#im totally not stressed at all just in general or about being possibly exposed to covid in like 15 different settings lol!!!!!!!!
pepprs · 10 months
ive been so exhausted this week i don’t know what’s wrong with me but it really does not bode well for the semester given that im about to have 3 long days in a row every week starting next week (work + class monday, work + therapy tuesday, work + teaching wednesday)
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traumatictouch · 3 years
why tomura reads like a sexual abuse survivor
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ive noticed that a lot of survivors - including me - easily read tomura as a csa survivor. ive decided to try to put these impressions into words, mostly for myself, but also for anyone curious as to why he’s so frequently read this way, or why i personally write him as such. i will mostly be elaborating on the reoccurring sexual assault imagery and csa survivor traits tomura exhibits.
triggering themes ahead, including discussed child sexual abuse, incest (sibling and pseudo), trauma and its effects, and sexual assault imagery (from the bnha manga itself). also spoilers for the most recent manga arc.
(disclaimer: i realize symptoms of trauma are pretty much common all across the board, and depression also comes with a lot of these behaviors - but there are some that crop up more commonly in cases of sexual abuse (especially from a young age) than in others. csa survivors also frequently end up with depression, too, so that doesn't necessarily take away from it.)
i’ll start with the cover above. the hands touching him here are much more expressive than the ones he usually wears. it's also framed in a way where you can't see the ends/cap things very well, and they don't appear so symmetrical, making them feel much more like real, living hands grabbing him.
there's also the fact that his face is exposed, which is something we had rarely seen him do willingly at this point in the manga, and even when he had he was still covered up with a hoodie or completely alone. the way he's covering half his face gives off the impression that he's not okay with the way he's exposed.
all of that, plus the obvious distress tomura is in, gives this very glaring assault vibes.
also, the hands on his head are clearly someone's actual, living hands as well. my guess is afo, especially since they seem to be petting him, which is reoccurring imagery between tomura and afo.
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tomura's total lack of privacy
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there's a clear lack of boundaries between tomura and the adults in his life. most of the spaces that seem to belong to tomura (the bar - he feels safe enough there to take Father off, and his room) are accompanied by cameras and audio transmissions from afo. he has no privacy, and doesn't even seem bothered by this fact.
he also doesn't seem to set boundaries with other people in general. toga can hold a knife to his neck, spinner can grab him and yell in his face, the doctor can shout over his earpiece, dabi (or anyone, really) can say whatever rude or callous things he wants to him… really the only time i can think of that even comes close was when mr. compress made a joke about working with overhaul and tomura said "hey, not funny."
he seems to kinda just let whatever happen to him. earlier in the series, tomura seemed to rely on kurogiri to notice when he needed space and step in for him rather than ask for it himself. that's a pretty telltale sign of someone who's had their needs and boundaries violated (or even punished) for a long time.
Tomuras over-attachment to afo and his praise/affection
obviously afo groomed tomura whether it involved sexual abuse or not, but it is something that could have easily lended itself to that as well. early in the series, tomura clearly highly valued afos opinion of him, and seemed to strive to please and repay him for his kindness. these are feelings afo incited in him on purpose and did, canonically, take advantage of to turn tomura into a villain and pawn - who's to say he didn't use it for other purposes, too?
it's also the kind of thing survivors tend to latch onto to cope with their abuse. it can be easier to think of the event as being affection, returning a favor, and/or special treatment, than to think of it as abuse. tomura looked up to afo so much that it's possible he could have considered (or been convinced) that it was special that someone as great as afo wanted to do something so intimate with him.
also, if this is really tomura realizing his sensei isn't as special and powerful as he'd been led to believe, then his reaction being to cover up while looking angry might, well… be a reaction to feeling used.
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Tomura & older men
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there's not a lot of people besides afo that tomura seems very quickly, openly… invested in. there are two major ones i can think of, and they are both 1. older men, and 2. mentor figures (even if not to tomura.)
the most obvious of the two is aizawa, who tomura has seemed pretty fond of since his first appearance and, even in the most recent chapters, can't seem to help but think about how cool aizawa is. aizawa isn't a mentor to tomura, obviously, but he is a teacher and tomura knows this. (and seems impressed by the way he tries to protect the students in his care--something afo very specifically does not do for tomura.)
the second, and perhaps less obvious to most, is Stain. i wrote up a whole post trying (trying.) to explain the way tomura seemed interested in him, and you can see a bit more about that and how tomura was hoping he'd be a mentor to him here.
in other words, tomura has shown reoccurring interest in older men, who are mentors, that he does not show for anyone else.
early sexual abuse can influence a person's attractions. survivors tend to be drawn to what is familiar, even if it hurt, and so it's pretty common for them to be attracted to and/or desire a relationship with those who resemble their abuser(s).
and afo is an older man who is a mentor to tomura (and others.)
immaturity (& age regression)
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tomura, in early canon, is often described by characters in-universe as being childish, especially in regards to how he processes his emotions. (i don't really like to conflate these things with "age" or "being childish" - but the way the manga itself presents these qualities is clearly intended to give tomura a immature/childish vibe.)
tomura's emotional processing, simple motivations, fixation with video games, toys littering his room, and need for close caregiving (kurogiri) all give off the impression that he's had trouble developing the way he "”should”" have--kind of like he didn't really move on at all.
this sort of stunted development tends to occur in people with childhood trauma, especially csa survivors. ptsd at its core is the brain getting "stuck" in the moment of trauma, so if the trauma occurred as a child, then one's development is somewhat halted there, especially in areas of emotional processing, because the brain and body have to dedicate so much energy to just trying to cope and survive. it's pretty common for csa survivors to have trouble coping with and controlling their emotions.
relatedly: i have no real way to confirm this right now, but i’ve heard that during the mla arc, while tomura was kind of going in and out of flashbacks, he started switching to using “boku” - a self pronoun for young boys - as opposed to his usual “ore”). ive since had to wonder if this is a reoccurring state for tomura - it might partly explain why he keeps his toys around despite never showing interest in them on-screen, and has such close supervision from kurogiri.
again, age regression can go for any kind of childhood trauma, but seems very common in child sexual abuse survivors in particular.
Lack of hygiene (esp oral)
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look at how tomura's teeth are drawn compared to even another villains. dabis teeth are straight and clean, whereas tomura's have holes and chips, and tend to be drawn uneven with wobbly lines, like they're covered in plaque.
not caring for one's hygiene is common for people with depression too - but failure to care for teeth also frequently crops up in survivors of sexual abuse, due to an aversion to things touching or being inside their mouth, because it can remind them of the abuse.
in a similar vein, tomura's hair looks unwashed and greasy to me, especially when it gets long. it sort of gathers in clumps and appears heavy. survivors may avoid taking showers because they aren't comfortable removing their clothes for long periods of time, or because the abuse occurred in proximity to bathing. (which is a convenient time for parental figures to groom and abuse their children, since it already involves them being naked and the parent touching them closely.)
in general, there just seems to be something off about tomura's relationship with his body. maybe it's the way he barely bats an eye at major injuries, doesn't care for his hygiene, self-injures, and didn't mind undergoing a surgery that altered its shape and function pretty heavily--but i get the impression that tomura sees his body as just a tool more than anything.
which, if someone grew up having their body regarded as nothing but a means of pleasure, kind of makes sense.
his clothing
im not sure if this has the same “connotations” (for lack of a better word) for flat chested people, but tomura always wearing a lowcut shirt that shows off a fair amount of his chest, but covering the rest of himself head to toe--including his face--feels significant to me. as well as the way he covers up even more (his hoodie) when he’s stressed. the hands, too--being covered up seems to be calming for him.
the placement of the hands afo gave him
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you can't tell me little tenko placed these hands where they are by himself. the ones on his chest aren’t even from his family or meant to resemble them - they’re additional hands afo gave him to wear. pretty weird place for “afo”’s hands to go...
I feel like theres a little bit something to tomura frequently having his clothes ripped off during fights
not that it's particularly uncommon for bnha characters to get their clothes a bit shredded during fights, but i can't help but feel like there's something to tomura getting torn down to nothing but his pants twice, with both battles heavily involving tomura's traumas, including the ones related to afo. the vs mla arc with how tomura met afo and how he turned him into what he is today, then the war arc where the methods afo used to control and abuse tomura (the hands) are brought back again--and afo repeatedly takes tomura's bodily autonomy away from him.
AFO's predatory behaviors
tomuras own behavior aside, All For One himself has some behaviors and imagery that gives off very predatory vibes. i’ll start with Ragdoll…
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most people theorize that she was going to be turned into a nomu, but there are two important things here. ragdoll was found 1. alive, and 2. naked. all nomu are made from corpses - if afo had time to take her quirk and undress her, he certainly had time to kill her, especially since three days had passed since she was kidnapped. (and, what benefit would there be to making a nomu out of a quirkless hero?)
her dazed state is also curious - we've never been told taking or giving quirks has a side effect like this, and i would think itd at least wear off after three days…
there's also not actually a lot to suggest she was submerged in one of the tanks (that i know of); in the full body image, she doesn't seem to be soaking wet or anything. there's no water dripping off her. there's just a bit of liquid on her face and neck, which could merely be sweat, or… other fluids.
this next part is more debatable due to it being more dubiously canon (although My Hero: One’s Justice has been known to basically spoil villain related lore before it appears in the manga) - but he has some dialogue that makes him sound... pretty fuckin enthusiastic about sexual violence.
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and time and time again, afo has been... very creepy and obsessive about his brother. who happens to look an awful lot like tomura, and is vaguely connected to nana as a user of OFA, and we know how far afo would go to spite both of them.
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The "wow this is pretty much confirmed now" page
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i always thought i was just projecting when i read tomura as a csa survivor - until i saw this page, which was so viscerally uncomfortable that it made me nauseous. it definitely made me decide i wasn't just reading into things that weren't there. that's not exactly to say this panel 100% confirmed it (though it certainly did in my mind, personally) -- but the imagery here can't not be deliberate.
tomura is literally shirtless and bent over before afo, and sure, afos not completely standing behind him, but that's partially because his lower half is inside of tomura. and from our previous example of afo taking over tomura's body…
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i wish i could find the translation i first saw - this is the viz translation, which is notoriously horrible - but the one i read felt much more along the lines of "i saved you, so i get to do what i want with your body."
that is a line of logic that could have EASILY applied to their earlier relationship. the way afo saved tenko was very much on the forefront of tomura's mind early in the series, possibly either an idea he clung onto to justify the abuse he experienced from afo, or something afo personally reminded him of frequently.
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also… part of afos body is definitely wrapped around tomura's upper thigh, and in certain panels seems to be emanating from between his legs.
speaking of, tomura's stance is also notable to me. compared to the panel where tomura first realized afo was taking control of him, where his knees are pretty straight on or outwards in a powerful balanced brace, in these panels his knees seem to be bending in towards his body, like he wants to squeeze his legs shut. huh.
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i touched on this before, but it's interesting to me that what finally let afo fully take control of tomura's body, was having a hand (one afo very specifically used to control and abuse tomura into doing what he wanted) placed upon his body without permission.
so, all in all, afo is "inside" tomura's body, using it for his own means, against tomura's wishes.
what else does that sound like? no wonder deku feels like tomura needs help, despite everything...
again, this isn't to say that csa is definitely the cause of these things, just that tomura does have an abundance of behaviors and imagery that could easily be read that way.
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aaaaa im not sure what the character limit, so feel free to cut something out if it is! i can get 😘 🌹💅 for keith and gray?
Gray Reverse:
🌹 = How would your muse react to romantic gestures, expected or not?
Gray is always one part nervous and the other part pleased when you put effort into romantic gestures for him, it made him feel special that he had your attention in this way. He’s always a little quiet as he processed what was happening and he always asks if it’s for him, having to double check even though he knew you were dating and that there’d be no other recipient for your affections. He still had to wonder if he deserved all this love you showed him but he knew it upset you when he questioned it so he had been working on accepting that you saw him far differently than he saw himself.
😘 = Does your muse like to flirt? Do they like to be flirted with?
Whenever someone flirted with Gray he just wanted to run and hide under a rock. The concept of someone being interested in him like that stressed him out a bit and he didn’t even know how to respond properly, flirting with him would take a long while before it became apparent what he was trying to do. He’s good at stuttering out compliments at least, earnest in his attempts to get his attention and to show he was also quietly admiring you.
💅🏻 = Does your muse always try to look their best around their partner, or are they comfortable wearing anything around them?
Gray does attempt to put in as much effort as possible to look good for you, moreso at the beginning of your relationship than when he gets comfortable. He disliked you seeing him first thing in the morning because he thought he looked worse with his messy hair and his scar exposed but you never seemed to mind. You liked when Gray dressed up for you but you liked him just as much when he dressed casually, not able to think of any outfit that was so atrocious you think it threw off all of his attractiveness.
Keith Max:
🌹 = How would your muse react to romantic gestures, expected or not?
Keith is always a little surprised when you go out of your way for him but he knows how selfless you generally are, and how much effort you put into making him happy. He always showed gratitude for you going out of your way to make him smile, thinking this cute side of you is why he had fallen so hard and fast in the first place. He’s not great at grand gestures nor does he think he gets feelings across well but he does try to communicate just how important to him you are.
😘 = Does your muse like to flirt? Do they like to be flirted with?
Keith isn’t really the flirty type, he has a hard time putting on that type of show even for the women who openly flirt with him while he’s on patrol. But you were certainly a special case when it came to Keith and he couldn’t help but throw out a few one-liners that may lean toward being flirty. You were always surprised when you heard it come from his mouth but you thought the look of instant regret after he put himself out there was cute.
💅🏻 = Does your muse always try to look their best around their partner, or are they comfortable wearing anything around them?
Keith tried to straighten himself out at least a little before he saw you before you were dating but you had dealt with him at his worst, seeing him drunk and a total mess, so he didn’t try too hard very often. Looking too proper made him uncomfortable and while he hated doing it (and would complain about it the entire time he had to look official) he still wanted to look nice standing next to you. He thought the messy-haired, slightly disheveled appearance suited him better than anything else and you had to agree as seeing him put together was a little off-putting.
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kindlespice · 4 years
ooooh skin stuff?? what products do you use / what's your routine? im super nosy and fascinated about this stuff lol
oof, sorry this took so long to answer, i ended up writing a whole damn novel… my b. Anyway i buy my skin care pretty much exclusively from yesstyle (minus a few exceptions, but i’m always open to new suggestions! i am gonna take a look at jolse soon) so i’ll just link the products from there. Also i have a little dinky code for like 2-5% off if you wanna save like… $1 it’s 5NAYTT
Disclaimers before i start though, I have normal skin (i know i’m so lucky uwu) so i generally don’t stress about whether my products work better or worse for dry/oily skin—but i do tend to favor more hydrating/moisturizing products. Also i’m no esthetician or dermatologist, most of my knowledge comes from product reviews, skin care videos, and my own personal experiences. So basically take everything I say and share with a grain of salt :))
We’ll start out easy with my morning routine:
1.)  Mostly i start by wetting my face with warm water. you can also wet it in the shower if you’re a morning shower-er(?) but i’m not lol. IF my skin is feeling really dirty in the morning for some reason though (like if i sweat real bad on a summer night or drown in a pool of drool x-x) i’ll start with the Perfect Whip foaming cleanser
i find that most mornings, bc of my more extensive night routine, my face isn’t often in need of a cleanser
but i really like this bc you get SO MUCH use out of so little product; i use less than a dime-size amount per wash. but i do use this little foam maker thingy which builds up a better and faster foam than using my hands—not necessary but very convenient. there’s also foaming nets you can try, but i’m not familiar with them.
i don’t completely dry my face after use; i like it damp when i apply the toner
2.)  Apply Klairs Supple Preparation Toner
i personally use the original version as i don’t mind essential oil scents, and my skin doesn’t react negatively to them. If oils bother you for whatever reason though, you might want to try the unscented version!
i also pour this into a spray bottle (you can pick these up pretty much anywhere but these are cute if you wanna order some) and apply via spray. No reason other than I just don’t want to buy cotton pads :)
3.)  Apply Snail Repairing Essence
i use this pretty much as a moisturizer but you might want to use an additional cream or something if your skin is on the drier side?
4.)  Apply SPF
okay so… i don’t actually have a rec for this bc i just use whatever my mom has.  and i haven’t actually gotten a korean sunscreen yet bc i don’t go outside and i’m that person (who is v dumb) and doesn’t apply spf consistently in the winter -.- but rest assured, i’ll get some eventually lololol
Okay like i said, pretty easy in the morning! I don’t use essences, just bc i’m still young and a lot of them seem to be focused on anti-aging things that aren’t my main concern. And I prefer to use my serum at night bc it’s got vitamin C and i just told you i’m bad at sunscreen
But night time is where it gets complicated fun:
1.)  Hop in the shower (but if you’re not a nighttime shower-er then you can just cleanse out of the shower) and go in with the Clean It Zero cleansing balm (this also has other versions: purifying, revitalizing, and nourishing but i’ve only ever used the original)
i usually do double cleansing at night, so this is my oil-based “first cleanser”
but i have been known to um… “gloss over” this step if i’m being lazy….. -.-
i like oil-based cleansers bc they’re a nice, gentle way to remove makeup (as opposed to wipes and stuff) and i do use this to remove eye makeup as it personally doesn’t irritate my eyes; i also prefer balms over straight up oils bc they’re more fun ^-^
anyway, i massage it on, emulsify, and rinse! also, if you’re not in the shower, i would keep my face damp after rinsing.
2.)  Perfect Whip foaming cleanser while still in the shower
pro-tip, if you have a foam maker, i would make the foam BEFORE you start. that way you can just apply it right after the balm!
again, i keep my face damp after rinsing off the foam and hopping out of the shower
3.)  Klairs Supple Preparation Toner returns!
again, i have mine in a spray bottle so i spray it on and tap it in!
4.)  IF IT’S SUNDAY, then i will go in with the Lemon Sparkling Peeling Gel next
this is a chemical exfoliator (i finally ditched my knock-off st. ives XD) and i only use it once a week
5.) IF IT’S SUNDAY, and i have one available, i’ll put on a sheet mask next
sheet masks are… honestly all the same to me lol but i order these innisfree ones all the time; my regulars being green tea, tea tree, and aloe (they’re actually cheaper on their website tho so…).  i also really wanna try the A’PIEU Milk Packs particularly in banana and strawberry, so i’ll probs order and try those out when i can justify spending the money on a whole bunch (knowing me i’ll turn it into a whole $40+ order lol)
i leave these on for 15-20 minutes (usually 20), take it off, and pat the remaining product into my skin
also there’s usually some left over on the other side of the mask and/or in the package that i’ll massage onto my neck and body (we try not to do not waste product in this house!!)
if i’ve done a mask, then i will most likely skip this next step
6.)  Apply Klairs Vitamin C Drop
this is pretty much my daily serum as it helps with improving my dark spots and hyper pigmentation (my main skin concern)
i take 3-5 DROPS in my hand… that’s it, i literally wasted so much before i finally decided to stop dropping it onto my face.
apply and pat that bad boy all over!!
7.)  Snail Repairing Essence  returns!
again this is my probably-not-supposed-to-be-but-idfc moisturizer so i just slap it on!
8.)  Almost done, here’s the Snail Repair Eye Cream
this is actually new, but i bought a smaller tube bc 1. i didn’t want to spend a bunch of money on something that might irritate my eyes. and 2. i didn’t. want. to spend. a bunch. of money. but the little nozzle is actually really helpful for getting a small, good amount of cream actually XD
so i’ll squeeze a little line (more like an oblong dot tho) under each eye and use my ring fingers to glide that up to the lid and pat in the product.
9.)  Last one! Berry Lip Mask
basically…. i even buy korean knock-offs lololol
i just apply this to my bottom lip (my top lip never causes me issues??) and let it sit over night
Anddddd that’s everything! Very nearly got to that 10 step dream but, no essence, no clout i guess. Anyway, i do have some additional pro-tips too:
If you’re buying/trying new skin care products, be patient and introduce them slowly. it’s hard, but this way—if one or more products are causing a reaction—it’s easy to just cut it out of the routine. Also i like to think it gives your skin time to become used to the new ingredients and to “normalize” before piling on new stuff (but that could be total bs lol)
“Listen” to your skin; use products that make YOUR skin feel good, and use products when YOU need them. especially with serums and stuff, invest in products that will help you to address your skin concerns and achieve your skin goals (whatever those may be at the time)—and not someone else’s. Also don’t be afraid to admit if a product’s not working, better to chuck it than ruin your skin you know?
From someone who’s experienced a very unpleasant, burning unibrow :))) don’t remove hair on exfoliation day and avoid putting a lot of product on sensitive areas. Also, doing some sort of cleanse before hair removal helps to reduce the risk of dirt and stuff getting into the exposed skin.
Oh and be gentle with your exfoliators (whether physical or chemical) DON’T SCRUB FOR THE LOVE OF PETE to avoid cuts and burns!
If you have a spot (or feel one coming up) , use some sort of spot treatment. you’re much less likely to pick with something if it’s covered up by a patch (these are my faves) which will reduce irritation and formation of dark spots.
Be as hygienic as possible! There’s no towel drying steps in my routine for two main reasons. 1, i like keeping the moisture and hydration from the water as long as possible. and 2, bacteria. is. everywhere. Towels are pretty gross when you think about it and limiting contact between them and your face will probably greatly improve your skin’s health. Also avoid touching nozzle or dropper applicators directly to your hands or face: that way the applicator won’t come in contact with any bacteria or germs and transfer that gunk onto your face every time you use it. Washing your hands and/or tools that DO touch your face is also important in, again, reducing the spread of random gunk.
Take it slow, relax, and enjoy it! Skin time is my relaxation time (especially sunday nights oml so awesome!!), it’s honestly one of the best parts of my day just being able to kick back and take care of myself. Try not to make it a chore, it isn’t supposed to feel regimented or overwhelming, but relaxing and fun!
Okay that’s really it!! And yeah this got really really long….. sorry if you actually only wanted my yesstyle recs XD
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nightspsyche · 6 years
How to Chat with me OOC
Since I've been doing a lot more ooc chat that I'm used to doing on here? I kind of want to make some kind of road map, if you will, on how to figure out my moods if I haven't made them known. I have social anxiety, so me and talking even online is awkward as hell. It takes me some time to open up to anyone, let alone allow anyone to know things about me. It's rare that I feel comfortable with anyone right off the bat, so please don't be offended if that's not the case. I tend to keep myself at a distance from people, especially online. I've been through too much shit with people I thought were my friends and I don't want to go through it again.
With that said? Here are a few things to know, and maybe keep in mind.
1) I'm generally quiet. I don't really say much IRL even to my family. Some days are better than others, and the more comfortable I am with a person? The easier it is for me to converse with them. 2) I tend to think out things I say, and then over think them far too much. This is part of my anxiety, it's unavoidable. This means if you can? Please don't send me multiple IMs at once because I don't have the time to answer one back before I get another three to five. This means I have not just the original thing I was thinking about, and replying to to consider. Now I have another half dozen possibly other topics to sort through, think over and reply to. Then I have to over think it, reread it all and then send. By then I could have another four IMs. This is a quick way to lose me in a conversation and have me fall quiet on you. It's not that I get angry or annoyed per se with the person I'm talking to. I get annoyed with myself because I quite honestly can't keep up. It sets off my anxiety badly. 3) I don't usually IM people first. I hate to in fact. I always worry I'm going to be bothering someone, that they aren't online. That they aren't answering because they don't like me, don't want to talk, or I've annoyed them. Again, anxiety. So I don't IM first. Actually I kind of hate the Tumblr IM system [shrug]. This isn't to say people can't IM me because you totally can. Just don't put much hope that I'll send one to you unless I actually need to talk with you, ask a question etc. 4) I tend to use tags for chatter ooc. A lot. I defer to them usually rather than my IMs. 5) One thing I don't respond well to is guilt tripping. I will stop talking with you if this is done. Whether it's because I can't RP at the time, or because I don't want to do a plot or because I just don't feel up to talking. Just don't guilt trip me. 6) Don't do backwards (in a way?) passive aggression. I don't respond well to that either and likely will avoid replying to you or talking with you. Yes this probably sounds bratty but honestly, I deal with that daily IRL and it's an anxiety trigger. As is guilt tripping. 7) If we're talking and I get quiet.. Usually it's not something that was said. I could be away, I could be talking with my nephew, I could be talking with a family member. It's possible I'm having anxiety issues and just need a moment and don't want anyone to know. Also.. It's possible that I'm upset and need a moment to collect myself before I answer. 8) If I do get upset by something said to me.. Or I'd much rather just not be talking? There is a way you can tell. I do very short, to the point answers. I'll do that when distracted but usually I at least give sentences lol. If I'm angry or upset or just don't want to talk? I usually go to one to four words. Basically the shorter I can answer a person in, the better. I don't want to expose anyone to my anger, and I don't want to snap at anyone. 9) I hate confrontation. I hate it. So if you're someone who has upset me, or has done something to make me not want to talk with you? I won't tell you. Why? Because I hate the confrontation. I hate arguments. I hate being mean to people. I sure as hell don't stick up for myself so why would I bring up an issue I have with someone? I wouldn't. I don't. That's just not me. If I have an issue with someone, or if I don't want to talk with someone? I just avoid. 10) I have avoidance issues. 11) I don't mind helping people out, in fact I love being there for people. I try to be there for people as much as possible. All I ask is that people please give me time to deal with my own problems if I'm having them. I do need those moments some days. I don't usually talk these things out with people online as I honestly have a great friend who helps me out when I need it. I trust her enough to know what I need to hear, or what will get me laughing if needed. I don't like taking my troubles to people. But on those days, I will usually make a post letting people know my day has sucked, that I need some time to be my muse and not myself. Those are the days I can't help people out even if I'd like to. Now that doesn't mean I won't help someone if it's a life threatening emergency, because holy crap I will! At the same time however? I can't do someone just dumping all of their stress onto me. If I'm already stressed to the max? I can't help someone else because I won't honestly be sure how to. 12) I don't come here just for RP. Like yes that's a majority of what I do, but I'm also here for some ooc interactions as well. One thing that gets under my skin, and has for years, is people who use the guise of talking with me ooc as a segue to talking about RP constantly. Like great, you want to plot? Come right out and say it, don't shade it with acting as though you might care about me ooc. I'll plot if you make it know you wnat to, just don't toss it into a random ooc conversation that has nothing to do with RP. "So it's snowing today. And oh by the way I want to do this with my muse and yours.". It makes me feel like I'm not the important one but my muse is. Which hell if you love my muse? Awesome. But I'm more than my muse(s). I'm more than just text on a screen. I'm more than just a photo of a celebrity. I'm more than a fandom. 13) It's super rare that I'll give personal details out to people. Which is why I tend to go by Pippin. Most people don't know a lot about me on here. I kind of prefer it that way to some degree. But here's a few things to keep in mind, because I hold these things important both IC and OOC. I don't do pet names. Nicknames, totally. Mean hello.. Pippin? Yeah. But not pet names. I don't like being associated with based on looks solely either IC or OOC. I have a personality and I'd rather people want to be around me for that reason, not my appearance. The same goes with Elana. A sure fire way of chasing me off is to make it based on looks. Like "Oh I only want to be with you because you're attractive!" who wants that even if it's in a fake world? No one. Or at least I hope not. 14) If you have questions, it's okay to ask. Especially about anything in this list. I know I can be a handful to talk to some times. I can be very happy go lucky and chatty but one thing can set my anxiety off and blam mood swing. But that's part of the anxiety. It's like flipping a damned switch. Trust me I don't like it. In fact I hate it. But that's my reality. That's the reality of wanting to talk to me ooc. 15) Don't treat me like I'm an idiot. Cause I'm not. I mean sure I can act like it some times but I can actually understand a lot. I read a lot, I study up on a lot of things. If I don't understand something I will ask. But I don't like to be treated like I'm stupid, or a child. I've had it happen so much that at this point I'm just so done with it. 16) Nov-Dec is a bad time of year for me. It’s primarily when Christmas shopping is done and my birthday happens in that time frame. I can’t always be on during those days, let alone at all some days in the year itself. I just need people to be patient with me, and not act like I owe them anything. This is meant to be fun for me and lately it just hasn’t been for so many reasons. It’s my release from anxiety and I don’t need people adding to it yanno?
I'm sure that all of these have put at least a few of you off from wanting to talk with me. I get it, and it's cool really. There are days I don't want to be me, so why would people want to talk with me? But honestly, if you have a question be up front about it. I'm fucking oblivious some times and need straight questions for me to understand what you want lol. So basically that is my horribly long list of how to interact with me. If you've made it this far, you're a trooper!
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a new kind of world
It’s crazy how much can change in just a little less than 2 months.
last time i wrote i was going into my CS interview, and i was so freaking nervous. i think it was to my detriment because i psyched myself out and cut myself down when i really shouldn’t have. it has caused me to have a warped perspective on what i can and can’t do and has definitely hurt my self esteem. I say all of this because I’m writing to you now going into my 4th week as a CSM.
pretty unbelievable right? I am so thankful to GOD for the fact that this even happened. just reminds me how blessed i am. 
i’ve also gotten to see my grandparents twice in a month. i’ve spent so much quality time with them and so thankful they’ve made it back to NY safely....
i’m kind of not being straight to the point. if you were someone reading this post tomorrow, you would be shocked i havent mentioned it yet.
the world is changing right now and it’s all very very obvious. when i last wrote about a month and a half ago, we were living in totally different times. 
Back then, i was still in an office environment, i could go to a bar with my friends, i could pick up toilet paper and everything i needed no problem, i could cough and sneeze without getting looks...wow, how nice it would be to just go to any store during business hours and get what i wanted/needed. but no, i can’t. because every business is temporarily shut down due to the social restrictions society has placed on the general public to avoid the spread of germs even further.
back in february, it didn’t feel that close to home. now going into my 3rd week straight working from home, feeling the restrictions of where i can’t go first hand, and just feeling the stress around me is making me feel the gravity and the seriousness of this sickness.
 Coronavirus (COVID-19) has completely altered how we interact each other on a long term, temporary solution for carrying out our lives unchanged day in and day out. take out is the only option. want to go to a happy hour? tough shit. hop on a zoom call with your friends bc all the bars are boarded up and shut down. 
no one can get haircuts, massages, manicures, etc. There are stickers placed on the floors of big public places 6 feet apart as a reminder to keep your distance. 
at first i didnt take this seriously which i feel terribly about now. that is an extrenely selfish way to live because who knows how many times i could have (or have) exposed people who are weaker and more susceptible to the germs, just because my body was a carrier. It is so important today to remain vigilant, be considerate of others, and prevent the spread of germs as much as possible.
i saw toilet paper for the first  time in public in over 2 weeks. unbelievable. this time is changing how society will operate. for example, movies premiered for the first time at home and not in theatres because of coronavirus. one day, people will look bakc and think that it was so old school to actually go to the movie theatre to watch new movies because that was the only way. 
food delivery services are offering so many discounts asz well as vod streaming platforms. ALL SCHOOLS ARE CANCELED. many are teaching/learning from home. great for rev tbh b/c of their sudden need for captions ASAP. i feel for my sister, who’s start date for her first professional job got pushed back to july when in reality it was supposed to be tomorrow.
sean was telling me how she won’t be able to do all the fun things seniors do at psu bc she has to go back to new york and take classes from home to help contain the virus. also in NY it’s the worst, there are 30k cases in that one state and the next worst state’s cases are around 3k. it’s spreading so badly.
i got a cnn notification today on my phone that the death toll in the us went fromn 1k-2k in a matter of two days. austin has been in a shelter-in-place state since last tuesday (3/24). i’m so bored so whenever i need to talked to people i c all up craig and go to his house.
we all got so drunk last night. its been fun being ‘quarantined’. there ar some perks and some downsides but for the most part i love it. i dont mind it at all unless i actually want to get something done. we’ve been living like its a different time. the whole world has slwoed down. gyms are closed so people are exercising and biking/running outside. i havent worked out this much in ages. most people are working form home so theres no traffic, so less pollution. 
this is an interesteimng time were living in. i cant believe im experiencing it first hand, i want to document this as much as i can but im afraid i’ll forget.
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joshuabradleyn · 6 years
FDA approves generic Zoloft drug Sertaline
Sertraline is used medically mainly to treat the symptoms of depression and anxiety. It has also been prescribed for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, panic disorder, and bipolar disorder. It was first approved by the FDA in 1991. The patent for this brand-name drug expired in December 2005. It is anticipated that the generic drug will be available in the United States in June of 2006, manufactured by Andrx, Aurobindo, Genpharm, Ivax, Mylan, and Roxane. In Scandinavia a generic drug called Sertralin, manufactured by HEXAL is available. The price differences between Zoloft and Sertralin are as high as 1.50 dollars per pill.
Sertraline can have a number of adverse effects, including insomnia, asthenia, gastrointestinal complaints, tremors, confusion, dizziness, anorgasmia, and decreased libido; it can induce mania or hypomania in around 0.5% of patients. It has also been known to cause minorweight loss. It is contraindicated in individuals taking MAOIs or undergoing electroconvulsive therapy.
Until 2003 Zoloft was only approved for use in adults ages 18 and over; that year it was approved by the FDA for use in treating children ages 6 to 17 with extreme obsessive compulsive disorder. In June, 2004, Britain banned the use of Zoloft by minors and in February, 2005, Pfizer was forced to change the labeling of Zoloft to include information regarding increased incidences of suicidal behavior and depression in adolescent users of the drug.
According to mentalhealth.com, Zoloft is not currently recommended or advised for use in individuals under the age of 18. After these changes, multiple incidences and at least one medical study showed an increased risk of suicide in seniors who were taking Zoloft. In response to these findings, the FDA released a public health warning. This warning indicates that anyone currently using Zoloft for any reason has a greater chance of exhibiting suicidal thoughts or behaviors regardless of age. This warning is questionable, however, due to the types of illnesses Zoloft is used to treat, it is impossible to determine if these tendencies are a side effect of the drug or the illness the drug is meant to treat.
Zoloft and Pregnancy
Zoloft has long been seen as the best option for breastfeeding mothers who wish to continue breastfeeding and be able to take their antidepressants. Despite its apparent safety and effectiveness during the breastfeeding period, recent studies and consumer complaints have seen a need to alter Zoloft’s labeling regarding use during the third trimester of pregnancy.
Though there are no teratogenetic defects associated with Zoloft, there is reason to be concerned about its effects on infants who were exposed to sertraline during the third trimester in utero. It seems that Zoloft use in late pregnancy significantly increases the potential need for hospitalization and breathing assistance in the newborn period and has also been shown to cause an increased risk of neonatal death.
In light of this increased risk it is still being used due to the greater potential risk of a seriously depressed mother to herself and her unborn child. Like all other medications Zoloft’s use must be decided only after carefully weighing out all potential risks and benefits.
As part of the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) on-going efforts to increase the available generic drug alternatives for American consumers, the agency today approved the first generic version of Zoloft tablets, sertraline, as well as a liquid concentrate, sertraline hydrochloride, version of the product.
Sertaline is for Depression
Sertraline tablets are indicated for the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD) in adults and the liquid concentrate is approved for the treatment of MDD and some anxiety related disorders. In 2005, Zoloft was the sixth highest-selling brand-name drug in the United States, with retail sales totaling $2,561,069,000.
“Generic drugs are safe and effective alternatives to brand name prescription products and can provide for significant cost savings for the American public,” said Gary J. Buehler, Director, Office of Generic Drugs. “Our office is committed to increasing the number of approved generic alternatives as quickly as possible.”
The FDA Generic Drug Process
The economic benefits of FDA’s generic drug approval program are significant because generics can cost a fraction of the price of the brand name drugs and generic drugs represent about two-thirds of total prescription doses sold in the United States in 2004, according to IMS data on U.S. retail sales. Competition from generic drugs that are safe and effective alternatives may quickly lead to reductions in spending. The savings would likely increase as more competitors enter the market (See https://ift.tt/2pRtL9K).
FDA’s Office of Generic Drugs (OGD) continues working expeditiously to review and take action on generic drug applications. For more information on other first generic versions, please see https://ift.tt/2ISxEnA.
For additional information related to FDA’s Office of Generic Drugs, please go to: https://ift.tt/2pRtMdO.
The post FDA approves generic Zoloft drug Sertaline appeared first on Fitness Tips for Life.
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albertcaldwellne · 6 years
FDA approves generic Zoloft drug Sertaline
Sertraline is used medically mainly to treat the symptoms of depression and anxiety. It has also been prescribed for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, panic disorder, and bipolar disorder. It was first approved by the FDA in 1991. The patent for this brand-name drug expired in December 2005. It is anticipated that the generic drug will be available in the United States in June of 2006, manufactured by Andrx, Aurobindo, Genpharm, Ivax, Mylan, and Roxane. In Scandinavia a generic drug called Sertralin, manufactured by HEXAL is available. The price differences between Zoloft and Sertralin are as high as 1.50 dollars per pill.
Sertraline can have a number of adverse effects, including insomnia, asthenia, gastrointestinal complaints, tremors, confusion, dizziness, anorgasmia, and decreased libido; it can induce mania or hypomania in around 0.5% of patients. It has also been known to cause minorweight loss. It is contraindicated in individuals taking MAOIs or undergoing electroconvulsive therapy.
Until 2003 Zoloft was only approved for use in adults ages 18 and over; that year it was approved by the FDA for use in treating children ages 6 to 17 with extreme obsessive compulsive disorder. In June, 2004, Britain banned the use of Zoloft by minors and in February, 2005, Pfizer was forced to change the labeling of Zoloft to include information regarding increased incidences of suicidal behavior and depression in adolescent users of the drug.
According to mentalhealth.com, Zoloft is not currently recommended or advised for use in individuals under the age of 18. After these changes, multiple incidences and at least one medical study showed an increased risk of suicide in seniors who were taking Zoloft. In response to these findings, the FDA released a public health warning. This warning indicates that anyone currently using Zoloft for any reason has a greater chance of exhibiting suicidal thoughts or behaviors regardless of age. This warning is questionable, however, due to the types of illnesses Zoloft is used to treat, it is impossible to determine if these tendencies are a side effect of the drug or the illness the drug is meant to treat.
Zoloft and Pregnancy
Zoloft has long been seen as the best option for breastfeeding mothers who wish to continue breastfeeding and be able to take their antidepressants. Despite its apparent safety and effectiveness during the breastfeeding period, recent studies and consumer complaints have seen a need to alter Zoloft’s labeling regarding use during the third trimester of pregnancy.
Though there are no teratogenetic defects associated with Zoloft, there is reason to be concerned about its effects on infants who were exposed to sertraline during the third trimester in utero. It seems that Zoloft use in late pregnancy significantly increases the potential need for hospitalization and breathing assistance in the newborn period and has also been shown to cause an increased risk of neonatal death.
In light of this increased risk it is still being used due to the greater potential risk of a seriously depressed mother to herself and her unborn child. Like all other medications Zoloft’s use must be decided only after carefully weighing out all potential risks and benefits.
As part of the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) on-going efforts to increase the available generic drug alternatives for American consumers, the agency today approved the first generic version of Zoloft tablets, sertraline, as well as a liquid concentrate, sertraline hydrochloride, version of the product.
Sertaline is for Depression
Sertraline tablets are indicated for the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD) in adults and the liquid concentrate is approved for the treatment of MDD and some anxiety related disorders. In 2005, Zoloft was the sixth highest-selling brand-name drug in the United States, with retail sales totaling $2,561,069,000.
“Generic drugs are safe and effective alternatives to brand name prescription products and can provide for significant cost savings for the American public,” said Gary J. Buehler, Director, Office of Generic Drugs. “Our office is committed to increasing the number of approved generic alternatives as quickly as possible.”
The FDA Generic Drug Process
The economic benefits of FDA’s generic drug approval program are significant because generics can cost a fraction of the price of the brand name drugs and generic drugs represent about two-thirds of total prescription doses sold in the United States in 2004, according to IMS data on U.S. retail sales. Competition from generic drugs that are safe and effective alternatives may quickly lead to reductions in spending. The savings would likely increase as more competitors enter the market (See https://ift.tt/2pRtL9K).
FDA’s Office of Generic Drugs (OGD) continues working expeditiously to review and take action on generic drug applications. For more information on other first generic versions, please see https://ift.tt/2ISxEnA.
For additional information related to FDA’s Office of Generic Drugs, please go to: https://ift.tt/2pRtMdO.
The post FDA approves generic Zoloft drug Sertaline appeared first on Fitness Tips for Life.
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0 notes
almajonesnjna · 6 years
FDA approves generic Zoloft drug Sertaline
Sertraline is used medically mainly to treat the symptoms of depression and anxiety. It has also been prescribed for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, panic disorder, and bipolar disorder. It was first approved by the FDA in 1991. The patent for this brand-name drug expired in December 2005. It is anticipated that the generic drug will be available in the United States in June of 2006, manufactured by Andrx, Aurobindo, Genpharm, Ivax, Mylan, and Roxane. In Scandinavia a generic drug called Sertralin, manufactured by HEXAL is available. The price differences between Zoloft and Sertralin are as high as 1.50 dollars per pill.
Sertraline can have a number of adverse effects, including insomnia, asthenia, gastrointestinal complaints, tremors, confusion, dizziness, anorgasmia, and decreased libido; it can induce mania or hypomania in around 0.5% of patients. It has also been known to cause minorweight loss. It is contraindicated in individuals taking MAOIs or undergoing electroconvulsive therapy.
Until 2003 Zoloft was only approved for use in adults ages 18 and over; that year it was approved by the FDA for use in treating children ages 6 to 17 with extreme obsessive compulsive disorder. In June, 2004, Britain banned the use of Zoloft by minors and in February, 2005, Pfizer was forced to change the labeling of Zoloft to include information regarding increased incidences of suicidal behavior and depression in adolescent users of the drug.
According to mentalhealth.com, Zoloft is not currently recommended or advised for use in individuals under the age of 18. After these changes, multiple incidences and at least one medical study showed an increased risk of suicide in seniors who were taking Zoloft. In response to these findings, the FDA released a public health warning. This warning indicates that anyone currently using Zoloft for any reason has a greater chance of exhibiting suicidal thoughts or behaviors regardless of age. This warning is questionable, however, due to the types of illnesses Zoloft is used to treat, it is impossible to determine if these tendencies are a side effect of the drug or the illness the drug is meant to treat.
Zoloft and Pregnancy
Zoloft has long been seen as the best option for breastfeeding mothers who wish to continue breastfeeding and be able to take their antidepressants. Despite its apparent safety and effectiveness during the breastfeeding period, recent studies and consumer complaints have seen a need to alter Zoloft’s labeling regarding use during the third trimester of pregnancy.
Though there are no teratogenetic defects associated with Zoloft, there is reason to be concerned about its effects on infants who were exposed to sertraline during the third trimester in utero. It seems that Zoloft use in late pregnancy significantly increases the potential need for hospitalization and breathing assistance in the newborn period and has also been shown to cause an increased risk of neonatal death.
In light of this increased risk it is still being used due to the greater potential risk of a seriously depressed mother to herself and her unborn child. Like all other medications Zoloft’s use must be decided only after carefully weighing out all potential risks and benefits.
As part of the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) on-going efforts to increase the available generic drug alternatives for American consumers, the agency today approved the first generic version of Zoloft tablets, sertraline, as well as a liquid concentrate, sertraline hydrochloride, version of the product.
Sertaline is for Depression
Sertraline tablets are indicated for the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD) in adults and the liquid concentrate is approved for the treatment of MDD and some anxiety related disorders. In 2005, Zoloft was the sixth highest-selling brand-name drug in the United States, with retail sales totaling $2,561,069,000.
“Generic drugs are safe and effective alternatives to brand name prescription products and can provide for significant cost savings for the American public,” said Gary J. Buehler, Director, Office of Generic Drugs. “Our office is committed to increasing the number of approved generic alternatives as quickly as possible.”
The FDA Generic Drug Process
The economic benefits of FDA’s generic drug approval program are significant because generics can cost a fraction of the price of the brand name drugs and generic drugs represent about two-thirds of total prescription doses sold in the United States in 2004, according to IMS data on U.S. retail sales. Competition from generic drugs that are safe and effective alternatives may quickly lead to reductions in spending. The savings would likely increase as more competitors enter the market (See https://ift.tt/2pRtL9K).
FDA’s Office of Generic Drugs (OGD) continues working expeditiously to review and take action on generic drug applications. For more information on other first generic versions, please see https://ift.tt/2ISxEnA.
For additional information related to FDA’s Office of Generic Drugs, please go to: https://ift.tt/2pRtMdO.
The post FDA approves generic Zoloft drug Sertaline appeared first on Fitness Tips for Life.
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0 notes
ruthellisneda · 6 years
FDA approves generic Zoloft drug Sertaline
Sertraline is used medically mainly to treat the symptoms of depression and anxiety. It has also been prescribed for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, panic disorder, and bipolar disorder. It was first approved by the FDA in 1991. The patent for this brand-name drug expired in December 2005. It is anticipated that the generic drug will be available in the United States in June of 2006, manufactured by Andrx, Aurobindo, Genpharm, Ivax, Mylan, and Roxane. In Scandinavia a generic drug called Sertralin, manufactured by HEXAL is available. The price differences between Zoloft and Sertralin are as high as 1.50 dollars per pill.
Sertraline can have a number of adverse effects, including insomnia, asthenia, gastrointestinal complaints, tremors, confusion, dizziness, anorgasmia, and decreased libido; it can induce mania or hypomania in around 0.5% of patients. It has also been known to cause minorweight loss. It is contraindicated in individuals taking MAOIs or undergoing electroconvulsive therapy.
Until 2003 Zoloft was only approved for use in adults ages 18 and over; that year it was approved by the FDA for use in treating children ages 6 to 17 with extreme obsessive compulsive disorder. In June, 2004, Britain banned the use of Zoloft by minors and in February, 2005, Pfizer was forced to change the labeling of Zoloft to include information regarding increased incidences of suicidal behavior and depression in adolescent users of the drug.
According to mentalhealth.com, Zoloft is not currently recommended or advised for use in individuals under the age of 18. After these changes, multiple incidences and at least one medical study showed an increased risk of suicide in seniors who were taking Zoloft. In response to these findings, the FDA released a public health warning. This warning indicates that anyone currently using Zoloft for any reason has a greater chance of exhibiting suicidal thoughts or behaviors regardless of age. This warning is questionable, however, due to the types of illnesses Zoloft is used to treat, it is impossible to determine if these tendencies are a side effect of the drug or the illness the drug is meant to treat.
Zoloft and Pregnancy
Zoloft has long been seen as the best option for breastfeeding mothers who wish to continue breastfeeding and be able to take their antidepressants. Despite its apparent safety and effectiveness during the breastfeeding period, recent studies and consumer complaints have seen a need to alter Zoloft’s labeling regarding use during the third trimester of pregnancy.
Though there are no teratogenetic defects associated with Zoloft, there is reason to be concerned about its effects on infants who were exposed to sertraline during the third trimester in utero. It seems that Zoloft use in late pregnancy significantly increases the potential need for hospitalization and breathing assistance in the newborn period and has also been shown to cause an increased risk of neonatal death.
In light of this increased risk it is still being used due to the greater potential risk of a seriously depressed mother to herself and her unborn child. Like all other medications Zoloft’s use must be decided only after carefully weighing out all potential risks and benefits.
As part of the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) on-going efforts to increase the available generic drug alternatives for American consumers, the agency today approved the first generic version of Zoloft tablets, sertraline, as well as a liquid concentrate, sertraline hydrochloride, version of the product.
Sertaline is for Depression
Sertraline tablets are indicated for the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD) in adults and the liquid concentrate is approved for the treatment of MDD and some anxiety related disorders. In 2005, Zoloft was the sixth highest-selling brand-name drug in the United States, with retail sales totaling $2,561,069,000.
“Generic drugs are safe and effective alternatives to brand name prescription products and can provide for significant cost savings for the American public,” said Gary J. Buehler, Director, Office of Generic Drugs. “Our office is committed to increasing the number of approved generic alternatives as quickly as possible.”
The FDA Generic Drug Process
The economic benefits of FDA’s generic drug approval program are significant because generics can cost a fraction of the price of the brand name drugs and generic drugs represent about two-thirds of total prescription doses sold in the United States in 2004, according to IMS data on U.S. retail sales. Competition from generic drugs that are safe and effective alternatives may quickly lead to reductions in spending. The savings would likely increase as more competitors enter the market (See https://ift.tt/2pRtL9K).
FDA’s Office of Generic Drugs (OGD) continues working expeditiously to review and take action on generic drug applications. For more information on other first generic versions, please see https://ift.tt/2ISxEnA.
For additional information related to FDA’s Office of Generic Drugs, please go to: https://ift.tt/2pRtMdO.
The post FDA approves generic Zoloft drug Sertaline appeared first on Fitness Tips for Life.
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0 notes
johnclapperne · 6 years
FDA approves generic Zoloft drug Sertaline
Sertraline is used medically mainly to treat the symptoms of depression and anxiety. It has also been prescribed for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, panic disorder, and bipolar disorder. It was first approved by the FDA in 1991. The patent for this brand-name drug expired in December 2005. It is anticipated that the generic drug will be available in the United States in June of 2006, manufactured by Andrx, Aurobindo, Genpharm, Ivax, Mylan, and Roxane. In Scandinavia a generic drug called Sertralin, manufactured by HEXAL is available. The price differences between Zoloft and Sertralin are as high as 1.50 dollars per pill.
Sertraline can have a number of adverse effects, including insomnia, asthenia, gastrointestinal complaints, tremors, confusion, dizziness, anorgasmia, and decreased libido; it can induce mania or hypomania in around 0.5% of patients. It has also been known to cause minorweight loss. It is contraindicated in individuals taking MAOIs or undergoing electroconvulsive therapy.
Until 2003 Zoloft was only approved for use in adults ages 18 and over; that year it was approved by the FDA for use in treating children ages 6 to 17 with extreme obsessive compulsive disorder. In June, 2004, Britain banned the use of Zoloft by minors and in February, 2005, Pfizer was forced to change the labeling of Zoloft to include information regarding increased incidences of suicidal behavior and depression in adolescent users of the drug.
According to mentalhealth.com, Zoloft is not currently recommended or advised for use in individuals under the age of 18. After these changes, multiple incidences and at least one medical study showed an increased risk of suicide in seniors who were taking Zoloft. In response to these findings, the FDA released a public health warning. This warning indicates that anyone currently using Zoloft for any reason has a greater chance of exhibiting suicidal thoughts or behaviors regardless of age. This warning is questionable, however, due to the types of illnesses Zoloft is used to treat, it is impossible to determine if these tendencies are a side effect of the drug or the illness the drug is meant to treat.
Zoloft and Pregnancy
Zoloft has long been seen as the best option for breastfeeding mothers who wish to continue breastfeeding and be able to take their antidepressants. Despite its apparent safety and effectiveness during the breastfeeding period, recent studies and consumer complaints have seen a need to alter Zoloft’s labeling regarding use during the third trimester of pregnancy.
Though there are no teratogenetic defects associated with Zoloft, there is reason to be concerned about its effects on infants who were exposed to sertraline during the third trimester in utero. It seems that Zoloft use in late pregnancy significantly increases the potential need for hospitalization and breathing assistance in the newborn period and has also been shown to cause an increased risk of neonatal death.
In light of this increased risk it is still being used due to the greater potential risk of a seriously depressed mother to herself and her unborn child. Like all other medications Zoloft’s use must be decided only after carefully weighing out all potential risks and benefits.
As part of the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) on-going efforts to increase the available generic drug alternatives for American consumers, the agency today approved the first generic version of Zoloft tablets, sertraline, as well as a liquid concentrate, sertraline hydrochloride, version of the product.
Sertaline is for Depression
Sertraline tablets are indicated for the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD) in adults and the liquid concentrate is approved for the treatment of MDD and some anxiety related disorders. In 2005, Zoloft was the sixth highest-selling brand-name drug in the United States, with retail sales totaling $2,561,069,000.
“Generic drugs are safe and effective alternatives to brand name prescription products and can provide for significant cost savings for the American public,” said Gary J. Buehler, Director, Office of Generic Drugs. “Our office is committed to increasing the number of approved generic alternatives as quickly as possible.”
The FDA Generic Drug Process
The economic benefits of FDA’s generic drug approval program are significant because generics can cost a fraction of the price of the brand name drugs and generic drugs represent about two-thirds of total prescription doses sold in the United States in 2004, according to IMS data on U.S. retail sales. Competition from generic drugs that are safe and effective alternatives may quickly lead to reductions in spending. The savings would likely increase as more competitors enter the market (See https://ift.tt/2pRtL9K).
FDA’s Office of Generic Drugs (OGD) continues working expeditiously to review and take action on generic drug applications. For more information on other first generic versions, please see https://ift.tt/2ISxEnA.
For additional information related to FDA’s Office of Generic Drugs, please go to: https://ift.tt/2pRtMdO.
The post FDA approves generic Zoloft drug Sertaline appeared first on Fitness Tips for Life.
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0 notes
joshuabradleyn · 6 years
FDA approves generic Zoloft drug Sertaline
Sertraline is used medically mainly to treat the symptoms of depression and anxiety. It has also been prescribed for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, panic disorder, and bipolar disorder. It was first approved by the FDA in 1991. The patent for this brand-name drug expired in December 2005. It is anticipated that the generic drug will be available in the United States in June of 2006, manufactured by Andrx, Aurobindo, Genpharm, Ivax, Mylan, and Roxane. In Scandinavia a generic drug called Sertralin, manufactured by HEXAL is available. The price differences between Zoloft and Sertralin are as high as 1.50 dollars per pill.
Sertraline can have a number of adverse effects, including insomnia, asthenia, gastrointestinal complaints, tremors, confusion, dizziness, anorgasmia, and decreased libido; it can induce mania or hypomania in around 0.5% of patients. It has also been known to cause minorweight loss. It is contraindicated in individuals taking MAOIs or undergoing electroconvulsive therapy.
Until 2003 Zoloft was only approved for use in adults ages 18 and over; that year it was approved by the FDA for use in treating children ages 6 to 17 with extreme obsessive compulsive disorder. In June, 2004, Britain banned the use of Zoloft by minors and in February, 2005, Pfizer was forced to change the labeling of Zoloft to include information regarding increased incidences of suicidal behavior and depression in adolescent users of the drug.
According to mentalhealth.com, Zoloft is not currently recommended or advised for use in individuals under the age of 18. After these changes, multiple incidences and at least one medical study showed an increased risk of suicide in seniors who were taking Zoloft. In response to these findings, the FDA released a public health warning. This warning indicates that anyone currently using Zoloft for any reason has a greater chance of exhibiting suicidal thoughts or behaviors regardless of age. This warning is questionable, however, due to the types of illnesses Zoloft is used to treat, it is impossible to determine if these tendencies are a side effect of the drug or the illness the drug is meant to treat.
Zoloft and Pregnancy
Zoloft has long been seen as the best option for breastfeeding mothers who wish to continue breastfeeding and be able to take their antidepressants. Despite its apparent safety and effectiveness during the breastfeeding period, recent studies and consumer complaints have seen a need to alter Zoloft’s labeling regarding use during the third trimester of pregnancy.
Though there are no teratogenetic defects associated with Zoloft, there is reason to be concerned about its effects on infants who were exposed to sertraline during the third trimester in utero. It seems that Zoloft use in late pregnancy significantly increases the potential need for hospitalization and breathing assistance in the newborn period and has also been shown to cause an increased risk of neonatal death.
In light of this increased risk it is still being used due to the greater potential risk of a seriously depressed mother to herself and her unborn child. Like all other medications Zoloft’s use must be decided only after carefully weighing out all potential risks and benefits.
As part of the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) on-going efforts to increase the available generic drug alternatives for American consumers, the agency today approved the first generic version of Zoloft tablets, sertraline, as well as a liquid concentrate, sertraline hydrochloride, version of the product.
Sertaline is for Depression
Sertraline tablets are indicated for the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD) in adults and the liquid concentrate is approved for the treatment of MDD and some anxiety related disorders. In 2005, Zoloft was the sixth highest-selling brand-name drug in the United States, with retail sales totaling $2,561,069,000.
“Generic drugs are safe and effective alternatives to brand name prescription products and can provide for significant cost savings for the American public,” said Gary J. Buehler, Director, Office of Generic Drugs. “Our office is committed to increasing the number of approved generic alternatives as quickly as possible.”
The FDA Generic Drug Process
The economic benefits of FDA’s generic drug approval program are significant because generics can cost a fraction of the price of the brand name drugs and generic drugs represent about two-thirds of total prescription doses sold in the United States in 2004, according to IMS data on U.S. retail sales. Competition from generic drugs that are safe and effective alternatives may quickly lead to reductions in spending. The savings would likely increase as more competitors enter the market (See https://ift.tt/2pRtL9K).
FDA’s Office of Generic Drugs (OGD) continues working expeditiously to review and take action on generic drug applications. For more information on other first generic versions, please see https://ift.tt/2ISxEnA.
For additional information related to FDA’s Office of Generic Drugs, please go to: https://ift.tt/2pRtMdO.
The post FDA approves generic Zoloft drug Sertaline appeared first on Fitness Tips for Life.
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0 notes
albertcaldwellne · 6 years
FDA approves generic Zoloft drug Sertaline
Sertraline is used medically mainly to treat the symptoms of depression and anxiety. It has also been prescribed for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, panic disorder, and bipolar disorder. It was first approved by the FDA in 1991. The patent for this brand-name drug expired in December 2005. It is anticipated that the generic drug will be available in the United States in June of 2006, manufactured by Andrx, Aurobindo, Genpharm, Ivax, Mylan, and Roxane. In Scandinavia a generic drug called Sertralin, manufactured by HEXAL is available. The price differences between Zoloft and Sertralin are as high as 1.50 dollars per pill.
Sertraline can have a number of adverse effects, including insomnia, asthenia, gastrointestinal complaints, tremors, confusion, dizziness, anorgasmia, and decreased libido; it can induce mania or hypomania in around 0.5% of patients. It has also been known to cause minorweight loss. It is contraindicated in individuals taking MAOIs or undergoing electroconvulsive therapy.
Until 2003 Zoloft was only approved for use in adults ages 18 and over; that year it was approved by the FDA for use in treating children ages 6 to 17 with extreme obsessive compulsive disorder. In June, 2004, Britain banned the use of Zoloft by minors and in February, 2005, Pfizer was forced to change the labeling of Zoloft to include information regarding increased incidences of suicidal behavior and depression in adolescent users of the drug.
According to mentalhealth.com, Zoloft is not currently recommended or advised for use in individuals under the age of 18. After these changes, multiple incidences and at least one medical study showed an increased risk of suicide in seniors who were taking Zoloft. In response to these findings, the FDA released a public health warning. This warning indicates that anyone currently using Zoloft for any reason has a greater chance of exhibiting suicidal thoughts or behaviors regardless of age. This warning is questionable, however, due to the types of illnesses Zoloft is used to treat, it is impossible to determine if these tendencies are a side effect of the drug or the illness the drug is meant to treat.
Zoloft and Pregnancy
Zoloft has long been seen as the best option for breastfeeding mothers who wish to continue breastfeeding and be able to take their antidepressants. Despite its apparent safety and effectiveness during the breastfeeding period, recent studies and consumer complaints have seen a need to alter Zoloft’s labeling regarding use during the third trimester of pregnancy.
Though there are no teratogenetic defects associated with Zoloft, there is reason to be concerned about its effects on infants who were exposed to sertraline during the third trimester in utero. It seems that Zoloft use in late pregnancy significantly increases the potential need for hospitalization and breathing assistance in the newborn period and has also been shown to cause an increased risk of neonatal death.
In light of this increased risk it is still being used due to the greater potential risk of a seriously depressed mother to herself and her unborn child. Like all other medications Zoloft’s use must be decided only after carefully weighing out all potential risks and benefits.
As part of the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) on-going efforts to increase the available generic drug alternatives for American consumers, the agency today approved the first generic version of Zoloft tablets, sertraline, as well as a liquid concentrate, sertraline hydrochloride, version of the product.
Sertaline is for Depression
Sertraline tablets are indicated for the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD) in adults and the liquid concentrate is approved for the treatment of MDD and some anxiety related disorders. In 2005, Zoloft was the sixth highest-selling brand-name drug in the United States, with retail sales totaling $2,561,069,000.
“Generic drugs are safe and effective alternatives to brand name prescription products and can provide for significant cost savings for the American public,” said Gary J. Buehler, Director, Office of Generic Drugs. “Our office is committed to increasing the number of approved generic alternatives as quickly as possible.”
The FDA Generic Drug Process
The economic benefits of FDA’s generic drug approval program are significant because generics can cost a fraction of the price of the brand name drugs and generic drugs represent about two-thirds of total prescription doses sold in the United States in 2004, according to IMS data on U.S. retail sales. Competition from generic drugs that are safe and effective alternatives may quickly lead to reductions in spending. The savings would likely increase as more competitors enter the market (See https://ift.tt/2pRtL9K).
FDA’s Office of Generic Drugs (OGD) continues working expeditiously to review and take action on generic drug applications. For more information on other first generic versions, please see https://ift.tt/2ISxEnA.
For additional information related to FDA’s Office of Generic Drugs, please go to: https://ift.tt/2pRtMdO.
The post FDA approves generic Zoloft drug Sertaline appeared first on Fitness Tips for Life.
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0 notes
almajonesnjna · 6 years
FDA approves generic Zoloft drug Sertaline
Sertraline is used medically mainly to treat the symptoms of depression and anxiety. It has also been prescribed for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, panic disorder, and bipolar disorder. It was first approved by the FDA in 1991. The patent for this brand-name drug expired in December 2005. It is anticipated that the generic drug will be available in the United States in June of 2006, manufactured by Andrx, Aurobindo, Genpharm, Ivax, Mylan, and Roxane. In Scandinavia a generic drug called Sertralin, manufactured by HEXAL is available. The price differences between Zoloft and Sertralin are as high as 1.50 dollars per pill.
Sertraline can have a number of adverse effects, including insomnia, asthenia, gastrointestinal complaints, tremors, confusion, dizziness, anorgasmia, and decreased libido; it can induce mania or hypomania in around 0.5% of patients. It has also been known to cause minorweight loss. It is contraindicated in individuals taking MAOIs or undergoing electroconvulsive therapy.
Until 2003 Zoloft was only approved for use in adults ages 18 and over; that year it was approved by the FDA for use in treating children ages 6 to 17 with extreme obsessive compulsive disorder. In June, 2004, Britain banned the use of Zoloft by minors and in February, 2005, Pfizer was forced to change the labeling of Zoloft to include information regarding increased incidences of suicidal behavior and depression in adolescent users of the drug.
According to mentalhealth.com, Zoloft is not currently recommended or advised for use in individuals under the age of 18. After these changes, multiple incidences and at least one medical study showed an increased risk of suicide in seniors who were taking Zoloft. In response to these findings, the FDA released a public health warning. This warning indicates that anyone currently using Zoloft for any reason has a greater chance of exhibiting suicidal thoughts or behaviors regardless of age. This warning is questionable, however, due to the types of illnesses Zoloft is used to treat, it is impossible to determine if these tendencies are a side effect of the drug or the illness the drug is meant to treat.
Zoloft and Pregnancy
Zoloft has long been seen as the best option for breastfeeding mothers who wish to continue breastfeeding and be able to take their antidepressants. Despite its apparent safety and effectiveness during the breastfeeding period, recent studies and consumer complaints have seen a need to alter Zoloft’s labeling regarding use during the third trimester of pregnancy.
Though there are no teratogenetic defects associated with Zoloft, there is reason to be concerned about its effects on infants who were exposed to sertraline during the third trimester in utero. It seems that Zoloft use in late pregnancy significantly increases the potential need for hospitalization and breathing assistance in the newborn period and has also been shown to cause an increased risk of neonatal death.
In light of this increased risk it is still being used due to the greater potential risk of a seriously depressed mother to herself and her unborn child. Like all other medications Zoloft’s use must be decided only after carefully weighing out all potential risks and benefits.
As part of the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) on-going efforts to increase the available generic drug alternatives for American consumers, the agency today approved the first generic version of Zoloft tablets, sertraline, as well as a liquid concentrate, sertraline hydrochloride, version of the product.
Sertaline is for Depression
Sertraline tablets are indicated for the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD) in adults and the liquid concentrate is approved for the treatment of MDD and some anxiety related disorders. In 2005, Zoloft was the sixth highest-selling brand-name drug in the United States, with retail sales totaling $2,561,069,000.
“Generic drugs are safe and effective alternatives to brand name prescription products and can provide for significant cost savings for the American public,” said Gary J. Buehler, Director, Office of Generic Drugs. “Our office is committed to increasing the number of approved generic alternatives as quickly as possible.”
The FDA Generic Drug Process
The economic benefits of FDA’s generic drug approval program are significant because generics can cost a fraction of the price of the brand name drugs and generic drugs represent about two-thirds of total prescription doses sold in the United States in 2004, according to IMS data on U.S. retail sales. Competition from generic drugs that are safe and effective alternatives may quickly lead to reductions in spending. The savings would likely increase as more competitors enter the market (See https://ift.tt/2pRtL9K).
FDA’s Office of Generic Drugs (OGD) continues working expeditiously to review and take action on generic drug applications. For more information on other first generic versions, please see https://ift.tt/2ISxEnA.
For additional information related to FDA’s Office of Generic Drugs, please go to: https://ift.tt/2pRtMdO.
The post FDA approves generic Zoloft drug Sertaline appeared first on Fitness Tips for Life.
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ruthellisneda · 6 years
FDA approves generic Zoloft drug Sertaline
Sertraline is used medically mainly to treat the symptoms of depression and anxiety. It has also been prescribed for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, panic disorder, and bipolar disorder. It was first approved by the FDA in 1991. The patent for this brand-name drug expired in December 2005. It is anticipated that the generic drug will be available in the United States in June of 2006, manufactured by Andrx, Aurobindo, Genpharm, Ivax, Mylan, and Roxane. In Scandinavia a generic drug called Sertralin, manufactured by HEXAL is available. The price differences between Zoloft and Sertralin are as high as 1.50 dollars per pill.
Sertraline can have a number of adverse effects, including insomnia, asthenia, gastrointestinal complaints, tremors, confusion, dizziness, anorgasmia, and decreased libido; it can induce mania or hypomania in around 0.5% of patients. It has also been known to cause minorweight loss. It is contraindicated in individuals taking MAOIs or undergoing electroconvulsive therapy.
Until 2003 Zoloft was only approved for use in adults ages 18 and over; that year it was approved by the FDA for use in treating children ages 6 to 17 with extreme obsessive compulsive disorder. In June, 2004, Britain banned the use of Zoloft by minors and in February, 2005, Pfizer was forced to change the labeling of Zoloft to include information regarding increased incidences of suicidal behavior and depression in adolescent users of the drug.
According to mentalhealth.com, Zoloft is not currently recommended or advised for use in individuals under the age of 18. After these changes, multiple incidences and at least one medical study showed an increased risk of suicide in seniors who were taking Zoloft. In response to these findings, the FDA released a public health warning. This warning indicates that anyone currently using Zoloft for any reason has a greater chance of exhibiting suicidal thoughts or behaviors regardless of age. This warning is questionable, however, due to the types of illnesses Zoloft is used to treat, it is impossible to determine if these tendencies are a side effect of the drug or the illness the drug is meant to treat.
Zoloft and Pregnancy
Zoloft has long been seen as the best option for breastfeeding mothers who wish to continue breastfeeding and be able to take their antidepressants. Despite its apparent safety and effectiveness during the breastfeeding period, recent studies and consumer complaints have seen a need to alter Zoloft’s labeling regarding use during the third trimester of pregnancy.
Though there are no teratogenetic defects associated with Zoloft, there is reason to be concerned about its effects on infants who were exposed to sertraline during the third trimester in utero. It seems that Zoloft use in late pregnancy significantly increases the potential need for hospitalization and breathing assistance in the newborn period and has also been shown to cause an increased risk of neonatal death.
In light of this increased risk it is still being used due to the greater potential risk of a seriously depressed mother to herself and her unborn child. Like all other medications Zoloft’s use must be decided only after carefully weighing out all potential risks and benefits.
As part of the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) on-going efforts to increase the available generic drug alternatives for American consumers, the agency today approved the first generic version of Zoloft tablets, sertraline, as well as a liquid concentrate, sertraline hydrochloride, version of the product.
Sertaline is for Depression
Sertraline tablets are indicated for the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD) in adults and the liquid concentrate is approved for the treatment of MDD and some anxiety related disorders. In 2005, Zoloft was the sixth highest-selling brand-name drug in the United States, with retail sales totaling $2,561,069,000.
“Generic drugs are safe and effective alternatives to brand name prescription products and can provide for significant cost savings for the American public,” said Gary J. Buehler, Director, Office of Generic Drugs. “Our office is committed to increasing the number of approved generic alternatives as quickly as possible.”
The FDA Generic Drug Process
The economic benefits of FDA’s generic drug approval program are significant because generics can cost a fraction of the price of the brand name drugs and generic drugs represent about two-thirds of total prescription doses sold in the United States in 2004, according to IMS data on U.S. retail sales. Competition from generic drugs that are safe and effective alternatives may quickly lead to reductions in spending. The savings would likely increase as more competitors enter the market (See https://ift.tt/2pRtL9K).
FDA’s Office of Generic Drugs (OGD) continues working expeditiously to review and take action on generic drug applications. For more information on other first generic versions, please see https://ift.tt/2ISxEnA.
For additional information related to FDA’s Office of Generic Drugs, please go to: https://ift.tt/2pRtMdO.
The post FDA approves generic Zoloft drug Sertaline appeared first on Fitness Tips for Life.
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