#ik his mom loves me and all but still T-T I'm scared
definitelynotnia · 7 months
i was on video call with my boyfriend and he was doing some project work idk and i was watching hunger games and RUE DIED and i was distraught and going through like 8 different emotions and turns out this whole time he had been watching me go through the stages of grief and he SHOWED HIS MOTHER 😭😭😭 and when i realised whats going on i was obviously embarrassed as hell like bro?? some warning would be nice???
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billkaulitzwife · 1 year
melatonon hutting so hard i swnt a voice msg of me cozghing to my friend and I listened to a song he pmayed me all the time
Why I (Don't?) Miss Him.
He used to be so sweet and kind. He called me the best names like pretty girl and beautiful. We were together like six months heavily on and off. It's been 360 days since we got together and my body is remembering everything. I stayed up so late last night and cried for no reason. I started crying out of the blue so much today too. It wasn't like this a year ago. A year ago he'd give anything to be on the phone with me. I'd skip homework to talk to him. I hate to say it but he was my karmic lover. I'm scared I have my twin flame coming soon but I just want my karmic back. I want to feel as loved as I did then. I want to feel alive. I hate feeling alone. Everyone around me has someone. My cousin, my bsf, my mom... and I'm just alone. I don't wanna be alone. I wanna feel his hand in mine, I wanna hear his voice whispering sweet nothing's to me as he fell asleep, I wanna be loved the way Poe talked to the Raven. He gave me all his time. I was his number one priority and he was mine. I wanna be happy. A year ago today I wldve been crying into a pillow. 13 months ago I would've been otp with him whispering "goodnight ___." and hed call me to wake me up. 11 months ago I wldve been crying into a pillow bc he broke up w me over text. 10 months ago i wldve been bawling bc he cheated abd I found out thru a "hey so ik u hate me but", 9 months ago I wouldve been otp w him at laylas house vaping, 8 months ago idve been on the phone with t, his ex bsf, 7 months ago id be crying cuz he left me after I found out I cld be infertile, 6 months ago wld be our end. then the on and off friendships.
Goodbye, Phoenix.
Hello, J.
J. The boy who made me realise P never loved me. J made me see the world in the best yet worst way. I realised a lot after J finally loved me. He cares and finds me perfect in almost every way. I was pretty mean to him when I first liked him. Then I got over him then jumped off a cliff as soon as he showed me compassion. I love him more than anything. He's so kind and understanding all the time. He gives me time when I have an episode. He gets me. Although I have the worst temper ever and I'm clingy as shit and the slowest person alive, he still tries to take time. Thats what I think at least. He's my favourite boy and I can't can't imagine where I'd be without him and his beautiful personality. All I want is him.
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AAHHHH back to this stuff o.o
Uh ohhhh
Okay a lot of this is kinda review so far but still 😬😬😬
Ooope not liking this shifty looking people shots
A F I R E???!!?!??
Oh no o.o for some reason they're gonna blame him immediately 😬😬😬😳😳
I mean even though it's wrong I'm sure there's a reason but xD
Still 😳😳😳 o.o
Oh dang xd
Holy crap xD
I am STRESSED lol y'all xDD
That's the last of my last thoughts! Now it's time for the. . .
I absolutely loved loved LOVED this episode!!! I ADORED it :'DDD!!! It was so so good :'))). All the metaphors, with the space in between stuffed with ANGST 😭😭😭? SIGN ME UP :DD. But seriously lol, clearly this was something Buck really needed :'). Like, the lessons he learned from it, or that he finally solidified <33. My point is it's an important part of his storyline and character development and it was great to see :D. Plus, again, angst lol. Everybody was angsting and it was g r e a t 🥰🥰🥰.
Now, it's time for the individual bits!
Hen! I loved seeing her sit with Buck :')). Yes I will say this about all of them lol <33. They were all there for him, as they should be :'D. And also, dream her was slaying XD. As Buck said, she didn't really change lol. Icon in, icon out xD. Like in or out of the dream lol. But I'm glad she helped Buck find his way home :')) 🥰. And sometimes she was just hilarious too XDD. Anyway, she was great at her job :')). I love her ❤️❤️.
Athena :)). She was great :'DD. Her little pep talk to Buck 😭😭. I loved it :')). It was almost like a lecture lol, but basically I just mean emotional moment. It was great <33. And while I know she wasn't gonna say it, I know she felt the pain too :')). She was scared as well ❤️. But at the same time, seeing her care (and dead) for Bobby was just :'))). It was lovely, they're lovely, I love them <33. And I'm sure she was great at her job whenever she was going it lol. I love her ❤️❤️❤️.
Maddie <3. She was amazing this episode 😭. Seeing her build back (or even just build) that relationship with her mom a bit :'))? Just beautiful <3. And the annggst 😭😭. Again lol y'all, I was having the time of my life xD. Her being at Buck's side was of course amazing <333. I felt so bad for her - and dream her too DD':. Still being married to Doug?? That's awful :'((. It was a horrible reminder, but it makes sense for how that dream world was working, and it was great, if sad <33. I love her so much :')) 🥰. And I'm sure she was great at her job at some point lol xD. My traditions are becoming too much lol. And too many xD. Idk, I might change em up sometime, we'll see :). It's just usually a good thing to remember, and sometimes reminds me of other things. Anyway! She's amazing <333 ❤️.
Eddie (and Christopher)! No matter how much I'd like to put him higher, and though his smaller bits of reactions that we saw were very important to me, I have bigger plot stuff to say about the others so I'mma put him here lol. And Chris, of course. Chris was wonderful 🥰🥰. His scene with Buck was so heartbreaking and also adorable 😭😭😭❤️. And that hug at the end :')). I'm sorry for dream temptation him <3, but that bit was a little funny lol. Anyway, I love him 🥰🥰. Now back to Eddie! I do wish we'd seen a bit more of his reactions, but I'm okay with what we got :)). We've had plenty of Buck being worried about him before to show their relationship as a whole lol, so this'll work for now xD. Anyway, him during Christopher's scene with Buck was just heartbreaking 😭😭. His little turn away at the beginning (idk how to describe it it's just aOUGh the angst xD), the tears 😭😭💔❤️. Wonderful, beautiful <33. And of course, he looked so hally when he saw Buck awake :')). I love him so much <33. Also though, poor dream him 😭😭! Dream Eddie was going through it fr :((. Ik it's just a dream but I hope he got it sorted out and was with Christopher again xdd <333. Also, he was amazing at his job :')).
Chim! I loved him this episode :'DD 🥰. He was great :')). All the scenes of him with Buck/waiting for Buck were amazing 😭😭, and the dream scenes were great too :)). Even though he was crazy (well yk not really but XD) he went along with it lol :'). An icon fr <33. Or maybe for sure lol. Eh, both :)) xD. I will say I didn't expect to see so much of Chim's storyline with his dad this episode! I mean it wasn't even that much but still. It was a pleasant surprise though! And I mean, they had to have some other storyline lol. But, anyway, I'm glad he's finally getting that relationship with his dad :')). Just like Maddie :DD. It's not perfect, obviously, and this is only the beginning, but it was really great to see :')). His conversation with Albert was great (as was Albert himself - love you by the way Albert 🥰🥰😌), and his stepmom's talk with him really shined a light on the whole situation :)). I'm so glad he asked them to stay longer :DD. Also his dad with Jee-un.was absolutely ADORABLE 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰!! Also, Chimney was great at his job lol :)).
Bobby! I loved him this episode :'D. We saw a bunch of his relationship with Buck, which is always cool to see, and again, the angst :))) 😭🥰. Seeing him at Buck's bedside (and how worried May and Athena were for him, just by itself and also because that means he was there a lot lol) was wonderful as well ❤️❤️❤️. And I love how even dream Bobby still helped Buck get home :')). And of course, passed on the ever-applicable and wonderful advice: You were being Buck :'))). Amazing 😭😭❤️❤️❤️ <3. I mean, original dream Bobby was going through it 😭, given that he was dead and all, but second dream Bobby was good xD. I am worried about Bobby next week, it looks like it gonna be intense o.o 😬😬😬. We've already seen how much this is affecting him, and I just know it ain't gonna be pretty :// 😬 :((. I'm sure it'll all end up okay though :')) <33. It better, anyway, lol xD. Nervous and excited for it, though!! Also the card game at the end was so cute :'DD. And of course Bobby was great at his job this episode <33.
Buck! Lastly :)). He was so, so amazing this episode <333 :')). Seeing his whole journey was awesome, and again, as I said, I think it was really important character development :')). He had a lot to work through, or at least finally solidify, to get out, but he did it :)) <333. And it was so beautiful (and plenty angsty too lol) the whole time 🥰🥰😭. Plus, seeing him even in supposedly "perfect" world trying to fix everything :')). Not in a bad way, even - I just mean like trying to help Maddie <33. It was amazing, and he was great :'DD 🥰🥰🥰😭❤️. And also, the scene at the end was so great :'DD. Him running, with the music, and then arguing first with Daniel, then visibly with himself (since technically he had been the whole time), clearing the pills and shelves out of the way, and then BREAKING THROUGH THE GLASS AND WAKING UP :DDDD!!!! It was all just so cool, and amazing :)) :'DDD. I loved it so much 🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️. But yeah, he was just so great the entire episode :)). And he was clearly so happy at the end, after waking up 🥰🥰🥰 :')). And don't even get me STARTED on the COUCHHHH 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥰. Just like Maddie lol xD. Except it's not the story itself but the symbolism and emotional story/meaning :')). I just- IT!!! Even though I was obviously hoping for it to be more directly associated with Eddie xD, it was still great lol :')). He has love :). And he knows it <33. I love him so so much 🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️ :').
Overall, I really loved this episode. I thought it was absolutely amazing :)). Super emotional, obviously xdd 😭😭, but so great :'DD. The emotions just made it better :'))). So, not really a "but", but an "and" :). Seeing everyone there for Buck was of course heartbreaking but wonderful, and Chimney, Maddie, and Buck's newfound/healing relationships with their parents were beautiful :')). I'm so happy for them <33. And I'm so glad Buck is okay :'DDD. And I'm happy for the emotional stuff he managed to move through :')). He's made such progress, and he made even more this episode <33. In so proud of him :'DD. I'm worried for Bobby next week 😬. Like I already said, we've seen how much this is affecting him already, and I think we're just gonna see that getting worse and worse next episode o.o 😬. I really hope it all works out <33. Despite my nervousness though, I'm still really excited for it :D. We'll see what happens! It better all be okay lol 🥰🥰. But back to this episode, it was just so good :). All the little parts, little moments, little details, were so amazing. They complimented the bigger picture stuff so we'll, and it was just really well done :))) ❤️❤️🥰.
So yeah! I loved this episode. It was just so amazing and well done. I'm nervous for next time! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 6, Episode 11: In Another Life
It was so great! I'm scared for next episode, but really excited to see what happens. I'll be back next week with my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 6, Episode 12: Recovery
See you then!
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draco malfoy x reader ~ he comforts you
Summary: you are Harry's twin sister, you are being bullied, Draco calms you down; and together with his friends, he stops the bullies
you comfort him - part two
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Draco Lucius Malfoy. Son of Narcissa & Lucius Malfoy. Born on June 5th, 1980. Sorted into Slytherin in 1995. He also happens to be my twin brother's enemy but also my boyfriend. You may be wondering who I am? I am (Y/N) Lily Potter. (A/N: The middle name is Lily since Harry's middle name is James, you can change if you want to!) I am the (older/younger) twin of Harry James Potter. We are known as the Chosen Twins and the Twins Who Lived. We were separated after our parents were killed. Since I have (reddish-brown/brown-red) hair & my father's eyes, I was sent to live with Weasleys while my brother was sent to live with our uncle & aunt, Mr Vernon & Mrs Petunia Dursley. I don't even know why Aunt Petunia married Vernon but oh well. At least I didn't have to live with either of them, my brother calls me lucky or that.
(A/N: Bunch of author notes ik, don't remind me, but me & my mom were having this conversation in the car one day before my school. If Harry was to have a twin & she/he were to have Lily's hair, then she could easily fit in with the Weasleys & then found out her brother was Harry at Hogwarts. Also the younger twin wouldn't have been targeted as Harry would've been! It would be a different story if they were in the same room & they both became horcruxes but still! Also they should've had a better back up plan! If James was so good friends with Sirius, he should've contacted Remus & been like "Hey, if we die, can you take care of our son?" NVM that, back to the imagine!)
I ended up joining the Hogwarts at the same time as Ronald Weasley or Ron and we met Harry. They introduced me to Harry, we became best of friends, and then it happened... I was sorted into (Y/H) (A/N: Please try not to do Gryffindor!! If you want to, fine! But for this story, I would prefer to do Slytherin or even Hufflepuff, thanks!) and I met Draco Malfoy. The pureblood. To my surprise, he didn't bully me like he did to my friends and we became friends. Flash forward to 3rd year, I met his parents and then we started dating. We told my brother and my "fake siblings", they accepted. They weren't obviously happy that I was dating a foe of theirs but I don't care. Harry watches us a hawk though and makes sure that Draco is never hurting me. I love him for that but calm down!! Draco hasn't hurt me, Harry!!
There's a secret that I've been keeping from them though, I've been bullied/tormented since my 1st year. These group of players from the Slytherin Quidditch team have been hurting me since I was in 1st year and they were in 2nd year. I'm scared to tell my brother because I'm afraid he's not going to believe me and I'm scared to tell Draco because I don't know what he's going to do them. When I mean by bullying; I mean by using the cruciatus curse on me, shoving me the wall, kicking/beating me until I bleed, mentally abusing me, tearing me down, making me think I'm not worth it, one of the guys even assaulted me, and so much more. I'm hoping Draco doesn't kill them. We are now in the 6th year and they have been hurting me even more now since I'm 16 like Harry.
"Stop whining, you little b****!!!" One of the girls, Samantha Rodney, said kicking me in my stomach making me cough up blood. "W-Why a-are y-y-you d-doing t-this?!" I asking, crying out as one of the boys picked me up by the throat and slammed me against the wall. "Because your worthless. Your nothing but a weakling compared to your brother! At least your brother doesn't whine and scream like you do! Besides, one day you'll fix it all up and end it all. We will be laughing the whole time you do it." Adrian Zucker, one of the popular boys, said tightening his hand around my neck making me gasp for breath. "P-Please!!" I said, turning a light purple as I was trying to his arm to let me go. "Come on, Zucker. This little wench is even worth your time. Besides, we have other things to deal with." Bryce Roberts said and Adrian glared before dropping me to the ground. I landed on my knees and gasped, coughing to get air in. He kicked me in the face one last time before they all walked away laughing. I sat against the hard white brick wall of the hallway, holding onto my throat, and closing my ears feeling tears about to burst at any given time.
Why were did they doing this to me? Am I really that worthless? Am I a weakling? Does no one care about me? I thought as tears leaked through the bottoms of my eyelashes and started pouring down my light red face. I grabbed my mini mirror out my pocket of my black cotton robes and pulled it away from my face to see my complexion. My face was now a light red, translucent tears were pouring down my light rosy red cheeks, I had blood on the right corner of my mouth, I had a huge black eye, my eyebrow was torn up, my neck had a big dark purple handprint, and so much more. I've had it with them taking control over my life. It's time to get it back. There's one person who can help deal with those Slytherins. Luckily, it was between third period and lunch. I heard chuckling nearby and instantly recognized two groups. The first group was my brother, Harry; his friends, Hermione & Ron; Neville Longbottom, Ginny Weasley, the Weasley twins, Luna Lovegood, Dean Thomas, Seamus Dean, & a few more. The second group was Pansy Parkinson, Astoria Greengrass, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Blaze Zabini, Theodore Nott, and my boyfriend. The person I need the most. Draco Malfoy.
I got up off the ground and gently wiped my tears but they were still going. I looked down slightly at the ground and walked past my brother's group. "(Y/N)!! Come here!!" Harry yelled but I kept rushing over to Draco and his friends. I could tell Draco was looking at me and smiling when I was walked closer. "There is the woman of hour. Are you okay, sweetheart?" He asked. "Just come with me..." I mumbled, grabbing onto his tie, and pulling him with me down the hall. "Woah! Slow down a bit, I can't catch up!" Draco said and I moved my hand down his arm to grab his hand. I kept pulling him until we found our spot. It was a secluded corner in the castle. There were a bunch of big bay windows with concrete in front of the window so we could sit down. We always came here for talks or just to comfort each other, away from everybody. I wish this would be a better time to talk to him in this corner but unfortunately, I need to tell him. Hopefully, he doesn't tell my brother...
"Sweetheart, what's wrong with you? I haven't seen you all day, plus you just pulled me away from our friends and I can tell it wasn't for a good thing. You've also been quiet these past couple of months and you know I hate secrets. Can you please tell your prince what's wrong so he can help his princess?" Draco asked, grabbing my arms. I stifled back holding my tears as I looked up and saw the horror on his face but I couldn't. He probably thinks I'm so hideous... "What the hell happened to you? Who did this?!" He asked, angrily putting his hands on both of my cheeks. I flinched and closed my eyes. "I'm not mad at you, calm down. Tell me who did this." He said. We sat there for the next almost an hour as I told everything about Samantha, Adrian, and the others. I could tell he was getting angrier by the second but he didn't want to freak me out with his angry reaction. "I know, you think I'm hideous and worthless. I'm sorry that you have the worst girlfriend ever-" He cut me off by kissing me on the lips. I winced when he touched my scar but I kissed back, holding onto his collar.
"Don't you ever say that about my beautiful princess again. You are no way worthless. You are no way in hell hideous. You are the most gorgeous girl I have met in my entire life. I don't know what Rodney or Zucker have put in your head to make you think I'm not going to love but the truth is out. I have loved ever since our 1st year and we are going to get married after we finish at Hogwarts. I will make sure that Rodney and Zucker will never hurt you again." Draco said and I smiled before hugging him tearfully. He wrapped his arms around me and cupped the back of my head. "I've got you, sweetheart. I always have and I forever will."
3rd Person POV
"What happened this time, Malfoy?" Theodore asked as Draco came up looking angry. "We're going to need Granger & Potter for this." Draco said and Hermione came closer with Harry once they heard their name. "Need something?" Hermione asked. "We might need help from you guys on this one. It's with (Y/N)."
The next day as (Y/N) was getting her wounds treated by Nurse Pomfrey, she watched as Samantha and Adrian were brought in. They looked like they had bloody noses and something broken. "What happened?" Nurse Pomfrey asked. "Mr Malfoy, Ms Granger, & Mr Potter did this since they messed with Ms Potter." Severus Snape, head of Slytherin house, said walking out of the room. "You stay here. I'll finish with you once your wounds are dry." Pomfrey said and (Y/N) nodded. Draco and Harry came in a few minutes later before hugging their girlfriend/sister. "So you beat them up, huh?" She asked and they laughed. "Had to get them back." Draco said, kissing her forehead. "I love you both." She said. "We love you too." Harry said, kissing her cheek.
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wenwenbittercake · 3 years
Bakugo x Mlif reader✨✨✨💕
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(This fan fiction is inspired by Rihanna's Needed Me. Y/N here is not pregnant or have a child but she's 30 so😏😏🤭🤭🤭. I apologize if there's any grammar or spelling errors.
Warning:little bit smut, cigar, alcohol, toxic behavior,milf,age-gap Enjoy✨✨���💞💞💕💓🧡🖤💚)
*Music sounds* Tdy is Bakugo Katsuki's birthday. Your best friend's son. He just turned 21 tdy. Everyone in the party is all talking about him, praising him of how good of a hero he is. You don't care. You just sit on the couch, holding a whiskey in hand. Tbh, the part is pretty boring. Mitsuki already headed to bed, you don't know anyone here or even want to know them. They all look boring and dull, expect him.
Standing a few feet away from you, talking to his guest. You playfully stare at his broad form. It was like yesterday, when Bakugo was born. You were only in high school at that time. You used to carry him in your arms and now you are staring at him like a piece of meat. He is wearing a red coat,a black T-shirt and a pair of blue jeans. The truth is you don't love him or have a little crush on him or anything. You just want to get out of this party and fuck your childhood crush's son. Yes you used to like her when you were young. She's someone you look up to since you were a child. It's suck a pain in the ass that she married a coward. But thanks to that bastard, she gave birth to this beautiful child.
It seems like Katchan notices, he looks away but you can see a faint blush on his face. You giggle at his reaction, how cute. You got off the couch and walk upstairs. You head to the bathroom to wash of the stress out of your head. You still remember the time Bakugo asked you out with a flower when he was a kid, he was about 8-9 at that time. You laugh it off, not taking it seriously. Will he still feels the same now?
The hot water starts to run down ur body. You are used to taking a shower at Mitsuki's house after a party and she didn't mind.
A few moments later, you hear a faint moan, you were surprised at first, you thought it must be Mitsuki and her husband but no. It's coming from the door and it sounds like a male. You quickly open the bathroom door to see Bakugo, panting and blushing with his fully hard dick in his right hand.
"Um-i-uh, sorry." He quickly pull hi jeans up and about to leave before you pull him back into the bathroom. Pushing him back against the bathroom sink.
"So.. Pro hero Dynamite. I don't think we're done here." You swing both of your arms on his shoulder.
"What do you mean." His breaths are heavy, you can hear his heat beating fast. He look to his sides to not look at your naked body. You giggled. How cute.
"You know what I mean." You said as you starts to grind on his hard dick.
"Hey hey hey what-wait, we can't do this." You giggled at his embarrassed face. So cute.
"Because, you're my mom's friend. It's wrong." He said as he stops you from moving.
"She doesn't have to know if that's wht u want. It can be our little secret, right?"
"You.." He can't say anything but watches you get on your knees.
"Ohhh poor babe, do u missed me that much?"
A few day had pass by, your body was left sore after the party. After all the countless orgasms you had with him, you can't say you were disappointment after all. You walked through the dark streets back to your house in a rainy night. You just came back from your job to see a red sports car parked in front of your house. You expect it to be a dick appointment you called for that u forgot. But when you got closer to the car, you realized it was bakugo's car. He was sitting in his car, having a cigar in hand and it seems like he's waiting for you. You tapped on his window, making him snapped out of his thoughts. He immediately got off the car and hugs you.
"Why didn't you answer calls?" You rolled your eyes. Another clingy bitch.
"Because.. It's a one time thing." He looks at you in you eyes with anger and a bit of sadness.
"You really think you can just run off like that?"
"Katchan listen! I'm so much older than you, it's not good for both of us."
"Why didn't you say that before to starts to suck me off? Huh?" His voice is more demanding now.
You scoffs, "It's because I was bored. I fucked you cause I was bored that night. You don't mean anything to me Katchan. You are just another guy on my hit list. So don't think too highly of yourself." You said as you turn around to leave.
Suddenly, you felt a large hand grabbing your nape like a cat. Turning you quickly to kiss him. It was so fast you didn't even had time to scream. The umbrella you were holding is now on the ground. You can feel the cold rain hitting your warm skin. And the kiss you and Bakugo shared was intoxicating. His tongue slid pass your lips when you gasp in shock. You try to push him away but failed as he grabbed your right hand that was about to hit him.
You are now trapped, the only way out is to just give in. You hated this feeling. Being trapped and controlled by another person. You hate this. You both finally parted from your deep kiss. You both look at each other in shock, your eyes glazed with rainwater or tears.
"Ik I am nothing to you, but i've fallen for you. I can't get you out of my head anymore." You chuckled at his respond.
No. 2 hero Dynamite himself is begging for your love. How iconic. You place your arms around his shoulder, looking up at him.
"If you want it, than beg." Bakugo scoffs at your answer.
He wasn't expecting this from you. He expects you to be scare, yelling at his face and hitting him but no, you made him beg, makes him feel like he's lower than you, so low that he needs to beg for your love. Like a child begging for their parent's forgiveness. He feels his pride falling. The shame and embarrassment mixed into a sweet and addicting cocktail that he never tasted before.
"I-i need you. Y/N.i need your love, s-so please love me." Bakugo looks down at you with pleasing eyes. You smile in satisfaction. You pulled him into a soft and sweeter kiss.
So not cute.
(Thank you for reading my fan fiction. I hope you all enjoy it. I'm sorry I didn't put too much smut. But I do put a little bit. Thank you🙏🌹❤)
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