#idk mam it's 4am
crowframes · 2 years
cursed squad idea: three Inaros and one Octavia playing Sandstorm - Darude
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leaving-fragments · 1 year
sometimes you wake up feeling so beaten up from a dream and then you have to move on with your day
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macaronnya · 2 years
Fresh(?) Impressions (1)
Other parts: |Trickstar| |UNDEAD| |2wink| |Ra*bits| |Akatsuki| |fine| |Ryuseitai| |Knights| |Valkyrie| |Switch| |MaM/Double Face/Crazy:B| |Eden| |Alkaloid|
Hello Enstarries~☆ I'm a newbie and wanted to share my kinda-first impressions of our maybe beloved idols bc the fandom (on tumblr) seems pretty 🤏 and so this might....idk serve as another entertaining post or smth. A viewpoint from a newcomer. I'll do each unit per post bc holy moly are there many and we'll start with Trickstar here. For a little structure, I'll begin with an overall impression (vibe, songs etc.) and then continue with indivdual members (appearance, personality etc.).
|Next| <- I'll put the next post here, when I'm done (assuming I'm dedicated and committed enough to really do everyone) See above ⬆️
Before we start, you may wonder why it's a fresh? and kinda-first impression. Well, I've been listening to their songs for about 2 years (Eden & Crazy:B fan here) and so know a bit about them (mainly their banger songs), be it through memes, iceberg explanation, memes and wiki pages. But I only really got into it since the global release. So even if I have all these random out-of-context info, I still basically know nothing. I only read their Episode 1 in the game for this bc want to start with the ! era first before jumping into !!. Now, one last thing...
DISCLAIMER!: Everything said here is for entertainment purposes only and not meant to attack anyone. This is not an accurate description of any characters but my subjective rambling for fun, so please don't take it too seriously. (Just to be safe, I'm kinda scared of elite idol fans) Also, you will hear me mention other games a bunch of times bc I'm that bad and uncreative at explaining and I'm still grieving A3!EN's shutdown. Eng is my 2nd (or 3rd?) language and it's 4am, do with that what you want.
Without further ado....Let's Ensemble!☆
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Typical first unit in idol games. Cheerful, innocent, ambitious and leading a revolution.....? That took me off at first, but, uh, good for them. Ngl their songs are boring. They remind me of Love Live's earliest songs and general idol songs. Pop, cheerful and encouraging messages, it's not bad. I just wouldn't listen to it if could. I do appreciate their preppier approach to the standard military inspired idol uniforms, though. Oh, the VA line-up is also 👁👁, like, damn.
5/10 - average, I don't have a strong opinion of them
Hokuto Hidaka
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I love his voice. Tomoaki Maeno's voice is just melting butter~🧈 At first, I thought he'd be the boring, serious, smart blue coded character out of the red-blue duo but I learnt my lesson with Deuce (Twisted Wonderland). He's earnest, honest, responsible and doesn't suffer from trauma with his famous parents, which is pretty good and possibly rare. I haven't heard a lot from him. He actually looks boring🧍‍♂️but this card is really pretty for some reason?? Apparently comes off as cold often as well, which is very relatable 😓
5.5/10 - average guy (the irony)
Subaru Akehoshi
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The 6th redhead, who's the poster character for their game. He looks like the standard first boy you meet and help to achive whatever the goal of the game and his dream is as his manager/producer/director/master/etc idk. Cheerful, naive, energetic. I don't really expect a lot from him but Sakuya (A3!), another redhead poster boy, became my most beloved baby sunshine 🥰, so...I'll just wait and see. His smile is pretty cute. And he likes money and sparkling things??? Random but not a bad thing.
6/10 - average but positive, slightly adorable
Makoto Yuuki
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Funky guy with glasses 👓 The only other character I reacall rn with colored rims is 707 (Mystic messenger). I haven't seen a lot of blondes with glasses, I think. He's kinda cute. If you haven't noticed yet, glasses are a tiny soft spot of mine. He seems to be the token clumsy dumdum but is self-aware and a bit self-conscious of that. His chibi has :3!!! A worried one even. Also, one of the grey haired ones or so is a really big fan or so of him and chases him? My condolences 😔
6/10 - still a bit boring but glasses and :3, he's trying his best
Mao Isara
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Initially, when I first listened to their songs, I thought Subaru's VA was his. It just seemed to fit better. He looks like a chatterbox and a social butterfly. Trendy and always up to date online. Maybe it's due to Cater (Twisted Wonderland), who looks similiar. But he's the student council president??? Looks truly decieve. I like his enthusiasm to have a just and actual working school. Well, he's still pretty friendly and so it seems.
6/10 - big role he carries but he's got the spirit, also cute
Honorary mention:
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Our dear MC, who has a lot of fans as well despite: 1. being a self-insert, 2. not having any real lines?, and 3. being a girl in a joseimuke game. Through A3!'s Izumi Tachibana, I learnt just how amazing self-insert MCs could be if they weren't self-inserts and had actual personality. I'm looking a bit forward to seeing more of her but I'll stay cautiously optimistic. Girl failed a revolution at her old school and attempts the next one right after her transfer, what an unyielding will. A bit miffed, that everyone seems to have a good relationship with her but is forced to stay ~professional~. Like, what is the use of names if you don't use them?! Let them call her Anzu or so >:( She also overworks quite often? You're not even 20....pls REST!
8/10 - I trust in my fellow Enstarries, maybe there will come a day when she gets her own card (perhaps as an anniversary gift?) (I really wanted one for Izumi (A3!), April fools has every side character except her. The audacity?!)
It's a bit weird how everyones' individual impression scores higher than the overall one. I suppose, it's like how mixing everything you like won't necessarily make an even better thing.
Now, if you reached the end, first off, congratulations! 🎊🎉 Idk if it's bc I was actually entertaining or bc you're that determined but thanks~♡ As you can see, I write a lot. I don't mean to do that but I always just somehow end up writing way too much bc I want to deliver my thoughts precisely. It's nearing 6am rn and I accidentally deleted my first draft. If there are any grammatical errors or so...have mercy. Feel free to comment whatever. It would give me more motivation to continue, though ofc I want to do everyone anyways. Just keep in mind, it's all just for fun and games and we're all here for a good time.
See you in my next impression post! (Hopefully)
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viderose · 2 years
so what I can gather is an old friend you liked is cheating on his partner? how did you find out?
not quite. im aware what im posting probably makes no sense lol, im sorry. so the thing about the old friend, we fell out a few months ago when i went to spain w them (i was sharing a room w them and they were just very messy - like actually, the room was always a mess and i was constantly cleaning up after them because i felt so bad leaving it for room service to tidy up - and made me feel quite miserable the entire trip.) i knew they were pissed with me too, but it was confirmed when i found out through another friend that they had been talking shit about me. it’s silly, and i don’t even really care about it anymore because i don’t think i actually did anything wrong in that situation. they blocked me after i messaged them to ask if we could just clear the air, so fuck them tbh.
the guy thing. i was kinda crushing on someone i met online a few months ago (stupid i know but like, it was just a bit of fun! im allowed to have fun!) and i never looked them up because i just, idk. i didn’t really want to know anything more about them. anyway, we’re not in contact anymore and curiosity got the better of me yesterday, so i did some snooping. i found their instagram, and their girlfriends instagram, and now i just feel so guilty. especially because i kinda knew the whole time. it was very obvious they had a girlfriend but i didn’t want to know. i really liked talking to them, so i just let them lie and never looked them up (so i could pretend i wasn’t doing anything wrong? idk im not sure). anyway, about an hour or so after finding all of that i went to my cousins wedding reception, got very drunk, and messaged him on instagram (and then blocked his instagram as soon as i woke up this morning so idk what they must think lol.) and the REALLY embarrassing part of it is, i got so drunk and so angry and upset, that when i came home my friend called me because i had spammed her with messages about it all at like 3am, and my sister and my mam heard us talking about EVERYTHING. they heard everything. and then had to physically put me into bed at 4am because i wouldn’t get up from the floor. how overdramatic of me.
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memes-saved-me · 3 years
I was tagged by: (In no particular order lol) @draculcid @prettyboyporter @deepend-swimmer @allaboardtheussharringrove 😘❤
rules: answer 30 questions and tag however many blogs you want!
Name: Alice
Gender: She/her
Star Sign: Leo♌🦁
Height: 5'6
Time: 3:50am lol
Birthday: 28th of July
Favourite bands: I mean if we're talking favourite until I die, My Chemical Romance🤭 but other than that I'd be here forever listening bands
Last Movie: Pirates of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Favourite Solo Artist: I listen to Djo/Joe Keery the most out of all the solo artists I listen to but other than that its random songs from random people lol
Last Show: Does editing a ST video count??😂 Nah, it was Sons of Anarchy but in passing because my mam was watching it
When did I create this blog: Oof idk like 2013ish
What I post: Too much😂
Last thing I googled: I think it was something to do with POTC
Other blogs: I'm too lazy
Do I get asks: Recently yes! And I love it so much!
Why I chose my url: I ran an insta fan account called "5soskilledmysociallife" and then it become "memeskilledmysociallife" and when I ditched Instagram I made an email account for another YouTube channel called memeskilledme@whatever and I accidentally put saved when renaming my blog and just never changed it lmao. It stuck and now I use it for everything because I lowkey find it funny
Following: 1177
Followers: 2166 (I've had this blog a long ass time)
Instruments: *laughs nervously* I go to a music university and do not play and instrument.....I plan events
What am I wearing: Shirt and underwear🤭 because I'm in bed lmao
Dream Job: Personal assistant at conventions or part of a large scale event team involving comic cons or general entertainment industry events
Dream Trip: Oof I have a world made on my wall of places so its hard to pick
Favourite Foods: Pizza, spicy chicken of any kind. Idk oreo icecream
Nationality: British
Favourite song: Dancing with myself by Billy Idol
Last book: I tried to continue Tale of the Body thief but gave up so I have Will my cat eat my eyeballs by my bed incase I get the urge to read anytime soon
Top 3 fictional universes I'd like to live in: Harry Potter is a given. Star Wars because pew pew and himbos galore (Minus the spacw n*zis) and Assassin's Creed because that would be awesome in general
Tagging: (only if you want to!!) @livedsomanylives @withoneheadlight @disdaidal @lazybakerart @fredsythe @scoobydoo-ghoulschool If I missed anyone I'm really sorry its almost 4am and I'm tired lol. Also any anon who has sent me an ask, this goes out to you as well😘
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1. Are you named after someone? I was born just after Christmas and called Hollie but I may as well have been called Holly because that’s how people spell it the majority of the time. Also side note: my mam wanted to call me Holsten if I was a boy (wtf right) so maybe it’s nothing to do with Christmas??? Idk
2. When was the last time you cried? Like 10 minutes ago because I’m a constant hormonal mess.
3. Do you like your handwriting? I actually like my handwriting, until it gets like an hour into an exam and then I don’t even recognise the words I am writing.
4. What is your favorite lunch meat? It’s not a lunch meat but pizza because it’s my favourite thing ever
5. Do you have kids? I do I have a big chunk of orange fluff called grace who licks my face at 4am every morning because she loves me so much. Just to clarify she is a dog.
6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Yes because she would send me memes hourly and find the most un-funny things funny.
7. Do you use sarcasm? I have never been sarcastic in my life ever how dare you. - @elektra-natchos ‘s answer that I am stealing because yes. 
8. Do you still have your tonsils? I do not I had them removed last year fun fact.
9. Would you bungee jump? Only if there was no cord and I was jumping into Tamatoa’s lair because that shit looked fun and also shiny things at the bottom.
10. What is your favorite kind of cereal? Probs Cocopops although I don’t really eat cereal
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? No I have a thing about this I tie my shoes inside and then stand on the laces I have a phobia of them getting stuck in escalators like on final destination and me dying a horrific and bloody death so long story short I do not untie my shoes
12. Do you think you’re a strong person? I struggle carrying my shopping from Asda to my car so no I’d say I’m insanely weak
13. What is your favorite ice cream? I was going to answer this question normally but then I realised favourite is spelled incorrectly and I don’t care that this is an American site it’s FAVOURITE DAMMIT 
14. What is the first thing you notice about people? Eye colour normally
15. What is your least favorite physical thing about yourself? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah how long do we have - again, keeping this one in there 
16. What colour pants and shoes are you wearing now? Black ‘pants’ and no shoes cos who wears shoes indoors? 
17. What are you listening to right now? My dog snoring while she’s clamped on my left hand while I’m trying to type this
18. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Bright orange or yellow cos FAVOURITE COLOURS (I can’t let this go)
19. Favorite smell? Death.
20. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? My mam 
21. Favorite sport to watch? Basketball cos tall lads lads lads 
22. Hair color? It’s a blonde kinda dealio
23. Eye color? Dank green
24. Do you wear contacts? Yes because my vision is appalling and I’ve had no lenses all week so been walking about basically blind and asking to be mugged
25. Favorite food to eat? Toss up between pizza and Katsu curry mmmmmmmmmmm
26. Scary movies or comedy? NOT scary I cannot handle scary adverts let alone scary films
27. Last movie you watched? Finding nemo
28. What colour of shirt are you wearing? Grey (take note AMERICA)
29. Summer or winter? Can I go both??? There’s things I like about both like I love snow and cold and Christmas and hot choc and now thinking about it I hate the sun so Winter
30. Hugs or kisses? Whichever allows me to get the most glitter on someone.
31. What book are you currently reading? I’ve got a few on the go, can’t think of one in particular
32. Who do you miss right now? Livvi’s kitty cats and their little toe beanz
33. What is on your mouse pad? Laptop lad no mouse in sight
34. What is the last TV program you watched? RuPauls Drag Race (start your engines)
35. What is the best sound? Boof/woof/bork/dog sneeze/waggy tail hitting the door/sccccccratch on the door at 7am when my pupper wants to get into my room for snuggz/thhhhhhlp licks on my face when I’m asleep/anything to do with my dogs because they are the most precious angels in the entire world don’t you dare try say any different 
36. Rolling Stones or The Beatles? My dad would kill me if I said anything other than the Beatles - currently to my right there is a massive painting of the Beatles soooooo...
37. What is the furthest you have ever traveled? Hell
38. Do you have a special talent? I have the most ridiculous hiccups in the entire world seriously if you ever heard them you’d either be frightened, laugh or just not actually know what the fuck was going on
39. Where were you born? Stockton on Teezzzz
I am going to tag @elektra-natchos because she tagged me in this and also because I have no other friends on here.
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