#im realizing posting this and Only this after a lot of relative silence may seem ominous so.
obsidianfr3sk · 4 years
The Origins (Chapter 4)
Summary: Before the Renegades put an end to the Age of Anarchy, they were six kids trying to survive day by day in a city ruled by chaos and desolation. Is there a space for hope and kindness somewhere in Gatlon City? Maybe.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25123756/chapters/62248708
Translating it’s so exhausting. Especially when you have that bitch (Grammarly) constantly telling you “oh ur wrong” and you ask “where?” and the bitch responds “oh im not gonna tell you u r not premium”. So fuck it. Here it is. This was supposed to be Evander’s chapter, but I decided give this one to Tamaya instead, just for the fun. He can wait, he’s fine. 
As you can see, I started to title my chapters. I already did it on AO3, but not on tumblr. The other three posts have their titles too. If you guess what song are the titles from, you get a cookie (?
I want to start doing a tag list but I don’t know who to tag. So if you want in, just tell me. I’m too shy to tag you if you don’t tell me to do it because I feel like I’m bothering you.
Also, trigger warning for domestic violence. I tried to keep it as low as possible and it’s a small scene, but I understand if there are people who still can’t handle it, and I’m no one to judge. I will take TW more seriously from now on. If you think I should tag any other of my work, feel free to DM me or send me an ask, even if it’s anonymus. Seriously, feel free to correct me. I’m a big girl, I can handle it;)
Running away from the world that we designed
Age of Anarchy
Year 8
Tamaya had gone three weeks without human contact. Her parents did not talk to her and she did not talk to her parents. Her mother sent the only remaining servant to bring her food twice a day. Every time he entered the room, Tamaya turned around to avoid making eye contact, because if she did, she would start crying. No one else was going to see her cry ever again.
It all started when Tamaya was flying in her room when her father came in without knocking first. The man was paralyzed and gaped, at the same time that Tamaya lost her concentration and plummeted onto her bed.
Then, her father started yelling at her. Marcus Rae had never been known to be particularly friendly in the way he spoke to other people. She had never heard that man say "thank you" or "please." However, Tamaya had not seen him scream either. At least, not at her. And that was enough to make her cry.
Not only because she was scared, but also because she felt dumb. She had managed to hide her abilities for five years and she had been caught in such a stupid way. Tamaya believed she was smarter, but she was not.
Her father took her by the arm and lifted her from the bed with such abruptness that Tamaya accidentally knocked over a porcelain figure that was resting on her nightstand. His shouting was already so unbearable that she could only make out a few words.
Freak. Bounder. Idiot.
Her mother ran into the room and asked what was going on.
“Your daughter can fly!" yelled Marcus. "How the fuck did she learn to do it!?”
And so it went on. Her father kept shaking her like she was a rag doll, while the woman begged her husband to calm down, with a trembling voice full of terror.
But he wouldn't stop. Nothing made him stop.
Freak. Bounder. Idiot.
“Please control yourself!” her mother cried.
In response, her father slapped her on the floor.
Freak. Bounder. Idiot.
Melissa lay there, sobbing and holding her cheek. Seeing that his wife was not going to answer him in any way, his father refocused his attention on her. He turned her around and held her tightly by the arms. Then he forced her to walk to the wall and stamped her face against it. With one hand she crushed the back of Tamaya's neck and with the other, he scratched his chin.
Freak. Bounder. Idiot.
Before she could react, her father tugged on one of her wings, as if he was going to pluck it apart. Tamaya screamed and broke down in tears again.
Freak. Bounder. Idiot.
Did he hate her that much? Was Tamaya that disgusting to him?
Freak. Bounder. Idiot.
How could someone do that to their daughter? How ruthless do you have to be?
Was she a monster? Was his father a monster?
Were the two of them monsters?
An electric current ran through her body. Adrenaline seized her veins, giving her the strength to push her father away from her and scream:
With a wave of her hand, Tamaya fired a bolt of lightning at one of her bookshelves, setting it fire. Her mother reacted and ran to the kitchen for a bucket of water to put the fire out. Her father was not even able to move, nor did Tamaya. She was not concerned about the accident she had caused. Her gaze was fixed on Marcus, and her contempt for him was stronger than any pain and fear she had left.
She wiped one last tear that ran down her cheek.
She may be a freak and she may be a bounder. But she made a promise to herself that she would never be an idiot again.
Melissa quickly put out the fire. They were very lucky that it did not spread to the rest of the room. After the initial impact, her parents stared at her as if they didn't know her. Their eyes seemed to say: “How is it that such a dangerous and violent creature our daughter?”
It is because you are creatures as dangerous and violent as me.
Now it was Saturday night. Tamaya was sitting on the carpet, surrounded by her dolls. When Georgia asked why she didn't get rid of them, she always blamed her mother, saying she would be very upset if Tamaya threw away such expensive toys.
However, Tamaya did not throw them away because, unlike Georgia, she did keep playing with her dolls. She had conversations with them, brushed their hair, and if her mother managed to get yarn, she would embroider their skirts with details of flowers or birds. In winter, she had even gone as far as to make sweaters for them.
It was a childish hobby for a seventeen-year-old girl, but it was also the only thing that kept her sane. 
Knock. Knock.
Tamaya looked up at the light catcher. She flew to see who it was.
“What are you doing here?” she asked through clenched teeth.
“Lower your voice,” she scolded her. “My parents could hear you.”
Georgia put a fake padlock over her mouth and made a pleading gesture as she pointed to the latch on the catch. Tamaya rolled her eyes and let her in.
“My mom doesn't know I'm here, but she told me everything,” Georgia explained sitting on the bed. “Which wing was it?”
“This one,” she replied pointing to her right wing, “but it's nothing. It practically healed itself.”
Georgia looked at the circle of dolls on the carpet, stifling a giggle.
“What party are you having?” she asked teasingly.
Tamaya was silent. Georgia realized that her friend was in no mood for jokes and looked down, with a serious expression on her face.
“My mom also told me about your other power,” Georgia whispered.
The blood went to her feet.
“What power?”
“The lighting thing.”
Then, silence. That reunion was nothing like Tamaya expected. She believed Georgia was going to have hundreds of questions and was not going to stop talking. Georgia always had a lot of things to say to her. Most of the time, she did not talk about important issues. It was always about discussions with her mother, gossips going around her school, or about a new book that she had found and that she recommended.
Tamaya was glad Georgia knew how to start conversations. She had no idea.
How her mother had been able to talk about Tamaya's powers with Mrs. Rawle was a mystery to her. Melissa Rae was very concerned with what other people would think of her, something that had never made sense to Tamaya. Was there someone left in that damn city who kept worrying about something as stupid as status?
“Is it true that you almost hit your dad with one? With lighting?”
Tamaya did not want to lie to Georgia. Lying was not her thing. However, she wasn't quite sure about what to tell her exactly. Should it be something like “Yes, I did it, so what?” or something less violent? Something between the lines of: “Yes ... and I regret it.”
The thing was, Tamaya had no regrets. She had a lot of time to think about it those past few days and she could never force herself to feel a single shred of regret for her actions. Not even when her mom begged her to apologize to her dad. She just couldn't.
However, it was not until that moment that she realized she wasn't proud of it either. If it had been for her, Georgia would never have known about that little detail of the fight and her powers.
Tamaya already knew that she could control lightning and storms. She had discovered it relatively recently when she was flying and accidentally shot lightning at the ground. It was small and just left a black stain on the fine wood flooring, nothing a rug couldn't hide.
But lighting should not be near people, and Tamaya knew it.
“Why didn't you tell me?”
Tamaya turned to see her. “Pardon me?”
Georgia was frowning and arms crossed. There was reproach in each of the words that came out of her mouth.
“Why didn't you tell me you had more powers?” she asked. “Why didn't you trust me? I thought we were friends.”
“Woah, wait, Georgia,” she interrupted her. “How exactly is this about you?”
“Friends are supposed to talk to each other,” Georgia said. “I always tell you everything that happens to me and you know every last detail about my life. Why don't you tell me what's wrong with you? How many other things do you hide from me? Is our friendship based on lies? Is your name even Tamaya?”
Tamaya was so shocked by Georgia's reaction, she thought she was hallucinating. She noticed each gesture her friend's face made and each movement of her eyes. And she wasn't kidding. Tamaya was not hallucinating. Georgia was seriously mad at her.
“Really?” she asked her. “After everything that's happened to me, somehow I'm the bad guy to you?”
The audacity of this bitch.
“How the hell can you be so self-centered, Georgia?” she asked with flushed cheeks. “Do you think this is because I didn't trust you? Did you ever stop to think about how I felt? Doesn't it occur to you that the reason I hid it from you is that I wanted to protect you?”
“Protect me?” Georgia laughed. “Don't be ridiculous, what would you be protecting me from?”
“From myself!”
And Georgia laughed again.
“I was protecting you from myself!” Tamaya insisted. “Stop laughing!”
But she ignored her. Georgia kept on laughing as if it was the funniest joke she had ever heard. It was clear as day that Georgia didn’t care anymore if the whole neighborhood heard her. She didn’t care if they got into trouble.
And she does not care about you, Tamaya.
Tears welled up in her eyes.
No, no one else was going to see her cry ever again. Not even Georgia.
Without thinking, Tamaya lunged for her friend. She grabbed the collar of her blouse, lifted her ten feet above the ground, and stamped her against the wall. She could feel the electricity on her fingertips, and she was sure Georgia felt it too.
She was no longer laughing.
“Look me in the eyes, Georgia,” she whispered. “Look me in the eyes!”
“I'm doing it,” she replied quietly.
“What do you see?”
“That you have beautiful eyes.”
Tamaya held her tighter. “Aren't you afraid of me? Aren't you afraid of monsters?”
Tears began to flow from Georgia's dark eyes. She put a hand to her mouth and a faint smile of pity appeared on her lips.
“Oh, Tamaya. You are not a monster.”
She had no qualms with people seeing her cry. How pathetic.
She released her.
“Yes I am,” she hissed.
Georgia fell to her feet.
“No, people have convinced you that you are,” she exclaimed, approaching her. “That's what they always say about all of us.”
She reached out to take her hand. Tamaya rose a few inches to not be within her reach. Georgia did not insist.
“And the worst thing is that,” she continued saying, “there are some people who believe them and become monsters. You know, like a certain person who starts with Ace and ends with Anarchy.”
Oh. Him.
“You know, I think he hates himself. A person who loves themselves would never do the things he does.”
“I don't blame him.”
Georgia pursed her lips. “Why not?”
“If you spend your entire life calling someone a monster, what do you expect them to become?”
Silence appeared again. For a second, Tamaya was pleased with herself for making Georgia run out of arguments.
But Georgia was never run out of arguments.
“That still doesn't excuse it,” Georgia replied. “You are constantly calling yourself a monster inside your head, and you had not become one.”
Tamaya looked at the mirror. Her reflection looked back at her.
“Would you still be my friend if I were a monster?”
“Uh, I don't know,” Georgia shrugged. “But I don't have to worry about it. You will never become a monster.”
“How are you so sure?” she asked defiantly.
“Because you are too strong to become one.”
She wished she could believe her.
No, Tamaya wasn't strong. That room was driving her crazy. She heard no other voice than her own, telling her the most horrible things she could hear every day. The world had never called her a monster because Tamaya's world were those four walls. Those four walls too similar to—
Oh, God.
Too similar to a monster's cage.
“I have to go,” Tamaya blurted out.
“Go?” Georgia asked in dismay. “But where?"
“I don’t know, but I have to go. Right now.”
Georgia asked no questions when she was helping Tamaya find a backpack, or when she packed Molly away before she began to look for clothes. She didn't even ask questions when Tamaya didn't dare go through the skylight, because she thought she heard her parents asking her not to leave.
However, when she turned around, she realized that no one was there.
She came out.
The air in the outside world smelled like gasoline and rain. The higher she flew, the smaller her house looked. Her neighborhood was the only point of light in that dull city. The buildings looked abandoned and lonely even from that distance.
It was horrible. But it was the world. A new world.
Tamaya allowed herself to laugh. She was so happy that she even dared to flip in the air.
Then, she realized that Georgia was not flying next to her. She was standing on the ceiling of her room, looking at her with teary eyes.
A crazy idea came to her mind.
“You come?” she asked her.
Georgia shook her head. She reached into her pants pockets and pulled out a torn locket. Tamaya reached out to look at it better. It had a missing part, was slightly rusty, and was not made of real gold, but the chain and clasp were intact.
“I found it in the market,” she told her, “with a lady who sold fish.”
“Why would a fisherwoman be selling lockets?” Tamaya asked raising an eyebrow.
“I do not know. It was from her husband, according to her,” Georgia explained. “But now it’s yours."
Tamaya had not worn any jewelry for a long time.
“It looks tragic,” she said.
“It combines with the city,” Georgia replied. Tamaya put on the locket. “Would you forgive me?” she asked. “I was selfish and I shouldn't have blamed you for not telling me. You had your reasons for keeping the secret. I understand if you don't want to talk to me—”
“Stop,” Tamaya ordered. “I'll come looking for you in a couple of days,” she assured her. “If you haven't heard from me by then, I'm dead.”
Her friend shuddered. She didn't know if from the cold or the fear.
“Any advice for the outside world?”
Georgia approached her with a smile and held her hand. “When in doubt, fly.”
Tamaya looked towards the horizon. The doubts did not take long to arise.
Then, Tamaya flew. And she didn't look back.
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skyking91-archive · 4 years
the fallout || skam
Discord thread featuring: Sky & @samuelburton
When: October 24, 2020 - after the halloween party
Where: sam’s apartment
mentions: @ellicfm
Description: sky and sam fight, then they agree to take a break
Trigger Warnings: brief mentions of past trauma, arguing, feeeeels
Admittedly, sky was a little drunk. She had to be when she was around mat. Like. Damn. She was thankful thought that the Uber dropped her and Mat off at different places. The last thing she wanted to do was spend any more time with him. And he seemed a bit off after the party was over anyway. She hopped out of the car when it arrived at her boyfriend’s place and she went right up, opening the door with the key he’d given her not that long ago. “Hi baby.” She spoke like she had had the longest day at work. She had been thinking about the conversation she’d had with Sam all damn night and had a really hard time enjoying herself. The corn maze with Jess was definitely the highlight of her night though. Still, she couldn’t get same off of her mind.
sam had stayed at the party longer than he’d intended and while he’d thought ditching would be a good idea, sitting alone with his thoughts while he waited for his girlfriend arrive hadn’t worked out all that well either. especially after that conversation he’d had with ellie about what sam deserved in a relationship. it was a relief to be pulled from his thoughts when he heard a key turn in the door. “hey love,” he smiled tiredly at her. he was genuinely excited to see her but he was also exhausted and the unopened bottle of whiskey beside him hadn’t helped matters. he’d managed to stay relatively sober the entirety of the party but as soon as he was home and didn’t have to worry about out his girlfriend and her fake boyfriend’s pretend relationship, he’d felt free to indulge.
Sky found Sam sitting on the couch. He seemed relatively comfortable; like he had been there for a while. He looked sad, but just his presence alone made Sky smile. She sat her bag down and took her shoes off before she walked over to find Sam next to a bottle of whiskey. This...didn’t look good. The actress straddled her partner before sitting down on his lap, rubbing his tense shoulders out. Something was off. And it was more than just the conversation that they had had in the kitchen. “I’m really sorry about earlier. I know this sucks...” her dark eyes dropped as she spoke. “I’m sorry we couldn’t go together.” She said with a sigh.
sam’s hands landed on sky’s thighs as she sat in his lap. he closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the couch, relaxing as her hands went to work on his shoulders. it was a comfort to have her home in his arms again, especially after things had been so tense earlier that evening. still, he couldn’t shake ellie’s words from earlier. “s’okay,” he shrugged lightly, eyes still closed. “it’s all part of the agreement, right?”
Sky wasn’t totally sure how to respond  to that. Was he being sarcastic or...? Sky furrowed her brow in response and dropped her hands from his shoulders. “Im sorry...” she apologized again, looking away from him. Her heart sank. “Sam...I don’t know what you want me to do. I don’t want you to be miserable jn this. I know you wanna take me out with you, and like...post pictures and stuff. Just...tell people about us.” She didn’t even know where she was going with that but it was something that had been in her mind for a while. She’d try to make up for it with presents, but that only went so far.
sam opened his eyes, his heart sinking a little when he saw the sad look on her face. he didn’t like making her feel that way. but this was a conversation that needed to be had or else they’d keep circling back round to this same shitty feeling. with ellie’s words fresh in his mind he looked at her questioningly. “can i ask... why are you doing this? because i thought i knew but i don’t really think that i do anymore.”
Sky was just now realizing how drunk she was when she felt like she was going to start crying. Fuck. She tried to hold it in, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to for very long if this conversation was headed where she thought it was. She rolled over his lap and leaned her head against the back of the couch and huffed, racking her brain for an answer to his question. Why was it so hard for her to come up with an answer that didn’t make her sound like a self centered bitch. “It’s my job.” She finally said after a few moments of silence. “I...it’ll really help me with my career. This’ll open a lot of doors for me.” What a self centered bitch. Still. It was true.
sam nodded slowly, listening as she spoke. he hadn’t been far off. “i guess i just feel like... i mean you’re so talented, love,” he told her, turning his body to face her on the couch. “i mean really, you’re brilliant. and i don’t understand why you feel that you need to do this to further your career.” sure it would get her a lot more exposure a whole lot quicker. but was it not more rewarding to come by it organically? sam truly thought she was talented enough to make it on her own.
“You don’t get it.” She said immediately, without really thinking about it. “It’s not just talent that gets you famous and successful. You have to have the right connections, the right exposure.” She stood up and huffed, pressing her hand to her forehead in frustration. She paced slowly because now she was getting frustrated. “Thank you, but there are a lot of talented people in the world and only a select few can actually make it.” Now she felt like she was lecturing him, which she didn’t do it on purpose — she was just so frustrated. “What do you want from me, baby?” She sighed.
sam knew that it took an awful lot of luck to break into the business. he wasn’t so naive to think that all you needed to have was talent and ambition to make it. it also took a lot of luck. if it hadn’t been for eevee’s wealth and connections, he doubted that the band would have made anything of themselves, as short lived as that was. but was it really worth all of this? we’re there not other ways to go about building status and gaining exposure? but her final question to him had sam furrowing his brow in hurt confusion. “i guess i just hoped that this was enough,” he said, gesturing between them, his own frustration as the situation creeping into his voice. “you are all i want, and i feel like i can’t even have that. at least not all of you. not the way i want.”
What Sam said next make her heart ache. They had agreed to this. Sure. But it was turning out to be much harder than what they had originally thought. Sky hated Mat. Sure, he was a dick. But she hated looking at him and knowing that he was the one keeping her and Sam from being happy together. Or was she the one that was doing that? “Sam...” she sat down next to him again. “I’m sorry. I want to be the one that makes you feel happy and loved. But...can I ask where this is coming from? Was it just what happened tonight with us? Or is there something else?” Sky empathized with how he felt, she tried to at least, but she still wasn’t sure where this was all coming from. “Please talk to me.” She begged, grabbing his hand with both of hers.
sam hesitated, looking away from her but allowing her to take his hand in hers. "i guess it started in the dining room," he began. "what mat said- it got to me. and i was starting to have doubts, not about us but about... i mean we really should have thought this through... and then i ran into ellie and we got to talking about what i deserve and i can't help but wonder..." sam's blue eyes met sky's. there was an apprehension there, like he was afraid that what he was about to say would change things between them, though he wasn't sure how. "am i not enough for you?"
She looked away from him, her heart skipping a beat once their eyes met. Sky took a sharp breath in at the mention of his ex. So that’s where all of this was coming from. What a fucking bitch. How dare she try to sabotage her relationship like that. But also why was Sam talking to his ex about their relationship. “Why the fuck were you talking to Ellie fucking Robertson about our relationship?” She deflected, standing up in a huff. “Sam, I love you. This is just a damn job. You are endgame. This job is not.” She said, pointing to Sam.
anytime sam mentioned ellie in the past to sky he’d gotten little short responses like “i like ellie” or some other noncommittal comment. while he didn’t expect the two to be best friends he definitely didn’t expect sky to be so pissed about sam talking to her. “what..?” he asked, kind of taken aback by her response. “she’s my friend, sky. one of the only friends i have left and the only other person in my life aside from my aunt who knows what the fuck is going on,” he said, standing as well. “if i can’t talk to her about us who am i supposed to talk to? nobody knows about us. and you know what?” sam asked, eyes growing dark with anger. “i think a lot of the things she was saying made a whole lot of sense.” he huffed at her response about the job, having a difficult time not rolling his eyes at her. “if this is just a damn job, why were you so desperate to take it? the day i come to you to talk, to see if we can get past what separated us in the first place, you tell me you want to take on another job! but i was so...” sam gritted his teeth, taking a hand through his hair as he tried to collect himself. he was having little success. “i was so stupid! so desperate to hold on to you that i said yes! only for this to happen,” he said, gesturing wildly around them. “and we’re right back to where we were the first time around.”
Sky was a big drama queen, so as one can imagine her reaction to what he was saying may have been a bit over the top. But sky was hurt. Mostly because she know that Sam was right. She hadn’t been fair to him, and he did deserve better but sky wasn’t ready to admit that even to herself. When Sky decided to take the job, she had no idea how hard it would be on him. On their relationship. Sky looked like a hurt puppy as he spoke, then let some silence fall over them for only a brief moment. “I...” she stuttered. “Why did you say something? Why didn’t you tell me not to take it? Why did you wait until you got pissed to say something? You wait til things blow up before you actually say something. You’re right. Now here we are. Back to where we started.” She huffed, trying to hold back those damn tears but the spilled over her eyes and down her cheeks. “What do you want me to do, Sam? I can’t lose you.”
sam’s jaw set and he gave her a long look. the anger had mostly faded into sadness because he really hated seeing her like this and he hated even more that he’d been the cause. “i wanted to be better. i wanted us to be better. and after losing eevee like that i-“ he looked down at his feet, heart heavy in his chest. “i couldn’t lose you sky. i would have said anything to be with you. i love you.” he looked up at her, his eyes pleading. he didn’t know how to fix this but he so desperately wanted to. his heart clenched at the sight of her tears and he wanted more than anything to take her into his arms and hold her. but he knew it would only make this harder. “you can’t quit... not now, not after signing a contract. i’d never ask you to do that. but maybe...” he sighed, feeling his own eyes prickle with the beginnings of tears. “maybe we should take some time?” he hadn’t meant it to come out like a question. but the words coming out at all had already been a struggle. and he knew that he had drink in him and that emotions were running high... but it was hard to see another solution.
That was it. That’s when sky absolutely lost it. Her stomach actually hurt and she felt like she was going to vomit. This wasn’t happening. He was right. She couldn’t quit. She’d be breaching her contract and she’s be our hundreds of thousands of dollars. As much as she wanted people to believe it, Sky wasn’t rich and there was no way she’d be able to pay that. She sat down across the room from him, looking anywhere else but in his eyes as she reminded herself to breathe. “You-you’re...breaking up with me?” The words coming out her mouth didn’t even seem real, and — fuck — they hurt so much. Sky loved Sam more than she had loved anyone in her entire life, and sky didn’t always know what to express that. Damn trauma. She cried into her hands for a significant amount of time, before wiping the tears off of her swollen face. She wanted to protest, fight for him...but she also wanted to save at least some of her dignity. “I don’t know what to say, Sam...I love you. I...don’t want this. But I also hate what this is doing to you...” she admitted. Sam really had gotten the short end of the stick in this agreement, and it wasn’t fair of her to ask him to suffer in silence for her sake. “Will it make you happier? If we take a break?” She rasped.
fuck. as soon as he’d said it he wanted to take it back for this very reason. but he knew that this was probably the best for the both of them or else they might make themselves so miserable that it wasn’t worth the fight. sam didn’t want to believe that was true but with each passing day it was getting harder and harder to cope. he crossed the room and knelt beside her, hesitant at first, though eventually he put a hand on her knee. “hey,” he said to her, his voice a small whisper. “don’t think of it like that. i love you so much, sky and i want to be with you. you make me so happy. but this...? this isn’t good for either of us. i mean look at us.” he was quiet for a moment. “how much longer until the deal is done..?” the last time sam had asked the question sky had told him it could take a year’s time. that seemed excruciating but sam knew that he loved sky so much that he could wait. “once this is over and done... maybe then we’ll really give it a fair chance.” this was probably one of if not the hardest thing sam had ever done. he was so used to people in his life leaving him and here he was, letting go of the thing that made him the happiest.
"A...A few more months." It didn't seem like that long, but she didn't want Sam to feel like this a minute longer. Sky hated that she ever made the love of her life feel that way. Had she really been so self centered that she didn't stop for a moment to think about what this was doing to Sam? She tried to covered it up with gifts and pretty words, but that only went so far. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry." She said between breaths. "Th-this is all my fault." Even though, realistically, they both agreed to this without really thinking twice about it. They were just so eager to call each other theirs again that they didn't think about the logistics of all this. She finally took her head out of her hands and looked up at him. "I love you so much." She did. She really did. Even though she had a real shit way of expressing it. No one, except Sam, had ever taught her how to love so she was really just winging this.
sam couldn’t hold back any longer. he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in close, closing his eyes as he nuzzled her head with his cheek. “hey, none of that now...” though it had been good to get everything out there, he regretted being so harsh with his words. he cared about her so much. “we both agreed to this, yeah? a few more months isn’t bad at all. i’ll be working, you’ll be working, and before you know it i’ll be cheering you on at opening night for rent, okay?” and then hopefully things would be right between them and they could finally be happy with no conditions. “i love you too. so so much.”
Sky sobbed into his shoulder, probably getting his shirt all gross and snotty but she couldn't seem to find the energy to care about that now. "o...kay." she sobbed, her breath hitching. She hated this. She hated Mat. She hated Ellie. And there was a large part of her that hated herself for letting things get this out of control. She regretted ever taking that damn job in the first place. They stayed in that embraced for a while. It seemed like neither of them wanted to be the first to let go. At least that was Sky's interpretation of it. If they let go, then that meant that this was really over.
sam held her close to him, rubbing her back soothingly as he tried to calm her down. this all really sucked but sam wanted sky to know that this wasn’t goodbye. he quietly began humming her the melody of the song he’d written for her. he’d hoped the gesture would be both comforting and reassuring though he managed to bring himself to tears in the process. once he’d finished, he planted a small kiss to the top of her head before pulling away to look at her. he wiped away a few of her stray tears and smiled sadly at her. “this isn’t over for us, yeah?” and he held out his pinky to her. “you and me forever. promise.”
It was probably impossible for Sky to stay mad at Sam for long. Especially when he hummed to her like that, held her like that. It seemed he was always her rock - he'd held her like this and hummed to her while they were in the hospital waiting to see Eevee. Sam cared about other people more than he cared about himself. He also didn't see his worth, and Sky knew that she had done a bad job of helping him see it. Sky was fucking blessed to be loved by him, and even though that it may have been over for them now, Sky wasn't going to stop fighting for him. He deserved that much.
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peachcitt · 7 years
an emotionally charged chap 35!!! @gigiree @luvclick @megatraven
first off, im very sorry about skipping last week i just REALLLYYYY wasn’t feeling writing i don’t even know why and i felt bad about it but here i am now wooooo!! in other news my oc story now has 20 pages and idk how to feel about that. it’s wild. 
also i say this chapter is emotionally charged because DANG. i didn’t mean for all the stuff to happen but it did and honestly when do i ever plan for these things to happen. but it gets a little intense. a lot intense. oops. forgive me
Read from the beginning/where it’s originally posted here.
Story description: They say that curiosity killed the cat. But it can do a whole lot more than that.
Chapter description: The lab holds a lot of memories and a lot of secrets. Marinette wants to know it all, but Chat is keeping it all in the bag for now.
Rated: T (because some things may not be suited for some audiences... teensy bit of injury and a whole lot of emotion for this chapter)
There was an awkward silence that stretched between the three of them. Marinette’s eye twitched. Chat’s ring beeped, and he looked down at it idly. Sabrina cleared her throat.
“You have a Miraculous, too, right Marinette?” she asked, and Chat shot her a glare. Marinette didn’t get why he seemed so bothered.
“I do,” she said, pulling out the yo-yo. She could see Sabrina’s eyes track the movement, and for a moment she wondered if she should’ve lied.
“I saw on my feed that yours is a bit primitive.” Marinette raised her eyebrows. Sabrina flinched. “Not that it’s a bad thing of course, but I could install some new features to help you out on the remainder of your journey. Like texting, social media, emergency jetpack, face time, and other stuff like that.”
One of those was not like the others, but Marinette decided not to comment on it. She looked over to Chat, who was staring at Sabrina, suspicion obvious in his every feature. “Would that be okay?” she whispered to him. She liked the idea of having some more back up on the yo-yo, but she wasn’t sure if she trusted the Royal Scientist to do that.
Chat raised his chin, looking down his nose at Sabrina. She shrunk back. He seemed to go through a moment of careful contemplation, and it looked like he figured out what would be best. “Only if I get to help.”
Meaning he’d watch and make sure Sabrina didn’t do anything weird.
Sabrina didn’t seem keen to the idea, but when Marinette nodded in agreement, she sighed. “Of course.” She reached for Marinette’s Miraculous, and Marinette looked over at Chat before setting it in Sabrina’s hands. “It’ll only take a moment. Follow me,” she said, beckoning to Chat.
They disappeared from Marinette’s view, and she heard a lot of loud banging and tinkering and a lot more bickering.
She could hear Chat’s low rumble of a voice, but it was the voice he used when he didn’t want to be heard, and it worked. Marinette couldn’t discern what he was saying. She could hear Sabrina’s voice loud and clear, though.
“What do you mean you haven’t told her?” she heard Sabrina demand. Her eye twitched, and she cursed the shocks that Chloe had administered to her system. “That’s important information, Noir.” There was a pause as Chat muttered his counter argument, punctuated by a rather loud bang. “Of course you don’t have to tell the specifics – you never tell anyone the specifics – but it wouldn’t hurt to talk about it for once!”
“Don’t lecture me like you know things,” Marinette heard Chat say. They were on their way back. “I’ll tell or not tell whatever I want to whomever I please.” He sounded more annoyed than pissed, and Marinette blew out a small sigh of relief.
When the two were once again in front of Marinette again, Sabrina handed the yo-yo to Marinette. It didn’t look different, but when Marinette had it in her hands, it seemed to weigh slightly heavier. Magic, probably.
“I added my phone number in there,” Sabrina said, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, “just in case you need any help with any new functions or anything like that.”
“Gesture’s appreciated,” Chat said, narrowing his eyes at Sabrina. “But I’m right by her side, and I’m just as much of a scientist as you are.” Sabrina rolled her eyes but didn’t bother replying.
“Thank you, Sabrina,” Marinette said, placing the yo-yo back in her pocket. She ignored Chat’s look. “For everything.”
Sabrina blushed deeply, portions of her body turning invisible. She pushed her hair back behind her ear. “I’m- I’m, uh, going to the, um, bathroom.” She hurried away.
“You’re too nice to her,” Chat said immediately after Sabrina was out of sight.
Marinette slapped his arm. “She helped me through Chloe’s game show of death. We’re both alive because of her.”
Chat pouted for a moment, but he seemed to be grateful enough for Sabrina’s help, and he knew better than to argue with Marinette about that kind of stuff.
“So,” Marinette said, wandering over to Sabrina’s cluttered desk and moving a paper idly, “what’s that important information Sabrina thinks you should tell me?” Marinette was not an idiot. Her eye twitched again.
She was still pretending to be innocent, and when she looked over at Chat, he had his face turned up to the ceiling, a deep sigh in the process of going through his lungs. “It’s really nothing you should worry about.”
“I’ll worry about it anyway,” she said with a shrug.
“Really, Marinette,” he said, and she realized he was serious, “it’s better for everyone the less people know about it.”
Taking her hand off the desk, Marinette turned to face him. “Once this all blows over, and we’re all safe, will you tell me?”
He gave her a pained look then, and she realized there had been no question in her statement other than the one intended. There was going to be an afterwards for them, and she believed it. “I don’t know, bug. I don’t know.”
She frowned. “If this is about whether or not we’ll both live through this-”
“That’s not what it’s about,” Chat interrupted. “It’s just…” He trailed off, blowing out a breath and ruffling a hand through his hair. “Can we look around? I want to see the rest of the lab.”
It wasn’t the smoothest segue that Chat had ever come up with, and Marinette got the point. Whatever it was, Chat planned on keeping it under wraps for an indefinable amount of time.
“Yeah,” she said, smiling at him. Her eye twitched, and she ignored it. “Let’s look around.”
 The bottom floor was relatively bare save for the viewing screen by Sabrina’s desk, the hole that Chloe had made in the wall, and the bathroom that Sabrina had slipped into, but the top floor that they got to via the escalator seemed to be a bit more filled. It had several bookshelves of human history in different languages, and it also had bookshelves filled with fiction and comics. Those bookshelves had no label, and Marinette hoped those also weren’t considered human history.
Chat wandered through the room like a ghost, trailing his fingers over the bookshelves and the walls with a sad look on his face. To Marinette, the expression was bit… nostalgic.
She stood by what looked like Sabrina’s bed, her hand resting on the wall that opened up to the escalator going down. It had notches from a couple feet off the ground to just above Marinette’s height. She traced the notches, looking over to Chat, who was staring at a wall with that same nostalgic look.
“How long did you work here?” she asked, and Chat seemed to notice her presence for the first time since they’d arrived to the top floor.
He saw where she was standing and he drifted over to her, his fingers touching the notches in the walls. “Since I was a kid,” he said, and his fingers traced over some less deep scratches in the wall by a notch. The scratches formed a capital letter ‘A.’
“A kid?” Marinette asked, and her heart pulled at the nod that Chat gave her. He was lost somewhere in his memories, and now Marinette was understanding there were a lot of them here. She looked down at the notches near the floor.
They were height notches. To measure a kid’s growth.
“Chat…” She tried to catch his eye, her fingers brushing over the letter A beside the notch she’d been touching.
He had turned away from her, back to the wall he’d been staring at before. “This whole wall used to be a chalkboard, you know,” he said quietly. “My… my colleagues” – the word seemed to pain him – “used it for extra space, and they gave me extra chalk so that I could keep myself busy. They held a contest each week for best drawing, and I always won.” His bright green eyes seemed wet.
She moved to stand next to him, staring at the wall with him. She tried to imagine a little Chat drawing on the wall, winning drawing contests and making scientists smile. The thought made her lips turn up a little. “You liked it here?” she asked.
“I grew up surrounded by science and progress. By people that cared about the future, and… and cared about me.” He paused. Marinette didn’t trust herself to look over at him. She was afraid of what kind of face he was making. “I more than liked it. I loved it. The years I spent here were the best in my life.”
It took a moment for the words to sink in. Marinette frowned. “You sound like you’d never want to leave. So why did you?” She finally worked up the courage to look at him. His bottom lip was trembling.
Before Marinette could act on her sudden urge to hold him, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes. “A lot of things went wrong. Some experiments failed, and my-my colleagues went rogue. They made a lot of mistakes, and it didn’t feel right for me to come back. It wasn’t safe.”
There was a lot of information that he was holding back; that much was clear. But Marinette got the feeling she shouldn’t press on specifics, no matter how much she wanted to know. “But you didn’t, um, go rogue, right?” The phrase felt strange on her tongue. She wondered what Chat meant by that. “Why was it dangerous to come back?”
Chat reached out, pressing his palm flat on the pale yellow wallpaper, as if by trying hard enough he would still be able to feel the chalkboard underneath. “When everything went to hell, my allies shifted, and so did my way of thinking. This lab worked towards hero work, and I used to believe in that, but it never seemed practical to me afterwards. I couldn’t call attention to myself by being a hero if I didn’t want to be killed. I didn’t go rogue the way my colleagues did, but I did turn my back on Plagg.”
When everything went to hell. Throughout all of Chat’s brief explanation, that was the one phrase that had stuck in Marinette’s head. She wondered if she’d ever know the full details of what had happened.
Closing her eyes, she pressed her hand on the wall beside Chat’s. It was a prayer, and it was a promise.
“I’ll be the hero,” she said, opening her eyes to look at Chat. “I’ll be the hero,” she repeated.
Chat laughed, shaking his head. “You already are.”
He took his hand off the wall.
 When they reached the bottom floor again, Chat started walking to go forwards, but Marinette turned back the way that they had come in. “Wasn’t there another path?” she asked, tugging on his arm. She really just wanted to go back to the save point that she remembered was there, both to get rid of the twitch she’d had ever since Chloe had electrocuted her and to save.
He frowned. “It should still be blocked off, and I don’t think even I’m charismatic enough to get them to leave.”
“Don’t sell yourself short,” Marinette said, already pulling him along with her. “And besides, the plan was for me to charm them away. Because we both know I’m better.”
“Can’t argue with that,” Chat said with a shrug.
It was a bad attempt at humor to lighten both of them up, and Marinette knew it. But Chat was obviously troubled by the sight of the lab and the memories it brought back, and Marinette didn’t like seeing that faraway look in his eyes. If he wasn’t going to tell her what was bothering him, she might as well try to make him feel better.
Before they stepped in front of the guards blocking the path, Marinette nudged the toe of her boot to the save point. Her twitch immediately went away and it felt like life had been breathed back into her shocked muscular system.
She hadn’t realized how much the electro-shock had affected her until it wasn’t affecting her anymore. She looked over at Chat, completely frozen next to her, that same troubled look on his face from before.
Pressing the ‘yes’ button, the world came back to life, and Marinette touched Chat’s arm. He looked over at her, raising his eyebrows and erasing that look from his face. “I have some food in the yo-yo if you need it. Since you got shocked.”
“I’m perfectly fine,” Chat said, giving her a toothy grin. It didn’t reach his eyes.
“Don’t lie to me.”
His smile softened into something that wasn’t fake. “I’m being serious,” he said, taking her hand. “I heal fast.”
She gave him a once over, examining for twitches or signs of fatigue. All she got was the tired look in his eyes and the gentle downward slop of his shoulders that she recognized from the times when he was thinking too much. “Are you sure?”
She eyed him a little more. Finally, she sighed. “Okay, I believe you.” She believed that he was physically fine, maybe in need of a quick catnap, but not mentally. But he didn’t want to talk about it – she could tell by the way he was avoiding her eyes.
Giving his hand a squeeze – one she hoped helped him know that she was there if he needed her – she stepped in front of the guards. “I’d like to go on this path.”
The two guards, faces covered and very different in terms of height, looked at each other. The taller one looked back at her and straightened. “We’re not supposed to let anyone through. Orders and junk.”
“Alya says there’s a human on the loose,” the smaller one piped in. He made a full-body gesture that seemed to go along with an eye roll that Marinette couldn’t see. “Which is ridiculous. It’s been years since a human’s been down here, and there’s no real way they would be able to survive this long, let alone get inside the Underground.”
Marinette felt a little proud. She looked back to Chat to share a nice look, but he was staring at the guards with his mouth open.
“Max?” he asked, walking up to stand beside Marinette and pointing at the smaller guard, who shifted uncomfortably. “Why are you part of the Royal Guard?”
“None of your business,” the taller guard said, shifting forward as if to shield Max from Chat.
“Didn’t ask you, Kim,” Chat said, barely offering the taller guard a glance. “Why are you a guard?” Chat asked again to Max.
“Because I want to be,” Max said, moving his head as if he was lifting his chin.
“Yeah, that’s a load of sh-”
“Chat,” Marinette interrupted, resting a hand on his arm. He pulled back, but he didn’t seem happy about it. “How about you explain to me what’s happening.” She was getting very tired of never knowing what was going on when Chat got upset.
“This guy,” Chat said, angrily gesturing to Max, “is a scientist.”
Marinette frowned. “But didn’t Sabrina say that she was the only one right now?”
“That’s because she is,” Max said, stabbing his spear into the ground and folding his arms. “I’m not a scientist, Chat.”
“You are! You love science. You told me that you wanted to be the Royal Scientist.”
There was no telling what kind of expression Max had on, but Marinette thought it might’ve been a mix between pity and embarrassment. “That was when we were kids. And besides, a lot has changed. You also said you wanted to be the Royal Scientist, and now here we are.”
Kim, the taller guard, looked down at Max with what seemed to be disbelief. “You wanted to be the Royal Scientist?” They all ignored him.
“You know why I couldn’t go back,” Chat said, shaking his head. “But it’s different for you.”
Max shook his head. “Listen, Chat, I was just as involved with the lab as you were” – Chat was already shaking his head again – “and I also believed in the old policies. I liked what we were doing before… Before we messed up.” A slight waver of confusion appeared in his voice. “I couldn’t do the experiments that King Plagg wanted, so I just left the lab.”
“You could’ve changed things!” Chat said. He was getting more upset. Marinette wondered if she should intervene.
“And what are you doing?” Max demanded, seemingly undeterred by Chat’s anger. “Being a bum in the Royal Guard, lazing around the entire Underground? It’s like you don’t even care that your p-”
“I knew my place,” Chat interrupted, his words a growl that Marinette imagined had scraped his throat coming out. “And you should’ve known yours. You could’ve stopped Plagg. You. Could’ve. Fought. Back.”
At the last word, green light burst from Chat’s body, surrounding him in a sickly green aura dotted with black that radiated a deadly heat. Marinette backed away from him, almost not recognizing him with the rage that had distorted his features.
Both Max and Kim had stumbled backwards, and Kim raised his spear towards Chat. “That’s enough,” Kim said, pointing the spear at Chat’s chest. Chat grabbed the shaft of the spear, but he didn’t do anything to actually start a fight. Where his hand was touching the spear, the metal started to look as if it were rusting and flaking away.
Kim turned his head to Marinette. “I’m sorry, little lady, but you’re going to have to leave.” He really did sound sorry, but when he turned back to Chat, she saw his amicable nature disappear. “And take Chat Noir with you.”
“I will. I’m very sorry,” Marinette said, easing back towards Chat, wary of his green and black aura. Glancing at the slowly decaying spear, she reached out to try and touch him, try and ease him away but the light burned her fingers. She yelped, pulling back.
Her yelp seemed to bring Chat back to himself because he let go of Kim’s spear and looked away from Max, finally looking over at Marinette. His aura disappeared immediately, and he reached towards Marinette.
She pulled away on instinct, her fingertips throbbing and burning. When she saw the intense wounded look of regret pull across his features, she reached forward again, but with her other hand. “Hey, hey,” she said, gently touching his arm, “let’s go, okay?”
“I’m so sorry,” Chat said as they started to walk away, back towards the lab. He sounded like he was about to cry. “I’m so, so sorry.”
Marinette looked down at her injured fingertips. It looked like the top few layers of skin had simply disintegrated, leaving behind a horrible mess of blood and what looked like bone. She shut her eyes tight and clenched her fist, ignoring the pain. “It’s alright. I’m okay.”
“No, you’re not,” Chat said as they walked back into the lab, hanging his head. “I… I lost control. And I hurt you.”
The lab was still deserted, and Marinette looked around. There was a package of instant noodles on Sabrina’s desk next to a bunch of others, so Marinette took one and opened it up as quickly and quietly as she could. She broke off a little portion of the uncooked noodles from the square and stuffed it in her mouth, chewing on the dry noodles and watching as a new layer of pink, raw skin grew over the disintegrated bits of her fingertips.
She went back to Chat and hid the package of noodles behind her back, showing her newly healed fingers to Chat. “You did,” she admitted, making him look at her fingers. “But look. It’s not that bad.”
He looked up at her, his expression lost, and Marinette thought of the utter mess her fingers had been only a moment before. “It could’ve been, Marinette. It could’ve been really bad.”
“But it wasn’t,” Marinette said, lying a little bit. The sensation that had overcome her fingertips as soon as she had touched that green dotted black aura was unlike any other she had every felt. She was glad she had pulled away instantly, or else she felt like that disintegration would’ve spread throughout her whole body.
Shaking his head after staring at her for a moment longer, he ruffled a hand through his hair and walked ahead of her to exit the lab. She took that opportunity to stuff the noodles into the storage compartment of her yo-yo.
Jogging a little to catch up, Marinette caught Chat’s hand in hers, wincing a little as her new skin brushed against the leather of his glove. He seemed to almost pull his hand away, but she held firm, walking beside him.
“Can…” Marinette was almost afraid to continue, but she took a deep breath, gathering up her courage. “Can I ask what that aura was?” she asked. Chat’s steps slowed to a stop, bringing her to a stop as well, just outside of the lab.
He lifted their conjoined hands, keeping his eyes on that instead of her face. “Everyone down here holds a certain sort of magic.”
“Right,” Marinette said, nodding her head. “Akumas are basically made of magic.”
A small smile pulled at his lips, and his eyes flicked up to meet her gaze before going back to their hands. “Correct. Obviously I’m no exception. I��ve got some magic in me.”
“And that – that green and black light? That was your magic?”
Chat moved their hands so that he could see the ring on his ring finger. Marinette could feel it pressing into her skin. “It was some of it. A magician always has other tricks up their sleeves, right?”
“Right,” Marinette said. They didn’t start walking again. “Chat?”
“What is your magic?”
He sighed, and his head dropped even lower than it already was. “It’s called Cataclysm.” There was a pause, and he released a small and bitter laugh. “Ha, get it? Cataclysm?”
Marinette didn’t think it was that funny, and neither did Chat.
“What does it do?”
Chat lifted his free hand, making sure it was away from both of them, and that same green and black aura burst to life around his hand, but it wasn’t like before. It only circled his hand, and he seemed to have total control of it. “This power can destroy anything I touch.” He looked up, finally holding her gaze. “It wasn’t just named for the pun. It can cause cataclysms.”
The aura around his left hand disappeared, and he dropped his arm. Marinette squeezed the hand she had a hold of, and then she brought his hand up to her lips, giving each knuckle on his hand a kiss. He shivered, dropping his head to touch their foreheads together.
“It seems like you can only cause cataclysms if you want to,” she murmured against his hand. “But you don’t want to.”
“Magic is an emotional force,” Chat whispered, and it seemed like that was the only volume of voice he could manage at the moment. “It can be affected by the user’s intense emotions, and it’s easy to lose control. I lost control earlier.”
Marinette gave his hand another kiss. “But you didn’t cause a cataclysm. You still had control, even if you thought you didn’t. You didn’t hurt anybody on purpose, and you didn’t destroy anything.”
That seemed to be exactly what Chat needed to hear. His breathing stuttered, and he brought their hands down. There was nothing between them except for their shared breathing space. Marinette could feel Chat’s breath brushing on her lips. She closed her eyes.
A loud ding sounded from Marinette’s pocket, and it startled the two of them apart.
Pulling out the yo-yo and sliding it open to the phone function, Marinette saw it was only a notification from a social media site that Sabrina had signed her up to. It looked like Sabrina had posted something about forgetting to watch Marinette and Alya’s fight.
Marinette blew out a breath, not sure of what to make of the situation. She combed her fingers through her bangs, trying to push down the blood that had rushed to her cheeks. “Sorry,” she said, not sure if she should apologize, but doing it anyway.
Chat cleared his throat, also running a hand through his hair. His ears twitched. His face looked a bit red. “It’s cool.”
How the hell was she supposed to clear the awkward air that now surrounded them? She was very sure that going back to whatever they had been about to do was out of the question, but she wasn’t sure where else to go.
She decided to go back to what they had been talking about before. “Don’t, uh, don’t akumas’ type of magic have something to do with how they turned? So, like, how-” She stopped, suddenly realizing in horror how intrusive that question was and mentally kicking herself for it.
“It’s a boring story, bug,” Chat said, placing an easy grin on his face and linking their arms. “You’d hate it.”
Marinette didn’t think that, but she was glad he seemed to not be offended by her stupid question. “Oh, really?” she asked, forcing herself to relax and not let her skin buzz where the sleeve of her sweater was making contact with the leather of his suit.
“Yes, really.” He started to walk forward, pulling her along until she matched her pace. “Now I believe we have a mission to complete.”
The thought of continuing to walk in this horrible heat made Marinette want to curl up on the spot. “Can’t we take a break?”
“You had your break. Ate some noodles and everything.” She gaped at him, and his grin softened a little as he winked at her. “And sweetheart, I do think we should save the world sooner rather than later.”
A grin of her own pulled at her lips, and she walked a little closer to him. “Darling, I couldn’t agree more.”
#miraculous tale#miraculous tale fic#EVIL LAUGHTER#yeah i know it's torture but despite the fact that i don't plan for stuff like this i do have a good plan of the general idea#which includes the certain moment that did not happen but could've here#so it's all in good time my friends#actually i think it might be soon#but knowing how long it takes me to do stuff idk#this chapter was all about chat oops#but that's okay i like hinting at all the stuff he had to go through#im actually thinking about making a prequel of sorts to explain what happened (because either way im explaining what happened)#(i just was never sure how)#but we'll see#and get it get it#in the chap description it's that cat out the bag saying stuff#HA im hilarious#im going on vacation tomorrow too and im what the kids calll HYPED#me and my family are going to HARRY MOTHER HECKIN POTTER WORLD#IM SO EXCITED AAAAA WERE GONNA GET OUR WANDS AND DRINK BUTTERBEER AND BE NERDS AND ITLL BE GR E A T#my whole life has been leading up to this moment tbh#if they ever make a percy jackson world you can bet my ass will be there#speaking of pjo#have you guys heard of the pjo muscial???? it apparently is a thing and ive heard clips of some of the songs and IM CRY#ITS SO BEAUTIUFL#like the first song is so. aaaaAAAAAA#I DIDN'T WANNA BE A HALFBLOOD (COOL GUITARS AND STUFF)#they're selling CDs with all the songs and tbh i want one#no. i NEED one#i want to see the musical but im not sure if they're still making rounds or if i missed my chance in which case. bye im dead#maybe i can watch a bootleg but i wanna support the cast and the beautiful people who made it
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