#id say shb/ew
catgirlcrisis · 8 months
its actually so crazy how the writing team was like “lets make grief and loss important themes for alisaie as a character” so in BCOB she learns about making peace with her grandfather’s death to live life on her own terms, for her own sake. she goes out herself to explore eorzea. and then emery dies while shes powerless to do anything about it. and then she almost dies believing that urianger was going to betray her and the scions. and then she watches the same tower her brother was supposed to be in get bombed not knowing if he escaped in time. and then she watches the people she loves be picked off one by one, physically present but spiritually gone, while being powerless to help them. and then she loses contact with alphinaud (again) not knowing if he’s okay. if he’s safe. and then the next time she sees him immediately its his limp body being carried by a stranger. and then she begs the warrior of light to not leave her alone. and then she watches tesleen die powerless to do anything about it. and then she watches the warrior of light nearly succumb to becoming a sin-eater, risking dooming not only the fate of the first, but the source. and then she finds the cold bodies of licinia and her sister, ultimately more victims of their despair than anything else, people who she’d been trying to help. and then s
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heretic-altias · 2 years
Finally making some real progress in p3s, we get to the adds fairly consistently now!
Might not finish this whole tier in time tbh, but we're doing it over pf as a group of 5 rn and the static will be full next tier so I'm thinking the consistent group will be a bit faster. This was also our first tier ever doing savage raid gearing, so I feel like we've learned how things go now. I've given the baby players I have interested a deadline of end of July to finish the game if they wanna raid in the coming tier with us so we can trial them and so that if they aren't going to be ready I have time to find other people bc we do not want to pf again lol. I'm making a full static happen for next tier even if I (a socially anxious person who ended up as raid lead through shear enthusiasm for raiding) have to go out recruiting around the internet.
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emetkoto · 2 years
💖💞💙💔 to start off the OC stuff, i do wanna just send you the whole list but I start small :3
YEAHHH WOOHOO ill try and pretend i dont have exclusive k'oto brainrot and give you answers for both him and eme :)
💖 SPARKLING HEART - are they a subtle or a showy lover?
K'oto is. weird? When he's just kinda casually flirting or messing around in public he's pretty loud and proud about it, no shame and all that but if it's like. actually showing real affection to someone he is in love with thats more than just like holding hands he gets a little bashful bc even though he acts cool he is still. Somft inside <3
Eme has absolutely no shame she loves to be super out there with her affection showing so it's a good thing Urianger is the same way so they can be disgusting and annoying in public together :)
💞 doesnt seem to be on the list maybe you misclicked it? D:
💙 BLUE HEART - do they miss their s/o easily? how do they act when their s/o isn't around?
K'oto at the start of the story basically all the way through to the end of shb is pretty independent? His only partner upto 5.3 (unless you count emet selch) was Estinien who was Never Fucking Around anyway and he was chill with that, they saw each other when they saw each other and both of them were fine with that, he has plenty of friends and stuff to keep him occupied and company so it was nbd! But after all the stuff in 5.0 and adding G'raha to the mix he started to get a bit more attached and tends to get a bit fidgety now if he has to be away from his partners for too long..he can still do a few days but beyond that hes like grr I want to cuddle one or both of my boyfriends so bad..its kinda like. yknow. you never know when a tragic end will pull you apart :,) hes learned that firsthand! After endwalker settles down post-6.0 he gets back into the mindset he was in before where he's like. pretty chill about everything..he lives with G'raha in Sharlayan and Estinien is still off doing who knows but he visits him on weekends so its not quite like it used to be !
Eme is insufferable if you pull her away from Urianger for five minutes they need to stay attached at the hip for everyones sake bc if you separate them they will make it your problem
💔 BROKEN HEART - what could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart?
LOOKS AT THE CAMERA LIKE IM IN THE OFFICE BUT MY EYES ARE HUGE AND FULL OF TEARS AND IM TREMBLING. aside from the obvious answer of 'all of 5.0' id have to say. not trusting him? he tries to be very trustworthy and someone you can confide in so if someone was withholding things from him bc they felt like they couldnt discuss it with him he would be like :( and worry that he was doing smth wrong
Eme does not like when Urianger does his whole lying deceitful going behind her back thing...she kinda put up with it in shb and shrugged it off bc there wasnt much choice in the matter, she didnt exactly have time to think on it too much or be upset with him but it kinda came to a breaking point in ew on the moon she was a wreck bc in her mind it was like. you dont trust me enough to tell me what youre doing and maybe ask me for help with it? youd really rather keep secrets and go behind my back????? and thankfully she got through to him so he shouldnt be doing that anymore.....ishikawa.
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