#in the ice maker sunday. it's what we do.
having recently spent the weekend with my family, I think one of the strangest alterations in their new "retired" lifestyle, is that my father is a lot chattier and happier than I remember him being for a long time.
the father that I grew up with was---in hindsight---as busy and stressed and distracted as I am right now. He was struggling with his job in ways that the me-of-today recognizes intimately. Except I get to go home after a long day of work and watch dumb television, or read, whereas he went home to his wife and children, who needed him to be a father after 6pm.
I have a lot of memories of him after we'd gone to bed, sitting in his worn armchair and watching television, eating an entire tub of ice cream. At the time I thought it was inexplicable and a little scary, the way that things you don't understand can be when you're young.
fast forward 20 years, and I've realized....he was not much older than I am now. he had a wife and small children and the regular old businessy worries that I do---but if I lost my job on Monday, I could support myself until I found something else. Less forgiveness if you're the only salary-earner in a large family.
that said, it is very hard to sit there and listen to him---and my mother too, quite frankly---talk about how happy they are in retirement. I'm glad they are, of course I am! But right now I am sitting in the fucking armchair. I am eating ice cream in the dark, and worrying. It wasn't so long ago, don't you remember?
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lcdrarry · 1 year
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LCDrarry 2023 Round-Up Post | Week 3
On Sundays during our posting period, we won't post a new work, instead you have time to catch up on the works that posted during the week and hopefully leave lovely comments for our creators.
Happy reading, commenting and sharing! ;)
~Your LCDrarry Mods
PS: Please have a look at the author notes and tags on AO3 for additional information. Thank you!
PPS: Please share far and wide! Thank you!
Don’t Worry, He’s Got This
Prompt: "Legally Blonde", 2001, Robert Luketic Prompted by: lettersbyelise Artist: Anonymous Art Medium: Digital Art Rating: General audiences Warnings: None
Summary: Draco enrolls in a muggle university to prove he’s changed. Harry’s not convinced.
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no daylight
Prompt: "Black Sails", 2014, TV Show Prompted by: Sitp-recs Artist: Anonymous Art Medium: Digital Art Rating: General audiences Warnings: None
Summary: After Draco loses his leg saving a crewmate, Harry teaches him how to fight. He's teaching him how to defeat him, too.
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History Maker
Prompt: “Yuri on Ice!”, 2016, TV Series/Show Prompted by: quackquackcey Artist: Anonymous Art Medium: Digital Art Rating: General Audiences Warnings: None
Summary: He's done it! Harry Potter has caught the snitch, winning the League Cup for the Pride of Portree for the first time in three hundred years! And—what's this? Potter's personal trainer, Draco Malfoy, is running out onto the pitch! And he's—! My goodness, did he just kiss Potter?! -- Screencap redraw of Yuuri & Victor's kiss from episode 7 of Yuri On Ice featuring Harry as Yuuri and Draco as Victor for Lights, Camera, Drarry 2023
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When I Close My Eyes
Prompt: "Millennium Actress", 2001, Satoshi Kon Prompted by: omgkatsudonplease Artist: Anonymous Art Medium: Digital Art Rating: General Audiences Warnings: None
Summary: Because I like who I am chasing him." 「だって私、あの人を追いかけてる私が好きなんだもの」
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The Breakfast Club
Prompt: "The Breakfast Club", 1985, John Hughes Prompted by: Ladderofyears Author: Anonymous Length: 7,827 words Rating: Teen and up Warnings: None
Summary: Draco Malfoy is forced to endure a Saturday detention with four other students, including the Golden Bad Boy himself, Harry Potter. Over the course of the day, and under the watchful eye of Filch, the seemingly disparate group form a budding alliance and discovers that they have a great deal more in common than they thought. And Draco discovers that sometimes, he can not only get what he needs, but he just might also get what he wants.
Read it now on AO3.
The Rifts that Reveal Us
Prompt: "The Notebook", 2004, Nick Cassvettes Prompted by: ladderofyears Author: Anonymous Word Count: 8,539 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: None
Summary: Harry wrote to him. For 365 days. Today, Draco visits him. But learning why Draco didn't write back is just the beginning.
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A Different Kind Of Attention
Prompt: “Yuri on Ice!”, 2016, TV Series/Show Prompted by: quackquackcey Author: Anonymous Word Count: 10,706 words Rating: Mature Warnings: Alcohol Use, Drunkenness, Off-screen Pet Loss
Summary: Last year's Grand Prix Final hadn't been easy for Harry. And France's top skater, Draco Malfoy, hadn't made it any easier. This year, however, Harry is determined. He wants that gold medal! But things don't ever go to plan if it comes to Harry James Potter, do they?
Read it now on AO3.
Deep Dive
Prompt: "Heartstopper", 2022, TV Show Prompted by: edaniels0221 Author: Anonymous Word Count: 13,448 words Rating: General audiences Warnings: None
Summary: When fourteen-year-old Harry Potter returns to Hogwarts for his fourth year, he learns that the school will be hosting the first-ever European Wizarding Student Cup. He is excited for a year of just Quidditch, without Voldemort or any mortal danger. But it doesn’t take long before an unexpected connection with a competitor complicates what was meant to be a worry-free year.
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I Couldn't Love You More
Prompt: "P.S. I Love You", 2007, Richard LaGravenese Author: Anonymous Word Count: 73,706 words Rating: Mature Warnings: MCD, grief, mourning, AU- No Voldemort, drinking alcohol, brain tumor, five stages of grief, dead dove don't eat, sex toys, sad moments, unrequited love (not Draco), Draco shares brief kiss with another man, bars and pubs, Harry is dead before the fic begins, he doesn't come back to life.
Summary: Their plan had been a simple one: to stay together for the rest of their lives. When Harry and Draco met, their attraction was instantaneous. They couldn't be without each other and eloped to marry as soon as they could. They wore each other's clothes. Finished each other's sentences. They were going to be together until they were old and grey. None of their friends could imagine one without the other. But, on Valentine's Day, 2010, Harry died. Draco was left devastated. The only light in the darkness is ten letters that Harry has left, labelled with the remaining months of the year. As the letters are opened, Harry shows Draco that life goes on and that he is much stronger than he ever knew. With a lot of help from his friends. Draco realises that, while his life might be very different from what he'd planned, it can still be special.
Read it now on AO3.
Please help promote the fest by sharing your favourite submissions, so more people can enjoy all the amazing new Drarry works of LCDrarry. Thank you!
Creator reveals are on 15 June.
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galaxysharks · 9 months
What do you think is the favorite ice cream of jet and maddox?
Jet - Gingerbread ice cream topped with ginger snap cookies. Because at some point we decided this boy is a bitch for ginger.
Maddox: Neapolitan, sort of a projection, but with cause. It's one flavor, so you only need to buy one, if for some reason chocolate makes your mouth burn today, there's two other options. Custom Sunday maker all in one bucket. And you can mix and match. Choco-Vanilla=swirl, Choco-Staw=dipped strawberry,Straw-Vanilla=strawberrys and cream. Ect ect. It's the best flavor. And it's pretty.
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reallyhardy · 1 year
spent the WHOLEASS day moving my sister's things from her flat (lease is ending) into my dad's house we are talking the entirety of an apartment (that's a whole home, it was a pretty big flat) into my dad's small living room AND we had to carry things from one end of the road to the other (couldn't park closer due to all the snow and ice) WHEW what a day 💪💪 be feelin it tomorrow im sure 😂 but we ate delicious food and she's getting a loft bed and i nabbed a few of my t-shirts that she had anddddd the busy weekend begins after tomorrow - doing a jewelry making workshop (just paper beads) on saturday and then my first makers market of the year on sunday
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purplesurveys · 11 months
This time last year, what was happening in your life? Life was a little uneventful at the time. But if anything, I had a completely different set of clients – a more stressful roster at that, so in hindsight I’m glad that part of my life is over. It had also only been a month from Kimi’s passing so my mental health had been more tumultous; it was also the time I was coming to terms with the fact that I might be experiencing another bout of depression, so I would go out every weekend and have some quiet time to myself at coffee shops or at my favorite comfort places, like my university.
Did you/will you have coffee or some other form of caffeine today? I already have a mug of coffee next to me.
Who did you last have a text conversation with and what was it about? Just quick exchanges for work.
Are there regular trains in and out of your town/city? Yes.
Do you bathe your pets regularly? Just once every few months.
Do you have a mailbox or do you collect your mail from the post office? We have mail and packages sent directly to our house, but we don’t have a mailbox - not really common here. Instead, envelopes are squeezed into our door; then for larger packages, riders would directly ring the doorbell so we can receive them.
What was the last animal you saw, and was it a pet? Our two dogs. Yes, pets.
Have you ever had an ear infection? Kind of? It didn’t happen inside my ear, but on my earlobe. I got a nasty infection from my piercing (which I never took off since getting pierced as a baby) and the only way around it was to stop wearing earrings altogether. To this day I haven’t worn earrings since and stick with clip-ons.
If you could watch any TV series right now, what would it be? I’d love to get started on Ted Lasso. And get my ass back on Better Call Saul.
Would you have any clue when your best friend last got their hair cut? No idea...must be a few months ago.
Someone messages you just as you’re about to go to sleep. Do you reply? Depends on the person and the nature of their message. The only person I’d make an exception for is probably Angela, or my dad.
Do you grind your teeth, and if so, why do you do it? I don’t do it in my sleep if this is what you mean. My sister does and very aggressively, so to be honest I try not to fall asleep in the same room as her. The sound is very...it drives me mad, lol.
Have you ever been hospitalized due to dehydration? I haven’t been hospitalized but I’ve definitely fainted from it.
Is there anything you need to remember to do before the day ends? I technically have more work to do beyond the shit I already did yesterday, but I’m on the fence about doing it or just leaving it off for tomorrow. I already worked on a Saturday...the thought of working on a Sunday too is just raising my stress level through the roof lol. I WANT TO HAVE A WEEKEND TOO.
When you listen to music with headphones, do you keep the volume low enough to hear surrounding noise faintly, or do you blast it? Well, it depends where I am and how quiet it is. The sound seeps out-ish from my headphones if the volume is too loud, so I’ll only have it on max volume if I’m somewhere the sound can be drowned out, like in the office or at a busy coffee shop. But if I’m in a Grab where it’s just me and the driver, I’d tone it down.
What’s your favorite online radio site? Idk if it counts but I’ll occasionally use Stationhead to help boost song streams.
Do your parents have any authority over who you date? As much as possible, I wouldn’t let them. At the end of the day it’s my decision and even if I turned out wrong and stupid, it shouldn’t be their problem to fix because the only way it should be is a lesson for me to learn from.
How many different shades of nail polish do you have? Zero. I never apply nail polish because 100% I’ll have the urge to chip it off.
What did you have for breakfast this morning? I had a scrambled egg sandwich.
Are you lucky enough to have an ice maker in your refrigerator door? We don’t have one, but I don’t feel unlucky about it either lmao.
Are you the type to wake up before the sun has even risen? Not at all. As someone who works a 9-6, I value my sleep and would hate to be up earlier than the sun. 
Have you ever watched an anime series, start to finish? Nah. I’m not into anime.
Do you feel the need to rant about anything right now? If so, go for it. I’m desperate for 4-day work weeks to be a thing. I’ll experience it occasionally due to public holidays, and it’s truly fascinating to feel the difference between a 4-day work week and 5-day work week (even if they differ by only a day!). I tend to feel incredibly recharged with the former, while the latter brutally exhausts me beyond words. Anyway, it’s Sunday evening now and I’m dreading to start the cycle all over again, and I just can’t wait to reach Friday.
Do you have a favorite towel? What color is it? I don’t have a favorite towel. They all do the same thing.
Have you seen any films with Judy Garland in them?: I actually haven’t. Most of her well-known films are musicals which I’m not really into, so that’s a big reason why I haven’t checked her works out.
How did you feel when you woke up today? Why? Rattled. I woke up at around 9:20 AM today when we usually leave at around 9:45 to attend mass, so I had to prepare at 2x speed haha.
Who was the last person you messaged on Facebook? My group chat with Angela and Reena.
When was the last time you saw them? A month ago when we landed back from Bangkok.
Do you have a friend named Nick? What’s his favourite food? No, I don’t have a friend named Nick.
What are you listening to? I have a BTS vlog playing in the background. I usually have a string of these playing on Sunday nights; it helps calm my nerves before the week starts.
What year are you/did you graduate? I graduated high school in 2016, then college in 2020.
Are you obsessed with anything? BTS.
Do you prefer waffles or pancakes? Waffles.
Do you prefer non-diet or diet soda? No soda.
Do you like seafood? It’s the best thing in the world.
Are you craving anything right now? I’d love a cheeseburger from McDonald’s, but I’ll live.
Do you dress appropriately for your age? Uh, I guess. What exactly constitutes an appropriate outfit when you’re 25 years old anyway? Hahaha.
If McDonald’s sold hot dogs, would you buy them? No.
How long is your hair? It’s a bit past my shoulders, but not long enough that it reaches my waist.
Do you like your neighbors? They’re fine and don’t make a fuss and aren’t Karens. That’s all I’d ask for.
What’s your school motto? Honor and excellence.
Has a bird ever flown into your window? Nope.
Which word did you say first, mama or dada? No idea what my first word was and I don’t think my parents monitored it too.
How old were you when you learned to walk? I also have no clue. Thanks for the idea, I’ll go ahead and ask my parents this when I can :)
What was your first pet’s name? Goldy...because I had a goldfish...very creative...
How many kids were in your class in kindergarten? We were around 15 in Kinder 1. By the time I got to Kinder 2 and Prep, the classes grew to 30.
Who was your best friend in elementary? Angela.
Who was the best athlete in your freshman class? I won’t say their name anymore but it was someone from the basketball team. She wasn’t only good at the sport but was exceptionally tall too, so she definitely stood out.
What teacher did all the high school boys/girls have a crush on? I don’t think there was anyone we’d consider THE school crush. We had several male teachers and I observed that the students would just have little crushes depending on their own type.
Where do you see yourself in a year? I have no idea. I keep saying ‘maybe in a new job’ but it never fucking happens so I don’t wanna keep guessing anymore haha.
If you were able to change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I wish I was less uptight. Especially with work. Bea usually talks me down because I freak out over the smallest things that can be resolved easily if I just calm the fuck down and not see them as the end of the world.
Are you content just blending in with the crowd? For the most part, but I want to make some sort of impact too. I wouldn’t be okay with just going with the flow for the rest of my life.
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momentsbeforemass · 2 years
“I can’t do this”
(by request my homily from Sunday)
I’d like to talk with you today about the Trinity. In a way that won’t put you to sleep, and won’t drift into heresy.
You and I say one of the classic explanations of the Trinity every time we recite the Creed. We’re going to do it again right after this homily.
But what does it mean? What are we actually saying?
We’ve all heard the Trinity described as one God, in three persons. The Creed calls the first person “the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth.” It calls the second person “the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages.”
“Begotten” means that the Son is produced by the Father, and is of the same nature as the Father.
“Begotten” also means that the Son exists because the Father exists, but (and here’s where the “born of the Father before all ages” part comes in) there was never a time before the Father produced the Son. The Son is always coming forth from the Father. Like light from a fire. Fire always produces light – it’s the very nature of fire to do that. And so it is with the Father and the Son. It is the very nature of the Father to produce the Son.
All of that is baked into the Creed. But it’s actually not the most important part. The most important part is the relationship between the Father and the Son. And the nature of that relationship is one of love. The Son looks to the Father in love and the Father loves the Son and delights in the Son.  
This is what St. John is talking when he says that God is love.
What you and I need to know is that this love (which is the very nature of God) is not just a feeling or an emotion. It’s active. It’s dynamic. To the point that it’s a living thing flowing between the Father and the Son, uniting the Father and the Son.
The love between the Father and the Son is so concrete that it amounts to another a person, one that shares completely in the love that is the nature of the Father and the Son. This is the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. But the Trinity is not a closed loop of the Father and the Son with the Spirit flowing between them.
The Holy Spirit not only flows between the Father and the Son, the Spirit overflows. Pouring out the love between the Father and the Son into all of creation. Including you and me.
And it is with the Spirit that we have our most intimate moments with God. When your heart is moved, in prayer and in the sacraments, in those most intimate moments with God? That’s the work of the Holy Spirit.
And the Holy Spirit is always active, always dynamic. As Jesus tells us in today’s Gospel, “the Spirit of truth will guide you.” And the way that the Spirit does that is from the inside. With that still, small voice. The one that’s always with you. No matter what you’re doing.
My grandfather was a Normandy veteran. A few years before he died, the movie “Saving Private Ryan” came out. Just like it did for a lot of World War II veterans, it broke the ice and helped him to talk about the War.  
He told me how he persuaded his commanding officer not to give him a Purple Heart. Not because he was brave. But because he didn’t want his wife (my grandmother) to get a letter informing her about the medal. In effect, telling her that he had been wounded.
He also told me how he and another man from his unit rescued a wounded soldier from a mine field. They heard the wounded man calling out for help. When they got close and saw the warning signs for the mine field, they didn’t know what to do.
My grandfather thought to himself “I can’t do this.” As he thought it, he heard that still small voice, down deep, finishing his sentence – “can’t do this…alone.”
It stopped him cold. He knew it was the voice of the Holy Spirit. In that moment, he knew that God was with him, even on the edge of a mine field. And he knew exactly what they needed to do to rescue the wounded soldier.
He showed me the citation that he received when they were awarded the Soldier’s Medal for the rescue. Then he very pointedly told me that there were only two rescuers named on the citation, but it took Three to get through the mine field.
The Holy Spirit doesn’t just speak to us in the great moments, the moments when we’re called to be heroes, when we can save a life.
The Holy Spirit is always speaking to us. Even in the most everyday moments.
That’s the point of the Trinity, of the overflowing love that is the Holy Spirit. God isn’t out there, off in the distance. Through the Holy Spirit, God is with us. Right here, right now.
It’s that still, small voice. It’s the Holy Spirit, guiding us. Calling us to do what needs to be done, to do what we know is right. Calling us to be the better person, to be who God made us to be. Calling us to be better.
When the Holy Spirit is calling us to do something, when we let the Holy Spirit guide us, it will always be for our benefit. But for some reason, you and I forget this.
And instead, when we hear that still small voice, we ignore it. Or we talk ourselves out of it. And end up sounding like my grandfather, when he said, “I can’t do this.”
When what we should be doing is listening for the Holy Spirit to finish that sentence the way He always does – “can’t do this…alone.”
Because that’s the other half of this. When the Holy Spirit is calling us to do something, God will always give us the grace to do it. When we let the Holy Spirit guide us, all we have to do is follow His lead and follow through.
If the Holy Spirit is calling you to get away from a toxic relationship, follow His lead and follow through.
If the Holy Spirit is calling you to try again with that addiction, follow His lead and follow through.
If the Holy Spirit is calling you to forgive someone, follow His lead and follow through.
Today, listen to what the Holy Spirit is calling you to do. Follow His lead and follow through. God will give you the grace to do it.
Sunday’s Readings
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Bowen Byram and Erik Johnson are a perfect pair — for the Avalanche and each other
“It’s just been fun,” Johnson said. “We like to joke around, goof around and joke around off the ice and give each other a hard time.......It’s been a good marriage, a good partnership for us.”
From “the Athletic”
DENVER — In the days after Colorado clinched a spot in the Western Conference final, Erik Johnson took moments to look back, to soak in an accomplishment without losing sight of the bigger goal ahead. Considering where he was at this time last year, he thought, it’s been as drastic a turnaround as he could have hoped.
“I had doubts about whether I would play again,” said the veteran, who missed all but four games in the 2020-21 season, primarily because of a concussion. “To be able to be in the Western finals and have a big impact is a pretty good feeling.”
Now 34 and in his 12th season with the Avalanche, Johnson is the longest-tenured Denver athlete on any of the city’s four major sports teams, edging out Rockies outfielder Charlie Blackmon, who also played his first Colorado games in 2011.
His defensive partner is on the other end of the spectrum. Bowen Byram is 20 and the youngest player to have appeared in an Avalanche game this season. But the rookie also knows what it means to endure tough circumstances, to wonder if his health would ever fully recover. These playoffs have said a lot about both defensemen, for reasons similar and different. They are two key cogs for an Avalanche team hoping to win the Stanley Cup, and each is playing their best hockey of the season at the most important time.
The elbow came flying, and just like that, all the progress vanished.
Byram was battling for a puck along the boards in November. As he did, Vancouver captain Bo Horvat’s right elbow clipped him in the head, sending the 20-year-old to the dressing room.
He played only seven of Colorado’s next 57 games.
“Lots of challenges for Bo over the last couple years with his health, mainly, and getting his play to a level where he can be a difference-maker in the NHL,” said coach Jared Bednar earlier these playoffs, emphasizing how proud he is of his young defenseman’s perseverance.
Concussion recovery doesn’t always move in a straight line. Byram knew that from his first NHL season, which saw him suffer two concussions that were likely made worse because of a bout with COVID-19. He battled their lingering effects and vertigo well into the offseason and didn’t feel like himself while with his skating group in Vancouver. “The way I describe it is I didn’t feel like myself,” he said earlier this year. “I couldn’t do things I could usually do.”
But he turned a corner late in the summer and looked like a Calder Trophy contender early in the season, tallying three goals and eight points in the first 11 games of the season. Then came the Horvat elbow.
Though the Avalanche initially cleared him to play two weeks after, lingering issues likely stemming from his concussions prevented him from consistently returning to the lineup. He ultimately went on personal leave in January and was out for nearly three months.
“It wasn’t easy, but I had a great support staff with my family,” Byram said Sunday. “Obviously the organization did a great job helping me get the help I needed. It’s in the rearview mirror.”
Unlike Byram, Johnson didn’t have any regular-season setbacks with his concussion recovery. He played in 77 games, tied for the second-highest total in his career. But getting to that point was harrowing, just like it was for his young teammate. In his fourth game of the 2020-21 season, Johnson took a hit from Minnesota’s Jordan Greenway as he approached the center red line. The hit itself wasn’t the problem, Johnson says, but as he fell backward, he wasn’t able to break his fall with his left arm. His face smacked against the hard ice.
The play changed the course of Johnson’s season. Instead of playing a key defensive role on a Presidents’ Trophy-winning club, he went through a doubt-filled recovery process.
“I was just disappointed that it wasn’t getting better,” he said. “I just wanted to feel normal, firstly.”
Eventually he felt well enough to rejoin the team, receiving a hug from captain Gabriel Landeskog when he skated at an optional practice ahead of the team’s 2021 series with Vegas. But Johnson, the No. 1 pick by St. Louis in the 2006 draft, still hadn’t participated in a full practice by the time the Golden Knights eliminated Colorado. Between the injury and missing the team’s opening 2019-20 games with COVID-19, he had sat out almost the entire year.
“It was a little adversity, but I think you’ve just got to keep things in perspective,” he said early this season. “A lot of people were going through some very serious illness with COVID. I got over it quickly. I got an injury playing professional hockey, a sport I love to play, I’m lucky to play.”
In the offseason, Johnson waived his no-movement clause ahead of the expansion draft, trusting Seattle wouldn’t take him given his age, injury situation and sizable $6 million cap hit. It was a team-first gesture and allowed Colorado to protect Cale Makar, Devon Toews and Girard from the Kraken. As expected, Seattle didn’t take Johnson, instead picking Joonas Donskoi, and the Colorado defenseman finally felt fully healthy in July. He attacked training with a main goal in mind.
“As a player, you always have that void if you never win the Stanley Cup,” Johnson said. “That’s what kept pulling me back to try and get healthy last summer.”
Heading into the season, Johnson remembers receiving a call from general manager Joe Sakic.
“We need you this year,” he remembers Sakic saying. “We’re excited to have you back.”
Johnson has seen low points in Colorado, starting with his arrival in 2011, when the Avalanche acquired him from St. Louis. Johnson came to the team while it was in the midst of a 10-game losing streak, and right after they finally got a win, they suffered another 10-game skid. The Avalanche finished with the second-worst record in the NHL that year, and Johnson didn’t play in the playoffs until 2014. He then was on the team when it finished with only 48 points in 2016-17.
So Johnson doesn’t take Colorado’s playoff success this season lightly. He knows the heartache that came before it.
“To see the full turnaround and some other downs and some other ups on the way here has been a lot of fun,” he said.
Colorado was already a playoff team when Byram arrived. The Avalanche selected him at No. 4 in 2019 with a pick acquired in the Matt Duchene deal, and after a year of seasoning in the Western Hockey League, he traveled to the Edmonton bubble for the 2020 playoffs. He didn’t make an appearance that postseason, but early the next season got in his first NHL game.
So while Byram has been through plenty of personal trials, he doesn’t share Johnson’s experience of being with the organization through some of its darkest seasons. But he’s been sure to learn from Johnson’s experience.
“He’s played forever,” Byram said with a laugh. “I just try to be a sponge.”
Both put together solid (though, in Byram’s case, injury-riddled) regular seasons, but they have reached a different level in the postseason. The Avalanche have accounted for 61.73 percent of the expected goal share while Byram has been on the ice during five-on-five play this postseason, according to Natural Stat Trick, and 58.80 percent with Johnson on the ice. Both have played in every game, and they have seized more responsibility with second-pairing blueliner Samuel Girard going down with a broken sternum.
Byram dazzled with more offensive opportunities against St. Louis, tallying five assists in Colorado’s three full games without Girard and averaging more than 18 minutes of ice time. Johnson, meanwhile, came up with a big goal in Game 4 and an assist on Darren Helm’s last-second winner in Game 6. Bednar said he might be playing as well as he has since he took over as coach in 2016.
“He’s been healthy all year, he’s contributing out there, he’s playing great hockey for us,” Sakic said. “To see where he’s come and to see how he’s been all year and the excitement in him, he’s like a kid out there. I’m really happy for him.”
And he and Byram — the actual kid out there — have emerged as a perfect postseason pairing. Bednar said he initially put them together when Byram returned from injury in April because he thought a veteran would help his younger teammate re-acclimate, and they have worked well together.
“Erik is a pretty vocal guy on the ice,” Bednar said. “He’s pretty tuned-in with what’s going on, so having a guy back there who is kind of relaxed and is able to talk is important. … With the elevation of Erik’s game in the playoffs and the elevation of Bo’s game in the playoffs. They’ve turned into a real strong pair.”
Johnson and Byram have played 103 five-on-five minutes together these playoffs, according to Evolving-Hockey, and have the second-highest expected goals percentage (63.48 percent) of any defensive pairing in the playoffs that has played more than 100 minutes together. Both were on the ice for more than twice as many Avalanche scoring chances generated than allowed at five-on-five, according to Natural Stat Trick.
“You never know how many chances you’re going to get (to win the Stanley Cup),” Johnson said. “I just tried to take it to a new level and do anything I can to help this team do that. I’m going to continue to do that until we reach our goal.”
And he’s found a defensive partner in Byram that helps bring out his best. And that works both ways.
“It’s just been fun,” Johnson said. “We like to joke around, goof around and joke around off the ice and give each other a hard time. But on the ice we’ve found a good chemistry, and we’re playing well together. It’s been a good marriage, a good partnership for us.”
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tofiam · 2 years
Thanks to @tea42 for tagging me! This was meant to be "WIP Wednesday". It's sunday, today, so you can see my sh*tton of workload.
The good thing is I have a lots of WIPs right now!
I chose the one called "To wither a storm". (The name may change.) And it's a Fenris/Carver piece, also accompanied with artwork.
(I'd like to say, this only slightly edited piece. It may contains mistakes and so on.)
To wither a storm
A storm was brewing over the coastal waves. Dark clouds hung heavy and low, a strong wind herded them like angry sheeps towards Kirkwall.
Two figures on a small beach were so caught up in their spare fight that they didn’t notice the storm until first drops hit them. Seconds after that, all heaven's wraith broke loose. 
“Fasta vass! We need to find a shelter!” Fenris shouted. His heart sped up, pumping ice instead of blood, and he moved before he even thought about it. 
“We can run to the city,” Carver suggested and followed him.
Fenris’ “No!” was silenced by a deafening thunder. He looked up but they were right in the middle of it and there was nothing he could do about that.
Cold panic nested in his belly. He would never make it. Running over beach pebbles wasn’t fast enough. Kirkwall’s walls shadowed a far away horizon. Too far. 
Lightning and thunder mercilessly splitted the sky. Sudden wave of lyrium washed over him and Fenris saw nothing, but a crystal blue for a second. Then the world came back and his markings were emitting a steady flow just above his skin, protecting him from the danger which was not actually here but which he definitely felt. 
“Woah, what’s going on?” Carver asked breathlessly. 
“I can’t control it in some cases,” Fenris explained. Familiar flow of his blood mixed with lyrium calmed him a little. He shook water from his eyes and continued to run, when Carver tugged at his tunic. 
“I know a spot we can use.” 
Fenris nodded and they changed direction, Carver leading them away from the city up to the hills, while every lightning made Fenris jump and quicken his tempo. 
“Carver, what is this place?”
“Smugglers’ place. They used to store… things here.” 
Together they cleaned old wooden planks covering a narrow hole artificially made into the cliff high above the coast. It wasn’t much, just a shallow corridor, really, a ceiling hardly allowing them to stand straight, so Fenris didn’t even try to. He tossed their swords aside, then slided down to sit on the ground. 
“Do they still use it?” he asked to filter sounds of the storm. Carver shook his head, droplets coming all around from his damp hair, while fixing the door in place with a small metal hook.
“Aveline knows about them and she’s in guard now, so no.” Carver carefully overstepped his legs and kicked mouldy crates away. “You’re still drenched. I thought that the blue something would protect you from the rain. Garret does that, lazy-ass as he is, he just puts up a barrier like he’s the king of the weather.” 
Fenris tilted his head back and let out a long exhale. Lyrium faded, leaving his limbs numb and cave drowned in the dark. He could still see enough of Carver, though. And he saw how Carver unfastened his quilted ocher neck cover, put it away, unfastened his belt and loosened it to the ground, and finally pulled his shirt over his head in one smooth motion and wringed it out before him.
“Maker, I’ll never be dry again!” 
“At least you’re washed,” Fenris noted. He tried to watch everything, but the door, where an occasional flash of lightning could be seen between planks.
Carver raised voice in defence: “I do wash myself!” And then continued in a more hushed tone: “Sorry. I had to help Gamlen fix the roof and ended up doing it whole myself while he trailed Maker-knows-where. I had no time, I would’ve been late for our meeting.” 
Fenris looked up. Carver was trying to place his shirt somewhere to let it dry and not to dirty it too much. He fidgeted, making little steps, nervously crumpling his shirt in his hands. Now Fenris could finally see why Isabella called him pup. Carver thought it belittling, but it oozed with joyful affection. Who wouldn’t like a puppy?
“I meant after our training. I can teach you how to extend your reach any time,” Fenris answered gently. 
“Teach me? You’re tryna mutilate me, that’s what.”
“Look at the bright side - trying means I am not successful and you are actually very decent with a broadsword.” 
A hope seeping from his voice was childish and naive. Fenris hated himself a little for crushing it down.
“No. I was holding back.” 
Carver kicked some crates. Whatever he wanted to say was silence by a loud crack and zzzing of the air outside when a lightning hit some spot nearby. Lyrium flickered like circles on a water surface, but didn't stay. Fenris was too exhausted from fear to keep it, his heart hammering into his ribs as in a battle tempo for a battle never to come. 
“Yeah, I didn’t like that one, either.” Carver said and finally sat next to him, holding the wet shirt on his knees. Wisps of steam slowly vaporised on his skin in a chilly cave air. “You know, when I was really scared, Bethany used to sing to me. She was scared too, but she held me and sang and I thought about her and about what I need to do and to be for her.”
Fenris gulped. “Please. Don’t sing.” 
“Sorry, I babble when I’m nervous.” 
“Why are you nervous?” 
“Well, we are… you and I… in a cave.” 
Fenris' ears twitched. He heard alone at the end of that sentence even if Carver didn’t say so. It took him a few minutes to figure out the true meaning behind Carver’s words.
“You were alone with me before.”
“That was training! I was trying to stay alive! That’s… it’s different.” Carver avoided his eyes. 
“Would it help, if I try to mutilate you again?” 
“Maker, you’re joking! Are you joking, right?” 
Fenris chuckled and nodded. He put his back to the wall, shoulder to shoulder with the pup, and that thought made him chuckle again. He ran his fingers through sticky wet hair to put them out of his forehead. Both of them soaked, trapped in the cave by the storm… Well, Varric and Isabella would have started an indecent story out of that. 
The wind changed and the rain continued to thump against the door. Fenris felt Carver’s weight leaning on his shoulder, just like an animal positioning itself more comfortably. Minutes flew in a completely pleasant peace. Fenris could patiently wait like this for the storm to pass, but storms have never been kind.
Series of lightning bolts illuminated the sky with aggressive white and purple visible behind the door. Noisy thunders followed.
His markings vibrated and it hurt and he just gritted his teeth and gasped for air. 
“Damn, I would hug you but I’ll probably just impale myself onto those spikes on your armour!” Carver sounded compassionate, his voice deliberately louder than the storm. After a few seconds, he added: “And if not, you would yank my heart out.” 
“I would not,” Fenris assured him quietly, breathlessly. 
“You would not?”
“What’s so surprising about it?”
“Nothing. Right. Alright. Let me…” 
And that was the only warning Fenris got before Carver straddled his thighs, hands forced themselves around his torso, Carver bent and his head fell on one of armoured shoulders. Their bodies weren’t even fully touching, Carver not actually sitting, more kneeling, yet Fenris tensed.
“When I told you to extend your reach… This is not what I meant, Carver.”  
Carver ignored him and sulked. Hot breath blew on Fenris’ neck with a grunt: “Your hair’s still wet.”
“So is yours.” 
“Aren’t you cold?” 
“You are the one half naked.” 
“Good Ferelden blood. Never felt cold in my life. Winters were harsh in Lothering, you know. Sometimes it snowed up to my knees. More than once, the well froze, so my dad put me in the bucket and let me down the well with an axe and I had to chop the ice. It was fun, kind of. And the snow was totally different than what you get here. It was crispy and shining like pearls, not brown like mud. Ah, can I sit?”
“What?” Fenris asked, perplexed. Carver gently nuzzled his neck. 
“Can I sit on your thighs?” His voice meek. “This is starting to be uncomfortable.” 
“Promise not to speak, then yes.” 
“But it’s distracting, isn’t it?”
“A little,” Fenris agreed. “Also annoying.”
“Good.” Carver sat and slided to straighten his back. 
Suddenly more of him was leaning on Fenris, hot cheek resting on his neck, broad shoulders pushing on his armour, thighs and butt in wet trousers pinching his knees down, two strong forearms crushing his sides and irritating his markings. 
Fenris had no memory if anyone ever hugged him to ease a fear. Presumably not, it gets in the way with killing.
And what Carver was doing also wasn’t any kind of lovely brotherly cuddling. Force of that hug prevented Fenris from sinking his metal gloves deep into Carver’s hips and yanking him away. Strangely enough, he understood a force, he read a motive to help better than he would from a temperance. 
His heartbeat finally decided that the storm wasn’t the main issue and calmed down by one or two paces. He resigned, closed eyes and exposed his neck more comfortably. It seemed that Carver had been waiting for this to happen because in that moment he clutched him like a little child clutching a favourite toy. 
“Carver, if I find you smiling…” 
“You do what?” Carver muttered under his breath without a sense of self-preservation, so provocative, naive and young. 
“I have my armour on, I don’t need lyrium to rip things off,” Fenris warned him. 
“Damn right, you don’t. But see, back in Lothering, we had a group of boys and we always went to the scariest places around. Like a dark and cold forest aback of the Chantry.” 
Fenris moaned.
“I know - talking. I have a point.” Carver’s hands slid up and down, finding a better position on Fenris' small back. His heart skipped a beat, however he didn’t feel a need to overlay himself with lyrium. 
“We usually heckled each other,” Carver continued lazily. “I was never scared. On edge, yes, but it was all the rush and excitement. And that’s the whole point why we were doing it, for the feeling after it was done. So let me tell you, this is kinda the same. A lot. I feel like The King of the Thedas right now.”
Breath tickled his ear and Fenris braced himself for an inescapable touch of lips. Except it didn’t come. Carver only rested his cheek on the shoulder plate and poked him with a bony chin. 
“Never thought you’d be scared of storms.” A significant pause followed as if Carver put all his mental capacity to it. Fenris remembered how to breathe. “Never thought you’d be scared of anything, to be honest. Maybe only… justifiably scared, when it makes sense to be scared - facing a huge dragon, being captured and helpless and such.”
“Carver. Stop. Talking.” Fenris gritted through teeth. Anger was good. Anger stopped his hands from hugging, from holding Carver and rocking back and forth until all fears became just a silver lining on the sea’s sky.
Carver snorted and told him: “But it distracted you. Can you…” long sight drifted over Fenris’ ear, “... ah, nevermind. The storm’s already moving over.”
Fenris shot his head to the door. Not much could be seen through planks, but thunders rumbled faintly like a sleeping animal and the rain ceased to irregular dance of stray droplets. The storm indeed moved from them. 
Carver got up and while he fumbled with his dirty shirt, Fenris cleared his throat and murmured: “Thank you.” 
“Huh! Let’s not be weird about it.”
Fenris agreed. Although for the next few days Carver happened to be the one weird about it. At first, Fenris just tried to be friendlier, to notice Carver more because he deserves that. “Carver, Hawke,” Fenris greeted them both when Hawke brothers showed up in his mansion the next day. 
“Someone’s in the mood,” Garret mocked Carver. He angrily hit his brother in the shoulder, so Fenris backed off and instead observed him during their trip to Sundermouth.
They’ve already trained together twice. The first time happened in Fenris’ mansion and ended with a very embarrassed Carver apologising for breaking a chair and a handrail. The second one was disturbed by the storm yesterday. Therefore Fenris picked up a basic knowledge of Carver’s fighting style during trips with Hawke. 
Carver tried to be the biggest and the loudest thing all around, deliberately challenging enemies to fight him in a group. Swinging of his sword lacked finesse, but overflowed with a zest. Carver had muscles built for that. If Fenris doubted before, their hiding in the storm proved him wrong. 
Rock-hard, finely toned arms and solid hips, ready to thrust. And of course his mind supplied him with thoughts of that, too. He was free to do so, to take a lover, to bend under attraction without attachment. And what bending that would be with Carver’s broad shoulders and bright eyes above.
“I asked, if you want to come to cards, too?” Varric repeated his question. 
“Ah, yes,” Fenris answered and held out a hand to help him come out of the mouth of a cave. 
“Great! See, Hawke?” Varric turned around and they both reached out to help Garret out of the cave. “At least somebody has balls.”
“Yeah, well, mine are covered with spider guts. They are out of order ‘till I meet a bath,” came the unhappy answer.
Fenris left them to argue about selling spider intestines and extended his hand to Carver. Their fingers locked and Carver looked away.
Metaphorically speaking, Fenris lost his footing. He helped the warrior up and released him immediately, because his touches were clearly unwanted. Maybe if he hadn't had such sweaty palms? He looked down and his hands were wet, but with blood. Which wasn’t his. 
“Carver, you’re bleeding,” he pointed out a deep slash on top of Carver’s thigh.
With a stream of curses the warrior opened his belt and tugged up his shirt. Fenris caught a glimpse of a black design and dark curls on his underbelly before Carver turned away.
“Junior, your mabari is showing, and that’s a sight Bianca wishes to never see again.” 
“Maker’s balls, dwarf!” Caver groaned. “I am bleeding through my sodding trousers, I don’t care!”
“Do you require assistance?” Fenris offered.
“Maker no! I’m not a child!” Carver snapped angrily over his shoulder, trousers hanging low on his hips. Fenris took a step back. 
“He's a bit of an ass when he’s hurting.” Garret patted his brother on the shoulder, clicking his tongue and pouring oil to Carver’s rage. 
“And here I started to think it’s just his trait,” Varric scoffed. 
Fenris stayed silent. Carver wasn’t a child, as he said so, he could defend himself. Instead, he thought acidly about how the storm passed quickly and robbed him of his composure. He felt… well, it didn’t matter what he had felt when Carver was on the edge of brothercide and their group set on a back journey to Kirkwall. 
Behind the city gates Carver shyly waved his hand. 
“Can we meet again?” he asked quietly. Fenris nodded. 
“Carver, where are you? Mother’s waiting with the dinner,” Garret interrupted them and halted his steps, patronisingly looking over his shoulder. 
“Maker, give me a break!” Carver groaned and waved again, then he ran after his brother.
Fenris watched them go to the grey and dirty Lowtown and wondered how two siblings can be so different. They looked alike, and then they didn’t. Garret carried himself proudly, his staff on a display like he owned the town, larger than life with his beard, sharp eyes and never faltering smile. It was as attractive as it was arrogant and foolish. Carver hunched his shoulders like a stubborn child, unaware of the power of his youthness and wild beauty of his always messy black hair.
Fenris didn’t pretend to understand any of it. But it filled him with something he’s never felt before and couldn’t name. 
When he came to Varric’s room the day after that, Hawkes were already here. Garret jovially swung his cup in the air, listening to Varric. Isabela called to him and gestured to him to sit between her and Carver. He obliged, nodding to both and grabbing her mug.
“What’s this, Isabela? This doesn’t smell like a Hanged man’s piss.” 
He carefully tasted it. So called grog warmed his stomach with a hint of acrid sweetness. He gave it back to her, silently deciding against it because its strength would make his limbs weak. She smiled knowingly and continued with gossip about how she and Anders met in the Pearl. As it seemed, there was a very small number of people Isabela didn’t meet at a brothel of which the majority currently sat around Varric’s table. Fenris found it peculiar, but Isabela occasionally bounced her breasts and hips in her ridiculously short dress, and then he understood.
(I was trying to keep a track where a mabari tattoo is. I am a tattoo artist and I'm like 70% sure that someone with muscles could make it "bark", placed more or less like that.)
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our-time-is-now · 2 years
August 11, 2019 (1): Yes, I told him about the mosaics and the town wall…
(previous play)
You can find more information about the authors, translators, content  warning and additional information about the plays in the pinned post on  our blog.
Sunday, 9:42 am:
David: *slept pretty well and pretty deeply and woke up in the morning at pretty much the same time Matteo did* *they cuddled and made out some more in bed and then took turns in the bathroom, where he let Matteo go first, and who already went downstairs to his grandmother after he showered* *is now also finished and steps into the kitchen, where the radio is playing and where he can hear Matteo’s grandmother babble: “...but anyways, I told Luigi: When my grandson and his boyfriend are in town then I’ll definitely come round so that they can see for themselves that your gelato is the best and that no other gelato is a match! They can open countless other ice cream parlors in Ravenna and sell their gelato for less… the people will realize sooner or later that Luigi’s gelato is the best…”* *can see Matteo sitting at the kitchen table, which is already set with a lot of food, and can see his grandmother standing at the counter brewing coffee* *uses a break in her talking, smiles and says* Buongiorno… *sees the grandmother turn to him and beam at him: “Ah, buongiorno David!” and then add in German: “Sleep well?”* *smiles and nods* Si, molto bene, grazie! *sees her beam again and hears her say in Italian again: “Sit down, sit down, the coffee’s almost finished. And the breakfast is already prepared… I hope you’re hungry!”* *interprets her waving toward the table to mean that he’s supposed to sit down and sits down on the bench next to Matteo* *also smiles at him and, as always when they’ve been separated, looks at him scrutinizingly for a moment to see if everything’s okay*
Matteo: *has already given up on saying anything five minutes ago because his grandmother just keeps babbling away about the people in the neighborhood, and what the children he still knows are doing, until she finally talks about Luigi the gelato-guy* *murmurs “si si” every now and then and thinks that he definitely needs a photo with Luigi for the boys* *then looks up when he sees David come in* *smiles immediately* *wanted to interrupt his grandmother but then hears David’s buongiorno* *grins and wants to translate when they already manage without it* *smiles at him when he sits down* Coffee’s ready in a minute… *then hears his grandmother: “Did you tell him that the coffee’s ready in a minute? Oh and tell him that we’ll go to Luigi today, the best gelato-maker in town!”* *sees that she’s really quiet then and looking at him expectantly* I’m supposed to tell you that we’ll go to Luigi today… Nonna’s gelato-guy, the best in town, oh nonsense, the best in the country! *makes a typically Italian gesture* And we’ll have to take a photo for the boys… well, I’m the one who says that, not Nonna. *laughs slightly*
David: *sees Matteo smile and then hears that the coffee is ready in a minute* *grins and says quietly* Then I’m right on time… *then hears the grandmother again and is a little surprised that she doesn’t really say much and instead gives Matteo time to translate* *grins slightly when he learns that the gelato-guy’s name is Luigi and when Matteo says that they have to take a photo* Definitely! And gelato’s always good, anyways. And I guess we should really try the best gelato in the country… *then sees the grandmother bring the coffee pot to the table and pour them coffee* *smiles and thanks her with a quiet “grazie”* *then turns to Matteo and asks* And is there anything else planned for today?
Matteo: *quickly translates for his grandmother, who then turns away with a smile* *thanks her for the coffee and then answers David* Gelato’s always good… and Luigi’s has always been awesome… and umm, no, I don’t think so, maybe strolling through Ravenna a little if you want to? Or we could go to the beach again? What do you feel like doing? *pulls his coffee closer and blows into it*
David: *has also pulled his coffee closer and blows into it while listening to Matteo* *shrugs at his question and smiles slightly* No idea… everything? *laughs quietly* Doesn’t all have to be today… we’ll be here for a few more days… but I really want to go to places that you know well and that you like and where you can maybe tell me some stories… *sips his coffee and then puts the mug back down* *sees that Matteo’s grandmother has already grabbed some bread and also reaches for some* *then hears the grandmother say: “We can leave right after breakfast if you want to! Then we’ll show David our beautiful Ravenna! And in the afternoon you can do something by yourselves. I can understand that you don’t want to have your old Nonna with you all the time… and I’m not as good with the afternoon heat as I used to, anyways…”*
Matteo: *laughs when he says that he wants to do everything* *is suddenly emotional and just has to smile at him when he hears his next words* We can do that… *then looks at his grandmother and nods* *says in Italian* David wants to see places where I also went to as a child… and to hear stories… you’re also very good at that… *grins slightly* *then translates for David* Nonna says that we can leave after breakfast and this afternoon we can do something by ourselves… then we could maybe go to the beach again?
David: *beams when Matteo agrees to the plan and is happy* *then hears that his grandmother says that they can leave after breakfast and murmurs with his mouth half full* Sure… alright… *nods again but swallows down first before he answers* Going into the ocean again would be really nice… what’s it like at the beach here? Is there anywhere where you can get changed? Or is it best if we already get changed here? *feels uneasy again if he thinks about showing himself in a binder in front of others but thinks that Matteo would surely join in again and that this really helps him and makes it a little easier for him* *but lets Matteo translate the important stuff for his grandmother first and hers the grandmother laugh afterwards: “Oh yes, there are plenty of stories of you in Ravenna! Which one do we tell him first? How you painted on Dante’s tomb with chalk when you were five or how, when you were seven, you stubbornly insisted that the mosaics in the Basilica San Vitale make you feel nauseous and you therefore couldn’t go into this church ever again?!”
Matteo: *nods slightly when he says that going to the ocean again would be nice* *looks at him worried for a moment when he talks about getting changed* We can also get changed here… or we can also go to the remote beach again… I don’t really like the masses of people on the beach, anyways… *then laughs when he listens to his grandmother* Oh they are both great, we can tell him both… and the mosaics really made me feel nauseous! *hears his grandmother laugh: “No, no, my boy, you didn’t want to go into the church, I understood that!”* *only laughs and shakes his head*
David: *smiles when Matteo suggests going to the remote beach again and smiles even more when he says that he doesn’t really like masses of people on the beach, anyways* *says quietly* Then we’ll do that… *but then shakes his head a little and says* But we also definitely have to go to the beach here… because of the stories… I want to hear the one about the water sprites and your grandmother’s secret trick! Maybe we can go there in the evening when it’s not so full anymore… *then hears them talking in Italian again and continues eating his breakfast* *eventually says to Matteo when there’s a little pause in the conversation* Is there anything really exciting I should know about Ravenna? Not that your grandmother thinks me completely ignorant or anything… *laughs quietly* ...and should that be the case, after all, then I hope that you take all the blame and explain to her that you forbade me from googling… *really didn’t google anything this time, but that wasn’t because of Matteo but more because he usually was too tired or didn’t have any time or because he did research on Venice*
Matteo: *only shakes his head at the story* I already told you that you won’t learn the trick… *grins at him* You’re pretty persistent… *then hummms at his question* So first of all, it’s not my fault that you didn’t google, that didn’t stop you before, either… but okay… well Ravenna is known for its mosaics, they decorate a lot with it, especially their churches… I don’t know anything else… oh, yes, they used to have a town wall, but there’s not much left of it apart from the town gates…
David: *pouts in amusement when Matteo says that he won’t tell him the trick* And you’re pretty mean! *then grins slightly when Matteo tells him a little bit about Ravenna, after all, and is a little surprised that he’s never heard anything about the mosaics in Ravenna before* *but thinks that this sounds really interesting* I find mosaics really nice! That definitely sounds interesting! *then hears Matteo’s grandmother interrupt them: “Are you telling him about the mosaics in Ravenna? I’m sure David will like them! He’s an artist, after all! Ravenna is a gold mine for artists! Did you tell him that we have eight buildings that are UNESCO heritages!? And all the museums and churches! I’m sure he’ll like that!”* *drinks another sip of coffee while he waits for Matteo to translate anything important*
Matteo: *shakes his head in amusement* I’m not! *grins at his answer* Of course you find mosaics interesting… I find they make you feel nauseous if you look at them, but okay… *then hears his grandmother and listens to her with a grin* Yes, I told him about the mosaics and the town wall… *hears his grandmother: “Well then go on, translate!”* *laughs and switches to German again* Nonna says that you will like Ravenna because you’re an artist and Ravenna has eight World Cultural Heritages and really great museums and churches… I can see the two of you will have fun… *laughs slightly*
David: *laughs* How does looking at mosaics make someone feel nauseous!? Are you sure that you weren’t feeling nauseous anyways when you looked at them the last time!? *has now finished his bread and immediately gets the bread basket handed by Matteo’s grandmother so that he can take more* *smiles, nods in thanks and takes another slice while he listens to Matteo* *grins when he says that his grandmother and he will have a lot of fun* Probably… maybe I should get a travel guide, after all, so that you don’t have to translate all the time… *but then gets a little more serious again and adds* Hey, but that’s /our/ holiday, okay? If it’s too much culture for you then tell me and then we’ll do something else, ok? We can also go laze around on the beach all day if you want to… I’d like that, too!
Matteo: *shakes his head* Nooo… that makes your eyes flicker… *shrugs* But maybe you’re right and it’s different now… *then grins* Yes, maybe… but I actually like translating for you… *then sees that he’s getting more serious* *listens to him and nudges him for a second* Thanks, but I’ll manage for one morning… we’ll go to the beach this afternoon, that’s enough… *sees David’s skeptical look* Really. I promise, I’ll tell you if it’s getting too much.
David: *smiles when Matteo says that it might be different now with the mosaics and says* It’s worth a try… *then grins slightly* ...and if not then you’ll just close your eyes and have blind faith in me that I will somehow guide you back out again… *smiles again when Matteo says that he likes translating for him and gets a pleasant feeling in his stomach* *says quietly and happily* That’s good then… *then looks at him skeptically when he says that he can manage one morning of culture but then smiles and nods when he assures him of it again* *hears his grandmother tell Matteo in Italian: “I suppose if there was anything important to translate then you’d do that for your old Nonna and not let her be in the unknown, wouldn’t you, my boy?! Goodness, it’s really time that David learns Italian… I’m not so good at patiently waiting for a translation… if he’ll really come to my birthday next year then it’ll hopefully already be different and we can talk a little without you having to translate everything!”*
Matteo: *smiles at him* I do that no matter what… *nods when he says that it’s good then* *then hears his grandmother and turns to her* Scusi, nonna, next year I’m sure he’ll know a little more Italian… he said that he doesn’t believe me the thing with the mosaics, either - that it made me feel nauseous, I mean - and he was worried that it’ll be too much culture for me with museums and such, but I told him that I’ll manage for one morning… *grins slightly* *hears his grandmother laugh: “He already knows you pretty well, huh? But yes, I also think that one morning is okay. And we’ll do it without any haste, then it’ll be okay!”* *grins and nods and then translates for David*
David: *finishes breakfast with Matteo and his grandmother and they are talking about what they want to see in Ravenna* *then they leave soon after breakfast* *can already see that he finds Ravenna really nice when they reach the town center and is fascinated by the architecture and the different artworks that are all over town* *they visit the Basilica di San Vitale, amongst other things, where Matteo realizes that the mosaics no longer make him feel dizzy* *feels a little sorry for him because, once again, his grandmother talks almost incessantly and he has to translate everything* *but finds it very interesting to listen to all of it and really hopes that next time he’ll already know enough Italian to talk to the grandmother himself, because he thinks that they would get along really well when it comes to the sights* *finds it pretty useful to have his personal tour guide and really learns a few new Italian words* *they eventually go and have gelato at Luigi’s and he finds the gelato really delicious, which he confirms to both Luigi and Matteo’s grandmother several times* *they of course remember to take a photo of Luigi and Matteo - the ice cream parlor with the sign “Da Luigi” in the background* *they spend a little over three hours in the town center and then they take a binder break in their room while Matteo’s grandmother is having a nap* *they realize in the afternoon that the beach that they can walk to on foot from Matteo’s grandmother’s house is really totally packed and therefore decide to go to the beach they went to yesterday* *they go swimming there and spend a lot of time lazing around on the beach* *somehow feels like he’s really on holiday now - with the sightseeing in the morning and the relaxing on the beach in the afternoon, and he and Matteo agree again that so far, every place they went to has felt different* *they go back to Matteo’s grandmothers’ in the evening and have dinner with her* *afterwards they are sitting in the garden with her for quite some time where he eventually retreats again to draw so that Matteo doesn’t constantly feel like he has to translate*
(next play)
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xwanderlusterx3 · 2 years
This post is more for me, to look back and remember small details about my baby kitty.
This is Nyx. .
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Today, Nov 3rd at 11:40 am I held my 7 month old sweet girl in my arms as she slipped peacefully into her final rest.
Monday Oct 24th our vet diagnosed her with Chylothorax, which was heavily fluid on the lungs. They weren't able to find the underlining cause, but told us to treat it with suppliements and they would drain the fluid while they got us refered to a specialist in Nashville. She was to go for a follow up appointment for another lung tap on Halloween, but Saturday we noticed she was having significant trouble breathing and we took her to the ER.
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The ER took x-rays where they found a mass in her chest. They suggested we admit her to their Franklin location to get a CT scan to see more info about the mass.
Sunday we take her, they tap her lungs again and keep her overnight to run tests Monday when the proper staff are in office.
Tuesday they call and tell us shes Feline Leukemia positive, and that its likely the mass is cancer. They've drained the fluid from her mass to send off for testing and put her on steriods to stop its growth, but inform us of all the downsides to if this is the diagnosis.
Wednesday we are still waiting, my husband and I have tried to come to terms with the fact that she may not be coming home, but we also try to hold out hope.
Thursday, this morning, we get the call to confirm that the leukemia has caused to mass, which turned into Large Cell Lymphoma. With chemo her life expectancy was 4 to 6 months, maybe less, she couldn't be around our second cat at all, her quality of life would very based on levels of chemo and her lungs would have to be tapped several times a week.
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We knew what we had to do, but facing it was so hard. Instead of prolong the inevitable we drove out to her to say our goodbyes.
We got such an awesomeast visit. She was so happy to see us, she did her little happy chirps and gave us head nudges. The steriods and lung drainage had her more active then we'd seen in weeks. We spend a good amount of time with her. Told her, kissing her. Telling her how special she was and how loved she was.
And then it was time. It all happened so fast. She settled in my arms for a cuddle ,purring loudly as the doctor gave her the forever sleep cocktail. I felt as her purring stopped and the perfect little life left her body.
I was the last thing she felt and saw when she closed her eyes for the last time and I have to say, I'm proud of that. Though it killed me to sit there and watch her slip asag, I did it for her and Im glad I did.
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Nyx was unlike any other cat I've ever known. She never meowed, but only squeaked or chirped. She loved to be held and to cuddle. She showed affection by rubbing her head on your face, nuzzling your nose. She made the best biscuts, usually on the back of the couch. Her favorite spot was on my husbands chest or hiding under the bed. She always made such a mess of the litter box, flinging the sand everywhere or sometimes not even shoving at the sand but isnt stead the wall, or side of the litter box. She loved water. If I was taking a bath, shed park outside my bathroom door til I was done so when I opened the door she could run in to watch the water drain. Nyx enjoyed relaxing in my sink. She always played with her water bow, placing her paw on either side and teetering back and fourth to watch the water in the jug above it to go back and fourth. She was fascinated with iur fridges ice maker and would come running from any room when it turned on. I had a unicorn squirt gun Id shoot around her and shed attact the water as it hit the floor, and was mesmerized by the water droplets that came from the kitchen sink to floor when I'd wash the dishes.
She was the sweetest kitty. So much so she had made fans out of all the staff at the hospital. She was such a good girl, with the best personality and I will never ever find another like her.
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Ill miss you everyday, until we meet again 💔
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xtremetrust · 2 years
Mfi2568aew continusly flashing light compressor not running
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He said a few years ago he fixed a lot of Ice2O's with this particular problem, but hadn't had any calls about it in a while. Thank goodness the A & E service guy immediately knew what was wrong when my service call came up so he brought a part with him. However, the part from Maytag had not arrived yet. UPDATE - Well the service tech came the next day in the afternoon as I was preparing to leave. Thanks, and I will definitely be out today providing a random act of kindness of my own. I really appreciate it when I find people who do what you all did here, and what Steve did. No holy water, no crosses and no yelling in Latin required. Radio Shack opened at 10, home by 1015, repair done by 1045. I am an engineer by background but the way Steve wrote this, it really can be fixed by anyone. Low and behold, I find this threat and Steve Beck’s fix on this site. Of course I could just let the wife deal with unloading the frig because it’s at 58 degrees and I’m sure it’s just a matter of time before the food looks like 40 day old curry, but being that our 20th anniversary was just 2 days prior, I take the high road. I’m Catholic, so I decide that the exorcism is the way to go, but its Sunday and I know no priest is available, so Google is the next best option. June 5th 2011 and I wake up to play golf at 0530 for a 0700 tee off time and I find the refrigerator completely losing its mind and needing an exorcism. So this may have caused something else to go wrong. Pretty sure its Freon coming from the compressor. a sound coming from back that sounded like a car turning signal.and had to unplug it due to smelling a GAS TYPE SMELL coming from the back. control panel lights were flashing on and off like a christmas tree, ice flapper was opening and closing and compresser stopped coming on. french doors, ice maker on front, freezer on bottom. I am just waiting to see if Maytag will have the goodness to help me with this as they have the others. I can't afford to fix it at this point, I certainly can't go buy one, or even go to a rental center to rent one. I take care of my disabled husband and my disabled daughter, I don't need this added stress. I can't even get anyone to answer any of the SEVERAL emails and messages I've left. Imagine how excited I was when I googled my problem and read where there were others with the same problem and Maytag recognized the problem, with or without a warranty, because its something to do with 'this' refrigerator? Yet I can't get help. My husband is disabled and we are on a fixed income, I have no money to fix my problem. I can't cook for my family as I have no place to put left overs so we are eating sandwiches. I have lost food, I have food sitting around in three ice chest and am constantly having to buy ice.
i'm three days into having NO REFRIGERATOR! I see where others have had the same problem with theirs and maytag sent them a FREE part with FREE repair man to come out and install. I'm trying to get Maytag to respond to my many messages.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
214 of 2022
Are you a fan of salads?
Yeah, I love me some good salad. I could live on veggies alone, tbh.
How far is the nearest McDonald’s?
One kilometer or so.
Did you dream last night?
Yeah, I did. I can’t recall any details, but it must have been something particular  because I woke up really aroused and man, I hate when it happens.
Do you like melted cheese?
Sure. Cheese is love.
How are you sitting right now?
Just on the chair.
Are you currently wearing bobbypins?
No, I don’t and I never was and I never will.
What’s one random thing that you don’t like?
My conflicted emotions. And that my body acts in a way that’s inadequate to my head sometimes. Yeah I know, it’s just biology and it’s normal, but omg why.
What’s one random thing that you like?
Cats. And guys with pretty eyes.
Are you a fan of ice hockey?
Not a fan, but I don’t mind it.
When was the last time you consumed alcohol?
Last Saturday.
Do you like chicken noodle soup?
Only as in ramen.
Are you currently under the weather right now?
Not ill and not hangover, so nope, I don’t think so.
Do you ever get messages/asks on Tumblr?
No, and I like it.
Who was the last person to call you?
My husband.
Have you ever seen ‘Ripley’s Believe It Or Not’?
Man, I don’t even know what it is.
What’s your favorite kind of soup?
Almost all soups. Really, I love soups sooooo much.
Do you enjoy reading?
I do, and I always have a book with me.
What’s your favorite vegetable?
Cauliflower and broccoli, and bell pepper. I can’t decide.
Is your dad bald?
Not at all. It’s almost unbelievable at his age.
Do you want any piercings?
I already have eight (all in my ears and face), so not really. Maybe one or two ear piercings.
How often do you use the coffee maker?
These days, basically never. But we do have one, it’s just hard to open for me as I have a disabled hand.
If you had to name your daughter after a disney princess, which one?:
Ariel or Jasmine.
Do you think telepathy is real?:
It is, and I have it with two people.
When you were little, did you ever think you would be a magician?:
Nah. I’ve been skeptical for my whole life.
When did you last draw something for fun?:
In school, we used to draw dicks on one another’s notebooks just for lolz. Imagine the facial expressions of our teachers when they saw it.
Did you play with Barbies as a kid?:
Nope, not at all. Unless you count ripping off the heads of my sister’s Barbies. Omg how mad she was XD mind it, she was 5 and I was 10. I’m not a good older brother.
Would you rather go in a hot air balloon or go sky diving?:
Both freak me out.
Homework–would you rather do it on a Friday or Sunday?
Friday so I can get over it.
Will you ever understand hate gangs?:
Is there anyone who will? Besides the gangs, they have their own reasoning.
Do you remember every birthday wish you’ve ever made?:
No, my memory is really limited.
At what age do you want to start working/what age did you start?:
At the age of 16, as summer jobs, and I started working in the factory as a student.
Did you ever play pretend?
No, but I’m, like, daydreaming a lot.
Would you say you have a stable, good internet connection?:
For sure.
At what time of the day do you like to take showers?:
Mornings and evenings.
Do you lie on surveys to make yourself seem cooler?:
No, what’s the point even. Nobody reads it anyway.
Was that a lie?:
Nah. I am really honest in these and you either take it or not.
Does the number 27 have any significance to you?:
Not much.
0 notes
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Saturday 10, 2022
My relaxing day😊
How is everyone’s day going?! I hope everyone is doing well because I had a really good break today. Even though now I’m freaking out because I have a lot to do. Four homework assignments due tomorrow Sunday!!! I should be fine though because I’m planning on getting one or two done today. Some are easy and okay.
After what happened earlier this week I just needed a set back. How many of y’all have been through this situation? How did y’all deal with it? I finally told myself good job for at least trying 🫶🏼
I decided to buy myself some ice cream to feel better which definitely was a bonus. I also reminded myself that maybe my scores won’t be so bad after all. I will update you guys when I get them back! Let’s hope for the best only! 🫶🏼✨
Here in this post I decided to present my monthly calendar and as you can see it is FULL!! I wrote down assignments for the weeks but I am most likely doing them on different days. My bullet journal is also shown which I am proud of because it looks so nice to me having a lot crossed off. Today I will be hopefully crossing off three assignments 🥰✨!
Also we finally got a coffee maker againnn!!! Which I am now excited so I can make my own coffee now🥰☕️!
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mrsalwayswrite · 3 years
A Girl Has Needs (Ragnarssons x reader)
So I’ve been sick the past two weeks and when my muse decided to return, this is what she wanted me to write. Honestly, this is probably the silliest thing I’ve ever written, but it made me laugh, so....
This is kind of a sequel to Singing In The Shower but can also be read as a solo one-shot. 
Also, the Ragnarssons are just the sons of Aslaug. No Bjorn. 
Warnings: swearing, implied something at the end (i’ll let you decide), the brothers being ridiculous, Ivar and Sigurd constantly insulting one another, the brothers are flirts, reader is oblivious, a jerk somewhere in the middle
Tag List: @youbloodymadgenius​ @evelynshelby​ @pomegranates-and-blood​ @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie​ @geekandbooknerd​ @adrille88​ @quantumlocked310​ @breezykpop​ @ritual-unions-gotme​ @solinarimoon​
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 "It's too hot out."
 Hvitserk ran a hand over his braids. "Ivar, I swear if you complain one more time about the heat or the sun, we're leaving your ass home next time we come out."
 "He could be a damn vampire for how often he never goes outside. Always playing video games or watching porn." Sigurd said, spinning the plastic spoon between his fingers like a drum stick.
 "That's a fucking lie, you half-brained fuckwad." Ivar glared across the wooden picnic table. 
 You speak up before the two youngest Lothbroks could start clawing at each other's throats. "Ivar and I play board games sometimes or read together or watch movies….so not just video games." You choose not to reference the other activity Sigurd mentioned. 
 "See! At least someone likes me." Ivar laid his head on your shoulder, the tops of his braids tickling your neck. 
 Sigurd snorted and looked further down the boardwalk, watching the many people out in the summer sun. 
 "Alright, enough you two. We're supposed to be out having fun and enjoying summer." Ubbe said, always the peace-maker. 
 You finished off the last from your ice cream cup, licking the spoon clean. By this point you were used to the dynamics of the Lothbrok brothers, even if sometimes it gave you whiplash. 
 You had been roommates with Ubbe and Hvitserk for almost a year and a half now, something you had initially been hesitant for but now could not imagine life without these boys. Ivar was over more often than not, either crashing on the couch or in one of the various bedrooms. More than once, you had come home from work to find Ivar sleeping in your bed, hoarding all your pillows like some kind of territorial cat. Sigurd lived with some friends but had recently begun to drop by more often than just the usual Sunday brother time. Which you definitely appreciated because he was the only one who did not make fun of you for your arachnophobia. So whenever he would come over and there was an issue you needed to be saved from, he would just smile and grab a paper towel, becoming your white knight. 
 Ubbe was your late-night talking buddy, both of you venting about your days or whatever drama your families were trying to drag you into. Somehow over time, you both had created a routine that on Saturday mornings you would get up early together and clean your apartment, listening to music and getting things set up for the rest of the weekend so you could both relax. Hvitserk loved dragging you around town to do various fun things or try new restaurants. If you both were exhausted, he was also your junk food connoisseur and Food Network binging-buddy. If you both liked to quote Gordon Ramsay in terrible British accents to one another, no one needed to know. Besides your neighbors who called the cops one night when they heard Hvitserk yell at you that your squid was so raw he could hear it telling SpongeBob to go fuck itself. But that is beside the point. 
 When you moved in, you had just hoped to get along with the brothers. Now, the four brothers had become your best friends and you loved them all. Each one of them seemed to fill up a space in your heart that you had not known was empty until they entered your life. Over time, you had to strongly execute any kind of crush you had for them. They were your roommates and friends, it could never be more than that. Even if they were all so handsome but….you did mentally question their sanity sometimes. 
 "Hey, two o'clock." Hvitserk whispered from his spot on your right. 
 The four guys looked in the direction, past the boardwalk and along the narrow strip of beach. You peeked through the people walking by, then rolled your eyes at the woman Hvitserk was most likely referring to. A hum of appreciation left Ubbe and Sigurd let out a low whistle. The five of you were supposed to be out getting ice cream from a local favorite shop as a special treat for surviving the Lothbrok summer party that the boys dragged you too. To say the least exciting thing to happen was a screaming match between Aslaug and Ragnar, meanwhile Floki "accidently" set a religious painting on fire that Athelstan had given Ragnar….so yeah, the five of you deserved ice cream and plenty of beer when you got back to the apartment. Of course, this did not stop the boys from ogling. 
 "Right? Look at those legs." Hvitserk murmured. 
 "Eh. Y/n here could pull that bathing suit off way better." Ubbe said, turning back around and giving you a wink. 
 You flushed under his praise, but still wrinkled your rose at him, hoping to hide your reaction. 
 Hvitserk smirked, those green eyes twinkling mischievously from his spot on your right. "Yeah. I still liked that bathing suit from last month. The white one. Damn, your ass looked great."
 "Oh my gods, stop." You shook your head at their teasing, your face heating up with embarrassment.
 Ivar looked around you to his brother on your other side, gaze narrowed and blue eyes hard. "The fuck you talking about? Did you see her in that silky black dress at mother's party? Holy fuck, I thought--"
 "And I'm out." You interrupted as you climbed out of your seat between Ivar and Hvitserk, gathering up their paper cups and spoons. "I'm going to throw away the trash."
 "Y/n….did we embarrass you?" Hvitserk chuckled, reaching out to grab your wrist and most likely pull you back onto the bench seat. 
 You smacked his grabby hands away. "Nope. Just want to clean up our area. Common courtesy and all because we know you heathens won't."
 Bless him, Ubbe was trying to hide his amusement by covering his mouth with his hand, but his grin was still evident and his blue eyes twinkled. "We'll stop….I promise, y/n."
 "I won't." Ivar stated with a casual shrug. "I can't decide if I liked that black dress more or less than that sexy Black Widow costume you wore for Halloween."
 "Oh damn, she did look sexy as hell in that costume! How did I forget that one?" Sigurd exclaimed. 
 "Okay, bye." You rushed away, feeling as if you were about to spontaneously combust into flames. From behind you came the sounds of the brothers' laughter and a few calls of your name but thankfully no one actually followed you. 
 At this point, you should be used to the brothers complimenting and teasing you. They had never felt the need to dilute their compliments before, a few times using far more candor than you ever wanted to know. It was sweet but at the same time made you feel self-conscious. All four of the brothers were gorgeous in their own ways and you had a front row seat to the many women that flocked around them, either due to their last name or their looks. Meanwhile you were just….you. Not ugly but not beautiful. Just you. 
 Over the past few months, you noticed how those compliments came your way more frequently- a quick comment on your hair or clothing, a dazzling statement about your smile or eyes. It was very sweet. You could not help but wonder if they made some kind of pact behind your back about boosting your self-esteem. Something that was not their job to do but gods, did you appreciate their efforts. 
 Something else you noticed over the past few months was how all the brothers had become more….tactile towards you. 
 Ever since the incident where you found them standing around the bathroom as you sang in the shower, and holy hell was that ever awkward and please don't ever let that happen again, and you confessed about how those in your life prior only tore you down. Something between the five of you had shifted. There was not a single moment you could look back on and point it out that it clicked but over time you just happened to notice. The brothers, especially Sigurd, made a point to turn up the music as often as possible and have you sing along. Sometimes on days you could tell Ivar's pain was bad, he would quietly ask you to play with his hair and sing to him. So, you would. 
 More than that, it was the more frequent and lingering hugs, the quick touches on your arms, hips or shoulders as they passed you, how one of them would drag you against them to cuddle whenever something was on the TV. None of it ever made you feel uncomfortable. On the contrary, you had to decapitate a few butterflies that dared to fly around in your belly. You just figured that you had reached a new level of friendship with the brothers, because honestly who else did they have to be as touchy-feely towards? None of them had girlfriends at the moment….or for the past couple of months....but that was none of your business. You were just happy to have them in your life. Even if they embarrassed you often. 
 Moving around a couple pushing an expensive-looking stroller, you tossed the trash away in the garbage bin. Absent-mindedly, you wiped your hands on your shorts, then stopped and glanced down to make sure you had not just stained them. Breathing out a sigh of relief, because chocolate stain crisis averted, you started back towards the table where the brothers seemed to be arguing over something already, when a voice from nearby stopped you. 
 "Hey, pretty lady."
 You stumble, barely catching yourself as you turn around. Surprise flooded you when you see the attractive, shirtless man actually staring at you with a smile on his face. Wow, someone spent way too long shaping that jawline when they were creating him. This seemed like something from a fantasy more than real life. You were almost tempted to pinch yourself to make sure you were awake. "Um, I'm sorry, were you talking to me?"
 "Yeah. You here alone?"
 "Um, no…." You gestured vaguely in the direction of the Lothbrok brothers, watching as his gaze shifted to the brothers and assessed them before returning back to you. 
 Crossing his arms over his chest and making his muscles bulge….which is only slightly distracting….he smirked. "I see. But you clearly ain't with any of them."
 "What's that mean?" You tilted your head to the side, confused. You arrived with them, did he not think you were friends with the guys? 
 "I've seen you sitting with them, but you don't act like any of them are your boyfriend. 'Sides, look at you." He eyed you up and down. "I mean you don't seem…."
 You straightened, placing your hands on your hips. "What are you trying to say?"
 "No offense but they seem outta your league, y'know?"
 And if that did not feel like a bucket of ice water thrown on you. Whatever prior thoughts you had about the still attractive guy flew out the window. "Oh, really?"
 "Yeah, girl. I mean, you're pretty but you don't seem their type. It looks like you're clearly friends though."
 Was the guy really this dumb? At first you thought he was hitting on you but it seemed to be coming out more as an insult....and he was just standing there smiling at you like you should be thanking him or something for his attention! 
 "Wow." You shook your head, done with this conversation and done with him but you wanted to wipe that smirk off his face before you left. Petty, maybe? 
 "Well, you are right in a sense. I don't act like boyfriend and girlfriend with any of them because technically they aren't."
 He grinned smugly like he was about to win some kind of prize. 
 "They are my harem." 
 His eyes widened to comical proportions and his mouth dropped open as he gaped at you unbelieving. 
 You wiped your hands off on your shorts again as you continued talking. "So yeah, it would be weird to act like only boyfriend and girlfriend with one of them when they are all my boyfriends. Would be really rude, don't you think?"
 "Ummm, well…." His gaze darted towards the brothers then back to you. 
 "Let me tell you, it's not always easy trying to juggle that many boyfriends. But this girl has needs and let me tell you, those men know how to keep this girl very satisfied. Uh huh. All. Night. Long. And then also in the morning if we're feeling like having some extra fun. I do feel bad when I wear them out though."
 Suddenly, you felt someone come up beside you. 
 "You alright, y/n?" Ubbe asked, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. 
 "Yeah, baby. Just having a little chat. Let's head back." You smiled up at Ubbe before looking back to the befuddled man in front of you. "And let me tell you one last thing….I might not be in their league like you said, but I know how to keep my men coming back for more." You slipped your arm around Ubbe's waist and started walking back to the picnic table. 
 The closer you got, the more your face felt like it was on fire. You could feel Ubbe stealing glances at you but you ignored it, too mortified by what had just come out of your mouth. How could you have said all of that? What had come over you? Yeah, that guy was a Class-A jerk but it did not warrant you claiming to have a freaking harem with your guy friends/roommates! Why had the universe not promptly shut you up? And to think Ubbe heard the end of your passionate monologue. Gods, you doubted you would be able to look him in the eye for at least a week! 
 You dropped onto your spot between Hvitserk and Ivar, covering your face with your hands. The weight of four pairs of eyes on you made you want to crawl under the table and hide from them. Not that it would work. One of them would just drag you out from underneath or Ivar would keep lovingly tapping you with his crutch until you appeared. 
 "She okay?" Sigurd asked, a hint of concern in his voice. 
 "Y/n?" Ubbe tried to encourage you. 
 You just shook your head, delayed mortification making you tongue-tied. How could you have called them your harem - YOUR HAREM - like you were some wealthy princess or something. Was that even a thing? Either way, you were ready for the universe to strike you with lighting now. Or swallow you whole. 
 "What the fuck happened?" Ivar snarled from your left, but you instinctively knew his anger was not directed at you. 
 Ubbe sighed, probably rubbing a hand down his face. "I don't know. I'm not sure if that guy was insulting her or hitting on her; but after I walked up, she said something about not being in their league but knowing how to keep her men coming back for more. Oh, and she also called me 'baby'."
 Yep. The ground could swallow you whole at any moment now. Any moment….just waiting...
 "Hold on." Hvitserk said, shifting to fully look at you, tugging gently on one of your hands covering your face. "Why do you get to call Ubbe 'baby'? If he gets a pet name, I want one too!"
 Sigurd helpfully pointed out. "She already calls you 'Serk'."
 "That's not a pet name." Hvitserk pouted, pressed his forehead to your shoulder like a toddler denied a candy.
 "Well if those idiots get a name, I'm definitely getting one." Ivar stated, laying a hand on your lower back, his thumb rubbing soothing circles. 
 "You have one. It's 'asshole'." Sigurd sneered. 
 You could feel Ivar shrug. "Yeah, but at least I'm an asshole with class. You're about as interesting as paint drying."
 "Hey! You god‐-" Sigurd started up. 
 Ubbe interrupted. "All of you, shut up." He sighed loudly, probably glaring at Sigurd and Ivar with one of his perfected I-don't-have-time-for-this-shit looks, before reaching across the table and tugging on one of your hands still covering your face. "Hey, wanna explain what was going on with that guy?"
 "Do we need to rough him up?" Hvitserk asked. 
 "Rough him up? What are we, twelve?" Ivar rolled his eyes, shifting his hand to lay on your thigh. "Let's just stab him."
 "Mom said no stabbings, asshat." Sigurd stated, blandly. 
 "She also said no playing music at 2am but we know how well you listened to that, dumb bitch." Ivar sneered back. 
 "Both of you! Shut. Up. Dammit." Ubbe squeezed your hand that he had managed to coax away from your face. "Y/n, please?"
 You slightly shook your head, a small smile on your lips from listening to the brothers bicker. Ubbe squeezed your hand again, almost in a silent pleading. Finally, you murmured, "It's not a big deal. It's really stupid." 
 "Doesn't matter, you're our girl." Ubbe said with a finality that reverberated in your bones. 
 You lowered your other hand, smiling at the four faces looking at you. They were truly your best friends, even if that line did seem to blur lately with how tactile they had become. Not that you truly minded but still. Even now, Ubbe was holding your hand from across the table, Ivar had his hand on your thigh and Hvitserk still had his head on your shoulder. Next to Ubbe, Sigurd was watching you with such fondness and concern it made your stomach clench. What made you so lucky for these sweet, handsome brothers to be concerned about your well-being?
 You squeezed Ubbe's hand back as you looked around the table at them. "You have to promise you won't get mad at me." You nudged Hvitserk off of you so you could look at his face too. 
 "Of course, sweet cheeks. Whatever you need." Sigurd smiled at you. 
 Once all the brothers gave their agreement, you hesitantly began speaking. "Okay, so I was heading back here when that guy stopped me. I think he was trying to hit on me."
 "Why do you think?" Hvitserk questioned. "It's usually pretty obvious when a guy is hitting on a girl."
 "No, that's just you." Ubbe teased. "You have no shame."
 "What? I see what I want and go after it."
 "Focus, idiots." Ivar flatly stated, this thumb rubbing a line on the outside of your thigh. 
 "Um," you tried to start up again but the butterflies in your stomach had turned into pterodactyls and you worried they would somehow escape and gods then you would be on some freaky TV show and no one would ever talk to you. "So….it….it's stupid and doesn't matter. I'm over it. Can we just forget it?"
 "Y/n, love, what happened?" Ubbe encouraged, his patient blue eyes like a warm balm to your frazzled nerves.
 You bit your lip, wondering if you could shove the topic away. Looking at the gazes of the brothers, you know they were not going to let this go, no matter how much you wanted them too. You took a deep breath then spilled out the story, your words almost stumbling into the next in your haste to hurry the hell up. "He said….he asked if I was here alone and I said I was with you guys. But then I think he was asking if I was single because he said clearly I wasn't with any of you guys because it was obvious you're all out of my league…."
 "He said that?" Ivar started to push himself up, grabbing his crutch that had been leaning against the table. "Where the fuck is he? I'm going to ram my fist so far down his throat he won't be able to…."
 You reached your other hand over and grabbed Ivar's hand, stilling his rage-fueled movements. "No, it's fine. Really. I sorta….um, got him back."
 "What did you say?" Ivar raised an eyebrow as he settled back next to you. 
 "Um….well…." Cue the delayed embarrassment and wishing this never happened.
 Hvitserk chuckled with a wicked smirk on his face. "Oh, this is going to be good if you are already stuttering and can't look us in the eye."
 "Shut up." You groaned, but unable to pull away, effectively trapped by the brothers. Ivar was holding your left hand between his; Ubbe held your right hand, your fingers intertwined now; Hvitserk leaned against the table to be able to see your face, with his hand loosely on your right hip; Sigurd's foot nudged yours encouragingly. You knew without them verbally saying so, that you had their full support, no matter what you said or ever needed, they had your back. "Ugh. Fine, okay. I, um, I told him that you guys were my harem and I was dating all of you." You rushed out, your gaze immediately dropping to the wood table, unable to convince yourself to see their expressions after. 
 For a second there was silence before the guys erupted in cheers and laughter. 
 "Hell yeah, that's our girl!"
 "Harem. Ha! You're more woman than that bastard could handle."
 Ubbe slyly looked at you, tugging on your hand until you met his gaze. "And you keep your men coming back for more?"
 "Um, right. I may have….mentioned….that I have needs and you guys, um, make sure I am very satisfied….and I know how to keep you guys coming back for more….yep. That's it. Oh gods, I'm going to go die now."
 Hvitserk's arm wrapped around your waist, keeping you pinned before you could even try and slip away like you wanted to, thank you very much. "Oh, I like this feisty side of you. Why haven't we seen her before?"
 "She gets me into trouble." You mumbled, as they laughed at your response. 
 "She sounds like fun. I'd date her in a heartbeat." Sigurd wiggled his eyebrows. 
 "What's wrong with you?" Ivar demanded. "I'd date y/n, feisty side or not. She's perfect." He loudly smacked a kiss to your temple. 
 "Guys…." You groaned, becoming slightly overwhelmed with the attention. The pterodactyls in your stomach were now dancing to a new tune and not just of embarrassment.  
 "I have to agree with my brothers, this is a new side of you but we like her." Ubbe winked at you, making your breath hitch for a moment. "Tell her she's allowed to visit whenever but we still like y/n either way."
 Hvitserk nuzzled your neck, making you squirm and your heart to race. "I bet that guy is jealous now."
 Throwing his head back, Ivar shouted. "Fuck him!"
 Sigurd took up the chant. "Yeah, fuck him! She's our woman!" 
 "WOULD YOU SHUT UP! THERE ARE CHILDREN AROUND FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!" An elderly man nearby yelled at your group. 
 It was only now that you noticed all the blatant stares the five of you were receiving from those sitting at tables nearby or walking past on the boardwalk. 
 "Oh, I am terribly sorry, sir. You are correct. We were just getting ready to leave." Ubbe placated, a grin still on his face. "Let's head back home."
 The five of you scrambled off the picnic table, laughter still surrounding you like a bubble of warmth that could rival the sun. Heading back to the shared apartment, you found yourself walking between Ubbe and Ivar. Sigurd and Hvitserk walked in front or turned around and walked backwards to make eye contact with you, a few winks thrown your way, making your face heat up again.  
 "You know," Ivar began, "as the youngest, I feel I should have special privileges. Like, I get to have her on the first day or I get to sleep in her bed whenever I want." 
 "No, that certainly sounds like privileges due to the eldest. Which would be me." Ubbe corrected, slipping his hand into yours. 
 You startled at the contact but did not pull away. When Ivar's hand snagged yours, you almost jumped. Your gaze darted from Ivar to Ubbe but both continued walking like nothing had occurred, forcing you to keep moving. It was just an inkling but you wondered if something had changed. Before you could ask, the brothers kept talking, continuing a conversation that left you baffled.
 Hvitserk turned around to walk backwards, giving you a flirty wink. "You two can share her bed but we all know she would want to sleep with me more since I'm the most handsome." 
 "I make her laugh more!" Sigurd argued, trying to punch Hvitserk in the shoulder but the other brother darted away laughing. 
 "A puppy makes her laugh more than you, dipshit." Ivar retorted, sticking his crutch out as Hvitserk moved, causing him to almost trip and fall on his face. 
 "What the hell?" Hvitserk demanded, a goofy grin still on his face. 
 Ivar rolled his eyes, giving your hand a squeeze. "Even sober, Hvitserk can't walk in a straight fucking line."
 You could not help but giggle at the affronted look on Hvitserk's face. 
 "Hmmm….we'll have to figure out some kind of rotating schedule so her time is spent equally with all of us." Ubbe said in all seriousness, continuing the conversation. 
 "Wait….what? WHAT?" You stopped in your tracks. Your mind whirled as you tried to make sense of what Ubbe was implying. The conversation you had been listening to but not understanding, the pieces seemed to suddenly click into place. Your gaze flittered like a hummingbird from one brother to another. "I thought….I mean, it was…."
 Hvitserk slipped between you and Ivar, snaking his arm through yours and guiding you to move again. "Nope, we're your harem now and you're our woman."
 "How about boss bitch? She's our boss bitch?" Ivar asked from just behind you. 
 Ubbe resumed his spot on your other side, shoving Sigurd away when he stopped in front of him. "That could be rude." 
 "How about our angel?" Sigurd offered.  
 "Why do you even keep fucking talking? All your ideas are shit." Ivar grumbled loudly. When a woman walking by gasped loudly, Ivar turned to glare at her. "Fucking what? I wasn't fucking talking to you!"
 "Oh no." You murmured, sharing an exasperated look with Ubbe. You peeked over your shoulder at Ivar. "Come on, honey. It's not worth it."
 He huffed but started walking again. "Fuck yeah, I got a pet name, bitches."
 "I still need one…" Hvitserk whined from beside you.
 Sigurd turned around. "Me too! It better not be 'sweetie' or something."
 You threw your hands up. "I'll think of something! Dammit! I wasn't prepared for this!"
 Sigurd nodded, still walking backwards. "We still need a name for y/n."
 "How about our darling? Y/n is our darling?" Ubbe shrugged. 
 "I still like boss bitch." Ivar grumbled. 
 "Oh my gods, what is my life right now?" You laughed, shaking your head. 
 "Just wait until we get home….I promise your life won't ever be the same." Hvitserk kissed your cheek, making your face heat up. 
 A smack on your ass had you whipping around to stare at Ivar in shock. 
 "Yeah, that's my ass right there. Can't wait to finally touch it." Ivar muttered. His roguish smile grew wider when he saw you gulp. 
 "Ah….what?" You turned to look up at Ubbe as he stole your hand once again, pressing a quick kiss to your knuckles before entwining your fingers. 
 "We have a promise to live up to and we have to make sure our girl is very satisfied." He purred out the last two words, sending a shiver down your spine.  
 "What's that mean?" You glanced around at the brothers but they just chuckled, dragging you in the direction of your shared apartment as quickly as they could without leaving Ivar behind. "Guys….guys?"
 "You're ours now." Hvitserk whispered into your ear. "And we're yours."
 Your stomach flipped at his sultry tone and his words. But it was the hungry looks from the brothers that made your womb clench and your hands tighten in Ubbe and Hvitserk's grasps. 
 There was one thing you were positive on….that after today, nothing would ever be the same. 
 And your heart raced in anticipation. 
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scarletwinterxx · 3 years
that time i knew i liked you too
as always, I was melting everytime the dreamies release new content. Hyuck just looked so adorable I cannot handle it. So here’s another scenario with him😊🌻
for my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2020 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
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“No no put me down, let me at him. Jeno, put me down” you said as you trash around Jeno’s shoulder. How you got there is a repeated story that always starts when you and Haechan are in the same room. 
“No, you’re going to hurt someone”
“Yea, I’m going to hurt him. Let me down, stop using your strength on me” you pounded your palms against his back but he just continued walking further away from Renjun who was holding Haechan back from you
“Would it hurt the two of you to just admit you like each other?” you hear Jaemin ask from beside you “Want to get smacked too? for the last time I don’t like him” 
Jeno finally put you back down on your feet, the two guys looking at you with a ‘we don’t believe you but we’ll pretend we do’ look
“I don’t!”
“Mhm, sure we’ll go with that” Jeno told you with a smile, his eyes disappearing completely while he does. This time instead of manhandling you, he just threw his arm casually around your shoulder but you know he’s trying to make sure you won’t run back to where Haechan was. 
“There’s a very thin line between love and hate” Jaemin mumbled, you looked over at him with a glare making the boy shoot his hands up in surrender. 
The chaotic relationship between you and Haechan started with friendly banters, he was a natural joker, the mood maker of the group. You on the other hand, is the exact opposite. 
When you exchanged schools, only knowing your cousin Jeno, he was quick to introduce to his group of friends. Ofcourse they were very nice and welcoming, you were on the same year as the four of them: Renjun, Jeno, Jaemin and Haechan. Soon after that you became an honorary member of that group, girls and some guys would sometimes ask favors from you to set them up with the guys. This always made you wonder why, not really understanding the craze other people have over your friends. In your eyes they were pretty normal, at times weird most times too loud.  
“Remember that time you threw a tantrum when someone asked you to give Haechan their valentine favor”
You scowled at the memory, last year during valentines one girl came up to you asking you to give Haechan her card and chocolates. You were too shy to say no, so after school was finished and you were all waiting in the parking lot, you all but practically shoved the box of chocolates to Haechan. The rest of the guys cheering but you cut them off by saying it wasn’t from you. 
“I did not. I was just not having a great day that day”
“Sure, you should see the look on his face when you said it didn’t come from you” Jeno said making you look over at him “Why? How did he look?” you asked, your curiosity getting the best of  you
“Wouldn’t you like to know” Jaemin teased you
It is true you both get on each other nerves, there’s one little thing that contradicts everything that just came out of your mouth though. 
You do like Haechan, more than you will ever care to admit. You’d rather be dead than ever admit you like him. Because at the end of the day, even when you two want to rip each other’s head off, you always end up together somehow. 
The next day you were waiting for Jeno to finish his last class since he picked you up this morning, sitting outside on one of the empty benches with book in hand. You were too emerged on your reading material that you didn’t notice the figure now sitting in front of you. Only when you turned the page and craned your neck to stretch it you did you notice the guy sitting across from you, 
“What the fuck! How long have you been there?” You asked Haechan, holding your book against your chest. “Long enough to notice how bad your posture is” he answered
“Says the guy who can’t sit or stand straight” you mumbled, closing the book and tucking it away in your bag
“If I were you, I’d be nice to the guy who’ll be driving me home”
“I don’t see Jeno here” you said looking around you, your cousin nowhere in sight. “No stupid, he has basketball practice. He asked me to drive you home”
You just shot him a blank look, for a couple of seconds he just shot you the same look before standing up
“Have it your way, I can just leave you here” then started to walk towards the parking lot. Scowling at his retreating figure, you quickly threw your bag over your shoulder following Haechan’s steps. 
He can already hear your hurried steps, a faint smile forming on his lips but he quickly shook it away. Acting nonchalant when you finally caught up with him,
“No, you won’t. Jeno will have your ass if leave me”
“No, he won’t” 
“Oh yea my bad, you don’t have an ass” he looked over at you, tongue poking the inside of his cheek. Silently daring you to repeat what you just said, so just send him a big sarcastic smile
“Watch it, babe. Don’t bite what you can’t chew”
“I don’t even know what that means, but let’s just pretend I do for your sake” You pat him on the shoulder before walking ahead. For awhile, neither of you said anything. A random playlist was playing while Haechan hums along, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. 
Haechan looked quickly over at you, your attention was focused on the scenery outside. If he could, he would look at you a little bit longer but he didn’t to be too obvious and that would be dangerous. So he just hummed as an answer, 
“huh?” you asked, looking over at him
“What do you mean what?”
“You called my name?”
“Oh I was just thinking about it, I didn’t know I said it outloud” you mumbled, you really didn’t mean to say it outloud. You were just looking out the sunset, it reminded you of his nickname which then made you think of his name. 
“You were thinking about me?” he chuckled
“I’d rather not comment on that” then it was silent again, thankful that he didn’t push it any further. 
“Want to grab something to eat?” he asked, this made you look over at him “I heard there’s this new café in town” he added. 
“Tell me the truth, can you read minds?” you asked him, you were just thinking about that too. You were planning to go later today after he dropped you off, maybe ask Jeno to come with after his practice but it makes more sense to just go now. You just didn’t expect Haechan to ask you 
“Only yours” he said with a smirk, sending you quick side eye. You rolled your eyes at him, “Can we go though?” you asked
And that is how you find yourself at the new café with your frenemy and kind of crush, Lee Haechan. You happily entered the place, taking in the smell of coffee and cake in the air, 
“Are you a dog? Stop sniffing” You hear Haechan say from behind you “Can’t help it, it smells so good. Oh my god is that chocolate cake” your attention was already on the rows of cake displayed. Completely missing the fond look on Haechan’s face as he watch you excitedly look at the snacks. 
He won’t say it but he finds it so adorable how happy you get with just the little simple stuff. 
“Do you want that? What do you want to drink?”
“Vanilla latte for me” you smiled up at him, for a second Haechan forgot how to breath forgot how to act around you. You were smiling so genuinely at him he wasn’t sure what to feel. 
“How about you?”
“Will you eat all the cake again or will you actually share it this time?” he asked back, dismissing his previous thoughts before you notice anything weird happening.
“I don’t recall doing such thing”
“Mhm sure, sweetheart. I have three other guys as witnesses” you scowled at him before turning back to the cake
Haechan ordered your drinks and cake while you sat outside and wait for him, you offered to split the bill but he just pushed you towards the door when you tried to pay for your food. Like he literally pushed you out
“Wipe that pout off, here’s your cake” at the sound of his voice, you put your phone down and smiled up at him. Well more at the plate of food he was holding
“Have I told you you’re my favorite?” you teased him, making the boy chuckle at you. You were already diving into the snack, happily swaying one hand in the air. 
“I’m starting to think you only like me when I give you food” 
“You’re thinking right” you answered straight away to tease him, chuckling when you felt him lightly kick you under the table. 
Later that day when you were finally home and was doing some homework, Jeno came over to check on you
“You made it home in one piece, that could only mean Haechan didn’t”
“Can’t say he will be missed” you replied, not even bothering to look up 
“You will though” this made you glare up at your cousin, “Why are you here again?”
“Oh right, well me and the guys plus a couple of other friends are going out of town this weekend, want to come with us?”
“When, where and who?”
“The guys, girls on some of our classes and Mark hyung is coming too. We’re renting a house with a pool, it looks really cool and we’ll stay there from Saturday til Sunday afternoon maybe”
You contemplated whether you wanted to come or not, it did sound fun. Plus you feel like you do need the time off anyways. 
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“I thought you hated each other” Jaemin said, looking between you and Haechan who is sporting the same look of boredom and annoyance. It’s currently 4am, kind of freezing outside and the guys are still loading the car with stuff.
“Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed” Renjun added, that earned a glare from Haechan and you. 
“Who else are we waiting for?” You grumbled, you wanted to get in the car and get some more sleep. Almost regretting ever agreeing to come to this trip, you felt a tug on your jacket sleeve. Looking over at Haechan who was holding out his coffee to you, you just shook your head at him. You liked drinking coffee, but  iced americano is not something you’d ever opt to order
“The girls are meeting us there, they said” Jeno answered you
“So who’s going in whose car?” Renjun asked, looking around the group
“Who’s driving again?” you asked, “Jeno and Haechan” 
You looked over at the boy leaning beside you, “You’re driving? You look like you’re about to pass out”
“That’s why I’m drinking this”
“I’ll go wherever I can sleep for the duration of this trip”  Jaemin said, already walking towards Jeno’s jeep getting in the passenger seat. 
“How about you?” Jeno asked you, “I’m with Jaemin, I don’t really care as long as I can sleep some more”
“Backseat is still pretty spacious, make yourself comfortable” he said then opened the car door for you, doing exactly what your cousin just said. 
“I thought you were going with Haechan” Jaemin said from the front seat, “Don’t start with me right now, let me sleep then you can bug me about him later”
The rest of the trip you were sleeping soundly at the backseat, the two boys talking amongst themselves. It was a four hour car ride so by the time you got to the vacation house it’s still too early for lunch. 
“Who wants to go to the grocery with me?” Jaemin asked, Renjun saying he’ll come with and pulling Haechan along with him
Hours later when they got back and finished unloading all the food for the weekend, you were just lounging around. Some of the guys were by the pool while you were in the lounge area with Jaemin and Jisung when Jeno and Haechan showed up. You were happily snacking on some cookies you when Haechan spotted you, Jeno immediately noticing Haechan’s gaze on you and the cookies you were holding
“Please tell me you you’re not going to fight over cookies”
“Will that make you happy?” Haechan asked his friend to which Jeno nodded as an answer, “Too bad then, give me back my cookies” Haechan turned his attention back to you, reaching out to grab the bag of treats
“I don’t see your name written here, plus I was the one who told Jaemin to get it at the grocery store”
“I went with him to the grocery store”
“Should’ve bought your own cookies then”
“I did! Those are mine”
The two of you were too busy arguing to notice the other guys have left the room to join the others outside, leaving you and Haechan alone in the lounge area. You sat on the opposite sides of the big couch, just chilling when Haechan walked in demanding to give his cookies back
“I’ll give you five seconds to give it back”
“Oooh I’m so scared”
“5, 4, 3” just as you were about to take another cookie from the bag, you feel his hand clamp around your ankle then pulling you towards the other side of the couch where he was sitting.
Now your legs are draped on his lap while his arms rest on them, “You said 5!”
Haechan just glared at you before snatching the bag out of your hands and taking some cookies for himself
“Leave some for me” you said as you try to reach for the bag “No, you already ate half of it”. 
You scowled at him until he gave the bag back to you, not even moving from your current position since you are pretty comfortable and the boy don’t seem to mind. Already busy scrolling through his phone, 
“Why aren’t you downstairs with the guys? I heard the girls arrived too”
“Too tired”
“I heard Yeji came today”
“You know she gave you those chocolates last year for valentines, right?”
“Like you would ever let me forget” he was still scrolling through his phone, one hand resting on top of your legs comfortably. If any of the boys walk in on you know they’d probably shoot you weird looks but when it’s just the two of you, you don’t really fight like cats and dogs. 
“Don’t you like, like her back atleast?”
“I mean she said she liked you, don’t you think it’s a bit mean to not talk to her after that. Plus,. I think she came so she could spend some time with you and yet here you are hiding away”
“Well maybe I like spending time with you”
You looked at him like he told you the most ridiculous and confusing fact, Haechan looking over at you when you didn’t reply back to him
“What’s that look for?”
“Who are you and what have you done to Haechan?” You asked, leaning over to put a hand over his forehead. He just chuckled at you, swatting your hand away
“I just got the chills when you said that”
“Like the good kind of chills?” he teased, “No, the kind that’s making me want to throw up kind of chills” you sarcastically replied
He scowled at you, pushing your legs off of him before standing up. “You know, it’s not that hard to just admit it”
“Admit what?”
“That you actually like hanging out with me”
“I never said I didn’t, even if you get on my last nerves”
“I like keeping you on your toes, baby. I’ll be outside if you miss me” he winked at you then walked out the lounge area. 
What just happened? Was he flirting with you? Did he know? You thought to yourself.  
And boy does he love getting on your last nerve. You will never assume that he’s doing thing on purpose just to piss you off, but after your conversation with him he’s been talking more to Yeji the whole day. 
He’s naturally friendly and affectionate, no one can argue that. And it’s not like you have a right to be jealous, your pride is too high to admit Jaemin’s actually right.
You do like Haechan. 
So what do you do? you mope around without meaning to, the boiys noticing your change in mood throughout the night. 
You were just standing beside Jaemin as he grill the meat for dinner, not really saying much
“You’re going to burn holes to the ground if you keep staring at it like that” Jaemin said as he look over at your brooding figure
“Let me be, I don’t any place else to be”
“Uh how about hanging out with our friends”
“Your friends” you mumbled making Jaemin laugh at you, “Oh my god, I cannot with you. If it bother’s you this much, just admit it already. It will save us both the time and emotional stress”
“Hiw are you getting stressed, I’m literally not even saying anything here” you told him, lightly hitting him on the back. 
Meanwhile, on the other side of the garden area, Haechan was watching you and Jaemin. Not in a creepy way though. He just happen to notice you’ve been missing, only to find you standing by the grill with his bestfriend
“Yah Jeno, is there something going on with Y/N and Jaemin?” Haechan can’t help but ask when Jaemin laughed at something you just said
“I mean they always hang out”
“Yea, well they’re friends” Jeno shrugged, “We’re friends too” Haechan grumbled, taking a big gulp of the drink Jeno just put on the table
“Are you perhaps jealous of the two?” Jeno asked, “Absolutely not, I was just asking”
“Well, don’t tell Jaemin I told you this but I think he’s going to ask her out this weekend” that was a complete and total lie, he only said that to push Haechan to finally do something. And judging by the way he’s now practically glaring over your make makes Jeno think he did the right thing. 
“I heard you even went out on a date with him” Jaemin said, making you look at him with confusion 
“Huh? When?” “The other day when he had an emergency practice”
“We just went to the cafe, it wasn’t a date”
“Right, right. Because that’s how you spend time with a person you don’t like”
“I don’t don’t like him”
“So you like him?”
“If i say yes will you stop?”
“I-” “Say yes to what?” Someone said from behind you, making Jaemin stop his sentence. 
Haechan looked back and forth between you and Jaemin, while Jeno looked like he was about to laugh. 
“Nothing” you answered quickly before Jaemin could utter another word, then skipped away to where the others were. Jeno was shooting his bestfriend with the ‘just go with it’ expression before Haechan catches on
“What was that about?” Haechan asked, “Oh I was just asking her something” Jaemin answered with a cheeky smile
He couldn’t have asked her already, right? Haechan thought. As the night went on, he can’t help but notice how you were obviously avoiding him. You looked like you were enjoying yourself when the guys invited you to play beerpong with them while this time he’s the one moping around. 
When you went inside to get something from the kitchen, Haechan immediately shoot up from his seat to follow you. Itching to ask you if Jaemin asked you out or not. 
“You think he’ll ask her out?” Jeno asked as he watch Haechan follow you, “Huh? Haechan? Why what did you tell him?” Jaemin asked back
“That you were going to ask Y/N out”
“Bro what the fuck, he’s going to kill me if I do”
You on the other hand had no idea about this, so when Haechan cornered you in the kitchen suffice to say you were pretty shocked, 
“Did you say yes to Jaemin?” he asked
“Say yes to what?”
“Didn’t he ask you out?”
“Huh?” you asked confused, Jaemin definitely did not ask you out. You know for a fact that he’s currently crushing on the new girl, Yoo Jimin. 
“Are you not sure or you just don’t want to tell me”
“I’m so confused, one why would Jaemin ask me out and two why would I not want to tell you?” You asked, geniunely confused with him. “Because”
“Because?” you urged for him to continue
“God! You’re really going to make me say it first will you?” he sounded so frustrated you almost laughed, “I don’t know what you want to say Haechan, but please go ahead because like I said I’m very confused right now”
It took him approximately five seconds to think about his next actions, he counted up to three in his head before saying screw it then the next thing he know he was grabbing you by the waist, his lips on yours. 
You definitely did not expect that this is how your weekend will turn out, and you most definitely not think you would end up kissing Haechan. But here you were, trapped between the counter and him. His arms secured around your frame while your hands were resting on his arms. 
It’s like your mind and body were to separate entities, not one part of a single body because in your mind you were freaking out but your body was acting like this was how it was supposed to be all along. 
When the two of you eventually had to come up for air, you can’t help but stare at him
“What was that?” you whispered, his forehead resting on yours
“Me shooting my shot” 
Then you were laughing, Haechan looked at you like you just lost your mind
“You know this is the part where you say it worked”
“I- wait hold up. You like me?” you asked him, “You liked me first!” he screeched, pointing a finger at himself
“Says who?” 
“Says your cousin, then Jaemin and Renjun. Then you” You made a mental note to hit those three guys later
“Me? Just the other day I almost punched you in the face. If that was your indication of me liking you then you’re really messed up in the head”
“So you’re saying you don’t like me?” he asked, this time with a more serious look on his face. 
“I could neither confirm nor deny” you answered, trying to rile him up even more. You already know the answer, but it was nice to see Haechan like this.
“You know in my head, this wasn’t how I imagined this moment would turn out”
“Oh so you imagined kissing me” he smirked you, “As much you imagined kissing me” you retorted back, you had him there. 
“A bit underwhelming, not gonna lie”
That made Haechan do the thing you think is so attractive but never told a single soul because it was your secret, it’s when he pokes the inside of his cheeks with his tongue whenever he’s annoyed or things don’t go his way. 
“Are you saying I’m not a good kisser?”
“I’m saying it could be better” you shrugged, enjoying your new found power over him. It was short lived though because the next thing you know you were thrown over his shoulder then he was walking back out the patio. 
“Yah, Haechan don’t hurt her. I need to bring her back in one piece” you hear Jeno say 
“Sure, but it’s fine if she’s a bit wet right?”
“What?” you screamed then you were thrown in the pool, quickly resurfacing to the surface to see Haechan smirking at you. Instead of saying anything you just swam towards the ledge, hoisting yourself out the pool. 
“You look like you need a hug” you shot him a wicked smile as you walk towards him, you can hear cheers and laughter coming from your friends
“No thank you, baby. Maybe later”
“Come here”
“Don’t want to”
“No more kisses for you. 3 2″ then you were back in the pool again but this time Haechan was in there with you. Laughing as you watch him shake his hair out of his face, 
“Stop laughing you look like a wet dog” he said as he swam towards you, arms snaking your waist once again. As his lips close on your once again, you can’t help but smile. You’re pretty sure you heard your friends scream but all of that was background noise, it’s just you and him now. 
“How about that? Am I a good kisser now?”
“I don’t know, maybe try again”
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baejax-the-great · 3 years
WIP Whenever
I think i was tagged for something on Sunday, but I was hanging out with family. So here is Bethany and Alistair having a deserved reprieve from angst
cw: rabbit death
“Don’t move,” Bethany said. She gestured with her hands and called a Maker’s Fist to slam straight into the ground with a whump. Unfortunately, when he saw what she’d done, he could not share her little exclamation of triumph or her smile.
In the center of the completely crushed underbrush was the sorriest and unluckiest rabbit Alistair had ever seen.
“You squashed it,” he accused. The poor thing was completely flattened and entirely disgusting. All the insides now on the outside and somehow also flat. Grisly.
“The spell might have been a little stronger than I needed,” she said with a shrug.
“A little?” Some of the grass was smoking. The smell was… lamentable.
“You can still eat it,” she huffed, “Just… clean off the guts first.”
Alistair crossed his arms over his chest. “Nope, not happening. I’m not touching that. You ruined the poor thing, you can clean it.”
Her mouth dropped open. “Good luck catching your own dinner, then. Do they teach bare-handed jungle rabbit-catching at the monastery?”
“No, they don’t, but I do know the Circle teaches ice traps.” Her head tilted as she considered that option. He knew she agreed with him when she bit her lip. “Or, blast, paralysis trap would be best, right? Then we could do it the old-fashioned way. Catch me one with a paralysis trap, and I’ll gut it and clean it for you.”
Bethany looked like she might start shouting again, even opened her mouth for a retort, but then blew all the air out.
“Well, what do I know?” she muttered, “They don’t teach mages how to hunt in a Circle, do they? Great big walls and all meals served up. Skipped rabbit-hunting class.”
Alistair couldn’t help it. He started laughing. If there had once been meat on that poor creature—if there had once been bones—it was now all just a jumbled smear on the ground. Bethany started laughing, too, her hand covering her mouth, which was unlucky because it was damned tricky luring rabbits into her traps when they were both giggling in the underbrush.
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