#im so sorry i promise i love you v2
darkforestwarriors · 29 days
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what if they made a v2 body pillow but it was just...
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Protective P2 - Harry Hook x reader - commission work
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(gif by Val on twitter) 
Protective p1 (OG version, bad writing made in early 2019)
Protective p1 (V2 REWRITTEN VER made in October 2020)
commissioned by @thebookbakery
You stared wide-eyed at the letter held in your eyes; sent, written, and signed by King Ben himself.
Dear Mr. Harry Hook and Ms. (y/n) of the isle. His Royal Majesty, King Ben of Auradon, and his Councilor Ms. Evie of the Isle, hereby request the pleasure of your company, for the upcoming academic year at Auradon prep. Please notify his Majesty’s couriers of your response to this request.
-we’d love to have you three with us here in Auradon, you and your child deserve a better life, will you come? If you accept you will be picked up one week from your response date and will live in the dorms until graduation. - King Ben
It had been around two months since the whole ‘kidnapping ben for the wand’ situation, and Ben had not been able to get you, Harry, and your baby off his mind. And before anybody else could stop him; he made the arrangements for the three of you to live in Auradon, and sent the very invitation you were holding now.
You stood from the barrel you were sitting on and walked into your shared room with Harry, holding up the letter as he looked up from feeding Arella. “what’s up-“ he paused as you turned the letter around and let him read it. His eyes went wide “holy shit, is-is that fer real?!” he stood, gently moving Arella into your arms and taking the latter, reading it over and over again “holy shit it's real-we-i-you…” he looked back up at you, reaching out for your free hand and intertwined your fingers “should we do this?”
You thought about it for a moment, then looked down at Arella, smiling as she played with your jacket straps “yes…yes we should” you smiled up at Harry, who seemed unsure of this decision but he would follow you into oblivion.
“Okay, I trust yeh” he mumbled, kissing your lips and then Arella’s head.
Only a week later, you and Harry were packing the last of your things up to leave for Auradon, Gil had been invited as well, already at the other end of the tunnel to wait for the limo with Dizzy; who had also been invited.
Harry slung his bag over his shoulder and picked Arella up off his bed, cradling her carefully in his arms and leading the way out of his room and onto the main deck, where the rest of the crew were waiting.
They all said their goodbyes, Desiree and Drey cooing at Arella and Harry let crew say their personal goodbyes to her. Bonnie squeezing you tightly as you patted her head “stay safe you two” Jonas mumbled, patting Harry’s shoulder as he took Arella from him “and take care of the pirate princess” you and Harry nodded, the crew waving goodbye as you walked off the docks through the tunnel.
You stood with Gil and Dizzy a few moments later, waiting anxiously for the arriving Limo. And behold a minute later it pulled up, the driver stepping out and unlocking the back, helping the four of you load up. Harry took all your bags and stuffed them in the trunk, Dizzy sliding into the car first and taking Arella for you to get in easier.
Harry and Gil soon got in and Harry slid next to you, wrapping one arm around you and the other on Arella, rubbing his thumb on her chest as her tiny little hand curled around his forefinger hanging from your shoulder. “we ready?” Harry whispered, leaning in close to you. You nodded with a nervous smile and Harry kissed your cheek “let’s do this”
Two hours later the limo pulled up to Auradon prep, where Ben, Evie, Carlos, Jay, and Ben’s mother all stood ready to welcome the four of you. Dizzy bolted out first as soon as the door open and leaped into Evie’s arms, the two squealing with each other in excitement at Dizzy finally being in Auradon.
You weren’t surprised Mal wasn’t there, she didn’t trust or like Harry or Gil at all and probably felt betrayed by you for siding with Uma after she left.
Ben stepped forward as you, Harry, and Gil climbed out of the car, holding a sleeping Arella in your arms. Evie and Belle immediately went soft at the sight of her but kept their composer as Ben stepped forward with a smile “Welcome to Auradon: Ben said happily, clapping his hands together “first I want to apologize it took so long, and second; thank you for accepting my invitation. I know it was hard to make that choice in both trusting me and leaving behind the isle and your family” you knew he meant the crew “but I promise they will soon follow and now;” he gestured back to the dorm building “let’s get you all set up.” You nodded, letting Evie step closer and coo over Arella.
“oh she’s so cute~” Evie giggled, pressing her fingers into Arella’s (not as pudgy as it should be) cheek softly, your baby girl gurgled and pushed Evie’s hand away, Evie laughing quietly at it “oh I love her already…(y/n)?” you hummed, not looking at her as you followed Ben through the halls of the building “im sorry I left you”
You looked into her eyes, softening a bit as you could only see sincerity in her eyes. “i-“ you started, lifting Arella in your arms a bit, her head cradled in your arm. “i-…don’t forgive you, not just yet but” you smiled at her as her face fell but rose in hope at the ‘but’ “we can start with being friends again?” Evie beamed and nodded, looking over at Jay and Carlos who were letting Evie talk to you first before they tried “and them too, I can tell they want to apologize…Mal thought” Evie winced at that, yeah; Mal would probably take a long time to come around. She had even cussed (y/n) out at the hideout after Evie the boys told her about (y/n)s relationship with Harry and her position on the crew.
‘she betrayed us as soon as we left! We can't trust her! Or Harry! they might lead Uma right into Auradon to destroy it!’
To say the least, Evie and the boys distanced themselves from Mal; after seeing her very narrow tunnel vision, they didn’t want to hear her bitch about (y/n) and Harry’s arrival at Auradon.
Evie hoped she would come around soon though; she missed the days of the five of them running around causing chaos. But reminiscing about the wicked old days could be saved for later, as Ben had led the group to one of the dorm rooms.
“Harry, (y/n)?” Ben called, Harry humming and looking up from Arella as he made faces at her “this will be your dorm room” Harry looked surprised at that, he had expected the dorms to separate them but-
Ben opened the door to reveal a large room, two full-sized beds by the windows (that could be easily pushed together), a crib, a newly installed mini kitchen with a working stovetop, a large dresser (two actually) flowing with baby blankets, baby clothes (designed by Evie), toys, baby food, diapers, wipes, anything a young parent could ask for.
“guys” your voice cracked as you walked into the room, Arella already reaching for the teal octopus plush sitting in her new crib “this is-i-holy shit!” Harry walked up behind you, resting his hands on your shoulders as he looked around the room with watery eyes.
“I don’ know wha’ ta say” Harry croaked out, turning back to Ben; who just smiled.
“a thank you would be nice” Ben joked then waved it off “we’ll let you settle in, Gil, Dizzy?” the two turned to Ben, who waved them out of the room “I’ll show you to your rooms” Gil gave you and Harry a hug and kissed Arella’s forehead, running out of the room after Ben and the others as he closed the door.
“we’re actually here” you breathed out after a moment of silence, slowly spinning around the room. “actually in Auradon”
“aye,” Harry muttered, noticing your bags had already been brought into the room “kinda weird we’re not ‘ere ta destroy it” you chuckled, handing Arella to him and checking over her new items, Harry cooing at her and lifting her into the air, her adorable baby babble echoing around the room.
A few hours later, everything had been unpacked and set up, Arella was dressed in one of her new outfits, of course, designed by Evie; a tiny red jacket that copied Harrys iconic one, black shorts, booties, and a white t-shirt with a spray paint hook on the front. “hi darling” Harry cooed, kissing his daughters cheek multiple times as she giggled “ah yeh look so badass~”
You laughed at his adorable behavior with your kid and walked over to him, slipping on one of your new jackets from Evie and kissing his cheek “and you are so cute” Harry flushed but accepted the compliment, bringing Arella to his chest and enveloping her in his arms as you grabbed Arella’s dinner. “come on, Ben said we were going out for dinner tonight” Harry hummed, grabbing a baby sling and putting it on, then slipping Arella inside.
You sighed, setting down your book bag next to the door and closing it with your foot. You appreciated the fact that FG gave you and Harry only four classes a day (and switched the two of you off so Harry took care of her in the afternoon while you took the morning shift) so you could attend to Arella more often than not but that didn’t prevent you from being exhausted from them.
You looked up and cooed, Harry was on your now connected beds, asleep with Arella sleeping on his chest, his arms curled around her safely. you quickly took a picture with your phone and sent it to Evie, who immediately sent back several heart-eye emojis.
You put your phone on the table and walked over to the bed, carefully climbing on and resting your chin on Harry’s shoulder, reaching up and caressing Arella’s soft cheek. Harry grumbled as he felt you and took one of his arms off of Arella and wrapped it around you, pulling you even further into his side “afternoon my love” you mumbled, leaning up and kissing his cheek “how’d she do?”
“ ‘ad a lil’ tantrum afta’ yeh left, missed ‘er mommy but” he yawned in the middle of his sentence and pushed his cheek onto your head “she did good, fell asleep ‘bout n’ ‘our ‘go”
You hummed and rubbed your thumb on Arella’s chest, she hadn’t even moved in the few minutes you had been on the bed “that’s good, did she eat her lunch?” Harry sleepily nodded and was already falling asleep again, following Arella’s lead.
You stared at the two loves of your life, and you thanked whatever gods that had intervened in your life to let you meet Harry almost two years ago and saved you from meeting a bad end with the Gaston twins. And then you had fallen for him and fallen for him hard. And you didn’t regret going behind your friend's backs to be with him; not if it resulted in the greatest thing you had ever made, that was sleeping on his chest.
so this was a commissioned 2nd part to one of my very first stories i posted on here back in 2019, that was rewritten in late 2020 and i never planned to continue it, but i was commissioned to do so and im happy with how it turned out~!!!! :3
@queer-cosette​ @sephiralorange​ @lunanight2012​
@daughter-of-the-stars11​ @musicarose​ @random-thoughts-003​
@remembered-license​ @rintheemolion​ @imtryingthisout​
@thecaptainsgingersnap​ @jatp-rules-my-life​ @verboetoperee​
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Okay *cracks knuckles, accidentally dislocates fingers* @agentscamander-romanoff and @steel-phoenix took the bait and enabled me by asking me to elaborate on my Children of the Watch origins theory. Which means I am about to go ABSOLUTELY feral.
Apologies to anyone for having incorrect Star Wars lore, I’ve barely consumed canon content and I don’t intend to start now. Also sorry if anyone has already said this! I’ve never seen this particular theory/interpretation and it’s made me go a bit insane.
Warnings: discussion of child abuse, cults, and the aftermath of genocide. I don’t go super in depth on any of it but it’s there. Also, I typed this in the notes app of my phone and autocorrect hasn’t quite submitted to some of these names.
SO. I’m going to break this up into sections. 1. Exploring canon 2. Extrapolations/Connecting the red string 3. What does this MEAN??? 4. Complaining about Bo-Katan.
First off, though, here’s my thesis: Children of the Watch is a “splinter group” made up of the children that Death Watch stole, indoctrinated, and abused. They’re also not a cult (Death Watch is though lmao).
1. Exploring Canon:
Okay, so. Canonically, Death Watch has abducted, tortured, and brainwashed children. Arla Fett is an example of that, having been abducted at the age of 14 after her parents were killed and she was subsequently brainwashed into becoming an assassin for Death Watch. She didn’t even hesitate when she found out her brother was alive! That’s how strong the conditioning was! She was so fucked up from it that she spent YEARS in a mental facility, and she outright begged a Jedi to wipe her memories in exchange for a favor. DEATH WATCH DID THAT. And you CANNOT tell me she was the only one they’ve done this to. PLENTY of fic writers have extrapolated off of this and mentioned it, but it’s important to me that everyone know this shit is absolutely rooted in canon.
Another Death Watch Child Abuse Fun Fact: Dred Priest and Isabet Reau, two of the trainers of the clones, canonically had Death Watch leanings and tried to instill Death Watch beliefs in the clones by FORCING THEM TO FIGHT EACH OTHER IN SECRET BATTLE CIRCLES THAT ENDED UP KILLING SOME OF THE CLONES. THEY WERE CHILDREN AT THE TIME, IF IT WASN’T CLEAR. WHAT THE FUCK. If THAT’S not an example of Death Watch abusing the kids under their care then I don’t know what is. It’s suuper not a stretch for me to think that this wasn’t an unheard of thing in more official Death Watch circles.
Also canonically, Bo-Katan has referred to Din’s covert as “Children of the Watch”, and Din, despite obviously being an important and respected member of his community, doesn’t recognize the name, which implies to me that it’s not a name the covert chose for themselves. Rather, a moniker that was given to them after they splintered off of Death Watch. Since this isn’t an opinion and it’s more just… information, I’ll trust Bo-Katan on this one.
We also know for sure that Din’s covert IS connected to Death Watch in some way, seeing as the flashback sequence very clearly shows Mandalorians in blue and gray beskar’gam, the colors of Death Watch. HOWEVER… the Armorer, who seems to hold a high position of authority in the covert, wears gold and copper beskar’gam. Din wears unpainted (v2) or mismatched colored (v1) beskar’gam (I do grant that his paint color counts less towards this because he’s pretty much one of the only people interacting with the outside world and so colors associated with Death Watch are probably a no go no matter what). Paz Vizsla’s armor is a very dark blue with yellow and cyan details and, oh my fucking god I didn’t even know this but he has a fucking MYTHOSAUR SYMBOL ON ONE OF HIS PAULDRONS. THE FUCK???? THAT’S LITERALLY THE SYMBOL OF THE TRUE MANDALORIANS IM. Ok. Okay. I needed a minute. Like I KNOW that the mythosaur skull is Mandalorian symbol in general but I think it just hits different when a Vizsla is wearing it, you know? Especially because the placement is the same as Jaster Mereel’s???? Literal founder of the True Mandalorian movement????? Excuse me???????
Let’s uh. Let’s get back to armor. I can address that… later. So. Anyway. Armor is super important, and it’s uhhh very telling that the covert doesn’t emulate the Death Watch colorscheme strictly. Like, yeah, there’s gray and light blue in there, if you go through some wiki pages, but they’re not the only colors they use, and the Armorer doesn’t even have either of those colors! And she’s the biggest authority we’ve seen! Very fucking interesting!! Bo-Katan still has her armor painted in Death Watch colors! And yet she’s derisive of Din’s covert! Verrry interesting!
We also know that Din’s covert emphasizes children VERY much, more than Death Watch ever would have, imo. It’s expected for the adult members to provide for the foundlings (and it’s VERY interesting that the kids are seemingly all referred to as foundlings iirc. More on that later.), and even though Paz disagrees with Din working with the empire, he and the other members of the covert immediately and with no hesitation come to Din’s aid for this child that Din hasn’t even claimed as his own—it’s amazing! And I will note that Bo-Katan and her warriors do the same upon their initial meeting with Din—Koska dives into danger with no hesitation as soon as Din says the child is still in danger. We see that this solidarity does come at a price for Bo-Katan, though, while the Armorer sees protecting a foundling as a duty that is completely worth all the trouble it brought.
Fascinating also that Boba was 100% on board to help out Din to save Grogu past what Din or anyone else would have expected of him, while Bo-Katan had to be bribed into coming by the promise of Moff Gideon and the darksaber. And she thinks she’s somehow more Mandalorian than him.
And NOW, going way back in time to the beginnings of the True Mandalorian movement, we know that Jaster Mereel originally authored his Supercommando Codex by looking back through history to the Canons of Honor and the Resol’nare, and he took those ideals and ideas and he modernized them to create a set of moral guidelines to follow. And people loved that shit! Death Watch had to infiltrate the True Mandalorians and then trick the Jedi into slaughtering them just to get rid of them, because Jaster’s charisma and his sexy sexy morals were too strong. (God. I fucking LOVE Jaster Mereel if you couldn’t tell.) Anyway, there’s precedent for Mandalorians looking back to their history to bring forth old ideas, repurposed to a modern context. We also know that, canonically, Din’s covert follow the “old ways” of not sharing names and of never taking their helmets off in front of others.
Moving on.
2. Extrapolations/Connecting the red string:
So if we extrapolate from the fact that Death Watch are, uh, super fucking abusive towards the kids that they stole/their own kids, then we’re left with… this group of kids, who have been mistreated and indoctrinated for a LONG TIME, and possibly don’t have that great an understanding of non-toxic Mandalorian culture. And if they’ve been abducted or rescued, whatever, they might not fit back in with the places they were taken from, or they may not have a place to go back to, or they may not even remember where they’re from originally. It’s some prime angst material! Good stuff.
And if we pull the implication from the names that “Children of the Watch” is a splinter group off of Death Watch, it really does make you think… huh, you know what? These two things may be one in the same. Maybe.
And, like, we know that Jaster Mereel and Din’s covert both looked to Mandalorian history to find pillars for their community’s morals. Jaster did so in the middle of a lot of political turmoil, as a way to say “Hey, we can still be Mandalorians in the ways that matter, but being Mandalorian doesn’t mean being a morally bankrupt conqueror. We can have honor and still wear armor and fight and uphold the Resol’nare.”
And I think Din’s covert did so when they were struggling with unlearning the toxic ideals that had been shoved onto them by Death Watch. I think they had to figure out their own way of being Mandalorian or else they would have crumpled under the pressure. And so they looked back to the old ways and picked out the more extreme interpretation of Cin Vhetin (clean slate) which says that, once you swear the Resol’nare and become a Mandalorian, your past doesn’t matter, it’s what you do now that does. You don’t take off your helmet, and you don’t let others know your name, because those things don’t matter to who you are and what you do. (There’s also the issue of the helmet and name rule being an important defense tactic to protect the covert, seeing as how Mandalorians post-Empire are the survivors of genocide. There’s already a fantastic post on it here)
Related, another Mandalorian saying is “Gar taldin ni jaonyc; gar sa buir, ori'wadaas'la.”, meaning “Nobody cares who your parent was, only the parent you’ll be,” which IMO fits in very nicely with how I’m interpreting Din’s covert. It’s all about your actions and future mattering more than your past. I think that when the covert was splitting off and being built, this would be a huge component of them healing. Because the way they were treated and indoctrinated by Death Watch doesn’t have to affect their future actions. They don’t have to perpetuate the cycle of abuse, they can build a covert and a community around caring for foundlings.
Now, onto the foundlings! I find it very interesting that, whenever the covert’s younglings are mentioned, it’s always as foundlings. I think this implies that there’s a focus on saving and raising children more than there is on sharing blood with them, and I think that the covert would be more inclined towards communal raising than typical family units, if only to keep everyone in check and to protect the children from ever being treated as they were. I also find it VERY interesting that there’s a lot of emphasis put on returning children to their own kind. I don’t think Death Watch would have employed that practice, and I think that’s another example of the covert wanting to make their community a better place for children. I think it’s likely a lot of them didn’t get that choice, and they had to leave their cultures and people behind. And so they want to give that choice to their children.
I think it’s also amazing that, like. They keep finding and raising children instead of deciding they’re too damaged or whatever to have kids. Because it doesn’t matter if they have baggage or trauma when a child needs them. That’s FANTASTIC. I’m losing my MIND. It really doesn’t matter who their parents were to them, just the kind of parents they will be. It’s all about breaking that cycle and deciding to be better and I LOVE THAT.
3. What does this MEAN???:
Well. What this means is that Din’s covert has a very clear set of motivations and structure when it comes to how their covert is run. It’s not a cult; in fact it is specifically a group created by cult survivors who are determined to not do to others what was done to them. The rules may seem weird and strict at first glance, but they have a clear purpose and rationale, and no one is trying to amass power. They’re just… trying to do better, and be better.
(This also means that I’m 99% sure that, with the assistance of time travel, at least half of the covert would be SUPER INTO Jaster Mereel. I like to imagine that Paz had, like, a poster of him on his little sewer bedroom wall. I fully believe he painted that mythosaur skull on his pauldron in honor of a good man who was killed by Paz’s own relatives for standing by his morals and daring to try to reform and rally Mandalorians. I also think it would be funny if, like, Din doesn’t know shit about ANYTHING to do with modern history, but Boba mentions that his grandfather is Jaster Mereel and Din is like “OH I KNOW THAT GUY! Yeah he’s cool, he’s the historical crush of like, my entire covert.” And Boba is like. What.)
It also means that it can be up in the air about whether Din was found by Death Watch before his covert splintered off, or if his covert was still just wearing Death Watch colors when he was found. Fun thing to play around with, but right now I don’t want a solid timeline.
Hmm just thought I should add: while the Armorer does seem to have a position of authority, I don’t think the covert can be structured politically with clans and houses like other Mandalorian groups. Like, clan just means family in this context, and is less a part of hierarchy, and I don’t think they would even recognize houses within the covert? Like they MIGHT decide to call themselves part of House Djarin now that Din is Mand’alor, but before that they weren’t like. House Vizsla with Paz as the leader just because they used to be Death Watch. I don’t vibe with that. This isn’t really super relevant, I just wanted to add it.
4. Complaining about Bo-Katan:
Anyway Bo-Katan is absolutely full of shit and it’s doubly disgusting that she’s standing there in Death Watch armor, seemingly still allied to this fucking cult of imperialism and conquest, and she accuses Din of being in a regressive cult, and she implies that the way he engages with the Resol’nare is wrong and like. Repressed or something. God I hate Bo-Katan. But I love to hate her. She’s horrible but I want her to be included in the list of Din’s friends but not the list of people he’d trust his kid with. I have contradictory Bo-Katan feelings, whatever. The most important thing is that all of her opinions are horrible, like, all the time. And we shouldn’t trust her when she says Din’s part of a cult. Literally why does anyone take that at face value. If we’re taking her word as the authority on Mandalorian issues then I guess Boba and Jango aren’t Mandalorian!!! Seriously.
TLDR; Din’s covert (aka “Children of the Watch”) is made up of survivors of childhood abuse, torture, and brainwashing at the hands of Death Watch, and they’re dedicated to making sure their children don’t go through the same thing. They’re not a cult, but Death Watch sure was! Jaster Mereel is the love of my very aromantic life and Bo-Katan’s opinions can’t be trusted. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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jungjnsoul · 5 years
Hello! I love your theme pinky promise and started redoing my blog, but have run into a couple troubles I'm hoping you can help me with !! I chose to use v2 of the theme (with the smaller description box) and was wondering what I'm doing wrong or what I could fix to make the description box go down lower (instead of it being centered like the original) and how to get the ask page to work ? It keeps saying nothing found and I tried to figure it out but I suck at code lol! Thank you so much!
hi bug !  i answered some questions similar to this a while back, sorry my navigation isn’t updated to help you out –– you can find a solution to moving the description box around here & the ask box here. if either of those no longer work or the code gives u any other issues, feel free to im me !
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Episode 10 - "I'm a mess, I really am." - Stephen
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Jacob tells me he can’t work with me again. And i’m like... have fun with that. I am a part of the majority now, try to flip people, knock yourself out, but you just made it achingly clear that you are my enemy in this game. You could have played along, said you might be able to work with me, that would have been smart, but now? Even if i got to jury and he ends up in ftc, he just lost a vote. I don’t vote for bar moves like that. 
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Stephen a backstabbing how v2, time to grind 500k for immunity 
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I simply have no idea what’s going on and I’m going to lose 
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Tyler doesn’t really talk to me and he’s kinda shady tbh so I want to vote him but at the same time keep Stephen’s trust. 
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This week I’m making moves. Clash has been running the game and so I took it upon myself to talk to Vilma, and we talked things out so I hope that worked. And I talked to allan about how sitting with clash at the final tribal is an automatic loss and he agreed but that it’s not the right time. Next week we should have a good chance at getting clash out. It’s the right more for everyone left 
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I’m not exactly thrilled at it, but im voting tyler out. Jacob winning immunity has forced my hand. At least now me and clash have a clear plan all the way to f3. Little does he know I plan to vote him out at f5 but he doesn’t need to know that. 
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This week is a perfect lesson as to why it's hard to communicate over the internet. I'll get to that in a second but first I wanna point out, Clash why are you so dumb?? He comes out with a plan to vote Tyler but tells me to keep it on the DL because Tyler might have an idol. And then immediately tells a group of 5 that we should vote Tyler. Honestly though, if Tyler does have an idol, I think he would target Clash which would be good for my game. Getting the biggest competition out without getting any blood on my hands? Sign me up! Anyway, in that group, Liana replies "I'm good with Tyler..." Now to me, that says "I get along well with Tyler, why are we voting him" but apparently she meant "I'm good with voting Tyler". I didn't know this and I freaked out thinking we didn't have the votes but fortunately I think we do. I just need to hope this doesn't backfire and I ended up out. 
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So everyone is saying that the vote is Tyler. I did not even try talking to anyone who did not talk to me (Pat and Clash messaged me). idk I'm sorry to be so inactive but it is exhausting because I feel like everyone else does not wanna respond or work with me. Maybe I'm not trying hard enough but I'm working with the time I got. I didn't expect to get this far in the game so if I'm voted out that is fine, I'm glad I made Jury. If Tyler leaves I just hope the game gets more dynamic and more people open up to me. 
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So last round definitely didn't went as expected. I guess Michael caught wind through Tyler that Clash throwing his name out there and he started to plan a split to cover his back, which was of course smart. But for some reason he told me Clash was throwing MY name out there not his, I guess in attempt to secure I would stay with them in the split scenario. But little did he know Clash and I had made a f2 deal just hours before that and the chances of Clash actually wanting me out of the game last round were super slim. I don't know why he lied, he could've just told me the truth. Anyway they wanted to split between CLASH and Liana which I was not vibing with, and I even told Michael that straight up: V: So what is the plan? M: I think me and you are voting Pat M: Clash is being super messy V: I'm so confused V: Are some people still voting Liana? M: 3 clash, 2 pat i think M: Me and you can make the choice between pat and Liana V: Ugh V: I'd rather Liana or Pat to go tbh V: Like V: In all seriousness M: Ok i will leave my vote on her V: I don't really feel comfortable with Clash going because he is my only shield right now V: He is kinda essential to my game M: Yer i get that completely. V: So I feel if I let him go now I just sign my own death sentence M: Not if i can do anything about it :) M: But if this vote fails... im sure its me with how Clash is acting right now ... V: I just don't know if I'm down for a split where Clash goes :( V: It's a horrible move from my perspective So in the end I ended up voting Michael with Clash, Patrick and Liana. Later I heard Stephen would've voted Michael too but apparently Clash (?) had told him I was throwing his name out there (I wasn't) and he played the vote mirror because he got paranoid. I didn't feel good about voting Michael whatsoever, but Liana had already voted and wasn't online around tribal so we just had to go with the safe option. I AM THE BIGGEST SNAKE OF ALL SNAKES But I had to I couldn't take the risk of Clash going home Little did I know I could've actually voted Liana And Michael would've still gone home But I just couldn't take the risk Clash and I were on the phone through entire tribal God What a ride Well I sure as hell am happy to see so many advantages go down the drain Literally Three advantages Not a single one played correctly (Well Michael's was, kind of, but it wasn't enough) I think we might have flushed Michael's idol last round I doubt it was just half an idol Either he actually had it or he was trying to cover for one of the Ala Mai bois by making up that story But I kinda feel Michael had it Hmm What have I gotten myself into Patrick proposed working together as pair Stephen proposed working together with Tyler My issue is Tyler and I haven't talked a whole lot since the Ginger fiasco I don't think Tyler trusts me all that much Pretty sure he has even thrown my name out there at some point I guess that could be fixed still but I'm not sure I want to trust Tyler with too much info So with Jacob being immune, the two people left I wouldn't have made any deals with would be Liana and Allan I know Clash wants to target Ala Mai though Ugh Why do I have to promise to work with everyone when I know I can't keep the promises But I can't just say 'Oh I don't really feel comfortable working with you, I'll skip' Jacob is definitely not happy with me If he wasn't immune I'd want to go after him This round has been REALLY REALLY quiet and I'm not gonna lie it's making me suspicious. Only name I've heard thrown out is Tyler's but I'm not feeling comfortable the votes are actually going that way. I know Stephen wouldn't be happy if I voted Tyler but if it's the only name I hear thrown out then I don't think I have much of a choice but to vote Tyler. I expect either for things to start picking up right before tribal or me getting blindsided tonight. I need to talk to more people but honestly I'm not particularly feeling like talking right now. :( 
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So Tyler is sneakier than i thought. But that just makes me feel better about voting him out. He says he has this double idol, but idk if thats true, regardless we’re splitting the votes between him in case he is lying and with someone he won’t expect in case hes not. Liana. Love you and hate that we’re sending more women home but.... clash gets what clash wants until i backstab his ass. 
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Stephen was a snake 2 tribal in a row now i've heard nothing this tribal, and Tyler plays a double idol? interesting. I don't *really* care who goes here, because I have no intentions of putting trust in anyone at this point
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Harry Hook x reader Master List
you are perfect you are perfect v2 - written 2021 the scarlet jacket
surprise kiss daughter of queen of hearts anger issues first voice
first voice angst first voice fluff toxic promise  i dont care what they say 
faithful happy birthday harry protective protective v2 - rewritten 
protective p2 (based off the rewritten version)  my first harry hook x reader
sick evies sister! drabble flu sucks forbidden Quartermaster 
enemies are made on neverland  misunderstanding found out dont go wow
joy ride safe - OG post was removed so redirecting to A03  abandoned p1 
abandoned p2 turned p1 turned p2 save me boys and girls of every age
saved saved p2 prompt 128 “don't touch me. we’re fighting”
apple picking with ya boi Drunk!reader  protect when someone hits on you/him
you haven't even touched your food  regret  Umas schemes  pile of blankets 
happy birthday - Daughter of Hades - gift to sweetweasleygirl
commission - forget me not  x sparrow!reader - WICKED
soulmate au- lost things  harry cant swim - drabble 
harry still cant swim - drabble p2  Commission work -Happy Family 
La Bouff!Reader- Different  all bundled up  request - chubby! reader
request - soulmate au! sharing wounds request- no touchy 
request - Fem!Harry x Fem Reader  idk just felt like writing 
Pan! Reader - Misunderstood Queen Halloween special - Sanderson! Reader 
reckless my bonnie lass  Colorless - soulmate au Hypnotic song  pillow stealing
held back p1 - NB! Reader Held back p2  - final  soulmate au - Countdown timer 
soulmate au - Tattoos soulmate au - future vision  cold and bruises
Huma x reader - Brand new  Poly sea 3 x reader - lonely 
modern au - im sorry who? p1(?) dog person  glorious chaos~ 
Huma x NB reader - Commission work 
commission work - Male!Reader - meeting the parents  Oop, better run Hook
Commission work - Swann snapped Happy birthday to me - Rewrite oneshot 
Soccer ball to the face and im yours - Male!Reader Left behind - Audreys sister!
my sisters best friend is the one for me - Umas sister!reader p1
my sisters best friend is the one for me - Umas sister!reader p2 (final)
Halloween fic 2021 - Haunting frights smut fic - fuck pirates am i right?
calm nights with you  flinch smut fic - this isnt what i had in mind
its been a long, long time together again
2020 Christmas fic - First Christmas in Auradon (Claus!Reader)
final straw Buff reader x Simp Harry Smut fic - Relaxing Afternoon
switching places - soulmate body switch au  pet names - nb reader
Smut fic-  Car sex not a fun morning - sick!Reader
sudden library kisses aka pouty man wants kiss from his boyfriend - Male!Reader Grief - pet loss  birthday visits and confessions 
once upon a dream  touch starved  Keep quiet - smut fic 
JTK/Harry Hook Dont fuck with isle kids/old friends Always warm - male! reader
What a steal -ficlet  smut fic - vamp reader  Wanna bite him so bad
commission work -the sea four  - trans masc reader!
Why do i/Good grief - Goodbye to Harry Hook oneshot  Sweet boy
if you will marry me  Fresh from the shower -Smut fic Thief  
three times the fun-smut fic sweet summer - Request  Trust - Request(Male reader)
Sweet mornings-smut fic
Can’t stop this feeling - Smut 
 P1 p2 p3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 
Commission 2 parter - unpredictably adorable 
p1 p2
Commission 2 parter - Happily Ever After
p1 p2 
Commission 2 parter - hidden
p1 p2
Commission multipart - do I love her
p1  p2 p3 p4 p5
Commission multipart - used...then loved
p1 p2 p3 p4 p5
Commission multipart -love at first sight 
p1 p2 p3 p4 p5
2 part commission - the masked princess 
p1 p2
Commission Multipart - a prince behind the pirate 
p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 p13 p14 p15
Commission multipart - Matchmaker
P1 - Jay/Gil P2 - Mal/Evie P3 - Audrey/Uma
P4 - Ben/Lia P5 - Carlos/Valentina P6 - Harry/(y/n)
P7 - Harry/(y/n) p2 (final)
Missing pieces - JTK is Harry Hook - Multipart
intro P1 P2 
Regained passion - multipart 
p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 (finale)
Part of your world -D2
p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12
p13 p14 p15 p16 p17 p18 epilogue
Reprise - OG POYW -D3
p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 final 11 epilogue 
p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 p13 p14 p15
sneak peek for rewrite
p19 p20 p21 p22 p23 p24 p25 - The finale
Part of your world 2.0 - D2
p1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 P18 
Reprise 2.0 -D3
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10
Encore 2.0 - AFTER CANON
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 Epilouge 
Rewrite - part of your world- D1
p1  p2 p3 p4 p5 p6  p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 p13 p14 p15 p16 - final
Shuffle playlist - Rewrite poyw- D2
p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 p13 p14 p15 p16 p17 -final 
what if? (y/n) went to Uma before Mal? (shuffle au #1)
what if? (y/n) went with Mal to the isle instead of Harry?  (shuffle au #2)
what if? Harry never came to Auradon in D1? (shuffle au #3)
Rewrite Mini-series - Interlude
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6
Under the sea; Rewrite
P7 P8 P9 P10 (final)
Rewrite Oneshot - Moments 
Finale - POYW Rewrite- D3
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 p9 p10 p11 p12 p13 -epilogue  
The Hook wedding (Harryxr)
The Royal wedding (Bal)
Remember - BOTW crossover 
p1  p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 p13 p14 p15 p16 p17 p18 p19 p20
p21 p22
daughter of the honorable thief (on being revised and written WIP MODE FOR ALL PARTS, PRESENT, PAST, AND FUTURE) 
prologue  p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 p13 p14 p15
here ya go, a master list with all my most recent harry hook x readers!!!
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