#in oao. and it is exactly that :'-)
colgatebluemintygel · 2 months
Dear toothpaste
I just wanted you to know that WITHOUT fail! When I read the bit in OAO ( which I’ve just done ) where Sirius wakes up the morning after and remus is smiling to himself and Sirius describes how he’s never seen that one and it seems like such a private moment he doesn’t want to interrupt him ( I SOB UNCONTROLLABLY) and then remus making the coffee and them smoking together and remus “ I don’t mind” and everything’s like “ I love you “ but they’re just completely misunderstanding each other anyway sorry I just - this is not really
Remus was soooo happy I just abhfdxssss the relief of it just makes me crumble crackle and pop 😭😭😭😭😭
SAILORRRRR HIIII HELLOOOOO kissing you on the cheek and bringing u a chair to sit on O:-))))
gahhhhhh REMOOSE did not sleep a WINK that night .. he had sirius snoozing in his arms and he kept pinching himself trying to wake up ... layin there like 👁️👁️ this cannot be real. not after all these years . but the minutes kept passing and he could feel sirius' breath on his skin and the sky started getting lighter and the city n the birds woke up and remus realised that it Is Real, and while sirius might not love him (lol .. lmao even!), he at least wants remus a little, and he wants to keep wanting him like That, and really that is all remus has ever wanted ....... and of course beneath all that he is terrified and waiting for the shoe to inevitably drop like he knows it will, but for that moment he is truly happy like he has never been happy before ....... :^))))))
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dixbolik-lovers · 1 year
carla should just be a housewife for me. 🥺💍that’s all your honour. (i love your work sm. you make me want to hurt and comfort pathetic boys.)
Agreed. oAo And thank you!! Glad you're enjoying my works!
. . .
Carla is... not great at the whole housewife thing. It's not exactly for a lack of trying (when the First Blood king decides to do something, he's determined to be perfect at it), but simply because he has no idea what he's doing. With servants and familiars around, he's never had to do anything particularly domestic before, and that means he's more than a little clueless. Expect plenty of burned meals and small-scale household disasters until he gets the hang of his new duties.
However, while the initial learning curve irritates him massively, Carls does eventually start to enjoy what he's doing. For one, he'll take pride in anything he does— if a task wasn't worthy of him, he wouldn't be wasting his time on it, in the first place. But beyond that, there's something shamefully peaceful about having the scope of his worries so drastically reduced. Even if it's only on rare occasions, devoting himself to this role means that Carla doesn't have to think about being the king, for once. You're happy with him. He's doing something right. There's no failure and no terrible consequences waiting right around the corner. And being free of his usual dignity, for once, is more of a relief than he'll admit.
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senjuushi · 2 years
keeping belga in a cage?!?!? Lorenz is no blorbo of mine and shall be chewed like a dog toy(derogatory).
Exactly! R!Lorenz is a little bastard, which is even more of a shame because his original-game version was so cute. oAo
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arrancxr · 2 years
What kind of stuff are you looking for for Yammy? He doesn't have a lot to work with in the show so is it just random headcannons?
It's not so much "headcanons" as "trying to figure out how to characterize him". So more meta-ish stuff??? oAo There not being a lot to work with is EXACTLY why we're doing this.
And I actually have quite a few good ones in my drafts now! My brain is all over the place, and I'm trying to catch up on alllll kinds of things at once, but I'll be answering the asks when I can. I'm sorry, original anon, you're gonna have to wait just a little longer. XD
I might have a Szayel fic for y'all soon though...
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Hunter for the Character Bingo! 🪶
Oooh nice oAo
I don't know what "putting them in a salad spinner" implies exactly but i'd do it anyways
Tumblr media
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satorhime · 2 years
I finished chap 3 of the love hypothesis and my thoughts are abundant. Not a fan of the hypothesis sections but I like Adam's motives for fake dating. Olive.. she spirals so much that I want to just put both hands on her cheeks, look deep into her eyes and tell her to breathe in and out OAO! Learned a new word (assay). Lol when they both said/thought the same thing. wtf Olive TAT, what is your perception of this man that you think cow-tipping and Japanese beetle fighting would be his hobbies?!D:
tbh they’re just chapter headers so i wouldn’t pay too much attention to them. but yeah, i love how much she teases him about being a stiff piece of cardboard because that’s exactly what he is LMAO. a lot of people don’t like olive (bc ppl hate on female mcs just for breathing) but she’s so relatable to me. my brain works a lot like hers because i, too, would fake date my… okay never mind but she’s relatable!!!!
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wcrpconfessionbooth · 8 months
hi water!!!!! i hope your day is nice :3!!!! im in a group i love but like hate because the recent plot beat was absolutely awful in terms of resolution. but the rest of this group is so good (even if this left an awful taste in my mouth DX ) so the TLDR is that a cat got hatecrimed/near murdered for believing in a fish diety,.. the cat who tried to kill them got to run away AND another cat hid the fur/evidence from the hatecrimed cat,.. btw in group we are nawt allowed to call dis a hatecrime despite it literally being religiously based. like errrm? oAo anyway the murderer and the cat who helped hide evidence both got put into a rehab system instead of any punishment bc of the mods not wanting to "replicate the prison system" these are fictional cats…, excuse me,,,? sowwy,,,? (yes theres issues with the justice system for sure but uhm. what does that have to do with fun fictional punishments wtf? god forbid someone wants conflict to write with) and then. the cat who DID the hatecrime . the person who played them left the group bc they felt like their cat wasnt liked enough. HOW DO U WANT PEOPLE TO LIKE SOMEONE WHO HATECRIMES WTH THATS ON U TO MAKE THEM LIKEABLE??!
Hey Anon! My day has been swell. It's a shame when there's a little bump in an otherwise great group, I totally get feeling conflicted when a plot ends up a little.. fumbled. But, that's one HECK of a TDLR! There's so much to unpack there. This sure sounds convoluted but If the attack was genuinely due to a religious affiliation, that is by definition a hate crime. A hate crime is defined as "a crime, typically one involving violence, that is motivated by prejudice on the basis of ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or similar grounds." - Definitions from Oxford Languages. So unfortunately, if what anon here is telling is the truth- Staff of this unnamed group, please acknowledge that it is exactly what it says on the tin! This is fiction and ultimately the best way to work through the aforementioned 'issues' with the prison system is just to do research. Not every prison is the US's, and punishments are not exclusive to prison establishments. I will also reiterate that this is fiction and part of the fun is doing stuff that isn't in our real life world (for example, talking cats!) Forcing everyone to be friends and to silence them for calling it out as it is is certainly a choice. Conflict is part of what makes warrior cats good, but it's important for everyone to be comfortable too. Which, if the person whose character hatecrimed left, it's likely because they didn't feel comfortable being in the group anymore because of the usage of the term around them. Obviously, however, actions do tend to have consequences (unless you're here, i suppose? I'll go to rehab for my opinions ) and this is why it is important to discuss matters like this prior to roleplaying them out. That way this could've easily been avoided. As a response to the final line, this is very close to the warning in my submissions in which something is pointed at someone specific. Please refrain from pointed outbursts to individuals.
Mod water
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mejomonster · 4 years
im thinking about silent reading again and how only around 50 chapters are translated
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amenomiko · 4 years
Yeah I don't do SLBP fictions but I'm just curious. What if SLBP characters meet with IkeSen Characters?
IkeSen Nobu: .....
SLBP Nobu: .....
IkeSen Nobu: Well? Does your MC allows you to drink sake from her lips?
SLBP Nobu: What-
IkeSen Nobu: Hm. I see that your MC is not bold as mine, then.
SLBP Nobu: Hooh? Does your MC do it for you?
IkeSen Nobu: *Grins* Always.
MC: Say it again or you will see darkness once I touch your bloody neck Nobunaga (✿❛◡❛).
IkeSen Hide: ☺ Nice to meet you.
SLBP Hide: Hehehe same here ᕕ( ՞ ᗜ ՞ )ᕗ!
IkeSen Hide: You are very young aren't you?
SLBP Hide: You can say that ☺. But I admire you so much! You have lots of fan girls 😲✨
IkeSen Hide: They are just a bunch of lovely ladies. I am not that popular ☺
SLBP Hide: ...Senpai 😳✨✨✨
IkeSen Hide: What- who taught you that--
IkeSen Masa: HAH! What's life if you don't ride your horse like this ٩( ᐛ )و! *Ride his horse by STANDING on it*
SLBP Masa: *Went pale* Uhh..
IkeSen Masa: Come on, lad! You only live once (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)✨✨✨✨
SLBP Masa: But I don't think that is safe..
SLBP Kojuro: Exactly. What in the world.. Hey, you just let your master do those dangerous act?
IkeSen Kojuro: This is not a first time. Besides, I'm happy as long as he is happy uwu✨✨✨
IkeSen Mitsu: *Grins*
SLBP Mitsu: (´・ェ・`)...?
IkeSen Mitsu: Ah, pardon me. I'm just thinking on how lucky you are, living in a castle without having a mother hen in it ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^).
SLBP Mitsu: Mother hen? Well yes, since our food supplies like chicken is placed separately away from the castle.
IkeSen Mitsu: And it is to my knowledge that your MC is very pure?
SLBP Mitsu: *Smiles* Yes, she is. She is very kind too. How about your MC? I heard that she is a strong lady.
IkeSen Mitsu: Yes. She is over there (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵).
MC: *Takes Mitsuhide's gun and pointed it to a cockroach* PEW PEW MADAFAKA OAO
SLBP MC: *Already fainted from so called cockroach +A+*
SLBP Mitsu: ( ☉д⊙)....
IkeSen Nari: (ㆁᴗㆁ✿)🌸🌸🌸🌸
SLBP Nari: (눈‸눈)....
SLBP Nari: You are a tactician you say? Sorry not sorry to say this but you don't look like it.
IkeSen Nari: Am I? Oh.. You don't have to be sorry. Being honest already explains that you are a kind person (❁´◡`❁).
SLBP Nari: No. I'm clearly mocking you here.
IkeSen Nari: Eh? But you don't look like it. Because you are like Ieyasu-sama. He may look strict and firm, but he is very kind (*´ω`*)
SPBP Nari: You are beyond help are you?
IkeSen Nari: See? You even want to help me! I'm honored ((o(*>ω<*)o))!
SLBP Nari: .....*groans*
IkeSen Ieyasu: *Appears beside him* Welcome to the club.
IkeSen Yasu: 😒😒😒😒
SLBP Yasu: 😒😒😒😒
IkeSen Yasu: What's with that clothes for war? Your helmet is weird.
SPBP Yasu: Heh. Unlike you, you don't wear anything on your head. Don't blame me if an arrow stab across that messy hair of yours.
IkeSen Yasu: Your skills doesn't need to be used on battlefield at all, as your bright yellow armor hurts people's eyes.
SLBP Yasu: And your clothes still have those puffy ball scarf, that's not an armor, that's a winter clothes.
Sasuke: IkeSen Yasu and SLBP Yasu, my dream came true (´;A ;`)❤❤❤❤❤
IkeSen Kenshin: (눈‸눈)...
SLBP Kenshin: (*´ω`*)🌸🌸🌸🌸
IkeSen Kenshin: Your room.. Is this even a room? What's with this small rocks with weird shape, and those dry flowers, and those mushrooms? Is this a storage room given to you as your chamber?
SPBP Kenshin: *Gasp* QAQ don't call my beloved baby rocks that way! They have a name! You see, this one is Hana, Sumire and Kanae, and..
SLBP Kanetsugu: He gave it a name. Great. Just great (-"-;)
IkeSen Kanetsugu: (눈‸눈)....
IkeSen Kenshin: Be quiet. You are disturbing my peace in drinking this sake.
SLBP Kenshin: Ooooh OAO✨✨✨ you drink sake with plum??
IkeSen Kenshin: Yes. It's the best pleasure ever. Hm.
SLBP Kenshin: *Gasp and take one of the plums in his hand* Can I have this? This plum is so beautiful 😳😳😳✨✨✨ I've fallen in love ❤❤❤❤
IkeSen Kenshin: ...What. *spills his sake onto the floor instantly*
SLBP Kenshin: Yaaay! New friend ((o(*>ω<*)o))!
IkeSen Kanetsugu: *Holds SLBP Kanetsugu casually* (눈‸눈)...
IkeSen Shingen: (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)✨✨✨
SLBP Shingen: ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)✨✨✨
IkeSen Shingen: (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵) Dango?
SLBP Shingen: ☺☺☺ Sure.
IkeSen Shingen: Your hair really represents Takeda as a whole, eh. I like that.
SPBP Shingen: 😏😏😏 Heh. It's also like a charming point, as it captured both men and women's heart.
IkeSen Shingen: So.... You even do men like the rumors said?
SLBP Shingen: *Grins* Well, up to you to believe it 😏
IkeSen Shingen: Oh.. *Turns away and eat his sweets with a straight face*
IkeSen MC: You are lucky that your place has some BL 😒
SLBP MC: Pardon? What is a BL O.O?
IkeSen Yuki: ಠ_ಠ...
SPBP Yuki: (´。_。`)...
IkeSen Yuki: You eyes are so blue. Are you a barbarian's child? Wait- Even your lord has red eyes. Uh.. Okay.
SLBP Yuki: Well it is created that way. My brother has blue eyes too.
IkeSen Yuki: So.. Your MC. *looks left to right before turning to SLBP Yuki* Does she run like a wild boar?
SLBP Yuki: Huh?? What- ( ☉д⊙)??
IkeSen Yuki: Our first encounter was bad. Not only she run and bump onto me roughly, she even make us nearly fell off the cliff.
SLBP Yuki: W-wow. People from the future sure have lots of energy (°д°).
*Suddenly, a R18 book landed in the middle of the place they were sitting* PAP!! Σ📚
Both: *JUMPS*EEEEEKKKK \(O//////A///////O)/
Sasuke: *Takes note* I see, I see, no matter which game he's in, his mind is still a pure virgin (´・ェ・`).
IkeSen Sasuke: (´・ェ・`)....
SPBP Sasuke: (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)✨✨✨
IkeSen Sasuke: *Looks from his chest to SLBP Sasuke's toned and bulky chest and back to him* I see. So this is the feeling like those anime characters with flat chest compared to those who has plump chest. *sigh* (´・ェ・`)
SLBP Sasuke: Don't let it get to you! I trained for years to get this too!
IkeSen Sasuke: It's alright. I don't think my MC has interest in Jojo-Like Humans as we are all created with a normal toned body.
SLBP Sasuke: Jojo who 🙃?
IkeSen Sasuke: Do you say ORA ORA ORA ORA when you attack your enemy?
SLBP Sasuke: ...No ʕʘ̅͜ʘ̅ʔ.
IkeSen MC: (✿❛◡❛)
SLBP MC: (ㆁᴗㆁ✿)
IkeSen MC: So you can cook?
SLBP MC: Hehehe yes. My family runs a restaurant. And you can sew, right?
IkeSen MC: Yes, I'm a seamstress in the castle (*´ω`*).
SLBP MC: Woww..! That's nice 🌸🌸🌸 I heard that you are brave too..! Unlike me.. My hair were cut into half and.. I was punched and.. *sighs* (´;ω;`)
IkeSen MC: *Sweats* Uh... *Gulps*
IkeSen MC: I'm glad I'm so sassy and just got locked up and the men swoon to my smile. Heh. Heheh. Phew. ʕʘ̅͜ʘ̅ʔ
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I can't get over the fact that Remus wrote sappy poetry with STAR metaphoras and they are still wondering who it was about... that was very brave of him!!!
he was testing the waters. gauging interest. being brave! unfortunately it fell upon deaf ears </3 our fav oblivious king, the one n only
remus nervously standing there like. sooooo. padfoot.... what do you think?
and sirius being like :-) this is a really lovely poem moony :-) you're sooo talented :-)
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dixbolik-lovers · 1 year
hey i was just wondering, why exactly is carla your fav character?
........so many reasons. OAO
At first, I didn't like him. Carla didn't stand out to me for quite a while. In fact, he was probably close to the bottom of my fav list. What first caught my attention was when I saw, somewhere, someone talking about how different in personality he was as a child.
I started looking into his character more after that, and fell hard.
The thing that makes Carla my absolute favorite is just... him. His personality appeals to me massively; the contrast between his persona as the cold-hearted, cruel, proud First Blood king and his shockingly soft, gentle inner self is excellent, and the moments where we see just how badly his trauma has affected him, despite all of his efforts to appear invincible are just lsjkhjsgh
He's hilarious. He's adorable. He's the most powerful character in the series and an absolute idiot simultaneously. He's probably faking the ultra-deep voice. He can't stand the sound of children crying. He's terrified of Azusa. He got his head stuck in a pumpkin mask.
Carla is incredible, and I adore him. <3
((Also, this post explains some things very well.))
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darkicedragon · 2 years
darkicedragon uwu jayce being a physical guy with touching a person he cares abt and viktor just being ?, and not exactly sure what to do with his hands when jayce leans in for a hug but also, viktor very much not being used to touch at all darkicedragon Also, jayce trying to Strongly Hint that he likes viktor in like Science Metaphors But it goes whizzing over viks head bc he is distracted with trying to solve jayces problem, and obvs noone wld be interested in him Jayce just like qwq darkicedragon Jayce comes in with a bunch of flowers and gives them to vik 'I got these for u' ^--^ 'Oh, thank you-' 8D! '-i can use them for testing the hexcore. We just ran out of our latest batch' D8 '...whats wrong?' 'Aaahaha, nothing'
darkicedragon jayce gets viktor a gift and viktor takes it apart, wanting to know the mechanics of how it works which actually isnt TOO bad for jayce, bc viktor enjoyed it and they progressed a couple more steps with viktors new insight aZure flies right over his head the same way Sky's comments did 'I like you." *immersed in SCIENCE* "I like you too." and Jayce can't tell if he's serious or he's just saying it truth is, Vik didn't even notice what Jayce said and his brain just formulated an answer darkicedragon 'yes, i like you too' ouo-!! 'i really enjoy the work we build together' ono aZure makes viktor a gift like a puzzle challenge thingy and gets Vik's attention the same way you'd get the attention of a cat Vik going ^0-0^ at the challenge darkicedragon a much better one compared to the toy one the councillor has XDD darkicedragon also also jayce got it as a nostalgic reason, and vik starts disasassembling it 'w-what are you doing?' 'mm? isnt that why you bought it?' 'viktor... youre acting like youve never seen this before' 'bc i haven't' 'you didn't?? what kind of toys did you have growing up??' '..............i didn't. not bought for me, in any case. not like this' OAO oh, oops, didnt read jayve made it XD;;; darkicedragon jayce getting desperate and is like, 'okay, so, if someone were to like you, what would they have to do for you to realise' 'no-one would be interested in me' 'but if hypothetically if someone were-' 'they wouldn't be. im a cripple from the undercity, with no family name to speak of, no social power, no influence or wealth. there would be no reason for anyone to have any interest in me' 'what abt your looks and your brains?' 'a uniform of the academy, and you are the one who drives our ideas' 'and youre the one who makes them happen!' QnQ ... e^e? 'are you all right?' '................im fine.' QnQ aZure > also also jayce got it as a nostalgic reason no, no, I think ur onto something bc imagine them talking about childhood and Vik's just quiet darkicedragon hes used to not talking abt his past, bc he knows the ppl of piltover dont care, or worse, he despises the pitying looks he gets aZure > jayce getting desperate and is like, Jayce is just QwQ 'pls, help me here' then Vik is like =-= O-O 'ah, you must be trying to pursue someone? I'm afraid I've little experience in the matter. perhaps you can ask someone else?' darkicedragon jayce just like 😭
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senjuushi · 2 years
The ninety fic left me in tears!! Just when I thought it couldn’t get sadder, it did! I binged all of it in one night and it perfectly itched the urge to hideaway the gun boys and take care of them in every way possible :,) It was exactly what I needed to read bc I’m a big caretaker at heart. And ofc I then immediately binged to mikhael fic too which had the same affect,,,
I’m so excited to see you continue this series, and I’d honestly be happy to see any of the boys get the same treatment but if you’d like some suggestions I think it’d be interesting to see someone like Eins, Mauser, or Hermes be cared for or even the boys who really need the attention like Siegblut or Ghost (although arguably all of them need the attention)
But again I’m just happy to see what else you’ll be coming up with!! 💗💗
Literal tears? OwO And yeah, the character study series is VERY sad, in the sense that it's designed to show just how damaged the Moderns are, and how badly they need Master to take care of them~
Eins, Mauser, and Herme fall into a similar category, but tbh they'd each have a very different way of handling the fic's scenario! Mauser really stands out in that he's needy— he may act brick-ish like the other two, but his desperate side is a lot closer to the surface. Herme, meanwhile, is probably just going to have a major mental breakdown and have to pull himself together again from there. Eins would honestly take it the best out of the three of them. While he's very bad at existing outside of war, I don't think he'd be as distressed by the new environment and expectations as the other two.
Oh, Ghost and Sieg are just pathetic. OAO You think Ninety and Mikhael made you feel all protective and sad? Those two are so much worse. Ghost is so, so fragile, and he gets pitifully attached to Reader from the first scrap of attention they give him. And Siegblut... aaaahh, he's going to be a mess. I'm really, really excited to write his version, but I'm always compelled to save my favs for later/last. So I'm conflicted about choosing him so early in the lineup. >.<
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arrancxr · 2 years
can’t decide if i love or hate canon innocents. cause i enjoy canon, but i have the overwhelming urge to cuddle and spoil and just love all of them
I adore Innocents canon. It's gruesome and visceral and painful to read in plenty of places, but that's why I love it so much. It fulfills exactly what it sets out to do, which is to make its audience feel very many, often not pleasant things.
Still, I get you. oAo By the end of it, you feel awfully bad for the poor kids. My taste in fiction leads me to want to explore that meanness just as often as I want to give them nice things, but yeahhhh I very much understand the feeling of wanting to see everyone happy and well after everything.
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hi-i-am-ryo-satsuma · 3 years
omfg I was exactly today years old when I found out you can have multiple firefox profiles open at the same time on the same pc with different sets of logins entirely, including discords holyshit I feel like I'm going mad with power OAO
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roshellow29 · 2 years
Zips: WHOA WHOA WHOA HEY TIME OUT!!! *bubbles Crimson* Dude you’re destroying my friend’s place AND scaring them!
Crimson: *roars angrily as he tries to get out* THEY ALL DESERVE TO BE DISINTEGRATED FOR ABDUCTING MY CHILD!!!!
Zips: DUDE! Exactly my point! CALM DOWN! OAO💦
Eden: *scoffs* as if it wasn't YOUR fault you couldn't even look after your kid and let him get all the way out here! You Irresponsible idiot!
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