#ignorance in native issues
tinogiehd · 1 year
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crowrelli · 1 month
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coppermouth · 4 months
it's wild here on hockeyblr
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im pretty sure this is not a popular opinion which is why i havent said it, but its been on my mind for months now so fuck it, i guess.
you know that post, the one about the barbie movie and margot robbie talking about barbie being a doll with no reproductive organs and sexual desire, and a lot of tumblr users just like, celebrating this as a win for asexuality?
i hate that post. a lot. like a lot a lot.
because while i dont think margot robbies conclusion is wrong (shes a doll), i think calling barbie asexual is inaccurate and it makes me, an ace person, uncomfortable.
like i dont think its a purposeful link, but that comparison very much implies that sexuality and sexual desire is tied to having reproductive organs, which uh no, thats not how that works and i really dislike that implication. idk about you, but i dont like tying my queerness to my biology.
that link is also one that rings of those who presume that there is a universal normative experience, which is also true of the movie itself, see jessie genders video on that. there are many people in the world who have what would be considered atypical reproductive organs and plenty whose reproductive organs can be considered not-working like those who have gone through the menopause, and they are not all ace.
its also just reductive as to what asexuality in general. margot robbies quote was specifically that barbie didnt feel sexual desire, and funnily enough, sexual desire =/= sexual attraction. while i, myself, be a sex-repulsed ace, there are plenty of horny aces who do the fuck. ive already mentioned the fact that im opposed to linking my queerness to biology, and honestly that part only made me more uncomfortable after the movie ended on "im here to see my gynecologist".
also just, barbie is a plastic doll. like thats how she starts in the movie itself. shes not asexual, shes a doll. and idk dude, theres just a part of me that is deeply uncomfortable with tying asexuality with a doll.
like imo, this just isnt the win for asexuality people were treating it as. we can do better than this.
especially considering the way queerness was handled in the film, but again, go watch jessie genders video on it, its better presented than my rambling post
#kai rambles#this has been on my mind for months#everytime i saw that post#i stayed quiet#i didnt say anything#i didnt want to ruin people's fun#which is how i treated all of the barbie movies because people were having fun i didnt want to ruin the fun#or come across as a contrarian#or put myself on the same side of all the sad men complaining about it being about men being evil#because like thats not my opinion but when those are the loudest voices criticising the film#you dont want to join in yourself because i also think their criticisms are dumb and bigoted#but i also think the movie was a vehicle for capitalism and that people are hailing greta gerwig for a middling film that is also an#advert for matel#and that its social commentary is woefully lacking because its just so fucking white#it is a white feminist movie#it is a cishet feminist movie#it does not address or even acknowledge intersectionality#and it is randomly (?) racist towards native americans#like the smallpox line and the uh funny haha barbie version of mount rushmore joke are uh#theyre unnecessary inclusions that show at the very least an ignorance towards native issues and experiences#also like its hard to make your fuck the patriarchy movie when capitalism is a fundamental part of the patriarchy and your movie is also an#also the movie itself links gender with reproductive organs which is not only cisnormative and like fucking#radfem bullshit#but also completely ignores the fact that intersex people exist#...i did not mean to go on a rant#i didnt even like particularly dislike the film i just fucking hated how it was being discussed
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gingerswagfreckles · 7 months
I think people need to understand that when someone says the situation in Israel/Palestine is complicated they are not necessarily saying that the discussion of who the oppressor vs oppressed is complicated. The Israeli government has been oppressing the Palestinians for a very long time, that is clear, and it is not complicated to understand that at least since the 80s they have had dramatically more financial and military power to keep control of the territory in the way they like.
However, it is reductive and dismissive to insist that there is no complexity in the potential ways to move forward to bring peace to the region. Despite what people on tumblr.edu like to believe, "Israel should never have been created" is not a practical solution to an incredibly heated geopolitical situation in the present day. Israel was created and it does exist. 10 million people live there. 74% of the population is native born and the country has existed for 75 years. Hand waving these fact away with the opinion that "they should move back to where they came from" may make you feel good about being a Radical Leftist, but it does not give anyone a road map for how exactly millions of people without dual citizenship are supposed to just up and evaporate. Nor does it acknowledge the reality that 21% of Israelis are Arabs, the very people you are claiming to want to give the land back to.
Insisting that there's nothing complicated about expecting an entire country's population to willingly dissappear with no consequences is not a productive way to think about this conflict. It ignores the many massive superpowers that have an interest in proping up different states in the region, the power dynamics involved in any land back movements, and the inevitably negative consequences of totally dissolving an established state without a plan. It is also completely and almost comically unrealistic, so much so that it makes it hard to believe that anyone who's opinion starts and ends with this idea really gives a shit about anyone who lives in the area as much as they care about their online leftist clout.
There's nothing complicated in understanding that the Israeli government is and has been maintaining an oppressive apartheid state for decades. It is, however, very complicated to come up with a realistic way to resolve some of the most intricately entangled land disputes on the planet without plunging the region into total chaos. Not everyone has to be deeply educated on every geopolitical situation, but it is very hard to take people seriously when they know nothing about the politics or history of a region and yet insist that there is nothing complicated about it at all.
There's a lot of people on this website who are getting dangerously smug about their own ignorance, and are starting to go down Qanon type anti-intellectual paths in the name of being sufficiently radical. Not knowing the details of a very convoluted land dispute isn't something to brag about online as you call for intentionally reductive solutions. You can support the Palestinian cause and be aware of the oppression they have faced while also holding off on calling people trying to do real analysis and de-escalation work bootlickers. We need to get control of the urge to fit every global issue into a simplistic YA novel narrative structure that appeals to Western revolutionary fantasies.
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jaxonkreide · 6 months
Warum sagt deine Mutter nicht "Gesundheit" und ist dann sauer wenn Andere es sagen?! Ist die immer so oder nur bei dieser einen speziellen Sache?? o_o
(Frage in Bezug zu meinen tags in diesem reblog)
Keine Ahnung, warum sie kein Gesundheit sagt, aber ich hab ihr schon mehrmals in der Vergangenheit gesagt, dass ich es schön fände wenn sie es sagt? Einmal hat sie die Ausrede rausgeholt, dass ich doch komisch niese und sie denkt, es wäre ein Husten (sie sagt es aber auch nicht wirklich zu anderen und andere haben kein Problem damit mein Niesen zu erkennen lmao ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Sie ist nicht wirklich sauer, wenn andere es sagen? Ich glaub, wenn andere es sagen fällt ihr nur auf, dass sie es selbst nicht macht und is deshalb eher mies gelaunt? Die Emotionen sind wahrscheinlich eher auf sie selbst gerichtet, weshalb sie mal ein bisschen davon angepisst war. Aber ich hab sie nie näher danach gefragt. Ich sage ihr lieber, dass ich es gerne hätte, wenn sie mir mal Gesundheit sagen würde, als das ich frage, ob sie tiefere Gründe dahinter hat, es nicht zu sagen :/ Man denkt, dass so ne kleine Nettigkeit nicht schwer wäre aber bleghhh scheint schon so zu sein?
Zugegebenermaßen vergisst sie oft solche Art von Sachen 💀 Ich kann ihr noch so oft sagen, sie solle mich doch bitte als ihr "Kind" anstatt von "Sohn" vorstellen und sie kriegt es trotzdem nicht hin. Hat sogar neulich, als wir wo offizieles waren, wo ich meinen Ausweis zeigen musste, "Tochter" gesagt anstatt "Kind" 💀 Ist es soooo schwer ein geschlechtsneutrales Wort zu sagen??
Aber ne, sie sonst nicht wirklich sauer, wenn andere Leute besseres Benehmen haben als sie. Ich habs nur gerne, wenn mir Gesundheit gesagt wird und sie sagt es nie, außer andere sagen es zuerst, warum auch immer das so is :/
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gothhabiba · 7 months
Hi, this is very ignorant. I'm trying to read as much as I can on Palestine and Zionism but there is one point I cannot find an answer for. Given that Zionism is not Judaism, given that at the beginning most Jewish people did not share this view and was actually supported by christians with antisemitic views, given that it was conceptualized as a colonial project that could only be actualized by ethnically cleanse Palestine, one thing I don't know how to disagree with Zionists is the idea that Jewish people do come from that land. Even if European jews are probably not genetically related to the Jewish people from there, I think Jewishness is something that can be constructed as related to that land. This of course does not mean that Palestinians are not natives too and they have every right to their land. However I don't really know how to answer when Jewish (Zionists) tell me that Jewish people fled that land during the diaspora. Other than "yeah but the people that stayed are native that underwent christianization before, arabization later, grew a sense of nationhood in the 19th century and are Palestinians now"
It's a fundamental misunderstanding of what "indigeneity" is to believe that it means "whoever has the oldest claim to the land." Rather, to describe a people as "indigenous" is a reference to their current relationship to the government and to the land—namely that they have been or are being dispossessed from that land in favour of other private owners (settlers); they have a separate, inferior status to settlers according to the law, explicitly; they are shut out of institutions created by the settler state, explicitly; they are targeted implicitly by the laws of the settler state (e.g. Israeli prohibitions against harvesting wild thyme or using donkeys or horses for transportation); the settler state does not punish violence against them; &c. &c.
It is a settler-colonialist state that creates indigeneity; without one, it is perfectly possible for immigrants to move to and live in a new location without becoming settlers, with the superior cultural and legal status and suppression of a legally inferior population that that entails.
If all that were going on were some Jewish people feeling a personal or religious connexion to this land and wanting to move there, accepting the existing people and culture and living with them, not expelling and killing local populations and creating a settler-colonialist state that privileges them at the expense of extant populations, that would be a completely different situation. But any assertion of the land's fundamental Jewish-ness (really they mean white or European Jewishness—the Jewish Arabs who were already in Palestine never seem to figure in these arguments) is a canard that distracts from the fundamental issue, which is a people's right to resist dispossession, ethnic cleansing, and genocide.
Decolonize Palestine lays out some of the ethnic and cultural history of the region, but follows it up with:
So, what does this all mean for Palestine? Absolutely nothing. Although the argument has many ahistorical assumptions and claims, it is not these which form its greatest weakness. The whole argument is a trap. The basic implication of this line of argumentation is as follows: If the Jewish people were in Palestine before the Arabs, then the land belongs to them. Therefore, the creation of Israel would be justified. From my experience, whenever this argument is used, the automatic response of Palestinians is to say that their ancestors were there first. These ancestors being the Canaanites. The idea that Palestinians are the descendants of only one particular group in a region with mass migrations and dozens of different empires and peoples is not only ahistorical, but this line of thought indirectly legitimizes the original argument they are fighting against. This is because it implies that the only reason Israel’s creation is unjustified is because their Palestinian ancestors were there first. It implies that the problem with the argument lies in the details, not that the argument as a whole is absolute nonsense and shouldn’t even be entertained. The ethnic cleansing, massacres and colonialism needed to establish Israel can never be justified, regardless of who was there first. It’s a moot point. Even if we follow the argument that Palestinians have only been there for 1300 years, does this suddenly legitimize the expulsion of hundreds of thousands? Of course not. There is no possible scenario where it is excusable to ethnically cleanse a people and colonize their lands. Human rights apply to people universally, regardless of whether they have lived in an area for a year or ten thousand years. If we reject the “we were there first” argument, and not treat it as a legitimizing factor for Israel’s creation, then we can focus on the real history, without any ideological agendas. We could trace how our pasts intersected throughout the centuries. After all, there is indeed Jewish history in Palestine. This history forms a part of the Palestinian past and heritage, just like every other group, kingdom or empire that settled there does. We must stop viewing Palestinian and Jewish histories as competing, mutually exclusive entities, because for most of history they have not been. These positions can be maintained while simultaneously rejecting Zionism and its colonialism. After all, this ideologically driven impulse to imagine our ancestors as some closed, well defined, unchanging homogenous group having exclusive ownership over lands corresponding to modern day borders has nothing to do with the actual history of the area, and everything to do with modern notions of ethnic nationalism and colonialism.
I would also be careful about mentioning a sense of "nationhood" or "national identity" in this context, as it could seem to imply that people need a "national" identity (a very specific and very new idea) in order not to deserve genocide. Actually the idea that Palestinians lacked a national identity (of the kind that developed in 19th-century Europe) is commonly used to justify Zionism. Again from Decolonize Palestine:
This slogan ["A land without a people for a people without a land"] persists to this day because it was never meant to be literal, but colonial and ideological. This phrase is yet another formulation of the concept of Terra Nullius meaning “nobody’s land”. In one form or the other, this concept played a significant role in legitimizing the erasure of the native population in virtually every settler colony, and laying down the ‘legal’ and ‘moral’ basis for seizing native land. According to this principle, any lands not managed in a ‘modern’ fashion were considered empty by the colonists, and therefore up for grabs. Essentially, yes there are people there but no people that mattered or were worth considering. There is no doubt that Zionism is a settler colonial movement intent on replacing the natives. As a matter of fact, this was a point of pride for the early Zionists, as they saw the inhabitants of the land as backwards and barbaric, and that a positive aspect of Zionism would be the establishment of a modern nation state there to act as a bulwark against these ‘regressive’ forces in the east [You can read more about this here]. A characteristic feature of early Zionist political discourse is pretending that Palestinians exist only as individuals or sometimes communities, but never as constituting a people or a nation. This was accompanied by the typical arrogance and condescension towards the natives seen in virtually every settler colonial movement. That the early settlers interacted with the natives while simultaneously claiming the land was empty was not seen as contradictory to them. According to these colonists, even if some scattered, disorganized people did exist, they were not worthy of the land they inhabited. They were unable to transform the land into a modern functioning nation state, extract resources efficiently and contribute to ‘civilization’ through the free market, unlike the settlers. Patrick Wolfe’s scholarship on Australia illustrates this dynamic and how it was exploited to establish the settler colony.
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astrobydalia · 5 months
Your present... Relationship observations pt. IV
I know you guys love these so here's more! As always, enjoy and happy holidays!
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long post!
A common thing I've seen in the charts of people who are firmly monogamous is moon-mercury aspects (this is not the only indicator ofc). Their decisions and interests are guided by what they feel so once they set their heart on someone... that's it for them
A very interesting lesson that I took from doing so many synastry/composite readings is that the "like attracts like" trope is WAY more powerful than the "opposites attract" trope. Here are some of the most common similarities I've spotted:
couples sharing the same ASC (this one is SO common)
Very similar aspects to the moon: I’ve noticed many couples have each of their moons aspecting the same planets, specially, outer planets, usually in similar (sometimes even the same) aspects. For example person A has Moon Square Pluto and person B has moon opposite Pluto (both harsh aspects)
A common thing I've seen in many couples synastry is Venus square Venus aspect
On the other hand I’ve noticed that flings or really passionate relationships tend to have Moon square moon in synastry
Moon sextile Moon relationships are so perfect imo. They have the easy understanding of the trine and the passion of the square/opposition
I’ve seen a lot of unrequited love situations have Venus square/opposite Moon. The moon person is attached to and idolizes the Venus person. The Venus person enjoys moon’s company but they aren’t that romantically involved or interested
Earth Moons are very fond of stability what is known to them but they secretly want someone who takes them out of their comfort zone and opens them up to deep and exciting emotional experiences. I've noticed they usually end up with partners who are more sensitive, expressive and spontaneous
I’ve noticed Venus-Pluto natives (square, opposition, conjunction) end up building some kind of resentment towards their long-term partners overtime and won’t let them go. The type to spend years married to some they secretly hate and also the type of person who demonizes every single one of their exes. It’s like they tend to attract relationships that wake up a dark side in them
Something I keep seeing over and over is that Cancer placements are playerssssss (both men and women). They will treat you like you’re “the one” but that doesn’t necessarily mean they have an actual intention to settle with you😭 they're just getting carried away by what they feel in moment so I guess they are unintentional players???
Leo and Libra placements on the other hand are intentional players imo. They love the romance and chasing just for the validation it gives them
In order to keep a Cardinal Venus/Moon interested you need to keep showing up like your relationship is brand new. Doesn’t matter how long you’ve be together or how comfortable you are with each other, they want their partner to still make an effort to impress and romance them like it’s the first date and they're bound to do the same
Women with Libra Mars I've noticed tend to attract mamas boys or child-like men with mommy issues. These women are always the dominant or mature ones in their relationships
Capricorn Mars women are dominant too and have a strong character but they chase men who are equally as independent as them if not more
Something I’ve noticed with Pisces/Neptune 7th house (and also Pisces Venus/Juno to an extent) is that yeah they put their partner on a pedestal but they also low-key tend to take their partner for granted? I’ve noticed they expect their partner to be indulgent, permissive and basically tolerate their bs. Little is talked about how their tendency to ignore red flags goes both ways; they want their partner to ignore their red flags too and forgive all their behaviors
What is up with Aquarius and Pisces placements attracting each other all the damn time?
Water Venus/Mars win the award for most obsessive lovers out there
I’ve seen a lot of people with Mars in the 7th house who were divorced or never married. One friend of mine who has this placement says she doesn’t want to marry at all or have a relationship cause she’s too independent
Women with fixed Mars are attracted to men who have rough or bold characteristics such as beard, tattoos, toned body, deep voice, etc. or just a very bold presence in general. They also have a thing for men who have a very confident, understated and nonchalant demeanor/personality to them
Women with mutable Mars and their attraction to flighty and chaotic men who don’t give them the time of day. I’ve seen this countless times 😭😭😭
I've seen harmonious aspects between Mars-Moon in people that work very well together! This aspect typically means fertility which in a work environment translates into a fruitful relationship. The two people wanting to create/initiate things together with lots of motivation
Who came up with the idea that Aries Moon/Venus are disloyal and flighty? All I keep seeing irl is these natives tend to have a strong attachment to their partners. Once they're in your corner they won't ever let you go fr. They could have a tendency to get attached to the wrong people tho
I’ve seen many many couples having 7th house Mars in synastry but this overlay is super chaotic imo, creates a back and forth dynamic that ends nowhere. The house person is the chaser here, they are always pushing commitment on the Mars person cause they don’t want the mars person to “slip away” or something. The mars person enjoys the eagerness of the house person and finds it very attractive and could enjoy challenging the house person’s interest. Eventually if the mars person isn’t that interested they get bored and are often the first ones to walk away
A very similar outcome I've seen happens with 7th house Mars in Composite. This could make the bond between the two a bit "forced" and dragged out. This also means the connection will really be put to the test, you guys may have to fight for your connection a lot which can either bond you more or exhaust you, could eventually become tired of the relationship and how much energy it takes to keep it alive.
I have a theory that your preferred house overlays could be indicated by your Venus/7th house/Juno. For example if you have Leo Venus you might enjoy 5th house synastry, if you have Neptune or Pisces in the 7th house you might feel comfortable with 12th house synastry, etc. Let me know what you think about this
I’ve noticed that 8th house synastry results in a lot of physical touch going on so people who have this as their love language might be specially fond of this overlay. This is the couple that literally can’t keep their hands off each other
Scorpio Moons 🤝 sabotaging the few healthy relationships they have in their life. They eventually learn to keep the right people after really going through it tho
With 7th house synastry you can really feel like something's missing when you don't have that person around.
When moon falls in fire houses in synastry the two people are always excited to see each other
Moon in 1st house in synastry is the only 1st house overlay that is not superficial. The connection is usually very genuine while it lasts. This person likely sparks a lot of nostalgia and you remember them fondly
When someone’s personal planets fall in your 4th house, you feel like this person can see you for who you truly are deep down
Gemini Venus/Juno/7th house: the people they date tend to have almost identical characteristic, there's always this blatant "twin" factor in the people they date or attract. For example all their exes worked in the same industry, have the exact same personality, etc
Venus Observations...
Libra Venus has the rep for being big flirts and charmers but this is actually a Cardinal Venus thing tbh cause, as I've said in a past post, they love the chase, they just all do it in different ways
It's true Virgo Venus are picky but this doesn't necessarily mean they have high standards. Yes, stay with me here. These natives have a very clear series of characteristics they want a partner to meet and that's how they are picky/critical (earth) but if those boxes are checked, they don't care much about anything else (mutable) and can be quite flexible. They don’t really care if their partner is not the most sought after person
In contrast, Capricorn Venus are picky AND have high standards. They want the best of the best, the perfect partner
Virgo Venus wants a partner that doesn’t need validation however they want their partner to validate them all the time
Aquarius Venus will only commit if they see a future with that person. Not only they are ruled by Saturn (which rules longevity) but they are also ruled by Uranus which rules innovation, Aquarius is the visionary of the zodiac so Aquarius Venus people need to feel like their partner will help them evolve or "upgrade" as a person in some way (not in a materialistic way like Capricorn but rather mentally). That's why they are attracted to people who are "different", intelligent or eccentric
The reason why Aquarius Venus is "flighty" as per my observation is because they tend to go for partners who are radically different from them and as a result they often stumble upon many incompatible partners
Leo Venus is very underrated when it comes to acts of service, I’ve noticed this is a very common love language for them
In my experience Pisces Venus natives are SO deceitful and immature. I'm sorry I really wanted to like this placement but they always make me cringe and are only cute on the surface imo. The type to lead everyone on by saying things they don’t mean and exaggerating compliments. They’re very passive in love and romanticize bare minimum. This means they don't expect their partner to take accountability but the native never takes accountability themselves either. They ignore issues in relationships and instead of working things through they expect everything to be fixed with lovebombing and/or pretending like nothing happened. Men with this placement tend to be emotionally unavailable and always want to date a doormat girl. Women with this placement are childish and tend to have princess complex
The only Venus sign that doesn't care much about looks from what I've seen is Scorpio Venus. They care more about the bond and chemistry over their partner fitting a certain type.
Also, what is up with Scorpio Venus and dating people they don’t actually like that much or at all? 🤨 They be dating people that low-key annoy them
Libra, Leo, Capricorn and Taurus Venus very much care about looks in a partner. Taurus/Capricorn Venus natives I've noticed pay special attention to how a potential partner dresses and grooms themselves
All Fixed Venus natives are pretty obsessive to honest, it's not just Scorpio. I've noticed they like the idea of having some sort hold or control over their partner. Their love language is making themselves indispensable in some way cause they enjoy feeling like they're partner will always need them and won't get away from them
Men with Pisces/Libra/Cancer/Taurus Venus have a thing for women who are people pleasers or stereotypically feminine and charming. They like it when a woman is kind, gentle, understanding, accommodating, etc
Men with Fire Venus are attracted to confident and independent women who have this it girl vibe to them
Something else I’ve noticed with Fixed Venus natives is that they have a thing for partners that have a mysterious or reserved vibe to them. Not necessarily introverted, but people who protect their privacy or keep to themselves a lot.
Mutable Venus fall for partners that have this very open and outgoing vibe to them. Again, not necessarily extroverted, but people who have a more bubbly personality
Cardinal Venus natives will only fall in love with someone who they deeply admire. They commit to people who have this put together/respectable vibe to them
Juno Observations...
I've actually observed Juno synastry is very significant in business relationships not just romantic ones. In fact, those married couple I've seen with heavy Juno synastry also tended to be involved in business together
Sagittarius Juno I've seen manifests mostly as the native getting a spouse that is very permissive and gives them a lot of freedom, a spouse that never says no to anything. This placement overall gives a very respectful and supportive spouse. However because of this the Sag Juno native will have a tendency to cross boundaries in the marriage and take their spouse for granted
In general both Sagittarius and Pisces Juno have a tendency to "abandon" their spouses either physically or emotionally and kinda forget about them from time to time. This doesn't necessarily have to mean disloyalty tho.
Sag Juno natives want to feel like they have the freedom to go and do their own thing, like they'll leave for days or weeks on end and their spouse won't mind and will indeed support the native. They don’t like to feel like marriage hinders their desire to live freely but rather encourages it. Side note: I have seen some cases in which Sag Juno natives actually did abandon their spouses/families either for another partner or because they were perusing better opportunities
Pisces Juno natives will give a more sacrificial energy kinda like "babe I love you but I have to go, I'm sorry". There's something that stops the native from actually being there for their spouse, but this placement indicates the spouse is bound to be very forgiving because they'll see is not your fault in a way
Cancer/Capricorn Juno is an indicator of having a marriage with traditional gender roles or traditional values.
I’ve noticed Scorpio Juno natives or Scorpio ASC in the Juno PC have a marriage that REALLY rubs people the wrong way. Others could see your relationship as toxic or even predatory in nature. People believe that you landed your spouse (or vice versa) through manipulation, abuse, deceit, stalking, controlling behavior, etc. This placement also means you met when either of you were going through a hard time so there could be some case of trauma bonding here
I’ve seen that soulmate relationships tend have their Junos in the same element (most common case). Honorary mentions: Juno in opposite signs or signs ruled by the same planet
Leo Juno natives are a bit flighty and afraid of commitment. They just want a partner for the sake of the romance and feeling spoiled. They want the relationship to stay fun and playful and really dislike the sense of seriousness and "settlement" that can come with marriage sometimes
With Juno in the 7th house either you or your spouse will be in a relationship when you meet
When looking at the Juno PC, Capricorn placements/Saturn in the angels/Saturn conjunct inner planets indicates long-lasting marriage
Fixed Juno natives will have a spouse that is completely fascinated and obsessed with them. You want your spouse to worship you specially with Leo and Taurus Juno. The way your spouse will love you will boost your ego thus acting more confidently after marriage. The energy of the marriage could be a little overbearing or suffocating depending on other aspects
I've observed this in virtually all cases with Virgo Juno have a tendency to attract very inconsiderate partners that make them feel like they're not good enough (the opposite can be true). They had unsuccessful first marriage that drained the shit out of them but they eventually find someone who is very modest and nurturing
Cancer/4th house Juno natives have a VERY hard time moving on from their exes if they ever saw that person as marriage material.
From what I've seen Capricorn Juno doesn't create that much of a delay or age gap in marriage. It can of course, but in most cases these natives marry in their late 20s to their first serious bf/gf and they usually have an age difference of 2-5 years approximately. This placements I’ve seen manifests mostly as “I married my high school/collage sweetheart and we’ve been together forever” kinda scenario OR marrying someone from your past you reconnect with later in life
Scorpio, Pisces, Capricorn and Aquarius Juno indicates you'll marry your soulmate or your relationship with your fs is karmic or from a past life. You might meet your spouse after fulfilling some karmic lesson or some life milestone
Cardinal Juno/Juno in the angles tend to be very proud of their spouses or being married in general. Could be the type to be very invested in finding a life partner cause they tend to turn marriage into a very essential part of their lives and themselves
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astroismypassion · 14 days
Astrology observations 🏕🚐⛺️
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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🚐🏕 Pisces Juno can outlive their committed partner, marriage spouse.
⛺️🚐 Libra MC might be well-known for promoting self-love, wellness and well-being. These are the natives that remind those around them to take care of themselves in a caring, compassionate way.
🏕🚐 Wherever there is Gemini over your Natal chart is very duality is present. If you have Gemini over the 5th house, you could crush or develop a romantic interest on two people. If you have Gemini over the 7th house, you could feel tempted to be in a partnership with two people. If you have Gemini over the 4th house, you could have two mothers or mother figures. If you have Gemini over the 3rd house, you may not be able to choose between two best friends to make one your true best friend, so you could have two best friends instead. If you have Gemini over the 9th house you could have 2 marriage partners in your life. If you have Gemini over the 1st house, you could be consciously or not put in situations in your life where you are the second person in some scenario. If you have Gemini over the 8th house, you could have 2 people you are physically intimate with or/and you share a deep trusted bond. If you have Gemini over the 11th house you could belong to two friend groups. If you have Gemini over the 2nd house, you attract people that could date two people at once.
🏕🚐 Libra Chiron or Chiron in the 7th house, even some Venus Chiron aspects are sometimes trying to “buy” love by overextending themselves, such as doing acts of service, giving gifts in attempt to win a romantic interest over.
🚐⛺️ Sagittarius Ascendant either is overdoing it in a romantic partnership or »underperforming«. These natives either give a lof attention, affection, care, gifts to their partner or they are withdrawing that energy and not doing enough.
🏕🚐 Based on real life patterns, I noticed that often you make fun of your Jupiter sign, house, degree, even Jupiter aspects to other planets. So if you have Jupiter in the 2nd house, you may try to mimic words, gestures, actions in a humorous manner and make fun of Taurus Sun.
🚐⛺️ If you have Taurus Juno, you could attract a committed partner, spouse that collects things just in case they will use it later. Huge »hoarder spouse« placement.
🏕🚐 I mentioned before in answers to mailbox questions, but 4th house Synastry really is much more clingy than 12th house. With 12th house Synastry there is occasional ghosting, you're ignoring each other due to misinterpreted actions or words, you forget to answer the other person or you pretend you didn't see them or you are just a bit oblivious or unaware. But with 4th house is non-stop clingy energy. People you have 4th house Synastry will want you attention, be in your energy or around you daily. So it can really get tiring, much more than it is with 12th house Synastry.
⛺️🚐 I think it's not talked enough how Libra Chiron people attract a lot of people who abuse substances or/and narcissistic romantic partners.
🚐🏕 Gemini Juno people get very, very quickly embarassed by something their partner did or said. But to be fair, Gemini Juno natives quite often do or say something to embarass themselves too.
⛺️🚐 Pisces North Node and North Node in the 12th house people often sacrifice their own health and well-being by being dedicated to something, which can in the long run cause them ilness or health issue, condition.
🚐🏕 In Composite charts, the woman and how she feels about the connection, acts is represented by the Moon placement. The man, the more masculine energy is represented by the Sun placement. But the second thing I noticed interpreting Composite charts is also that Venus placement serves as »a second Composite Moon« which also shows further the traits of the woman, feminine in the connection. And Mars placement is »the second Composite Sun« which shows the traits of the man more in-depth.
🚐⛺️ I think Juno house really shows more the location of meeting your partner rather than their traits. Juno house shows circumstances, where you meet them, what was happening around. So Juno in the 6th house would point to meeting at work. I would say Juno sign more so indicates traits rather than getting along with person who has planets in that sign. For example, you could have Gemini Juno and wish for a talkative partner who is active and present in conversations, but you may prefer more stability than person with Gemini placements can offer. Most often I think people don't really like the typically personality of their Juno sign, but more so just bits of it. So if you have Gemini Juno, you may not like someone who gossips, but more so you like that they are able to keep the conversation going with stimulating topics.
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Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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reasonsforhope · 5 months
"Colorado is poised to be the first state to to expand automatic voter registration to Native American reservations, thanks to a new registration system.
Tribal members have the right to vote in elections, from the local to the national level, just like other U.S. citizens. But actually casting a ballot has been an uphill battle for many tribal residents, including those here in Colorado. Even after obtaining official U.S. citizenship a century ago, Native Americans’ ability to vote has been consistently ignored or actively undermined. In recent decades, unequal access to in-person voting, early voting and election funding on tribal lands has been a particular issue...
Working with Colorado tribes, state lawmakers passed a set of election reforms earlier this year to expand voting access for Native Americans. Those reforms include the nation’s first automatic voter registration program of its kind for Native Americans. The program will cover both of the federally-recognized Native American reservations in the state—the Southern Ute Indian Tribe and the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, and will allow the tribes’ governments to submit lists of members to be registered through the Secretary of State Jena Griswold’s office.
Griswold said the new registration system could make a big difference for Colorado's tribal communities.
"Seeing registration rates and turnout rates being much, much lower on tribal lands is a big problem that we want to solve,” Griswold said. “I personally believe automatic voter registration is one of the best ways to register voters in the state of Colorado, and all of our data shows how highly effective it is.”
Colorado is one of more than two dozen states that have automatic voter registration systems, but Colorado is the only state so far to extend its system to cover Native American reservations. When Colorado rolled out its system for the first time in 2020, about 250,000 people were added to the state’s voter rolls within the first year.
Now, [Secretary of State] Griswold hopes the new registration program will have a similar effect on tribal lands in the state. She wants to see the program in place in time for the 2024 election. For now, tribal leadership is reviewing the plan and providing feedback on it.
“It will not take us much time to register people once we start receiving data,” Griswold told KUNC. “But I think there's a couple of logistics to still work through.”
Measures to keep tribal members' information confidential were added recently at the request of the Southern Ute tribe, and lawmakers have also increased the number of on-reservation vote centers available for early voting and on Election Day.
This year’s election reforms also build on a slew of changes in recent years. For example, in 2019 Colorado lawmakers guaranteed in-person voting centers on tribal lands and loosened address requirements for voters."
-via GoodGoodGood, December 15, 2023
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eelnoise · 8 months
Hey I love your writing! Any chance you’d be willing to do a Sanji and Zoro threesome where they get all competitive about sharing you but maybe they end up making out a lil as well? 😍😍😍 pleasepleaseplease
OMG!!!! the way I had to dash to my pc and write this???!!!! (well, half it. may or may not have finished it during my workout on my phone so pls ignore any formatting issues!! 🙃🙃)
thank you so much for the request, i loved writing it! i hope it helps with your day, too!
zoro x sanji x reader
cw: threesome, double penetration, semi-public sex, praise, degradation, biting, slight zosan
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You’re lost in a daze. What started as a late evening in the kitchen with Zoro and a couple of glasses of wine had turned into something else entirely. Sanji, who was cleaning up after dinner, had gotten into it with Zoro, starting with some sort of comment about not liking the way he manhandles you around on his lap.
“Shut up,” Zoro spits in an annoyed huff. “She loves it, don’t you baby?”
“Even if she does, you should be more gentle with her.” Sanji snaps back, pointing angrily at Zoro.
“She’s not fragile, cook.” Sanji’s title rolls from the swordsman’s lips like a threat - low, cold, and full of irritation.
The men speak as if you aren’t there, and before you know it, you’re sandwiched between them in the middle of the kitchen.
Zoro holds you in the air between them with ease, his large and calloused hands tucked under your knees and spreading your thighs wide open as he pounds into your ass - stretching you out in a way that makes your toes curl while Sanji’s nimble fingers hold onto your waist, slowly thrusting into your pussy and moaning low into your ear.
Both of them have their own pace; Zoro’s rough and forceful, the sound of his thighs hitting your ass echoing around the room loudly. Sanji takes his time, wanting to feel each inch of your pretty pussy around him and to really enjoy you.
“Mon amour,” Sanji purrs into your ear as you rest your head on his shoulder, languishing moans and cries of ecstasy warming the crook of his neck. “Si charmant, si bon~” Fuck, you love when he speaks French, especially like this. His words are like candy - sweet and delicious and all for you.
Zoro, in comparison, is much more quiet. His forehead rests on the back of your neck, heavy grunts and groans of his own pleasure almost inaudible amidst yours and Sanji’s - the latter’s constant whimpering and murmurs in his native tongue quickly getting on Zoro’s nerves. He wants to hear you, needs to hear just how fucking good you sound stuffed and filled like this. 
Sanji is denying him that.
“Fuck,” Zoro growls, moving his head to look at the culprit of his discontent. “You’re too god damn loud, cook.” His brow furrows, but his brutal pace doesn’t let up - if anything it speeds up. Zoro’s grip on your legs tightens, instinctively pulling you closer to his chest in a possessive manner. He ignores your sobs, still staring intently at Sanji with an air of annoyance.
“A gentleman- ah!” Sanji’s words are cut short by a long and filthy moan from the way your pussy flutters around his cock. His eyes close for a moment as he picks up his pace, fucking you closer to the rate that Zoro is. Once his eyes snap back open, he meets Zoro’s glare with one of his own. “A gentleman always indulges on a meal so freely given.”
Zoro clicks his teeth in irritation, his gaze turning to your pathetic and limp form between them. “At least we both know who makes you feel the best, right princess?” He rumbles into your ear, his deep voice sending sparks flying through your veins. Zoro chuckles darkly and bites down on your shoulder with enough force to make you cry out. “And who makes you scream their name.” 
“Sex is more than just primal lust, moss-head.” Sanji spits out, the hands around your waist digging into your plush skin. “Do you believe him?” He asks you, voice noticeably softening when he sees your fucked-out and glazed-over expression. “Sounds to me like he doesn’t know how to really appreciate you, sweetheart.” 
Words have long left you, reduced to nothing but weak and hoarse moans and attempts at vocalization. Unable to answer, the two continue to absolutely ruin you. Both of your arms are wrapped around Sanji’s shoulders, holding onto him tightly and clawing at the flesh of his back. 
“She loves being treated like a slut.” Zoro says, snapping up into you hard for a few moments. You tighten around the two cocks in you at his words, unable to hold back an absolutely salacious yelp. “See? Fuckin’ lives for it.”
Sanji shakes his head, one of his hands coming to the back of your head and petting your hair gently.  His touch is soothing, and you hum into it with a weak smile - a quick moment of peace. He smirks smugly at Zoro, as if having proved a point. 
Your breathing grows heavier still, and with a series of grunts and whines you know you're on the precipice of pleasure. "S-shut up and don't s-stop!" You manage to whisper out in a huff. 
Sanji's moans escalate in tandem with yours. He loves how you feel around him and just knowing that he's playing a part in pushing you over the edge makes his cock throb wildly inside you. "Ma chérie, you sound heavenly." He murmurs, continuing to drip words of praise in both languages for you.
Zoro isn't having any of this. Sanji has to shut the fuck up if he's to hear you cum. He doesn't care how much you like it, even if the soft affection is pushing you further into your release. You tumble over into euphoria with a shout, nails slicing into Sanji's skin and lulling your head backward onto Zoro's shoulder. 
As the pleasure floods you, Zoro's at his wit's end with just how loud the cook is. He props one leg up onto a chair and releases his grip on your left thigh, letting it fall to his own to keep you as steady as possible to ride out your high before grabbing the back of Sanji's head forcefully and bringing him closer. "Shut the fuck up and let her sing, cook." He growls and shuts him up the only way he knows how to at this moment - by harshly pressing his lips to Sanji's. 
Sanji's eyes widen, and he wants to pull away but can't bring himself to. Zoro's kiss is rough and it's full of teeth and tongue, and that combined with how fucking good you're squeezing his cock - he cums. His moans are muffled by the lip lock, but the way he's spilling into you endlessly indicates just how much the act has subdued him, mind, body, and soul. 
You take the opportunity to kiss along Sanji's jawline, each mumbled whimper and whine from the man above you makes you giggle. It's cute to see him melt, and you never get tired of it. 
Zoro breaks the kiss with a smirk. "Now," he growls, turning his attention back to you. "Back to filling you the fuck up."
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legalkimchi · 15 days
Please learn more than just a Phrase.
I don't expect people to be subject matter experts on issues of global politics.
But false equivalency is rampant in online discourse regarding three major conflicts in the world today. I am using the word conflict in this post, however, when applicable, i will use other words to describe specifics. (Nuance folks... it's a thing)
So i start off with an assumption that most people don't understand the basics of most international events. As an american, i only know some of the stuff that is happening within my own nation. This is not an insult to you, dear reader. Rather, it is a position we all must realize we are in. You do not understand most world issues.
You just don't.
you aren't there. it isn't your life. you don't have the academic background.
I saw a post recently calling for "freedom for Palestine, Sudan, and Congo."
And it bothered me. Not because i am opposed to peace, (how is asking for ceasefire a bad thing?) but rather because i believe simplifying the conflicts with this wording showcases the ignorance of the differences.
Not all conflicts are the same.
In palestine, we have a convoluted mess where two groups claim a territory as home. getting into the in-depth story of this conflict takes time. Foundational elements of it take place thousands of years ago, but the conflict itself is only about 75 years old. So it is a long and short story. Currently, the sovereign state of Israel is engaging in a genocide in Gaza. Asking for freedom for palestinians makes sense. they live in an apartheid state and would like a state of their own. they wish to be free of occupation. you can argue with the details, be pro-israel, or whatever, but that is the basic ask of palestinians. (if you want to get into anti-semetic regional sentiment or the desire of certain groups to eradicate the israeli jewish population or Israel as a nation that's a different topic, not the point of what i'm talking about.)
In the Congo and Sudan, it is a different story.
Let's start with the Congo. First of all, Which Congo?
Let's please understand that there is the Republic of the Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Republic of the Congo is a former french colony. Then there is Democratic Republic of the Congo. Some of us might remember this country as Zaire.
the DRC is the congo we are talking about in the news. This was a former belgian colony and the atrocities committed by the belgians there rival any genocide in human history. i've seen estimates between 5 million and 20 million deaths. some estimates state the population of native congolese were cut in HALF. since the turbulent start of the country after their independence in 1960, the country knew relative peace until the 1990s. Then a mixture of a weak central government and the Rwandan Civil war (which had it's own genocide you may have heard about) spilled over into what was then Zaire. Zaire dissolved, and the DRC took it's place, But the wars have been raging off an on since then. earlier this year, more civil war violence erupted AGAIN. This displaced millions, AGAIN. while the DRC is a bit of an autocratic and repressive regime, the rebel groups are groups with ties with the Rwandan government and the other group with ties to Isis. It's awful all the way down.
Sudan has had an ongoing civil war for over 20 years. I remember this because i helped lead some anti-genocide protests regarding Darfur when i was in college 20 years ago. I've been following this conflict for nearly my entire adult life. you may have heard about this with regards to the Save Darfur coalition regarding the genocide in Darfur. Well, that genocide has continued (albeit with less intensity) for 20 years. the civil war lasted until 2021, but restarted in a different form in late 2023. the conflict is now between two different sides of the military government fighting each other.
It is an awful conflict full of awful leaders. Sudan's government suffered a revolution in 2019 from a dictator, only to have that government overthrown in a coup by the current dictator. The Sudanese military is supported by folks like Russia and North Korea. you might see that among the other countries that support sudan, bunch of communist countries, and you might think "hey, maybe al-Burhan is a leftist".
no... no he is not.
He is a military despot. He has no ties to any real ideology. He just runs sudan as a military dictator.
So who is opposing him?
The Rapid Support Forces. and you may be thinking "ok, so they are the good guys? trying to overthrow the dictator?"
No... They are the ones that instigated the Genocide in Darfur.
This is a situation is "no matter who wins, the people of Sudan lose."
So when folks claim these are all the same. Or wonder why folks talk about one and not the other.
there are reasons. These are very different conflicts. Please learn about them. It matters more than spouting some 4 word slogan calling for "freedom."
Find out what the people of these areas actually need. Learn more about what is happening. My description above is incomplete. I may even get some things wrong. I am trying to keep informed, but I am not an expert, nor do i live there. Raise voices from the region and find out if there are ways to help.
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daskolas · 9 months
Sun is a fast moving planet which moves from one sign to another in 28 days. It's sign is Leo. It represents king in Vedic astrology. It is believed that all other planets bow down to sun.
Sun in 1st house
These individuals are more prone to headaches
They are aggressive and truth telling individuals. They are someone who you can trust on
They are responsible people who will realise their responsibilities early in life or may have to be responsible for few things
Their character is important to them so they won't do anything which will tarn their reputation.
They will also have to make some sacrifices in their life.
They will achieve purpose in their life gradually.
Their is something about them which you can't ignore.
They are charitable, will do what they say and are career oriented.
May want to start their own business or a startup.
They have a brilliant mind and know what they are talking about
Sun in 2nd house
Can have problems in their right eye
Their family background is strong
They are self sufficient and know if they put enough work then they can achieve anything they want.
Can get glasses early in their life.
People in their family are educated. However, there may be a lot of fights or relationships with parents not being good.
They can say anything which is on their mind. They don't hold back and are outspoken which may or may not be well liked.
They tend to grow financially in the later half of their life. They will live a well-off life then they lived in their childhood
They are ethically strong or concerned with doing the right thing.
You can have ego issues which will not be well received in your career or married life. So, learning how to communicate your needs well will ensure that you are having a smooth life.
You will have an authoritative vibe to you.
Sun in 3rd house
Not have smooth relationship with your younger sibling or you may not have any but if you have, then you'll be protective of them.
These individuals know very well how to get your work out of other people.
They are extroverts and are not afraid to talk in an event like giving presentation
They are hardworking individuals who are not afraid to face things and are strong.
They know what they want and can make decisions effectively.
They are the type of people who will share random facts with people close to them because they want to.
They like learning about new things
They may help others a little too much which can come across as people pleasing or they are breaking their boundaries
They are talkative and expressive and may have something about their voice which can be seen as influential
For career, you can do something which will require you to use your speech such as journalism, writing, politics, etc.
Sun in 4th house
These individuals can live in their childhood home but it can be seen as a hurdle in their professional life so it is better if they move away from their home.
These individuals can be good in occult matters like magic, astrology, tarot cards, numerology etc.
These people are spoiled by their father through jewelry or money etc.
Even though spoiled, but they might still have a distant relationship with their father. Whether because he is not staying with them or other reasons.
They have a love for vintage items.
They may want to do something socially or even help other people build their homes.
They may be attached to their home or even their childhood friends and may miss them a lot.
They can suffer from heart related problems and their mother can also suffer from it.
They are aggressive people who can lose their calm easily. And their mother can also have anger issues.
Native with sun in 4th house tend to be more sensitive to their environment
Sun in 5th house
These individuals give good advice. When there is a difficult time going on then they know how to handle a situation
They are creative and intelligent. They can pursue something in fine arts and they will good in it as well.
They can have different ideologies than their children
People with this placement are more sensitive towards their surroundings. But when you need, then these natives will always come forward to support and take care of their loved ones.
They are many times the centre of attraction, it is mostly because they come across as confident in the matter they are talking about.
They have opportunities for having many affairs in their life. They may or may not be successful in that love affair.
They have a great relationship with their father and he may have supported when it is needed.
These people are romantic at heart, and they may express their feelings through the creative art they are good at.
They will have very close relationship with their kids and will play an important role in their life.
They are extroverts who will love to go out and hang out with their friends.
Sun in 6th house
They will work however they want. They may still agree to other people but will do what they want.
They will get their job through a competitive exam and they also have ability to clear them.
They will definitely win against their enemies which is both a good thing and a bad thing. As, they will have many enemies but they will win against them.
They will not be able to get a lot of benefit from their father or may not have the best relationship with them.
People with this placement are very cautious about their health. Even a minor problem can make them extremely worried.
They like their mentors to be the people who will help them in understanding things easily and will not shout kn then while explaining things.
People with this placement can suffer from having panic attacks. They may get easily worried or feel anxious even when small things go wrong.
They are very helpful people who will help people around them but will not bend their back to help them.
If they have strong 6th house, then they will against any court case or heal from any health issues.
They won't express their feelings towards other people but will help them when they are in need.
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(credits: @jannart85 on Pinterest)
Sun in 7th house
This placement is considered bad as there can be ego clashes with their future partner.
future partner will be very dominating which can make you feel powerless. It can also be one of the causes for fights in the relationship
Your partner can be self employed, i.e. have a business of their own or have a startup.
They may had to take responsibilities early in their life because of any reasons like their father didn't play a huge role when they were growing up.
Future partner's mother can be more dominating than their father.
They will help others by uplifting them maybe giving them a chance to get a good education. They want to help other people.
They will be reliable as they won't lie and will have a huge sense of justice.
If sun is strong then Individual will have a strong immune system
As it is also seeing 1st house, then individual will also have a lot of ego and will do what they want.
Any fight in marriage will be because of ego clashes only as it is generally believed that empty 7th house gives the best result.
Sun in 8th house
People with this placement tend to live a secret life. Not many people will know about what's going on in their life.
They can face difficulties due to their father or after their father's demise.
They will have a lot of knowledge about astrology and other occult things. And they will also have interest in learning about these things.
If sun will be weak then it shows that individual will have chronic disease like diabetes, blood pressure etc.
There are huge chances that individual will get inheritance. They may also have hopes to inherit those things.
They can earn money through occults like providing services for astrology, tarot cards and all those hidden things.
They are homebody and may want to pay attention to their surroundings rather than go actually go enjoy them.
Most of the people with this placement like to read books especially fiction such as Harry potter
They may be inclined to develop a relationship with their inner child again as they may think, many of their problems will be solved if they will just experience their childhood again.
They can get codependent on other people easily. And may fall in the idea of love rather than actual loving someone.
Sun in 9th house
People with this placement can be good teacher or mentor to some people.
They will also put their teachers on high standard or will look at them always. They have a lot of respect for their mentors.
This placement makes the other person interested in different culture. They may want to learn their language or love their food etc.
They may want to understand the philosophy of life. And may be inclined to study topics like reincarnated or multiple universe etc.
Natives with sun in 9th house want to understand the deeper aspect of behaviour. Which can be a both good and bad thing.
They are religious and may have a lot of understanding about their scriptures.
They may have a close knit relationship with their family and they know that someone is there to support them
They are confident in their abilities. They accept themselves and know how to regulate their emotions and habits.
They are very emotional which may come in between their decision making ability.
Natives with this placement have a bright luck. If they want something, then they will do anything to achieve that.
Sun in 10th house
People with this people are very ambitious
There are chances that they will not get a lot of support from their father which can make them feel less confident in their abilities
These people live by self- made life. Where everything they are doing whether it is a startup or anything, but they are successful because of their abilities only.
They will do well in the position of management or administration as they want to give orders to other people.
Individual will have to do a lot of hard work to achieve success.
But once they achieve success, then they will be growing very fast after that. They have to struggle at first but later they can just reap the benefits of their hardwork.
Most of the time, people with this placement have support of their father. They are there to help them grow professionally.
You will be at higher position at your workplace. Most of the politicians, CEOs or any other higher authority usually have this placement.
You will not take orders from other people. If sun is in conjunct with malefin planet then you can rebel back.
Sun in 11th house
Your coworkers will see you as someone who they can look upto. As they see you as someone who is very well educated in the field in which you are working in.
Dependability on father
People with this placement can get benefit from government or even recognised by them.
People with this placement are good leader and they can earn money with the help of their leadership skills itself.
These people are highly ambitious and have high hopes for their future.
These people are constantly growing and learning. They know that there is no age to start learning things.
They will be good in public dealing work. They will feel confident when doing social work like working in a NGO etc.
They are good organisers so they can work in sectors of public relations. As they are good in networking and organising
People see you as someone who has a little ego but they know that it is because you know what you are doing.
Chances of their first born being a boy are very high. Their kids will also bring them a lot of recognition
People with this placement gain a lot of profit in their business and they can also live a long healthy life.
They can also understand what they want to do with their life by seeing people around them.
Sun in 12th house
They will be inclined to work with people from faraway land or even shift abroad.
They don't always tell what is on their mind, they tend to hide things.
They may have absent father or he did not play a huge role in their life.
These people can spend a lot of money for gaining respect like giving money for charity as they can then come across as helpful.
They can easily go into void state or experience mystical events.
They are more sensitive to the people around them as they have a deeper wanting of helping other people.
They may be in a lot of struggle of wanting to live a spiritual life but also wanting to be a successful person so that they can help people with a low economic background.
These people can have a hard time sleeping or having a lot of insecurities.
Their father may not have been present in their life or they may not have smooth relationship with him.
They have a deeper wanting of connecting with their family, spending time with them, etc.
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harmoonix · 6 months
Nature's Alurre
° Short Astrology Observations °
H a r m o o n i x
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❀ -> Ceres Asteroid (1) at 6°, 18° 10°, 22° degrees can end up working in a comforting space/place for them, something about their work is very dear to them
❀ -> Sagittarius Degrees (9°. 21°) in your big 3 make you "wild", you seek for curiosity, for knowledge, for adventure, for passion all these combined make you fierce
❀ -> Someone with an Water Sign in their 6th house/Moon in the 6th house has a deep love for animals, they love animals and can find a comfort when they're around
❀ -> Ceres (1) in your 1st house/Ceres aspecting the ascendant are the type of people who need to nurture themselves first instead of nurturing others
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❀ -> Moon square/opposite/conjunct Uranus are going through 100 moods every day, I don't think they can function if they stay in one mood because their own nature is to be able to feel everything at once
❀ -> Neptune trine/sextile/conjunct Sun are the type of people who always want to be in a good mood and try staying positive about the things in their lives
❀ - If earth Venus would be described by emoji: 🌍🧚🏼‍♀️✨💚💲🍵🥗☘️ these would mostly be their most used emoji
❀ -> Pandora asteroid (55) aspecting the ascendant or in the 1st house. Can be the type of people everyone has questions about or is curious to know more about, it can even indicate that person who ask you a lot of questions and they don't like your answers/replies to their questions
❀ -> Ceres (1) in Scorpio/8th house may need sex to nurture themselves, natives with these placements can be highly sexual and sometimes can even seek for it
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❀ -> Asteroid Angel (11911) aspecting the Moon can indicate that your angels may protect/guide you through your mother, for some of the natives their mothers could've be their biggest protector, if this doesn't relate to you then your angels may have an motherly energy when they're around you
❀ -> Sun/Saturn in the 12th house can indicate daddy issues, and no.. not that type of daddy issues where girls try to date guys with 100 yrs older than them, it actually indicates issues with your father or an absent father
❀ -> For people with Chiron in the Pisces/12th house, they can heal with music, if you're in a bad mood just listen to some music it may help your mood in that situation
❀ -> I don't know why but so many people tend to ignore "Parallels" in their chart, parallels share an close energy to the same aspects as "conjunction" . And they're so underatted, we need to cancel the person who said they are not important.
♥️♥️♥️Here is a post about how you can find your Parallels in your chart ♥️♥️♥️:
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❀ -> Did you actually knew that you have a guiding planet in your chart? Your guiding planet is supposed to help you understand this life and it's lessons better and to help you in your everyday day, to know what planet you have as a "guide" you need to look at your chart and find the closest planet to your Sun. (if you have multiple planets conjunct Sun then find the conjunction with the closest degree)
For example: In my birth chart Venus is the closest planet to my Sun, they're not conjuncting but they're at 1 sign apart from eachother. That makes Venus the closest planet to my Sun...now it's your turn to find yours 🥰
❀ -> Asteroid Nike [307] shows victory/something you'll accomplish in your chart
Nike in the 10th house = good job/career
Nike in the 8th house = transformation about yourself
Nike in the 2nd house = your finances/money. Usually Nike in the 2nd house can indicate being wealthy
Nike in the 7th house = relationships/marriage
If you have Nike in none of these houses then look in this photo: Here are all house descriptions for every house specifically
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❀ -> Gemini/Sagittarius placements can be very talented in writing, is way easier for them to describe something while writing
❀ -> Mercury in 10°, 22° degrees can have it hard when it comes to explaining things, they may also struggle with finding the perfect words in a conversation, on the other hand you choose your words with a good mindset
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❀ -> Aquarius Juno/Juno in the 11th house > Don't get in relationships with people who seem strict/manipulative and obsessive, you need freedom in a relationship the most, is way better than being like a bird blocked in a cage 100%
❀ -> Aries Juno/Juno in the 1st house > They desire someone intense, who can understand them perfectly. Someone who can be there for them. Don't settle for less. You desire someone who can be more than a lover to you, to be half of your soul
❀ -> Eros (433) in Libra/in Libra Degrees (7°,.19°) are seeking for true love, they want to have that true love like in movies and they really desire it
❀ -> Eros (433) in Cancer/in Cancer Degrees (4°,16°,28°) seek for a nurturing love, they'll love to nurture and take care of eachother
❀ -> Eros (433) in Sagittarius/in Sagittarius Degrees (9°, 21°) seek for a partner who they can share the craziest things with, they'll love if you will hang out with them in a adventure/place where they may like to go
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❀ -> People with an Earth sign in their 8th house may have an husband/spouse who can work hard, because the 8th house also represents your spouse resources and the earth signs are usually the one who work the hardest for what they got/have (It also shows deep respect for eachother)
❀ -> I'm gonna tell you that if you love someone with Virgo Venus/Venus in the 6th house, make sure to use words of affirmation when you are with them because it simply makes them to be better (be supportive)
❀ -> Psyche (16) is the asteroid who is the most connected to your soul, and it can describe a lot of things about it based on the sign/house the degree, and the aspects
For example:
Psyche in the 4th house may be very connected to their family/especially on their mother side, their soul may feel safe around females
Psyche aspecting Uranus shows a soul of an artist who is constantly changing and evolving in something better, also there is something striking about them
Psyche in Scorpio/Cancer/Pisces may have an thing for physical touch, bounding, and dedication, their soul can be highly emotional
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🌼 Today is such a good day for shorty astro observations, coming back with a theme that so many of you like it, I rarely post on Saturdays so here we go🌼
🌼 Have a blessed day everyone and I'll see you all again at the next post 🌼
Stay in harmony and peace together with the moon - H a r m o o n i x 🌙🌼
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matan4il · 5 months
Have you noticed how almost everything that the anti-Israel crowd accuses people who simply recognize Israel's right to exist of, is (in additional to usually being false) stuff they're guilty of themselves?
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"You support ethnic cleansing!"
What do you think it means, when you chant the English translation of "From water to water, Palestine will be Arab"?
"You support an ethno-state!"
Do you call for the destruction of every single nation state, such as Germany, Japan, France, and so on? No? Then so do you. Have you called for the establishment of a Palestinian state? Then, so do you. Between Hamas ruling Gaza and being genocidal when it comes to Jews, and Mahmoud Abbas (president of the Palestinian Authority) stating no Israelis will be allowed in the State of Palestine (and by "Israelis" we all know he doesn't mean the Arab citizens of Israel, he's talking about Jews) that's going to be an ethno-state, too. Oh, you meant a "pure" ethno-state. Those don't exist in today's reality, and Israel, with 27% of its citizens being non-Jews, is no exception.
"Oct 7 didn't happen in a vacuum, you're ignoring the context of the past 75 years!"
You are ignoring big chunks of anti-Jewish violence during these 75 years, you're ignoring the expulsion of almost 900,000 Jews from Arab and Muslim countries, you're ignoring the anti-Jewish violence and persecution that preceded the establishment of the Land of Israel, and you're ignoring all 3,500 years (at least) of Jewish existence in and connection to our ancestral homeland, Israel.
"You support collective punishment!"
The same way you do, when you chant, "When people are occupied, resistance is justified"? Because that's what it means, that for the sin of Israel supposedly being a colonial state (a false claim, since Jews are native to Israel), you're justifying raping 13 year old girls, shooting them in the head, murdering Holocaust survivors, burning babies alive... what's that if not supporting collective punishment? (that's before we get into the fact that Israel not surrendering in a war started by Hamas is NOT collective punishment, or else we would have to define the allies not surrendering to the Nazis in WWII as collective punishment of the Germans)
"You suppor apartheid!"
All Israeli citizens have the same civil rights. Apartheid in South Africa was a system where citizens of the country had their rights limited based on skin color/ancestry. The issue in South Africa wasn't that racism existed (IDK a single country where racism doesn't), it's that it was codified into law, and used against the rights of that country's own citizens. Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs have the same rights. Non-Israeli Palestinians not having the same rights as Israelis, including as Israeli Arabs, is the same as French Canadians not having the same rights in the US as French Americans. It is NOT proof the US is applying a system of apartheid unto French people. And if it were, then I have news for you, every country applies different rights to citizens vs not citizens, so every country would be an apartheid state by this criterion. Which would make the word meaningless, and it would diminish the suffering of non-whites under South Africa's apartheid (as some young black South Africans who have actually been to Israel now point out). Meanwhile, I'll point back up to where Mahmoud Abbas said no Israelis (i.e Jews) will be allowed in Palestine, and that under the Palestinian Authority, a Palestinian can be jailed or executed for selling land to Jews, which means the PA demolishes the right to property (of Jews to own it, and of the PA's Palestinian citizens to sell it as they see fit) based solely on the ancestry of the buyer... And you support the PA, right?
"You deny the Nakba!"
I had never encountered any Israeli denying that roughly 850,000 Arabs fled Israel due to the War of Independence. Pointing out that the Arabs are the ones who started that war isn't the same as denying it happened. Meanwhile, the people who make this accusation, largely deny the expulsion of the Jews from Arab and Muslim countries, deny the suffering, discrimination, expulsions and massacres Jews had endured for centuries under Arab and Muslim regimes, and deny the atrocities of Oct 7.
"You support colonialism!"
Say the people who deny the native rights of the Jews, who act as if these rights are limited by time (as if such a limitation benefits anyone other than actual colonizers), who ignore the fact that Palestinians wouldn't exist here without Arab colonialism, or who wish to confer a native status unto them by virtue of... being settler colonialists for a "long time" (to be clear, the way the UN's definition of a Palestinian refugee works, it only requires a person to have been an Arab* settler colonialist in Israel during the 2 years prior to the founding of the Israeli state, to be recognized as a Palestinian. To become a US citizen, in addition to other requirements, you have to live in the US for at least 5 years, 3 if married to an American citizen. That means in June of 1946, it was easier to become a Palestinian "native" in the eyes of the UN, than an American citizen). Don't get me wrong, Palestinians have a right to live in the place where they were born. I can both recognize that they're here due to Arab colonialism, AND be okay with them living here. Just like I can recognize that no Americans today deserve to be displaced, even though the majority of them are there thanks to colonialism. And I don't have to pretend like Americans of European descent have suddenly become native (something that if I did, would probably hurt actual Native Americans), in order to recognize their right to live where they were born. It's just ironic that if we took the logic of the anti-Israel crowd when it comes to native Jews, and applied it to all native peoples, this would harm the natives, erase their rights, recognize their colonizers as natives, and generally help colonialism.
There's probably more, but I think this is demonstrative enough.
* Technically, the UN didn't specify ancestry. As an idea, you could be Arab, Jewish, a Polish Catholic priest living in a convent in the Land of Israel from Jun '46 to May '48, and you'd be recognized as a Palestinian by the UN, but in reality this definition ended up favoring all non-Jewish colonizers of the land. In 1952, Israel said, "It's okay, we'll take care of the Jewish refugees displaced by the War of Independence. No need for the UN to do so. This is what we set up a Jewish state for." This is in addition to Israel taking care of the Jewish refugees from Arab and Muslim countries, and Jewish Holocaust survivors. And for Israel's show of responsibility, the now-Israeli Jewish refugees have been punished. They don't get recognized as existing, as having been displaced by, and having suffered due to the war the Arabs started in the Land of Israel against its Jewish communities. "Palestinian" refers to non-Jews only from the second The British Mandate in Palestine's Jews became Israeli Jews, but that doesn't stop the anti-Israel crowd from falsely claiming there are Palestinian Jews today... even though since May of 1948, there aren't, and before that, those Palestinian Jews were British subjects, not the citizens of an Arab independent state called Palestine (something that has never historically existed). Thanks to the exclusion in practice of Jews from the definition of Palestinian refugee, the UN agency for taking care of Palestinian refugees, UNRWA became a tool of spreading anti-Jewish hate.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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ghostbsuter · 3 months
Team effort
Danny is a member of the Teen Titans!
.・゜-: ✧ :-
The team had noticed something off not soon after the raid.
Something about one of Danny's– Magpie's– old Rogues having a lab. Some investigations from Robin and Cyborg soon proved that the man had been working on human experimentation.
Not even a day later and they'd raided the place, putting it under the JL's radar alongside the wayward rogue too.
Beastboy noticed it first, the way Magpie would look around uncertain, less enthusiastic and fidgeting in his seat.
Robin tried to shield him, take the attention away and talk behind closed doors with the other afterwards.
Yeah, it didn't take a genius to figure out something was wrong.
They waved the issue off, maybe it was temporary? Danny never got distracted, it should be short right? They didn't need to worry too much.
Besides Robin was already on it.
The alarms went off however when Danny announced a break, going under for a few weeks, months maybe.
Starfire pestered him with worry, tugging him along in the air. She's speaking her native language, something about healing? They would have noticed if Magpie hid a injury however.
The protests didn't budge the decision, Robin steady when they turned to him for help.
Reassurances came in a rush. If truly needed, Danny would aid them, but he could not stay.
Raven stayed quiet, nothing unusual but surprising. Robin and her were often seen speaking in hushed whispers, it drove the other 3 members crazy at the secrecy.
It took 2 months to finally see what the cause was.
Costume dishevelled, mask thrown to the side, Magpie enters the tower by foot. His unannounced appearance had them all unprepared.
Raven and Robin were by his sides first, closely followed by Statfire.
"Hey man," Cyborg greeted, brow knitted in concern. "Weren't you supposed to be on vacation?"
Danny gave a dry laugh at that. "Plans changed, Cy."
"How do vacation plans just change?" Beastboy asks, scratching the side of his head.
"They changed because I wasn't really on vacation."
He avoids their eyes, Starfire dint like that, cradling his head to turn to her. "Why aren't you looking at us? Why lie about vacation?"
"It's not that I wanted to lie, staying ignorant to what was happening was just better," he shrugged with a strained smile.
"I'm assuming your location was compromised?"
A nod.
"Wow wow wow," beastboy interrupts. "What do you mean compromise? You went into hiding??"
Magpie gave a sheepish laugh, which didn't lighten the mood at all.
He tried.
"Where is—?" Raven asks right as another tiny hand clamps on her cape, tugging.
The eyes of every teentitan are drawn to whatever— whoever is behind their missing member.
"Okay so don't freak out—"
"You have a child??!"
"What the hell— JESUS CHRIST!"
"A human child! A baby!"
A sharp whistling from their leader got them to shut up, eyes on Robin now.
"You're frightening her."
True to his words, tuffs of white hair peek out between Raven and Magpie, large green eyes watching.
A tiny girl, barely reaching Danny's waist, stares at them.
"Friend, who is she?"
"This," he leads her out by hand, letting her cling to his side instead now. "Is elle, she..."
A look to raven had her continue. "We found her together in the raid."
Starfire knelt down before Elle, holding her hand out in greeting. "Hello Elle, I am starfire." She tilts her head. "You seem sleepy?"
"It's been a long day— I'll talk with you guys later, okay?"
They watched him leave, returning to his room long untouched.
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