#if jaime has to deal with khaji's shit then she has to deal with his
rad-batson · 9 months
Jaime, diehard anime girlie: It’s time, Khaji!
Khaji Da: *sigh* Commencing Magical Girl Transformation *plays Sailor Moon - Moon Prism Power*
Jaime, suiting up: HELL YEAH :D
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wazzappp · 4 months
So you know your green lantern milagro au. What am I saying ofc you do it’s literally your au. I’m imagining like, Movie Milagro and Jaime here, for starters, just cause funzies. Anyways. I think it would be SO FUN if Milagro learns about the Reach and their whole deal while like, training or smth, and halfway through she’s like ‘Holy shit. That’s my BROTHER you’re talking about.’ And she has to deal with the knowledge that at any point her brother might just get possessed by galatic supercolonizers and start enslaving / murdering people. And she gets home and tries to explain it to jaime and he’s not having any of it (he and khaji are best buddies, duh, khaji would never do that but would they? he doesn’t know.) Oh and at some point it would be really fun and angsty if milagro has to actually fight jaime while he’s being possessed because what’s more fun than the crisis of ‘hurt my family to save the world or hurt the world to save my family’
I love the idea of her fighting possessed Jaime. Milagro has to try and convince the other green lanterns that NO its actually NOT really Khaji Da its those BITCH ASS MOTHERFUCKIN REACH BASTARDS. Milagro strikes me as the kind of person who would kill if she ever heard an 'I told you so' which, like. same honestly it makes me murderous. So stop being so 'green lanterny' and fight the reach mothership so she can focus on only mildly beating the shit out of her brother while also staying alive.
I think Milagro would have some difficulty listening to the lanterns AT ALL about this honestly. Girlboss is LOYAL loyal. I think she would need some reminding about exactly WHAT Khaji and Jaime are capable of together. Remembering that he was very very close to just straight up killing Carapax (should have turned that man into a blood fountain honestly. Jaime, puncture his jugular and watch that shit become the centerpiece of a fucking royal garden) might get her to go 'yeahhhhh. ok yeah I could kind of see it'. But I think for her to REALLY believe them she would have to see Jaime being particularly ruthless. Like if he was going after someone who came after their family. OHHHHHOHOHOHOHOHO PRIME SCARY BEEBLE HOURS FRFR. Don't get me wrong, Milagro would go after any motherfucker that threatens her family, its the fact that JAIME. Peacemaking, understanding, kind Jaime is ready to beat this guy into the ground, that troubles her (especially if its presented as evidence by the lanterns).
Honestly if you could convince her that her brother is mostly replaced I think you might even get her to work with other lanterns on some kind of capture mission. The council is like 'The scarab on earth must be eliminated' and Milagro finds herself in a position where she can say 'thats BS he's my brother I know him'. Then they can bring up all the violence he's been engaging in and she can propose that they should at least do a capture mission instead of like. an execution. She really is doing everything she can and staying loyal to her brother, but HES NOT GOING TO BE ABLE TO UNDERSTAND THAT. OHHHHHHH HEARTBREAK. OHHHH PAIN AND SUFFERING AND BETRAYALLLLL <3
I also have just. the CLEAREST fucking mental movie of them working together after getting the lanterns to just chill the fuck out a little bit to evacuate a planet. Jaime keeps trying to approach the people on this alien planet so he can direct them to evacuation ships but they just. Keep running away from him. Doesn't matter what he says doesn't matter what he does, they think he's going to kill them. Milagro flies in and the kid Jaime has been trying to convince to come with him runs behind Milagro and BEGS her to fight Jaime and "make the scary reach soldier go away". Idk where these ideas come from but I put them on repeat so often girl help the daydreams are becoming sentient.
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cookinguptales · 9 months
OH right, Blue Beetle!
I really enjoyed it! I've been a fan of Jaime Reyes for a long time and I honestly never believed he'd get his own movie. And?? Such a good one???
I worried going into it that he looked too cool in the trailers. Is that weird to say? I loved dorky baby teenager Jaime when I was a kid. He felt like One Of Us, y'know? And then I watched the trailers and I was like "hmmmmmm."
But even though he's a bit older in this movie and has his shit together a little more, he's still very much Jaime Reyes at heart. 💙 Love that weird little dork of a man that always means so well, even if he doesn't always know what to do. And I found myself rooting for him so hard!
The movie was overall just really charming and fun and occasionally emotionally devastating. A good mixture of action, character relationships, humor, and politics, imo. The characters were so endearing, and I'm really looking forward to seeing how things develop going forward.
A few more thoughts (with spoilers) beneath the cut.
I was actually a little surprised by how sad parts of the movie were, but it felt right, too. The heart of the movie really was the simultaneous power of familial love and horror of family separation. Family separation really seemed to affect all the characters in their own ways, whether that was due to corporate greed, politics, war, racism, or just good-old-fashioned horrific US policy.
Like... You come to realize that it really permeated every part of the movie. Alberto's devotion to his family, the years he put into bringing them all to Palmera City. The very real fear that going to the cops would invite an unfair immigration investigation into their household. Jenny losing her parents at such a young age, and the sharp divide between her and her aunt. Jaime's family loss as well. Carapax's truly fucked-up backstory. Hell, even divisions being sown between Victoria Kord and her brother when her father gave the company to Ted instead of the person who'd built it.
(Don't get me wrong, Victoria Kord was truly evil, child soldiers and all. I was not rooting for her. But lbr, that doesn't seem to be why her equally war-mongering father cut her out of the company. You have to wonder if she would have done quite so much damage in the end if she hadn't felt such a virulent need to prove herself and destroy her brother's pacifistic legacy. But! Who knows? She might have been even worse if she'd had all that power from the beginning.)
And, y'know, all of the characters deal with the horror of family separation in different ways. Carapax became weaponized by an imperialistic power that didn't give one shit about him. Victoria became embittered, violent, and downright brutal. And Jaime could have gone the same way, so furious over the loss of his own family that he gave into wanton destruction as well -- but Khaji Da didn't let him. (WAILING.) Instead, he managed to take the same route as Jenny: transmuting his rage into a need for justice, into a passion for making the world better so no one else would lose their loved ones the same way.
Y'all, I was in there crying at a superhero movie!!! IT'S FINE, I'm FINE.
I heard that the creator of the movie hadn't actually initially intended for Alberto to die (which I understand, tbh) but I did think it was really beautiful the way it was incorporated into the movie. Bringing Mexican culture to the foreground yet again in its discussions about and attitudes toward death. God, those candles were beautiful. ;;
I mean -- as someone who literally dropped all of my DC subs the day they "fixed" Oracle and never gave DC another cent until this movie came out, I really am passionate about the need for diverse heroes. Part of the reason I felt like I was getting emotional in that theater was because I remembered how much Oracle meant to me as a young disabled teen who couldn't make sense of her trauma or her disability or her inherent power. I remember how much losing the only positive role model I had devastated me.
And like... I want kids with the same background as Jaime to see themselves in him. I want them to be able to feel the way I felt back then. Honestly, that was a lot of why I finally broke my boycott. I think characters like Jaime, while brilliant in their own right, are also important, and I want to support them.
So when I realized how raucously, joyously, passionately this movie was gonna depict Latino culture and its own diversity within the US, I was thrilled! And I cried lmao.
(What can I say, I've been kind of weepy lately lmao.)
But yeah, honestly I cheered in the theater when Khaji Da switched to Spanish. I was like YEAH GIRL.
Other times I was actively fangirling in the theater:
Nana Reyes gunning down imperialists
Ted Kord reveal(s)!!!
"Batman's a fascist. Blue Beetle knew how to have fun." :')
Khaji Da stopping Jaime from killing that man
Milagro and Rudy having no such compunctions
Dr. "Sanchez" standing up for himself and his name reveal (which is a very fun easter egg for WWDITS fans, lmao. I wasn't expecting it and I had to stifle a little shout of laughter.)
Honestly, as a former DC fan I really loved how much thought and care was put into incorporating the really messy canonical history of the Scarab. Obviously they deviated from existing canon, but in ways that I thought were really fun and interesting. I'm excited to see what happens with the Kords going forward, y'know? I hope that Jenny, too, isn't cut out of her own family legacy. I'd never want to separate Khaji Da and Jaime, obviously, but there has to be something for that woman to do to follow in her father's (secret) footsteps.
I realize that this review is kind of all over the place (like my mind the past few days), but I really, really enjoyed it. I was feeling pretty out of sorts the day I saw it and it really raised my spirits a lot. It turns out that after all these years, I still really love Jaime Reyes! And I love his family! And I love Jenny, too!
even dr. de la cruz a little bit, even if he sure did take his sweet time to find a backbone
The movie was just super fun (as well as unexpectedly thought-provoking) and I really enjoyed it!
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linzerj · 7 years
Responding to old tags
Y’all i have a lot of tags to respond to and I’m getting it all done here so:
Tagged by @puddingmcmuffin and @lilbluestem
Rules: Answer the 20 questions below and tag 20 people you want to get to know better.
nicknames: Linz
zodiac sign: Leo
height: 5′10″
orientation: asexual (???)
favorite fruit: plums or apples or grapes
favorite season: Fall
favorite book: Shit man don’t make me choose uuuuhhhhhh I’m really liking the Mortal Instruments books so far (and can’t wait to catch up on the show)
favorite flower: idk uh violets
favorite scent: COOKIES
favorite color: Green
favorite animal: DONT MAKE ME CHOOSE uhhhhh UUUUUHHHHHH stingrays
coffee | tea | hot cocoa: If i had to choose, hot cocoa, but I don’t really like any of these, i just want a glass of milk
average sleep hours: pffffft idk it depends on the night but probably around 7
cat or dog person: doggos
favorite fictional character: Blue Beetle, Korra, Pidge, Mabel Pines, Sokka, Toph.... shit man I like too many I can’t choose
number of blankets you sleep with: i’m assuming this doesn’t include sheets? usually just 1, unless i’m cold then i’ll grab a second
dream trip: Yellowstone national park would be awesome to see
blog created: pfffft i dont remember sometime in 2015 when i got real hype about gravity falls
number of followers: 299!!! (WHO ARE ALL YOU PEOPLE?? I’M SO CLOSE TO 300 AAAAH)
random fact: my pup is 11 but still acts like she’s 2
Tagged by @fire-fira
Answer these 11 questions then create 11 questions for those tagged to answer (I’m not actually tagging anyone back I’m sorry)
1. What’s your favorite drink? Water? or orange juice
2. (I’m borrowing this question from @wondrgirl just because it’s such a good one.) If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change? a lot but idk i guess I would fix the climate and restore endangered animals??
3. Who is one character that you like that you never expected to like in the first place? BLUE BEETLE oh my gosh when I first saw him in YJ i was like ‘this kid is weird’ and then after Salvaged I was like “I LOVE THIS KID AND NEED MORE”
4. What’s the weirdest AU you can think of for that character off the top of your head right this moment? An AU for my own character Liz where she’s actually chosen to be the next Grim Reaper. It’s weird because she’s pretty chill and positive and her ghost obsession is to save lives so her being the Grim Reaper makes no sense but it’s an AU that exists within my head
5. What’s one random fact that immediately comes to mind? Male platypuses (platypi?) have poisonous barbs on their feet (so why did Perry the Platypus never use these to his advantage when fighting Dr. Doofenshmirtz?)
6. Do you have a favorite word in your first language? What is it? What about a word from another language? Dude idk my favorite English word is probably “fuck” because it can convey lots of different meanings depending on context. In another language? Idk I like “mariposa” which is Spanish for butterfly
7. What food do you wish didn’t exist? meatloaf
8. If you could get a college degree in anything (and I do mean anything– tumblr, superheroes, fictional aliens, ANYTHING) what would it be? UGYREIJWOFGHU dude i dunno a degree in Dinosaur Movie Science or some shit
9. What’s the most recent song you’ve had stuck in your head? Little Lion Man by Mumford and Sons
10. Do you have the sort of family you’d want to introduce your friends to, or would you prefer to spare your friends ever having to meet them? I mean I guess? I’ve introduced most of my real friends, if not all of them, to my family already and they’re pretty chill so it’s no big deal
11. Has there ever been a character who you wish was part of your family if they were real? Which character? Shit dude idk, the Pines family maybe or Jaime Reyes or something
Tagged by @fire-fira again
name: Linz
height: 5′10″
hogwarts house: shiiiiit I’m one of those who could be in Ravenclaw, except I feel like I’d almost fit better in Hufflepuff, and idk which one i want, so I just call myself a Ravenpuff
go to SSBB character: I don’t play often, but when I do, I’m either Kirby or Yoshi or occasionally Pikachu
fictional character i’d date: Uh… Cassandra Cain/Black Bat? I’m kind of drawing a blank for the most part.
favorite band or artist: i don’t really have a favorite?
when did i make this blog: whenever the Gravity falls episode “Not What He Seems” aired, so March 2015
how many blogs do i follow: 157
what do i post about: A LARGE variety of fandoms that i dont feel like listing atm sorry fam
do i get asks on a regular basis: Nope 
aesthetic: shit dude idk nature and the sky and forests and stuff???
(Okay Fira tagged me with 2 other suuuuper long posts (one’s 92 questions the other is 82 holy shit dude, i’ll do those later)
Tagged by @thearmada4231
Rules: Tag 10 followers you wanna get to know better! (I’m sorry I’m not tagging anyone, EVERYONE consider themselves tagged)
birthday: August 21 height: 5′10 time right now: 10:54pm ... i gotta pack and move up to college tomorrow fuck last thing i googled: ssbb because i had no idea what that stood for haha favourite fictional character: tooooo many but uh, Bolin, Korra, Toph, Sokka, Katara, Suki, Zuko, Aang, Asami, Jaime Reyes, Bart Allen, Khaji Da, Conner Kent, Dick Grayson, Damien Wayne, Starfire, Minerva McGonagall, Fred and George Weasley, Simon from Shadowhunters, Magnus Bane, lots more too shit favourite famous person: ??? idk favourite book: again don’t make me choose...what did i say earlier? Well now its Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold favourite band: um idk Imagine Dragons, Sleeping at Last, Mumford and Sons, Pink Floyd, a shit ton more song stuck in your head right now: Little Lion Man by Mumford and Sons last movie i saw: In theatres, Spider-Man: Homecoming. At home, Doctor Strange last show i watched: i don’t even know, i think it was a Gravity Falls rerun? or maybe Seinfeld dream job: ????????????????????????? what is your fanfic author name: Linzerj if you could be anywhere right now where would it be?: somewhere without bugs, like outer space
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wazzappp · 4 months
I saw a little more of the Milagro Green Lantern AU and that kinda got me thinking: so GL rogues, right? Some of them are easy to deal with, most of them not so much and she fights Doctor Polaris as much as her brother does. But eventually the one who does get under her skin the most is Cyborg Superman. He’s a deranged scientist hellbent on revenge and genocide and he’d find out about Jaime and his Reach tech. And the thing with Henshaw, he’s a technopath. So just imagine all the shit Milagro would go through when Jaime and Khaji get re written into instruments of selfish war and death while everyone else she loves is held at gunpoint. Ohhhhhhh the angst caused by one malevolent piece of shit.
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Oh Milagro would throw that man into the DIRT as HARD AS PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE. Get ready for the overcharged rage of an older sister who has HAD ENOUGH ALREADY of her brother getting mind controlled and forced to fight her. Idk if Millagro could kill Cyborg Superman cause I'm not all that familiar with him. But holy shit you can bet your ass she would TRY.
God Jaime is just getting thrown against the wall so much here lmfaooooo. I feel like because Khaji is a symbiote and is partially machine and partially organic (KHAJI HAS DNA FOR THE FUCKING WINNNNNN) they would eventually be able to develop some kind of defense against the kind of technopathy Henshaw would use. Im not saying that Henshaw wouldn't have a lil bit of WIGGLE ROOM where he could still puppet them around though 👀
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