#i'm probably overthinking
karygurl · 4 months
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Yeeeessssss!!! Two Final Fantasy XIV flex mounts in December!! Plus the Blackjack airship too, but that's less flexing and more just having been around for enough Make It Rain events to have a little MGP stockpile.
Mount 1: Morbol mount, from doing six savage level raids with a full blue mage party, synced, no Echo buff.
Mount 2: Baby Ozma mount, from completing the Eureka zones/grinds and their associated 48-56 person raid Baldesion Arsenal. No rezzing allowed in there, and I didn't die once the entire run while healing :D
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that-dumb-dinosaur · 2 years
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It just might be me overthinking but notice how Hunter and Luz are wearing similar expressions, but the two of them are separated? From this angle it looks like they're not touching and they're facing different directions away from each other. What's going on there? Gus is practically on top of Hunter and Amity is squished in with Luz (same with Vee and Willow on the sides) so why such an obvious gap in between Luz and Hunter?
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angeygirl · 1 year
So I happen to be an individual who loves colours and colour symbolism, meaning that since Crying Killer is visual, I'm going to be putting way too much effort into the colour language
So far all the meanings I want to use are negative, and the only colours not assigned to a character are orange, green, and I guess brown. Coincidentally, those happen to be colours usually given to fanon Henry, who doesn't have a design in this AU yet. Also did you know that yellow can be used for betrayal and dishonesty?
Yellow... Like the Bonnie suit...
IDK if that was intentional but if it was that was brilliant. Or maybe it was meant to be subversive since yellow is usually happy (or across from purple on the wheel)
I think I'll use blue and indigo separately. Since Evan's eyes are blue in this, I want to be careful. Or maybe I'm overthinking, but I'm also having fun. I wouldn't put in so much thought if I didn't enjoy it :)
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acewithobsessions · 6 months
Why do some people use image id and some people use alt text? Is one better?
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penrose-quinn · 1 year
I'm sort of glad I finally got to change that segment in GL chp 11 that bothered me so much. Mostly because I think it was lacking and it didn't convey what I wanted to express. Just didn't have that emotional gut-punch, you know? I'm not sure if it's a good line, but I think it's a bit better than the one I previously wrote hmmm.
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caedi · 2 years
gif requests open here! please resend if you don’t see your request on this list within 24 hours 😘💕
currently working on
樂-STAR gifs
planned gifsets
All member gifset for <樂-STAR> unveil track 1
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shroombun · 2 months
Question for all my fic writers out there.
How do you establish your perspective? I'm having trouble actually starting a fic solely because I need to figure out a perspective to write it from. I think I want to write it in a third person POV while also reading into each character's individual thoughts on the subject. I need tips on how to achieve this.
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Is it just me or does the computer make a noise everytime someone lies?
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jeweled-blue-eyes · 3 months
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In HtN Ianthe claims she helped Coronabeth pretend to be a necromancer for over twenty years but she's twenty-two, which must mean she did necromancy since she was one year old contradicting herself in GtN when she reveals she's been doing Coronabeth's work since she was six years old. Did Ianthe lie? Or did the author make a mistake? Or is this hinting that something deeper is going on?
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mroddmod · 2 months
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happy bad batch eve here's a couple s3 tech concepts i was playing w last night !
+ some alts w his goggles
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canisalbus · 6 months
As someone whose entire extended family lives in Sicily irl and they're all super catholic i am delighted by Machete's place of origin??? I literally feel like that meme with the anime girl that's like "(Location) mentioned!!!" anytime it comes up lol
Anyways I love reading OC lore so your blog is always a treat 😎
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eucchabe · 1 year
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eepy sketch
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shuploc · 8 months
I just wanted to say really quick, you have no idea how much I love your Miguel drawings, they're so awesome!! Please never stop drawing him! 🥺
Haha, thank you, I'm really glad you like them! 😊 I'm not planning on stopping anytime soon either, it feels so wonderful to finally just allow myself to be inspired and draw whatever I feel like in the moment!
I will say, I am a little afraid it might turn stale pretty soon though, the ideas I'm coming up with are starting to kinda... feel very familiar, if that makes sense. I'm not sure how many times I can keep "serving" when it's just another drawing of Miguel looking slightly annoyed, y'know 😅 I'm sure ya'll will let me know when it's gets boring though. But thank you for the ask!
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lady-a-stuff · 5 months
Am I obsessed with Shadow and Bone costume department? Maybe
But honestly? I think I should!
One thing that was pretty big in the books was Inej describing Kaz as having sharp features, all angles and edges, and look at this!! They made a pretty incredible work in making him look so sharp!
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In contrast Inej is all round and soft (lovely and brave and better than anything he deserved)
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And of course the casting director nailed cause who else would have this perfect cheekbones?? Freddy Carter is Kaz Brekker.
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And even next to Jesper, he still has more edges and angles. Look, even though Jesper's hat is as angular as Kaz's his lapel isn't which give him a softness that isn't in Kaz.
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Everyday I found something new to obsess about the costume choices in sab
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So, I've been thinking SO MUCH about this expression.
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Now, I'm shit at reading expressions, but to me this reads as confusion. Of "that's not how it happened...was it?" and if it's not, completely disregard the rest of this.
I'm pretty sure Macaque tends to stir on things. From the fact he tended to quiet about his concerns when others didn't take them seriously to his anger in his debut, and the fact that he has twice now recalled lines nearly to the word ("Good to see ya, bud." and "You always were the most cowardly of the bunch."), I feel like there's a good chance he has stirred on these lines. Stayed up at night with them running around his head type thing.
And that kinda stuff tends to warp memories and perceptions, and we've already established that Macaque's an unreliable narrator (whether he means to be or not) because his perception of events is warped by emotions.
I was just using this as a headcanon, but then I noticed it's not the first time we'd be shown memories of events changing from one person to another (even subtly). And here's where I'm probably overthinking (if I wasn't already).
After the Samadhi Fire ritual, in Demon Bull King's retelling, he drops the ring when he runs for Red Son.
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But in (what I assume to be Wukong's) memory of events, he holds onto it.
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If this was a deviation between memories and not just an inaccuracy, I don't think I'm reaching too terribly far to say that Macaque's memory of the argument could've been warped over time.
Buuuut I'm probably just overthinking stuff. Fun to do though!
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sonego · 2 months
i tried to be specific ?? but i might have been overthinking it so much that the options now make no sense. i can't tell. rip
also just for fun if you want to say what the first tournament you watched was please do so in the tags 🩵
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