#imjustsaying masterlist
Video Masterlist
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YouTube Account: imjustsayinglinstead
When You’re Gone Linstead Jay feels Erin slowly slipping away and just tries his best to hold on.
Fire On Fire Linstead Jay meets Erin and knows immediately that she's it for him. 
I’ll Be Your Strength Linstead It's hard seeing the person you love suffer and spiraling, but Jay isn't letting the fact, that they're 'cooling it' stand in his way to be there for Erin, when she spirals after Nadia's death. He tries his best to still be there for her and be her strength.
Over The Line Linstead It was clear from the beginning, that they belong together, but it was hard to take the last step to officially be together. There was the whole "being professional" mantra and rules that stood in the way.
Somebody Else Linstead / Severide‘s POV Kelly Severide and Erin Lindsay used to date, till she broke up with him. Since they're still in the same circle, he of course hears, that she's now dating Jay Halstead and he has to realize that he probably never had a real shot with her anyway, since he could see, that there were feelings between them before, even though they and he as well never really wanted to see or admit to that.
Have My Back Always (Part 1) Linstead Their Story
Alternative Universe
In Another Life Linstead / Johnny & Brooke (CPD / OTH crossover) Brooke Davis and Johnny Bowen met in highschool and fell in love. Till a car accident ripped them apart. But true soulmates never loose each other, they will always find a way back to each other, even if it's another life. They will get their happy end, in this case in form of Jay Halstead and Erin Lindsay.
Linstead Season 7 Series
Part 1: Nothing Is As It Seems Jay gets shot and has a kind of out-of-body-experience. He's aware what happening around him, he watches everything what's going on from outside his body, but he's not able to intact with anyone and then there's also another complete different world he sees. It's not clear what's real and what's not.
Part 2: My Sacrifice Jay's POV. Continues right after the end of Part 1, in which Jay is confronted with a near death experience. Jay realizes what's really the most important thing in his life and he decides to go after the thing he really wants and makes him happy. In this part Jay and Erin catch up and reconnect while Jay thinks of all the reasons why his life is just better with her in it. 
Part 3: I’d Go Back Counterpart to 'My Sacrifice'. Erin's POV of Jay suddenly standing in front of her door after all this years. It's about her regret of how she ended things with Jay and if she had the chance she would do everything to change the past. She never expected to miss him so much and she would like to start all over again, if he's down.
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YouTube Account: imjustsayinglinstead Always Will Vincat Deals with Vincent coming back at the beginning of Season 2 without his memories. He can't remember Cat and their love story, but he feels an undeniable pull towards her. Feeling torn between wanting to be the man Cat remembers and loves and the soldier he's supposed to be without letting distractions getting in the way. 
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YouTube Account: imjustsayinglinsutead
Losing Game Clace / Simon’s POV Simon was in love with Clary for years. Then overnight she get’s pulled into the shadow world and meets Jace. Simon finally gets his chance when new details come to light, but even then he has to realize that he always played a game, which he could only loose in the end. Jace will never be completely out of the picture and Clary’s heart never belonged to Simon in the first place.
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And in case someone is interested, some of my older stuff, from my previous fandom life you could say:
YouTube Account: MillersTabascoG This has all my Prison Break stuff on it
YouTube Account: MillersFehrsTabascoG My really old multifandom stuff (Roswell, One Tree Hill, The O.C., Alias, Veronica Mars, etc.)
Hopefully this list will grow with time. Hope you enjoy.
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