#image  submission
incorrectfeaquotes · 6 months
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Submitted by @kittaykattz
Robin: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated. Gangrel: Killed without hesitation.
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swap-tech-enterprise · 5 months
Twitch Integration Part A, Customer Swap Stories #3
Special Thanks to @changinghands for submitting these images!
Recently, Twitch introduced a new integration with Swap Tech Enterprise that when enabled, at the end of the stream the highest donator would swap bodies with the streamer for a predetermined amount of time on the streamers end. John had heard about this and immediately started looking for a stream that had this enabled so that he could potentially experience a real life body swap. As he looked through all the current streams happening with the feature enabled, he came across dollthighs stream.
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As people joined his stream, he let them know about the new feature and that he has currently enabled it. He also informed them that once the stream ended, the top donator would get to spend 2 days in his body, allowing them the chance to lead a stream on their own before switching back. John knew this would be the body he wanted to experience for a couple of days and joined the stream. Immediately, donations started to pour in and before he knew it, thousands of people will jumping on the chance to have just a couple of days in dollthighs body. As the stream started to come to an end, John sent a donation for 5,000 dollars came in, the highest dollthighs had ever seen in his time streaming.
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“Well it looks like we have a winner!” dollthighs said as the notification popped. He mentioned that he would be ending the stream now and that the donator could expect to be in his body within the next couple of minutes. Once the stream ended, a notification popped up on John’s end stating that dollthighs had accepted the terms and conditions of the swap, and now all that was needed was his acceptance of the terms and conditions as well. He quickly skimmed through the terms and conditions and accepted them. Before he knew it everything went dark. As he came to, John noticed he was no longer in his room, but in a room where the walls to the ceiling were covered in dolls! He knew the swap must have worked and quickly ran to the bathroom. Looking at his new reflection in the mirror, he began to rip off his clothes in excitement! 
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“This is going to be the best 2 days of my life” John exclaimed as he ran back to computer to start up a stream and play some video games! 
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dumbass-duo-showdown · 10 months
Here's the drawing of me n Ike :}
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[Image ID: A transparent digital drawing of two people. Ike, a white man with curly brown hair and brown eyes, is on the left. He is wearing a red t-shirt. Arty, a white person who also has brown hair and eyes, is on the right. She is wearing purple glasses and a black sleeveless shirt with a high neck. Both are looking forward and smiling with their arms around each other's shoulders. A signature, a stylized A_G, is between their heads. End ID]
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reactionimagesdaily · 9 months
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floyx · 9 days
Which social media platform is known for professional networking?
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Which social media platform is known for professional networking? The digital world we live in is driven by two main factors: SEO and backlinks, and it is how you open the door to internet success and win the online battle. Welcome to Floyx – not like your typical social platform, but it is the most revolutionary form of digital marketing nowadays. 
Floyx team provides tool sets that are modern and customized to offer both SEO and backlink promotion to the next level. What is the reason Floyx is outshining its competitors? The Floyx is not just another social network, a platform fueled by Web3 technology, which stands for free words aired without any speculations of censorship. 
Get ready to explore in-depth instruction into Floyx, the most decentralized social media platform on the market, which will help you rethink your online representation while powering up all your link-building activities. This guide will explain in detail what Floyx is and how it changes online presence by boosting your link-building efforts organically. 
Profile Submission:
It is unbelievable because Floyx's incredible profile submission feature enables you to create amazingly detailed profiles. They are like your business cards online, but adding a whole of personalities will be your characteristic. Don't forget, that you should introduce those keywords that are related to the topic. They are similar to breadcrumbs, used as the beacons leading the audience to your hastily established online doorstep. 
However, it is not only about adding keywords to your resume. It is about more than this. Put your best foot forward and show off your talents, services, and offerings. The more you showcase, the more people will come and detour their eyeballs. And guess what? It latter encompasses generating more links from other websites to such highly trusted sources you form. 
Now, let's stiffen up your profile a little. Upload some photos or short video clips or, you can even make a description for your bio. It's essential to leave your contact information so that people can reach you. You never know when someone may want to get in touch.
The Floyx wizardry is not limited to that. It is not about community engagement but being part of a Decentralized social media. It is about being in the loop and empowering yourself not to be tamed by others, whether good or bad. 
Now, the best part – Floyx is on web3 technology. It may be said to be the spine that supports the entire sentiment of decentralization. Consequently, while building your online persona, you are also a part of the movement changing the digital world. What are you still doing here? Join Floyx and be a part of the new age of the internet. This is where collectiveness comes in. 
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Image Submission:
The increasing influence of pictures as visual content demonstrated its ability to catch and engage people on the internet through new innovative ways. Floxy offers an image submission platform that allows users to upload amazing visuals with which they can identify a brand and content strategy.
By applying strategic optimization techniques such as descriptive alt text, titles, and captions with keywords related to decentralization, users can improve their SEO efforts and increase the chances of their content being discovered and shared across the internet.
Not only this, these photos may constitute a source of backlinks from websites looking for visual content for the enhancement of their pages or articles on the use of the Web3 social media platform.
Video Submission:
With the rise of video content, it comes as no surprise that Floyx, a web3 social media platform, holds an understanding of how essential multimedia is for SEO strategies. Knowing the main idea of decentralization, Floyx is a decentralized social media platform that provides users with a safe and transparent environment.
With the video submission feature, members can post stories that have the power to affect and pass the message on to the audience. Videos can be optimized in Google by using relevant metadata such as titles, descriptions, and tags with keywords associated with the decentralized social media platform. It will increase the visibility of users on video-sharing platforms and attract backlinks from websites embedding or linking to video content.
In addition, videos are inherently shareable, which makes them a powerful tool for acquiring organic backlinks and expanding the reach across digital channels that operate on Web3technology.
Blog and Article Submission:
Content is the soul of SEO, the basis of competitive and effective digital marketing strategies. Floyx allows users to make informative and interesting blog posts and articles, which makes them experts in their fields.
Through regular publishing of relevant content that includes keywords covering web3 social media platform, attractive headlines, and structured formatting, users should have an upper hand in search results and attract some backlinks from other sites searching for valuable resources and ideas.
Additionally, sharing blog posts and articles using social media (across different platforms) and industry forums increases their reach and attracts more traffic with inbound links from many other websites interested in the decentralization topic.
Long Podcast Videos:
Podcasts are essential players in digital media because they offer people a simple, enjoyable way to absorb information and entertainment. Floyx completely understands this. Therefore, they enable you to share long podcast videos. It is now easy to bond with your audience through great audio content.
Integrating podcast video descriptions that are comprehensive and include transcripts and niche keywords, as a web3 social media platform, can be used to enhance your ranking on search engines and get backlinks from podcast directories and other related websites. Besides, podcast content creates audience loyalty and engagement, which leads to repeat visits and social sharing, which improves SEO performance and generates valuable backlinks.  
Monetization for Premium Content Writers:
Floyx recognizes the valuable content from the rest. That is a gift to those writers who pursue high-quality work. Their focus is on quality, initially including subjects like decentralization and Web3. Floyx enhances its authority and offers an opportunity to earn while it shares its knowledge. It is a win-win: valuable content for users, the creator's reward, and the entire community for decentralized social platforms like Floyx, which capitalizes on the philosophies of decentralization itself.
Uncensored Digital Space:
Floyx is incredible in times of censorship being the root problem. Here, you can say whatever you want without fearing a thing. In this case, you can post anything on decentralization, which inspires creativity and genuine conversations. This openness attracts people looking for something new and makes people interested in the decentralized social media platform. Floyx promotes ideas to flow freely; this helps it to build a lively community. Thus, engagement and SEO strengthen through shares and links on this web3 social media platform.
Floyx is a one-of-a-kind platform for SEO and comes with features to help you create relevant backlinks for decentralized social media platform and the decentralization movement. Besides abilities like profile submission, posting images and videos, blogging, and making money, Floyx offers the chance to be a star in the Web3 world and get many visitors and links from reputable sources on Web3 technology interested in you. Furthermore, Floyx is about letting you express your opinion freely, which leads to conversations, and people start sharing and linking naturally, thus building a lively community of people passionate about decentralization. Are you a marketer, content creator, or biz owner? If so, Floyx has everything you need to do great SEO, expand your audience, and grow in the Web3-dominated world of decentralized social platform and web technologies.
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agiletechsolution · 3 months
The Crucial Role of Backlink Quality and Relevance in Off-Page SEO
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In the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization (SEO), off-page optimization strategies continue to hold a significant sway over a website's ranking potential. Among these methodologies, the significance of backlinks couldn't possibly be more significant. However, it's not just about accumulating backlinks; the quality and relevance of these links play a pivotal role in determining a website's visibility and authority in search engine results pages (SERPs). In this article, we delve into the nuanced impact of backlink quality and relevance on off-page SEO.
Understanding Backlink Quality
Backlink quality refers to the authority, trustworthiness, and relevance of the websites linking back to your site. Search engines like Google consider high-quality backlinks as signals of credibility and authority, which can positively influence a website's search rankings.
Authority and Trustworthiness: Websites with high domain authority and trustworthiness are deemed more valuable by search engines. Backlinks from such authoritative sources carry more weight in improving a website's own authority and trustworthiness.
Relevance: Backlinks from websites that are topically relevant to your own site are more valuable. For instance, if you run a website about fitness, a backlink from a reputable fitness blog or a health-related website holds more weight than a link from an unrelated niche.
Natural Link Profile: Search engines also evaluate the link profile of a website to determine its credibility. A natural link profile comprises a diverse range of high-quality backlinks from various authoritative sources, indicating genuine interest and recognition within the online community.
The Impact of Backlink Quality on Off-Page SEO
Enhanced Search Engine Rankings: High-quality backlinks act as upvotes for your website's content in the eyes of search engines. As a result, websites with a strong portfolio of quality backlinks tend to rank higher in SERPs for relevant search queries.
Increased Organic Traffic: Improved search rankings translate to higher visibility and click-through rates, leading to increased organic traffic. Quality backlinks not only drive direct traffic but also contribute to long-term sustainable growth by establishing a robust online presence.
Building Authority and Trust: Backlinks from reputable sources help establish your website as an authority in its niche. This, in turn, fosters trust among users and encourages repeat visits, engagement, and conversions.
Protection Against Algorithm Updates: Websites with a solid foundation of high-quality backlinks are more resilient to fluctuations caused by search engine algorithm updates. Such updates often reward websites that adhere to best practices and penalize those engaged in manipulative tactics.
Importance of Relevance in Backlink Building
While backlink quality is crucial, relevance adds another layer of significance to the equation. Relevance ensures that backlinks contribute meaningfully to your website's context and topic authority.
Contextual Relevance: Backlinks embedded within relevant content are more valuable than those placed haphazardly. Contextual relevance enhances user experience by providing additional information or resources related to the topic at hand.
Topic Authority: Backlinks from websites with established authority in your niche validate your own website's topical relevance and authority. They signal to search engines that your content is credible and valuable within its specific subject matter.
Targeted Audience Reach: Relevance in backlink building ensures that your content reaches the right audience segment. Visitors referred from relevant websites are more likely to engage with your content, leading to higher conversion rates and lower bounce rates.
In the realm of off-page SEO, backlinks serve as bridges connecting your website to the vast landscape of the internet. However, not all backlinks are created equal. The quality and relevance of backlinks are paramount in influencing a website's search rankings, organic traffic, authority, and trustworthiness. By prioritizing the acquisition of high-quality, relevant backlinks through ethical means, website owners can establish a formidable online presence that withstands the test of time and algorithmic changes. Remember, in the pursuit of backlink building, quality and relevance reign supreme.
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sumiseo876 · 4 months
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foundatiobacklinks · 6 months
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I will do foundation backlinks social bookmarking, profile and forum posting high da90
🚀 Welcome to SeoNook - Your Gateway to Online Success! 🚀 🔍 Who We Are: At SeoNook, we are a dedicated team of SEO experts committed to boosting your online presence and driving measurable results. With a passion for staying ahead of the digital curve, we bring a wealth of experience and innovation to every project.
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horseimagebarn · 8 months
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horse standing in some type of stable looking back at the camera with a pleasant expression the horses hair has been styled and cut in a way to mimic the character applejack from the animated television show my little pony friendship is magic it even wears a hat similar to that of the character this horse is practicing the art of cosplay and doing a great job of it
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matedigital · 9 months
Wild Valley Resort Near Ramanagr
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greatbirddaze · 10 months
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I will submit video or image submission to 100 sharing sites
All links are safe white-hat and Google safe to use. No Black Hat, No Spam Links, No PBN, No Fake
I will do manual High-Quality Image Or Video Posting SEO Backlinks service white hat link building High-Quality Sites. Backlinks help in getting better search engine rankings.
I will Submit an Image Or Video as following::
Do High Quality Off Page SEO of Your posting. According to 2021 SEO updates
Edit Your Photo or Video (If Needed)
Share your image or Video on the High DA, PA, Posting website
Describe Image or video with Title and Details Description with Link Building
Working report will provide on Excel Sheet
Use Your Keywords on Tags
Increase traffic to your website, Facebook page Twitter LinkedIn account
Links You Will Receive:
Image Posting
Forum Post
Web 2.0
Blog Post
Article Post
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Why Getting From ME?
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sealsdaily · 1 month
Today's Seal Is: Took a hit off the blunt & coughed their lungs out!
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webtechnicalguru · 11 months
Free Image Submission Sites | High DA — PA Image Submission Sites
Top High DA - PA Image Submission Sites - 1.facebook 2.twitter 3.mediafire, 4.pinterest. For More Website Visit our Websites - READ MORE
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pokeficdaily · 1 year
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reactionimagesdaily · 10 months
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lowpolyanimals · 9 months
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Rat from Hypixel Skyblock 
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