#im trying to be neutral but yes my favoring of phil comes thru
anartisticdreamer0 · 6 months
can i add something to the sunny and phil thing? because im a philza main and i love tallulah, but i also love sunny!
so i’m going to start with no neg to anyone and i don’t really “side” with anyone either. i watch both povs (but phil more than tubbo) and i like all the characters! i also think it’s important to mention that most of the drama is v obviously caused by admins, so characters!
From Phil, he doesn’t dislike Sunny. this is something i’ve seen a lot of people saying that phil dislikes sunny and he doesn’t?? like from everything i’ve seen he does like them, she’s just not his egg. phil constantly is teasing the eggs, and when he originally introduced sunny literally all he did know of them was that she liked money and stealing. that was literally their only interaction at the time. but take for example yesterday, at the parkour, he took the time to wait for her, he left his own kids with tubbo to quickly teach them how to use the grapple, and complimented her new outfit.
I think the idea comes from him letting Tallulah not interact with Sunny. (which she is starting to change). to that i say, he’s a father first. obviously he’s going to put his child’s needs before anyone else’s. and even he has been hoping tallulah will warm up to sunny. saying yesterday when they were talking that he knew lullah just needed time. HE WAS LITERALLY HOPING THEYD GET ALONG.
Now I should make clear, Sunny is completely valid in feeling how she feels. i just think it’s important to mention that just cause that’s how they feel doesn’t mean she’s accurately seeing the situation. no, tallulah hasn’t liked her and is acting more hostile than she’s ever acted before. but with phil? that’s a misunderstanding. phil doesn’t dislike them and even if he did, it wouldn’t be her fault. From what i’m seeing the problem is tubbo.
he’s not communicating sunny’s needs to phil like phil told him about how tallulah was uncomfortable with the new eggs. (which i don’t see anyone mention?? phil told tubbo that lullah wasn’t comfy with the new eggs) he hasn’t even confronted phil on how he didn’t like what phil said while introducing her. which i can get he might not want to talk about lullah’s actions, but phil’s own feel like something he could confront. of course, i’m not blaming him, just saying that the main “problem” point is the lack of communication. sunny doesn’t want to confront the death family, phil doesn’t know there’s a reason to discuss! (which i can say from personal experience sucks to know you were hurting someone and they just chose to hold it against you but not tell you.) so tubbo, who at least knows how sunny feels and believes phil doesn’t mean for it to come off that way, should be the middleman.
TLDR: Sunny and Phil have the big miscommunication, Phil doesn’t dislike Sunny he just doesn’t really know her, and ideally, Tubbo should intervene.
i know i didn’t mention lullah really, but like personally fair that she doesn’t trust the new eggs. and really i haven’t seen anything so neg about her other than people just straight up hating her for not getting along with sunny. which is it’s own situation. but that has nothing to do with the characters so it’s not my point. as i prioritize talking about the characters over the meta.
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