#im scared snd so sad and feel so bad tbis happened while she was in my care
fatcowboys ยท 2 years
still having a bad time which is why im so sporadic on here rn โœŒ๐Ÿ˜”
#cayenne still in the walls. very stressed and worriwd abt her#i cant rmr if i posted abt finding a bat while looking but. that happened#so i had to pause a lot of cat searching to wait for my less than stellar maintenance person#to deal w the bat bc i cannot deal w having to go thru rabies treatment rn lol#but. rhen there was no bat when he camr back. sooooooo#she has not come out for food or water ive had a camera pointed at the hole and nothing#i opened the hatch side where i found the bat now that hopefully. no bats#and bought a second camera to watch that side#the foster is coming out today to try and help. might try to live trap her if we can figure out where exsctlt she Is#im so scared there was a hole that let her out. so so so scared of that#they may have a wire camera thingy to use to try and look#but i put fresh food out regularly and the Good Shit#and have hsd no luck#im scared snd so sad and feel so bad tbis happened while she was in my care#like i know. theres only so much i can do#she busted thru a tiny whole she wanted Out bc she was so scared#but it still feels bad. and feels so bad that theres so little i can do.#ugh. this shit sucks#i truly cant go a few weeks withour something major happening#had to figure out housing stuff. got that fiured out#car broke down. got that figured out#had to physicially move. that sucked and was expensive.#and had s few gokd weeks of stable in new home w good roomies. time to bring another cat home hc ive been thinking about it for a while#oops. cat stuck in the wall :) good fucking luck#just exhausted lmao. i at least got a little time to recover but damn.#its all just a Lot lmfao#just. feeling a lil hopeless abt the whole situation lmao#i just want her to be okay. and im so scared shes not gonna be.
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