#imo there should be some way to keep the parasite powers while destrying the brain 👀
okwhotookmyusername · 10 months
Oh also I let Astarion do his thing…I think I mentioned that offhand
I dont like how his two options are 'become a fucking asshole' and 'be treated as a joke at the end'
Idk…I mean there is I think one more which is even worse
Just kinda sucks no matter what for him and Karlach…
And to be clear, he was always an asshole, but in a fun way…now he's an ass in a way that scares me and makes me feel like a dick, he just changes so fast
I'd love the 'good guy' option better if it didnt end the way it did? Like if he didnt just run off and get treated like a joke
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