#i'm kind of reeling
smugraccoon137 · 1 year
Shout out to ouat s4 ep5 for being the single gayest episode that I've ever seen. And no one kissed or even held hands
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lil-lemon-snails · 5 months
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Have some low-quality sun screenshots while i stress over colour palettes :)
Went through SO MANY stages w this design and i'm still not 100% about it BUT- progress is being made (maybe)
Witness my pain
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aq2003 · 1 year
i hope fantasy high junior year happens so that murph can turn to the camera, say "riz gukgak is aromantic and asexual", then unhinge his jaw and swallow the camera whole
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esaari · 1 year
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four-white-trees · 9 months
it's wild seeing the Like a Dragon fandom react to Kiryu's cancer reveal. He really is all our dad.
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alt0stratuscloud · 1 year
continuing my saga of being very behind on the qsmp. here's a clip that's had my jaw dropped for the last two minutes
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punknerdmusings · 3 months
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What the actual fuck.
Chiron was never actually on Percy's side.
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loneheir · 6 months
*this is a cursed monday - on IG i sent an ex co-worker of mine a reel that was meant for jess (thefixer) and me joking about being 'a coked out bimbo in the 80s' (it was one of those aesthetic 80s reels) and !! IT GOT SOMEHOW SENT TO MY OLD COWORKER WHO IS LITERALLY AN ANGEL AND SO SWEET I JUST ... never worry , i am constantly embarrassing myself and just....NOW SHE THINKS IM UNHINGED LMAOOOOO
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purityvalentine · 2 months
therapy tomorrow
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beskad · 3 months
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
I don't know who needs to hear this, but it's imperative to me to keep saying this:
Being kind doesn't mean that people can or should take advantage of you.
Being understanding doesn't mean that you understand or accept when somebody wants to harm you.
Being forgiving doesn't mean you don't have to be upset or angry when you are harmed.
Being angry at the injustices or abuse you have faced doesn't mean you're a bad person. Being angry at your abuser is not an "unforgivable sin".
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ladyhighever · 1 month
holy shit fenris is such a gigantic fucking dickwad to merrill????? i am still reeling. the girl is weeping, mourning four of her clanmates, saying "i don't understand, why did they look at me like i was a monster" and fenris says, DIRECT QUOTE, "you are a monster." and when isabela snaps, "you're not helping," he says, "good."
like he's PROUD he's hurt someone in mourning. like he's HAPPY to cause her pain.
holy shit. i can imagine lazarina just whipping around and screaming at fenris for that. I'M whipping around and screaming at fenris for that. what a horrific fucking thing to say to someone.
alistair and morrigan could be caustic to each other but they were never this cruel. what the hell.
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confluence-and-drift · 2 months
Wait, you still get metalheads who get all elitist about subgenres? In this day and age? Seriously??
Friend. Friend, there is no conflict here. Unless you're into that pop-but-with-confused-aesthetics stuff, we're all of the same ilk, all of us an endangered species. If we don't look out for each other, who will?
Also, in all seriousness, it's bizarre and unfathomable to me. I just don't get it. Why the fuck does it matter if other people are into subgenres you're not into? Don't you get tired of all of this heirarchical buggery style of elitism? Hell, even outside metal, I don't even begrudge others their whatever-the-fuck-is-on-the-sociological-equivalent-of-the-radio today, even if it does make my ears bleed personally. But within metal??
Like, sure, I remember back in the day the Fash were always terminally fixated with black metal and nothing else, everything else was considered 'for pussies' or otherwish Not Macho, or whatever the acceptable descriptor for such a concept is these days. I remember, there was a barely-implicit heirarchy back in the day, as to what bands are 'acceptable' whilst others had people questioning your sexuality (yes really, I was once called gay for liking Dream Theater...fucking Dream Theater). It was the same genre of idiot that would dismiss Nightwish or Epica as "chick music" because...well the ussual bullshit + sexism. That fixation with 'toughness'. But that's never quite what metal has been about. All of those old greats loved doing songs about old sci-fi and fantasy books, it wasn't all about Being Angry. It was power in the music, not the implciit aggression in the aesthetics that's the crux of it.
Again, are you not tired? I mean, I say this as someone who absolutely loves the more aggressive side of metal, I very much enjoy my black metal, even if I do lean more towards proggy stuff these days, is it not just exhausting?
We're all comrades here; huddled around a flame thats been getting smaller all the while you've been putting down friends according to this heirarchy of Cool that you've made up for yourselves. Meanwhile there's less of us every passing year. Come join us by the fire and chill, listen to what you like, feel joy and allow others that same joy. The warmth of the flames represents the shared camaradarie that about any gathering of metalheads. Lets keep it warm. Even though those tiresome people who haven't worked out what all of the iron crosses and eagles in certain sub-genres are all about are welcome as long as they're not actual fash themselves. It's okay to be taken in by an aesthetic that you lack the historical context for.
They're still less of an alien species than pop music enjoyers. Compared to them, we're pretty much the same.
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soothinghymn · 10 months
the bg3 ride really never ends, hot damn
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six-improbable-things · 2 months
DMing the end of my "oneshot" tomorrow (only a whole month later), and I really really hope it goes as well as I want it to. I mean, I know everyone in the party is great and I trust them all and I know they'll be kind to me. I'm just hoping that I genuinely make it as fun as I know it has the potential to be.
And I'm also excited to potentially start plotting my next oneshot!! I am exceptionally bad at organization so DMing takes a TON of effort for me, but I really really really do love it. My ultimate goal is to DM a campaign someday, but I know I'm nowhere near ready for that. But I'll keep practicing and keep getting better and someday I will give it a shot.
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cinemaocd · 5 months
So anyway Frieda (1947) was kind of amazing though...
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