#i'm definitely gonna track down more books by these two authors
mikimeiko · 9 months
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Books I read in 2023
This Is How You Lose the Time War - Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone (2019)
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cantsomeoneelsedoit · 2 months
Ch 43: Deadline
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The three faces of Undead and our noble heroine
This cover brings together all the versions of Undead we've met (except young Victor). Captain Andy is looking toward the past, while present-day Andy looks toward the future. Victor looks directly at us, and Fuuko looks up at him.
As I've said before and will probably rant about again in the future, the fact that we have multiple "avatars" of Undead goes well with the theory that UU is a story about writing. OCs develop and evolve, sometimes splitting into two characters who've both become essential to the story.
Under shows up at Anno Un's house, but they can't do anything except watch. Anno Un says they'll kill them if they try to interfere, and that seems pretty possible! Anno Un explains a bit more about how the book works:
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So Fuuko isn't changing the past, but she's adding a set of memories to Andy's mind. It's kind of like a prophetic dream he can use to improve his present self. Fuuko is also getting a powerup by training with him for so long and learning more about her own power.
Meanwhile, Fuuko finds herself in front of Ford's Theater in Washington, DC.
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You probably already know about the theory that Victor was somehow present at President Lincoln's assassination (as a bodyguard?), hinted at in the flashbacks we see when Andy takes out his card in Ch 1. You can also see him cutting hair!
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That theory definitely raises a lot of intriguing questions! Did he save President Lincoln?! I'm dying to know more about Victor's adventures. Why doesn't he want Fuuko to know about him?
Back to Chapter 43, Victor tells Fuuko, "From this point on, these are my memories." It seems like he only allowed her to access the 1865-1876 memories.
If he can stop her from seeing the memories, then why didn't he stop her when she first arrived in the book? Is there something he wanted her and/or Andy to experience?
It could be that Victor is threatening Andy and Fuuko in an attempt to tough-love them into growing stronger, but he really does seem to want to kill them, also. His motivations are so unclear right now.
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After Victor shoots Fuuko at Ford's Theater, she returns to Longing. He shoots her again, and she returns to the cabin where she last said goodbye to Captain Andy.
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I'm not going to pretend that I understand how the book works. I'm not sure why she went back to a place she'd already been, when he says that the book moves forward in time.
Feeling like Chapter 9 again:
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Victor kills her all the way to Shinjuku Station in 2020 where the story first began.
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I really love that bottom panel! Her panic and concern. The tears that haven't yet fallen. Her trembling lips. The way she pulls down her hat to get ready to jump into Andy's arms the moment she sees him.
But Victor shows up with a move we haven't seen before:
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"Just you wait, Juiz..." is very intriguing! What's he trying to accomplish in the end?
Also, this Shinjuku-slashing monster attack named DEADLINE? It fits too well with my overall UU theory. After all, what's the most brutal foe an author can have? Deadline is such a strong attack that it has the potential to throw the entire story off track!
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Andy saves the day (and the entire story) with a Ten Twist Vortex Bullet that tears right through Victor!
Victor is gonna be hard to beat here. But Fuuko and Andy have an advantage they don't usually have against Victor bc this isn't the real world. They can go all-out without worrying about anything except defeating him.
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explosionshark · 2 years
i am about to go spend 4 mandatory days with my family so i went back through to make sure i didn't miss your book recommendation post. it looks like you haven't made it yet and NO RUSH and also NO PRESSURE but i AM looking forward to it and invested. thank u for your time
Expediting this list FOR YOU, SHANNON ❤️
These are unranked btw. A single tier that is "this was good so you should read it"
Even Though I Knew the End by CL Polk - this novella feels almost like it was cooked up in a lab specifically to appeal to me. I love 40s noir, I love urban fantasy, I love sapphic romance. This book delivers on all fronts. It follows a freelance magician as she investigates a series of brutal supernatural murders that have been plaguing Chicago. If she can find out who's behind the killings she can save lives - including her own. Aside from the great noir detective angle and the fun magic system, there's a beautiful romance at the core. If you read this and you like it, you should definitely also check out P Djeli Clark's Dead Djinn series of books for more stories in a similar vein.
Elder Race by Adrian Tchaikovsky - another novella! This one's not gay, but it's got a great science fantasy premise. At what point is technology indistinguishable from magic? How much difference does it make? This story is a dual narrative - half of it follows the daughter of a royal so low down the succession chain that she's functionally useless embarking on a half mad quest to track down the ancient wizard of folk legends and secure his help in protecting her family's lands against attacks by monsters. The other half follows an anthropologist, the lone survivor of a research team dispatched to a backwater planet centuries ago, struggling to find a sense of purpose in his lonely existence, while the terms of his placement on the planet forbid him from engaging in the lives of the civilization he was sent to observe. Very fun and a brisk read.
Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield - this one's quite different in tone. It's a quiet, contemplative romantic drama about a married couple who planned to spend their whole lives together, slipping away from each other after a traumatic event. It's also a cosmic horror novel about the ocean - its secrets, its power, its ability to transform. Beautifully written but slow paced - if reading about the minutae of the relationship between two British lesbians and also Lovecraftian body horror both hold equal appeal to you as subject matter, it's a book you'll adore.
Echo by Thomas Olde Heuvelt - speaking of relationship issues! This one's gay and haunted in the other direction. It follows a couple after one of them suffers a horrible accident while mountain climbing and comes back different. I'm not sure how much you like scary books, Shannon - I'd say this one is scarier than Our Wives, but not like super terrifying. It's got some amazing ideas though - genuinely the most original haunting/possession story I've read in years.
The Blacktongue Thief by Christopher Buehlman - this was SO much fun. I've struggled reading fantasy this year - I keep starting books and not finishing them. This is the title that finally broke my fantasy slump. It's easy to read, fast paced and not overly dense, with an interesting world and lore that's constantly fleshed out throughout the whole run of the book. Also, god, it was so refreshing to read a sword and sorcery fantasy book with wizards and goblins and shit and just have it be full of women? And the author isn't weird about it? It's narrated by a male character in the vein of the classic Irish trickster hero, but the supporting cast are mostly women. A scrappy apprentice witch, a stoic raven knight with magic tattoos, a magic assassin, a witch queen in exile who has to be restored to the thrown that was stolen from her - it's all happening! Honestly adored this book. Can't wait for the next entries in the series.
Mistakes Were Made by Meryl Wilsner - okay this is not gonna be for everyone. It's also the only straight up romance on the list - in my defense, I haven't read many this year. This is a book about what if you were a college senior moping about on your school's family weekend and you hook up with a hot older chick about it and then the next morning you find out your one night stand is actually your best friend's mom. No wait, keep reading! I actually found this book to have way less of the conflict you'd expect - there was some of the obvious friction, the conflict of interest, the secrecy demanded by the premise but the romance itself was very kind, sweet, generous, once it got going. This one is also very smutty. If a romance sounds appealing but this premise is a no-go, you might want to check out Meryl Wilsner's other book Something To Talk About! I'm very picky with romance, but they're two for two with me.
Good luck! Happy reading!
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mcrmadness · 9 months
“hi, I’m not from the US” ask set: 4,5, 7, 10, 11, 15, 18
Kiitoksia 😊
Omg that is so many!!! Kiitos tosi paljon itsellesi! ^^
4. favourite dish specific for your country? Makaronilaatikko aka macaroni casserole maybe? At least afaik it's a very Finnish dish. It's just ground beef and macaronis (as in pasta), and then a mixture of milk and eggs, and it's made in the oven. And it's eaten with ketchup usually.
5. favourite song in your native language? Okay this is extremely difficult to answer to. I listen to several Finnish bands, and I don't really have just one favorite, I don't even have any ultimate favorite song from any of these bands! I have several faves from all of them :D But right now I can't really think about any other band than Apulanta (which is my favourite Finnish band!), and how this song is one of the tracks I go back to so often, and it's definitely one of my favorite songs from them.
7. three words from your native language that you like the most? This kind of questions are always so difficult because when asked for a list of something, I forget about all the words in the world. But I just found one that I like:
öttömönkiäinen. It's like, from the word "ötökkä", a bug, and the verb "mönkiä", to crawl. I just think it's a fun (colloguial) word to use when talking about a random bug lmao (There's also other versions: öttiäinen and öttömöttiäinen.)
And then two more words... hmm. Okay I'm gonna say tietokone - a computer - but simply because it's a fun compound word consisting of two words: tieto, and kone. And the literal meaning of that word is "knowledge machine"! I find that a fun example of Finnish compound words that can sometimes be quite descriptive when you sit down to think about them :D
As a third I think I'm going to answer something that already kinda answers also the last question of this ask, as it's a dialect thing! The standard Finnish word for "to go" is "mennä", but my dialect keeps changing that into "männä". Idk why it's so fun to me, but it is. And also all other features about my dialect that make the words look different from the standard written Finnish. So yeah, I really like this regional word "männä" :D To say "Minä menen." (I [will] go.) in Savo dialect, you say either "Mie meen." or even: "Mie mään." I find that fun :D
10. most enjoyable swear word in your native language? Fun fact: I don't actually swear in Finnish at all :D I use the bit milder "swearwords" to replace the others. But I think my favorite one is "helekkari", that's the Savo version of the word "helkkari". It doesn't mean anything specific, but it's quite fun to say out loud :D
11. favourite native writer/poet? I don't like poems at all, and I have read very few books from Finnish authors. I think I'm going to answer this with: Tove Jansson. She's the creator of Moomins, and she wrote several Moomin books as well. I read a few of them as a kid, and I really should reread those one day and also finish that whole project and read all of her Moomin books. Altho, her first language was Swedish and she didn't do the Finnish translations of her books, but I'm still going to count her in because she was from Finland after all.
15. a saying, joke, or hermetic meme that only people from your country will get? "Kyllä lähtee!" altho, also this will be understood only by a specific group of Finnish. (Those who have watched a Finnish sketch comedy Kummeli! :D)
18. do you speak with a dialect of your native language? Yes I do! I speak a Savo dialect, or one version of it that is more like a combo of several dialects around this area, but falls under Savo dialects nevertheless. I don't know what else to say, I love dialects and talking about them but... idk what else should I say about it here :D
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can i say a sort of pointless rambly thing i was thinking about that i can't put under the cut bc i'm on mobile?
jk, i'm not actually asking. ramble below, not edited for clarity. the following is completely unclear and i will not fix it:
i've been thinking about how part of the reason i'm so chill about caryl is bc growing up as a queer woc 99% of my main ships were like, never gonna fucking happen bc they literally couldn't. it was like, "omg, they gazed at each other from across the room, let's analyze the homosexual subtext of this one scene for the next fifty years, that's not necessarily hyperbole." i've watched all my ships fuck other ppl/have other love interests, and i knew that my thing was never gonna be canon, so to see like, one thing being like, "one half of my ship fucked another person several years ago while pining for the other half of my ship," i'm like...#nice, bc that can and likely will be used as a plot point to get them together later on, whereas in other situations i've been in i just kinda had to deal with it. so my impulse when i see ppl losing their shit is to be like
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and to be slightly annoyed, tbh, bc the ship is still on track to be canon, and it's like, literally two white heterosexuals, they're prime candidates for juicy angsty pining that actually gets a resolution.
that being said, i recognize that that attitude isn't necessarily fair. for one thing, i'm not the only queer woc (or some variation thereof) in this fandom, and some ppl's impulse might be exasperation instead, bc like, "wtf, even my mayohet ship has dumb fucking drama," and that's valid as hell, and i get it.
and also, i get that, even if you didn't grow up shipping impossible ships (or mulder/scully, bc that's a brand of bullshit all its own), this has been a suuuuper drawn out process where sometimes it feels like they're legit sprinkling crumbs to keep you hooked, just to play you again, and when you are invested in something, like /rly/ invested, especially if it's a form of escapism or hyperfixation or whatever, that can be e x h a u s t i n g. and i get that. i truly do, and while i make a lot of snide comments about the fandom being bonkers, i do get where the bulk of you are coming from (unless you're one of those ppl who hate on actors and esp actresses for just doing their jobs, and attack them on social media, in which case i am very much judging you and you need to get your life together).
i also realize that in the scheme of things i'm still a newbie. i've been here, what, twoish/threeish years, whereas some of you have been here since the beginning, so i'm not as worn out as y'all. but i also think that gives me a bit of objectivity that some of y'all have (understandably) lost.
my positivity is not meant as a sleight against those of you who are feeling negative, but is more of a semi-objective viewpoint (i say semi, bc lbr, i'm invested af in this, so i definitely have bias), and to me the threads of the storyline they're crafting seem sort of obvious.
like, let's look at it, yeah? they have one season left of this show that has been on for over a decade. they need to cater to everyone to give them a satisfying ending, while still hanging on to carylers bc of the spin-off. darylrreah seems like a very calculated move, bc it gives them both something to make abcers happy, while also creating tension and suspense and pining for carylers (i think they might underestimate just how fed up some carylers are tbh, and are banking on us to hang on for one last ride, which, honestly? if they play it right will probably work.)
if they end up doing a dumb love triangle thing, which, without seeing the episode and gauging the subtext i can't confidently say if i think they will or won't, it will ultimately end in our favor. it has to, bc leah isn't going to third wheel them on the bike in the spin-off. we can say with good authority that whatever that relationship ends up being (again, idk if they'll drag it out or not) it will be temporary. which leaves caryl open to ride off into the sunset and then bone down in every state in the united states and in puerto rico for good measure.
it's a lot of cheap drama, but i really and truly do not think it's anything to worry about, and i still really and truly trust kang to not make it out of character. ik ppl still don't agree with me on that point, and i'm not gonna argue, but to me it really does make perfect sense.
and i also predict that they are gonna play it up hardcore in the promotional shit and talking dead, but when that happens, remember it's bc it gets attention. regardless of where the story is ultimately going, relationship drama gets attention, which gets viewers, which gets amc and twd producers nice and comfy with full pockets
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idk. to sum up ig i just wanted to clarify that i don't mean any harm with my relentless positivity. my history in fandom has just made this seem like nothing in comparison, bc while ppl are freaking out, i'm like, "oh damn, they're actually gonna get together by the end of this, aren't they? i didn't know that could happen!" and that makes me excited instead of upset
and you definitely don't have to listen to me. maybe i'm actually wrong. maybe i'm completely full of bullshit and am just good at making things sound confident. i got a lot of As on papers in college over books i never read, i know how to bs. but i also know how to analyze, and i while i will be the first to tell you i am not the best at a great many things, i do know that i am good at critically analyzing text while taking into account the context it was written in, and imho all signs point to canon caryl. when, i'm not entirely sure, but i see it happening. if it doesn't then they severely fucked up their storytelling, and that'd just be bad writing on their part.
(if you want proof that i'm good at reading writers'/producers' intentions, consider that i watched like, 8 seasons of supernatural before giving up, and said to myself, "i think they're gonna make destiel canon, but not until the very last second bc they are rly into catering to their fans but also have to consider their dumb fanboy audience so they can't do anything crazy overtly gay," and guess who hit the nail on the fucking head on that one)
none of this is important, but it was rattling around my mind grapes and i wanted to write it down into something vaguely coherent, and where else better to do it than here. i can word vomit and then send it into the ether and pretend i never said a thing. i love this horrible website, nothing can compare
i have no real conclusion to this, it was mostly stream of consciousness, but i hope it sort of helps y'all understand where i'm coming from, and why i am as chill as i am about things. not about y'all. y'all cause me so much anxiety i get physically sick and have to legit block tags, but with the actual show content i'm zen as hell
the end ig?
it feels weird even signing off on this, but w/e
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snarktheater · 3 years
Hey, d'you have any French book recs? I'm trying to work on my French, and rn I have downloaded one of my favourite book series' French translations, but I figured maybe books already written in French might work better? Also have you read the Ranger's Apprentice series? 1/2
RA's def flawed - the books' narration does like to point bright arrows at the protagonists' intelligence, and the last few books def have the tone of 'old white man trying to write feminism', although at least he's trying? - and it's aimed more to the younger side of YA, but it is still a very fun series, and I can ignore the flaws fairly easily, at least partly due to nostalgia? This rather long lol but I'm wordy.
I'll start with the second question: no, although every time the series is brought up I have to check the French title and go "oh, right, I've seen these books in stores". But I've never purchased or read them. It sounds like something I probably would have enjoyed as a teen but I just missed the mark, and these days I'm trying to drown myself in queer books, so that probably isn't happening.
As for your first question, geez, I haven’t read a French book in years, so this is gonna skew middle grade/YA, though that may not be so bad if the point is to learn the language. I will also say that as a result, these may read a little outdated.
I'll put it under a cut, even if Tumblr has become really bad with correctly displaying read mores. Sorry, mobile crowd.
It's also likely that old readers of the blog will have seen me talk about most of these. I don't feel like going through old posts.
One last thing: while I was curating this list I took the time to make a Goodreads shelf to keep track of those.
The Ewilan books by Pierre Bottero
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(It's a testament to how long ago I read these books that these are not the covers of the edition I own, and I can't even find those on Google. I'm settling for a more recent cover anyway since it'll make it easier to find them, presumably)
There are at least three trilogies (that I know of) set in the same world.
The first trilogy is essentially an isekai (so, French girl lands in parallel fantasy world by accident) with elements of chosen one trope, though I find the execution makes it worth the while anyway.
The second trilogy is a direct sequel, so same protagonist but new threat, and the world gets expanded.
The third one is centered around a supporting characters from the previous books, and the first couple of books in it are more her backstory than a continuation, though the third one concludes both that trilogy and advances the story of the other books as well.
Notably these books have a really fun magic system where the characters "draw" things into existence. It's just stuck with me for some reason.
A bunch of stuff by Erik L'Homme
I have read a lot of this man's books, starting with Le Livre des Etoiles.
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They also skew towards the young end of YA, arguably middle grade, I never bothered to figure out where to draw the line. They're coincidentally also using the premise of a parallel world to our own (and yes, connected to France again, the French are just as susceptible of writing about their homeland), but interestingly are set from the point of view of characters native to the parallel world.
It also has a very unique magic system, this one based on a mix of a runic alphabet and sort-of poetry. I'll also say specifically for these books that the characters stuck with me way more than others on this list, which is worth mentioning.
This trilogy is my favorite by Erik L'Homme, but I'll also mention Les Maîtres des brisants, which is a fantasy space opera with a pirate steampunk(?) vibe. I think it's steampunk. I could be mistaken. But it's in that vein. It's also middle grade, in my opinion not as good, but it could just be that it came out when I was older.
Another one is Phaenomen, which was a deliberate attempt at skewing older (though still YA). This one is set in our (then-)modern world and centers a group of teens who happen to have supernatural powers. I guess the best way to describe it is a superhero thriller? If you take "superhero" in the sense of "people with individualized powers", since they don't really do a lot of heroing.
...I really need to brush up on genre terminology, don't I.
The Ji series by Pierre Grimbert
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This one is actually adult fantasy, though it definitely falls under "probably outdated". It is very straight, for starters, and I'd have to give it another read to give a more critical reading of how it handles race (it attempts to do it, and is well meaning, but I'm not sure it survives the test of time & scrutiny, basically).
If I haven't lost you already, the premise is this: a few generations ago, a weird man named Nol gathered emissaries from each nation of the world and took them to a trip to the titular Ji island. Nobody knows what went down here, but now in the present day, someone is trying to kill off all descendants from those emissaries, who are as a result forced to team up and figure out what's going on.
I'm not going to spoil past that, though I will say it has (surprise) a really unique magic system! I guess you can start to piece together what my younger self was interested in. Which, admittedly, I still am.
Once again, this one also has a strong cast of characters, helped by rich world building and the premise forcing the characters to come from many different cultures (though, again, I can't vouch for the handling of race because it's been too long).
The first series is complete by itself, though it has two sequel series as well, each focusing on the next generation in these families. Because yes, of course they all pair up and have kids. Like I said: very straight.
A whole lot of books by Jean-Louis Fetjaine
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OFetjaine is a historian, and I guess he's really interested in Arthurian mythos especially, because he loves it so much he's written two separate high fantasy retellings of them! I'm not criticizing, mind you, we all need a hobby.
The former, the Elves trilogy (pictures above) is very traditional high fantasy. Elves, dwarves, orcs, a world which is definitely fictionalized with a pan-Celtic vibe to it. The holy grail and excalibur are around, but they're relics possessed by the elves and dwarves with very different powers than usual. Et cetera.
Fetjaine also really loves his elves (as the titles might imply), and while they're not exactly Tolkien elves, there's a similar vibe to them. If you like Tolkien and his elf boner, you'll probably like this too. And conversely, if that turns you off, these books probably also won't work for you.
This series also has a prequel trilogy, centered around the backstory of one of the main characters. I...honestly don't remember too much about it, but I liked it, so, there you go, I guess.
I said Fetjaine did it twice. The other series is the Merlin duology, which, as the title implies, is a retelling of Merlin's story. Note that Merlin is also in the other trilogy, but it's a different Merlin; like I said, completely different continuities and stories.
This one is historical fantasy, so it's set in actual Great Britain, and Fetjaine attempts to connect Arthur to a "real" historical figure...but, you know, Merlin is also half-elf and elves totally exist in Brocéliande, so, you know. History.
Okay, that's probably enough fantasy, let me give some classics too.
L'Arbre des possibles et autres histoires - Bernard Werber
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Bernard Werber is a pretty seminal author of French sci-fi and I should probably be embarrassed that the only book of his that I read was for school, but, it is a really good one, so I'll include it anyway.
It's a novella collection, and when I say "sci-fi" I want to make it clear that it's very old school science fiction. It's more Frankenstein or Black Mirror than Star Trek, what we in French call the anticipation genre of science fiction: you take one piece of technology or cultural norm and project it into the future.
It has a pretty wide range of topics and tones, so it's bound to have some better than others. My personal faves were Du pain et des jeux, where football (non-American) has evolved into basically a wargame, and Tel maître, tel lion, where any animal is considered acceptable as a pet, no matter how absurd it is to keep as a pet. They're both on a comedic end, but there's more heartfelt stuff too.
L'Ecume des Jours - Boris Vian
(no cover because I can't find the one I have, and the ones I find are ugly)
This book is surrealist. Like, literally a part of the surrealist movement. It features things such as a lilypad growing inside a woman's lungs (and, as you well know, lilypads double in size every day, wink wink), the protagonist's apartment becoming larger and smaller to go with his mood and current financial situation, and more that I can't even recall at the moment because remembering this book is like trying to remember having an aneurysm.
It is also really, really fun and touching. Oh, and it has a pretty solid movie adaptation, starring Audrey Tautou, who I think an international audience would probably recognize from Amelie or the Da Vinci Code movie.
I don't really know what else to say. It's a really cool read!
Le Roi se meurt - Eugène Ionesco
Ionesco is somewhat famous worldwide so I wasn't even sure to include him here. He's a playwright who wrote in the "Theater of the Absurd" movement, and this play is part of that.
The premise of this play is that the King (of an unnamed land) is dying, and the land is dying with him. I don't really know what else to say. It's theater of the absurd. It kind of has to be experienced (the published version works fine, btw, no need to track down an actual performance, in my humble opinion).
The Plague - Albert Camus
You've probably heard of this one, and if you haven't, let me tell you about a guy called Carlos Maza
I'm honestly more including this book out of a sense of duty. The other three are books I genuinely liked and happen to be classics. This book was an awful read. But, um. It's kind of relevant now in a way it wasn't (or didn't feel, anyway) back in 2008 or 2009, when I read it. And I don't just mean because of our own plague, since Camus's plague is pretty famously an allegory for fascism, which my teenage self sneered at, and my adult self really regrets every feeling that way.
Okay, finally, some more lighthearted stuff, we gotta talk about the Belgian and French art of bande dessinée. How is it different from comic books or manga? Functionally, it isn't. It really comes down more to what gets published in the Belgian-French industry compared to the American comics industry, which is dominated by superheroes, or the Japanese manga industry, which, while I'm less familiar with it, I know has some big genre trends as well that are completely separate.
The Lanfeust series - Arleston and Tarquin
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This is a YA mega-series, and I can't recommend all of it because I've lost track of the franchise's growth. Also note that I say "YA", but in this case it means something very different from an American understanding of YA. These books are pretty full of sex.
No, when I say YA I mean it has that level of maturity, for better or worse. The original series (Lanfeust de Troy) is high fantasy in a world where everyone has an individual magical ability but two characters find out they're gifted with an absolute power to make anything happen, and while it gets dark at times, it's still very lighthearted throughout, and the humor is...well, I think it's best described as teen boy humor. And it has a tendency to objectify its female characters, as you'll quickly parse out from the one cover I used here or if you browse more covers.
But still, it holds a special place in my heart, I guess. And on my shelves.
The sequel series, Lanfeust des Etoiles, turns it into a space opera, and goes a little overboard with the pop culture reference at times, though overall still maintains that balance of serious/at times dark story and lighthearted comedy.
After that the franchise is utter chaos to me, and I've lost track. I know there was another sequel series, which I dropped partway through, and a spinoff that retold part of the original series from the PoV of the main love interest (in the period of time she spent away from the main group). There was a comedy spin-off about the troll species unique to this world, a prequel series, probably more I don't even know exist.
Les Démons d'Alexia
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Something I can probably be a little less ashamed of including here.
Some backstory here. The Editions Dupuis are a giant of the Belgian bande dessinée industry, and for many, many years I was subscribed to their weekly magazine. That magazine was (mostly) made up of excerpts from the various books that the éditions were publishing at the time; those that were made of comic strips would usually get a couple pages of individual scripts, while the ongoing narratives got cut into episodes that were a few pages long (out of a typical 48 page count for a single BD album). Among those were this series.
For the first few volumes, I wasn't super into this series, probably because I was a little too young and smack dab in the middle of my "trying to be one of the boys" phase. But around book 3 I got really invested, to the point where I own the second half of the series because I had canceled by subscription by then but still wanted to know more.
Alexia is an exorcist with unusual talents, but little control, who's introduced to a group that specializes in researching paranormal phenomena, solving cases that involve the paranormal, that kinda stuff.
As a result of the premise, the series has a pretty slow start since it has to build up mystery around the source of Alexia's powers, but once it gets going and we get to what is essentially the series' main conflict, it gets really interesting.
Plus, witches. I'm a simple gay who likes strong protagonists and witches.
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There was a point where my mtyhology nerdery led me to look for more stuff about the historical cultures that created them, and so I'd be super into stuff set in ancient Rome (I'd say "or Greece or Egypt" but let's face it, it was almost always Rome).
Murena is a series set just before the start of Emperor Nero's rule. You know, the one who was emperor when Rome burned, and according to urban legend either caused the fire or played the fiddle while it did (note: "fiddle" is a very English saying, it's usually the lyre in other languages). He probably didn't, it probably was propaganda, but he was a) a Roman Emperor, none of whom were particularly stellar guys and b) mean to Christians, who eventually got to rewrite history. So he's got a bad rep.
The series goes for a very historical take on events, albeit fictionalized (the protagonist and main PoV, the titular Lucius Murena, is himself fictional) and attempts to humanize the people involved in those events. Each book also includes some of the sources used to justify how events and characters are depicted, which is a nice touch.
It's also divided in subseries called "cycles" (books 1-4, 5-8 and the ongoing one starts at 9). I stopped after 9, though I think it's mostly a case of not going to bookstores often anymore. Plus it took four years between 9 and 10, and again between 10 and 11. But the first eight books made for a pretty solid story that honestly felt somewhat concluded as is, so it's a good place to start.
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pleckthaniel · 3 years
How about 23, 54, and 118?
23. a book that is currently on your TBR
aughh there are. so many so i'm just gonna let storygraph pull one out for me at random HAHA
Okay yeah, I'm actually very hyped to hopefully one day eventually get around to this one - Carnivorous Lunar Activities by Max Booth III. Reading the reviews, it's apparently a bit structurally experimental? Like a huge amount of it is just a conversation between two friends before it gets into the actual horror werewolf blood gore stuff. That's very fun, I'm into that. I had forgotten this was even on my TBR but now it might go straight to the top lol.
54. a book with the best opening line
IIRC, Octavia Butler's Kindred begins "I lost an arm on my last trip home." Which is sort of the platonic ideal of an opening line - it sets expectations (this book is going to contain not a small amount of brutality and violence, as well as some kind of journey) while also causing you to ask some compelling questions (how did this character lose their arm? and, only slightly less importantly, where was she journeying that this happened?). It's also written in the same understated, almost harshly simple prose as the rest of the novel, which kind of sets up some expectations in and of itself. The rest of the book kicks ass too, its discussions of the cultural impact of slavery fucking opened my eyes, but that opening line is practically perfect from a craft perspective.
118. your favourite short story collection
Honestly?? I haven't actually sat down and read an entire short story collection in like... possibly ever? So I'll just tell you about a single, individual short story that lives in my mind rent free.
I couldn't find its title or author definitively. I think the title might be "The Forgotten Mile" but I'm truly not certain. I spent like 15 mins looking for it on the Merlyn's Pen archives but it doesn't seem to be there, so I can tell you that if you somehow get your hands on the collection License to Write published by them, this is the first short story in that book. (I would check for title and author there but it's at my parents' house.. rip). I also distinctly remember googling the author's name to see if he ever ended up publishing anything else, and as near as I can tell he became an insurance agent and never wrote again.
Anyway, the story has 2 major threads. The first is about this guy who is on a long road trip with a stranger he's never met. It's soon revealed that they were both saved from prison by a mob boss, who is now holding that over their heads to get them to do things like human traffic little girls. There's a lot of focus on the conversation, and lack thereof, between them, as well as how they deal with the little girl in their trunk as they sort of repeatedly fuck up trying to transport her.
The second is about this local cop with uncontrollable homicidal urges. He likes to jump out in front of cars just to see what happens and has caused literally hundreds of deaths this way, but has not been caught. It's to the point that there's a stretch of road that the local and state government thinks is designed more dangerous because that's where he always causes these crashes, and his wife is even an activist trying to improve the safety of this road.
In the end, the storylines kind of merge in a very explosive way as the FBI starts tracking the traffickers and the cop is one of the guys called in. You know a writer is good when they can make you like the kidnapping mobster possible-rapists more than the cop, even speaking as someone who hates cops. As well as when they can pull an ending that actually feels relatively.. hopeful, if not happy, out of the scenario I just described above. I read this when I was probably like 16 and I still think about it constantly.
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kellyvela · 5 years
That "might burn your family" tweet is indicative of what I know is going to happen in fandom: sure, people are indignant now about Dany but most people don't like to be rebels; they like to be co-signed by authority (the "I'm right b/c its canon" crowd"). And no matter how it was sugarcoated, GOT canon is that Dany is a mass-murderer. Those who are not stans will slowly but surely fall in line with this reading of her, not the least b/c they don't want to be wrong AGAIN when the books come out.
If you didn’t see it already, this is the HBO_UK tweet the anon refers: 
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You sound very hopeful Anon. I agree that, in general, most people don’t like to be wrong, and certainly they don’t want to be wrong again about the same issue. 
But this fandom is something else…
Certain part of it just decided to live in denial and delusion (oh the irony): “I would never post a pic of dead dany”, “dany belongs to her fans that really love her and not to the misogynist show/books creators” (copyright what?), “I would never read the Books if that is the final”, etc, etc, etc.
We also have the actress that played dany saying/doing things like these:
I stand by Daenerys.
Clarke revealed that she met Beyonce at an Oscars after-party hosted by the musician and her husband, Jay Z. There, she was approached by the host herself, who gushed about Daenerys Targaryen. Beyonce, however, like the rest of the world, was at that point ignorant about Daenerys’ dark turn in Season 8. “All I wanted to scream was ‘Please, please still like me even though my character turns into a mass-killing dictator! Please still think that I’m representing women in a really fabulous way,’ ” Clarke said of the encounter. [x]
About the backlash on the final season: “It was profoundly flattering. Is what it was, because when someone cares that much, that they’re ready to make such a noise about how they believe the characters should have been… should have been finished, and how the story should have been gone. That’s just enormously flattering, that just shows how much everybody loved it.”        
She is using Dany and Drogon images to promote her charity.  Dany is not bringing fire and blood for once, she is a cute little nurse bringing help to those in need.     
We also have certain group of “asoiaf experts“ so called BNF, that decided not to watch the Show years ago, because it’s “sacrilege“, only the books are canon (in this I agree), but they have created their own canon, the way they interprete and understand the Books, and their followers buy everything they say as “the canon”. They still believe in their 20 years old theories that include Dany is the hero, maybe she would have a brief “dark phase“ but then “enters Jon” and they gonna fall in love, make love, celebrate life, have a baby, defeat the big bad guys walk walkers and sacrifice themselves to save the humanity. Tyrion will be the third head of the dragon, etc.  
As you can see Anon, that very human sentiment to hate being wrong, sometimes includes the belief that you can’t be wrong. So all these people (fans/stans/experts/etc) will stand by their beliefs and theories till the very end (when the books are at last published and they read them). And even after that they would say that GRRM is wrong, just like right now they are saying D&D are wrong.  
Dark Dany is not new. It have been theorized for years, And according to Elio García, co-author of the World of Ice and Fire, GRRM himself complimented that Dark Dany essay: “(…) he referred very specifically to the Meereenese Blot website and the knot essays. He said he was told about them, read them, and was very pleased that someone was able to get his difficulties and his intentions perfectly.”
And for those that paid attention, it was clear that the Show was taking that route at least since season 2. Her conversation with the Spice King is very telling. There is also this conversation with Hizdahr Zo Loraq in season 5 that is very much the same conversation she had with Jon just before he killed her. 
The Battle of the Bastard’s script says: “She doesn’t have to look. She only allows the faintest hint of a smile. A smile that says: my tyranny is not ended, motherfucker. It’s only just begun.”
People also have season 7 and even after watching those seven episodes, they believed that GOT was going to have a happy ending, a Disney one, with Targaryen restoration, jonerice wedding, king and queen coronation, boat baby and all. 
But you are right, the sugarcoat was real. They change season 7 - episode 2 title from “The Mad King’s Daughter” to something more poetic/whitewashed: “Stormborn”: 
What I was impressed by was the little hints that we saw of potentially her (Daenerys) becoming like her father in those conversations ( her talking with Varys). You know, threatening to burn somebody alive, in any universes, it’s not great.
Bryan Cogman: She has dragons, an effective form of execution.
But knowing what her father was doing to people that line sticks in your ear and also when inviting him ( Jon) down and she wants him to immediately bend the knee
Bryan Cogman: Yeah, I mean, she sees this as her birthright… it’s plain and simple, you know, they took this from her, it’s hers.
And so much of the episode ( really the whole season) not just for Daenerys but for a lot of our characters is dealing with the legacy of their families and the generations that preceded them and dealing not only with how they feel about it and what they might share with some of those ancestors but how other people perceive you.
That legacy it’s kind of why I wanted to originally call it the Mad King’s daughter (I like Stormborn, I think is a great title actually), I really wanted to call it the Mad King’s daughter and actually it would have made more sense.
In the original edit there were more characters referring to her like this in pretty much every scene and I think some of that was lost in the final edit but in the original script and in the original edit ( which was longer) pretty much every character that wasn’t in the Daenerys‘s circle was referring to her as “the Mad King’s daughter is here” .
Considering this idea that she’s got a reputation before she has ever set foot there, because she has a brother’s reputation too, that first scene is definitely about her reconciling with that, wrestling with how much of that legacy is good for her brand and what isn’t and certainly that is a big part of the no-fire bombing strategy.
It’s like: you could come in here and torch the whole place and everyone would be horrified and what have you achieved? If you want to rule, you need to take a different approach.
But under that, and I think you picked up on something in that first scene, is that she’s got a real kind of need and desire to go in guns blazing and from an emotional point of view the scene has to set up this.
Game of Thrones’ Writer Bryan Cogman: In Conversation (Part 2)
The Mad King’s Daughter, she’s got a real kind of need and desire to go in guns blazing. 
Yeah, hero material you all.
And even during season 8, after episode 2, Bryan Cogman made this really telling comparison between Sansa and Dany:
Sansa knows that of all the Starks that were ripped from Winterfell, she suffered the most to get it back. She’s the driving force for getting it back. Now she’s being told, “It’s not yours, and it’s not the Starks’ anymore. It belongs to Hitler’s daughter, the worst person in the world’s daughter, the daughter of the person who murdered your grandfather and uncle in the worst way possible. And guess what? Your brother, who you convinced to step up when he wanted to fuck off because of his death experience, bent the knee to her and is telling you that she’s your queen.” What part of Sansa’s reaction to any of this is irrational?
At the same time, if you’re Dany, this is the family that stole your family’s legacy. You grew up as a child living in constant fear that you were going to be murdered the next day. Then you’re married off to a warlord, and you’ve scraped and suffered and endured, and here you are. You’re going to help these people who destroyed your life and your family’s lives. Where’s the gratitude?
Even if he described both sides’ positions and sentiments, if you say one side’s reaction is not irrational, and then call the other side “Hitler’s daughter”, you know exactly who is the good guy and who is the evil one. 
D&D surely sugarcoated Dany, they were not calling her plainly “The Mad King’s Daughter”, but they were subtly telling us that she indeed was Aery’s pretty version: 
Jon: She’ll be a good queen. For all of us. She’s not her father.
Sansa: No, she’s much prettier.
—GOT season 8 - episode 1
In that “I stand by Daenerys” article, the interviewer recalled Kit Harington’s words about Jon killing Dany, during season 8 filming:
“I think it’s going to divide,” Harington says of the finale’s fan reaction. “But if you track her story all the way back, she does some terrible things. She crucifies people. She burns people alive. This has been building. So, we have to say to the audience: ‘You’re in denial about this woman as well. You knew something was wrong. You’re culpable, you cheered her on.’”
Harington adds he worries the final two episodes will be accused of being sexist, an ongoing criticism of GoT that has recently resurfaced perhaps more pointedly than ever before. “One of my worries with this is we have Cersei and Dany, two leading women, who fall,” he says. “The justification is: Just because they’re women, why should they be the goodies? They’re the most interesting characters in the show. And that’s what Thrones has always done. You can’t just say the strong women are going to end up the good people. Dany is not a good person. It’s going to open up discussion but there’s nothing done in this show that isn’t truthful to the characters. And when have you ever seen a woman play a dictator?”
After reading what Kit said, Dany stans gone rabid. They said things like HBO forced him to say those words and others simply insulted and hated him. Because, you know, he is wrong. D&D are also wrong. They are just a pair of white misogynist dudes that can’t stand women in power… SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!
I mean, look at these headlines. Dany stans/targ lovers are now justifying genocide. They are making/selling/buying “Her Satanic Majestic” T-shirts. 
So there you have it Anon. Some of them decided to believe Dany will still be the hero in the Books, because she ended slavery you know, that’s not what villains do, if you think different, you are a slavery apologist, also misogynist, and surely a Stark stan, those fucking classists xenophobes…   
Some others just joined “Her Satanic Majesty” cult. Those ungrateful peasants deserved to be burned alive because they didn’t love Dany. it was their fault that Dany had to go in guns blazing on them. Burn them all! Dracarys! Fire and Blood! 
It would be a long ride Anon.  
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sawyersscribbles · 5 years
Hell I would like every single headcanon for Reagan because i saw she'd just eat an entire thing of sour cream and now i'm just curious about this weird sour-cream-eating creature
sbhfnjkn she absolutely would and i’m gonna find a way to sneak that into the canon if it kills me. But Reagan is such a good choice, thanks for the ask! And sorry this took me a bit to get back, I’ve been thinking about this for days
1. Holiday headcanon
Reagan grew up in Colorado, so she feels really connected to forests and mountains, so she and her family always go on a Christmas hike up a mountain and decorate a wild tree for Christmas because they don’t really like cutting them down and feel like a plastic tree is too fake. that damn hippie Hart family
2. Cooking headcanon
Her favorite food is cream of corn which I ABSOLUTELY HATE because it’s all slimy and sweet and fjlnekrgaljkfn but whatever, she makes her own rules. Her preferred method of eating it is putting the can over the fire and drinking it like soup. What the literal hell. Why is she like this.
3. Sleeping headcanon
Reagan usually refuses to sleep because “the night is when all the fun shit happens” or something so her best friend Ingrid sometimes puts sleeping pills in her milkshakes so she can take a god damn nap which is honestly what I’d do if I was Ingrid
4. Driving headcanon
I think I’ve mentioned this once before, but Reagan has crashed a total of six cars in her lifetime. Three times it was her parents’ car, once was her own car that she and her mother fixed up, and then two other times after the invaders came and Reagan hijacked abandoned cars on the road
5. Bathing/showering headcanon
Reagan is definitely the type who says she hates showers and baths but the second she gets into one she’s like “mmmm srgjnlwergjk warm woter” and then won’t leave for hours. She loves the water BOILING hot though so be sure not to touch any metal in a building where Reagan’s showering
6. Hugging headcanon
Reagan loves to do that “bro hug” thing where you clap your hand into the other person’s and then bring it in kind of? Not to @ any voltron lovers (#sheith for the win btw) but this is what I mean:
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7. Kissing headcanon
I’ve never written a character with more Top Energy™ in my life, so Reagan usually goes all out if she’s making out, as in she’ll wrap you up and hold you close and will throw as much passion at you as you’ll let her. She also has a thing for getting kissed behind the ear but she hates people knowing that o.o
8. Sex headcanon
As mentioned before, intense Top Energy™ over there. She also has a track record of spending… nights… with the daughters of authority figures because she has an Authority Problem so for example, after getting arrested for reckless driving, in retaliation Reagan had a fling with the daughter of the police chief who arrested her for about a month afterwards ;)
9. General physical contact headcanon
Reagan has this ability to make usually normal acts of physical contact really intimate. She doesn’t show affection as much through hand holding or hugging, but if you make a secret handshake with her, that’s how you know you’re on her good side
10. Physical appearance headcanon
Reagan has tan skin and dark eyes and starts the novel with long hair, but shaves it off at the beginning of the book (a way I measure time in SOS is noting how long Reagan’s hair is, since it represents the passing of time as it grows longer). Her body is also riddled with various scars from when she’s gotten into dirt bike accidents or got shot, and she’s very proud of each one
11. Wardrobe headcanon
Since she’s in the desert and also a lesbian, her main clothing of choice is a pair of cargo pants, some sort of tank top, usually gray or white, a flannel wrapped around her waist, and a snapback hat. Basically the sk8r boy look, even though she doesn’t know how to skateboard
12. Jewelery headcanon
She doesn’t wear a lot of jewelry but is often seen with botched piercing jobs like “haha I lit a safety pin over the fire and just had at it. Do you think it looks cool?”
13. Nickname headcanon
Reagan despises her name because her parents gave it to her after the American president, so she sometimes likes to go by “Ray”, but she still appreciates that it’s unique, so most people usually call her by her full name
14. Dancing headcanon
If I had my way, I’d totally put Reagan in an 80s AU where she’s a hip hop dncer. I feel like I can totally picture her spinning on the floor and jamming out to some intense base somewhere, so she definitely goes hard
15. Singing headcanon
While she isn’t that good at singing, Reagan is a mean karaoke participant. It might just be her flare for the dramatic, but she’ll climb on tables, use beer bottles as prop microphones, and do rock n’ roll slides if she’s really feeling the song
16. Anger headcanon
Her parents didn’t teach Reagan much as a teenager, but the one thing they instilled in her as a child was, “if you’re mad, take five minutes and walk away”. Whenever she’s frustrated, she would just close her eyes and breathe, and then find the nearest exit for a walk before she does something rash
17. Soft spot headcanon
The one constant in Reagan’s life for years has been her cat Ozzy, and she loves him more than she loves herself (which isn’t a super high bar). She doesn’t always hit it off well with people, so she’s found a lot of comfort in having Ozzy around and would be devastated if something happened to him
18. Favorite possession headcanon
This actually isn’t a headcanon, it’s just canon canon, because a little while ago I wrote a scene where we see Reagan’s most prized possession, which is a polaroid photo of her and her older brother on their last hike together before he went off to college with writing at the bottom that said, “We survived! See you soon, little sis :)”. Would you believe me if I said she never saw him again?
19. Favorite photograph headcanon
See above! :)
20. Relationship with/thoughts on Anais headcanon
I actually wanted to pick Anais for this because the more I think about the two of them as characters, the more I think they’re foils for each other. Reagan is brash and loves fun and partying and letting herself go and throwing herself in harm’s way for others, and isn’t afraid to speak her mind on what she thinks is right. Anais, on the other hand, is her opposite. She has a lot of things to say, a lot of which are good ideas, but usually keeps them close out of fear of rejection. She seeks comfort in close friends who she can deeply trusts, and actually doesn’t like Reagan at all at the beginning of the book, so their relationship as two members of a group traveling across the country together is something I’m really excited to explore
Thanks so much for this ask, Ellie!! This was so much fun to put together!
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usashirtstoday · 4 years
Assuming I'm Just An Old Lady Was Your First Mistake Reader Vintage T Shirt
That have following equally people of color have been disproportionately affected by greater rates for white Americans that we can honor all of those we’ve lost giving Joe Biden harassment opportunity to put in place a Assuming I'm Just An Old Lady Was Your First Mistake Reader Vintage T Shirt real national plan tests and tracks makes sure that faster vaccine will be fair in terms the full power of our government toward making sure we have the surprising technology and people scientist and public health officials and tracers we need to start right now let’s hear from the champion five front line workers who also happens to be a champion in a World Cup champion making Peter is now a honor to go to the conversation with four front line workers here in America receiving name when you’re absolutely me you know now well and I had and will be in the week and really going to allow a we need not I believe I will my and I we are in a way I don’t know how you are probably for the hospital doors response Teddy and I left electric years and so a lot of my comments people were exhausted and. 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On the masses they are the same as the same yes now the so called Iris didn’t bonding America day ago people this is okay gonna do it is divide and conquer as his finest the oldest trick in the book Anatolia America is all about that that’s what they about that you don’t have to ask when you see the callout of flags what’s wrong to be fair is what works for tourism is not here we go with our service is a Assuming I'm Just An Old Lady Was Your First Mistake Reader Vintage T Shirt look at these people and they gonna bring that all your people you never get it to Seth Scholl daft to bring the so called black people to talk about it because a so called Iris is black and these people is fighting for black people you believe it on TV fake that if you take them as black people are fighting for you dumbass tall steel is like she was born American dream is born in Oakland California and how stainless work bloodstream MRI to the bloodstream and pay attention people remember the election is so called November watch out for the drama that gonna come with it under divide and conquer what. I want them to kill someone I don’t want to die at that at this point it’s just THIERRYand iSCSI has been clever there was talk out is the onlyand John is a fucking idiot how many times in the same mistakesand is all of the last episode I will fucking med start to wake the fuck upand One of the most horrible dream elsewhere for God’s on both out on the government’s utilities like still talking to Robert raffia in which phone is that’s what I can’t go to Kingsland authorities wild imagination is going not goingand that was actually the point where I was like my view is really good is really good when Rob Stark went offand I was my son this is probably the best of those see if you’re like me you spent another is one or two years investing emotionally in Rob Stark is good to make this right I hated him all I did on opportunities status is spinal I warning you all okay okay no I was he was I put all my soon hated signs the current stance on this amazing I still hate her now here now even was you came as a jazz molecule fucked is bizarre so I’m on your team I’ve been in just fine I hated signs of who owes directly Circe given erasers on over Joffrey oh my God Joffrey’s performanceand scripted whole package was so amazing I was able to separate the character from the actor until the actor outlived them I himself was that a thing about meditation was after he died out I was like will appreciate what you did for me when I felt something on around John who actually fucking sucked to the worst character in this whole show is is your on great joy that fucking pirate who can teleport around it just wants to get Circe answered no to the best part’s character was motivated by fucking Circe they thought Circeand he died that’s an art I can get on board with him when he when he washed up on the beach in the exact same spot where Jamie is yeah is like I’m gonna take your head to Circeand it’s like why you’re not in a duel that didn’t need to happen like they were never really at odds with what was it set up it was I was like that before right I don’t got so is happy met with the weight right when they brought the birds on the wrong the year I’m thinking what fortitude is one of hisand his youand what you know Jimmy had the hand is what I’m not Jamie Lantos so you just know just what modelsand amontillado that make’s women choose the one what they are because of your move from the right of the Circe deserve a way worse definite will she had the easiest way out she died in like this romantic way leg with her do you rejoice slowly poisoning individuality your loved area Mario stick the needle throat like 17 what if aria were Jamie’s faceand year I expected that Swiss already is a phase Jamie says something to Circe that that would her heartand the betrayaland then you find out if you don’t want the best moment was of the whole series was for me it was when aria killed Walter Frei went when she pulled a white light like that that’s an underrated moment right there because I like for two years ever since a red wedding lately whenever we were discussed as the show were all big things obviously I’d be like you know people do it when the dragons building thisand what’s what was to happen in the city over Ness Olson was Robin RRR you know what’s a John Snow going to do if he becomes more commanderand I was like fuck buddy when are we going to do with this fucking phrase there still fuck it down their childrenand their castle laughing about the ship with her silly ass hatI hated there I hate those fat girl costumes bad magnetic so they killed of one of the document to the two women on the show was presented to meand then Johnson Rob Stark’s girl didn’t know what he a friend she was bad already had the underwater no no the Rodarte area is we will search for also thinking that got stabbed in the belly was in as part of the whole series as a whole series is learned areas other porn finish off what was the pregnant one man suggested an old woman old pregnant you have down like a blonde Johnny in his auto about the bedroomand you will it was a like he was pretty established that after the battle of winter felt that Danny’s army had been demolished like the unsullied had been slaughtered in the top Iraqi tens of thousandsand thousands of them wiped outand then now even in like the the teaser for the next episode after this episode like she’s got a huge army it’s notice will be beyond that she had a huge army what you said but I felt like at the end of the battle of winter fell we didn’t know what they had like we didn’t think they would beat Searcy that was a real questionand I was even the characters relate to his old other thing now Circe’s plan of wiping us outand not being able to beat her is a problemand are doing the strategy the strategizingand they acted like it was even like it could go either way by two episodes ago suddenly there like looking should really just quit we all know how this ends we are so OP compared to youand they were eight minutes in there like ringing the bells that they want to close it was it was invited all one Dragon it is is is so fucking overpowered bit like episode I really like source I one thing I I did like was Circe’s reaction she was light well neuron you know he’s killed Dragon before you kill anotherand and is much like we know the Oregon fleet is burning at the bottom of the bay we have plenty of scorpions on the walls of the abutment but it all was all the scorpions of the destroyed well the Golden company has never been defeated in the field of my lady the golden company with burntand then the survivors were raped the death of metal lattice Nami five is better than any cell sort related lattice army has thrown down the weapons as there was slaughtered by the North menand then they were raped by the next thing she said was well the red keep has never fallen asleep which made the red default aside from me always being absolutely right here as welland then my father a few years before that were all ended that time way before that when the tour Garyand stated public just three times before now what the like but lately I should own a little bit of a positive spin on the upside area like what will the stuff that you liked about devising I like I like that Circe died I did like that but I didn’t like how she died she deserved a considerable degree were done know denied that she should give a fuck about you logo is character arc I want to see Baghdad ringwormand how he finishes thousands of beside no sign that he does musicand is fucking though it’s really no resumes is a dick in real life is not a surprise in the military Messiah not I like to is a legacy I don’t look at it like I would’ve done this or that you have Xanax I enjoyed I enjoyed it was old this has taken years from my lifeand I appreciate that the that they have a momentous end in this wrists comes inand wants people to say this about D D they do a book adaptation better than anyone has done a book adaptation perhaps in the history of cinema describing also I literally wiped throughand perhaps that was also very good in the paramilitary don’t do is original workand as best what they did with the last couple seasons so read anything that Michael learned from Hollywood movie watching use D D for book adaptationsand not for like grass field open projects yet all I’ll say what I hope happens next upset I hope periods in big fucking trouble for letting Jamie goand there is a trial by combatand and she chooses gray worm as her championand John Snow steps up for Syrianand andand John Snow fucking kills gray worm and then theand thenand then he kills Dannyand then he takes the blackand the that the kingdom ends up being ruled by like some sort of fucking tribunal or some shit like Sam well Charlie light like like fucking if it Sam ran to get put in charge especially by example Samsung you put in charge because he doesn’t even like you enough for some family apparently like world that is the lost Arkansas John wants to go take the blackand so you are Stark’s mobile brand this fucking weirdo was the oldest male I guess he gets to be in charge like he’s on my nerves the Zalman matter which one artist brought Ron Bramwell Guerin is on his cryptic shipment is a woman should tell it was happening is happening is a litigious Soviet process is is was going to ask you we should do about Toby original to go for walks to wait until three is trying is almost anyway brand is going initiate bum he has given no useful advice to anyone I hope they just wheel him into a cornerand facing laid out is trying to move this break it would be so funny if nothing ended up happening with him though was the storyline that Tyler is my friend is in Leo I want to watch the teaser for the next episode like I am with you but I could I noted spoilers like mother was on Reddit they have proven to be reliable thus farand a mattress anymore you don’t do that for millennia. The vast difference in your story sound from my home state of Texas mission you are a school nurse and mother in El Paso are you in a new school year over the returning to start when we went farm which is their home and career are doing okay there were scores for committed students and school do whatever it takes and said they did a perfect score for to move forward went for everyone to watch the bank to Michelle I think there’s nothing like difficult grasses burns to be our children suffer and tell I think they do a great job in guiding interdisciplinary difficult training think if you want to do is nurse truly heroic and really enjoy talking to all of you I think I question you believe that change is coming to you believe that better days are yes thank you for two to speak with us and sharing your thoughts you either we and we the people and you I guess convention is about we only through to be so made the and you are we the we are festivals walking with fear of course we were able to do will be in several out with leaders throughout See Other related products: unicorn shirts and shirt
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