#imvu luxe
bravumagazine · 4 months
Os ensaios da Megan foram babado!
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Tipo assim, se você não sabe quem é MEGAN BUTLER você então é tipo de outro planeta, né? Ou ao menos não joga role play no IMVU, então a gente pode te perdoar rsrs. A Megan é uma cantora de IMVU muito baladeira que faz parte da gravadora NM Records. E ela simplesmente nos trouxe um dos melhores ensaios do ano! A diva, pelo perfil de instagram @ensaiosdamegan nos proporcionou três dias com muito show, muita interação social e uma porrada de gente importante do IMVU — tudo isso no mesmo lugar, meu! Eu fiquei, tipo assim, muito em shock quando vi o fucking Mc Cabelinho e a JOELMA ali. Foi TUDOOOO, mas nem pude tirar fotos, pois eu estava a trabalho, muito triste a vida de blogueira rsrsrs. Mas vamos ao que importar, ner? Os babados!!!
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No primeiro dia de show a gente teve as THE PUSSY CAT DOLLS trazendo um show farofa, cheio de muita dança, cara! Foi tipo a melhor abertura de todas!!! Elas cantaram Don't Cha e a plateia foi a loucura, eu mesma estava rasgando o meu cu lá em baixo!
Se já não bastasse ter as gatinhas, o segundo show foi tão foda quanto. A Eeka pegou sua lace platinada e meteu uma Aplause da Lady Gaga e todo mundo aplaudiu, é claro, ner? A musa arrebentou, eu fiquei toda arrebentada!
E depois foi a vez dela, a Pamella Frederico, cantora de Oddcast que canta as suas próprias musicas. A diva cantou "Ciuminho" uma deliciosa canção que traz esse sentimento tão doentio de forma fofa. E se vocês olharem bem vão me ver lá de backvocal e dançarina, pois eu sou pau para toda obra e enfiei um fio dental no cu e fui rebolar minha raba no palco!
E depois, assim do nada, tivemos o fucking Filipe Ret cantando Libertina BR, e caras! Minha calcinha encharcou! O divo é tão incluso que pensou até nos surdos e botou uma legenda com a letra de sua musica no vídeo, awnnn, eu queria ficar surda de tanto #$%@¨& com você, Filipe (ai, meu Deus, a demissão vem).
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E o segundo dia foi tão fodastico como o primeiro!!! Começando com a rainha das gostosas Slipbony que matou todos com seu show cantando "Espero Que Entendam" FOI MARAAAAAAAAA
E o 𝘿𝙅 𝘿'𝙈𝙄 que apareceu de SURPRESA e chocou todos, porque você sabe, ner? Ele apareceu de surpresa kkkkk, tá bom desculpa. E se você acha que o show foi ruim por ele ser um DJ e tipo não cantar e nem dançar você errou! O cara foi brabo e você pode ver o show completo clicando AQUI.
E depois de uma rapper e um DJ, nós tivemos o nosso primeiro sertanejo da noite, o romântico (e gostoso rsrsr) 𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙡𝙮𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝘼𝙡𝙫𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙯 cantando "Não Parei de Sofrer".
E quem pensou que o sertanejo se despediria dos ensaios com o Thalyson pensou errado! A Drih Alvez chegou com tudo e botou todos que estavam sofrendo para dançar com a Boiadeira. Caralho, eu balancei muito meu cu!
E por último tivemos o MC Cabelinho para molhar a calcinha da mulherada (com a minha não seria diferente, mas eu tirei e joguei no palco, caiu no segurança e eu quase fui expulsa). MC Cabelinho cantou "Carta Aberta" e a plateia foi a loucura mesmo quase sendo uma da manhã!
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E o terceiro dia tivemos mais gente de peso e obviamente a própria Megan!
O ensaio começou com os meninos do mainstrivu, que animaram a plateia para caralho com um show super empolgante!
Tivemos também a Joelma animando todos com sua cultura paraense. A diva estava com um look super patriota e chamou a atenção de todes!!!
E depois uma dupla veio com tudo para abalar mais ainda os ensaios da Megan! Mika Luxe e Henriki Fraser tiraram todo mundo do chão!
E minha filhaaaaa, depois tivemos a atração mais esperada!!!!!! MEGAN BUTLLER cantando Oompa Loompa!! E vou te contar minha buceta também é tipo oompa loompa!!! A diva fez um pout pourri. Não satisfeita em deixar a plateia completamente delirada ela foi e chamou a Luisa Sonza para uma apresentação surpresa e por fim encerrou a noite cantando Bongos!
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Os Ensaios da Megan foram uma atração divertida, sonoramente incrível e que reunião a nata artística do IMVU apenas em um lugar, independente do RPG que façam parte. Você pode ver mais postagens sobre esse evento no próprio Instagram do evento @ensaiosdamegan no instagram da revista Variety (@variety.vu) e obviamente pelo nosso perfil (@revistabravu).
Eu sou a redatora estagiara, dançarina e modelo Tiffa Cukies, espero que tenham gostado da cobertura.
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damnchelsvu · 4 years
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Just a lil sum to ease ya mind
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thenightling · 3 years
The one disappointing thing about drifting from the Lucifer fandom to The Sandman...
I am a Lucifer show fan who accidentally got obsessed with Sandman when reading The Sandman to research the Lucifer show character’s origin back in 2017.
And since that drift over, I have to say only one thing truly disappoints me about the Lucifer show’s fan base.  ...How few Lucifer show fans want to give The Sandman comics a fair chance.  
It’s like they’re either discouraged because they’re told The Sandman is very different from the show and so they dismiss it by taking that as code to mean “It’s bad.” or they act like there’s some sort of invisible rivalry between the upcoming Netflix adaptation of The Sandman and the Lucifer TV series. 
 There’s even the very stupid rumor that The Sandman is why the show Lucifer is ending.  That rumor existed back when Lucifer was canceled the first time, by Fox, at the end of season three, by the way.  Somehow (this was before the Netflix Sandman show was even announced) a rumor had started that an upcoming adaptation of The Sandman was why Lucifer was being canceled and so the majority of the “Save Lucifer” Facebook groups got flooded with “BOYCOTT THE SANDMAN!!!” sort of messages. 
There are Lucifer show fans who genuinely don’t know that the story where Lucifer quits ruling Hell, and he and Mazikeen both go to Earth, where he opens Lux, and takes up piano, is in The Sandman comics.  Some of them know there are Lucifer comics by Mike Carey but don’t know that Lucifer is a spin-off of The Sandman by Neil Gaiman and that the story where Lucifer quits Hell is in The Sandman.  
I have nothing against these fans.  They just haven’t done the research but there are others that actively and aggressively avoid The Sandman like it’s some sacred duty or like The Sandman is their enemy.
Some even act disgusted by The Sandman because they have this misconception of comic books being lowbrow.  When I was in one of those Save Lucifer Facebook groups I remember being very annoyed by someone who kept calling The Sandman comics a “comic strip.”   A comic “strip” is specifically a row of comic panels in a newspaper.  A very different thing entirely.   And even one person saying “Lucifer show fans would NEVER like the comics.  It’s far too different of an audience.”  But... that’s how I fell in love with The Sandman, because I had liked The Lucifer TV show and then read The Sandman comics...
In 2017 I had been asked to play Lucifer for a DC comics Role Playing game on IMVU and was only familiar with the show.  But I did know that he originated in Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman and that was where I’d find the story where he quits ruling Hell.  I learned he quits ruling Hell in the fourth volume of The Sandman but I figured if I started there I might be confused so I started at the beginning. The Sandman: Preludes and Nocturnes.   To my surprise it felt like a Gothic fantasy story or old Gothic Horror novel, at least in the first two issues (chapters  if you’re listening to the audible audio drama version).  It did not feel like a comic.
And by the time I got to issue 4 of The Sandman, “A hope in Hell” where we first meet Lucifer of this continuity, I realized I was hooked and reading something truly special.  I realized I cared more about the story’s protagonist at this point than I did about finding out comic Lucifer’s backstory.    
I’ll confess when I first read The Sandman I fully anticipated skimming the drawn outfight scenes or explosions because I find those boring, only to be very surprised that those... don’t exist in The Sandman at all.  Morpheus never even throws a punch.
The Sandman is not taking away Lucifer, nor is it in direct competition with Lucifer.  Resenting it and avoiding it does no good.  The Sandman is what gave you the version of Lucifer that you love so much. It is not your enemy.   
Remember those conversations with Linda and later Amenadiel where Lucifer talks about how he doesn’t buy souls, and how there are masochists in Hell who only go there because deep down inside they feel they deserve it and they’re just giving them the punishment they want?  That’s all dialogue originally from The Sandman, from a conversation between Lucifer and Morpheus when Lucifer was explaining why he was shutting down Hell.
Another example of how some Lucifer show fans have reacted negatively to The Sandman is in one of those Save Lucifer groups, back when season three had just ended on Fox, I recall one person even saying “I like the angel of Death on Lucifer better than the one from The Sandman because Goths are mean, jaded, cynical, and cold.  I like our friendly, nerdy, Azriel, the Angel of Death, a lot more than some bitch Goth.”  And I was like “...You didn’t even try to read The Sandman, did you?  You just saw a picture of the character somewhere and jumped to conclusions by appearances.”  
Death in The Sandman is a perky Goth girl who loves and quotes Mary Poppins.  She tries to be friendly with everyone.  She’s just as (if not more) friendly as Azriel from the Lucifer TV show.  The biggest difference (besides her Goth fashion) is she says “Be seeing you.” instead of that “Smell ya later” they gave her in the Lucifer show.  She even helped save the domestic relationship of a lesbian rock singer she liked.  She likes Disney films and happy endings.  She has pet goldfish.  And she hits her younger brother with a loaf of bread when he’s being annoying.  She’s generally supposed to be seen as sweet.  Being a Goth doesn’t make you a bad person or “mean’ by default.  I was a bit taken aback someone had said something like that.
The Lucifer show fans who have gone out of their way to avoid The Sandman or make up excuses to not read it are doing themselves a disservice. They’re also missing out on a glorious opportunity to ship Lucifer and Dream (AKA Morpheus)...
TL:DR:  Lucifer show fans need to stop making excuses to avoid The Sandman or resenting it (even on a subconscious level) and need to give The Sandman a fair chance.   
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lumisnowy · 4 years
Guten Morgen
Ich hoffe dir geht es gut. Hast du gut geschlafen und etwas spannendes geträumt? Wie war dein Wochenende? Erzähle mir doch gerne davon.
Mein Wochenende war nicht wirklich schön, durch die Abweisung meiner besten Freundin. Trotzdem habe ich versucht es irgendwie schön zu machen. Ich habe an einem cosplay gearbeitet, für dieses auch schon einige Sachen heraus gesucht und natürlich habe ich das neue TFT bei league of legends ausprobiert. Ich muss sagen es ist wirklich nicht leicht, es kommt mir so vor, als würde man viel schwieriger Taler bekommen als vorher. Außerdem vermisse ich wood, mit neeko, ivern, leblance, lux und maoi! 6er Wood war der Hammer. Bestimmt versteht nur die Hälfte von euch was ich meine! Haha
Außerdem bin ich wieder voll im imvu Fieber. Kennst du das?
Wenn ja adde mich doch: luminansow
Ich habe imvu schon seitdem ich 10 oder 11 bin. Einen main Account habe ich auch, aber diesen benutze ich kaum noch und wollte etwas Neues!
Bleib gesund und bleib daheim!
Lu 🤍✨
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ugliecc · 5 years
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Hi! For some time I wasn't much active here. The reason of this is that I'm lazy and also I was doing stuff for Sims Drag Race season 4 on instagram! And guess what - I WON! Or should I say - Wolverina won in a tie with another stunning queen!
I'll try to keep this as short as possible, because I know I have tendency to write walls of texts. [adnotation after I finished writing - yes, it’s still wall of text XD you’ve been warned!]
Season 4 was much harder than season 2 (where I was playing as Darkia) and less "Sims Best Friend Race" (there was drama on drama!), but it still was amazing journey with a lot of talented queens that made this competition so memorable! Thank you all for this fun experience!
First of all I would like to thank Hayden @haydenthequeen​, the host of SDR. You've reached out to me before season 2 to join your competition and thanks to you I discovered that the community of drag sims is bigger than I thought. I had the opportunity to meet new people and show my queens to bigger audience, what is really nice feeling! When I started sharing my looks on tumblr, I didn't think so many people will be able to get to know my uglies! Also, you do absolutely amazing job with hosting SDR - so sad season 5 will be the last one. But I hope one day, after longer break, you'll come back with new season, inspiring more people to have fun with drag sims and giving us chance to meet next amazing queens!
Big thanks also to the judges - Naomi @granitechai, Antonia @antoniamontoya, Lux, Saffron, Divine and Heidi (if I forgot about someone - I’m sorry, just remind me and I’ll add you here, I don’t remember if there was more judges ;o; ). You all did really good job - you were honest, but still supportive, and even if you had some harsher critiques, you were respectful, what is really important for me. Drag is art and art is subjective... ;)
Thank you to all my season 4 sisters! It was so nice to meet y'all! But I would like to thank especially 2 queens. First: Georgia - you are the most creative queen of this season and I love what you were creating on the challenges and runway! I'm glad you went this far after hard begining. Maybe you didn't win the crown, but you definitely won my heart :D Second (but equally important!): Pastel - it feels so good to win in a tie with legend like you! As the judge of season 2, you were one of the first people in the competition who supported me doin my stuff the way I wanted to (so basically using male sim as a drag queen). But I'll be honest - I had no idea how amazing queen you are until I saw your promo look for the SDR4, like in that moment I literally felt I should go home XD Thank you for making me want to be as good in sims as you are in imvu (I'm still not, but I try ;D)!
And last, but not least - thank you to all my supporters and the audience! I'm happy I could share my vision of virtual drag artistry with you! And I hope I brought you some joy with my looks, because they bring joy to me :D
Ok, so for now I’m taking break from drag race competitions, because it was really timeconsuming experiece xD Maybe after about 5-6 months I’ll decide to take part in another comp, but for now only red carpets if some will happen - I really need to focus on my comic. But I’m still gonna do some looks, so I hope this tumblr won’t be as dead as it lately was. For sure I will upload my SDR4 looks and also - DRAGULA SIMALONGS ARE COMING! Sorry for keeping you waiting! ;o;
PS Sorry for this ugly edit, just wanted to try something different xD 
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elwinglothlim · 5 years
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For more information about this outfit visit IMVU CPro --------------------------------------------------------------------
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raider115 · 5 years
If any of you play imvu and are up early in the morning come to my room. Inanis Lux.
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fashiondream666 · 6 years
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I like that. by krys-imvu featuring burberry handbags ❤ liked on Polyvore
The Row white blouse, 3,205 BAM / Tory Burch blue jeans, 410 BAM / Maje suede booties, 345 BAM / Burberry handbag, 1,920 BAM / Mudd rose jewellery, 21 BAM / Shashi heart jewellery, 59 BAM / Le Specs Luxe mirrored sunglasses, 69 BAM / Diverse buckle belt, 310 BAM / Palette eyeshadow, 91 BAM / Forever 21 conditioning mascara, 6.17 BAM / Tom ford makeup, 71 BAM / Chanel perfume, 245 BAM / Yves Saint Laurent eye care, 47 BAM / Paco Rabanne body moisturizer, 38 BAM
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damnchelsvu · 4 years
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sedulityoutfits · 5 years
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New Outfit has been published on https://www.imvuoutfits.com/78853993
Outfit styled by #Leilo Attributions: Top by #Leilo Shoes by #Leilo Hair by #Leilo Head by #X5TAR Skin by #Leilo Tags: #imvu #sedulity #imvuoutfits #imvufashion #fashion #Astarte #Astarte_Boots #Astarte_Eliss_Black #Astarte_Lux #Astarte_Skin #Black #Boots #Bundle #Eliss #Head #Lux
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damnchelsvu · 5 years
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Always keep a gang around me
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damnchelsvu · 5 years
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It’s really about the aesthetic
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damnchelsvu · 5 years
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Up close .
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damnchelsvu · 5 years
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Pinky Pinky 💕
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damnchelsvu · 5 years
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Pretty & ghetto
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