#i'm a dog lover i'm sorry jumin
xelasrecords · 5 months
My biggest red flag that would send Jumin running is that I'm not a cat person. I can't see cats as cute. They're neutral at best.
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juminsmysticmc · 4 years
Woo I'm so happy that we're able to request something from you!😍I love your writing sooo much and I have been following you for a long time and you improved a lot!^^ (definitely not saying that anything I read was bad♡You are awesome!!!) How do you think would the RFA react to their Lover or crush not paying much attention to them due to important work?I think that especially Jumins/Sevens and Jabeas reaction is super interesting since they drown themselves in work.. Thank you so much!
RFA with a MC who seeks for attention
Hey you!! Thank you a lot for saying these kind words to me! I am so happy that you kept staying by my side! Thank you! So, I hope you like the story! I gave my best….! I actually was/ I’m still unmotivated to even write something and this request made me want to really keep writing…Hahaha, my head has been odd lately...so, enjoy! BTW, I think that all members of the RFA are fucking working too much! Like, Jumin and Jaehee are two workaholics and Saeyoung is obsessed with whatever he does but also Zen. We shouldn’t forget that he is still trying to become bigger and more famous and also works hard so that his family finally acknowledges him. And even though Yoosung is our little baby he too wants to work hard for the Mc so...I just realized that I am dumb because I could have refreshed my mind while Quarantine Time, oof...Okay, I will stop talking now.
Ps.: The Layout is weird because I‘m not at home and instead working on my phone.
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You observed Jumin working on his desk.
He was stressing out himself and it worried you.
Your husband wasn’t sleeping a lot lately and he didn’t even eat.
His best friend was the caffeine and his enemy was the due date of his work.
Well, it was understandable that he was working so much.
Jaehee didn’t want to tell you either but someone made a big mistake and due to that Jumin now had to correct everything.
A work of more than two years in just three weeks.
Your husband was amazing but also crazy.
,,Jumin…’’ you mumbled.
No response.
,,Baby…?’’ you called him again.
You sighed as he seemed to not hear you.
You approached him and stroked his shoulders, down to his chest.
,,Husband?’’ you asked him again, looking at him.
,,Mh?’’ he asked you but of course he wasn’t listening.
,,I am...selfish...can’t you take a break for a few hours?’’ you asked him, laying your head down on his shoulder.
,,Sorry, my love, I really need to…’’ he stopped and instead kept on working.
Well, you wanted to understand him but he was hurting himself like that.
And so, with all the strength you had, you turned his chair, so that he would face you, and sat down on his lap.
,,Please, just a bit…’’ you begged and pressed his head against your chest, making him relax his whole body and lay down the pen.
Well, you enjoyed the feeling of his warmth even through Jumin fell asleep on you...
,,If I can do this very well, I can finally have my Debute!’’ he laughed excitedly and began to learn his lines.
Your eyes stayed glued on the silver-haired man who by now wasn’t even paying attention to you anymore.
And you as his manager knew that he needed to also have some rest.
You were taught a lot while you studied to become a manager and this was one of your tasks, to make sure that he would also take a good rest.
The work he would do would be much better that way anyway.
And as his girlfriend you thought that you also had the right to have a bit of his time.
You kept watching the situation for two days.
Hyun was smoking a double amount of cigarettes and was drinking also too much beer.
,,Hyun, could you please pay some attention to other stuff?’’ you asked him, a bit annoyed.
But just a bit.
,,Mhm,’’ he mumbled and kept learning his lines, moving his hands while reading.
,,Hyun!’’ you called a bit later.
,,Sorry,’’ he mumbled.
You just through that he would now pay some attention to you but you were just so wrong.
Your boyfriend got up and instead moved to another room, closing the door behind himself.
That’s when you became tired of it.
Even while you took your meals together he wasn’t paying any attention to you.
And that’s when you decided to play your joker.
,,Hyun, it’s okay if I meet someone later, right?’’ you asked him with a cute voice.
He just nodded, and so you took out your phone and acted as if you were speaking to someone,,Oppa! He said yes, it’s okay to meet my Ex...will you pick me up~?’’ you asked.
And now, finally, you had his whole attention.
,,Give me your phone! I never said yes for your EX!’’ he hissed angrily.
And so, a few minutes later, the both of you laid together on the couch, your body on his while he explained, why he was still trying so hard...
After seven years of marriage you knew Yoosung by your pockets.
You knew all his movements.
You knew his thoughts, worries, and secrets. Things he didn’t even know, you knew them all.
It was just natural that you knew that something at work was troubling him a lot.
Being a vet was hard and by now you realized that Yoosung had a big issue with letting go of some things.
He couldn’t bear goodbyes or deaths.
Especially whenever a dog died.
Your husband would be a total wreck afterward.
And so you guessed that also this time his overworking behavior had to do something with a dog.
He came home late, really late, and went off to work really early.
Someone else would think that he was cheating.
But he was just overworking himself.
,,Yoosung,’’ you whispered when he finally came home.
As if he was in trance he took off the shoes and walked straight in his room, working on some documents.
You walked behind him, calling him again and again.
,,The baby‘s gender!“ you spoke up, making him finally look at you.
Panic was in his eyes.
,,You missed the date. You weren’t by our side again.
Could you please just...give us some more attention?“ you asked him, almost tearing up.
,,Mc I-”
,,I understand that something is troubling you. Everyone has times like these...but you will become a Daddy soon...let’s go through there together,“ you cracked out.
And after a long hug, which helped the both of you, Yoosung finally confessed his problem at work and you finally told him the baby‘s sex...
At first your shop was going just alright.
Guests came regularly and just in the perfect amount.
But slowly the visitor went back and Jaehee was panicking.
She couldn’t understand why that happened.
What was the reason?
Sleepless nights approached her and the both of you didn‘t even have the time to speak to each other.
And even if you had the time, Jaehee was always working, checking over and over the win and if she already had to fill out a file for bankruptcy.
,,Jaehee Kang,“ you spoke up.
You just needed a bit more marketing.
You guys just needed money, someone just had to invest into you.
You already had a solution.
Jaehee just didn’t want to realize it.
,,Jaehee!“ you called her again.
,,Not now, Mc,“ she told you and seemed to write something down.
You decided to go back, take a pan and threw the heavy metallic gadget on the floor, making her shriek in panic.
,,Did you go crazy?“ she asked you shocked.
,,No! But you did! Take a break and talk to me! You need to overcome your feelings! You know better than anyone else that Jumin could help us.
We need a good marketing strategy! It’s hard on you but you seem to make it worse!
Get yourself together now, Jaehee and talk to me…“ you blasted.
The woman observed you until she put aside her stuff and agreed with you.
You thought that after Saeran would be with the two of you, that Saeyoung would relax a bit.
He had his family back after all.
But you were wrong.
The better his brother became, the more he threw himself in work.
The lesser attention he paid to you.
The situation was becoming odd and you didn’t know what to do.
No matter how hard you tried, Saeyoung wasn’t giving you any attention.
That’s when you came up with the only way to stop him from working - hacking his gadgets.
Of course you couldn’t make it work yourself and so you asked Saeran for help.
It took him a while but he too noticed that Saeyoung was overworking himself.
And it seemed, that your solution was the only one.
Saeran took out his own laptop and began to hack in his brother’s.
,,FUCK!“ he yelled out and stamped into the room of his brother, finding the both of you.
For the first time in a while Saeyoung was paying attention to you, even through the both of you were fighting.
But not long afterwards he calmed down and began to calmly understand your point.
,,There‘s no need to worry...we’re here too and we can also support you...just give us the possibility to help you and don’t drown yourself in work…“ you patted his back.
04.06.2020//  MEST
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unwiltingblossom · 7 years
My mom would personally thank jumin if it were real because he is keeping me safe in the penthouse so I didn't end up being an ashes (BE3) lol I'm sick of people saying jumin is keeping you prisoner while in fact you did agree to stay with him. If they don't like being there, they can just go back to rika's apartment and boom or kill themself on day 10 (sorry it's kinda spoilery)
Lol he’s an insanely attractive multi-billionaire who’s putting MC up in his skyscraper penthouse for free, giving her access to all the shops in the building (probably for free) and a 24/7 bodyguard detail. Where the alternative is living alone in a cramped apartment with a bomb and secrets she’d probably have to be killed if she read, in a location no one knows, with zero actual security and no funds. And what tiny scraps of security she has (CCTV being monitored from a remote location a distance away) is gone for like two days while Seven is off in the mountains! And then next to useless because he’s having a nervous break when he comes back.
Whose mother wouldn’t thank Jumin??
And probably drop loud unsubtle hints about marriage.
Also any time they’re mad about the MC being forced to live in decadent luxury for a few days are totally ignoring Jumin’s feelings. Or writing Elizabeth off as ‘a cat’ and not more along the lines of a close sibling or child vanishing. If it were Jumin’s little sister or his small daughter whose mother was dead that disappeared, I bet there’d be much less about how Jumin needed to let MC go home and couldn’t expect people to be there for and with him while he was suffering an intense emotional crisis.
It doesn’t matter that Jumin should have had human connections instead of his cat (though it’s not even unusual for pet lovers to love and pamper their cat/dog as much as he does), what’s reality for him is that he is that attached to his cat, and while he’s working through that with the help of an actual human connection, the correct answer to the situation is not to dismiss his feelings and cut off the one human connection he actually has.
That should be pretty obvious.
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