#ilya rostov
violaobanion · 1 year
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WAR & PEACE (2016) 1.05 | dir. Tom Harper
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locallibrarylover · 1 year
happy pride everyone
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id: a digital drawing based on the "i see no difference love is love" meme format. there are four squares. in the first is Alphonse Berg and Vera Rostova embracing as if they are about to kiss. the square is labeled "regular couple". in the second square is Nikolai Rostov holding a framed photo of Alexander I. there is a heart beside Nikolai's head and the square is labeled "yaoi couple". in the third square is Natasha Rostova and Marya Bolkonskaya. Marya rests her head on Natasha's shoulder and Natasha has an arm around Marya's neck. the square is labeled "yuri couple". in the fourth square is Ilya Rostov, who is winking and holding up his thumb up. text over the square reads "i see no difference love is love". the background is dark blue. end id
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nikolajrostovs · 1 year
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Verg send tweet
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lisiya-gori · 10 months
for a book set in tsarist russia, the war and peace fathers map surprisingly well onto the three classic archetypes of rich texas dad: eccentric oil tycoon with suppressed climate guilt (nikolai bolkonsky), fast food franchise empire builder (vasili kuragin), and massively overleveraged car dealership owner (ilya rostov)
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spirngakawening · 1 year
The count was so disconcerted by this long-foreseen inquiry that without consideration he gave the first reply that came into his head.
Berg: hey so about that dowry
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mynameisemma · 2 years
The Rostovs family via artbreeder
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dolokhoded · 2 years
i think the real winner was anon what a powerful ask
anyhow vasily nikolay ilya whos winning
we have like three nikolais but i'm assuming you mean bolkonsky sr from comtext.
ok first of all this rotting bitch nikolai is ruled out mans cannot move his feet and he would probably drop dead mid fight cause he's three hundred years old and he forgot his glasses so he cannot see either. so now it's vasily and ilya, and clearly we're all rooting for ilya #dadoftheyear rostov but,,,,, would he win ? realistically ? i don't think vasily is dumb. i think he's soggy and stupid but i genuinely do not think he's dumb, if he were he wouldn't have gotten where he was in high society. ilya however,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, look. he's a little bit of a dummy, in my head. not in a mean way. it just explains where all of his children except maybe vera got it from. do i think he could stand a chance against vasily ? ,,,,,, no i do not. sigh,,,,,,,,, vasily's gotta win this one.
besides vasily can blind his enemies with his shiny bald head and immediately win it's his stunt move.
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viandede-porque · 4 months
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Ruzil Minekaev looks stunning
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malloyka · 4 months
The Muppets: War and Peace
Pierre = Kermit
Hélène = Miss Piggy
Andrei = Fozzie Bear
Natasha = Gonzo in a dress
Nikolai = Gonzo in a suit
Sonya = Camilla
Petya = Robin
Anatole = Animal
Dolokhov = Rizzo
Old Prince Bolkonsky = Uncle Deadly
Balaga = Pepe
Boris = Sam Eagle
Platon = Rowlf
Countess Rostova = Beaker
Count Ilya Rostov = Bunsen
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intj-greenwords · 11 months
Tolstoy has one more dig at Count Ilya Rostov:
Yes, most precious... a royal word,” said Count Rostóv, with a sob. He stood at the back, and, though he had heard hardly anything, understood everything in his own way.
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violaobanion · 1 year
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WAR & PEACE (2016) 1.06 | dir. Tom Harper
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kiss-my-freckle · 1 year
Masha Rostova
I keep going through the same debate - that of Liz’s born identity. Dialogues can be found for each character, but I’m trying to keep this as short as possible. 
Alan Fitch
Knew Katarina had a daughter named Masha. He and Peter weren't on good terms, and he clearly didn't know Liz was Masha. If he did, he'd know why Red turned himself in. Every bit why I disregard Fitch as the person who exposed Liz’s born identity. 
Anton Velov
Didn't know the name of Katarina's daughter, only that she had a daughter. Every bit why I disregard Velov as the person who exposed Liz’s born identity.
Ivan Stepanov
Ivan didn't know Liz was Masha until he actually saw her. Every bit why I disregard Stepanov as the person who exposed Liz’s born identity.
Constantin Rostov aka Alexander Kirk
Because he believed Liz was his daughter, she was necessary for his survival. Every bit why I disregard Rostov as the person who exposed Liz’s born identity.
Ilya Koslov
Being Katarina’s childhood friend, knowing the danger Liz’s identity would put her in, and him promising to protect Masha is every bit the reason why I disregard Koslov as the person who exposed Liz’s born identity. 
Kathryn Nemec aka Mr. Kaplan
Working for Raymond, being Masha’s nanny, knowing the danger Liz’s identity would put her in, and her promise to protect Masha is every bit the reason why I disregard Kaplan as the person who exposed Liz’s born identity. 
Dominic Wilkinson
Created an imposter Katarina for the sake of protecting his grandchild. Absurd if anyone believes he was the person who exposed Liz’s born identity. 
Tatiana Petrova
Knew Liz was Masha, but appeared to be well and good in hiding. I have no reason to believe she exposed Liz’s born identity. Certainly not when Raymond was the very person keeping her safe in hiding. 
Jennifer Reddington
Jennifer didn't even know she had a sister. They were separated when they were young. Every bit the reason why I disregard her as the person who exposed Liz’s born identity.
Dembe Zuma
Worked for Raymond, actually considers him a brother, and knew the danger Liz’s identity would put her in. Every bit the reason why I disregard Dembe as the person who exposed her born identity.
Sam Milhoan
Sam was the very man that raised her as his own daughter. Knowing the danger it would put her in, he’d never expose Liz, so he’s easy to disregard as the person who exposed her born identity.
Carla Reddington
She knew Liz was Masha. Possible for her to expose Liz's born identity, but not very likely. She told Red she didn’t say anything about him or Elizabeth, and I believe her. 
Middle Man
Because these are the only characters who knew Liz was born Masha, and I can’t imagine any of them exposing her to the Cabal, there has to be a middle man. A friend, an employ, someone they’d trust enough to inform. To inform a middle man that Liz was born Masha, they had to know Katarina’s daughter by name and have reason to give it to said middle man. This dwindles the list to four names. 
Alan Fitch
Fitch didn’t always have an agreement with Raymond. In fact, he set him up with Berlin, allowing him to believe that Raymond killed his daughter. It’s quite possible Fitch gave Berlin the name of Raymond’s daughter for the sake of getting to Raymond. What makes this unlikely, is the fact that Berlin gave no indication that he knew Raymond had two daughters. When he assumed his own daughter was Raymond’s daughter, I think it quite likely he assumed Zoe was Jennifer rather than assumed Zoe was Liz.  
Carla Reddington
Carla could’ve informed the Cabal after Raymond put her in hiding, but again, I highly doubt she did. For the Cabal to get that intel from Carla, they’d first have to find her. When Raymond makes someone disappear, they literally disappear, and I highly doubt she’d put herself at risk of being killed by him for putting his daughter at risk.  
Tatiana Petrova
Tatiana could’ve been aiming for her freedom earlier than they’ve shown on screen, but I think it more likely she’d go directly after Red. Because she believed Red to be the real Red, I highly doubt she’d put herself at risk of being killed by him for putting his daughter at risk. 
Constantin Rostov aka Alexander Kirk
Constantin is my bet. He believed Masha was his biological daughter, so he’d most certainly go looking for his child. I wouldn’t be surprised if he spent the entire 30 years searching for her.
Constantin wasn’t able to enter the states because he’s just as much a criminal. Why take that risk when he can hire someone to find and deliver. The point of him hiring Scottie and Solomon to abduct her from her own wedding. 
I’m suggesting Constantin hired someone prior to hiring Scottie. Someone who’d know Liz’s born identity because Constantin didn’t know Masha’s new identity. Had he known her new identity, he would’ve come for her a lot sooner. Whoever he hired to find Masha, that person could’ve leaked Liz’s born identity to the Cabal. 
Expect Constantin Rostov to have a middle man, and that man be revealed to have leaked Liz’s born identity to the Cabal because Peter most certainly didn’t pull her name out of his ass. 
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sportsfanmy · 9 months
Илья Кирш перейдет в «Ростов» на правах аренды
Илья Кирш перейдет в «Ростов» на правах аренды
Игрок обороны «Зенита» Илья Кирш присоединится к «Ростову». По данным российских СМИ, «сельмаши» арендуют защитника питерской команды до начала лета следующего года. Стоит отметить, что в начале сентября Кирш даже провел дебютный матч за основную команду, выйдя в стартовом составе «сине-бело-голубых» на товарищескую игру против иранского «Сепахана». В минувшем сезоне центральный «бек» провел 19 встреч... Подробнее
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lisiya-gori · 1 year
an in-depth analysis of war and peace baby names
one thing we don’t talk about a lot in the war and peace fandom (such as it is): the main characters’ canonical children. this is probably because they have very little significance to the overall plot, and most of them appear only in the epilogue, which most people hate anyway. this is all fair enough, but for the purposes of scholarship and entertainment, I’d like to compile some information on what, exactly, the war and peace characters have chosen to name their children, and to make a few general comments on the significance thereof
the data
by the time of the second epilogue, set in december 1820, the five main characters of war and peace (andrei, pierre, natasha, marya, and nikolai) have a total of eight children. they are:
andrei and lise (1 son)
nikolai (nikolenka): only child, born 1805. at least ten years older than his next-oldest cousin
pierre and natasha (3 daughters, 1 son)
marya (masha): presumably the oldest daughter—natasha jokes to pierre that the only time she’ll be able to wear the ornate comb he bought her is “when she takes little masha into society.” maybe born c. 1814?
elizaveta (lise/lisa): mentioned once, birth order uncertain
unnamed second or third daughter
pyotr (pierre/petya): baby son, born c. 1820
nikolai and marya (3 mentioned children + at least 1 more)
andrei (andrusha): eldest son, maybe born c. 1814-15?
dmitri (mitya): mentioned once, presumably the second son
natalya (natasha): only daughter, three years old in 1820, so born c. 1817
one unborn child to be born sometime in 1821, name and gender unknown
some points of analysis
by the end of the book, the next generation already has an andrei, a pierre, a natasha, a marya, and a nikolai, which really says something about the way these people live
nikolai and marya name their oldest son andrei and their oldest daughter natasha, which I sort of love. it very much feels like something they would do
both marya and pyotr have double meanings as baby names for pierre and natasha: marya b/marya d for masha, and pierre/petya rostov for petya jr.
only one child (petya jr.) is named after a parent, and two (nikolenka and natasha iii) are named after grandparents. neither nikolai, natasha, nor pierre have chosen to name a son after their fathers
which is sort of fucked up when you think of it, right? nikolai bolkonsky, objectively the worst of the fathers, is the only one who gets a grandson named after him
on that note, nikolai’s marriage to marya means that the nikolai-andrei-nikolai-andrei pattern is seamlessly continued at bald hills, to the point that the post-wap generation has both a nikolai andreievich and an andrei nikolaievich
also, and I cannot believe it has taken me this long to get to this, pierre names his daughter LISE? how are we meant to take this? what even are the optics of marrying your dead best friend’s ex-fiancée and then naming your daughter after his first wife?
but it’s also kind of sweet, right, and there’s some level of karmic justice in seeing lise get honored with an epilogue namesake
dmitri/mitya feels completely random. the only notable dmitri in the book is mitenka, count rostov’s incompetent lackey/business manager, who is implied to bear some responsibility for the rostov financial disaster and who nikolai openly dislikes. surely nikolai would not name one of his sons after this guy?
but then where does mitya come from, especially since there are so many other more obvious choices (ilya, petya—although maybe natasha reserved it?—even vasya after denisov)?
actually vasya rostov would be so cute. I just feel like it’s notable that nikolai doesn’t have an ilya. nikolai’s relationship with his dad at the end of the book is such underexplored territory
i’ve seen katya floated as a name for natasha and pierre’s unnamed third daughter before. it depends on your interpretation of the characters, of course, but my personal headcanon has always been...................sonya
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Raymond Reddington is born in 1960. Around 1977 he enters the Naval Academy and graduates in 1981-82. He joined the Naval Counter Intelligence and operated against the KGB. He is married in 1983 to Carla, also serving in the Navy, and in 1984 they have a daughter, Jennifer.Sometime in 1984 he is captured by a Russian agent code named Sea Duke, interrogated under torture and after 10 days he is rescued by a Pentagon-FBI joint operation.In 1956 an air force pilot Eugene Taylor Phillips, gives birth to a son, Julian Ralston Phillips (names don’t really matter). His mother, Elizaveta, is a White Russian, possibly of noble descent that escaped Russia after the fall of the Romanovs, and anti-communist.He grows up to be a rebellious and difficult child, changing homes often due to his father’s work. His father plans to send him to a military school after the family tradition but he does not want, gets into all kinds of trouble and he is arrested for petty theft.  His father excommunicates him and finally he runs away when he is 17 years of age. In this scenario, Ilya and Ivan were not his childhood friends. They were Katarina’s friends.In 1984, Reddington was based in Naples, Italy, working in the NATO base. He was KGB’s most fearful enemy, so Sea Duke (Ivan Stepanov) decided to find another way to approach him since he failed the first time when he used force, so he sends a beautiful woman to seduce him. Her name is Katarina Rostova, married to a wealthy Russian Constantine Rostov, who lives in Canada. She is an American of Russian descent, who grew up in the States and she met Constantine in the White Russian circles. Reddington falls in love with her, and they have an affair. Katarina gets pregnant by Reddington, and in 1985 gives birth to a daughter, Masha. She tells Constantine that Masha is his child. Raymond does not know about Masha, but Katarina at some point tells him about their daughter.Reddington did not know that Katarina was the daughter of a Soviet Illegal spy (Russian name unknown) who have moved in the US in the 70s, living as a law abiding American, under the identity of Dominic Wilkinson. Eventually Dominic was transferred back to Moscow, and he became responsible for Illegals in the Western hemisphere. Katarina Wilkinson grew up in the States as an illegal that worked for KGB, used her marriage to Constantine as a cover, she was a travel agent, and that gave her the excuse to travel around the globe. She did not like communism she started working for Fitch and the Cabal, to bring down the Soviet Union. Tatiana Petrova in this scenario could have been Katarina’s Cyranoid, since they looked similar.Reddington abducts Masha from their home in Canada and takes her back to the States. Katarina soon follows along with Kate the nanny, leaving Constantine behind.Back in 1973, a young Julian lives in the streets with a gang of street kids who are thieves, organizing robberies to survive. Τhey try to rob the house of a wealthy American who happens to be Allan Fitch. The other kids escape but Allan captures Julian. Impressed by the boy’s talents and character offers him a deal. He will not hand him to the police, as long as he works for him. He also gives him a new identity (David Kennedy), reportedly he was abandoned as a baby in an orphanage, parents unknown. Fitch pays for his education and David joins the FBI. Fitch wants him to be his eyes and ears there, with a long term project to crack down criminal organizations that work against the US and later we find out the Cabal interests. He succeeds and in 1978 works as a junior agent. He meets Melissa, a kindergarten teacher, and they marry the same year. In 1979 they have a daughter named Elizabeth. In 1987 he works briefly with Sebastian Royce in one case. David is undercover and he helps bust an organization smuggling diamonds and as a result the organization is exposed, they lose millions of dollars. In March 22, 1987 David watches his daughter Liz dancing ballet for the last time. David asks the FBI to protect his family until all the organization’s criminals are put behind bars, but a few weeks later the organization murders his wife and daughter. In this scenario the Takhoma park house is his residence, not Reddington’s. H vows to avenge them. He quits the FBI and he contemplates suicide. Fitch asks him to work directly for him and the cabal. His mission is to create criminal organizations outside the law enforcement radar to advance the cabal’s interests. He is also authorized to eliminate criminals that oppose the cabal and threaten its interests worldwide. Fitch helps find the killers and David takes his revenge. This is the first time he tastes blood.During this period he meets and cooperates with Katarina Rostova, who is working for the cabal as a double agent. He becomes fond of Masha because she reminds him of his daughter and they become quite close. David also brings in Sam, one of the children he met when run away, who had become a successful con man. This line of work is perfect for him since when he was young he dreamed the life of outlaws.After the infamous fire Reddington dies and the fulcrum is lost. David was there with Katarina, and got his face burned while trying to find the fulcrum. David, who knew Reddington and his family through Katarina, stages Reddington’s disappearance until to decide what to do. In 1991 Katarina is hiding trying to figure out what to do but she is desperate, and David devices a plan to create a fake death. The 90s is the age that DNA identification slowly is used by the FBI. He has come across a criminal scientist who can transform someone’s DNA like that of a dead person and when examined to falsely show that is another person, similar to the alchemist’s MO. Those after Katarina bite the bait for a while and think she is dead. Unfortunately for Katarina, her enemies were able to discover the fake DNA and increase their efforts to locate her. They know that it was David who organized the ruse and he becomes a target as well. He has facial surgery since his face was badly burned and decides to take Reddington’s face since had a similar appearance, to get Reddington’s millions from the banks, and he does the same to Katarina to alter her face. People would believe he is Reddington, because after the fire he was badly burned and allegedly he had a plastic surgery to fix his face.Then he reinvents himself as Reddington, uses the fulcrum as a leverage against them and creates his criminal organization to keep him and Elizabeth safe from the cabal and Hydra until he can destroy them, his 30 year old project that gives purpose to his life. There is one thing to do to make sure nobody will find out his true identity. He and Katarina decide to bury Reddington’s body in Tansi farm so the world never learns that he died.There is one problem, if they ever discover the new Katarina she might be forced to reveal where Masha is. It’s a Hobson choice, to save Masha or Katarina. David takes Katarina and against her will erases her memory and gives her a new identity, that of Kassandra Bianchi. She is oblivious of her former self, and she will not recognize her daughter if they ever meet. This is what Dembe meant when he said that Elizabeth would never be ready to learn what you did to Katarina. They also alter Masha’s memory to forget her past and shooting her father. He now feels responsible for Masha who he sees as a replacement of his daughter, gives her to Sam. She now knows her name is Elizabeth, with no memory that once she was called Masha. He is obsessed with her and he sees her as a second opportunity to save her when he failed to save his own daughter. Although Reddington is dead he does not want his family to suffer the same fate as his and arranges to hide Carla and Jennifer in WITSEC.That is why when Kirk asked him if Masha was his daughter he refused to answer, but he replied that Elizabeth was his daughter.Only Fitch knew his real identity to the rest of the cabal and the world he was Reddington. That’s why Diana Fowler asked Red if he wanted to know what happened to his family, she meant to find out about Carla and Jennifer.Of course, this story is not perfect and maybe some readers would fins plot holes and mistakes, but it tries to follow the mythology as much as possible, with a more complex story than that of Redarina. His love to Liz is dark not parental exactly, and he has a purpose a 30 year old project, instead of doing all these just to save a child’s life but in the process drives her insane and kills her just because she was ashamed to tell her the truth. Where was the meaning of these after all?Όλες οι αντιδράσεις:11115 σχόλιαΜου αρέσει!ΣχόλιοΑποστολή
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mynameisemma · 7 months
I know I mentioned several times how Dolokhov is the only one to notice Sonya (and even this perception is clouded and fucked up because of worms in his head) but what really stings is the fact there's literally no one else to reach out to Sonya in any meaningful way: countess Natalya consistently sees her as a threat to her precious Koko's future career and her fear is eventually turned into hatred, count Ilya doesn't have a spine to make any meaningful decision about his family, Marya D. doesn't even bother to hide the fact she barely tolerates her, Pierre and Andrei don't give much thought about her beyond the Rostovs, Natasha reproaches her for being "too moral" and later comes up with a dehumanising excuse to soothe herself and Marya B, and even Nikolai who in the end sees "everything people are valued for but little they are loved for" in Sonya does not give a single fuck about her beyond maybe the feeling of guilt.
Oh the irony of the cruel person showing at least some kind of emotional involvement for Sonya while the supposed good natured people grow more and more indifferent towards her.
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