you will most likely not survive the night.”
Jon took a deep breath. “I have to find my mom first.”
“Trust me.” Sansa rolled her eyes. “You're not gonna find her here. She has either fled, and I hope for your sake she did, or she’s dead.” The smile on her face faded.
He hadn’t really thought about that last option yet. He hadn’t wanted to, but considering the state of the house he had to admit that it wasn’t even that unlikely. “We don’t know that.”
“No, we don’t.” Sansa crossed her arms over her chest. “But I think we know for sure she’s not here anymore.” She took a deep breath. “So, are you gonna come with me or not, handsome?”
“Jon…” He interrupted her. “I’m Jon, not handsome.” He swallowed when he realised what he had just said. “I mean, I guess you can call me handsome too, but my name’s Jon.”
The smile returned to Sansa’s face. “Fine, handsome Jon, what is it gonna be? Are you gonna stay here to die or will you come with me so I can help you figure out what has happened here exactly?”
Jon stared at the chaos once more.
She was right.
He had no reason to stay. And if her last name was really Stark, then maybe she’d bring him to the Ned his mother had been talking about. “Let me get…” He was gonna say that he wanted to get some clothes and his toothbrush, but then he remembered the state of his bedroom and his stuff. “Let’s just get out of…” He couldn’t finish his sentence.
A loud growl echoed through the apartment and a giant salamander with countless of sharp teeth walked into the kitchen. Saliva dripped on the floor and the monster had its eyes firmly on Jon.
“Sansa…” Jon swallowed. “Am I hallucinating or…”
Sansa didn’t wait for him to finish his question. She was already facing the monster and clicked her bracelet open. Within an instant she was holding a gigantic glowing sword. “Stay behind me.” She bent down and then she charged for the monster. She was quick. Much quicker than a girl on high heels should be, but it seemed that the monster had excellent reflexes.
It dodged each and every move, as if it was playing with its pray.
Jon couldn’t just stand there and watch. He tightened his grip on the kitchen knife and he stepped forward to throw himself into the fight.
But when Sansa noticed what he was doing she looked over her shoulder and during that short moment of distraction the monster threw her aside against the wall.
“Sansa…” Jon screamed, but then he saw that the monster was now dangerously close to him.
“You’re gonna need something better than a knife, wonderboy!” Sansa pushed herself up and looked at Jon before she threw her glowing sword his way. “For both our sakes, don’t blow this.”
Quickly Jon dropped the knife and caught the sword, but when the monster jumped towards him he closed his eyes anyway and waited for its sharp teeth to pierce his skin.
But the sharp teeth never came. Instead there was nothing but absolute silence.
When he opened his eyes again he saw a pile of ash where the monster had been and when he looked at Sansa he saw something that looked like pride in her eyes.
“Welcome to the team, hero.” She pushed herself up and reached out her hand. “But I do want my sword back.”
Jon stared at the sword he was holding. It felt strangely comfortable to hold it, even though he had never even seen a real sword before.
“Don’t worry.” She wiggled her fingers and Jon eventually gave the sword back to her. “We’ll find you one to keep. Considering the state of your house, you’re gonna need it.” She pressed the hilt of the sword to her bare skin and the next moment she was wearing her bracelet again.
Jon nodded and then he realised he was trembling. “What's going on, Sansa?” He tried to focus on her, but the world around him started turning and her bright blue eyes became one big blur.
“I’ll explain everything to you later.” Sansa wrapped an arm around his waist to steady him. “Now don’t faint yet, okay? Let’s get you out of here first.”
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kittensjonsa · 7 years
The Delivery Boy (Send Love My Way p. 2)
For @jonxsansafanfiction Valentine’s Day - day 8: Secret crush. Part 2 of Send Love My Way. A tiny little bitty twist at the end, modern au and Robb (my darling) and Lyanna lives ☺️ Enjoy! ***************
Jon tossed aside the sixth shirt he tried on that morning. He needed new clothes when he realised some of them didn’t fit anymore. He had been wearing the same t shirts his mother bought him since he graduated college and started helping out at the shop. He finally gave up and donned his usual white t shirt and jeans. He sighed as he grabbed his apron and went into the kitchen.
“Morning honey, the lillies are in the basket out on the porch. I didn’t know they were so popular,” Jon’s mother greeted him as he entered. Great, Jon thought, partly relieved there were still some lillies. They were indefinitely of high value and importance to him now.
Jon gave his mother a thank you peck on the cheek which surprised her and made her smile. She wondered in amazement how her flowers had brought on such a positive impact, on her customers and now her son. Whatever it was she was doing, she must be doing it right. Either that or Jon really did love flowers. She had no idea and ignorance was bliss.
Jon grabbed a muffin and his keys and waved bye to his mother as he made his way to open the store. It was earlier than usual, he had lied to Lyanna he had stock taking to do, when in fact he just wanted to make an early delivery to a certain Sansa Stark. Or at least pass by where she lived. Jon wasn’t sure yet. He didn’t know what he was doing or why he was doing it. All he knew was, he needed to see her again.
Don’t be a creep, Jon reminded himself.
He glanced at the notepad laying on the passenger seat. Her address was right on the street where all the big houses stood. He rarely drove down that street but he had known a Mr Reed who lived in the first house on the left. A kind man who often helped his mother with her legal concerns. Mr Reed often shopped at the store and Jon enjoyed chatting with him whenever he came by.
Jon slowed down as he approached the street and looked out for the house numbers. There was only one in particular he wanted to find. True enough, as Mycah’s dad had told him in their previous conversation, the house was a large pale grey stone mansion. It almost looked like a castle.
He glanced at his watch, it was only 7.30 in the morning. Too early to be coming around for making deliveries. It would be odd for him to turn up at this hour. Jon took one last look at the house and steered out to leave. He would be back as soon as he could.
It was a quarter to 8 when Jon rolled up the shutters and unlocked the door. His mind was far way and dreaming as he put a pot of coffee on in the pantry.
“Jon! Hey Jonny boy!” a voice yelled out to him and Jon came back reluctantly to his senses.
“Deep in thought there. Everything all right?” George’s concerned face appeared to Jon. It was clear Sansa had an effect on him. Good or bad, Jon didn’t know it yet. Jon smiled and nodded.
“Just stuff on my mind, George. Everything’s great at home. Mom will be in later so good that you’re early. Gonna get started with my routes soon,” Jon chimed as he poured the elder gentleman a mug of coffee.
“Whoa there boy, a little early ain’t it? What’s the rush? Got a date tonight or something?”
Kind of, but she doesn’t know it yet, Jon thought.
“Nah, I wish. So you’ve got the delivery list for today?” Jon shrugged. He did wish he was on a date right that moment. With Sansa. But he would probably need a new shirt first. George pointed out to the board where the list was tacked on. Jon counted he had seven deliveries, not counting Sansa’s. Jon figured hers would be the last stop, so he wouldn’t have to rush somewhere else. Sansa, Sansa, Sansa, Jon chanted her name as if it was a prayer. Meeting her was an answered one.
Jon latched up the back of his truck and slid in his seat, there was one more delivery he had been wanting to make, after dropping off a box at the Daynes. Jon took a quick look at the rear view mirror to check on his appearance and winced. He had been up and about the whole day, which resulted in him smelling like gasoline and cardboard and even he himself was put off by how dishevelled he looked. Jon checked the time, if he stepped on the gas, he might make it in time to freshen up. He may just be a delivery boy, but Jon was determined to make an impression.
“Jon, honey! What are you doing home? Everything okay at the shop?” Lyanna jumped when she saw Jon run past her in the living room. Jon gave an OK sign and jumped into the shower. Lyanna shook her head and wondered why her dear son was acting so strange lately.
It was the fastest shower he had ever taken and he had gotten dressed in record time, too. Jon slapped on some cologne and dashed out the door. He shouted a bye to his befuddled mother and went on his way.
“What is up with that boy?” Lyanna muttered as she watched him drive away, the truck still with a delivery box in it to go.
There it was, as Jon walked up the stone steps leading to heavy side by side oak doors. Jon looked around, the house was newly built and it was majestic. Jon inhaled deeply and ran a hand through his hair. It was still damp from his shower. He couldn’t remember the last time he was a nervous wreck. Jon rang the doorbell and waited, his heart thumping so wildly, he could feel it reverberate through the box he was carrying.
“Jon! Hi,” she greeted him, her face shone as she opened the door. Jon was at a loss for words. She was even more gorgeous than the last time he had seen her with her hair slicked back in an elegant ponytail and dressed in a t shirt and jeans and sneakers. Just like him. Jon stood wordlessly, holding the box against his chest, his brown eyes fixated on hers. He had no chance against those ocean blues.
“Miss Sansa. Hi, your groceries as you ordered,” Jon finally said. Sansa grinned as she peered in the box. She then looked up at Jon, confused.
“The lillies, Jon?”
“Oh right, yes! I forgot, I’m so sorry! Let me get them, they’re in the truck. Where shall I put this?” Jon felt silly that he had forgotten the most important thing. Sansa chuckled and Jon was glad the lillies were the first thing he loaded in his truck that morning.
“Why don’t you come in, Jon? You can put it in the kitchen.” Sansa suggested and welcomed him in. Jon followed in a daze but soon awoke to the beautiful interiors of the Stark mansion. Jon placed the box on the bar counter top and was greeted by a delicious fragrance that made his mouth water. Oh right, lunch, he realised. He was so over the moon with his daydreaming that he had missed his lunch break. As if on cue, his stomach rumbled in protest.
“Would you like something to drink?” Sansa offered as she opened the oven door to retrieve a baking sheet filled with cookies. Jon was hungry in more ways he could never imagine.
“Would you like some? I’m baking them for my little brother’s school fundraiser,” Sansa pointed to the cookies upon noticing Jon’s stealing glances. Jon shook his head and smiled his refusal.
“Oh no I couldn’t, but thank you, miss.”
“Sansa, please. No you should, at least you can tell me how they taste,” she coaxed him with a plate and filled them with cookies. They were chocolate chip. His favourite.
The cookies tasted divine as Jon wolfed down one by one hungrily. It would seem that everything she touched and made was heavenly.
“They taste amazing, mi- Sansa. You’re going to sell it like hot cakes,” Jon remarked, his mouth still slightly full of cookies. Sansa laughed at the baking reference. Jon did too, though he was more embarrassed at himself and the bad unintended pun, the moment he said it.
Jon remembered the lillies and excused himself to grab them from his truck. When he returned, Sansa had poured him a glass of milk and talking to a young man.
“Here are the lillies, you asked for. I hope your friend will like them,” Jon handed the basket to her. Sansa glowed when she saw the lillies. They were more beautiful than the ones she had seen at the shop.
“Oh my, these are gorgeous, Jon! She would love them!”
“Hi, and I’m Robb, Sansa’s brother,” the young man chuckled, seeing his sister almost hugging the basket of flowers, and he offered his hand to Jon. Jon smiled and shook his hand. They both had the same copper hair and blue eyes.
“So you’re from the corner grocery store? I didn’t know they do deliveries, that’s great.”
“Yeah, well it’s a family business, my mom and I run it and we figured why not deliver since we know everyone in the neighbourhood,” Jon introduced himself to Robb.
Sansa sighed happily as she smelled the lillies. It was perfect. Jon had been generous too, sending her a basket full. Sansa watched him as he chatted with Robb, eyeing the dark curly hair and dark eyes, and her olfactory senses adored that he smelled like fresh soap. Her eyes drifted over to his broad shoulders and sinewy arms and wondered how it would feel like to be held in those strong arms.
Sansa couldn’t forget the first day she met him, the moment she stepped into Mom’s Grocery, and how he had looked at her. His intent gaze on her gave her goosebumps. Never had anyone made her feel that way or looked at her that way. As if she was the one and only person in the world. That was how she remembered him.
She was glad she had walked in that day. It was the first day after the move and she had wanted to explore the quaint little town on her own. The flowers by the window too were pretty to ignore and her favourite were lillies.
“Well, I better get going, I do have a shop to run before I forget. It was nice meeting you Robb. Oh and I have a brochure right here, call us if you need anything from the shop,” Jon placed some flyers he had in his apron pocket on the counter top and nodded to the both of them. Jon didn’t want to leave just yet but it wasn’t his place to stay. Robb nodded as Sansa followed Jon to the door.
“Thanks again Jon, and for the lillies, they were just beautiful,” Sansa gushed, leaning against the door, slightly hiding behind it.
You are beautiful, Jon thought wishing he could say it to her. Jon pushed his hands deeper into his pockets, willing himself not to reach out to kiss her. This was kind of a date, Jon thought to himself.
“No problem, Sansa. I really hope I’ll see you again soon… At- at the shop I mean,” Jon stammered, looking down trying hard to avoid gazing into her eyes.
“Yes of course. Or I could call you and you could come here.. with the deliveries, of course,” Sansa suggested. She wanted to see more of him, he had piqued her interest. Plus, he was also dark, shyly broody and handsome. He ticked all the right boxes.
“Yes, please do call. I’ll come by… For whatever you need,” Jon was finding it hard to say goodbye. He sensed Sansa’s longing eyes on him the whole time but he could be mistaken. Only time would tell if it was all just wishful thinking.
Jon nodded and finally turned to walk to his truck. It pained him to do so. Sansa watched as he drove away and sighed as she closed the door.
“What the hell was that?” Robb’s teasing tone caught her in the act. He was standing in the living room, and had been watching the exchange between them.
“Nothing. And none of your business. Don’t you have appointments to go to?” Sansa brushed him off.
Robb shook his head and grabbed a cookie from Jon’s plate.
“It’s not nothing, you gave him cookies. Meant for Rickon. You never just give anyone cookies, not even us, your own family,” Robb pointed out, taunting her with the cookie in his hand. Sansa kept quiet as she cleared the plate. Robb was right, she had never let anyone, not even her own family members, touch or eat anything she baked or cooked for special occasions.
“Oh, my, you got it bad, sis. And your favourite flower? Lillies.”
“You got a cookie, now will you please shut up?” Sansa rolled her eyes. Robb shook his head, a teasing grin plastered on his face.
“Sansa’s got a secret crush, Sansa’s got a secret crush! But I know who it is! I know who it is! ” Robb wailed and sang as he stomped triumphantly around the kitchen.
Ugh, my brother is a man child, Sansa cringed as she watched with annoyance at Robb acting like a seven year old. Some things never change.
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