#i'm wearing a longsleeve undershirt
fiddler-sticks · 6 months
I am currently wearing 4 layers and am still cold. Why does my room have to be 60℉ during the winter 😭
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stitch1830 · 11 months
What type of clothes did Toph wear while she was pregnant with lin and suyin ? Do you think Lin made fun of her mom or was she interested/not interested when she was pregnant and with a big belly ?
Hi Anon, thanks for the ask, and your patience! Love the Mama Toph questions, so feel free to stop by whenever with more (even if I'm not the most consistent Tumblr poster anymore—)
Anyway, let's get started!
I think Toph would go for comfort while pregnant with her kiddos. She would like loose fitting tunics/tops, baggy pants, even dresses in the late stages of the pregnancy. It wasn't often that she wore dresses, but sometimes it was easier just to put on a dress than to put on a shirt and pants with her giant belly. I can also see her wearing belts/sashes that wrap under her stomach for support, especially in the late stages of the pregnancy. During the summer months, she hopes to wear clothes that are airy and light. Winter, she just puts on whatever fits haha!
There have been some fics that I've read where she just bends her metalbending uniform so she can still wear it while pregnant, but I typically stray away from that HC. I like the idea of her going "rogue" with the uniform because she's in charge, so she'll maybe wear the pants, but then just put on a giant longsleeve undershirt and rock that around the precinct. Sometimes she'll wear the forearm guard thingies, maybe the shin guards, but she wouldn't put herself in harms way intentionally while she's pregnant, so she tries not to dress "ready for a fight."
If I push my Kantoph agenda, then I'd say it was Kanto's shirt she steals and wears around (he doesn't mind though because she looks adorable drowning in his shirt). Further pushing the agenda, I think Kanto would most definitely buy outfits for Toph when she's pregnant with incoming Su. He wants Toph and Lin to match, so he'll buy dresses for them, and Kanto's a sweetie about it, so Toph never minds. She also likes it because Lin gets so excited, and Toph can't say no to Lin when she's excited about matching her mama. And of course, Kanto thinks Toph looks beautiful in everything, so really, he's there to try and help find clothes that match and that are most comfortable for her. He knows being pregnant isn't her favorite thing in the world, so he just tries to help in any way he can. Buying clothes is one of those ways lol.
Okay, and regarding Lin seeing Toph's pregnant belly, I don't know if she would make fun of Toph, but she'd have a million questions every day about why her belly is getting so big, where her baby sibling's at, when they're going to be here, etc. I feel like Toph would be the type of mama that would answer Lin's questions (as long as they were age appropriate lmao) and brush them off as if it's nothing big. Like, the sun rises, the birds chirp, badgermoles dig, and Mama's (Toph) gonna have a baby. Just another day in Republic City.
Lin just looks at Toph with wide eyes, thinks of more questions for the next day, and repeat. And usually at night when Lin's all quiet, Toph will take Lin's hand and have her feel the baby move. It's a lil routine they have each night, and often, it sparks more questions from Lin. Of course, Toph answers them, and they just try to enjoy the quiet moments they have while they can.
Okay! I think that's all I have for this ask. Thank you so much once again for the ask, Anon! Love Mama Toph asks, so feel free to stop by with more if you have any. Hope you have a great day! :D
Send me asks about ATLA, LOK, or anything, really! :D
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sexyleon · 1 year
27, 16, 8. oh shit wait, also 6 & 9 ✌️😎
27. what’s your favorite or go-to outfit?
MMMMM, I'm going to go with go-to because I haven't had a favourite in a while!!! Usually I'll wear high-waisted black skinny jeans and a black longsleeved crop top and black combat boots and maybe some jewelry LMAO If I'm at work I'll add an undershirt so that my belly isn't exposed! Basically all black head to toe all the time!
16. thoughts on mint chocolate chip?
I'm so sorry, i hate it. I don't like chocolate that much, especially not condensed chocolate like chocolate bars, and the combo of mint and chocolate just doesn't do it for me.
8. do you change into specific clothes for the house when you get home?
!! When I get home I usually shower and change into pyjamas! I used to be fine just changing out of my street clothes into fresh clothes I can hang out with at home, but covid made me insane and now I won't sit down anywhere in my house until I've showered after I've been outside (even for a quick trip to pick up food)
6. do you use a watch?
I do not!!! I used to have a couple when I was little, but I quickly found out I forget about them and if they are not waterproof they are getting fucked up in the shower before I remember I have it on! So I haven't had a watch since!
9. do you have a skincare routine (and how many steps is it)?
I AM TRYING!!! I AM TRYING!!!!!! So far I can only manage to remember to wash my face with cleanser (because it is literally in my shower and we've established I'm insane with showers). Sometimes I remember to put on moisturiser/sunscreen. My friend planned like a 5 step routine for me but I haven't bought the stuff yet!
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bioaccumulation · 4 years
I love your style!! (especially how you make it masc, as I'm a nonbinary person) I was wondering what you would consider you fashion staples? like I'm trying to fill up a new wardrobe and I was wondering where I should start
YALL 🥺 i dont know if the advice i can give you is great since im still exploring my own style but i would definitely say undershirts are great way to have versatility. So i have solid black long sleeves, striped long sleeves, and mesh longsleeves etc to go under my plethora of band shirts (which many i thirft for super cheap!). Also im on the get a good pair of shoes or two that are high quality and go with everything train. Im a vegetarian but i still prefer leather materials (a lot to do with how fake is worse for the environment in a lot of aspects because its plastic and leather is a byproduct of the meat industry no matter what so less waste- theres tons more but thats the gist) because they last so much longer so i have a pair of platform 1461 docs that i love (i even wore them to graduate ahhfjf). Im also a fan of get a big coat with BIG pockets cause carrying around a bag is inconvienent af. If anyone ever payed attention senior year i wouldve been notorious for wearing the same pair of grungey full of holes thrift pants i paid $4 for that stunk of cigs... fav pants <3. Im also Bad at accessorizing i really have to concentrate to do it but belts are great especially for looking masc because they force you to think about how your clothing is laying on your body. A masculine pant fit will sit much lower on the hips and then if your shirt is loose your waistline starts to disappear.
Anyways bahsically tldr i reccomend big coat/jacket that goes with everything in your wardrobe, decent shoes, shirts for layering, a simple pair of pants you Love (patch pants, clean black denim jeans, etc whatevers your vibe), fashion belts (or just sturdy ones) are easy accessories with a use, and i thrift so much ive only been buying new alternative specific clothing lately because thrifting things like a spiked collar is not easy. sorry if this is too Duh! This is just me drawing from the clothing items that have done me the most good in my closet ❤️
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