#if i've seemed more unstable than normal lately this is probably why
forcefeminem · 11 months
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comicaurora · 1 year
As a queer writer, do think the clusterfuck that is that Velma show on HBO will negatively impact the chances of better shows with representation of ever seeing the light of day or being targeted by reactionaries?
Also what do you think about the representation we have in today's media?
I've been think too much about it lately.
I doubt it. Velma sounds like a tire fire, but my guess is the takeaway is gonna be less "this is why we don't let minorities have nice things" and more "this is why we don't fuck with the Scooby Doo formula." Besides, it seems to me like the landscape of TV production is on extremely unstable ground right now for production-side reasons, since WB decided to openly admit to cancelling shows for no reason other than a tax write-off for the higher-ups. That scared the hell out of a lot of creators and wildly pissed off a lot of audiences. Plus streaming is becoming more and more user-unfriendly, driving a return to the Old Ways of internet piracy - now in many cases with the explicit encouragement of the artists behind those stories who are just as screwed by their networks as their audiences are. In short, the "oh but diversity doesn't sell well" argument is probably a much less effective angle now when stacked against "and un-personing entire franchises for a tax break DOES??"
Overall I feel surprisingly good about "representation in media," even if I think calling it that automatically skews the conversation to the defensive. It's just admitting that more than one type of person exists, which is - you know - the sane thing to do. The more normalized that becomes in the real world, the easier it is to do in media - and it's gotten a lot more normalized very quickly. In my early middle school days, "gay" was just a schoolyard insult the teachers encouraged us to replace with "stupid." The world has come a very long way in the last two decades, and it's gotten to the point where it's generally seen as dumb and reactionary to pitch a shitfit about people existing. There's obviously more that could be done, but the wideness and diversity of the world only gets easier to accept the more of it you see and understand.
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brynns-world · 1 year
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【chapter six】
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・𝓛𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓝𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓣𝓪𝓵𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰?⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
Filler chapter!
Normally filler chapters that doesn't make the story advance that much, but advance on character development, will be filled with random facts. Like recipes, interesting facts, etc.
Second day living with Toriel
The activities done throughout the day were pretty much the same as yesterday's. However, Toriel started with your learning curriculum. Today you learned about monster history, mostly about how they discovered the little magic they possess and how to make it useful.
Still, the lack of movement and intense emotions made you have difficulties with sleeping once again. Which brought your current situation.
"So how did you fall here?"
Chara is laying on your bed right next to you, trying to start a conversation to lull you to sleep. Since your stay is going to be longer than what you originally thought when arriving at The Underground, you might as well get to know your companion.
"Well, as you know I came to the forest for supplies. After following the Cat to the mushrooms, I noticed that the little animal disappeared. I tried going back the way I came from but ended up even more lost. I decided to climb the mountain to try and see which way to go"
Chara gave you a nod to signal that their attention was completely on you. Remembering how airheaded you were during all that situation really makes you feel embarrassed. Afterall, you wouldn't be here if you were paying attention when exploring a new place.
"There was this birch tree in the middle of the cave and I began walking towards it. I didn't notice the unstable ground until it was too late."
"From what I've seen, you were probably too concentrated on admiring the cave."
Chuckling awkwardly, you avoided their eyes. Even someone who has only known you for three days has already seen your weak point.
"That habit of yours will only drag you in even more near-death situations."
"Can you blame me though?"
The gentle look in your eyes made them process your words in their brain deeper than everything you've said. They just can't wrap their head on what is so breathtaking about a bunch of greenery hanging everywhere. It seems to be what you enjoy the most, but they don't see anything more special about it.
"I believe that everything is worth admiring because it was created that way for a reason, just like art. The same can be said about people. Waiting their whole lives to be appreciated. Well I'm here to put a stop to their waiting."
Third day living with Toriel
"I've been meaning to ask you."
These little talks to fall asleep started to become a routine, making Chara and you start to get used to being around each other and talk more.
"Why don't you ever take off your ring?"
Looking down at your left hand, you analyzed your silver ring that wrapped nicely around your finger. Since your arrival, you haven't taken it off at all which just seems so weird for Chara.
"It's important to me."
It is true that you both are getting along, but that doesn't mean that there is a strong bond of trust. Hesitantly, Chara decides to ask what's in their mind, hoping, praying that it isn't anything too personal.
"Why is it important?"
You aren't looking at them, but instead staring intensely at the ring, seeming lost in thought. They were getting ready to ask something else to change the subject when your voice interrupted them.
"My mother gave it to me before moving to the bigger town. I guess it's special to me because the only one that always gave me gifts was my dad."
That answer was certainly not what they were expecting. There's a small tension whenever your mother was included in some conversations, they have noted. But it was the first time you mentioned your dad so now they know it was safe to ask about that.
"What kind of gifts did he give you?"
"Anything I could ask for."
Damn, you don't look like the type of person to have everything given easily. The way you talk and the town you were born in make it seem like you come from a somewhat poor family.
"I used to think it was awesome when I was a child. Then when I was around 8, I realized that all the gifts were his way of making up for his absence in my life."
Now Chara feels bad. They just stepped in personal ground which is exactly what they wanted to avoid. Even if they thought the atmosphere was going to become tense, you continued to talk calmly.
"I stopped asking for gifts...or anything that I needed for that matter. I thought that maybe that way he wouldn't have to work too much and he could spend time with me."
"Did that work?"
"No. He was so determined to give everything in the world to me that he didn't realize all I wanted was 5 minutes of his attention."
Even if the topic was sad, there is a serene feeling between the two of you. Almost as if it was relieving to be talking about this.
How long have you waited to discuss this with someone?
Fourth day living with Toriel.
Today something different happened. Right after your Literature lesson, Toriel informed you about her heading out because she needed to run some errands, leaving you in the house with Chara. After an hour she called saying how something came up and she would be taking a little longer to come back.
Two and a half hours left for dinner time and Toriel hasn't come back. Being bored out of your mind, you trotted to the kitchen with a curious ghost following right behind you.
Chara watched as you opened cabinets and took ingredients from some of them. After you finish laying out the ingredients on the counter, they watch as you struggle to separate two pots that are stuck together.
"What are you planning to make?"
"It's a surprise. Could you go get my bag, please?"
They nodded silently and went to complete the task given. Once finding said item near the bed, they took it and started walking to the kitchen. On their way back they hear a 'WOO', snickering a bit they guess you were able to seperate the pots.
Entering the kitchen they see that the pots you were fighting with your life to separate were placed on the stove. Along with taking note of the glass baking dish added in your cooking items. Noticing their return you ask them to give the item, taking out your phone you toss the bag in a chair.
Chara doesn't know a lot about the black device, only that it's extremely important to you and it helps with your daily life according to what you said. Unlocking your phone, you go to the music that you definitely didn't download from a Youtube to mp3 website. Clicking on shuffle, the sudden noise startles Chara who started looking at your unlocked phone curiously.
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Girls - Girl in Red
Noticing their intense staring you smiled a little. Passing the phone to them, they slowly take it. Looking at you, not sure about what to do, they wait for you to speak.
"You are on music duty. When this song is finished you can go back and pick a song you would like to hear."
Demonstrating how to go back and opening the playlist that has all your songs as you speak. You go to wash your hands as Chara goes through the songs to see which title catches their interest, touching the phone so delicately as if it's fine china.
Bumping your head from side to side at the music you basically dance across the kitchen preparing whatever surprise you are cooking. Chara was sitting on one of the chairs at the table. Glancing at you from time to time when you passed close to the doorway.
The ghost was actually impressed about your ability in the kitchen. It seems like you are clumsy from time to time because you get distracted as usual. However, it was still amazing how your movements seem so smooth when chopping something and how you go from one side to the other while dancing along to the melodies.
After two hours of peacefulness, and you constantly kicking Chara out of the kitchen, the timer made a beeping sound. Soon after a delicious smell filled the house. How desperately they want to see, but after the fifteenth time they went into the kitchen you threaten to take away their phone privileges.
"Okay you can come in, Chara!"
They hurriedly paused the music and basically teleported to your side. There it was. In all its glory. After two hours, right in front of them laid a perfect lasagna. It's so beautiful it can make them shed a tear.
You took a knife from one of the cabinets and started cutting it. Placing two plates on the counter, they stared at you confusedly. Toriel hasn't called so she will probably take longer, why are you serving two portions?
Carrying the plates towards the dinner table, they sat on one of the chairs and you gave one plate to them. While you went to get two glasses of water, they guessed that maybe you didn't want to feel alone while eating.
Once seated on the chair at their left, you gave them an expectant look. Raising a brow they only stared right back.
"I want you to taste it first."
"I can't. I'm a ghost, remember?"
"Well, you are able to touch stuff like my phone. Have you ever tried to eat?"
That was a good question. Why are they able to touch your stuff? They never tried eating anything since they guessed ghosts can't eat because they are dead.
Hesitantly they took the fork and put a small piece on their mouth. God is amazing!
Without bothering to put more thought into the matter they basically absorb their food.
After eating, you immediately fell asleep.
You slept for almost 16 hours.
Fifth day living with Toriel
As soon as you woke up, you were greeted with the worried face of Toriel who was sitting in a chair next to your bed. Chara approached you when they heard Toriel starting to ask questions. She informed you that when she came back at around 20:30 you were already asleep and that right now was about to be noon.
The day was slower than usual because Toriel was worried that you were sick even if you insisted on being fine. The topic you worked on today was art, something easy.
Because of how much you slept and the slowness of the day, you were obviously not able to sleep at night. Chara did as always and laid themselves on the bed with you. Staring at the ceiling, the two of you thought of something to talk about.
"Favorite flower and why."
You took the initiative to start the conversation, even if your voice came out more stoic than planned. Chara started to think before coming to the conclusion of their favorite flower.
"Buttercups. They are so pretty and innocent-looking but are actually really poisonous. It feels like a lesson for life."
"Huh. Now that I think about it...that's actually really deep and interesting."
Taking in their words, it actually makes sense. Most of the time the innocent-looking people take advantage of the image they show towards the world to cause real torture to others. People who look 'dangerous' can end up being actual sweethearts.
"What about you?"
"Lily of the valley. They symbolize 'return to happiness' as well as humility. Those meanings just...resonate too deep with me."
"Any reason in particular?"
"Still trying to figure that out."
Chara turned their eyes from the ceiling to you. They have a small theory as to why it connects with you, but won't comment on it because it could be a little demanding. Deciding to not let the conversation die that quickly they threw a question that could surely get you more talkative.
"Do you know the meanings of all flowers?"
"Not all of them, but I do have a vast knowledge about the subject. I actually have a book about the language of flowers, we can read it if you are interested."
They agreed with your suggestion and watched as you crawled to the feet of the bed to retrieve your bag. Pulling out a book that they have never seen before on your bag catched them off guard. When you went to lay next to them, they also noticed a small star in your hand that they have also never seen before.
You pulled the covers over your head and Chara followed your lead. Suddenly the little star in your hand lit up in a nice orange light, it was a small lamp. You took out your phone and they watched as you clicked 'play'. Offering them a small thing, they watched as you put it in your ear so they did the same, music instantly filling their senses.
Finally opening the book the two of you started reading. Chara's mutters were audible as you read in your mind, guess they can't concentrate if they don't read out loud. That explains a lot.
Spending the night reading together in peace, you didn't notice that it was morning already until you heard Toriel's door open.
Sixth day living with Toriel
Even if you stay up all night, you are still filled with energy. Today Toriel and you worked in her small garden. It was filled mostly with edible plants, there weren't many vegetables left to harvest. You guess it's because it's October explaining why she went to run errands the other day.
The garden is small and she tried to plant everything in a small part where sunlight is barely able to sneak in, thus forcing you to be more careful so you don't step on anything. After a while there are still a lot of tasks to be done not only with the bad or dry leaves, but also with the recently germinated tomato plants.
Even if she left to prepare lunch, you insisted on continuing with the work to take care of the new babies. Being alone for a while you give your phone to Chara so they put on some music to fill the silence.
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Strawberry Blond - Mitski
Chara was seated on the dirt next to where you are kneeling, just observing the care you are giving the tomato plants. You are so concentrated on the plants that it is almost shocking to them. Hearing you talking softly to them was also entertaining, acting as if you are a doctor and those are your patients.
Apparently, like they deduced before, you are an expert on anything that has to do with nature. Chara is happily listening to the gardening lessons you are giving them. They already know a thing or two but learning more from you is a nice way to spend the day.
"We have to get rid of the side shoots that grow laterally between the stem and the base of the leaf because they are infertile side shoots that will drain a lot of energy from our plant."
Gently you plucked said side shoots from the plants. They noticed that when one of those were way too big you would use the pruning scissors.
"The tomato plant puts energy into the side shoots that it could otherwise put into its fruits. In addition, these side shoots can become very heavy and a tomato plant can break off."
Once there weren't any more side shoots they watched as your attention adverts to the leaves at the bottom of the main stem. Taking your scissors you started cutting some leaves and tossing them in the compost bag where you also threw the side shoots.
"You should always cut off the lower leaves that can easily come in contact with the soil and cause fungal diseases."
They nodded along to demonstrate their attention was completely on you. Finally you cast your attention at the flowers the tomato plant is starting to grow.
"When the flowers start to appear you have to tickle them to help with fertilization! Well you can also just gently shake the plant from the top to cause that effect, but it sounds funnier to tickle them in my opinion."
Chuckling they watch as you gently move your fingers near the end petals of the purple flowers. Guess that's what you mean by tickling the flowers.
"And when will the fruit start appearing?"
"Smaller types of tomatoes take 25 to 30 days to be ready, while large tomatoes take 45 to 60 days. The flowers are where the fruit will grow from, that's why it's important to tickle them!"
Seventh day living with Toriel
Today is baking day!
Toriel was a little nervous about allowing you alone in the kitchen when you mentioned at breakfast that you wanted to bake her a surprise. So the both of you came to the agreement that you'll bake together this time just so she can see that you are capable of doing it alone.
And the recipe of the day is...!
Cinnamon rolls!
It's something simple because you want to save your special recipes for later on as a surprise for her. You went around collecting the ingredients as she read the recipe you pointed at in a page in one of your journals. Roll the list of ingredients!
Sweet yeast dough
- ½ cup whole milk (114g)
- ¾ tsp active dry yeast (3g)
- 2 ¼ cups all-purpose flour (293g)
- 3 tbsp granulated sugar (38g)
- ¾ tsp kosher salt (3g)
- 5 tbsp unsalted butter (71g), chilled & cut into 1 inch pieces
- 1 whole large egg + 1 yolk, room temperature.
Cinnamon sugar filling
- ½ cup dark brown sugar
- 1 tbsp cinnamon powder
- 1 ½ tbsp unsalted butter, melted & cool
- ½ cup heavy cream, to pour over rolls before baking
Cream cheese filling
- 8 oz cream cheese, softened
- 1 stick (½ cup) unsalted butter, softened
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- pinch of salt
- 2 cups + 2 tbsp powdered sugar
You started with heating up the milk in a pot, it doesn't have to be burning hot though, and added it to the yeast leaving it to rest until the mixture gets foamy. Meanwhile, Toriel started to mix the flour, sugar, salt and butter in a bowl. After five minutes Toriel made a well in the center of the flour mix and you poured in the yeast mixture, followed by eggs.
The mixing was divided between the two of you because it was a little tiring to be mixing with your whole strength. However, after about 15 to 20 minutes the dough started to cleanly pull away from the sides of the bowl and the sticky texture went away, signaling that it's ready.
Sprinkling flour on the counter, you gathered the dough into a ball and lightly floured it all over. Then placed the dough inside a medium bowl, covering it with a towel and left it to expand at room temperature. The expansion needed to be about 50% in size which took about 60 to 90 minutes. Once it lightly touches the towel, you put the dough on the fridge, letting it chill for at least 4 hours.
During the whole waiting procedure, Toriel went along with your teaching schedule. Mostly just talked about more monster history. However, she seems to avoid the topic about the human and monster war. Not like you need to learn it, you already read every book about it.
Once the four hours went by and you already ate lunch, you took out the dough from the fridge and left it to sit at room temperature for 5 to 10 minutes. While that was resting you started mixing the brown sugar and cinnamon, then added the melted butter and seated aside to cool.
Toriel decided that this part wasn't that hard so she only preheated the oven to 350 F as she supervised what you did. You divided the dough into 6 pieces on the lightly floured counter. Rolling out each of the 6 pieces into rectangles, you brushed some cooled and melted butter on the dough before scattering about 2 tbsp of the cinnamon filling. Then you rolled them from the long side up.
Placing all the cinnamon rolls on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, you let them sit at room temperature for about 1 hour while waiting for the oven to be ready. Once ready, you pour about 1 ½ tbsp of heavy cream on top of each roll and finally put them in the oven with a nervous wreck of a goat watching.
After 20 to 25 minutes they were ready. While letting them cool off you started making the cream cheese frosting, at this point Toriel was boiling some tea for the treat.
Combining cream cheese, butter, vanilla extract and a pinch of salt until it was light and fluffy. Once smooth, sift in powdered sugar and mix until well combined. Finally, the last step, top the cool off cinnamon rolls with the cream cheese frosting.
Once done and passing two plates with cinnamon rolls on top to the table, you immediately collapsed in one of the chairs. Toriel didn't see this as she was pouring the tea on some cups.
This dinner was definitely delicious, and once you said goodnight Toriel went to her own room. You later sneaked out to give a portion to Chara who ate happily as exhaustion overtook you.
Let's just say Toriel was very worried in the morning.
If you're feelin' down
I just wanna make you happier, baby
Wish I was around
I just wanna make you happier, baby
We've been doin' all this late night talkin'
'Bout anythin' you want until the mornin'
Now you're in my life
I can't get you off my mind
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The Storm
Summary: You work with Jack Crawford and Alana is your cousin, both of you live together for a long time. She gets caught up with a flat tire far away and asks you to let Will in, for he's expecting her. A storm is coming, and she keeps taking longer and longer to show up. Will the universe conspire in your favor?
Pairing: Will Graham x reader
Warnings: swearing, insinuation of smut, fluff.
Word count: 4.328
A/n: I'm starting to consider changing this tumblr for a Hannibal one, mostly Will Graham, so some requests from other fandoms would be nice haha hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing ♥️
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*not my gif
There wasn't a thing such as a boring day at the BAU. 
At least not when you're part of Jack Crawford's crew. There was always an interesting case to focus on, a disfigured body to study the reason of death, it was always a thrilling hunt for evidence. The best experience I've ever had so far in my career, and I could only thank my cousin Alana for putting me on the Guru's radar. I was a great crime scene investigator, albeit a little younger than people gave me credit for. I taught people not to underestimate me over the years, though. I got here by my own effort, being a tenacious, hard-working woman who wouldn't get a no for an answer. 
I got along well with my crewmates, Beverly Katz, Brian Zeller and Jimmy Price, though our relationship hardly extended for life outside work. Except for Beverly, we went out for a couple of beers sometimes, she was fun, witty and I really liked our conversations. Jack was the big boss, and that was it. I had a lot of respect for him, and I knew he didn't regret bringing me to his team, I could see it in his eyes in the first case I've got. I was very cunning when I shared my insights about the cases, sometimes I saw things no one else could, no one but…
Of course, I was far, far away from being a Will Graham. But ever since I was younger, I've had this sort of intuition that helped me to solve problems, I would solve riddles easily and when people asked me how I got to the answer, I wouldn't know the steps, I just knew deep in my bones I was right. That happened a lot when I was growing up and was even stronger now that I knew how to use it. It was some artifice of my inconscient, something I could always count on. It included everything in my life, math, logical thinking, riddles. My brain picked things I couldn't perceive clearly, bringing them to the clear waters of my conscience. 
Will Graham was a curious man. He intrigued me from the very first moment I saw him at the house of one of the last victims of The Minnesota Shrike, Garret Jacob Hobbs, now dead. He was practically hiding in a corner, his eyes closed behind the lens of his glasses, dark wavy hair, jawline for days. He seemed highly focused until Beverly started to talk to him, pulling him out of his daze. He could barely look at her, or at me, and although he looked socially awkward and troubled, he still managed to look like a daydream. I studied every inch of his face, lowering my gaze when he seemed to get uncomfortable, after smiling lightly. I was a bit shy myself. I lived with Alana and, when I got home that night, I absentmindedly asked her about that curious handsome man who seemed to be out of place, yet so connected to that scene. She started to talk about him, but stopped once she noticed my interest. Then, she told me he was a very unstable person, that she wouldn't even be alone in the room with him because of her professional curiosity. As time passed and he solved more and more cases, I could see how people looked at him like an attraction of the zoo. However, not me, and later, not Beverly. Brian didn't seem to like him very much, I could see. Envy, perhaps? Nevertheless, the more I saw Will, the more intrigued I got. He avoided eye contact like the plague, but as I was always friendly and tried my best to treat him like a normal person, not focusing only on work, dead bodies and serial killers, I saw more of those beautiful blue eyes. He knew I was Alana's cousin, and I sooner realized he had a fling for her. 
And boy, did that break my silly little heart. I wasn't surprised, though. Who could blame him? Alana was amazing. I never felt resentful for that, but as time passed, I started to detach from the idea of Will being somewhat more than a simple acquaintance. That afternoon, I was going home from work when I got a call from Alana.
"Speak fast, I'm driving." I said, keeping one hand on the wheel and the other holding my phone.
"You're going home? Great. I invited Will so we could talk about a profile I'm building, but I got caught up here. I already spoke to him, he's almost there, can you let him in? He said he'll wait, and I'll be home in about fifty minutes, no more than that, hopefully." She said in a hurry, and I felt my cheeks burn a little. Will and me? Home alone? 
"I…" I hesitated, chewing my bottom lip nervously. "You won't be long, right? Heard on the radio there’s a storm for later."
"I won't, promise. Just let him in, he's already aware I'll take a little longer to be there. See you soon. Thanks, Y/n!" She hung up, not leaving me any time to answer. I put the phone down, still chewing on my bottom lip. I could feel excitement rising on my stomach, making me feel slightly nauseated, and noticed my hands starting to sweat.
Please. That was ridiculous. What was I, a teenager? I was a grown-up, well-succeeded woman, for God's sake. I rubbed my hands on my jeans, driving a little faster than I usually did almost unconsciously. I got home after twenty minutes, parking outside the pretty house. Will was already there, leaning against his car, so lost in his thoughts he barely noticed I'd arrived. I looked at my reflection at the mirror hurriedly, fixing my hair, pinching my cheeks to look less pale, brushing my eyebrows with my fingers to make them look neat. I wasn't even wearing any lipstick today. It had been a long day at work. 
I opened the car door, exiting the vehicle, the noise from shutting the door finally bringing him out of his daze, and he finally seemed to notice me. He smiled lightly, lowering his eyes. He had his glasses on, but as soon as he saw me, he took them off, hanging them on his shirt.
"Hey, Will. I hope I haven't kept you waiting too long. There was a little bit of traffic." I justified, walking to the porch and waiting for him to follow me. 
"Y/n. Not at all, I just got here. Alana explained what happened, thanks for coming to let me in. Hope I didn't ruin any appointment you may have had." He waited until I unlocked the door, and we finally were engulfed with the warm air of the heater.
"Nope, I was coming home, no appointments lost. Please, come in. I'm not sure you've ever been here before, but make yourself home." I hung my trench coat, sighing with the pleasure of being home. I loved the atmosphere of that place. "Can I get you anything? Water, soda, beer…"
"Thank you. I'm fine. And no, I haven't been here before." I held back the temptation of saying "good", biting my bottom lip as I watched him sit on the couch. I just stood there for a while, not sure of what to do next. 
He frowned a little, probably thinking why I was acting so weird, and that made me nervous, because it was just an easy step to realize my silly crush on him. Did he know? What if Alana said something? Said something? For fuck's sake, he was Will Graham, he could probably see that written across my stupid face! Shit, he knows. I'm making a fool of myself. Why do I even…
"Is everything okay?" His voice startled me a little, pulling me out of my neurotic breakdown, and I wondered how my facial expressions looked. Was I blinking only one eye like the stereotyped madness of cartoons? I certainly didn't look normal. I cleared my throat, laughing lightly.
"Yeah. Yeah, I guess I'm not really used to having people over anymore. I've been working a lot lately. People are dying like flies." I sat on the armchair in front of him, sighing. 
"What we do can be overwhelming sometimes. What we see every day. It just… stains you." He said, with a dark look on his serious eyes. 
I nodded. I felt that way sometimes, but I was used to it. I stopped feeling that sense of inadequacy on my chest years ago. 
"I guess you just begin to cope with it, though. Our brain adapts to that harsh reality. But it's always nice to vent somehow. What do you do in your free time?" I asked, wondering if I was getting too personal. Did I sound like I was probing to ask him out?  I felt my face getting warm. Damn it.
Either he didn't realize, or he was just too chivalrous to point, but he didn't mention anything.
"I fish." He said, simply. I nodded with a light smile.
"And you play with your doggies." I pointed, smiling wider. I loved dogs. He'd mentioned them before, so I just brought the subject up, trying to shift the attention from me to them. Will smiled back, his eyes with a subtle glow. He really loved them, and that was so sweet. "Fishing sounds nice. Unfortunately, I could never. I'm too restless. I'd probably startle all the fish and wouldn't catch anything."
He laughed, and that was the first time I ever heard that sound coming out of him. I felt like I was someone deaf that was able to hear the sound of Mozart's symphonies for the first time, and I just knew. There was never detachment from the idea of Will being more than an acquaintance. It was tackled down inside my brain somewhere, for the brain tends to adapt to harsh realities, but it was still there, just waiting for some incentive. 
"It's just a matter of training, getting used to it. I could teach you someday… if you want." He blinked a few times, as if he was surprised with his own boldness, smiling lightly. "And you? What do you do to vent?" He asked, seeming genuinely interested.
"Well, I read a lot. Maybe I could read by the riverside while I watch you fish." I said, shrugging with a subtle smile.
"It's a date, then?" Will inquired, making me mortified. Caught me by total surprise, and when I was about to say something, my phone rang.
"Excuse me." I answered the phone. It was Alana. "Hey. We're already here waiting for you."
Not that I wanted her to arrive any time sooner, but she didn't have to know that.
"You won't believe me; I've got a flat tire. There's a guy helping me out, I was lucky, I'm in the middle of nowhere. But I'll get there in about fifty more minutes, more or less. Can you put Will on the phone? I'll explain everything to him."
"Do you need one of us to pick you up? I'm sure he wouldn't mind, I wouldn't…"
"No, he's almost done. Thank you. Let me talk to Will, I'll be there soon. The storm is about to catch me, I wanna hurry."
I sighed, grimacing at him. 
"She wants to talk to you." I passed him the phone, studying his expressions while he talked to her. As I looked at the window, I could see the dark clouds gathering up, making the end of the afternoon murky. The storm was about to hit hard. I could see a few thin drops of rain starting to wet the glass.
"I can stay a little longer, no problem. I'm being well attended." He traded looks with me, biting his lip slightly. "Okay. I'll see you soon, Alana."
He gave me the phone, but Alana was already gone. I put it on the coffee table, getting up.
"I think I'll pour myself some wine. Do you want some?" I asked politely. "It's one of the fanciest ones; Hannibal gave us a bottle when we dined at his house a few days ago."
"Yes. Thank you." He waited for me to come back with the beverages, and I did my best not to spill anything, sitting on the couch beside him while I gave him the glass. "So you're acquainted with Dr. Lecter?"
"Oh yeah, he's an old friend of Alana's, sometimes he invites us to dinner. He cooks the best meals I've ever had in my entire life, so I don't exactly decline the invitations. And he's one of the most brilliant people I've ever met, so it's always interesting." I took a sip of the crimson liquid, moaning low in pleasure. Good wine. I preferred a good cup of hot oolong, but it was impossible not to appreciate the quality of that drink. 
A few glasses after and a lot of talks about dogs, fishing and other hobbies, he finally felt safe to bring back the topic. The rain had started really pouring, the now thicker drops hitting the windows loudly. Alana hadn't called again. It was nighttime now, the sky seeming to be darker than usual. I was low-key worried about her, but the conversation was too great to interrupt. She was a good driver. She would be just fine. 
"I've been seeing Hannibal Lecter in his office. Not exactly his patient, though. A courtesy of Jack Crawford to keep an eye on the coping of my brain functions." He sounded a bit bitter, drinking a few sips of his wine.
I could see he didn't like therapy. Must be hard with someone with a mind like his.
"You know, sometimes, Alana psychoanalyses me. Like, she doesn't even notice. It's cute, but sometimes it creeps me out." 
"She has a professional curiosity about me, but she's too polite and considerate to let it slip out. We've never even been alone in the same room together."
I held back a bitter comment, not wanting to talk shit about my cousin, but he saw it right through me. 
"Sorry, I didn't mean to put you in a complicated position."
"I know. You're sweet." The word slipped through my tongue before I could contain it. Will blinked a few times, seeming surprised, and I felt my cheeks burn, starting to stutter. "I meant… I'm sorry, did I make you uncomfortable?"
"No, no. It's just… no one's ever called me that before." It was my time to get surprised. He didn't seem to be complimented much, and that just made me flabbergasted. I couldn't be the only one who saw how fantastic Will was.
"... Ah. Well, some people are just shy. I'm shy as hell, don't even know how I had the nerve to say that, it's probably the wine starting to kick in. Hope I really didn't make you uncomfortable, though. Don't need to be polite, it's okay to tell me."
"Actually, I'm curious to know what else you think of me. I sense it's not the only word you have to define me." He sounded bolder, and his eyes were on mine, giving me shivers down my spine. 
"Well… I think you're too exceptional to be defined with a few words. You're… Kind, brilliant… I see how seeing what you see, doing what you do, how it wrecks you sometimes, and you just keep doing it because you're saving lives. That's so selfless, Will. That's…" I was going to say more, but at that very moment, a loud thunder just made the house practically tremble, and I let out a real inelegant weep, coming closer to Will and holding his arm firmly, my fingers grabbing on the fabric of his shirt. He could've thought it was an artifice to get closer to him, but he could see how frightened I was, trembling like a cornered wild little beast. I hated thunders, fireworks, anything loud. Feeling ridiculous, I released his shirt, apologizing with embarrassment.
"It's okay. It's just noise. I'm here." He put some of my hair that had fallen to my face behind my ear with such a tenderness that I felt my stomach twitch, realizing suddenly how close we were. He was looking at me as if it was the first time he was actually seeing me. 
The phone rang again. Alana! I grabbed it from the coffee table, turning to face Will. He wasn't avoiding eye contact anymore, his pupils were dilated. My breathing was accelerated, and I knew it had little to do with the thunder.
"Lana, is everything okay?" I asked with genuine concern. "Are you close?"
"Ah, Y/n. I'm so sorry. I don't think I'll make it in time, I'm driving slow, the roads are slippery because of the storm and it's pretty foggy. I'll stop at a motel and spend the night, or at least wait for the storm to pass. I'm so furious with myself!"
"It's okay cuz, do what's safer for you. I'm sure Will will understand. I'll pass him the phone." I gave him the phone and he talked to Alana for a few minutes, but I wasn't listening. She'd ruined the moment unintentionally, and now he was probably going home. When would I have an opportunity like that again? 
"Okay. Don't worry. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye, Alana. Take care." He gave me the phone and I put it on the coffee table again. Before any of us could say anything, another thunder cracked the sky, and this time, Will held me so I wouldn't be afraid. The lights went out, and he held me against his chest protectively, making me smell his aftershave and some perfume. He smelled so good. For a moment, I just stood there in his arms, feeling his warmth, his breath, the steady beats of his heart. 
I moved away just a little to see his face, very close to mine, but it was so dark I could only see shadows. A lightning lit up the room and, just for a little moment, I could see his gorgeous eyes staring at me. After a soft touch of his thumb on my lips, he finally kissed me, so gentle, like I could break as fine china with any rougher move. I touched his neck with both my hands, playing with his hair, feeling how soft they were. He pulled me closer, his hands on my waist, and the kiss started to get deeper, voracious, as if we were hungry for each other. Maybe the wine was helping to raise the lust; all I know is that I've wanted that to happen for a long time. Will's kiss was everything I imagined it would be, but entirely different at the same time. All I could say was that he was great at it. His hands traveled through my body, and I grabbed his hair, pulling it slightly. That made a low growl echo through his chest, and I started to feel my body fervent as a bonfire.
I couldn't say much because I was breathless and I didn't want to stop what we were doing, so a single word left my lips as I kept my forehead on his.
Will bit his lip, kissing me again, and that was all the answer I needed.
Morning. Thin sunrays illuminated my bedroom floor through the curtains, waking me up. The storm was gone. I haven't had a nice night of sleep like that in ages. I looked at the other side of my bed and there was Will, sleeping heavily. It wasn't a dream, after all. Last night really happened. I smiled, staring at the roof with disbelief in my eyes.
I stared at him for a few seconds, unsure of what to do. Should I just let him sleep? He looked so heavenly, his hair was messy, his breathing steady, he seemed so less troubled than he usually was. I touched his hair lightly, caressing it with tenderness, and he started to move. I could see his neck, and a few hickies we marked on his albescent skin. That made me blush a little bit, and I laughed silently. 
He opened his eyes while I still touched his hair, but I didn't stop, and he didn't seem to want me to. We stared at each other in silence for a few moments, and he smiled, a different smile than the usual ones he gave me.
"Hi." He said, pulling me closer by my waist, stroking the skin under the sheets. I pecked him on the lips, then kissing his forehead, his cheek, his jawline. 
"Hey there. Good morning. I'm starving, are you having breakfast with me?"
"Actually, I gotta go home. Feed the dogs." He said, stroking my nude shoulder with his finger.
"Of course. Your dogs. I won't keep you then, poor babies must be so hungry." I kissed his cheek and was about to get up when he pulled me again, gently kissing my lips. I smiled, probably looking like an idiot. A joyful idiot. "I'll let you get dressed. I'll be in the kitchen."
I dressed up in my long and black robe, smiling at him before I left the room, going to the kitchen, where I started to make some french toasts. After a few minutes, I heard the front door open, and an exhausted Alana came in, her hair frizzy and her coat looking still a bit wet.
"Oh, Lana! Go change, you'll get a cold!" I stopped what I was doing, going to her and helping to take off her coat.
"That storm was a nightmare. I swear I won't ignore the warnings ever again. I'm so sorry, I had no idea it would get this bad, yesterday was one of those days where everything just goes wrong. Hope Will arrived well at home, did he seem disappointed or annoyed before he left? I was so inconvenient…"
I didn't even have time to answer, because Will opened my bedroom door, coming out while buttoning his shirt, suddenly realizing Alana was there.
"Oh." Alana said, looking so flabbergasted I almost laughed at her. Will rose his eyebrows at the sight of her, seeming a bit unsure of what to do or say. I wasn't planning for her to find out like this, it was a bit early, I wasn't expecting her to arrive so soon. "Hi, Will."
"Alana. Hi." He avoided looking at her, staring at me, and his eyes immediately softened. I smiled, he smiled back, and that was it, Alana was forgotten.
"Off you go to feed your children." I joked, biting my bottom lip. "I guess I'll see you later, then."
"Definitely." He simply said, kissing my forehead while caressing my hair, certainly a little embarrassed to kiss me in front of Alana. "See you later, Y/n. Bye, Alana."
"Bye, Will." I waved with a soft smile, and he grabbed his jacket, leaving the house.
My smile grew larger and I left my head fall back, squeaking low in commemoration. What a night! What a morning! I never thought I would thank a storm so much, let alone a bloody thunder.
Before Alana could say anything, I realized Will had left his glasses at the coffee table, and I picked it up in a hurry, bursting through the front door and calling him before he left, waving in front of the car.
"You forgot your glasses!" I said, and he opened the car windows, raising his hand to pick them.
I leaned against the car window, putting the glasses on him, and kissing his lips fiercely. He moaned in surprise, holding my face to deepen the kiss. After a moment, I pulled away, appreciating the view of his lips so reddish. 
"Go back inside, it's cold." He said with a cheeky smile, and before I could say he actually made me hotter, he took off with the car.
I went back inside, where Alana was waiting for me with her arms crossed. 
"What the hell did you do to Will Graham?" She asked, sounding severe, but a smile was trying to escape her lips "I mean, besides trying to suck his soul with your mouth a few moments ago."
"Oh, shut up!" I laughed, blushing violently. "You made that happen, you know? Thank you. Was that a set up or did the universe actually conspire in my favor?"
"I wish I'd planned this. That would mean I would've had a plan b and I wouldn't have stayed at that disgusting mote… Y/n, you're full of hickies, I can't believe you!"
"You're starting to sound like my mom, Lana. I'm gonna wear a turtleneck, don't worry, I don't want Beverly all over me like a bloodhound and Brian and Jimmy's witty comments today. In fact, keep it to yourself, okay? Will's discreet. I won't even tell Beverly, if she finds out, the whole bureau will know, hell, maybe even Freddie Lounds."
"I told you to let it go, Y/n. Will's very unstable right now. I… I only want what's best for you." She said with concern in her bright blue eyes. I sighed, walking to her and kissing her cheek with affection.
"You're a good cousin. But I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself, okay? Unless this isn't only about me, unless it concerns something else." I raised an eyebrow while staring at her, more confident that I've ever been. "Is there something you wanna tell me?"
She hesitated, clenching her jaw, but never spoke. 
I smiled, tapping her cheek very lightly in approval.
"I gotta get ready to work. Wanna grab lunch with me later?" I asked in a casual tone, a cynical smile on my face. She shrugged. "See you later then, cuz."
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