1bad77 · 4 months
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robo-dino-puppy · 11 months
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hfw: burning shores | aloy 17/?
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meggettes · 4 months
the last line of this post got me thinking about dnd-ifying tortall (i know about the tortall rpg but here im thinking specifically about dungeons and dragons 5e)
Kel is certainly a paladin. Aly is a rogue no question. Daine is probably a wildshape druid with some sort of archery feat/outlander background.
Alanna is giving me trouble, though. She's both a fighter and a mage, and very adept at both. I guess in order, her fighting improvement happens before spellcasting improvement. It's feeling very cleric, but that's certainly not the type of character Alanna is. The descriptions of her magic, though, are pretty close to sorcerer, but that doesn't seem right either.
Any ideas?
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one-winged-dreams · 5 months
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I needed to pass the time but didn't have any motivation to do anything so I just lined and colored this ;_;
[insert's pronouns are he/him]
tag list: @dearly-beeloved @camellias-and-coriander @rebel-wolf13 @sunstar-of-the-north @mahitoslittlebird @goldenworldsabound @edencantstopfallininlove @sosoftandsweet @dorothys-wife @kylars-princess @faerie-circle-ships
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simbico · 6 months
nooooo i messed with reshade and i have slight regrets. (ಥωಥ)
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I've spent the evening reading through Big Finish transcripts in pursuit of Turlough Lore (Reading is faster than listening if I'm just looking for Lore). Took a bunch of screenshots of Kiss of Death and Eldrad Must Die. I might post some of them later, but I'll just state some of the more interesting bits now:
Turlough says he was forced to fight in the war. I'd previously believed that he joined the military willingly after sort of being radicalized to his father's cause and wanting to avenge his mother.
Turlough's ancestors were part of the royal court. They weren't royalty themselves, but they had close ties to the Trion queen.
Turlough's clan as multiple families in it, so some members of the same clan aren't related by blood.
Though the war is supposedly the Imperial Clans vs. Revolutionaries, Imperial Trions fought on both sides, including members of the same clan.
Both sides of the war exiled people to Earth, with Brendon being a popular dumping ground. Another boy there, Charlie Gibbs, was sold out and exiled by the revolutionary side. The Mysterious Solicitor that enrolled Turlough at the school also handled Charlie's case, so I guess he played both sides. Charlie apparently knew that Turlough was a Trion, but Turlough believed he was the only one there. How one of them knew and not the other, I have no idea.
Turlough's father has a name. His first name is Vince, apparently.
Turlough was apparently enslaved at some point, but he was bailed out and then exiled. I think? It wasn't clear. I'm guessing this was like a prison labor sort of thing.
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gayvampyr · 2 years
starting to think there’s no hope for me 😗
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crunchy-lesbun · 11 months
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We yearn to party
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huh-huhyourself · 1 year
i was drawing sth else, suddenly wanted to try a side face, but... dont know why it's crooked and in the corner, feels lil creepy hahaha... put it in center later after finishing what im doing then we'll figure out this...
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bruiisedpetals-a · 1 year
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welcome, welcome, and happy hunger games!                        may the odds be ever in your favour.
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errick farman. DISTRICT TWO ; masonry & weaponry.          A VICTOR at aged seventeen, a career tribute who was the odds-on favourite to win his games, known for using a lightweight sword as his primary weapon errick enthralled the capitol with particularly violent kills and often theatrical in their symbolism, the most famed one is his final fight where he beat district seven’s vik redwyne to death, caving his head in with a large piece of wood. vik redwyne. DISTRICT SEVEN. lumber.            2nd place , 23rd tribute defeated aged sixteen, he was a top contender throughout his games with an impressive kill rate and favoured using a hunting knife, but fell to the brute force of the victor errick farman; vik was beaten to death in their final fight. it was theatrically cruel for district seven as the weapon the killed their almost-victor was lumber, the very thing they were known for. regnarra drumm. DISTRICT TWO ; masonry & weaponry.        A VICTOR aged thirteen, a career tribute who favoured a double-ended spear, she single-handedly slaughtered ten of the twenty-three other tributes of her games, and won when she viciously speared her final two opponents through the stomach together, pinned to a tree, and left them for the muttations as she watched from above in safety at the bloody spectacle. vida waters. DISTRICT ONE ; jewellery & finery.          A VICTOR aged sixteen, a career tribute who killed allied herself with fellow careers, and then slaughtered all five once the time was right. she tainted the food to make them sleepy, ground up nightlock and soaked it into strips of fabric, then quietly went around to each of her allies one by one and calmly tied the deadly fabric around each persons head, ensuring to pry open their mouth to the poison would sink in. she killed one tribute in bloody ambush by the lake, and the last remaining one died of exposure leaving her victor within an hour of her mass killing. tiathia. DISTRICT EIGHT ; textiles.              3rd place / 22nd defeated aged fifteen, a surprising final contender as she avoided fighting, went the survival and stealth route as well as allying herself with others. she fell in the final three after losing her footing in a fight and being thrown from a cliff where she crashed to her instant death. wulffryd goodbrother. DISTRICT SEVEN ; lumber.          5th place / 19th defeated aged fifteen, he succumbed to infected injuries after fighting off and killing four of the six remaining careers, who had all been tracking him and his allies. his fellow tribute from district seven would go on to win the game in a shock twist, and she carved wulffryd’s name into the body of the last career before she finally killed him and was declared victor.  lia flowers. DISTRICT FOUR ; fishing.          VICTOR aged seventeen, a career tribute who used her net-weaving skills to strangle her opponents from above, and then her swimming skills to strike and drown tributes in the water sources, she is known for never shedding blood in her kills — which only added more enthusiasm to her porcelain ‘pure’ appearance and shimmering white style pre-games. branden stark. DISTRICT TWELVE ; coal mining.             7th place / 17th tribute defeated at aged twelve, he was smart enough to break away from the cornucopia and the bloodbath at the beginning and he survived several days alone, avoiding the packs of beasts and savage tributes as the numbers thinned. after his hiding spot was discovered branden fought for his life and killed the attacking tribute, sadly the sound of the fight drew in nearby careers — one of whom shot an arrow straight through branden’s throat, he bled out in minutes.
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bisummers · 1 year
You know what im not done….
Anetra jax and robin being the bottom three and lucy being safe means they thought lucy was the best one of the bunch. Are you fucking serious right now? Liza minelli lies.
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bluethedream · 2 years
Feeling very confused™
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one-winged-dreams · 28 days
Well hi lady at the print counter at Walmart being a huge cunt right out of the gate for no reason
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noctilionoidea · 7 months
it’s really funny that for the past several years I’ve been in such a healthy place with proper meds that the one time in the summer I ran out I just assumed I could wait for my next refill because “it’s only a few pills and it doesn’t take that quick to wear off anyways!” NEVER FUCKING DO THAT HOLY SHIT
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autonoes · 10 months
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this is essentially how i run my main
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qurolo · 8 months
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Going to just throw out the sketch of the mini idkwtf-this-is for now, will finish later- UPDATE- FINISHED COLOURED VERSION
Anyway, do y’all remember that one episode/chapter of s0 where it was the game show and Jounouchi was so fired up for that prize money and paying off his father’s idk *stuff* but
Man, I really feel like he’s in deep denial with how bad his father really is and is secretly hoping that one day he’ll get to play a game of catch together or something.
Angst rambling aside, I keep ping ponging between using Joey and Jounouchi
Also, it’s still kind of weird that despite how close everyone is with Joey, I don’t remember any of his friends really calling him Katsuya that often (I’m 99% sure that Jounouchi is his family name), same goes for Honda
Ok bye for now
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