stillilliminal · 2 years
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socialistsooner420 · 2 years
im so
everything keeps getting worse and worse and its so overwhelming on top of working full time
i just need something good to happen
i need one day without having a mental breakdown
just one day without crying uncontrollably
i cant take it anymore, i dont know what to do
my birthday is almost here, hahaaaa lucky 27 hahahaaaaaaa heard a lotta jokes about the 27 club my whole life cuz my birthday is on the 27th, and im an artist, and hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa just mentioning that that joke was driving me crazy almost had me committed on monday
i feel like people are mad at me just for being so depressed and exhausted and unable to talk because of that and i hate feeling like this
i just want to feel ok
and every time something good happens, another train just sideswipes me.
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aurelxi · 1 year
violently screaming and sobbing because DC doesn’t have any merch of animal man don’t they realize i want to torture this man by wearing him on my shirt and washing him under not ideal circumstances
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boo-cool-robot · 2 years
Frank Iero having a bunch of autoimmune-correlated symptoms is yet another example of his tboy swag
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illillsa-blog · 7 years
I relate to Trini because I too, hate myself, love my friends and have a crush on Kimberly
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sickikomori · 7 years
Kicking Kamoshida's ass in P5 is pretty much wish fulfillment
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socialistsooner420 · 3 years
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im 👏🏻 going 👏🏻 insane
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boo-cool-robot · 2 years
Me: Unfortunately I am immunocompromised, boo
My friend Emily: Boo, we hate your immunocomprussy
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stillilliminal · 3 years
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theres no going back
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socialistsooner420 · 3 years
i just finished it takes two
and all i can say
is oh. my. god.
easily one of the absolute BEST games i've ever played in my entire LIFE. it was immersive, emotionally captivating, and somehow both heart crushing while also being so heart warming and beautiful.
10/10, would absolutely recommend
i cant really complain about anything in the game, i absolutely loved it. i couldn't stop thinking about it the past few days, and while playing me and my fiancé were just like "holy shit this is AMAZING!!!!" pretty much every 5 minutes. its beautiful. its visually stunning, and the story itself is just a beautiful rekindled love story.
the only thing i can really say is that i wish i got a trigger warning before the scene with Cutie the III. I dont feel as traumatized about it now that I've played the whole game and honestly, going through that scene, as triggering and draining it is, was worth the trauma to get to the recovery. it was breathtaking. i cried again, but happy tears.
i literally cant recommend this game enough. i played it for free with friends pass and my fiance got the full game, but im definitely gonna buy the full version and support these devs. this game was amazing. i hope more people experience it.
i dont know the last time a game made me feel this much. the insane range of immersed emotions, even though i didn't relate to May's personality (shes an absolute psychopath!!! MURDERER!!!!!) i did relate strongly to her passions (and kinda same with Cody and his garden) and it really felt like i really was in the game
dr hakim
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i thought i would hate him when i saw him in the game trailer but. i was wrong. i realized that as soon as he popped up in my game.
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10/10 character i love him
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socialistsooner420 · 3 years
i just finished watching the first season of reservation dogs
okie perspective:
very real
100% okie approved
this is the most amazing authentic modern okie representation like wow i felt like i knew all of those characters in real life. i would say it hit close to home, but damn, it IS home.
it was also very uplifting to hear a lotta okie & native slang.
and oh my goddddddddd the tornado fight scene
"GUYS. SHUT UP. LOOK. theres a tornado."
"man WHO THE FUCK-" *gangs continue fighting as tornado approaches while they're all out in a front lawn*
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socialistsooner420 · 3 years
so we ordered some kfc on postmates and we saw this promotional gallon drink so we got one of dr pepper and
i thought it was gonna be "hahaha giant cup like the wings come in"......
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im laughing so hard holy shit omfg fddhnvsdhkvdd
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socialistsooner420 · 3 years
i had a very strange interaction with a guest
he was buying batteries and after the transaction he was walking towards the door and like just outta nowhere he was just like "we'll build our socialist paradise someday, comrade"
and i was just like
"????hell yea????" but also like hol up WHAT
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socialistsooner420 · 3 years
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me admiring the mural on the side of the WGC
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this made me laugh im not even gonna lie thassa good'n
because the WGC is a ~2 hour drive the first thing i did after taking entrance photos was go to the bathroom. (very nice clean and modern lookin bathrooms btw. woody would probably have loved to take an okie carwash in the sinks here lol)
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i love this so much. ive thought about this song like every time i wash my hands ive even made my own modifications to the lyrics
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beautiful tribute to marjorie at the front of the museum 💕🙏💕
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"i am out to sing songs that help prove to you that this is your world. and that if it has hit you pretty hard and knocked you through a dozen loops. no matter what color, what size you are, how you are built, i am out to sing the songs that make you take pride in yourself and in your work. and the songs i sing are made up for the most part by all sorts of folks just about like you." -woody
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really rad backlit cutout of "woody's america" featuring various drawings from woody
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speaking of woodys drawings, this was an incredible installation of various artworks, poems, and journal entries of his that were printed on metal sheets.
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i adore his visual art so much so this was an incredible sight
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i've never seen this one before. but for very obvious reasons i adore it so much.
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socialistsooner420 · 3 years
please, i beg any and all fellow artists and art supporters
you can already take crypto as payment if you want to. NFTS are a scam that are actively hurting not just the environment, but actual artists and their communities.
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socialistsooner420 · 3 years
im addicted to helping people via @kokobot
this is literally the best thing on the internet, i love it so much
seeing all the heart felt thank you notes i get back is so heartwarming and makes me feel genuinely happy knowing i helped someone
kokobot is actively helping me with my depression by making me happy via helping others in distress with years of knowledge and personal experiences that i thought were just stains on my life, but sharing my advice, coping mechanisms, and personal survival stories have made those stains into teachable moments and guides to getting through those things to prevent more pain. i feel useful.
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