#im back with yet again more distressing od art
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roseamongroses · 5 years
Antithesis: “a babe, a snack, a f-cking heart attack”
[Specific-Summary]:  They should expect growing pains. For not everything to feel right or make sense. That doesn't mean it'll always hurt, nor does it mean they can't have fun along the way. It's senior year. Everything may be different. It won't be senior year for long. Everything will be okay.
[General Warnings]: Implied Emotional Abuse, Implied Physical Abuse, Bad Parents are Bad Parents, Mild Sexual Content/jokes,Mentioned Homophobia, Mentions of underage drinking (backround), Some Catcalling,Cursing , Self Hate,implied pregnancy talk/inability to become pregnant, adults arguing where the “kid” can hear it, adults drinking, 
[Tags/mood:] highschool au,  fluff and angst but its all good, chat fic, teen stress, its flordia no snow we die like men [Pairing:] Roceit (Roman Sanders/ Deceit Sanders), hinted future/possible logince/roloceit/loceit [Characters]Roman Sanders/Deceit (Dmitri) Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Logan Sanders, Patton Sanders, Remy (Sleep) Sanders, Nate Sanders, Dragon Witch (Diana) Remus “The Duke” Sanders (minor/brief)
(Ao3) (Previously) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)(16) (17) (18) (19)
(20) (21)
D: [Picture of Roman and Logan cuddling asleep. Jpeg] Aw what a lovely couple
R: s h ut u p sh ut u p
D: Hey you were the one who said it was ok to make fun of your crush
R: ok i might have said to not bring it up to his face again but that was not an admission of anything deeper then standard thirst ok
R: deeeee yyou’re not responding and your silence wont make me talk
D: Oh I was getting the evidence
[Screenshot. Jpeg]
D: Huh… That seems pretty soft and gay for “standard thirst” don’t you think?
D: It was more then once {Screenshot Montage. jpeg]
R: he has a lovely smile ok!!! And all those dimples and his moles byg od!!!i can appreciate friends!!!
D: and I have beautiful piano hands you think were sculpted from the finest porcelain and should be protected but alright just a friendly friend thing to constantly be thinking about
R: why must youl punish me for speaking the truth????
D: it's apart of the job <3
D: but yeah we all know you dont have a hand fetish or a smile fetish you were just raised on a diet of shakesphere and disney
R: you know,,, boyfs usually don’t yah know e nc oura ge this HYPOTHETICAL behavior
D: I mean if it was someone like Remy then yeah I’d have some issues D: But it’s L so it’s all good
R: remy isnt that bad!!! yall be petty!!!
D: That’s Why We’d Have Issues D: If I have to share I’d at least liked to enjoy the other person’s company
R: thats almost sweet
D: I try
R: speaking of trying… this weekend?? you free???
D: If this has anything to do with a birthday present I Dont Want then I’m suddenly busy with homework
R: lies lies lies lies lieeeeeessssss you barely do homework
D: ;)
R: but really i told you im not getting you a physical gift but we can still go on a date!!!
D: mm sounds like you treating me and thats Illegal and suspicious
R: nope! I want a date! It's entirely for selfish reasons!!!no selflessness here!!! And if we just so happen to end up at one of those stuffy art museums you like or a book signing or two then well dang i guess???
D: what are you planning
R: it's a date!!a cute little date k!!! So you down?
D: Perhaps
R: yee boy
D: If you drive me there <3
D: Snakes do not have slime ™
R: yet here we are
D: So?
R:alrigh fuckin bet lets do it
D: Wai D: t wha
“Happy birthday!” Roman cheered, crashing into Dmitri.
Without looking up, Dmitri easily caught Roman in his arms, “My birthday isn’t for two weeks,” he sighed, his exasperation being melted as Roman nuzzled him further.
“Mmm shut up,” Roman dragged Dmitri behind him in the parking lot, the school bell ringing, “We had a deal so stop pouting,” he said, sing-song.
“It’s not a pou...Then why are we going to my car,” Dmitri said, expression souring and no it wasn’t a pout, he does not pout--
“Because, ” Roman said, expression sly in the way that always made Dmitri’s stomach flip, “You’re a babe, and I love you dearly, but Virgil’s car is his baby and some lines aren’t meant to be crossed.”
“Uh,” Dmitri ignored his blush, “Noted.”
“I’m surprisingly in one piece,” Dmitri said as they got out, “With all those cute faces you make when concentrating it was a wonder I got out alive.”
“Shut up!” Roman shoved him lightly.
Dmitri caught his hand swinging it between them, “Where are we anyway?” he vaguely recognized the park.
It was one of the smaller ones around, with it’s old, weathered playground blending almost seamlessly with the unruly trees. The discarded toys and cracked pavements so achingly familiar that he had to second guess whether or not he actually could hear children laughing.
Roman looked up at him, lips quirked, “Don’t you remember? It’s where we first met,”
“But we met in 8th--” he stopped as something clicked, his hand drifting to his scar automatically, “Huh, church camp?” he looked at Roman curiously, “There were a dangerously high amount of kids who went there, how did you even know me?”
“We were...always the last kids picked up,” Roman said, "Virgil and I always had each other or Remy to keep each other company, but you…” he got a faraway look and he rubbed his arms self consciously, “You always looked so... lonely...I guess I never really forgot.”
Dmitri sighed pushing a stray curl from Roman’s face, “You’re so sappy,” Dmitri murmured with a fond look, effectively pulling Roman back down to earth.
He didn't bother to linger on the memories for too long, instead pulling Roman along gently, “Let’s see if those rusty swings still work, eh?”
“Stop fidgeting,” Roman whined, the flower crown falling limp in Dmitri’s hair. Dmitri continued to ignore his request, choosing to press his face into Roman’s stomach, much to their distress.
“How do you expect me to just ignore such a fuckin’ snack?” Dmitri said, muffled in Roman’s skin.
Sure the ground pressed into him at an uncomfortable angle, but Dmitri had the important job of figuring out if that was a new freckle he spotted. He planned on being thorough. Roman eventually relented to the very important investigation, dandelions falling to the wayside as Dmitri shifted him onto his back.
Even when Roman managed to reluctantly bat him away, Dmitri still looked mighty pleased with his new spot between Roman’s thighs.
“Having fun?” Roma drawled, resigned.
“Always,” Dmitri’s immediately said. He cupped Roman’s face, hair falling in waves around them as he leaned down.
“Mmm,” Roman hummed, the air warm, “Do you want your real birthday gift now?”
Dmitri’s eyes narrowed, “Roman…” he said, warningly.
“Hush,” Roman said, no whine in his tone. Instead, it was of calm reassurance, “I didn’t buy you anything. I just got a bit nosy…”
“What do you…”
“I talked to a few old friends who knew Emile--”
Dmitri stiffed, pulling back, “-- he left without a word, he fucking hates--this town.”
“Dmitri, let me finish,” Roman said softly, slipping a hand on their shoulder and sitting up, “I asked a few of his old friends, got in touch with him,” he explained, “He’s living with a few cousins in California, he’s doing well...and...and I asked him about you…”
“He fucking hates me.”
“No, he misses you.”
Dmitri slid into the driver’s seat before Roman could protest and soon enough they were driving back in silence.
It had been a long time since it’s been this...awkward between the two. Sure they have their quiet moments, but it was never like this…. Roman had never done well with silence, even if Dmitri seemed to thrive in it.
Roman twisted his hands, forcing himself to speak, “Dee...I’m sorry if I overstepped your boundaries. I know it’s a sensitive subject,” he said.
Dmitri’s remained intently focused on the road, “You were being thoughtful, a prince as always,” he said with a smile.
That smile.
You know the one.
“That’s some god-awful bullshit,” Roman said, “You're angry.”
“Not at you,” Dmitri said, far too quickly.
“It’d be okay if you were,” Roman said and Dmitri’s face faltered, “As much as you claim me to be faultless, that little conversation about boundaries applies to me as well. It’s your birthday gift, so it’s your choice what to do from here.”
“Does this...gift have a receipt…”
“It can if you want it to.”
“And if I…” Dmitri's voice cracked, but he continued, “If I don’t want it to…”
“I have his new number and you have all the time in the world. Don’t stress about it he’ll understand.”
Dmitri wanted to think Roman was lying. God, he wanted it to be a lie because the truth curled in his mouth like a foul aftertaste. It rose in him and consumed him completely.
He was afraid, so fucking-goddamn afraid.
He saved the number regardless.
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