#if you know of anymore please share
thekittyokat · 1 month
you ever just have a lot, a LOT of feelings all at once about a character and not even remotely enough words or brainpower to FORM the words to describe everything you're feeling. so it feels like you may explode. yeah
#sorry i got really into my feelings about mark hoffman again#the very specific version of him in my brain that i really really wish i had the time and energy to properly share with you guys#saw#well until i muster the energy to explode all of my feelings out into a fic. if you want to TRY and understand#know that my three biggest hoffman fic insps right now are as follows#your best kept secret hoffman. a series of mistakes hoffman. and rushed like a dreadful wind hoffman.#there is a very clear throughline just know i am extremely emotionally compromised rn#thinking about theee fics vs the canon path hoffman spirals down#something something the absolute tragedy of watching a man's descent into madness#the transformation of a man into a monster#and what could have saved him from himself and kramer's corruption#sorry i'm rambling so much oh my god i was just having such a crying fit out of nowhere about this#do you think he could feel it happening. do you think he was aware he was losing his mind.#the script version of him fucks with me so bad. the crazed rankings and the longer hair and him not being well kept anymore#it's impossible to think he didn't know he was deteriorating#fuuuck okay i need to either chill or write a whole longfic rn#i project on that guy so much i truly don't know if i could properly write my vision of him#until i do something more substantial the full extent of my hoffman exists for me and my boyfriend only. they get me like no one else#well ginny and jenna also get me. please read best kept secret and a series of mistakes Oh My God#where am i going with this. i like tag rambling actually this is a nice way to do it without forcing EVERYONE to read my delirium#anyways if you've read all of this i think i love you? feel free to dm me about hoffman and my very specific headcanons and aus#maybe soon i'll try and start writing my fics about this tragic man#i could never say any of this on twitter btw they'd string me up for my opinions on him as a sad wet beast who could have been fixed#if only he hadn't been weaponized first#god i'm too tired to even be as embarrassed about this as i should be. thought i unlearned cringe already#but i've been spending way too much time on twitter and they HAAATE hoffman there#rip. i know it's not that serious but i'm sensitive rn and hate feeling lonely in my thoughts#ok bye for real otherwise i'll never shut up. i might tag ramble more often bc this was therapeutic in a way i needed badly#cat chat
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canisalbus · 7 months
I'm sure you get this a lot but because my cousin and I love that one Danny Trejo action comedy, I always have to snap my brain into the right position when I read Machete's name. Maybe I should draw them both chilling
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ne0ndraws · 11 days
post fanart old or new…yeah I can do that
most of this stuff is from 2021 but never saw the light of day bc I was so isolated at the time
happy birthday king <333 miss ya lots
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56 and actor mark?
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Moulded to suit I know the real me just convolutes
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Do you understand how extremely insane a coincidence it is that you landed on this song with this character. The reason I know 'A Deer Mistaking Candles for Headlights' is because of a Who Killed Markiplier animatic I saw in middle school. This song is in my top 100 this year because it got added to my markiplier playlist for nostalgia purposes. I literally lost my mind when I realized this song was at 56 after getting this ask yesterday.
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mishy-mashy · 2 months
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iholli · 2 months
ayyy would anybody be interested in $6 cleaned up sketches like these bc I'm getting desperate and panicked since no one in this town will hire me to do so much as wash dishes and I can't find jobs remotely and I'm running out of money to buy food,,,
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feral, furry, mecha, human, oc, canon character even, I can and will draw just about anything sfw I just really really need help
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eidolons-stuff · 10 months
I just wanted to thank everyone for all the support! I really appreciate that everyone has liked the Wenclair posts/story I created here
I just also wanted to let you know that the full version is on ao3 (https://archiveofourown.org/users/eidolons_stuff)
And that I am also in the process of writing another story (OCs & gay) so if you want snippets of that posted here let me know!! :D
Thank you. I love you all <3
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Hot Take (by virtue of the fact that nobody but me cares enough about this character to have a Take about this):
(also spoilers for the Arc of a Scythe series under the cut)
Sycthe Constantine should've been permanently blinded by the acid. There are 3 main reasons for this and one explanation of how it could work within the series:
This would fix an issue that the aoas series has as a whole, that being the ableist undertones. Listen I understand that they probably aren't really indicative of Shusterman's beliefs, he wanted to make a story where the key question is "what if humanity conquered death" and it's hard to make a world like that while still justifying physical disabilities existing, I get it. But blinding Constantine would mean a disabled character and really help make the series feel less ableist.
There's a precedent for it. It is already establised by this point that death by corrosive acid is irreversible, it wouldn't be a huge leap of logic to say that, like the brain, the eyeball is too complex to truly reconstruct or that the optic nerve retained some sort of permanent damage. In my opinion it wouldn't require any explanation. If you've already established that acid can have irreversible effects then you can extend that to eyeballs all you like.
Think of the DRAMA. The TRAGEDY. Imagine being the only person in the world who is disabled. I understand that Scythe Constantine isn't a main character, no matter how much I might want him to be, so maybe this is too much for what is barely a side character, but just picture the feelings of inadequacy, and the hardship and the lack of acceptance or even basic accommodations etc. etc. And with the training that Scythes undergo he would likely still be able to keep his position as a Scythe, he has the capacity to be like that guy Caine from John Wick 4, or to make a more popular reference Daredevil.
Now the problem here is whether Goddard would let a blind Scythe into his inner circle. This is debatable but I don't think it's implausible. Constantine being blind would give him an even more iconic look. Whatever eye coverings he would go for (I like when characters have bandages over their eyes but realistically he would probably just wear sunglasses), and the presence of a cane (or ideally a seeing-eye dog but this is personal preference again, I confess) compounded with the iconography of his robe colour and material would make him one of the most recognisable Scythes in the world. This would appeal to Goddard as it is stated in the first book in the series that he wants high visibility, which is why he chooses Junior Scythes that have specific racial leanings even when that is much more rare in this world and why he and his clique all add gems onto their robes. He likes for him and his pals to have a distinct, iconic appearance when compared to everyone else. And Constantine getting blinded would mean an even more distinct and iconic appearance that wouldn't necessarily cost his skill or respectability
Overall, I've thought about this character more than anybody else alive and also I didn't mention this in the main body of the post but the reveal that he hadn't been permanently blinded was so anti-climactic I mean come on.
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coffit0 · 9 months
Does anyone know if there's a way to use a previous version of Tumblr on movile orz I accidentally updated it and it's SO BAD
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lunar-fey · 16 days
i was tagged by @lidrens for this wip folder meme :3
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
i dont actually have a wip folder. my entire gdrive is my wips folder. but uhh anyway lets go:
half empty or half full, either way it's just 1/2
do you regret it yet? / you ever been in so much pain you invent praying? (side story to ^)
nightmare / you find yourself in a void
hard to be a good person (when you're hardly a person at all)
dragon's son
okay lets see. im not getting 6 but 3 of those are real wips so. @composeregg @playtwewy @odysseys-blood . im sure more of you people have wips. feel free to say i tagged you <3
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early-october-skies · 1 month
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Me when we don't speak anymore by bears in trees
#lizzierants#had a sudden unplanned job interview today. i wanted to cry the whole time but managed to keep it together and now the anxiety has suddenly#caught up to me and it feels BAD the sudden thought of that what if my friends just dont actually like me and they like me purely because#theyre worried for what would become of me if they stopped being friends with me when purely of course id be fine eventually but i worry#that cause im on antidepressants people just think im automatically suicidal when something bad goes wrong which is not the case im doing#good i dont want to die but what if all my friends hate me what if this whole time i have loved them so so much and they just tolerate me#someday my friends will die and i had that i hate that someday we wont be friends even if its decades in the future i love all of them with#my heart that sometimes i feel it is overfilling i love them i love them and what am i without them i am everything i have ever loved i am#overthinking however i cannot stop this what if my own best friend is avoiding me? why am i thinking this? what evidence do i have to back#this up? nothing only for the fact my own brain feels as though i love people too much and they are uncomfortable with it i feel awful wtf#i have learned to keep my emotions from people because i dont want them to worry. i dont want people to do something or not do something bec#ause they think it will upset me i want people do do as they please i want to be open for my friends to share their issues i want to help#and im sitting here wirrying if they hate me so i turn here to shout in the void because the only person i know irl who follows me on here#most likely doesnt read these tags and if you are please ingore this i misjudged your terrible attention span also i love you very much#anyway a few weeks ago i realised my worst fear is no longer death. but the death of my friendship with my beloved friend. and thats fucking#terrifying prospect however if they were to be like yo i dont like you anymore id respect that decision and id be okay because their happine#is the most important thing to me and thats okay but i couldnt bare with the fact that they feel like they had to be ffiends with me because#they have to. i hate the prospect of them feeling trapped in a friendship theh dont want to be in. all the while i feel i cannot communicate#this to anyone because how would i go about it im very anxious i am shaking i am having a bad time very bad time actually im going to start#crying but its okay <3 crying is good for stress and health and its been a while since ive cried so maybe this will help me feel better <3#i will heal and ill be okay <3
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certified-anakinfucker · 11 months
ok this is unprompted but if you pride yourself on being the reason people leave a space for something they genuinely love and have done no objective wrong - youre a piece of shit btw. like full send youre horrible.
#cheeri rants#this is brought on by me finally letting myself get back into smth i loved for like 5-6 years#and got squicked out of by senseless witch hunts and trans/misogyny and the like#im really sitting here remembering all the nights i stayed up with amazing friends#the shoulders i cried on and the hands i held for others#the people who stood with me through some of the toughest times i can remember#we all loved the same silly things#we all poured bits of ourselves into everything we created and we shared that with everyone#i still so vividly remember lamenting that id never get to see our interest irl#and someone i didnt even know all that well dm’d me a few days later asking if i had venmo or paypal#because they were going to give me $50 to buy a ticket. they wanted to go but couldnt#for some reason i cant remember but they gave me their own money and told me to please enjoy in their place#and you know what? i fucking cried that night. you dont see that anymore#the all-nighters i pulled with my best friend watching the live reruns of our interest before we even got into the fandom#doing my homework while we were on facetime together squealing#and all of this came to a screeching halt because of some . PEOPLE.#who figured we were having fun the wrong way because they didnt like it#and we put up all the flashing neon signs to warn people#warn them of smth they should have already known#and just because people ignored those signs it was taken out on us anyway#and i have never been so heartbroken to watch one by one as some of the brightest people i ever knew#started leaving. breaking down. their light was being stomped out because some assholes cant mind their own#and i will be fucking damned before i stand by and let that happen again. to anyone.
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spiriteddreams · 8 months
how are you. an adult. 20+ years old and still acting like this.
rambles in the tags bc i'm so upset i could cry in the living room rn i came home to eat lunch and i can't even do that
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leibi97 · 9 months
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yoohyeon · 1 year
OKAY ! Mutuals I’m making a tag ! The Korimi era had come to an end but she’s coming back for this !!!
Please use #korimilook! For your content you think I will like ! Mbs and edits will go on @/Eternalyoo too !
Only groups I stan tho cause I sadly won’t reblog if I don’t stan, I stan so many groups already 😭 Also I may forget it exist I apologize I have to learn about using a tag fksbjd but I will get around it at one point !
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