#if you're more critical and consider every aspect of the film fine too
mangabacaxi · 4 months
i think its so funny when someone say they like a movie but can't defend it saying i like it but i know its bad i mean then you dont like it lmao ??
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mariekavanagh · 3 years
Re your post about the new Harry Potter series, considering you're such a Sirius Black fan would you not want a Marauders series?
lol nope.
You'd think I would want this, and I'm aware that there are many many people who do want a "Marauders" era prequel. But there are many reasons as to why it wouldn't work. Here are some.
This fandom is hella divisive and argumentative at the best of times. This can be a good thing, don't get me wrong. Different opinions are a good thing. But so often this fandom fails to discuss them respectfully, often resorting to just insulting the other side or shouting insults. The fandom surrounding MWPP has so many sides with people very devoted to their side - whichever side a potential TV show decides to portray, there will only be a small amount of the fandom satisfied by it.
Now lets get into the more detailed issues with a MWPP series.
1) James Potter vs Severus Snape.
If we end up with a show that outright depicts James + his friends bullying Snape (or other students), we'll have an argument about whether or not Snape deserved it, whether it's bias against Snape, MWPP fans complaining about showing their shady side, and arguments on posts that I can already see myself hastily scrolling past in which both sides are shouting at each other over who is right. It's exhausting enough already, without an official on-screen depiction to squabble over.
2) Wolfstar
Ships are great. Ships are fine. Ship who you want. You have that freedom. But there are people who like to declare their ship as canon simply because they like it so much or because there is a slither of canon "evidence". Wolfstar is one of those ships. If a prospective TV show decides to stick with canon and not confirm wolfstar, or worst still, give either character a potential love interest other than each other, there will be uproar from some areas of the wolfstar ship. Likewise, if they do push the boat out and decide to go for wolfstar, or perhaps just hint at it, there will be uproar from the anti-wolfstar community. Once again, it just comes down to the fact that this fandom so often fails to have a polite debate or conversation.
3) Casting
The lack of official on-screen material on the MWPP era means that there is a lot of fancasting for characters from that era. Which is a good thing! I do it myself, sometimes. It's a great feeling when you find an actor/person and think "Omg it's *insert name here*!" There are some very popular fancasts for the MWPP characters (Off the top of my head, Ben Barnes for Sirius, Andrew Garfield for Remus, Timothee Chalamet for Regulus and that other guy who is always shown as James in the same group whose name I cannot remember), but the reality is that these actors are extremely unlikely to be cast in these roles in any official movie/series. Aside from the people in charge perhaps just not seeing them as the right fit, the images and clips that people use for these actors as their characters are from films that are about a decade old. The actors are not young 20-somethings who can get away with playing teenagers anymore. This is perfectly logical, but I can already see it fuelling criticism about whoever is cast in the roles that fans are so loyal to seeing their fancasts playing. Endless "This actor isn't right, THIS actor should have been cast instead!" posts incoming.
4) Abusive Blacks
Oh boy. The cherry on the cake. You all know how much I dislike the headcanon that Sirius's parents were physically abusive towards him. That's just my persona preference. If a potential show or film decided to roll with this angle then I would not be the biggest fan for sure, but oh well. But this is just yet another example of an area of the MWPP fandom which is so divisive. If they show the Blacks as beating Sirius or cursing him til he's almost dead, then there will be people in favour and people against. Likewise if they don't show this, there will be people either saying this is a good thing or saying they're "going against canon" (abusive Blacks isn't canon, deal with it). Posts on the matter will quickly dissolve into name calling and shouts of "abuse apologist". Fun times.
5) Peter
I personally have a bit of a thing about people who deliberately erase Peter from works on MWPP. Yes he turned out to be a traitor and a bad guy, but you can't deny he was there all together. He was there, he was their friend, and he was very much a part of the story. But that's just me. Ultimately, Peter's divisiveness means that any characterisation in any prequel movie/series will surely be judged harshly depending on how people choose to view him, regardless of canon. The writers will have a nightmare of a time trying to satisfy an audience which all share very differing opinions as to how a younger Peter should be portrayed on screen. I would not envy their task of trying to get the balance right.
In summary, there are so many reasons as to why a MWPP would just be far too divisive to be successful, in my view. Too many topics that the fandom can never agree over, too much potential for outcries of "This angle/actor/storyline is wrong", "The writers are being disloyal to canon", "This is basically canon why are you refusing to acknowledge it?", the list goes on. I feel like any potential enjoyment to be gained from a show would ultimately be tainted by how much arguing every little aspect would trigger. And for that reason, I feel like we never will get any official on-screen prequel from this era. What production company/producer/writer/actor/literally anyone involved would want to take on such a project?
*drops mic* *sips tea* *stands up* *leaves room* *closes door*
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thottybrucewayne · 7 years
If we keepin it all the way 100%
This marvel vs. Dc shit is played out.
If you want to sit and argue down film majors, critics, and people who make movies for a living down about how a movie is a cinematic masterpiece despite the fact that it fails at every single level besides financially (and sometimes not even that considering that fact that some of these films don't make back their budget.) Go right ahead.
You want to go back and forth with people who make comics, read just as many comics as you do if not more on how a comic is good despite the fact that it takes one of its beloved hero's and makes them unrecognizable? Then that's you're flavor.
You wanna debate every single aspect of these companies from their writers to their scandals to their artists even though most of these people have done work for both at some point in their careers or are independent and hold zero loyalty to either company outside of what they were signed on to do? Have at it.
Enjoy. Knock yourselves out. Be my damn guest, but keep me out of it.
I'll be over here, reading wicked + divine, Rat queens, snotgirl and keep on wishing that they had a quarter of the popularity and solidity in the pop culture conscious as the big three or the X-Men, just so they might get any type of adaptation.
If you hate dc properties because they're too dark and self serious, fine. That's you. Other people might like heavy handed introspection and challenges of the form.
If you hate marvel properties because they're too quip filled, jokey, and childish, then cool. Some people like comic book stuff that chills out once in awhile and is proud to look like its original source material.
There's nothing wrong with Zack Snyder's poorly executed art house superhero films with heavy handed themes. They're just as much of a fun take on the genre as Frank Miller's fascist fuckhead Batman or Alan Moore's creepy, trigger happy, deep, shock value joker.
There's nothing wrong with Taika Waititi's silly, childish, colorful, punny and ripped from the pages of a cheap trade paper back from the 90s at the bottom of a sales bin take on Thor. It's just as whimsical, interesting, and out of left field as Fabian Nicieza and Rob liefeld's Deadpool or Stan Lee's Just imagine universe.
Going on back and forth on this is frankly, ridiculous.
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