#imagine jack met stoker
ssaalexblake · 2 years
Still thinking abt the person who mixed up Jonathan Harker and Jack Harkness because it spiralled into a ‘Jack Harkness is a character in Dracula’ spiel in my head. 
Jack ends up accidentally in 1880 or something. Hears about this terrifying old count from the locals and goes to check it out because it’s Suspicious and, also, a rich old count and his 3 terrifying lady roommates might be a fun time. 
Long story short Jack fucks Dracula. Can’t decide if I prefer Jack thinking the blood sucking is just some kinky shit Or Drac taking a taste and spitting the blood out because it tastes weird is better. We’ll go with the former so the rest can work. 
3 ladies appear from mist in front of him, they hypnotise him and don’t realise it didn’t work and he’s just playing along for fun till he suddenly breaks script and shocks them all. He fucks them Too. Many bite wounds. 
Eventually they do the vampire equivalent of sharing a huge cocktail with tons of straws and drain him and he dies, but he wakes up when they try and dump the body and they get all excited about free refills. 
Eventually even Jack gets tired of this, finds he can’t escape, they all cackle over his imprisonment and lowkey gloat and gaslight till jack gets sick of it, jumps out the window, dies at the bottom of the cliff, but walks it off and goes home. 
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thethirdromana · 2 years
My dream Dracula TV series
Got bored at work today, started daydreaming about my ideal mostly book-faithful Dracula TV series. 
I know nothing about writing for TV, but that’s not going to stop me!
Episode one: Jonathan travels to the castle, Lucy gets marriage proposals
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At this point Jonathan is in a slightly sinister travelogue, and Lucy is in a charming romantic comedy. It’s springtime and there’s a sense of new opportunity - Jonathan making new strides for work, Lucy contemplating her future as a married woman, Mina thinking about her (recent?) engagement to Jonathan. I would be tempted to open with Jonathan proposing to Mina at the station, just before he leaves for the continent. I am keen to really feel the changing of the seasons in this.
I would not change much from the book here, most importantly bringing forward the marriage proposals so they’re happening at the same time as Jonathan is first travelling to Castle Dracula. I’d tone down some of the Dr Medical Malpractice aspects of Seward’s character, and make him the sympathetic up-to-the-minute scientist that was probably more what Stoker had in mind. He can do some borderline-anachronistic talk therapy with Renfield.
I think I’d also include my headcanon that the suitors met up before the Day of Three Proposals to agree that they’d all propose to Lucy on the same day, and may the best man win. But in a deeply affectionate best friends kind of way, not a competitive way.
Episode two: Creepiness in the castle, fun in Whitby
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This is mostly The Jonathan Harker Story but juxtaposed with Mina and Lucy just enjoying hanging out in Victorian Whitby, plus a quick scene of the Suitors celebrating/commiserating so we don't forget about them. Dracula breaks Jonathan’s mirror/Mina and Lucy look into mirrors while dress shopping. Mina and Lucy discuss their upcoming marriages/Jonathan is menaced by Dracula’s brides. Also Jonathan definitely gets nibbled on a bit in this. 
This episode ends with Mina saying how much she would like a letter from Jonathan. Cut to Jonathan writing his post-dated letters while Dracula stands over him.
Episode three: Renfield, Mr Swales and Jonathan's great escape
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This one is action-packed! We have:
Renfield graduating from flies to spiders (I’m imagining much less Renfield by time spent than in the novel, but equally I think we should get to know him properly)
Dracula sending wolves to attack the mother in the courtyard
Mina and Lucy chat to Mr Swales about the empty graves
Some kind of check in with Arthur, Quincey and Jack so we don’t forget who they are
Lucy sleepwalking
And we end with a cliffhanger of Jonathan leaping from an unknown height from the castle wall, to goodness knows what fate… 
Episode four: The Demeter
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People new to the story might think that they would get a resolution to what happens to Jonathan in this episode. They would be wrong.
I would dedicate this one solely to events aboard the Demeter: really give some time to learning about the characters of the captain, the first mate and the crew. If you’ve ever seen the Doctor Who episode Midnight, then you’ve got a flavour for how this might feel: claustrophobic and relentless.
We end with the captain tying his hands to the wheel with the crucifix, Whitby harbour just about visible through the gathering storm.
Episode five: DOGGO
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Ahem. The Demeter arrives in Whitby - let’s cut the correspondent (sorry) and see its arrival, dog and all, through Mina and Lucy’s eyes.
Then we have Lucy’s big night-time sleepwalking adventure, and the beginnings of her being fed on by Dracula. Dracula’s boxes arrive in London; Renfield makes an attempt at escape.
And only at the very end of the episode does Mina finally hear from Jonathan. 
Episode six: Trains, boats and more trains.
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Another episode with a bunch of juxtapositions - this time, Mina travelling to Budapest and reuniting with Jonathan, and Van Helsing travelling to London to attend Lucy. Things get better and better for Mina and Jonathan as they get worse and worse for Lucy. We get the blood transfusions and the garlic flowers.
Jonathan and Mina travel back to England, hear the news from Mr Hawkins, and, in the safety of their own home, finally manage to consummate their marriage - in a very gentle, soft-focus sort of way - as Lucy shivers in bed, alone, as a bat flies towards the window. 
Episode seven: The funerals
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First the wolf kills off Lucy’s mum. Then old age and plot convenience kills off Mr Hawkins. Then Lucy’s death. I would structure this episode around the series of funerals, including Arthur’s father’s funeral - and make a change to the novel in having Mina and Jonathan attend Lucy’s funeral, to get them into the Van Helsing + Suitors narrative a bit sooner.
Lucy bloofs, Mina types up the journal and Seward’s phonographs, and at the very end of the episode, Lucy gets staked. 
Episode eight: We are vampire-hunters now
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This one opens with Van Helsing laying it all on the table for the whole crew and Quincey nearly shooting them when aiming for the bat.
Then we have a whole bunch of action: travelling round London, tracking down the boxes, Renfield’s death and Mina getting drinked while the boys leave her out.
Another slight tweak to the order so that all the boxes are dealt with, and Mina gets her forehead scar, and then we can end the episode with Jonathan’s voiceover: To one thing I have made up my mind…
Episode nine: Hypnosis and travel adventures
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This one takes us through a whole chunk of time as our heroes travel towards Transylvania - first of all racing the Czarina Catherine, then the train to Galatz.
I think I would move the funeral service to take place aboard a train in the middle of the night, so we can get them under way a bit sooner. Mina lays out the plan, and they split forces. The chase begins, and Mina is becoming more and more vampiric.
I think we get the problems with the launch in this episode, and the sense that Dracula might well make it back to his castle before our heroes can get there.
Episode ten: Dracula is defeated
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Mina and Van Helsing manage a burst of speed, despite Mina clearly having a nibble on Van Helsing. All the boys are exhausted. Van Helsing deals with Dracula’s wives, then he and Mina see Dracula’s coffin being brought nearly back to the castle - and the sun is setting. Van Helsing knows he and Mina aren’t able to deal with this alone.
All hope seems lost, until Jonathan, Quincey, Arthur and Jack appear. Dracula is defeated, Quincey dies, and we cut to them all in the same places, at the height of summer, seven years on, with Quincey Harker laughing as he drags Van Helsing over to get a better look at the castle. Jonathan smiles fondly at Mina, Arthur gives Jack a hug as they look at the place where Quincey died, the end.
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subcorax · 4 years
various hugs as rated by jonathan sims, head archivist of the magnus institute, london
OG Archives Crew:
tim stoker pros: very large and buff, but also soft. will squeeze jon as tight and as long as he wants. is six foot whatever and jacked so he's way bigger than jon and can entirely envelop him, which is the closest thing jon's getting to a weighted blanket these days. cons: tim is an oldest and favourite cousin, which means that when he hugs people smaller than him, they're usually children. as a result, there is a roughly 30% chance that if jon goes in for a hug he'll get a hair ruffle and lifted slightly off the ground to go with it. overall rating: 9/10. tim gives truly excellent hugs.
martin blackwood pros: will literally give jon a hug whenever he asks for one without making it feel awkward, which is nice because jon almost always feels awkward talking to people. will also sometimes ask jon if he wants a hug if he's looking a bit pathetic lately. is made of 60% soft wooly jumpers and 30% stuffing, the most warm and comfortable hug. also usually strokes jon's back while he's at it, which is extremely nice. cons: sometimes if jon's leaning into the hug a bit too much martin will physically make him stop working and take a nap, which is not doing great things for jon's work ethic overall rating: 9.5/10. i may be in love with you, martin, but i do actually need to do work sometimes?
sasha james pros: casual hugger, doesn't make jon feel weird about it, just goes in for a quick hug and a peck on the cheek when she's heading out for the day, or if she feels like it. she smells very nice. he kind of wonders what shampoo she uses. cons: despite being sturdier than she looks, she is not quite large enough to apply the force that jon perhaps wants in a hug. overall rating: 8.5/10. delightful, but without the capacity for a proper bear hug a la martin or tim.
not!sasha pros: no. cons: you know when you're at a family gathering and a relative that you only distantly recognize the face and name of comes up and hugs you like, way too familiarly, and it's kinda cloyingly creepy? it's exactly like that overall rating: stranger/10. please never do that again.
Latter Days Crew
melanie king pros: has never in her life half-assed a hug. seems to be trying to break jon's ribcage, which he appreciates. cons: she is often very angry at him, and so does not hug him very often. overall rating: 6/10. good when he got it but he does not often get it.
basira hussain pros: she doesn't really do Full Hugs with jon, she's more likely to toss an arm around his shoulder and pull him against her side, kind of a Bro Side Hug situation, which actually goes a long ways towards making him feel Human and Included and Not Hated. good friend bro hug. cons: kinda lacking in creature comforts. basira is not very soft or demonstrative. not exactly a shoulder he would be comfortable crying on. overall rating: 7/10. he appreciates the sentiment.
daisy tonner pros: daisy WILL go in for a Full Hug with jon, especially after the buried. she is also Strong and will squeeze him, and often seems to need a hug as much as he does. sometimes smells like basira's perfume and sometimes like her own deoderant, both of which are nice. cons: she will make fun of him for leaving tear stains on her shirt. jon has never had a big sister but he thinks that this is what cain and abel were on about. overall rating: 9/10. fantastic except for the schoolyard bullying
Miscellaneous Archives Staff
elias bouchard pros: gives a surprisingly firm, steady hug. like, there's something almost paternal about it, jon just feels proud that elias is proud of him. also he's in a fancy suit and wears very expensive cologne, it just feels like hugging something kind of luxurious and expensive. cons: literally everything else about elias overall rating: latent parental issues/10. it was weird. he tries not to think about it.
gertrude robinson pros: jon never actually met gertrude, but all of the photos he's seen and her voice on the tapes reminds him of his grandmother, so he kind of imagines it'd be like hugging her. a balance between firm and frail, smelling vaguely like all old ladies start to smell like. cons: outside of the nostalgia factor for him, grandma hugs aren't actually that great overall rating: hypothetically, 3/10. he feels like he's got perfume stuck up his nose.
gerard kaey pros: seemed like a cool dude. taller than jon, and exceedingly kind. seemed like he would be really open to a hug. cons: he was a ghost when they met, so they could not hug. overall rating: hypothetically 9/10. jon's adding extra points out of guilt.
michael shelley pros: seemed pretty nice from what he's heard? cons: seemed pretty boring from what he's heard? overall rating: hypothetically 5/10. he seemed fine.
Various Other Avatars
peter lukas pros: very broad. soft belly. big coat. beard. definitely is capable of giving a Good Bear Hug. cons: literally everything else about peter lukas. also he'd probably be cold overall rating: MORE latent parental issues/10. this will never happen. jon's just kind of touch-starved at this point.
michael pros: very friendly about it. exceedingly friendly about it. seems truly delighted by the concept of hugging jon. cons: is equally truly delighted by the concept of stabbing jon. overall rating: ooo ow ouch pointy/10. mistakes were made.
helen pros: actually seems to like jon every now and again. smells like real estate agent perfume. no, he doesn't know how to explain it. it's like a professional scent. cons: stabbed jon again, but accidentally this time overall rating: ooooo ouch pointy but in a pantsuit/10. god he's getting desperate
jared hopworth pros: many arms to hug with cons: none of those arms are his. several of them are bulging with meat and bones the way arms are not supposed to. smells like raw steak. overall rating: 2/10. jon does not have standards anymore.
jude perry pros: very butch, which jon has learned to trust, in a hug partner cons: Literally Made Of Boiling Wax overall rating: hot/10. considerably more mistakes have been made.
georgina barker pros: it's georgie. jon knows georgie. jon fucking adores georgie. she is very smart and comfortable and soft and knows how much he likes having his hair scratched like that. cons: she has absolutely no compunctions about telling jon that he's a fucking idiot, and like sure, he deserves it, but can it wait until after the hug? overall rating: 8.5/10. can i have a cup of tea please georgie. no i will not be releasing you from the hug to let you go and make the tea.
the admiral pros: admiral cons: none overall rating: 10/10. the perfect hug.
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fanficsrusz · 5 years
Touch Of A Vampire Part Two - Keanu Reeves
A/n: so i made a part two to this because i wanted to and a few people said they wanted part two. I’m not to sure how much i like this but i had writers block and this was the only thing that came to mind and yes i watched Bram Stokers Dracula earlier and yes i love that film.
Part one
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y/n returned to the bar every night after that, hoping to meet her saviour once again but he was never there. 
 Sipping on her jack denials she peered over at the table that he normally sat at and yet it remained empty, the same as it had for the past two weeks. She sighed as she slammed the glass down, gesturing for the bartender to pour her another. Crossing her arms, she threw back her fifth drink of the night. No matter what she tried, she couldn't help but think of the man with the dark secret and how he made her feel. Her mind always seemed to draw her attention back to him every time she tried to forget, her head hurt every time his face entered her head. 
It confused her as to why she couldn’t forget him yet sparked curiosity at the same time. Burning pains in her head had begun to happen ever since she had the incident with Keanu and therefore she assumed they must have had something to do with him.
She knew she should be afraid of him, should have ran for the hills but there was something about him that she couldn't help but admire. He was beautiful to her, with his golden eyes so angelic and soft skin that didn’t show any sign of ageing.
 It was as if she recognised him, knew him previously from something a long time ago. The way he looked at her, with a longing stare,  the way he protected her, she knew that he felt the same. She wanted to know what he knew, wanted to learn of his world. 
y/n failed to notice the shadow that moved into the seat next to her, only when a piece of paper was slid towards her did she look up. She was met with an elderly man in a grey suit, his hair grey and piercing green eyes. She couldn’t pull her eyes away from him, he was hypnotizing and she felt like time no longer existed where she sat.
y/n couldn’t form words and it was as if she could hear him in her head, telling her that her questions would be answered soon. 
He stood suddenly and walked out of the bar without a single word, the door slamming behind him. She jumped out of her trance like state and looked around the practically empty bar to see if anyone else had noticed the man and no one seemed to even move. 
Picking up the paper there was only an address scribbled across it in elegant cursive handwriting.
She thought for a second as she stared at the letters. Was she willing to find him? Would she be brave enough to face her fears? Could this help her find him again? Or would this just be another piece of the puzzle? 
She reached into her pocket as she pulled out a few notes, throwing them on the bar as she ran out, hoping that maybe she could catch the man who had left the note.
The cool breeze hit her hard as she rushed outside, the amount of alcohol in her blood now catching up to her, rendering her unable to stand steady. She shook it off and looked out to the empty streets, streetlights casting shadows onto the floor but yet no sign of life. She peered down at the paper again and walked off towards the address, ready to find out who the man really was. 
y/n struggled to walk in a straight line as she made her way down the streets and soon she found herself outside a house. Despite living in the town for many years, she didn't recognise the building, it almost seemed out of place with its outdated Victorian style. 
She walked closer to the gates and she felt as if she had been there before, the building seemed to light something in the depths of her memory but she couldn’t quite seem to grasp onto it long enough to remember.
She reached a shaky hand out as she pushed the cold metal gate open and made her way up the cobble stone path towards the door. Her steps echoes against the path and her strides grew slow the closer she got. 
She looked at the red door in front of her and wondered if she really wanted to do this. If she was ready to find out more about him, ready to meet the vampire properly. 
It was as if her body was being controlled by an unseen force because the next thing she knew, her hand was on the knocker. Three loud knocks echoed through the house and she waited for any sign of life. 
After several minutes, nothing happened and she moved to walk away. As she turned she noticed a simple plant pot. It wasn’t anything special, insignificant really but an image burned into her mind as she looked at it, a memory formed in her mind. Grabbing her forehead in pain, y/n was able to pull a single imagine from her mind, an imagine of a key underneath the pot. Her head hurt more as she tried to focus on the memory but gave up when the pain became unbearable. That was the first time y/n was able to hold onto one of these memories. 
Slowly, she approached the pot, as much as she wanted something to be there, she wanted to be wrong, scared as to what she might find out. 
Lifting it up, she looked underneath and gasped; there laid a key. She picked it up slowly, her skin burning slightly as she touched it and turned back to the door. 
Turning the key in the door, she listened as the mechanics worked and the door creaked open. 
Closing her eyes she pushed it open revealing a hallway. Stepping inside y/n took in the beautiful decor of the house. It was modern yet old at the same time. She walked over to a cabinet and looked at the various pictures that were on display. They were mostly of people from the late 1800’s and y/n couldn't help but smile as she noticed Keanu in some of them. However he didn't look sad or angry like he had when he was in the bar, no, he looked happy and full of life.
 She continued to examine the rest of the pictures and stopped on one that caught her eye. She was shocked to see a picture of herself in a beautiful red ball gown and in the arms of Keanu . She picked it up, her hands shaking as she couldn’t believe what she saw, her head once again hurting. 
"I was wondering how long it would take for you to come looking for answers?"  a deep voice echoed from the stairs and caused y/n to drop the picture frame. She anticipated the crashing sound but nothing came and Within seconds of the frame leaving her hand, he stood at her side, stopping the frame from hitting the ground as he caught it with ease. 
Y/n watched as Keanu towered over her. She struggled to find the words she wanted to speak, her head spinning as she thought about the picture. Keanu placed the picture back in her hand with a small smile on his face and a glint in his eyes. 
“Be careful, my love, that is my favourite picture of us” his voice was calming and y/n felt light headed. 
Taking the picture from his hands, she grazed his hand. y/n inhaled deeply at how bitterly cold his skin was against her heated hand, the feeling yet again bringing another memory forward.
 y/n watched as she the room brightened suddenly and she was transported to another time. The walls were no longer dull, her jeans and shirt were replaced with the red gown from the picture and people danced past her as she stood next to keanu.
Keanu stood in a buttoned waistcoat, a white shirt hidden underneath. She was no longer in the 21st century but instead the 19th century.  
Keanus face was full of colour and he extended his hand towards y/n. 
Slowly y/n accepted it and he pulled her towards the middle of the room. His hand was no longer cold instead the heat radiating off him was unbearable and y/n felt safe within his grasp. 
y/n watched on as other couples danced around them before keanu placed his hand onto her waist. She stared at him and he chuckled as he quickly guided her hand onto his shoulders. He began to twirl y/n around as they danced, their bodies moving in perfect rhythm together. 
“You look beautiful y/n” he whispered into her ear. She looked up into his eyes and watched as they peered lovingly at her. “I love you keanu, how much longer must we wait” the words poured from her mouth without her even wanting them too, y/n unable to stop the memory playing out by itself. He chuckled “soon my love”. The pair continued to dance well into the night before a crash brought y/n back to reality. 
Gasping, y/n fell into keanu’s embrace as she fell back to modern day, her head hurt more than ever before and she felt the world fade into darkness along with her body being lifted up. As much as she tried to fight it, she couldn’t help but relax as she heard keanu’s voice call out to her. “Relax now y/n and i will explain soon”. 
y/n shot up as she awoke, the silk sheets that wrapped around her sliding down her body as she moved. She held her hand to her head as she remembered the scenes that happened earlier. She looked around the room and went to call for keanu but was stopped when she could hear the melody of a piano echoing through the ajar door. She stood slowly as she made her way to the music. 
Stepping out of the room, she followed the tune to the end of the hallway and pushed the door open. 
Keanu sat at a grand piano, his fingers dancing along the keys as he played the instrument perfectly. y/n approached slowly, not wanting to interrupt him as he played. Once she stood behind him, she saw how he turned his head slightly and acknowledge her but continued to play. 
y/n moved next to him, taking the spot on the bench beside him. She leaned her head onto his shoulder as she closed her eyes, letting the notes play in her ears. She had never felt more in place than she did in that moment.
The song came to an end and she heard him sigh. y/n sat up and looked at his face that stared blankly into nothing. 
“Who am i?” she asked quietly not knowing if she really wanted to know the answer. Keanu stood and walked to a window behind the piano, leaving y/n in her seat. 
He inhaled deeply as if something caused him a great deal of pain. 
“You- we were in love. Many years ago, before i- before i got cursed with this evil affliction” he turned slowly to y/n and began to walk back towards her.
“We were to be married on the first day of winter. We were happy here in this house. We would hold parties and we would invite people from the village” he smiled as he thought back to the memory “ until the town was invaded by the bloodsuckers. They pillaged everything, destroyed anyone who got in their way, women, children, they didn’t care. We escaped to the forest and ran. But they caught us. The head vampire wanted whatever he couldn't have and that meant you in that case” y/n closed her eyes as she listened to keanu’s words, able to see them in her own mind as he continued. “I couldn’t stop him as he tried to take you, you screamed and it broke my heart. I had no other choice and so I bargained with the devil, he could take me as long as he left you alone.” he paused for a second as he took in y/n's face, a tear rolling down his face. “He liked to play with people's pain more than anything and he saw an opportunity to toy with my pain and so he turned me….. Turned me into one of them and to finish the torture, he made you forget me making your soul walk the earth just to torture me, always just out of reach. My soul would not be able to rest until I found you, but it was hard, you would live your life, meet people, age and then die. Whenever i finally caught up to you, it was too late. Then it would all reset. Another version of you in another place and I would have to search the world for you all over again” y/n opened her eyes as keanu finished his story and she finally remembered everything, remembered the man who had cursed them for his own game and the love she had for keanu. 
“But i finally found you” he smiled and y/n felt the tears in her eyes as she remembered her past life with keanu. “I watched you for so long at that pitiful bar, I had finally found you at the perfect time but i didn’t know how to explain it-” he laughed as he thought “I found you in the same town where it all began”
y/n raised her hands to his face as she pulled him forward closing the gap between them. She placed her lips onto his lips, their lips molding together perfectly. Keanu squeezed his eyes shut at the feeling of finally being able to feel her against him washed over his body. “Keanu” she whispered “its okay. I remember. I remember everything We can finally be together. The curse can finally be lifted.” 
“ after so long my love. Our souls can finally be together, have the family that we wanted. We can be happy” y/n pulled keanu into her arms as she whispered to him “forever, my love”. 
The End
A/N : its nearly 1am and i need to pack to go home but instead i’m writing this so youre welcome. 
@gwenebear @celestiaelisia @blondieee-me
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bastardsunlight · 5 years
//LONG-ass headcanon sesh for D, Alucard (Hellsing) and Adrian (CV’s Alucard) all kinda rolled into one.
So, since I don’t have radiantDecay anymore, I’ve sort of pulled back from the verse where Adrian BECOMES D. There was a lot of movement and timeline adjustment that had to happen for that one, and while it is in some way still possible, I’m not terribly interested in upkeeping a unique interpretation for a character that’s never really going to come into play. If you’re writing with D, it’s thousands of years after he was Adrian. If you’re writing with Adrian, it’s pre-1999 pretty much.
So, I have some documents someplace that I had written regarding D’s origins. The novels heavily imply that he’s somehow enhanced—y’know the movies hint at him just being super powerful Mary Sue turbo ultra dhampir simply because he is the son of “Our Sacred Ancestor” whomst we all pretty much know is Dracula himself right? Certain novels even hint that Mina Harker is his mother, if they don’t just outright state it. It might be the clunky translation (they really should have been more carefully transliterated because WOW some of those sentences just… don’t), but thus far it’s not been made CRYSTAL PERFECT CLEAR. However, I’m more than willing to run with that idea.
Dracula is, by the time Mina et. Al. come up against him, quite old, nigh ancient. I think that the Dracula of the Bram Stoker novel is or, rather, was the historical Vlad III Dracula Tepes (the impaler), born in the 1420s, “died” in the 1470s, iirc. Supposedly, the sultan at the time… Mehmed Fatih, kept his head in a box for a while before pinning him up on the walls of Constantinople, which the Turks controlled at the time. Ugly period in history for Eastern Europe… With Wallachia and Transylvania, in particular, two kingdoms in Romania, times were triple trouble. They were sandwiched between the Ottoman Empire to the east, then west was Eastern Orthodox Christendom—further west was Roman Catholicism and if you think THOSE guys didn’t fight, ding dong ur wrong!
BUT this period of violence produced one of the most well-known and controversial heroes (sometimes called a war criminal) of all time. Also he had a great ‘stache. Now when I write Hellsing’s Alucard, I roll with this same lore, so D and that Alucard could absolutely exist in the same ‘verse. It’s kind of a “darkest timeline” deal, a world in which the Belmont clan never existed. Before that even, Lisa never made Dracula’s acquaintance so the guy’s motivations are a little different. In addition, he is NOT Mathias Cronqvist, a tactician during the first crusades in 1090 AD. In that case, he would have revamped (PUN) his whole personality and integrated himself into one of the other great houses of Wallachia/Transylvania and re-emerged four hundred years later as Vlad the Impaler. That could work fine—not like he hasn’t got time—and that would have been around the time he met, and lost, Lisa. Now whether THAT part of history looks the same is dubious, since Vlad’s exploits during the period of his reign/deposition/reign/deposition/beheading are pretty decently documented. In this case, I’m going to say the Belmonts’ existence is in a timeline where those conflicts also may have played out differently. As these are all fictional worlds, I guess this’s up to ME atm. Nice.
So this is part “how I write D” and part “how I’d be inclined to write Alucard (Hellsing) in interactions that take place BEFORE the manga—like WAY before”. Since Adrian would have been a major contributing factor to the Belmonts’ strength from Trevor onward (so in the games idk if folks know this, but Adrian is Trevor’s father, with Sonia Belmont being his mom), that would also have contributed, at least in part, to the ability of the Belmonts to stomp Dracula and his minions.
With D, there is no need to include Mathias and his ebony/crimson stone conundrum, which does tend to throw a small monkey wrench in the ol’ gears (but not big enough I can’t adapt, trust me). The difference, aside from lack of Belmonts, is the origin of vampires. Clearly, they’re a magical construct or a spell-woven form of sentient life in Castlevania. In Vampire Hunter D, it’s heavily implied (once again, not outright stated) that the Nobility, some of them anyway, are simply a mutation of humanity (Dark Gene vs Light Gene, Lina’s whole deal, among other passages here and there), who also happen to be allergic to garlic, crucifixes, running water, and basic-ass Bram Stoker weaknesses. They’ve even got labs full o’ Nobles tryin’a conquer the sun issue.
So to know D, we gotta know his dad first. At the beginning, Vlad III is born to (big surprise) Vlad II. He and his brother are sent to Edirne as part of the Ottoman Empire’s “tribute” of however many young  boys from noble houses, to be trained in the ways of Islam and Turkish mannerisms, etc. This is more for pacification of that region of Europe, which is still Eastern Orthodox, than it is for real “peace”. It’s “peace because you guys are a good buffer zone between us and the rest of Eastern Orthodox-dom”, anyway. Every _voivode_ of Wallachia has to swear allegiance to either the Ottoman Empire or to the Eastern Orthodox church. While most of that area is EO, it’s in their best interest to swear to the Ottoman Empire. They’re bigger and closer. Vlad’s dad has done some underhanded shit, but he’s also a member of the Order of the Dragon and has propelled it to new heights within the EO and that’s where Vlad gets his name: Dracula, which is Son of the Dragon. So Vlad II’s immediate family are known as the Draculesti, which is fucking cool—it’s like “children of the dragon” and that’s not even his like, NAME name—it’s a frickin’ nickname, or sobriquet, as is Tepes.
In the world of Vampire Hunter D, vampirism appears to be a genetic phenomenon—ironically, a mutation. No Noble is going to admit that, OBVIOUSLY. And while it’s true, they were probably born that way, they’re still a mutant human derivative. Rather than mutating due to radiation or whatevermstthefuck like the actual mutants in VHD, they’re just born that way. So what I’m rolling with is Vlad III was born with that particular mutation and, kind of like my OC Toby, who is also a genetic vampire, it takes a violent or unnatural death to trigger the actual symptoms, else you’re just a normal-ass person. In fact, in this interpretation, I’m going to say that maybe quite a few people are BORN with that mutation, but if they live to a ripe old age and die, it never triggers. Most likely, the body is too enfeebled to handle it, maybe it dies after menopause/andropause? Either way, the body has broken down too much and there’s no material to work with.
That might also go a long way to explain the animosity many old vampires have toward humanity. Sometimes it’s straight up contempt, of course, but every single time, it seems to be a removal. Carmilla is a good example. Most of the time, her backstory involves a vicious assault that might very well have killed her. Imagine dying that way and waking back up to find that you had to KEEP living in the world that did this to you, that death is FAR far off. I can understand being VERY PERTURBED, to put it mildly. By the same token, what about war? How many folks die in war? Thousands? Millions? Of all those, how many have the mutation? Probably quite a few. Some folks might not figure out what’s going on and stay where they are, buried for decades, before just wasting away without sustenance—Vampires DO require blood, after all, to keep doin’ their thing. Plenty more are probably just torched in the sun. Since they were KIA, it might be rough finding their bodies in the first place…
So Vlad is beheaded—now this part intersects VERY well with Hellsing’s Alucard in my portrayal—and Mehmed Fatih keeps his head close at hand for a bit, probably talking to it. What happens when it starts talking back? We know Dracula has some SERIOUSLY kickass abilities and putting himself back together would definitely be one of ‘em, in my humble opinion. Mehmed dies not long after he achieves “victory” over Vlad the Impaler and no one knows where Vlad’s remains are. Maybe they up and walked the fuck away, hm? Maybe it was HE who ensured Mehmed’s destruction. How poetic would THAT be? Spoiler alert ||very||.
Now imagine going through everything he did—the guy had a tumultuous life. He might be one of the few, lucky ones who figure out that sunlight is a no-go, hide himself away, eventually go back to haunt his castle in the mountains between Transylvania and Wallachia. Now fast forward to the 1800s, MODERN TIMES (heehee okay) and one very ambitious realtor who wants to sell a creepy old abbey to some weird foreigner. Seems legit. Anyway by now we can see that Dracula’s gotten kinda nutty? He has three scary “wives” but he doesn’t seem to care much for ‘em. They’re obviously vampires, too, though I cannot recall if they’re turned by him or if they’re LIKE him—anyone who’s read it recently, do feel free to refresh me.
He’s kinda senile and while he’s crafty, he’s outsmarted by a dandy, an ancient-ass doctor, a dude who cannot stop fainting, a man named Quincey (my husbando), and Jack Seward—nuff said. He has some kind of congress with Mina, though ofc it’s the Victorian age so the only penetration is that of his li’l toofers on her poor neck. Nom. I don’t think Dracula banged Mina Harker. I think that, in THIS world, a dhampir is a nigh-impossibility, because at this point (and their cool-ass vampire science might’ve changed this), vampires are The Undead™ and therefore cannot CREATE LIFE. Not even if they have a raging turboner (that’s a turbo boner, for those of u not in the know). So he bit Mina, but before he did that, Mina married Jonathan—like as soon as he got home. They were married and living together and doing the frickle frackle, presumably, before Drac shows up in London to mess up their day.
In this case and for the sake of sanity, to create a dhampir, the vampire must chew on a pregnant lady. The curse lifts from her when the master is killed, but his blood has already entered and changed the child; the process is much longer and more involved for an adult human, who has an immune system and much more ground to cover. If the smol bean was in embryo stage or even fetal, it had no defense and mom’s body provided it with everything, Dracula’s blood, included. The final set of letters in Dracula mentiones a young boy, Jonathan and Mina’s son, Quincey, named after their fallen friend. So little Quincey is a dhampir!
Now, a bitten vampire cannot, in this universe, turn anyone else. They can feed and create thralls, but they can’t make VAMPIRES. In Hellsing lore, if a vamp bites you and you’re a virgin, you become one—if not, you become a ghoul/zambolio thingamajigger. Integra narrates this for us pretty early on. But it’s not Alucard’s venom doing this. It’s the vicar of Cheddar Village, who is a manufactured vampire. He’s not a true vampire, not like Alucard. Now, Alucard DOES ask Seras if she’s a virgin ‘fore he kills and bites her, which makes sense… IF HE LOVED MINA.
Hear me out. So, he saw this strong-ass bitch and thought “goddamn I’m sick of my whiny, vicious wives UGH I need me a woman like that”. So he’s gunna turn her. It probably takes longer since he hasn’t been powered up by Hellsing and their dark science-magic shit, or whatever it was… OR as he chomps on ‘er, he realizes “well fuck me she’s preggo, so even if she changes, I can’t have her”. Pregnant blood has GOTTA taste different, all those hormones and shit, even early on. I think he did have some weird admiration-affection for her. His arrogance and greed, however, has taken him over, so perhaps he decides to change her slow, to make the fellas suffer. They’ve fucked with him so he’s gunna fuck with them, but I think it pains him a little to do so, because lbr Mina’s the woman of his dreams.
So when Quincey is born, he’s perfect, healthy, rosy-cheeked, and by god only Mina knows something’s amiss. Damned if she’s going to say shit to Jonathan, who’s liable to faint, the absolute fucking walnut. They live fairly well, having taken over the real-estate business from their wonderful, generous, dead benefactor. 
Much like Carmilla’s weirdo ghost, however, Dracula’s spirit absolutely lives on.
TL; DR D was born Quincey Harker. 
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