#if it’s just meant as a throwaway gag it could’ve been a one flew over the cuckoo’s nest musical
sleepdepravity · 9 months
I feel obligated to tell you that I've been reading Astro City and one character makes a reference to a fictional Inherit the Wind musical and it immediately reminded me of your forays into musical history
Ehehe, glad to be The Musical Person for you. But huh, is there a particular reason they chose “inherit the wind” I wonder? It seems like an odd thing to make up, in terms of. Well, okay, I don’t know how deep a cut inherit the wind is, but it seems weirdly specific. If they wanted to reference like a musical that has to do with courtrooms, then I guess there’s not a lot to choose from…Legally Blonde does, of course, and so does Wind in the Willow, Something Rotten…I think Pippin has one, maybe? And the toy trial in Mary Poppins probably counts. But I guess all of those are all very much not serious. Do you think it’s like a throwaway gag, as in the idea of a musical adaptation of such a source material is the joke? Or is it something that somehow relates the themes of the comic, or both?
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