prominentpixels · 7 years
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whenchengflies · 7 years
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With hammers . . .
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxU92TFoKbU) What is Scandinavia, where is Scandinavia on the map? http://nordicsaga.com/premium-all-inc... Scandinavia has traditionally referred to the North of Europe, or rather the three countries that are on the Scandinavian Peninsula and adjacent islands: Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. In a broad sense, to the narrow-minded Scandinavian countries also often include Iceland and Finland. Historically, Scandinavia - a region of Vikings - navigators, traders and thieves in one person. For a long time, the Scandinavians have been a big headache for the surrounding tribes, as regularly committing the most severe attacks on neighbors. The Nordic saga of the brave heroes - is, in essence, the story of how one of the kings (local tribal rulers) went to the outlandish lands, looted their nice, brought mountains of goodness, and the whole tribe feasted many days, praising their breadwinner. The larger the bounty the greater the feat in the eyes of the tribesmen. Some of the Vikings became famous not only in looting but also the great geographical discoveries (Erik the Red, for example). But rather, it is a nice bonus - three sea Scandinavians went in search of a rich production, not out of love for the unknown. Visa to Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Iceland: documents All the Nordic countries are part of the Schengen zone and impose uniform rules to a package of visa documents. The list includes: The questionnaire, which can be filled in electronically on the websites of Visa visa centers country-specific (see resources below) Passport for a period not less than three months on the return date of the trip (for Iceland is also required to attach a copy of each page of your passport stamped) Photocopies of the old Schengen visas (if they are glued to the previous passport, attach a copy of its first page and visas, which are glued to it) 2 color photos 3.5h4.5 see on a white background (Finland background needed light gray) Scandinavia - Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Iceland visa, attractions, language, currency, time difference, recreation in summer and winter, fishing, what to bring. http://nordicsaga.com/ Call us today 1-800-848-6449
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rjtvox · 7 years
Fun and games at the Blue Lagoon last night... 🇮🇸❤
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obsolence-blog · 11 years
Where did th.....
Today I checked out a potentially studio, I haven't laid a single brush stroke against a canvas in roughly 5 months. It´s starting to feel weird. Anyways the studio was in rough conditons, didn't matter to me, and didn't matter to my newly acquainted friend (she'll be sharin' the studio with me) So we took it, costs little, decent size and it'll get me workin' again. VOI VOI!
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