#if you saw this yesterday no you didn't
pspspsps eddie girlies, come get y'all juice
eddie munson x female!reader
summary: after dating eddie for a little while now, you're ready to amp up the intimacy a bit. since your parents are out of town, it's the perfect opportunity for eddie to come over so you can make your move.
word count: 2.8k
warnings: MDNI, 18+ only, smut, fingering, reader has female anatomy
a/n: reader is 19 yrs eddie is 20 yrs; I don't know how in love with this i am, but this is a practice in writing smut so that's ok. hope you enjoy parts of it anyway! i literally didn't know what to call this; i suck at proofreading sorry
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The peaceful silence that fills that time of day where the late evening bleeds into the quiet calm of the night was one of your favourite simple pleasures in life. The expectation to do anything or be anyone has vanished, and you become free to give into whatever selfish cravings your tired mind needed. With your parents being away for the weekend, the freedom that tonight brought tasted more nectarous than usual. It meant that you could leave a key under one of the big rocks in the front garden. It meant that Eddie could turn that stone over to find said key. He could let himself in through the front door, wander his way up to your room, and find his favourite girl waiting for him, patiently. The romantic side of your relationship is still relatively new. You'd met a while ago through your mutual friend, Robin, and were relieved to feel a mutual adoration for each other. In the beginning, your relationship mostly consisted of deep conversations about each of your passions, whether it be while driving down back roads lit by the setting sun, at the play ground in the trailer park at dusk, or in the back of his van, doors open to Lovers Lake glistening under the cover of night. That night at the lake was the first time he kissed you. Slow and sweet; a delicate, whispered promise of love.
Since then, every late night tryst was infused with the underlying need for intimate touch. The light brush of your finger nails through his curls, the repeated pattern of his thumb circling your exposed ankle. The lustrous trail of hungry kisses lovingly placed from your jaw to your collarbone after he snuck in through your window for the first time one night after your parents fell asleep. It hasn't escalated beyond that yet, but you feel ready to move things along. So, tonight you plugged in some warm white holiday lights and draped them over your headboard to create a comfortable, dimly lit atmosphere. You donned an oversized sleep shirt and slipped on a new pair of lacey underwear. You spent a bit of effort making your hair look effortless in a bun atop your head with a few stray pieces pulled out in a attempt to give off a sexy-librarian vibe. You huff and give up. Eddie has always made you feel beautiful no matter what state your appearance is in, there was no reason to believe tonight would be any different. Nevertheless, there was a nervous flutter beginning to form in your stomach. But it was the good kind of nervous, like waiting in line for a rollercoaster.
There was still some time to kill before Eddie would be done with his Hellfire meeting. You walked over to your bed and absent mindedly fluffed the pillow and pulled the corners of your comforter taut. You skim your fingers over the bedding thinking about the nights that you've laid with Eddie on this bed talking about anything and everything that came to mind. His fingers would draw circles on your back as you were tucked up on his side. He'd have the other hand behind his head as he would ramble on about whatever topic you guys had landed on, while you memorized the spots where his dimples would sporadically appear whenever he laughed or smiled while recalling something amusing. Glancing around the already tidied room, you spot the book you've been reading for the past few weeks. That should be enough to keep your mind occupied until Eddie gets here. Picking it up, you plop yourself across the top half of your bed near the pillows with your feet facing the door. You tilt the book toward the light coming from the holidays lights on the headboard to your right and begin reading were you left off.
Eddie throws the transmission into park and takes the keys out of the ignition. He loves his Friday Hellfire sessions with his friends, but he always feels a deep itch somewhere in the back of his mind for time to pass by a little faster when he knows he will be seeing you later. He fights the smile that begins to spread thinking about you as he hops out of his van and makes his way to the front garden to snag the key. "Gotcha," he whispers as he straightens up, key in hand, and heads for the front door. After hearing the deadbolt release the door, he twists the knob and lets himself into your house. "Sweetheart, you here?" he offers as he peers around the main floor of the home. All the lights were off; there was no sign of life down here. Turning his gaze to the top of the stairwell, the warmth from the glow of dim light flooding into the hallway from your room upstairs reaches him. He feels himself relax, taking in a deep breath as he toes off his shoes. Climbing the staircase softly, he feels the tension leave his body as he thinks of climbing into your embrace to unwind after a long week. He slows to a stop just outside your door to peer in as he raises his hand to knock on the slightly ajar door. His hand stills and breath gets lost somewhere in his throat as his eyes find you.
You're laying on your stomach reading a book facing away from him. Immediately, his eyes are drawn to the cheeky view of the round of your ass peaking out from where your sleeping shirt has risen up and settled on your lower back, adorned with black lace. The sight of the fold where your cheeks meet the back of your thighs is enough to make his mouth water. His eyes flit to the sudden movement of your ankles rubbing together as they meet suspended in the air above you due to the bend in your knees. Not wanting to feel like a pervert for much longer, he slowly drags his eyes up to the curve in your arched back before settling on the back of your head. He breaks the silence by managing a timid knock on your bedroom door. Your head whips around in surprise and a soft smile pulls at your lips once you realize it's him. Realizing he is staring with his mouth agape, he quickly corrects himself to return your smile and mutters a quiet, "Hey, doll."
You make no effort to move from your position. Seeing the hardly hidden internal battle Eddie is fighting to not stare at your ass as he makes his way toward your bed, you figured this serendipitous position would hopefully provide the spark you needed to turn up the intimacy of your relationship. Feigning innocence, you smile sweetly and ask, "How was Hellfire?" while turning your head to place your book back on the night table in front of you.
"Was good, definitely had them on their toes tonight," he responded, trying to act as casually as he could but his distracted state of mind was obvious. It was in the way he stared nearly unblinking at you when you turned your head back to him, as if thinking of something else entirely, lost in a slight trance. You suppress a giggle. He comes to sit facing you, slightly more toward your lower half. He leans toward you on his left arm and cocks his head toward your face. He inhales slightly and flicks an eyebrow up. "You uhh... you getting ready to go to bed?" he asks, as his pointer finger gestures to trace up and down your torso to the swell of your ass (where he steals a small glance again) to indicate his interest in your current attire.
"Not yet," you offer slyly, studying his face. "Just wanted to feel comfortable while I was reading."
"Are you comfortable?" he asks with raised eyebrows. Bringing your fist to your right cheek to rest your head while you give him your full attention, you give him a small nod. He presses his lips together slightly and returns a small nod of acknowledgment as he turns his head to stare down at your feet. He hesitates for only a second before he reaches his right arm out to gently grab ahold of your ankle to draw circles there with his finger, as he normally would when he's this close to you. He returns his gaze to you, his curtain of curls swaying along with him, and smiles sweetly, "How has your week been, sweetheart?"
"Oh, you know. Just living the dream, one nightmare at a time," you joke. You then get into telling him about the mostly minor inconveniences that seemingly came one after another this week at work. He listened intently offering sympathetic looks or a short snort laugh when the occasion called for it. All the while, his finger traced patterns across your skin. It started at the elevated ankle, but he moved his hand down to your shin, the ghost of his invisible drawings left on the soft skin there. You kept track of where his hand was moving, waiting to see where it would wander next. As you finished up airing the last of your grievances, you felt his hand shift to your calf. Instead of fingers, you felt him softly stroking your skin with the back of his hand. Steeling your nerves in the name of not wasting this opportunity, you folded your leg so that your calf met the back of your thigh, with Eddie's hand imprisoned gently in between. He flicked his eyes down to where he was touching you as you lifted your calf, leaving Eddie's hand splayed against the back of your thigh. He hesitates a moment before he turns back to look at your face, his heart rate begins to pick up some speed. He feels a warmth spread from his chest, up his neck as the room starts to feel a bit warmer suddenly.
"You still comfortable?" he almost whispers, searching your face for any hint of disagreement. But he only finds you smiling back at him.
Likely boldened by the same heat that bleeds through Eddie's hand and wanders upward, now hitting the core between your legs, you surprise yourself by saying, "Eddie, I-I want you to... I want you to touch me." Any concern that was present on his face is rapidly replaced by a much deeper feeling, one that darkens his eyes and flushes his cheeks.
Eddie had always intended to be as patient as you needed him to be when it came to sex in your relationship. He had some experience from drunken nights at high school parties in his first senior year, or random girls from the Hideout from before he met you. But this was different for him. You meant so much more to him than that. He'd gladly wait on thousand years for you to ask.
"Of course, baby. But if at any point you want to, just say the word and we stop, no objections," he states firmly, wanting to reassure you that he wants to respect any boundary you might have before he begins. You weren't worried, Eddie was constantly checking in with you to make sure you were relaxed with him. He always wants enthusiastic consent or nothing. It's part of what made this decision for you so easy. You grant him permission with a shy 'yes' and he begins to massage the dough of your thigh that his hand rests on. Turning his attention back down to your lower half, he starts to slowly run his right hand up the back of your leg with this finger skimming along the inside of your leg and his thumb gently caressing the outer edge. He pauses at the conjunction of where your leg meets the cheek of your ass. He slowly traces his thumb along the crease there until it reaches his pointer finger and then runs it back along the same path again. His fingers were now sitting dangerously close to your heat. Rhythmically, he rubs his thumb back and forth for a few moments. His middle finger ever so slightly reaches forward to softly run along the material of where your underwear was covering your entrance. You shutter at the feeling and drop your head to the bed beneath you while your eyes closed. Eddie shifts focus to what he can see of the side of your face. The heat in your chest radiates against the lower half of your face. You turn to angle your face toward Eddie and open your eyes to plead to him with heavily, hooded eyes.
"Please," you whine breathlessly. Pathetically.
"Please what, baby? Use your words, pretty girl," he whispers softly, afraid the tenderness of this moment will collapse in on itself if he speaks too loudly.
"I want to feel your fingers there, Eddie. Inside me."
Eddie nearly whimpers at the confession. Such filthy words falling from your plush lips, words he only ever fantasied about hearing late at night when he's tugging at himself under the cover of his tattered quilt. But this is happening in real life now. He hopes he's the only person who will ever see you like this for the rest of your life. He allows himself to admire your flushed cheeks and loving stare for one more small moment before that cocky smirk you love dons his face. "How could I say no when my girl is being so sweet?" he coos.
He swipes his fingers along your clothed entrance again, all the while watching your face for any signs of discomfort. Your face relaxes more as you huff out a sigh, so he proceeds to move up to the waistband of the lacey piece. He raises his eyebrows to you and mutters a small 'may I?' before slowly pulling them down your legs at your permission. Once they are discarded somewhere on the floor, he returns to lean back on his left arm again, eye flicking between your face and where he is preparing to caress with his fingers. He slowly runs his hand over the round of your backside before letting his three fingers dip in between your legs to trace firmly over your weeping hole to gather some of your wetness before he moves down toward your clit. You gasp slightly when he reaches the bundle of nerves. Empowered, he rubs a few languid circles there and takes in the breathy moans that escape your lips. His brain almost goes fuzzy at the sounds, losing his hearing slightly and eyes rolling back in his head. A shiver runs down his torso and gathers low in his abdomen where he can feel his length hardening. After basking in your small whimpers for a few more moments, Eddie moves his hand back toward your entrance. With his attention turned to your face, he slips in a ringed finger. Instantly, the heat from your core that had been rising, skyrockets. You can feel the splotches of red forming on your chest, neck and jaw. You let out a pitiful moan, louder than any other you've already involuntarily made tonight. You close your eyes as you give in to the feeling of Eddie's finger as it begins to curl slowly in a come hither motion deep inside of you in a way that you can never replicate.
"Nuh uh. Eyes open for me, princess," Eddie interjects as he simultaneously haults his movements. You comply and peer at him through hazy eyes. The sight elicits a primitive groan from him. He pulls out his finger slowly only to add another to the mix and slowly enters them back into you again and continues to curl his fingers rhythmically once again. This time it was your eyes rolling to the back of your skull. He continues curling his fingers deliciously into that perfect spongy spot without remorse. Your pleasure continues to rise in such intensity that you can hardly care about the lude sound mix of moaning and squelching filling your room. Sounds that were quickly becoming like his own personal gospel. As your breathing quickens and your panting becomes more shallow, he moves to place his thumb over your clit again to draw firm, even-paced strokes over it again. The combination of the two is enough to send you over the edge. Breaking his rule, you close your eyes and tuck your chin to your chest, giving in as the waves cascading through your body, legs shaking, while your orgasm unleashes upon you.
You feel Eddie remove his fingers but continue to rub slow, concentrated circles over your clit as you come down. Once you recover, you turn your head to face him again and find him already smiling sweetly at you. "There's my girl," he softly whispers. A small giggle tumbles out from behind your lips as you turn to sit up to face Eddie. You can't help but reach up and place your hand on the side of his face to run your thumb across his cheek. You lean into him a press a sweet kiss to his lips. He hungrily accepts it, which causes you to slowly pull away and glance down to his lap in realization. Seeing the bulge straining against his jeans and you can't help but let your mouth water. You can smell his musk clearly now that you're sitting this close to him.
"You don't have to, you know. If that's all that happens tonight, I will still drift off to sleep a happy man," he says after following your gaze.
"What kind of host would I be if I didn't make sure you sleep comfortably?" you say with a smirk.
MASTERLIST for more :) thanks for reading
I do not consent to my work being copied onto other platforms, I do not have other fanfic platforms as of yet
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escolopendror · 9 months
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sup i still have no wifi but here's some matcha
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420jimmyuso · 7 months
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runomye · 1 year
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Bonus doodle
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