#im sure im just an idiot rn LMFAOO
youredreamingofroo · 3 months
I just had the most disorienting experience ever- if you are confused like me, Today is the start of daylight savings ( cheers ig, we gained an hour 🥂 ).
I didn't know that, so as I was about to go to sleep, I checked the time and thought "wtf that doesn't sound right" (it's 6:40 AM for me rn) and I looked outside and it's still dark out, but usually by 6:00 the sun will have started shining. So I go and check my ovens clock (which doesn't automatically change) and it says 5:38 (at the time of reading it) and proceed to be confused for another 7 or 8 minutes before i came to the conclusion of daylights savings and checked online ☠️ not knowing what actual time it is makes me so uncomfortable I haaaaated that 😭😭
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mayabruhbruh · 4 years
the losers club as things my online friends have said
Eddie: honestly, h-
Richie: i agree
The Losers:
Bill: [maniacal incoherent mumbling]
Richie: any straight person can translate pls? xx
Stan: well tomorrow fucking sucked.
Eddie: shut the actual fuck up i swear to god
Richie: make me, you gremlin
Eddie: fuck you
Richie: fuck you
Stan: pls just fuck already i cant stand this-
Richie: [after a long silence] [to Mike] hetero ass motherfucker
Mike: wtf did i do
Ben: why are you mad at Richie?
Bill: he told me men’s pants are determined by dick size
[losers watching a movie]
Eddie: why are the gays in this film literally insane im laughing
Bev: ur insane too. not surprised.
Bev: saw a man today. day=ruined :\
i have so many more but these are what i got rn LMFAOO. as you might be able to tell, my friends are insane. this was fun to make. ok gbye thank u <3
edit: IF YOU GUYS LIKED THIS A LOT, BE SURE TO FOLLOW MY FRIENDS’ GROUP ACCOUNT WE RUN TOGETHER CALLED @theneverbog we’re just a fuck ton of idiots who bonded over tgf... but we’re funny so can’t go wrong with that
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